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Messages posté(e)s par Dreadaxe

  1. Trouvé sur Warseer. De quoi donner des idées quand l'envie reviendra.

    I don't know about you, but I really love the Fimir race from Warhammer Fantasy. It's a pitty that they don't have any 7th Edition rules to play with. Together with some friends, I put together a rules set for them. So, give me what you think X-/



    The biggest advantage Fimir have on the battlefield is the thick mist clouds the Dirach and the Meargh generate around them. Dirach generate a 12”-radius cloud around them, Meargh generate a 20”-radius cloud. While inside these clouds, certain Fimir units have the following advantages. All Fimir units benefit from the first two, only Fimir units with the Fog Creatures special rule benefit from the last two aswell.

    ·Enemies have a very difficult time spotting Fimir units when they are inside the mist clouds. All enemy units shooting at the Fimir units while they are under the effect of the clouds suffer a -1 penalty on To Hit rolls.

    ·Enemies often find the thick choking mists very hard to move through, let alone see though. All enemy units suffer a -1 penalty on their basic Movement when moving inside the mist. They also suffer a -1 penalty on their Weapon Skill while in the mist.

    ·When a Fimir units wishes to charge an enemy unit (or visa versa) while the total Fimir unit is inside the mist and the enemy unit at least touches the edge of the cloud, then the Fimir unit can make a so called Fog Ambush. See below.

    ·A Fimir unit that is at least half inside the cloud and wins a close combat round, but the enemy did not flee, can opt to dissapear into the mists again. This is treated like a Flee move but the unit automatically regroups and can make a free 180° turn at the end. Enemies cannot pursue and must stay stationary. If this brings the Fimir into contact with a fresh enemy, the Fimir unit is caught and destroyed. This move will not cause other Fimir units to Panic, unless they were destroyed by a fresh enemy.

    There is only one way to make the mist cloud dissapear. Kill the Meargh or the Dirach. When the caster is killed, the cloud that he/she was generating, dissapears in the next turn of the player in who’s turn the caster was killed.

    While Fimir units with the Fog Creature special rule are outside the effects of the mist clouds, for any reason, they get -1 penalty on WS and I for as long as they are outside the mist clouds, as the bright light of the sun makes them disorientated.

    Fog Ambush

    When making a Fog Amush, follow the following rules.

    If the Fimir unit charged an enemy unit or is charged by an enemy unit, the enemy unit has to roll equal or under their Initiative value. They can use the general’s Initiative value if he’s within 12”, just like they would use his Leadership for Leadership tests. If the test is failed, the Fimir unit sees an opportunity to catch their opponents by surprise. If the test is failed by 1 or 2, the Fimir unit gains an extra +1 Combat Resolution. If the test if failed by 3 or more, the Fimir unit gains an extra +2 Combat Resolution. If the test is passed, the Fimir unit didn’t have the opportunite to surprise the enemy and the fight is fought as normal.


    Due to the fact that it is their natural habitat, all Fimir units have the Bog Home special rule, which allows them to move through marsh, bog and swamp terrain pieces without any kind of movement penalty.



    0-1 MEARGH

    Points/model: 230 Unit Size: 1

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Meargh 4 3 2 4 5 3 3 2 9

    WARGEAR: Meargh staff & dagger.

    SPECIAL RULES: Ancient Leadership, Badges of Office, Fog Creatures.

    Ancient Leadership: The Meargh are the natural and undisputed leaders of the Fimir race. If you have a Meargh in your army, she must be your army general. Also, when there is a Meargh within 6” of a Dirach and/or a Noble, the Petty Squabble rule is overruled.

    Badges of Office: Both the Meargh and the Dirach are equipped and armed with a ceremonial staff and a sacrificial dagger. The staff counts as a halberd in combat. The dagger counts as having poisonous attacks. Choose which weapon the Meargh or the Dirach uses before combat starts.


    · May choose magic items from the Common or Fimir magic items lists, with a maximum total value of 100 pts.

    MAGIC: The Meargh is a level 3 Wizard.

    · May be upgraded to a level 4 Wizard for +35 pts.


    Points/model: 150 Unit Size: 1

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Fimm Mistmor 4 6 2 5 5 3 4 4+1 9

    WARGEAR: Hand weapon & Heavy armour.

    SPECIAL RULES: Fog Creatures, Petty Squabble, Tail Bash.

    Petty Squabble: Although the Dirach caste is superior to the Fimm Nobles, the line is very thin. This often results in arguements and discusssions involving battle tactics, unit formations or even march speed. If a Dirach and a Fimm Noble find themselves within 6” from each other at the start of the Fimir player’s turn and both are not in combat, both have to make a Ld test. If one of them fails, both them and any unit they may have joined must stay stationary for the entire turn. The one who failed his test by the most is the so called loser of the squabble and he and his unit have to back off 1” (if their is room). In case of a tie, roll a d6. If their is no room to back off, it is possible that the squabble will continue in the next turn.


    · May choose a great weapon (+6 pts) or an additional hand weapon (+4 pts).

    · May choose magic items from the Common or Fimir magic items lists, with a maximum total value of 100 pts.


    1+ DIRACH

    Points/model: 130 Unit Size: 1

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Dirach 4 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 8

    WARGEAR: Dirach staff & dagger.

    SPECIAL RULES: Badges of Office, Daemon Friend, Fog Creatures, Petty Squabble.

    Daemon Friend: All Dirach have a special bond with an individual daemon with who they hold long conversations about the origin of the Fimir race, to who they go if they are in need of council or just to amuse themselves with riddles or other word games. If the Dirach goes to war, these daemon friends are a useful ally. Once per battle, the Dirach can ask his daemon friend for aid. He can ask for one of the following things:

    · He can ask the daemon to carry him through the skies, giving him a Movement value of 20” for one turn.

    · The daemon can give the Dirach amazing magical powers for a short moment. This turn, the Dirach can cast one spell of his choice with Irrisistable Force (but not Balor’s Gaze).

    · When the need is most dire, the daemon can also fight for his friend Dirach. The Dirach gains d3 S5 attacks for this turn.


    · May choose magic items from the Common or Fimir magic item lists, with a maximum total value of 50 pts.

    MAGIC: The Dirach is a level 1 Wizard.

    · May be upgraded to a level 2 Wizard for +35 pts.


    Points/model: 100 Unit Size: 1

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Fimm Flaithmor 4 5 3 5 5 2 4 3+1 8

    WARGEAR: Hand weapon & Light armour.

    SPECIAL RULES: Fog Creatures, Petty Squabble, Tail Bash.


    · May choose a great weapon (+4 pts) or an additional hand weapon (+2 pts).

    · May choose to wear heavy armour (+4 pts).

    · May choose magic items from the Common or Fimir magic items lists, with a maximum total value of 50 pts.


    Points/model: 80 Unit Size: 1

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Fimm Flaith 4 5 3 5 4 2 4 2+1 8

    WARGEAR: Hand weapon & Light armour.

    SPECIAL RULES: Fog Creatures, Petty Squabble, Tail Bash.


    · May choose a great weapon (+4 pts) or an additional hand weapon (+2 pts).

    · May choose to wear heavy armour (+4 pts).

    · May choose magic items from the Common or Fimir magic items lists, with a maximum total value of 50 pts.

    · One Fimm Flaith in the army may carry the Battle Standard for +25 pts. The battle standard bearer cannot be the army’s general even if he has the highest Leadership value in the army. The battle standard bearer cannot choose any non-magical equipment except for heavy armour. The battle standard bearer can have any magic banner (no points limit), but if he carries a magic banner he cannot carry any other magic items.



    Points/model: 9 Unit Size: 10+

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Fimm Warrior 4 4 2 3 4 1 2 1+1 7

    Fimm Fian 4 4 2 4 4 1 2 2+1 7

    You may not have more units of Fimm Warriors then units of Shearls.

    WARGEAR: Hand weapon.

    SPECIAL RULES: Tail Bash, Fog Creatures.

    Tail Bash: The tail of every member from the Fimm caste ends in a lethal weapon. This is a bony mace-like tail in case of the Fimm Warriors and the Fianna Fimm, and a scythe-like tail in case of the Fimm Nobles (Mistmor, Flaithmor, Flaith). All Fimm can make a special Tail Bash attack, which is included in their profile. This attack is worked out with their base WS and I and with a Strength value equal to their S-1. The tail attack from Fimm Nobles counts as having the AP special rule.


    · Any unit may be equipped with light armour for +1 pt/model.

    · Upgrade one Fimm Warrior to a musician for +5 pts.

    · Upgrade one Fimm Warrior to a standard bearer for +10 pts.

    · Upgrade one Fimm Warrior to a Fian for +15 pts.


    Points/model: 12 Unit Size: 10+

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Fianna Fimm 4 4 2 4 4 1 3 1+1 8

    Finmor 4 4 2 4 4 1 3 2+1 8

    WARGEAR: Hand weapon & Heavy Armour.

    SPECIAL RULES: Tail Bash, Fog Creatures, Personal Retinue.

    Personal Retinue: Fianna Fimm are the elite warriors of a Fimir clann. They act as the personal bodyguard of Fimm Nobles. You can have one Fianna Fimm unit for every Fimm Noble (Mistmor, Flaithmor or Flaith) in your army. In addition, when a unit of Fianna Fimm is joined by a Fimm Noble, the unit is considered to have the Stubborn special rule.


    · Any unit may be equipped with great weapons for +2 pt/model.

    · Upgrade one Fianna Fimm to a musician for 6 pts.

    · Upgrade one Fianna Fimm to a standard bearer for 12 pts.

    · Upgrade one Fianna Fimm to a Finmor for 20 pts.

    · One unit may carry a Magic Standard worth up to 50 pts.

    1+ SHEARLS

    Points/model: 3 Unit Size: 10+

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Shearl 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5

    Head Shearl 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 5

    WARGEAR: Hand weapon.

    SPECIAL RULES: Fog Creatures, Skirmishers, Smooth Tails.

    Smooth Tails: The other Fimir don’t care much for the Shearls. They know that they are not natural warriors and almost expect them to flee the battlefield at the first sign of danger. Other Fimir units ignore Shearl panic. Fimm Nobles cannot join Shearl units.


    · Any unit may be equipped with spears for +1 pt/model.

    · Any unit may be equipped with poisonous weapons for +2 pt/model.

    · Upgrade one Shearl to a musician for +4 pts.

    · Upgrade one Shearl to a standard bearer for +8 pts.

    · Upgrade one Shearl to a Head Shearl for +8 pts.


    Points/model: 6 Unit Size: 10+

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Bog Zombie 4 2 0 3 3 1 0 1 2

    WARGEAR: Hand weapon.

    SPECIAL RULES: Braindead, Raised from the Swamp, Undead.

    Raised from the Swamp: Bog Zombies are – as their name implies – raised from the bogs and swamps surrounding the Fimir clan holds. They sometimes spend centuries lying in the fetid pools. Their strong band with this type of terrain remains in the afterlife. Whenever at least one quarter of a unit of Bog Zombies is standing inside a marsh or a swamp, they gain the Regenerate special rule.

    Undead: As they are raised by the Meargh or Dirach, so will they fall when their summoners fall. At the start of the battle, select one wizard for every unit of Bog Zombies in the army. He or she will be their necromancer. Whenever he or she dies, the Bog Zombies must – at the start of the subsequent Fimir turns – take Leadership tests. For every point they fail their Leadership test by, they lose one Wound. They also lose one wound for each point they lose combat by. Bog Zombies within 12” of the Battle Standard Bearer lose one less wound. In addition, as Undead, Bog Zombies are immune to Psychology, they cannot make march moves, they only can hold as a charge reaction and they Cause Fear.


    · Upgrade one Bog Zombie to a musician for +10 pts.

    · Upgrade one Bog Zombie to a standard bearer +5 pts.


    Points/model: 3 Unit Size: 10+

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Boglar 4 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 5

    Sludgesucker 4 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 5

    WARGEAR: Hand weapon & Sharp Stuff

    SPECIAL RULES: Aquatic, Bicker, Largely Insignificant, Skirmish.


    · May upgrade all Boglars to Toad-Gnoblars for +2 pts per model.

    · Upgrade one Boglar to a Sludgesucker for +5 pts.



    Points/model: see below Unit Size: see below

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Mud Soldier 5 3 0 5 4 1 4 1 8

    Mud Reaver 5 3 0 5 4 1 4 2 8

    Mud Wing 4 3 0 3 3 1 3 2 7

    Mud Hound 7 3 0 4 4 1 4 1 7

    WARGEAR: Hand weapon (& Light armour for Mud Soldiers and Reavers).

    SPECIAL RULES: Daemonic, Daemonic Types.

    Mud Soldiers/Reavers: Fog Creatures.

    Mud Wings: Flying Unit

    Mud Hound: Frenzy


    · Mud Soldiers: 13 points/model – Unit size: 10+

    o Upgrade one Mud Soldier to a musician for +6 pts.

    o Upgrade one Mud Soldier to a standard bearer for +11 pts.

    o Upgrade one Mud Soldier to a Mud Reaver for +11 pts.

    · Mud Wings: 12 points/model – Unit size: 5+

    · Mud Hounds: 14 points/model – Unit size: 5+


    Points/model: 60 Unit Size: 1+

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Swamp Troll 6 3 1 5 4 3 1 3 4

    WARGEAR: Hand Weapon.

    SPECIAL RULES: Disgusting Smell , Fear, Stupidity, Regenerate, Troll Vomit.

    Disgusting Smell: Enemies attempting to attack a Swamp Troll in close combat suffer a -1 penalty on their dice rolls due to the stench and slime.


    Points/model: 36 Unit Size: 3+

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Marsh Ogre 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 7

    Big Marsh Ogre 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 4 7

    WARGEAR: Hand weapon & Light armour.

    SPECIAL RULES: Aquatic, Fear.


    · Any unit may be equipped with either an additional hand weapon (+4 pts/model), or a great weapon (+6 pts/model).

    · Any unit may be equipped with heavy armour (+3 pts/model), and/or shields (+3 pts/model).

    · Upgrade one Marsh Ogre to a Musician for +10 pts.

    · Upgrade one Marsh Ogre to a Standard Bearer for +20 pts.

    · Upgrade one Marsh Ogre to a Big Marsh Ogre for +20 pts.


    0-1 MUD LORD

    Points/model: 300 Unit Size: 1

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Mud Lord 6 8 0 5 5 4 8 5 9

    A Mud Lord counts as two Rare choices.

    WARGEAR: Hand weapon.

    SPECIAL RULES: Daemonic, Terror, Fly, Unit Strength 3.


    · May choose up to 100 points worth of Gifts of the Mud God.

    · May be a Sorcerer, at +40 points per Level, up to Level 4. If a Sorcerer, he may use the Lore of the Swamp.

    Daemonic Fog: The air around the Mud Lord is blurry and it looks like there is a constant green-brown fog cloud surrounding him. Any shooting at him or the unit it is with suffers an additional -1 to hit penalty. Not that this does not add up with the mist clouds summoned by the Dirach or Meargh. 50 points.

    Swamp Blade: The Daemon wields a hell-forged weapon that exists partly in other dimensions, bypassing armour. The Daemon’s cose combat attacks ignore armour saves. 45 points.

    Lord of the Marsh: Raw power emanates from the Daemon, strengthening its presence in the material realm. The Mud Lord and any other Daemon unit within 6” suffers one less wound when defeated in combat. 40 points.

    Ethernal Hatred: The Mud Lord craves the deaths of all mortal creatures because they are resposible for the death of Fimul the Mud God. The Daemon may re-roll missed cose combat attacks in the first round of any combat. 25 points.

    Spell Breaker: The Daemon is able to drain away the power of enemy spells. Once per battle the Mud Lord may automatically dispel one enemy spell, except one which has just been cast with Irresistible Force. 25 points.

    Splendour in the Swamp: The Daemon’s grip on the mortal realm is particularly strong, protecting it against its normal vulnerabilities. Its Daemonic Aura becomes a normal Ward save and so can be used against magical attacks. This is also conferred to any Daemon unit which he joins. 20 points.

    Prophet of Fimul: The Mud Lord can be your army general. He now counts as one Lord and one Rare choice. 5 points.


    Points/model: 80 Unit Size: 1

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Earth Elemental 5 3 3 5 5 4 3 4 10

    WARGEAR: Hand weapon.

    SPECIAL RULES: Elemental, Immune to Psychology, Rocky Skin (5+), Throw Rocks.

    Elemental: As a being of nature and magic itself, elementals have a number of special abilities. They can ignore terrain penalties when moving, except impossible terrain. Their attack counts as Magical. They have Magical Resistance (2). They have a 5+ Ward save against non-magical attacks.

    Obsidian Rager: Ragers lose the ability to thrown rocks, but gain Frenzy.

    Throw Rocks: An earth elemental can tear rock out of the ground and hurl them into an enemy unit with devastating power. A thrown rock is treated just like a move-or-fire shooting attack with range of 12” and a Strength of 5, doing d3 wounds on units or single models. This attack is not Magical.


    · Upgrade to an Obsidian Rager for +15 pts.


    Points/model: 70 Unit Size: 1

    M WS BS S T W I A Ld

    Water Elemental 6 3 3 4 4 3 6 3 10

    WARGEAR: Hand weapon.

    SPECIAL RULES: Elemental, Immune to Psychology, Summon Raincloud.

    Summon Raincloud: A water elemental can use his powers over the water and weather to summon a big raincloud over an enemy unit, so weaken their combat abilities. This is treated just like casting the “The Rain Lord” spell from the Lore of Life. The elemental has two personal Power Dice to cast this spell. It doesn’t generate Power or Dispel Dice for your army. Summon Raincloud can be dispelled as normal by enemy wizards.

    Vile Water Elemental: Vile Elementals are surrounded by a stinking cloud and enemies in close combat get a -1 penalty to hit it.


    · Upgrade to a Vile Water Elemental for +10 pts.



    VILE BRANCH CRUSHER: 50 points

    Fimm Only

    This huge mace is made from a big root found in the deepest glades of the Forests of Firest. The end of the weapon is made up of strong, sharp wooden side roots, sprouting in all direction. These cause horrific damage when slammed against an enemy, piercing the body at multiple places.

    Vile Branch Crusher counts as a great weapon that causes D3 wounds.

    FETID AXE: 25 points

    Fimm Only

    Many of the numerous water pools around the Fimir clann hold contain unpure water, made fetid due to the centuries-long lack of streaming water. It is rumoured that when the still hot metal of a newly crafted weapon is cooled with this water, some of the unpureness stays upon the weapon. Such weapons are so poisonous that few are left untouched by it.

    Fetid Axe is a one-handed weapon that always wounds on a roll of 2+.


    Meargh/Dirach Only

    This curved dagger has been used for so many ritual sacrifices that even the oldest Meargh cannot really remember. It has been passed down by the Mearghs from generation to generation. The blade is red with the gore and blood of its coutless victims. According to Fimir legends, the weapon can sense when it needs to send another soul to Fimul the Mud God and that it does his best to please his god as much as possible.

    Kriss of Endless Sacrifice is a poisonous one-handed weapon. Every 6 to hit grants the wielder another attack. Subsequent 6’s grant more attacks too.

    FIMUL’S ARMS: 65 points

    Fimm Only

    The Axe and the Mace known as Fimul’s Arms are two of the most priced relics kept by the Fimir. They are the very same weapons Fimul the Mud God used to protect his beloved Maris. When Fimul was killed, the weapons where sold by the human merchants. One Fimir clann was lucky enough to raid a certain caravan transporting the weapons centuries later. They were probably on their way to a rich noble who bought them as collector items. Since that time, the axe and the mace are passed on from clan to clan each year.

    Fimul’s Arms are two one-handed weapons. The Axe gives the wielder +1 WS and does an extra -1 on enemy armour saves. The mace causes the WS, S and A value of enemies hit by it to half for one entire turn. The entire set gives the wielder +1 A.

    BALOR’S DECAPITATOR: 35 points

    Fimm Only

    Balor is a mighty daemon prince, servant of Fimul. He typically goes to war wielding a massive two-handed axe or scythe. Swining it in wide arcs, he chops off the heads of his enemies without pausing. Only the most worthy Fimm Nobles are rewarded with a replica of this awesome weapon, and they wield it with great proud.

    Balor’s Decapitator is a great weapon that gives the wielder the Killing Blow ability.

    LISSAART’S TAIL: 15 points

    Fimm Only

    Lissaart, another daemon prince serving Fimul, is depicted as a huge scaled serpent. He’s a deady and silent stalker. Crawling through the misty swamp, he sneaks up to his prew and unleashes his fury. Some Fimm Nobles strap on a powerful magical blade it their tails to represent this flailing tail of Lissaart.

    Lissaart’s Tail is a weapon fitted on the tail of the wielder. It gives the Tail Bash attack of the wielder +1 Strength (so normally all Tail Bash attacks are made with the character’s base Strength).


    KROLL’S BELLYSHIELD: 25 points

    Fimm Only

    Kroll is usually depicted as a huge bogoctopus with tentacles flailing around him. Around his main body, the daemon prince has a dull looking bellyshield, showing all kinds of shifting images, striking fear into all who gaze upon it.

    Kroll’s Bellyshield gives +1 armour save and gives the wearer Cause Fear. Can be combined with normal armour.


    Fimm Only

    Made from the blackest and hardest stone, stolen from caravans or dwarven slaves, this bellyshield is crafted to protect the wearer from harmful magical effects. Mostly favoured by Fimm Nobles living close to human villages where a wizard resides, these armour pieces are hard to get by in the murky swamps.

    Obsidian Bellyshield gives +1 armour save and gives the wearer Magic Resistance (2). Can be combined with normal armour.

    RUNIC BELLYSHIELD: 10 points

    Fimm Only

    This beautifully crafted piece of armour is inscribed with the most powerful runes the Fimir could whip out of their dwarven slaves. Fimm Nobles wearing such bellyshields are considered to be near invincible and are rightly feared on the battlefield.

    Runic Bellyshield gives +2 armour save. Can be combined with normal armour.


    Fimm Only

    Shells taken from dead or killed dragonturles are sometimes used as a bellyshield, worn by the Fimm Nobles when they go to war. For some mysterious reason, the slime dragonturles produce during life to keep their skin flexible stays on the shell even after the creature dies. This gives the Noble a considerable advantage in close combat.

    Dragonturtle Bellyshield gives +1 armour save and gives the enemies directing attacks to the wearer a -1 To Hit penalty. Can be combined with normal armour.


    BLOODSTONE GARNET: 50 points

    This trinket, mostly used as a jewel to fasten the cloaks many Fimm Nobles or Dirach wear, radiates a powerful red glow. Empowered with the mystical forces of the swamp and the ancient spirit that dwell there, the stone is prized my all, because it gives the holder the ability to heal wounds almost instantly, regenerating limbs and becomming almost immortal.

    Bloodstone Garnet gives the holder the ability to Regenerate.

    EYE OF BALOR: 50 points

    Said to be infused with a part of the evil from Balor, this necklace is made to respemble his great and terrible eye. The wearer of the Eye is seen as pure evil to all enemies who look upon him and they want to be as far from him as possible.

    Eye of Balor gives the holder Cause Terror.

    FOG PENDANT: 50 points

    Fimm Only

    This pendant contains the soul of a long since dead but powerful Dirach. Even though he died centuries ago, this spirit still seeks to go to war and still generates a mist cloud. This piece of jewelry is wanted amongst the Fimir Nobility because it gives them the opportunity to go further from a Dirach then they normally could.

    Fog Pendant generates a mist cloud of a 6” radius around the wearer or any unit he might have joined. This mist cloud grants him (or the unit) the same abilities as a normal Meargh/Dirach generated mist cloud does.

    HORRORS OF FIREST: 25 points

    Meargh/Dirach Only, One use only

    Firest, a daemon prince in the form of a dark forest with unspeakable horrors within, enjoys teasing his victims with getting them lost and fear games. One day, a crazed Dirach captured some of these visions into a small glass orb. He who gazes into the orb, sees only his deepest hidden fears and goes almost mad instantly.

    Once per battle, the holder can reviel the Horrors of Firest to an enemy unit in close combat. This unit automatically breaks and has to flee directly away from him. He and his unit cannot pursue and must stay stationary.


    MARIS’ TEARS: 20 points

    Meargh/Dirach Only, One use only

    This item is a small vial, filled with very clear and almost glowing liquid. The liquid within is said to be tears from Maris, the mother of all Fimir. They were collected by Fimul when Maris was sad about all the selfeshness the humans showed to her. When the liquid is smeered upon the naked skin, it heals any wounds almost instantly.

    Once per battle, the keeper of this item can use it to regain one Wound up a total of his or her maximum Wound value.

    SWAMP GLASS GLOBE: 35 points

    Meargh/Dirach Only, One use only

    There are different types of swamp gas out there. There is gas that can kill a grown man after only one sniff, there is gas that can drive even an Ogre crazy. One certain gas increases the magical capabilities of all who sniff it. Ofcourse, not everyone knows this, but the Fimir long since discovered this secret.

    Once per battle, the keeper of this orb can break it to gain a +2 on one casting roll in this turn and a +2 on one dispel roll in the next.


    Meargh/Dirach Only, One use only

    This piece of parchment is made of human skin. It contains all manner of incantations, spells and glyphs used by the dark art of necromancy. When read, the parchement crumbles and the magical power is lost. But, the ground begins to boil and black water erupts from cracks. Bog zombies arise from their watery graves to fight once more.

    Once per battle, the keeper of the scroll can read it to summon a unit of 5+D6 Bog Zombies up to 10” away.

    ROYAL COWL: 10 points

    Dirach only

    Given by its Meargh because of some important deed or performance, the lucky Dirach now stands out from even the other Dirach, which infuriates the Fimm Nobles even more. But, it was the Meargh’s will that he got the cowl so he must be important and all the Nobles respect that thought.

    The wearer of Royal Cowl is no longer subject to the Petty Squabble rule, neither are Fimm Nobles within 6” of him. Although they can still squabble with Dirachs other then him.


    HELLMOTHER’S CROWN: 40 points

    Meargh Only

    This barbed metal crown once belonged to the fabled Hellmother, the Meargh who unites most of the Fimir race in the war against the humans. She was a very powerful wizard but also very dangeous with words. The Fimir suffered greatly during that war though, and the Hellmother was slain by Marius who impaled her with his spear.

    Hellmother’s Crown gives the wearer a 5+ ward save and she knows one extra spell. This spell has to be from the Lore of the Swamp (note that her primary spells can come from another Lore).

    HELM OF LISSAART: 30 points

    Fimm Only

    Not many mortals can match the extreme speed at which the snake daemon Lissaart attacks his prey. From nowhere his great fanged maw shoots out to grab and devour the unfortunate victim. Crafted by the daemon’s own metalsmiths, the fabled Helms of Lissaart are said to grand the wearer some of that speed, making them eye blinding fast on the battlefield.

    Helm of Lissaart gives the wearer the ability to Always Strike First, even if he was charged. If both can strike first, roll a die.

    MOSS-HIDE CLOAK: 10 points

    One use only

    This ragged cloak is made of all sorts of hard swamp grass and moss foeraged by the Shearls and knitted together with powerful runes by the Dirach. Whoever wears this cloak is rumoured to be able to resist a blow from even a Giant. The effect is temporary though and the moss is frail.

    Moss-hide Cloak gives the wearer +1 armour save and +1 T until he or suffered his first wounding hit, regardless of passed armour saves.


    Red with the blood and gore in which it was soaked, this mantle is a sign to all humans who face the wearer that they are going to be next. The smell of fresh human blood almost drives the Fimir mad with hatred and hunger towards them. In battle they will not stop until their hunger is statisfied or they themselves are killed.

    Blood-drenched Mantle gives the wearer Hatred towards all human units.


    BOG BANNER: 30 points

    Made from the skins of all their slain victims, this banner is truely a horrific sight to behold. It is dripping with goo and covered in slimy mud. Skulls and bones are put on top of it, often surrounded by a small flock of crows, picking at the rotting remains.

    Bog Banner gives the bearer and his unit the ability to Cause Fear.


    Depicting the always burning eye of Balor, the banner fills the unit with uncontrollable vigour and battle lust, driving them to the brink of insanity even. They lose all sense of everything around them and charge into the nearest enemy they can see.

    Banner of the Burning Eye gives the bearer and his unit Frenzy.

    FIMUL’S HATRED: 50 points

    When Fimul was cowardly murdered in the dungeons of The Marshland, his soul was banished back into the Warp. He swore to take revenge on those lowely mortals who killed him and his beloved Maris. As he couldn’t enter the material realm for a long time, he crafted a banner to represent his hatred and gave it to his most trusted Fimir, so that they could start his revenge on the mortal world.

    Fimul’s Hatred gives the bearer and the unit Hatred to all mortal units (not to daemons for example).


    Although not the most powerful casters in the world, Meargh and Dirach can show quite some power when it comes with magical spells and Daemons. Dirach can only generate spells from the Lore of the Swamp. Meargh can generate spells from one of the following Lores: Lore of the Swamp, Lore of Beasts, Lore of Death, Lore of Shadows.


    Meargh and Dirach roll a D6 to randomly generate a spell from this chart. They can automatically swap one spell for Dancing Lights if they didn’t generate it randomly.


    1 Dancing Lights 5+

    2 Mending Mud 6+

    3 Swamp Gas Bolt 7+

    4 Raise Bog Zombies 8+

    5 Kroll’s Fortune 9+

    6 Balor’s Gaze 12+


    This spell can only be cast at one enemy unit within the caster’s mist cloud. It is treated like a magic missile that does not require line of sight. If successfully cast, it hits the target and causes D6 Strength 3 hits.


    Cast this on a single friendly model within 6”. The caster can also target himself. The target of the spell regains 1 lost Wound, up to his maximum value of Wounds.


    The caster lets loose a powerful bolt of dangerous, toxic swamp gas. When it hits, it explodes and slowly gasses the target. Target one enemy model or unit within 24” and in line of sight. If the spell is cast successfully, roll a D6 for every model in the unit. The bolt hits models on a 4+ and causes a Strength 2 hit to every model hit with no armour saves allowed. Single models are hit automatically.


    Target a point on the table within 12” of the caster, no line of sight is required. On that point a new unit of Bog Zombies is created. The unit contains 5+D6 Bog Zombies. The caster is considered to be their necromancer. This spell can also be used to add more Zombies to an existing unit.


    This spell can only be cast if the caster and/or his unit killed at least one enemy model in the previous turn. When the spell is casted successfully, the slain models are considered to be sacrificed in honour of Kroll. Nominate one friendly unit within 12” from the caster. They get X re-rolls in the Close Combat phase (X being the number of models slain by the caster and his unit in the previous turn).


    Affect the entire battlefield. The skies blacken and the moon turns bloody red. All enemy units and models, which are not in combat, must take a Leadership test or be forced to flee to the nearest table edge. Units and models immune to psychology are not affected.

    Ok, that was it. I hope you like it.

    Please give me some feedback on what you think

    Note: some unit entries and rules are from existing warhammer units (like the Boglards, Trolls, Ogres and Daemon Prince)

  2. Pour qui tu te prend pépère pour traiter les gens de vieux, de guignols sans ambition et rabaisser le travail de John Blanche à un truc insipide ? Voila le genre de post intolérable que les modérateurs devraient virer. Respectes le travail des artistes et si tu n'es pas content essayes de prendre le crayon et de faire mieux que tout ce travail insipide :innocent: Non mais franchement !

    La critique personnelle de Chrono_Hal sur ces deux illustrateurs (John Blanche et Adrian Smith) n'a rien de bien violente et ne demandait pas modération à mon sens. Dire qu'on trouve des illustrations pas vraiment à son goût c'est possible tant que c'est pas trop vulgaire. On a tous compris que c'est son avis de "vieux con, c'était mieux avant :P" et pas autre chose.

    D'aillieurs Adrian Smith est l'un de mes illustrateur préféré, de même j'adore le John Blanche des années 80. La remarque de Chrono_Hal m'a simplement fait sourire.

    Je terminerais en disant que je suis aussi big fan de Gary Chalk.

  3. Nagash n'a pas commandé des "légions aux armures noirs"

    et ??? la couleur noire signifie que c'est des armure lourde ? c'est beau comme logique :ph34r: si elles avaient été rouges ou jaunes les armures ça marchait aussi ?

    justification foireuse, il me semble qu'il il a des revants donc seuls eux devraient avoir accès aux armure lourdes, la majorité des armées de nagash étaient les légions de l'ancien empire, qui se basait si mes souvenirs sont bons sur la lance, l'arc et le char on n'en retrouve aucune trace dans votre armée, halluciant.

    Simplement parce que ça me fait marrer

    Within two centuries, Nagash was absolute lord of a powerful kingdom that stretched along the shores of the Sour Sea, a kingdom where well-armoured Nagashi [those mortal men and women who worshipped Nagash as their manifest god], served alongside the animated remains of their dead kin and ancestors. The mines below Nagash's tower had been expanded into a mighty network stretching down to the mountain's roots. The fortifications around the tower grew like a cancer in the body of a dying man till they stretched to nearly a league on either side. Thus was made the fortress city of Nagashizzar, an unbreachable keep, laboratory of alchemy, library of the sorcerous arts and a shrine to the pursuit of earthly immortality and the emasculation of all gods and daemons, for they sought to control and consume mortal souls.

    Nagashizzar became the capital of what was perhaps the most blindly obedient human nation this world has ever seen. At the centre of this civilisation, like a spider at the centre of its web, Nagash studied and experimented, aware in his own way of everything that his thousands of undead servants perceived, making him

    C'est bizarre, l'auteur de l'ouvrage (MvS quelqu'un d'assez réputé pour sa connaissance et son interprétation du background Warhammer) a fait la même interprétation que moi. :wink:

  4. Début: 27/10/07 20:30

    Fin: 28/10/07 06:00

    Nombre de places: 12

    Frais d'inscription: 4 € (Paiement sur place: 5 €)

    Lieu de l'évènement:

    Salle le Galion

    Rue Marcel Collange

    F63360 Gerzat

    Description : Venez disputer le titre de meilleur coach avec votre équipe de Blood Bowl lors de la convention Gobelin Night Fever 8.

    Affrontez, selon les dernières règles LRB v5, les équipe adverses durant toute la nuit (3 matchs mini).

    Votre tactique, votre chance et votre résistance seront mises à rude épreuve.

    Le vainqueur de la nuit blood bowl GNF7 est invité pour remettre sont titre en jeu. Même si peu de gens se préinscrive par T³ soyez assurer de voir le tournoi plein le jour J.

    Règlement :

    Le but de votre équipe est bien sur le score finale et donc, le(s) Touchdown !!! .

    Le nombre de sorties* participera au gain d'expérience de vos joueurs tout comme les Touchdown, int ,réu, JPV.

    (* particularité: sortie=2Pts d'exp et Sonné=1Pts d'exp).

    Cette dernière règle afin d'accélérer l'évolution des joueurs, pour compenser la courte durée de cette mini-ligue.

    3 matchs minimum. 4 si les parties sont rapides mais on sait ce que c'est! Partez sur 3/4 parties, voila c'est officiel.

    La durée des tours pour les plus lents sera peut-être limitée en temps en échange d'un arbitre plus présent pour aider.


    Une belle fiche d'équipe format A4 si possible (remplie au crayon papier serait plus prudent),

    Plateau + dés + pions cartons + gabarits plastiques + ballon,

    Votre équipe + d'éventuels remplaçants.


    5€ si vous n'avez pas lu ce qui précède et que vous venez les mains dans les poches

    sans plateau+dés+pions cartons+gabarits plastiques+ballon.

    4€ si vous avez votre matos du coach professionnel.


  5. Quelques dates à rajouter

    Drachenfels, Constant: Constant Drachenfels, the Great Enchanter. It can be presumed that both his names are either affectations or creations, since, according to his final thoughts in the novel of the same name, the Enchanter has been alive for fifteen thousand years. According to passages within Drachenfels, the Enchanter survived by swapping bodies and amalgamating new flesh into his own corpus. The Great Enchanter always wore an iron mask which concealed his mismatched features, taken from various of his victims over the millenia.

    Drachenfels was first defeated by Sigmar Heldenhammer at some unspecified date. Nonetheless, he returned and in 1851 (Empire Year) sacked the Bretonnian city of Parravon and slew the father of Genevieve Dieudonne, amongst others.

    In 1937 (Empire Year), Drachenfels approached the court of Emperor Carolus, claiming to repent his evil deeds and inviting the Emperor and his Electors to a great feast as his first gesture of repentance. The Great Enchanter betrayed their trust, of course, and trapped them as living statues at the banquet table and tortured their families to death before them whilst they starved to death. This became known as the Poison Feast.

    In 2477 Oswald von Konigswald, eldest son of the Elector Count of Ostland, gathered a small band of adventurers and assaulted the Great Enchanter's fortress, Castle Drachenfels and allegedly slew him. 25 years later, Oswald assembled the survivors (bounty hunter Anton Veidt, former Bandit King Rudi Wegener, the dwarf Menesh and Genevieve Dieudonne) for a play based on their adventure, during which Drachenfels returned and was finally put to rest before he could complete the renewal of his body by the playwright, Detlef Sierck and Genevieve.

    Source: Drachenfels by Jack Yeovil

    Submitter: Simguinus

    Il faut que je copie les pages de Chronologie des anciens romans Warhammer

  6. Le liber n'est pas écrit d'un point de vue absolu. Le texte que tu cites est censé être l'avis d'un ahuri du monde connu.

    Par contre le supplément sur les prêtres est écrit par l'auteur directement, d'un point de vue absolu par quelqu'un qui sait et n'est pas l'opinion de quelqu'un qui ne sait pas.

    le squat

    arh arh

    Oui mais Tome de la Corruption est lui écrit d'un point de vue objectif.

    Pour ceux qui sont familiarisés avec Khorne, il existe trop de similitudes pour nier l'association entre le Dieu du Sang et le Seigneur du Meurtre. Ceux qui défendent Khaine affirme que Khorne se limite aux champs de bataille et aux guerres ouvertes. Khorne est une Puissance de la Corruption, un être du Chaos plutôt qu'un des nombreux dieux mesquins de l'humanité. Mais l'effet qu'a le Faiseur de Veuves sur les elfes, sans parler des pratiques profanes des serviteurs les plus zélés de Khaine, les Furies, indique clairement qu'il existe un lien.


  7. Plus de problèmes d'ambiguité, le monde est bien fait.

    Tome of Salvation est sorti (ça est le supplément sur les dieux, les curetons et les culs bénis) et non seulement la section Khaine est séparée de la petite concernant Khorne, non seulement la définition du port-folio divin de Khaine le différencie de Khorne, mais en plus on a un encadré qui explicite clairement que ce sont deux dieux différents mais et que le culte de Khaine n'est même pas un dérivé de celui de Khorne.

    Un dieu nommé Khaine, un dieu du meurtre, de la mort et des bains de sang! Seuls ceux qui veulent bien rester aveugles ne voient nos qu'il n'est nul autre que le Seigneur du Sang en personne, derrière l'un de ses nombreux masques, pour trahir et duper ceux qui le repousseraient autrement.

    Liber Chaotica

    Rigolo comme il jongle d'une explication à son contraire :wink:

  8. Salut

    Petit passage par ici, juste pour vous dire que les squigs du nord feront leur 3° tournoi BFG le Dimanche 18 novembre à Sangatte à coté de Calais.

    Nous avions déjà discuté il y a quelques temps du précedent tournoi ainsi que du réglement que j'avais présenté qui doit se trouver quelques dizaines de post plus bas.

    Bref une vingtaine de joueur pour une journée. Je vous tiens au jus dés que le réglement est en ligne.


    N'oublie pas de signaler la chose sur T³ et qui sait d'utiliser le mode T³ pour gérer ton tournoi !!

    Autre endroit ou présenter la chose est la ML BFGF qui bien que tranquille a pas mal de membres.

  9. le templier est un renégat qui, jusqu'à présent, ne connaissait pas l'existence de Moraï-Heg. Mais même maintenant qu'il sait qu'elle éxiste, il ne veut pas renier son dieu (il a déjà rameuter des magisters, des repurgateurs et la milice de Marienburg pour tuer un pauvre petit necro...)

    Ah oui, j'oubliai: il a une armure de plaques complètes avec runes majeure de gromril dessus X-/ (7 de PA partout, ça fait mal, très mal....)

    Très loin de quelque chose de plausible mais bon... Même un elfe renégat ne s'abaissera pas à adorer un dieu humain. Sariel le dieu des rêves aussi adapté que Moraï-Heg surtout si l'elfe est originaire de Laurelorn.

    Il existe pas mal de logiciel pour convertir les joueurs ou PNJ à la v2

    Lesquels stp, j'en ai pas trouvé.. :D

    Par exemple

    * Ag = (I + Dex)/2

    FM = (FM (de la V1) + Cl)/2

    B= B de la V1 * 1,5

    SOC = ( Soc (de la V1) + Cd )/ 2


    * Liber Fanatica I & II

    * Le Grimoire sur le Chaos contient aussi quelques éléments.

    * Dirz de La Cité de Warhammer avait aussi développé une application il me semble.

    Chroniques Lustriennes serait plus adéquate

    Je sais, mais bon, ce n'est pas moi l'écrivain.....

    Ce que je voulais dire c'est que le travail d'adaptation passe aussi par là.

    Lustriannie était le terme utilisé par Descartes dans ces traductions ce n'est plus le cas donc le nom du scénario en v2 peut changer.

  10. Bonjour,

    je voulais savoir:

    1°) si vous avez déjà joué les Chroniques Lustrianniennes et ce que vous en pensez(pour la v1, disponible sur le site SDEN WJdR)?

    Non. Comme Lustria est maintenant traduit par Lustrie... Chroniques Lustriennes serait plus adéquate.

    2°) comment l'adapter pour la v2?

    Il existe pas mal de logiciel pour convertir les joueurs ou PNJ à la v2.

    3°) si elle est jouable avec un templier elfe de Morr qui tue tout le monde (90CC, épée à 2 mains enflamée :D ) et un vampire qui se fait passer pour un magister de Shyish et qui est un poil moins fort, si non, pour quel niveaux elle est (à peux près)?

    Oulà... un Templier elfe de Morr ?! Morr est un dieu humain donc je doute qu'on puisse avoir un telle chose d'après le canon officiel... Maintenant on peut imaginer un Maître des Epée ou un Guerrier Fantôme HE .

    Pour le Vampire... Un supplément qui leur est consacré est en cours de traduction.

    Voilà, merci d'avance de vos réponses...

    Pas de quoi

  11. Quelques commentaires et pistes

    * Je vois mal les conquistadors qui sont sensé se battre dans la jungle utilisé des chevaux... Je sais que c'est le cas dans la réalité mais dans Warhammer, la jungle rime avec infanterie... Enfin c'est mon opinion. Pour la cavalerie on peut laisser une cavalerie moyenne comme présenté dans la liste Mercenaire. A moins que les conquistador représente des Caballeros Hidalgos c'est à dire plus ou moins les Pistoliers impériaux.

    * Conquistador pourrait bien être une règle d'armée et pas représenter une troupe en particulier.

    Un article Wiki sympa

    * Les Tercios pourrait adopté une formation Cuadro de Terreno peremettant par exemple d'utiliser les pique de flanc ou de dos sur un test de Commandement réussi (ou pas de test)... ou autre chose...

    * tropas et banderas peuvent être des termes pour parler d'unités.

    * rodeleros au lieu de rondachier. La rondela étant un petit bouclier rond.

    * Un peu de texte de WFB3 Warhammer Armies. À prendre avec des pincettes puisque ça date du début des années 90 et Nigel Stillman a eu tendance à bien caricaturer pour les noms de stroupes et peut-être pour certaines descritions. Ça vient de la liste OLD WORLDER MERCENARY CONTINGENT

    Hombres Villanos

    "These are fierce, aggressive, sword and buckler men from Estalia. recruited from among the numerous cut-throats, bandits and renegades that inhabit that country."

    Note : CC4 pour infos donc plus ou moins l'équivalent d'épéistes impériaux. C'est sûrement de là que Raza a repris le nom Villianios. Je pense que Tercios serait plus adapté pour parler des troupes de base de l'armée. À voir.

    Estalian Caballeros

    "These are impoverished Estalian knights and freebooters who have left their decaying feudal estates to become soldiers of fortune."

    Note : Je les renommerais Caballeros Hidalgos qui était une cavalerie légère boostable jusqu'à du lourd il représente pas mal la cavalerie légère mercenaire même si le pistolet ou l'arquebuse serait mieux que l'arc...

    Estalian Bandolleros Gringos

    "These are a notorious mercenary company of arquebusiers recruited originally in Estalia from among the local banditry but including fugitives and freebooters from many lands."

    Note : Le nom est ridicule et presque insultant pour des espagnols. Arquebusier ou Arquebusier Tercio serait plus adapté.

    * WFRP2 présente une carrière estalienne

    Diestro Estalien

    Type : Carrière de base.

    Les royaumes Estaliens se situent au sud-est de l'Empire, où la menace du Chaos semble lointaine. En effet, les Désolations du Chaos se dressent bien loin de cette contrée ensoleillée qui, contrairement à l'Empire et à Kislev, n'a jamais été confrontée aux hordes sanguinaires. Son peuple s'attache à d'autres activités, de la science à l'art du crime et de la vendetta en passant par l'érudition. Les Estaliens adorent croiser le fer. Du reste, les villes du pays abritent de nombreuses écoles d'escrime, chacune enseignant un style différent des autres. Nombre de ces styles découlent directement des enseignements de maître Figueroa, épéiste légendaire qui appliquait diverses théories scientifiques à son jeu, pour un résultat spectaculaire. Les disciples du style Figueroa, connus sous le nom de Diestro, se battent en duel à travers tout le pays. Certains, las de leur patrie, cherchent l'aventure ailleurs, plus particulièrement en Tilée en Bretonnie. Les plus courageux se rendent dans le nord de l'Empire pour mesurer leur rapière à des adversaires de valeur, mais également pour voir à quoi ressemble une région située aux avant-postes de la lutte contre le Chaos.

    S'il s'agit de votre carrière de départ, vous êtes Estalien mais parcourez l'Empire pour y trouver l'aventure.

    Le nom est parfait pour représenter les duellistes estaliens à la place de Bandido.

    * Le nom Rondachiers peut aussi être remplacé par Spadassins

    * Autres listes d'armées

  12. Bon c'est repartie comme en l'an 40... lisez ça;forum=fo_w4k

    Je fouiner sur mon PC et j'ai retrouvé la discussion que j'avais archivé presque complètement il me semble. C'est de 2001 ça vaut ce que ça vaut et ça rajeuni pas. Il est sûr que le background développé par Madalfred et le Grimoire commence à vieillir et demande d'être remanié ou doit simplement servir d'inspiration.

  13. salut,

    Un petit bout de fluff ci dessous(source malpy)

    Les évènements se passent en -1400 lorsque le seigneur du clan eshin viskrin ordonna d'établir sa forteresse dans le royaume de cathay.

    Encore maintenant, la seule chose dont tous sont certains, réside dans le fait que le clan, à son arrivée en Cathay, se trouva dans une situation fort inconfortable alors que le royaume était divisé et ravagé par des guerres intestines que se faisaient les princes. C’est proche d’un monastère voué à Tsin-Tsin – Tzeentch – que le clan échoua. Les moines menaient des actions secrètes contre les pouvoirs de Cathay et, alors que ceux-ci s’entrainaient et s’échangeaient le savoir du temple, à tout moment se trouvaient des Skavens qui tendaient l’oreille et les observaient. Il est difficile de croire que les moines ne surent pas que des créatures les observaient dans l’ombre et au contraire, de penser qu’une association des deux parties se soit conclue au profit de chacun.

    Rien d'officiel dans tout ça cependant surtout la partie sur Tsin-Tsin

  14. En effet les figs sont très belles mais ne sont pas accessibles séparément (mis à part le prince et son aigle): il faut acheter une boîte de détachement à 35-40€. Si on veut qu'une seule fig, ça revient cher. Mieux vaut peut-être attendre quelques temps pour les retrouver sur e-bay à l'unité (gare aux contrefaçons).

    En même temps pas mal de magasins Parisien les font à l'unité...

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