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  1. et Pologne 1er à 40K et FOW, il s'en faut de peu pour qu'ils fassent le triplé et Allemagne 2eme à 40K et FOW comme quoi il y a des nations où les gars sont bons la France est 22eme à WFB Allemagne 4eme Danemark 5eme Italie 6eme les meilleurs nations restent vraiment au top France 12eme à 40K et 8eme à FOW PS: Babnik, on est derrière l'Irlande, l'Ecosse et l'Angleterre
  2. donc 92-68 magnifique la Suède cape l'Italie en leur collant 103, ça va donc surement se jouer entre l'allemagne et la Pologne si ce n'est pas la Suède le drame on finit derrière l'Irelande
  3. si Hugo c'est capé maintenant, donc la France qui est actuellement 27eme aura du mal à faire plus que 20ème à l'arrivée. [quote]LEs 4 premier qui jouent tous pour la première place : Italie vs Pologne et Allemagne vs Suède[/quote] ainsi que le danemark, la grece, l'angleterre et l'Espagne en embuscade qui jouent aussi le podium. Team Latvia Sergey Vishnyakov (c) (Conjurer) - Skaven 1 Grey Seer, General; Magic Level 4, Fencer's Blades, Skalm, Dispel Scroll, Screaming Bell, 530 1 Assassin, Warpforged Blade, 170 1 Assassin, Weeping Blade, Potion of Strength, 170 1 Warlock Engineer, Magic Level 1, Doom Rocket, Warp-Energy Condenser 115 1 Chieftain, Heavy Armour; Battle Standard, Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield, 120 41 Clanrats, FCG, Shields, Poisoned Wind Mortar, 269.5 19 Stormvermin, Standard, Musician, Storm Banner, Ratling Gun, 253 2x 40 Skavenslaves, Musician, 82 3x 5 Giant Rats, 23 6 Gutter Runners, Sling, Poisoned Attacks, 108 5 Gutter Runners, Sling, Poisoned Attacks, 90 1 Hellpit Abomination, Warpstone Spikes, 250 1 Warp-lightning Warp Cannon, 90 Total Army Cost: 2398.5 Kirill Kartashov (Stariy Gnom) - Оgres: Slaughtermaster: General; Lvl 4; Lore of Heaven; Gruts Sickle; Talisman of Preservation; Warrior Bane @ 385 Bruiser: BSB; GW; Rune Maw Banner @ 201 Bruiser: GW; Armour of Destiny @ 166 Butcher: Lvl 1; Maw; Iron Fist; Hellheart @ 153 9 Ironguts: FCG; LoG; Standard of Discipline @ 437 3x10 Gnoblar Trappers: Champ @ 3x55 3x1 Sabretusk Pack @ 3x21 Ironblaster @ 170 4 Mournfang Cavalry: Iron Fist; Heavy Armour; Mus @ 290 5 Mournfang Cavalry: Iron Fist; Heavy Armour; Mus; Banner @ 370 Total Army Cost: 2400 Konstantin Klepikov (klp) - Vampires: 1 Vampire Lord, General; Lore of Vampires; Great Weapon; Heavy armour; Magic Level 4, Nightshroud, Talisman of Preservation, The Other Tricksters Shard, Beguile, Red Fury, Aura of Dark Majesty, 531 1 Vampire, Battle Standard Bearer; Magic Level 2; Lore of Vampires; Heavy armour, Enchanted Shield, Dread Knight, Obsidian Lodestone, 229 1 Necromancer, Magic Level 2; Lore of Death, Dispel Scroll, 125 1 Necromancer, Magic Level 2; Lore of Death, Book of Arkhan, 125 2x 1 Cairn Wraith, 60 45 Skeleton Warriors, FCG, banner of swiftness 270 5x5 Dire Wolves @ 40 2x20 Zombies, Musician, 65 8 Crypt Horrors, 304 3x2 Fell Bats, 32 1 Terrorgheist, 225 1 Spirit Hosts, 45 Total Army Cost: 2400 Aleksandr Brykov (Zhval)- Orcs & Goblins: Black OrcWarboss; General; Talisman of Preservation; Crown of Command - 240 Savage Orc Great Shaman; Lvl 4; Big Waagh - 205 Night Goblin Great Shaman; Lvl 3; Little Waagh; Dispel Scroll - 165 Savage Orc Big Boss; BSB; GW; Mork's War Banner - 204 Savage Orc Shaman; Lvl 1; Big Waagh; Lucky Shrunken Head - 120 Goblin Big Boss on Wolf; LA; Shield; Tormentor Sword; Dragonbane Gem - 61 Goblin Big Boss on Wolf; LA; Shield; Warrior Bane; Dragonhelm - 66 2x20 Night Goblins; Shortbow; Musician; 2 Fanatic - 2x120 32 Savage Big 'Uns; Second Choppa; FCG - 387 2x1 Trolls - 2x35 8 Trolls - 280 2x1 ManglerSquig - 2x65 2x1 Doom Diver - 2x80 2x1 Rock Lobber - 2x85 Total Army Cost: 2498 Konstantin Tuezov (Axilles) - High Elves 1 Prince, General; Dragon Armour; Shield, Giant Blade, Dawn Stone, Dragonhelm, Elf Steed: Barded, 285 1 Archmage, Magic Level 4; Lore of High Magic, Crown of Command, Sceptre of Stability, Elf Steed, 290 1 Mage, Magic Level 2; Lore of Death, Dispel Scroll, Elf Steed, 155 1 Noble, Dragon Armour; Battle Standard, Enchanted Shield, Luckstone, Potion of Strength, Sword of Might, Elf Steed: Barded, 170 1 Noble, Dragon Armour; Shield, Star Lance, Potion of Foolhardiness, Elf Steed: Barded, 132 10 Dragon Princes of Caledor, FCG, Banner of the World Dragon 370 5 Ellyrian Reavers, Spear; Normal Bow, 95 5 Ellyrian Reavers, Spear; Normal Bow, 95 5 Ellyrian Reavers, Spear; Normal Bow, 95 10 Archers, Musician 110 10 Archers, Musician 110 10 Archers, Musician 110 1 Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower 70 1 Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower 70 1 Frostheart Phoenix 240 Total Army Cost: 2397 Ioann Ban (Alhok) - Dark Elves Supreme Sorceress, LVL4,Metall, Dispel Scroll, Ring of Hotek (295 ) Sorceress, LVL2 Dark Lore, Ironcurse Icon (120 ) Master, BSB, Dark Pegasus, heavy armour, RCB, Sea Dragon Cloac, Shield, Cloak of Twilight, Lance, 218 4x 1 Reaper Bolt Thrower (70 ) 3x 5 Harpies (75 ) 30 Darkshards, Shields, Standard, Musician (410) 5 Dark Riders, Shield, RCB (100 ) 31 Har Ganeth Executioners, FCG (402 ) 5 Dark Riders, Shield, RCB (100 ) 2x 5 Doomfire Warlocks (125 ) Total Roster Cost: 2396 Kirill Adlefinskiy (Salamander) - Warriors of Chaos 1 Chaos Lord of Tzeentch, Disc of Tzeentch, General, Great Weapon, Shield, Crown of Command, Talisman of Preservation, Dragonhelm, Flaming Breath, Soul Feeder - 393 1 Exalted Hero of Tzeentch, Daemonic Mount, Great Weapon, Shield, Battle Standard, Armour of Destiny, Scaled Skin - 259 1 Chaos Sorcerer, Lore of Fire; Magic Level 1, Dispel Scroll, Charmed Shield- 140 2x5 Chaos Warhounds - 30 2x5 Chaos Warhounds, Vanguard - 40 5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh, Flail - 85 3x1 Chaos Chariot of Nurgle - 125 2x1 Chimera, Flaming Breath; Regenerating Flesh - 275 1 Hellcannon - 210 3 Skullcrushers of Khorne, Ensorcelled Weapons;Musician - 244 Models in Army: 38 Total Army Cost: 2396 Roman Harchevnikov (WFilin) - Dwarfs Runesmith: General, Shield, Rune of Stone, Rune of Spellbreaking (x2), Rune of the Furnace, 118 Runesmith: Shield, Rune of Stone, Rune of Spellbreaking (x2), Rune of Fire 123 Thane: BSB, Shield, Master Rune of Grungni, 153 Master Engineer, Great Weapon: 76 Master Engineer: 70 11 Quarrellers: Great Weapon, Musician, 164 27 Longbeards: FCG, Great Weapon, Rune of Stoicism, 443 28 Hammerers: FCG, 422 Cannon: Rune of Forging, 145 Cannon: Rune of Burning, Rune of Forging, 150 3x Gyrocopter: 80 Organ Gun: Rune of Accuracy, 145 Organ Gun: Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Burning, 150 Total Army Cost: 2399 c'est leur première participation à l'ETC...
  4. ils vont se faire caper normalement, PY doit mettre plus de 17 pour qu'ils dépassent 60... et il fait 13.... bref 56-104, une belle branlée allez les gars plus qu'une et c'est fini, courage
  5. listes autrichiennes Team Austria Lukas Neuhauser (npc) Lukas Fantl (c), The Empire Battle Wizard Lord on Warhorse: General, Lvl 4, Shadow, Power Scroll, 253 Battle Wizard Lord on Warhorse: Lvl 4, Life, Dispel Scroll, 243 Captain of the Empire on Barded Warhorse: BSB, Full Plate Armour, Warrior Bane, Crown of Command, Dragonbane Gem, Charmed Shield, 157 13 Inner Circle Knights: FCG, Lances, Standard of Discipline, 370 2 x 5 Knighly Orders: Musician, Lances, 120 6 Demigryph Knights: FCG, 378 4 Demigryph Knights: Musician, Standard Bearer, Gleaming Pennant, 257 Great Cannon: 120 Celestial Hurricanum: 130 Steam Tank: 250 Total: 2398 Alexander Böhm, Skaven Grey Seer on Screaming Bell: General, Ruin/Plague, Fencer's Blades, Scroll of Shielding, Skalm, Dragonbane Gem, 525 Chieftain: BSB, Halberd, Banner of Eternal Flame, 82 Chieftain: Halberd, The other Trickster's Shard, 62 Warlock Engineer: Lvl 2, Ruin, Dispel Scroll, 125 Warlock Engineer: Brass Orb, 65 Warlock Engineer: 15 Assassin: Weeping Blade, Potion of Strengh, 170 47 Stormvermin: FCG, Storm Banner, 404 3x 40 Skavenslaves: Champion, Musician, 86 2x 6 Gutter Runners: Slings, Poison, 108 Hell Pit Abomination: 235 Doomwheel: 150 Warp Lightning Cannon: 90 Total: 2397 Patrick Ebner, Wood Elves Spellweaver on Elven Steed: General, Lvl 4, Shadow, Obsidian Lodestone, Power Scroll, 320 Spellweaver on Elven Steed: Lvl 4, Death, Dragonbane Gem, Dispel Scroll, 270 Glade Captain on Elven Steed: BSB, Asrai Spear, Starfire Shafts, Charmed Shield, 121 14 Glade Guard: Champion, Musician, Trueflight Arrows, 230 2x 11 Glade Guard: Champion, Musician, Trueflight Arrows, 185 13 Wild Riders: Standard Bearer, Standard of Discipline, Shields, 389 7 Wild Riders: Standard Bearer, Banner of Eternal Flame, Shields, 216 5 Wild Riders: Shields, 140 2x 6 Waywatchers: 120 2x Great Eagle: 50 Total: 2396 Rasmus Hammer, Dark Elves Dreadlord on Dark Pegasus: General, Lance, Sea Dragon cloak, Dawnstone, Cloak of Twilight, Enchanted Shield, 285 Supreme Sorceress: Lvl 4, Shadow, Ring of Hotek, Dispel Scroll, 295 Master on Dark Pegasus: BSB, Lance, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon cloak, Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield, 211 Master on Dark Pegasus: Lance, Sea Dragon cloak, Shield, Armour of Destiny, 184 Master on Dark Pegasus: Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon cloak, The other Trickster's Shard, Dragonhelm, Opal Amulet, 174 14 Darkshards: Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of Eternal Flame, 198 14 Darkshards: Musician, 178 3x 5 Dark Riders: Shields, 85 4x Reaper Bolt Thrower: 70 5 Shades: Additional Hand Weapons, 90 2x 5 Doomfire Warlocks: 125 Total: 2400 Philipp Merlin Jost, Dwarfs Runesmith: General, Shield, 2x Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Furnace, Rune of Stone, 118 Runesmith: Shield, 2x Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Fire, Rune of Stone, 123 Master Engineer: Rune of Stone, 75 Master Engineer: 70 Thane: BSB, Shield, Master Rune of Grungni, 153 27 Longbeards: FCG, Great Weapons, Rune of Stoicism, 443 10 Quarrellers: Champion, Musician, Great Weapons, 160 28 Hammerers: FCG, Rune of Fire, Rune of Speed, 437 3x Gyrocopter: 80 Grudge Thrower: 2x Rune of Penetrating, Rune of Accuracy, 155 Grudge Thrower: Rune of Forging, Rune of Accuracy, 130 Organ Gun: Rune of Burning, Rune of Accuracy, 150 Organ Gun: Rune of Accuracy, 145 Total: 2399 Manfred Menhart, Vampire Counts Vampire Lord: General, Lvl 1, Vampires, Aura of Dark Majesty, Great Weapon, Talisman of Preservation, Glittering Scales, Scroll of Shielding, 340 Master Necromancer: Lvl 4, Death, Obsidian Lodestone, Sceptre of Stability, 260 Necromancer: Lvl 2, Vampires, The Book of Arkhan, 125 Necromancer: Lvl 1, Vampires, Dispel Scroll, 90 2x Tomb Banshee: 95 36 Skeleton Warriors: FCG, Banner of Swiftness, 225 2x 28 Zombies: Standard Bearer, Musician, 94 20 Zombies: Standard Bearer, Musician, 70 3x 5 Dire Wolves: 40 8 Crypt Horrors: Champion, 314 2 Fell Bats: 32 Terrorgheist: 225 Mortis Engine: 220 Total: 2399 Roland Stegmüller, Warriors of Chaos Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Steed of Slaanesh: General, Lvl 4, Slaanesh, Mark of Slaanesh, Flaming Breath, Warrior Bane, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Endurance, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, 400 Exalted Hero on Steed of Slaanesh: BSB, Mark of Slaanesh, Scaled Skin, Great Weapon, Talisman of Preservation, 236 Chaos Sorcerer on Steed of Slaanesh: Lvl 2, Shadow, Mark of Slaanesh, Chaos Familiar, Charmed Shield, Obsidian Lodestone, 250 14 Marauder Horsemen: Musician, Mark of Slaanesh, Flails, 248 5 Marauder Horsemen: Mark of Slaanesh, Flails, 85 5 Chaos Warhounds: 30 3x Chaos Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh, 115 3x Gorbeast Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh, 135 5 Skullcrushers of Khorne: Musician, Ensorcelled Weapons, 400 Total: 2399 Thomas Wild, High Elves Anointed of Asuryan on Frostheart Phoenix: General, Giant Blade, The other Trickster's Shard, Golden Crown of Atrazar, Enchanted Shield, 540 Noble: BSB, The Reaver Bow, Shield of the Merwyrm, 135 Mage: Lvl 2, High Magic, Dispel Scroll, 145 Mage: Lvl 2, High Magic, Sceptre of Stability, 135 3x 5 Ellyrian Reavers: Bows, 85 3x 5 Silver Helms: Shields, 115 24 White Lions of Chrace: FCG, Banner of the World Dragon, 392 3x Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower: 70 Frostheart Phoenix: 240 Total: 2397 en passant moi je vois pas de RO en face mais des HE... ou alors le gars ne sait pas écrire sur FB et les appariements dans le bon ordre sont France - Autriche Emp emp Bret es Gdc gdc Ska ska Démon nain EN HE Es cv Ro EN
  6. listes russes Team Russia STANISLAV #Ananas# VITOZHENTS - DAEMONS OF CHAOS Lord of Change, General, Lvl 4, Metal, Exhalted Gift, Lesser Gift, 570 Herald of Tzeentch, Lvl 2, Tzeench, 125 25 Plaguebearers of Nurgle, FCG, Swiftness, 370 2x10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch, 2x130 2x3 Beasts of Nurgle, 2x180 Beast of Nurgle, 60 2x5 Chaos Furies of Tzeentch, 2x70 2x3 Plague Drones of Nurgle, Standard; Plague Proboscis, 2x190 Skull Cannon of Khorne, 135 Total: 2400 NIKOLAY #zurdo# NESTEROV - SKAVEN Grey Seer: General, Lvl 4, Power Scroll, Ironcurse Icon,Talisman of Preservation, 325 Warlord: Heavy Armour; Shield, The Fellblade, 193 Assassin: Weeping Blade, Potion of Strength, 170 Chieftain: Halberd, Heavy Armour, Battle Standart, Obsidian Lodestone,117 Warlock Engineer: Brass Orb, 65 Warlock Engineer: Lvl 2, Warp-Energy Condenser,Warpstone Token, 135 Warlock Engineer: Lvl 1, Dispel Scroll, 90 40 Stormvermin: Halberd; Heavy Armour; FCG, Storm Banner, 355 40 Skavenslaves: Musician, champion, 86 40 Skavenslaves: Musician,82 39 Skavenslaves: Musician,80 2x5 Giant Rats: 2x23 2x2 Rat Swarms: 2x 50 2x6 Gutter Runners: 2ndWeapon; Poisoned Attacks; Sling; Throwing Stars,108 Hellpit Abomination:Warpstone Spikes, 250 Warp-lightning Warp Cannon, 90 Total: 2400 SERGEY #TroR# KLIMENKO - EMPIRE Arch Lector on War Altar of Sigmar: General, Charmed Shield, Warrior Bane, Dragonbane Gem, heavy armour, 269 Battle Wizard Lord: Lvl 4, Light, Obsidian Lodestone, Sceptre of Stability, Ironcurse Icon, 265 Captain of the Empire: BSB, full plate armour, shield, 93 Battle Wizard: Lvl1, Light, Scroll of Shielding, 80 Battle Wizard: Lvl1, Light, Dispel Scroll, 90 Captain of the Empire on Imperial Pegasus: Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, Sword of Striking, full plate armour, shield, 163 40 Halberdiers: musician, standard bearer, 260 5 Archers Det 1: 35 2x5 Empire Knights: musician 2x120 17 Spearmen: champion, musician, 105 Great Cannon: 120 5 Demigryph Knights: musician, 300 Steam Tank: 250 Celestial Hurricanum: 130 Total: 2400 ALEXANDER #Guu# KOSHKIN - HIGH ELVES Archmage: General, Lvl 4, High, Book of Hoeth, Talisman of Preservation, 320 Archmage: Lvl 4, Death, Dispel Scroll, Dragonbane Gem, 250 Noble: BSB, Dragon Armour, Sword of Anti-Heroes, Shield of Merwyrm, 150 21 Archers: Musician, 220 3x5 Ellyrian Reavers: bow swap, 3x85 5 Silver Helms: Shield, Musisian, 125 4x1 Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower: 4x70 23 White Lions of Chrace: FCG, Banner of the World Dragon, 379 23 Phoenix Guard: FCG, Razor Standard, 420 Total:2399 EVGENY #White Boy# KOVROV - BRETONNIA (с) Lord on Royal Pegasus: General, Sword of Swift Slaying, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, The Other Trickster's Shard, Virtue of Heroism, 250 Prophetess of the Lady on Warhorse: lvl 4, Heavens, The Silver Mirror, Crown of Command, 315 Damsel of the Lady on Warhorse: lvl 1, Beasts, Dispel Scroll, 105 Damsel of the Lady on Warhorse: lvl 1, Beasts, Chalice of Malfleur, Ruby Goblet, 130 Paladin on Warhorse: BSB, Shield, The Wyrmlance, Gromril Great Helm, 126 Paladin on Warhorse: Lance, Shield, Dawnstone, The Mane of the Purebreed, 130 Paladin on Warhorse: Lance, Enchanted Shield, Luckstone, Virtue of the Impetuous Knight, 128 12 Knights of the Realm: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 327 11 Knights of the Realm: FCG, Banner of Swiftness, 303 3 Pegasus Knights, Champion, Musician, 175 2x3 Pegasus Knights, Champion, 2x165 2x1 Field Trebuchet, 2x90 Total: 2499 STANISLAV #Flam# FESENKO - ORCS & GOBLINS Black Orc Warboss: General, Shield, Talisman of Preservation, Crown of Command, Dragonhelm, 253 Savage Orc Great Shaman: Lvl 4, 205 Night Goblin Great Shaman: Lvl 3, Dispel Scroll, 165 Savage Orc Big Boss: BSB, GW, Mork's War Banner, 204 Savage Orc Shaman: Lvl 1, Lucky Shrunken Head, 120 Goblin Big Boss: LA, Spear, Giant Wolf, Charmed Shield, 56 Goblin Big Boss: LA, Shield, Giant Wolf, Tormentor Sword, Dragonbane Gem, 61 35 Savage Orc Big'Uns: FCG, EHW, 420 2x20 Night Goblins: Short Bow, Mus, 2 Fanatics, 2x120 7 Trolls: 245 2x1 Trolls: 2x35 2x1 Mangler Squig: 2x65 2x1 Goblin Rock Lobber: 2x85 2x1 Goblin Doom Diver Catapult: 2x80 Total – 2499 DMITRY #Mity# KOROVIN - TOMB KINGS Tomb King: General, Warrior Bane, 175 Liche High Priest: Hierophant, Lvl4, Nehekhara, Dispel Scroll, 235 Liche High Priest: Lvl 4, light, Neferra's Plaques of Mighty Incantations, 260 Liche Priest: Lvl 1, light, Obsidian Lodestone, 115 2x1 Liche Priest: Lvl 1, light, 2x70 2x20 Skeleton Archers: champion, musician, 2x140 40 Skeleton Archers: FCG, 270 24 Skeleton Warriors: FCG, 126 2x3 Carrion: 2x72 30 Tomb Guard: Halberd, FCG, Razor Standard, 465 Hierotitan: 175 2x1 Screaming Skull Catapult: 2x90 Casket: 135 Total: 2700 SERGEY #DM Crew# KOVROV - DARK ELVES Supreme Sorcerer: General, Lvl 4, Dark, Dispel Scroll, Talisman of Endurance, Crown of Command, 310 Master on Dark Pegasus: BSB, Lance, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation, 211 Master on Dark Pegasus: Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Armour of Fortune, Biting Blade, Dragonbane Gem, 178 Sorceress: Lvll 2, Metal, Ring of Hotek, 165 3x5 Dark Riders: Shields, Crossbows, 100 25 Darkshards: Shields, FCG, Standard of Discipline, 370 30 Har Ganeth Executioners: FCG, Banner of Swiftness, 405 3x1 Repeater Bolt Thrower: 3x70 2x5 Doomfire Warlocks: 2x125 Total: 2399 sur certains appariements je suis extrêmement curieux de voir le résultat, comme quoi on n'a vraiment pas la même vision des choses d'une équipe à l'autre
  7. la suède bat la pologne, bien Fabrice t'as porté la poisse au joueur EN PY n'a pas aimé les émissaires on dirait
  8. Certes mais ils ont mis la misère hier soir à tout le monde et se sont bien amusés
  9. Tiens, Woody a mis la misère à tout le monde sur la plus rapide descente d'alcool hier soir, étonnant Dommage que l'équipe ne mette pas plus de commentaires sur son Facebook, on n'a même pas encore les appariements de ce matin alors que la ronde est presque finie, triste
  10. Attends peut-être la fin de l'ETC pour dire qui s'en est bien sorti fabrice avant de peindre ton dragon Team Finland Juuso Lähdekorpi, Demons of Chaos Great Unclean One: Level 4 Nurgle, Exalted Gift, Lesser Gift, 580 5x 10 Horrors, 5x 130 3x 5 Furies of Nurgle, 3x 70 4 Beasts of Nurgle, 240 2 Beasts of Nurgle, 120 1 Beast of Nurgle, 60 3 Plague Drones, Plague Probosics, Standard, Champion, Gleaming Pennant, 205 3 Plague Drones, Plague Probosics, Standard, Champion, 200 1 Skullcannon, 135 Total 2400 Pyry Peitso, The Empire Grand Master on barded warhorse: general, Runefang, Charmed Shield, Luckstone, Ironcurse Icon, 255 Wizard Lord on warhorse: level 4, Heavens, Talisman of Preservation, Dispel Scroll 288 Captain of the Empire on barded warhorse: bsb, full plate armour, great weapon, Dragonhelm, The Other Trickster’s Shard, Dawnstone, 163 Master engineer on barded warhorse: pigeon bombs, Enchanted Shield, light armour, 105 11 Knightly Orders: Inner Circle Knights, full command, Standard of Discipline 320 5 Knightly Orders: standard, musician, 130 10 Archers: musician, 80 detachment: 5 Archers, 35 detachment: 5 Archers, 35 4 Demigryph Knights: standard, musician, 252 3 Demigryph Knights: standard, Gleaming Pennant, 189 3 Demigryph Knights: 174 Great Cannon: 120 Steam Tank: 250 Total 2396 Julius Castrén, Vampire Counts Vampire Lord: General, lvl 4, Vampire, Heavy Armor, Great Weapon, Red Fury, Flying Horror, Talisman of Preservation, Dragonhelm, Book of Arkhan, The Other Trickster’s Shard, 516 Vampire: BSB, lvl 1, Vampire, Dispel Scroll, 155 3x30 Zombies: Musician, Banner, 3x 100 6x5 Direwolves: Champion, 6x 50 10 Hexwraiths: 300 2x 5 Hexwraiths: 2x 150 8 Crypt Horrors: 304 1 Terrorgheist: 225 Total 2400 Mika Ahvonen, High Elves Prince on Barded Elven Steed: General, Dragon Armour, Shield, Dragonhelm, Giant Blade, Dawnstone, Ironcurse Icon, 290 Archmage on Elven Steed: Level 4 Death, Crown of Command, Power Stone, Dragonbane Gem, 300 Noble on Barded Elven Steed: BSB, Dragon Armour, Shield, Banner of the World Dragon, 172 Noble on Barded Elven Steed: Dragon Armour, Enchanted Shield, Ogre Blade, 140 Noble on Barded Elven Steed: Dragon Armour, Shield, Starlance, The Other Trickster’s Shard, 142 Mage on Elven Steed: Level 1 High, Dispel Scroll, Khaine’s Ring of Fury, 145 13 Silver Helms: Full Command, Shields, 329 2 x 5 Silver Helms: Shields, 2x 115 5 Ellyrian Reavers: 80 1 Great Eagle: 50 1 Frostheart Phoenix: 240 4 x 1 Repeater Bolt Thrower: 4x 70 Total: 2398 Olli Mikkanen, Wood Elves Spellweaver on elven steed: general, lvl 4 death, dispel scroll, talisman of endurance, 295 Glade captain on elven steed: BSB, starfire shaft, obsidian lodestone, 159 10 Glade riders: hagbane tips, standard, gleaming pennant, 235 10 Glade riders: hagbane tips, 220 7 Glade riders: starfire shafts, 161 7 Sisters of the thorn: standard, standard of discipline, 207 7 Wild riders: shields, 196 8 Wild riders: shield, standard, banner of eternal flame, 244 3 Warhawk riders: 135 8 Deepwood scouts: trueflight arrows, 128 2x 8 Waywatchers: 2x 160 2x 1 Great eagle: 2x 50 Total 2400 Sakari Tanskanen, Dark Elves Dreadlord: General, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Repeater Handbow, Giant Blade, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, Ironcurse Icon, 262 Supreme Sorceress: Lvl4, Lore of Metal, Dispel Scroll, Ring of Hotek, The Other Trickster's Shard, 310 Death Hag: BSB, Witchbrew, Banner of Eternal Flame, 150 30 Witch Elves: FCG, Razor Standard, 405 10 Witch Elves: Musician, 120 5 Dark Riders: Shields, 85 30 Har Ganeth Executioners: FCG, Banner of Swiftness, 405 3x1 Reaper Bolt Thrower: 3x70 5 Harpies: 75 10 Doomfire Warlocks: 250 5 Doomfire Warlocks: 125 Total 2397 Juha Tuominen, Warriors Of Chaos Daemon prince: General, Daemon of Slaanesh, Lvl 4 Lore of Slaanesh, Chaos armor, Daemonic Flight, Flaming breath, Scaled Skin, The other Trickster’s Shard, Charmed Shield, Warrior Bane, Chaos Familiar 540 Exalted Hero on barded Daemonic Mount: BSB, Mark of Tzeentch, Soul Feeder, Great Weapon, Talisman of Preservation, 256 Chaos Sorcerer: Lvl 1 Lore of Metal, Disc Of Tzeentch, Mark of Tzeentch, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, Third Eye Of Tzeentch, Dragonbane gem, Enchanted Shield, 205 3x 1 Chaos Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh, 3x 115 5 Chaos Marauder Horsemen: Mark of Slaanesh, Horsemaster, Flails, 95 4x 5 Chaos Warhounds: Vanguard, 4x 40 9 Chaos Trolls: 315 1 Chimera, Regenerating Flesh, 245 3 Skullcrushers Of Khorne, Ensorcelled weapons, 234 Total: 2395 Veeti Laine, Orcs & Goblins Black orc warboss: general, Talisman of Endurance, Crown of Command, Dragonhelm, 235. Savage orc great shaman: lvl 4, Obsidian Lodestone, Lucky Shrunken Head, 300. Savage orc big boss: BSB, great weapon, Standard of Discipline, 119. Savage orc shaman: lvl 1, Dispel Scroll, 95. 35 Savage orcs: big 'uns, FCG, additional hand weapon, 420. 4x 5 Goblin wolf riders: shield, 4x 55. 12 Trolls, 420. 2x 1 Troll, 2x 35. 4x 1 Spear chukka, 4x 35. 2x 1 Rock lobber: orc bully, 2x 95. 2x 1 Doom diver, 2x 80. 2x 1 Mangler squig, 2x 65. Total: 2499
  11. la finlande pour demain matin la France est 13eme, mais entre 11 et 17 ça se tient dans un mouchoir de poche, l'Italie et l'Angleterre sont déjà très très loin si on compare les classements de l'année dernière suède 11/32 Singapour 18/32 finlande 16/32 donc entre les 2 que vous avez déjà affronter, ça doit pouvoir se faire
  12. tiens la suède a éclaté l'Ukraine
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  14. Donc pour tenir un peu tout le monde au courant, l'ETC 2014 c'est demain, la première ronde vient de tomber: Wfb poland-serbia slovenia-russia czech -hungary england-croatia australia-switzerland finlad-ireland germany-spain danemark-austria france-sweden bulgaria-nir ukraine-singapore new zeland-scotland belgia-greece usa-netherlands italy-wales norway-latvia donc nos chers petits bleus commenceront par les suédois, bonne chance à eux pour demain [img][/img]
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  21. Ce message ne peut pas être affiché car il se situe dans un forum protégé par un mot de passe: Saisir le mot de passe
  22. Oui Gorthor, je suis virtuel, surtout sur T3 Encore un grand merci aux orgas pour ce tournoi fort sympathique, merci à tous mes adversaires pour les parties, merci particulier à Gorthor pour l'accueil du samedi soir avec cette vision particulière du modélisme, grand merci à Zac pour cette gestion magnifique des résultats et du tournoi (dire que la première place et la place de meilleur général doit se jouer peut-être sur un nain mort de plus ). Désolé d'avoir été un peu "éteint" dimanche, mais entre la nuit blanche du vendredi, le pas beaucoup dormi et beaucoup bu du samedi et une tuberculose aigue ça sentait un peu le sapin on reviendra
  23. Ce message ne peut pas être affiché car il se situe dans un forum protégé par un mot de passe: Saisir le mot de passe
  24. [quote]mais normalement non ca va ca fera pas trop plaine[/quote] pas trop plaine ça veut dire quoi ? une plaine avec un cactus ou il y a vraiment des décors et les tables seront fournies (collines, maisons, etc...) ? non parce que vu les poetes du coin je peux ramener une bonnes dizaines de maisons histoire de calmer les gros lourds full cav
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