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Messages posté(e)s par maldoror42

  1. Des news de Faeit du 08/12/21, apparemment passées inaperçues:

    We will see a preview for Warhammer The Old World at the beginningw of next Year, this one will be bigger than those we saw in the past and since the Game was the first Time announced in November 2019.
    This preview will be a bit more precise about the Game.
    The Ruleset for Warhammer the Old World will be 7th Edition to the core, 
    but with smaller influences from the 5th, 6th and 8th Editions. They 
    understood that the 8th was too big in the sense of Army building, even for 
    GW Games.
    The Core Rules are more or teaser completed and work on the Starter Sets 
    written content and early expansions will soon starting but Miniatures are 
    still in Work
    There will be a new concept of Expansions Books and three Compendium-like 
    Tomes for 8th Edition Armies before The End Times in a format like Ravening 
    Hordes from the early 6th Edition.
    It looks like that the concept of Armybooks will stay and continue and The 
    Old World becomes something like the 9th Edition WHFB.
    Those Kislev and Cathay previews are misinterpreted by some people. They do 
    serve more like an advice for Total War and should show how both Games 
    are "interlocked" based on the same Artworks and as part of World Building 
    for the TT Game. Also they will show that the new WHFB Game will be not 
    focused on the territories of the Empire as in the past. Those faction will 
    come for The Old World but not from the very beginning.
    The Ruleset for Warhammer the Old World will be 7th Edition to the core, 
    but with smaller influences from the 5th, 6th and 8th Editions. They 
    understood that the 8th was too big in the sense of Army building, even for 
    GW Games.
    The Core Rules are more or teaser completed and work on the Starter Sets 
    written content and early expansions will soon starting but Miniatures are 
    still in Work
    There will be a new concept of Expansions Books and three Compendium-like 
    Tomes for 8th Edition Armies before The End Times in a format like Ravening 
    Hordes from the early 6th Edition.
    It looks like that the concept of Armybooks will stay and continue and The 
    Old World becomes something like the 9th Edition WHFB.
    Those Kislev and Cathay previews are misinterpreted by some people. They do 
    serve more like an advice for Total War and should show how both Games 
    are "interlocked" based on the same Artworks and as part of World Building 
    for the TT Game. Also they will show that the new WHFB Game will be not 
    focused on the territories of the Empire as in the past. Those faction will 
    come for The Old World but not from the very beginning.
    The Old World
    I have some (not so positive" Rumors) about Warhammer - The Old War...
    As said in an earlier mail, there will be no miniature previews before mid 
    Model Ranges are already in the Work, but the most progressing Part of the 
    Reboot is the Backstory and the Freerooms they have because the different 
    Early Factions for the Game will be no brainers and all time community favs 
    like the Empire, Orcs and Goblins, Dwarfs and Chaos. Those factions are  
    focused the most but others are in the work, but do not expect Cathay or 
    other niche factions too early, those will need years after the reboot to 
    come to light.
    Release could be Summer 2023, but that Date isn't finally set. Covid 
    brought more trouble for GW than everyone believes...
    New Edition Timelines
    They're also internal changes for Warhammer the Old World. The main Studio 
    is more involved in this project, which was the idea of the oldest Studio 
    Also the established release shedule for GW in the last years is mostly 
    obsolete thanks to Covid: They can't no longer bring new Editions every 
    three years.
    via  a solid source on Faeit 212 Parts 1 and 2
    I got informations about those "Compendium" Books for Warhammer The Old 
    As earlier said, it will be three Books.
    "Good Factions Book"
    - Empire
    - Bretonnia
    - Dwarfs
    - High Elves
    "Bad Factions Book"
    -Warriors of Chaos
    - Beasts of Chaos
    - Dark Elves
    - Skaven
    - Orcs and Goblins
    - Vampire Counts
    "Neutral Factions Book"
    - Wood Elves
    - Khemri
    - Ogre KIngdoms
    - Lizardmen
    Those Compendiums will timeline-wise set in the old WHFB Timeline include Rules for all Units from 8th Edition Army Books before the End Times was released. Characters inclusive but no Nagash or Glottkin etcetera.
    New Rulebook, Army Books and Expansions will then set in the new Timeline of Warhammer The Old World.
    -this was our source in the comment sections from Part 1! So always a good place to look and join in on the conversations.
    • The Books will also include rules for all Characters and Units before The End Times was released and set in the old Timeline of WHFB.


    Plus annonces d'emploi GW en concepteurs graphiques et de figurines pour TOW.


    Bonne lecture, 2023 cela se rapproche!

  2. [quote]Petite question toute simple.

    J'ai vu le sujet qui recense les sites de vente en ligne de figurine... mais lesquelles sont vraiment intéressante ? Les moins chères ? Avantageuse ? Qui fait de bonnes promos ? qui n'a pas ou peu de frais de transport ? la plus large gamme ?

    Pas facile de se faire une idée, surtout que tout n'est pas dedans (genre wayland, ou suis tombé dessus par hasard).

    Suis en train de compérer sur base de quelques figurines, mais bon, d'autres avis sont le bienvenu [/quote]


    Je mets mes diverses expériences en termes de commandes depuis la fermeture de feu Maëlstrom games:
    - Dark sphère: choix immense, des prix imbattables sur les produits GW mais depuis le changement de tarifs postaux des fdp qui sont abominables, à privilégier pour les grosses commandes, délais moyens assez longs:3 semaines.
    - Wayland games: beaucoup de choix et des fdp gratuits au-dessus de 40 £, idéal pour les commandes moyennes, délais assez courts: 2 semaines.
    Be aware: les fdp ne sont pas gratuits sur certains produits comme la peinture et certaines là ça peut monter rapidement.
    - Element games:beaucoup de ressemblance avec wayland pour le choix/tarif, à comparer, fdp raisonnables (maxi 6,95 £), délais courts: 8 jours
    A noter un système de points de fidélité.
    - Arcanes miniatures: pas de GW mais des produits comme des paints set scale 75 au meilleur tarif, des fdp raisonnables (3,7 £), un système de points de fidélité mais des délais très longs: 1 mois!

    - bitzarium: pas mal de bits, fdp un peu cher pour des petites quantités, envoi rapide.

  3. Pour moi c'est ton blanc qui rend fade la figurine.

    Je te mets en exemple un blanc lisse:

    Comme dit plus haut le secret est dans la dilution, pour arriver à un effet propre, il faut plusieurs couches:
    - une base en 2 fois diluées (gris moyen)
    - un premier éclaircissement (gris clair)
    - un lavis éventuel (sombre)
    - 4 à 5 passages de blanc pur dilué.
    C'est plus long mais c'est propre sans sortir de l'ordinaire.

    Un léger trait bleu clair sur le tissu fera aussi ressortir celui-ci.

    Bon courage, les HE c'est pas les plus faciles.
  4. [b]deux codes de réduction chez Maelstrom games:[/b]

    [b]le premier:[/b]
    It seems that not everybody is aware of our superb tiered discount scheme here at Maelstrom Games (, in which you gain discounts based on how much you spend. To draw attention to these discounts, which proves we're just as competitive as the next webstore, we're increasing each of the current tiered discounts and adding a couple more tiers too for a week! You could gain a massive 15% off our standard price - so that's up to 10% + 15% on most products!

    For one week from now - i.e., until midnight (GMT) on the 23rd of July 2012 - we're giving you all huge discounts based on how much you spend. The tiered discounts are now set at:

    an extra 2% for spending £50.00
    an extra 4% for spending £100.00
    an extra 6% for spending £200.00
    an extra 10% for spending £500.00
    and an enormous extra 15% for spending £1,000.00!

    Remember, tiered discounts are applied on our standard price, not the UK recommended retail price; so you could end up with 10% + 15% off UK RRP if you spend enough!

    It's a great chance to grab yourself all those lovely new ranges we've brought in over the past couple of years - including our latest ranges, Red Box Games, Titan-Forge and Legacy Miniatures' Confrontation - since our expansion as well as all your old favourites! It will work on all the items within our webstore, but:

    - not on any Ax Faction items
    - not on any Flames of War items
    - not on any Gale Force Nine items
    - not on any Infamy Miniatures items
    - not on any Kingdom Death items
    - not on any Studio McVey items
    - not on any Too Fat Lardies items
    - and additionally, not on anything within our eBay store.

    Note that, to gain these new tiered discounts, you MUST apply this voucher; if you do not, the tiered discounts will stay the same as they currently are.

    The voucher will work on pre-orders and, crucially, you'll still earn Moneyback on your orders! How generous are we!

    Your voucher code is: TIERED-PROMOTION

    To use this voucher simply register on the webstore, (if you haven't already), copy and paste the code into the Voucher field in your basket when you have selected the items you want, press 'REDEEM', and the webstore will do the rest. You are not limited to one purchase and, indeed, we would ask you to recommend us to your friends with this voucher!

    [b]Le second:[/b]
    That's right, you read it correctly: the Maelstrom Games warehouse, which has been crammed to the rafters for a good long while now, is moving from the Eye of the Storm to a new location a couple of miles away in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. This means we can work more effectively, expand our operation to bring in lots of the superb ranges out there that we don't already stock and, of course, future-proof existing ranges, which seem to grow exponentially every week. The Eye of the Storm, of course, will still retain our amazing shop, gaming hall and bar/restaurant, and you'll still be able to collect in store (either the venue or the new warehouse) should you wish!

    The move will occur at some point in August (barring unforeseen mishaps) but, to ensure we can execute the move over a weekend and minimise disruption to our customers as much as possible, we're trying to ensure the excess stock we hold on certain ranges is greatly reduced. That means we won't have to take as much to the new warehouse and thus perform the move much quicker!

    To that end, we're offering you an amazing 25% off UK RRP on any stock we hold on the following ranges until Monday, 30th of July:

    - Artizan: World War II
    - Avatars of War
    - Carnevale
    - Cool Mini or Not
    - Dark Age
    - Eden
    - Fantasy Flight Board Games
    - Fantasy Flight Living Card Games
    - Fantasy Flight Role-Playing Games
    - Forged in Battle
    - Freebooter's Fate
    - Gamezone Miniatures
    - Hell Dorado
    - Kings of War
    - Knight Models' Star Wars range (which is now deleted)
    - Magic: the Gathering
    - Mauser Earth
    - MERCS
    - Micro Art Studio (some of which is deleted)
    - Nemesis
    - Scibor Miniatures
    - Secrets of the Third Reich
    - SphereWars
    - Smog: 1888
    - Tale of War
    - The Templar's Forge range (which is now deleted)
    - Ultra-Pro

    - Warlord Games

    - Warpath

    It will work on all the items from the ranges above that are IN STOCK ONLY, but it will not work on any out of stock items or pre-orders, nor anything within our eBay store.

    Your 25% off UK RRP discount voucher ends on Monday, 30th of July 2012 at midnight (GMT).

    The voucher will work on pre-orders and, crucially, you'll still earn Moneyback - but tiered discounts are disabled when using a voucher of course.

    Your voucher code is: WAREHOUSE-MOVE

  5. J'ai cru voir quelque part (à moins d'un abus de moquette) qu'on utilisait pour le jet de sauvegarde de l'adversaire le bonus de l'arme et non pas la force modifiée par le CD, le descriptif du sort indiquant "...pour leur jet pour blesser au corps à corps...".

    Quand est-il du jet de sauvegarde à votre avis?


  6. Bonjour à tous,

    je recherche pour des parties de warhammer jdr différentes figs, que ce soit en plastique ou métal, de préférence chez citadel (pour l'échelle), ancienne ou nouvelle gamme:

    - humain genre répurgateur avec arbalète en main

    - halfling avec pistolet en main

    Voilà si vous avez des idées, merci car j'ai pas trouvé grand chose qui me convienne.


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