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Messages posté(e)s par Hereje

  1. [i]Greetings all!!!

    I introduce myself; I'm Hereje, friend of Talagan and partner of this project. I'm from Barcelona too (catalan, yea). I wanna apologise myself because I don't know french, so hope you understand english.

    Well, I have been reading all post of this thread and I wanna to thank you for comments! Talagan told me, most of WH 40K tables are black and some of you dislike this color. I must to say, this table is under construction yet. I know orange's table was different, but we decided to change color because it seems a far west landscape. Also when we were painting with "pinceau sec" we saw we made it wrong. Yes, wrong: as you can see in pictures, some white lines appeared in the border of every module. We decided it was ugly and why not to paint it again. So this is the reason we decided to paint it again. The black color was just an idea we liked in that moment; we thought black is very 40k. We know we can change the "pinceau sec" and get betters results with this black table. Also I must say, Talgan is going to upload new pictures I made, and you will see the table at 90% more or less. Finally, we have finished paint lakes and we believe they are very well integrated into the black table.

    Mistakes are mistakes,and the mistakes have decided the way of this table. Just wait and you will see it finished soon!


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