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Tout ce qui a été posté par Soulgnawer

  1. Je réponds à la place de David sur ce sujet qu'il ne maîtrise pas bien je pense. Obligation d'avoir un D8 pour le lancement des flux de magie, ou alors il existe une solution avec 2D6 pour ceux qui n'ont pas de D8 (que je pourrai leur expliquer s'ils le veulent). Mais pas de tirage des cartes, un tirage aux dés. Après libre à chacun d'avoir des cartes pour identifier celles qui sont déjà jouer, pour noter les cartes jouées par le copain en face... ou autre... Et pour répondre à ta question MWEAX : PAS DE TIRAGE SUR TABLETTE OU APPLICATION SMARTPHONE (c'est un jeu de dés autant sans servir) si vous vous mettez d'accord en début de partie vous pouvez même décider de passer outre la règle du dé obligatoire, mais à défaut la règle c'est "tirage du flux au dé" On résume : - tirage avec des dés - possibilité d'utiliser des cartes avec accord de l'adversaire - pas de tablette ou d'application
  2. L'armée sera la même. J'ai demandé à ce qu'on évite de changer la liste après publication de toutes les autres listes. et oui, c'est bien Damsetoi qui remplace le joueur démon des Hot Bash Normandy
  3. Bonjour Jaina, avez-vous déjà effectué une recherche de joueur remplaçant ? Il y a une liste de réservistes en post 1, pouvez vous les contacter rapidement et me tenir informé ? Dans l'idéal il faudrait conserver la liste démon publiée, si ce n'est pas possible on changera. J'ai envoyé un mp à : SIBELGO SILVARING DAMSETOI A vous de faire le reste.
  4. La liste de Desd qui remplace Fromage, c'est corrigé sur le fichier également. 2.6 DESD - roi des tombes Characters: 875/1800 Core: 1128/1125 Special: 495 Ancient ordnance: 1440/1575 Entombed: 205/1350 Mason's Menagerie: 950/1575 TOTAL: 4500 Nomarch (150) general, shield (5), aspen bow (5), crown of the pharaohs (75) 235 points Death cult hierarch (125), wizard master (cosmology) (225), hierophant (25) soul conduit (25) Sacred Hourglas (70), light armour (5): 475 Tomb architect (160), paired weapon (5); 165 29 skeletons archers (348) MC (40): 388 6 skeletons chariots (495), legion charioteers (0), EM (40): 535 20 skeletons (150), S (20), banner of the entombed (35) 205 3 great vultures: 155 6 scarab swarms: 340pt 9 shabtis archers (632) M (20): 652 1 charnel catapult: 200 1 charnel catapult: 200 1 sphynx: 450 1 dread sphynx: 500
  5. pfff.... j'ai renvoyé... Ensuite pour le logement, si tu veux j'ai la place à la maison dispo
  6. je peux te filer 40 squelettes, 1 varko et 1 nuée de CS. Je t'avais déjà proposé le varko il me semble

  7. 1 TEAM LRA2 1.1 Rudy Melone Beast Herds Minotaur Warlord: Army General, Paired Weapons Aaghor’s Affliction, Blessed Inscriptions, Potion of Swiftness, Crown of Horns 685 Minotaur Chieftain: Battle Standard Bearer, Beast Axe, Greater Totem Bearer, Heavy Armour, Shield Dark Rain, Willow’s Ward 545 33 Wildhorn Herd: Champion, Musician, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer Banner of the Wild Herd Blooded Horn Totem 521 21 Wildhorn Herd (Ambush) : Champion, Musician, Paired Weapons, Standard Bearer Banner of the Wild Herd Blooded Horn Totem 397 Beast Giant Beer Barrel 320 Beast Giant Giant Club 330 Briar Beast 120 Briar Beast 120 7 Minotaurs : Champion, Musician, Shield, Standard Bearer Totem Bearer: Black Wing Totem 677 7 Minotaurs : Champion, Musician, Shield, Standard Bearer Totem Bearer: Black Wing Totem 677 1 Razortusk Herd 100 Total : 4496 1.2 Marc “Soulgnawer” DREAD ELVES Characters : 1485 / 1800 Base : 1140 / 1125+ Special : 1873 Raiders : 600 690 - Cult Priest : Battle Standard Bearer , Cult of Yema , Divine Altar with Light Lance, Paired Weapons , Shield Banner of Discipline , Moraec's Reaping , Potion of Swiftness 445 - Oracle : Cosmology, Wizard Master, Wandering Familiar - Dominant 350 - Oracle : General, Cult of Yema , Light Armour , Occultism, Wizard Adept Destiny's Call 180 - 10 Corsairs, Paired Weapons 180 - 10 Corsairs, Paired Weapons 180 - 10 Corsairs, Paired Weapons 200 - 5 Dark Raiders, Repeater Crossbows 200 - 5 Dark Raiders, Repeater Crossbows 200 - 5 Dark Raiders, Repeater Crossbows 678 - 28 Dancers of Yema : Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer Banner Enchantment : Banner of Blood 425 - 7 Dread Knights Standard Bearer Stalker's Standard 190 - Raptor Chariot 190 - Raptor Chariot 135 – 5 harpies 255 – 5 Dark Acolytes, Cult of Yema Total : 4498 1.3 Carnielli christophe (carcris) sylvan elves total : 4498 characters (1800max) : 870 core (1125+) : 1140 spécial : 751 unseen arrows (1575max) : 983 fleet of foot (2025max) : 1989 forest giants (1125max) : 0 Forest Prince , light armour , sylvan blades , kindred shapeshifter , spirit of the whirlwind, destiny's call, sacred seeds 505 chieftain , BSB, light armour , sylvan lance , shield, kindred forest guardian , mist walker's mirror , willow's ward, lucky charm 365 23 forest guards, M,C,SB , predator pennant 410 10 heath riders musician 350 5 heath riders , sylvan longbows 190 5 heath riders , sylvan longbows 190 27 forest rangers , M,C,SB , banner of deception , vanguard 751 6 sylvan sentinels , scout 209 9 pathfinders 387 9 pathfinders 387 3 kestrel knights , shield , SB , banner of silent mist 377 3 kestrel knights , shield, SB , banner of silent mist 377 1.4 Flint Junior Amaury Daemon Pestilence Le MEILLEUR de TOUS ! Ou le Basheur ! Harbringer of pestilence, Géneral : Halberd, Wizard Adept divination, Bloated Putrefaction, Nauseating Aura 535 Harbringer of pestilence : Halberd, Wizard Adept evocation, Bloated Putrefaction, Nauseating Aura, Blight fly, BSB 660 30 Tallymen : CMSB, Contamination, Banner of the Relentless Company 900 6 Pestilent Beasts, Contamination 802 5 Pestilent Beasts, Contamination 670 5 Blight flies, CMSB, Banner of Speed, Contamination 780 5 furies, pestilence 145 1.5 Xavier Flint Senior – CV Necromancer, General : Dead Arise, wizard master Alchemy, book of arcane power, lightning wanbraces 500 Necromancer, evocation 125 Barrow king, paired weapons, hero’s heart, hypnotic pendant 345 Barrow king, paired weapons, BSB, Flaming standard, destiny’s call, touch of greatness 390 20 zombies, sb, m 155 29 skeletons, c, m, sb, legion standard 325 29 skeletons, c, m, sb, legion standard 325 8 dire wolves 113 35 Barrow guard, c, m, sb, halberd, black standard of zagvozd 910 Court of the damned 320 Varkolak 330 Varkolak 330 Varkolak 330 4498 1.6 Franck “Aesanar” HE Mage Order of the fiery heart Alchimie Master Young dragon dragon forged armor paired weapons Hero’s heart Glittering lacquer Diadem of protection 960 Commander BSB Master of the Canreig tower shield Banner of speed 385 7 Lancers full command war banner of ryma 463 7 Lancers full command war banner of ryma 463 5 Elein reavers musician 200 22 sword masters full command War banner of ryma 685 Lions chariot 220 Lions chariot 220 Great Eagle 100 10 Queen's guards musician 300 10 Queen's guards musician 300 5 Grey watchers paired weapons scout 175 2 TEAM LEXIE RESISTANTS BATTLE 2.1 MWEAX – DWARF - CAPTAIN CHARACTERS: 1080/1800 CORE: 1140/1125 SPECIAL: 1415 CLANS’ THUNDER: 400/1575 ENGINES OF WAR: 465/900 TOTAL: 4500 615 - King (225) - general - great weapon (20) - shield bearers (120) - Rof Destruction (80) - Rof Craftmanship (40) - Rof Might (40) - 3 Rof Shielding (90) 280- Thane (120) - BSB (50) - shield (10) - Rof Iron (20) - Rof Dragon’s Breath (55) - Legion standard (25) 185 - Anvil of Power 840 - 30 Greybeards (575) - shield (60) - throwing weapon (120) - FC (60) - Legion standard (25) 150 - 10 clan warriors (120) - shield (10) - musician (20) 150 - 10 clan warriors (120) - shield (10) - musician (20) 650 - 6 Hold Guardians (555) - FC (60) - Rof standard of Wisdom (35) 650 - 6 Hold Guardians (555) - FC (60) – flaming standard (35) 115 - vengeance seeker 200 - bomber 200 - bomber 155 - Ballista (105) - crafted (50) 155 - Ballista (105) - crafted (50) 155 - Ballista (105) - crafted (50) 2.2 HEYDRICK – INFERNAL DWARF CHARACTERS: 1310/1800 CORE: 1160/1125 SPECIAL: 758 HAIL OF THE GODS: 1160/1350 BARRAGE: 820/900 BOUND AND BLINDER : 450/1575 TOTAL: 4498 465 - Overlord (270) - general - Shield (5) - Onyx Core (110) - Destiny's Call (70) -Potion of Swiftness (10) 325 - Vizier (125) - BSB (50) - Ring of desiccation (75) - Flaming Standard (35) - Ghostly Guard (40) 520 - Prophet Wizard (160) - WM (265) – Alchemy - Magical Heirloom (40) - Binding Scroll (55 ) 290 - 10 Citadel Guard (190) - M (20) - Replace Shield with Flintlock (80) 290 - 10 Citadel Guard (190) - M (20) - Replace Shield with Flintlock (80) 290 - 10 Citadel Guard (190) - M (20) - Replace Shield with Flintlock (80) 290 - 10 Citadel Guard (190) - M (20) - Replace Shield with Flintlock (80) 758 - 24 Immortals (552) - EMC (60) - Shield (48) - Infernal Weapon (48) -Banner of Shamut (50) 390 - Titan Mortar (300) - Bound Daemon (90) 130 - Gunnery Team - Flamethrower (130) 150 - Gunnery Team - Volley Gun (150) 150 - Volcano cannon (150) 450 - Infernal Engine (145) - Steam Hammers (305) 2.3 SEVEN – VAMPIRE COVENANT CHARACTERS: 1540/1800 CORE: 908/900 SPECIAL: 1365 THE SUFFERING: 216/900 SWIFT DEATH: 465/1350 TOTAL: 4494 630 - Vampire count (325) - general - Dead arise (25) - light armor (5) - wizard apprentice (evocation) - Reaper’s Harvest (115) -Destiny’s Call (70) - Mask of innocence (40) - Lamia (50) 285 - Necromancer (125) - Wizard adept 75 (alchemy) - necromancer staff (85) 250 - Necro (125) - Wizard adept 75 (evocation) - Lightning Vambraces (50) 375 - Barrow kings (190) - BSB (50) - Hypnotic Pendant (100) - flaming standard (35) 335 - 30 squelettes (250) - FCG (60) - Standard formation (25) 135 - 20 zombis (115) - M (20) 135 - 20 zombis (115) - M (20) 303 - 19 goules (283) – C (20) 785 - 30 barrow guard (505) - FCG (60) - halberd (120) - Zagvozd's Guard Banner (100) 400 - Court of the damned (320) - Aegis (4+) 80 90 - Great bat 90 - Great bat 216 - 6 wraiths 465 - 5 Vampire Knights (445) - M (20) 2.4 GROBLIN – BEAST HERDS CHARACTERS: 1600/1800 CORE: 900/900 SPECIAL: 1091 TERRORS OF THE WILD: 1635/1800 AMBUSH PREDATORS : 680/2700 TOTAL: 4491 460 - Soothsayer (155) – Wizard Master (225) - Dark Rain (80) (Shamanism) 470 - Centaur Chieftain (230) - bsb (50) - Heavy armor (15) - shield (5) - hawthorn curse (80) - great totem Bearer (90) 670 - Warlord Minotaur (470) – General - Beast Axe (30) - shield (10) – heavy armour (15) - Death cheater (90) - eye of dominance (30) - Crown of Horn (25) 220 - 15 wildhorn herd (150) – Paired Weapon (30) – musician (20) – champion (20) 220 - 15 wildhorn herd (150) – musician (20) – Paired Weapon (30) – Ambush (20) 220 - 15 wildhorn herd (150) – musician (20) – Paired Weapon (30) – Ambush (20) 120 - 10 mongrel raiders (100) – scout (20) 120 - 10 mongrel raiders (100) – scout (20) 591 - 6 Minotaurs (480) – FC (60) - shield (36) - blooded horn totem (15) 355 - 10 centaurs (295) – musician (20) – Paired Weapon (40) 145 - 5 gargoyles 300 - Beast Giant 300 - Beast Giant 300 - Beast Giant 2.5 HASAEL– DEAMON LEGIONS CHARACTERS: 1090/1800 CORE: 1130/1225 SPECIAL: 290 PESTILENCE: 1840/2700 WRATH: 1700/2700 CHANGE: 670/2700 TOTAL: 4500 585 - Harbinger of Pestilence (230) - apprentice witchcraft (40) - bsb (50) - halberd (10) - contamination (80) - blight fly (75) – Nauseating Aura (100) 505 - Harbinger of Pestilence (230) - apprentice divination (40) general, bloated putrefaction (80) halberd (10) blight fly (75) veil of shadow (70) 335 - 10 horrors (175) musician (20) champion (140) 335 - 10 horrors (175) musician (20) champion (140) 460 - 18 Slaughterers (420) musician (20) champion (20) 750 - 5 Blight flies (620) - FC (60) - rending banner (70) 620 - 5 Crushers (580) – musician (20) – champion (20) 620 - 5 Crushers (580) – musician (20) – champion (20) 145 - 5 furies of pestilence 145 - 5 furies of pestilence 2.6 DESD - roi des tombes Characters: 875/1800 Core: 1128/1125 Special: 495 Ancient ordnance: 1440/1575 Entombed: 205/1350 Mason's Menagerie: 950/1575 TOTAL: 4500 Nomarch (150) general, shield (5), aspen bow (5), crown of the pharaohs (75) 235 points Death cult hierarch (125), wizard master (cosmology) (225), hierophant (25) soul conduit (25) Sacred Hourglas (70), light armour (5): 475 Tomb architect (160), paired weapon (5); 165 29 skeletons archers (348) MC (40): 388 6 skeletons chariots (495), legion charioteers (0), EM (40): 535 20 skeletons (150), S (20), banner of the entombed (35) 205 3 great vultures: 155 6 scarab swarms: 340pt 9 shabtis archers (632) M (20): 652 1 charnel catapult: 200 1 charnel catapult: 200 1 sphynx: 450 1 dread sphynx: 500 3 LES ENFANTS DU SUD 3.1 Benjamin “Benji” Nardelli – Vampire Covenant Necromancer, General, Wizard Master Evocation, Necromancer's Staff, The Dead arise - 465 Necromancer, Adept Alchemy - 200 Necromancer, Apprentice Evocation, Magical Heirloom - 165 Barrow King, BSB, Hypnotic Pendant, Flaming standard - 375 21 zombies, musician - 140 20 zombies, musician - 135 39 ghouls, champion - 643 2 great bats - 90 2 great bats - 90 2 great bats - 90 30 Barrow Guard, Halberd, FCG, Zagvozd's Guard Banner - 785 Court of the Damned - 320 Shrieking Horror - 500 Shrieking Horror - 500 4498 3.2 Lionel "Wingaal" Paludetto - Beast Herds Beast Lord, general, Hunting Call, Razortusk Chariot, HA, shield, Basalt Infusion - 445 Beast Chieftain, Battle Standard Bearer, Raiding Chariot, HA, shield, Beast Axe -290 Soothsayer, Lore Druidism, Wizard Master, Raiding Chariot, Seed of the Dark Forest, Ancestral Carvings - 525 15 Wildhorn herd, FCG, totem bearer with Blooded Horn Totem, Ambush, PW - 275 15 Wildhorn herd, FCG, totem bearer with Blooded Horn Totem, Ambush, PW - 275 3 Raiding Chariot - 350 15 Longhorn herd, Std, Msc, Ambush, GW - 360 15 Longhorn herd, Std, Msc, Ambush, GW - 360 4 Minotaurs, M - 340 4 Minotaurs, M - 340 Gortach - 470 Gortach - 470 4500 3.3 Louis "juggernaut" duquet - kingdom of equitaine Duke, barded warhorse, general, Shield, questing oath and bastard sword, audacity, crusader's salvation, fortress of faith, potion of strength - 545 Damsel, magical heirloom, wizard adept, druidism - 245 Damsel, wizard adept, divination - 205 Paladin, barded warhorse, questing oath and bastard sword, BSB, shield, daring, basalt infusion, banner of speed, lucky charm - 405 30 Peasant levy, musician - 185 30 Peasant levy, musician - 185 30 Peasant levy, musician - 185 6 Knights of the realm, musician, standard bearer - 300 6 Knights of the realm, musician - 280 8 Knights of the grail, FCG, stalker's standard - 750 12 Knights of the quest, FCG, stalker's standard - 700 10 brigands - 190 10 brigands - 190 5 yeomen outriders, shield, light armour 130 4495 3.4 Vincent "Vince3310" Bernat- Undying Dynasties Nomarch on Chariot, Steeds of Nephet-Ra, Ghostly Guard, Heavy Armor, Shield - 305 Nomarch on Skeleton Horse, Crown of the Pharaohs, general, Shield - 270 Death Cult Hierarch on Skeleton Horse, Hierophant, Wizard Master divination - 395 Death Cult Hierarch on Skeleton Horse, Wizard Adept Evocation - 220 20 Skeletons with Spear, Musician, Standard, Banner of the Entombed - 225 20 Skeletons with Spear, Musician, Standard, Banner of the Entombed - 225 6 Skeleton chariots: Legion Charioteers, Musician - 515 10 Skeleton Cavalry, musician - 230 3 Tomb Cataphracts, musician, champion, Ambush - 410 3 Great Vultures - 155 5 Scarab Swarms - 290 1 Sand Scorpion - 155 1 Sand Scorpion - 155 Battle Sphinx - 450 Dread Sphinx - 500 4500 3.5 Geoffrey "Vvalor" SANCHEZ - Sylvan Elves Chieftain (General): Pathfinder, Sylvan Long Bow - 225 Chieftain: Pathfinder, Battle Standard Bearer, Sylvan Long Bow - 275 Druid: Master (Cosmology), Sylvan Longbow, Lightning Vambraces - 430 11 Heath Rider: Sylvan Long Bow (3+), Musician, Sylvan Longbow -402 10 Heath Rider: Sylvan Long Bow (3+), Musician, Sylvan Longbow - 370 10 Heath Rider: Sylvan Long Bow (3+), Musician, Sylvan Longbow - 370 4 Thicket beasts - 282 3 Thicket beasts - 210 3 Thicket beasts - 210 5 Briar Maidens, C - 325 5 Briar Maidens, C - 325 9 Pathfinders - 387 9 Pathfinders - 387 9 Sylvan Sentinels - 284 4482 3.6 Nicolas "Niko" LEMERY – O&G Common Orc Shaman, Army general, Shamanism, wizard master, crown of autocracy, rod of battle, War cry! - 555 Iron orc chief, BSB, shield, talisman of shielding, green tide - 310 Common goblin witch doctor, Wizard adept, witchcraft, Sceptre of power, skull fetish - 285 20 common orcs, musician, standard bearer, bow, banner of discipline - 270 21 cave goblins, bows, mad git, musician - 253 29 feral orcs Eadbashers, Paired weapon, FCG, mammoth stabber, green tide - 772 5 forest goblin raiders - 120 32 iron orcs, FCG, minimok totem - 902 Great green idol - 350 Giant, Wrecking balls - 320 Greenhide catapult: Git launcher - 180 Greenhide catapult: Git launcher - 180 4497 4 TEAM ALICE RESISTANTS BATTLE 4.1 Matthieu " Tuttle " MEYER (capitaine) - Warriors of the Dark Gods Characters 1 760 / 2 025 Core 914 / 0 900 Special no limit Legendary Beast 0 000 / 2 025 Chosen Lord (general) : favour of Envy, great weapon, Blessed inscriptions, Basalt infusion, Talisman of shielding, luck of the dark gods & black steed. 705 Chosen Lord : favour of Envy, BSB, halberd,Supernatural dexterity, shield, Dusk forged, master of destruction & black steed. 685 Sorcerer : wizard adept of Evocation, plate armour, Rod of battle & black steed. 370 11 Warriors : CMS & halberd. 432 8 Barbarian horsemen : M & light lance.241 8 Barbarian horsemen : M & light lance.241 3 Chosen knights : CMS & favour of Pride.485 3 Chosen knights : CMS & favour of Pride.485 5 Warriors knights : CMS & lance. 370 5 Warriors knights : CM & lance. 350 5 Warhounds 100 TOTAL = 4 464 points. 4.2 Baptiste " Braxx " RAVEGLIA - Daemons Legion Characters 960 / 1 800 Core 1 160 / 1 125 Minions of Change 670 / 2 700 Minions of Lust 0 00 / 2 700 Minions of Pestilence 1 340 / 2 700 Minions of Wrath 2 200 / 2 700 Special no limit Dark God’s Might 0 000 / 1 800 Harbinger of Wrath (general) : blood sword,Portal gem & crusher. 350 Harbinger of Pestilence : wizard adept of Divination, halberd, Nauseating aura, bloated putrefaction & blight fly. 610 18 Slaughterers : MS & Banner of the relentless company. 490 10 Horrors : CM. 335 10 Horrors : CM. 335 5 Blight flies : CMS & Banner of speed. 730 5 Crusher cavalry : MS & Stalker's standard. 670 3 Crusher cavalry : M. 360 5 Hellhounds : ambush. 330 5 Furies : daemon of Wrath. 145 5 Furies : daemon of Wrath. 145 TOTAL = 4 500 points 4.3 Florian " Starlak " DESSENS - Ogre Khans Characters 850 / 1 800 Core 1 151 / 1 125 Powder Keg 1 467 / 1 575 Special no limit Chained beast 950 / 1 350 Shaman (general) : wizard master of Pyromancy, Crown of autocracy, Magical heirloom, iron fist & light armour. 560 Khan : BSB, paired weapon & Aether icon.290 10 Bruisers : CMS. 831 3 Tribesmen 160 3 Tribesmen 160 6 Mercenary Veterans : CMS, accurate, poison, brace of ogre pistols & Flaming standard. 827 Sabretooth tiger 80 Thunder cannon 320 Thunder cannon 320 Rock Auroch 475 Rock Auroch 475 TOTAL = 4 498 points. 4.4 Marc " Leith " DEYCARD - Empire of Sonnstahl Characters 940 / 1 800 Core 1 145 / 1 125 Imperial auxiliaries 455 / 1 575 Special no limit Sunna’s fury 560 / 1 350 Imperial armoury 510 / 0 900 Marshal (general) : Imperial seal & Talisman of the void. 290 Marshal : BSB & Household standard. 210 Wizard : wizard adept of Alchemy &Magical heirloom. 240 Wizard : wizard adept of Cosmology. 200 15 State militia : bow & skirmishers. 155 10 State militia : bow & skirmishers. 110 10 State militia : bow & skirmishers. 110 10 State militia : bow & skirmishers. 110 5 Electoral cavalry : M & shield. 220 5 Electoral cavalry : M & shield. 220 5 Electoral cavalry : M & shield. 220 40 Imperial guards : CMS & Flaming standard. 740 5 Knights of the sun griffon : MS, shield & Flaming standard. 605 Arcane engine : foresight. 280 Arcane engine : arcane shield. 280 Canon 255 Canon 255 TOTAL = 4 500 points 4.5 Florian " Bouffy " DEZALAY - Highborn Elfs Characters 1 065 / 1 800 Core 1 136 / 1 125 Queen’s bow 890 / 1 350 Special no limit Naval ordonnance 000 / 0 675 Ancient allies 000 / 0 900 Mage (general) : wizard master of Cosmology, asfad scholar, light armour,Gleaming robe & Magical heirloom. 610 Commander : BSB, queen's cavalier, lance, heavy armour, shield, Basalt infusion, Ryma banner & elven horse. 455 14 Highborn lancers : CMS & Rending banner. 776 5 Elein reavers 180 5 Elein reavers 180 30 Sword masters : CMS & Ryma banner.885 29 Lion guards : CMS & Navigator's banner. 878 8 Grey watchers 265 8 Grey watchers 265 TOTAL = 4 494 points. 4.6 Andreas " Njut " LøRHEN - Infernal Dwarves Characters 1 445 / 1 800 Core 1 125 / 1 125 Special no limit Bound and Binders 1 425 / 1 575 Barrage 0 300 / 0 900 Hail of the Gods 0 000 / 1 350 Overlord (general) : infernal weapon, Onyx core, shield, Death cheater, Willow's ward, Potion of swiftness & Gauntlets of madzhab.560 Prophet wizard : wizard master of Alchemy, shield, Besheluk's mechanism & Alchemist's alloy. 500 Chosen of lugar : BSB, great weapon, Ring of desiccation & Lugar's dice. 385 30 Citadel guards : CMS & Flaming standard. 745 20 Orc slaves : M. 135 15 Infernal warriors : M & shield. 245 5 Taurukhs : M, infernal weapon & shield.205 Infernal artillery : volcano cannon 150 Infernal artillery : volcano cannon 150 6 Kadim incarnates 680 24 Disciples of lugar : CMS & Rending banner. 745 TOTAL = 4 500 points. 5 TEAM JOYEUX ENFANTS DE LA BOURGOGNE 5.1 Cédric « yellowchicken » Jouan – Dread Elves Oracle, General, Wizard master, Cosmology, Book of arcane, Ring of shadows - 530 Captain, Bsb, fleet commander, hero s heart heavy armor shield banner of speed - 370 20 corsairs, paired weapons, banner of speed, S, M - 480 20 corsairs, paires weapons, banner of speed, S, M - 480 10 blade of nabh, S, C - 290 Medusa, paired weapon - 175 Medusa, paired weapon - 175 Divine altar, paired weapon - 365 Kraken 375 Kraken 375 28 Dancers of yema, S, M, C, Banner of blood - 678 Raptor chariot - 190 4483 5.2 Gérald « Groumbahk » Chauchot – Orcs and Goblins Iron orc warlord, general, shield, war cry !, paired weapons, talisman of shielding - 395 Common goblin chief, BSB, bow, talisman of the void, pan of protection pinchin - 195 Cave goblin chief, lance, cave gnasher - 145 Cave goblin chief, lance, cave gnasher - 145 Common goblin witch doctor, wizard adept, Thaumaturgy - 190 Common goblin witch doctor, wizard master, Witchcraft - 340 45 cave goblins, shield, 3 mad gits, S, C - 505 45 cave goblins, shield, 3 mad gits, S, C - 505 30 common goblins, spear & shield, 3 shady gits, S, Green tide - 320 20 common goblins, bow, M - 180 19 iron orcs, S, C, Green tide - 489 Gnasher wrecking team - 155 Gnasher wrecking team - 155 Scrap wagon - 90 Scrap wagon - 90 Splatterer, Orc overseer - 200 Splatterer, Orc overseer - 200 Splatterer, Orc overseer – 200 4499 5.3 Rémi “Hebus71” Terracol – Warriors of the Dark Gods Chosen Lord, BsB, Greed, Karkadan, Halberd, Touch of Greatness, Death Cheater - 695 Exalted Herald, general - 800 13 Warriors, Paired Weapons, S, M, Banner of Speed – 461 13 Warriors, Paired Weapons, S, M, Banner of Speed - 461 5 Warhounds - 100 5 Barbarians horsemen, Paired weapons - 135 1 Warrior Chariot - 230 4 Chosen Knights, Greed, S, M, C, Flaming Standard - 725 3 Chosen Knights, Greed, M – 525 -> 505 6 Chosen, Wrath, Paired Weapons, M - 386 4498 5.4 Stephane « Sleekit » Humbert – Beast Herds Beast Lord, General, heavy armour, paired weapons, Talisman of the void, Hero’s heart, Talisman of shielding – 380 Beast Chieftain, paired weapons, Battle standard bearer, Supernatural dexterity, Destiny’s call – 285 Soothsayer, Wizard master, Druidism, Book of arcane power – 450 3 Raiding chariot - 350 15 Wildhorn herd, ambush, Throwing weapons, M – 220 15 Wildhorn herd, ambush, Throwing weapons, M – 220 20 Mongrel raiders, M – 200 5 Feral hound 80 5 Feral hound 80 6 Minotaurs, Paired weapons, C, Totem bearer, Black wing totem, S M, – 615 28 Longhorn herd, C, Totem bearers, blooded horn totem, M, S – 677 Gortach – 470 Gortach - 470 4497 5.5 Jacques-Antoine "Jackot" Cruchaudet – Dwarven Holds King, general, Shield, Rune of iron, Handgun – 270 Runic smith, Shield, 3 Battle runes - 235 Dragon seeker, Rune of destruction, Rune of quickening, Rune of fury, Grim Resolve - 435 Anvil of power - 185 19 Greybeards, Shield, C, S – 433 19 Greybeards, Shield, C, S - 433 20 Clan Marksmen, Shield, Handgun, Guilded hand gun – 510 3 Hold Guardians, M – 290 3 Hold Guardians, M – 290 15 Miners, Throwing weapons, Shield, M - 350 15 Miners, Throwing weapons, Shield, M – 350 Vengeance seeker – 115 2 Attack copter – 300 Flame Cannon, Rune crafted - 150 Flame Cannon, Rune crafted - 150 4496 5.6 Christophe « Christophe63 » Deligia – Saurus Ancien Cuatl lord, Grasp of the immortal, Essence of a free mind, Pyromancy, Alchemy 635 Saurus Warlord, general, Destiny's call, heavy armour, spear, Gloary of the dawn age, Potion of swiftness - 465 Saurian Veteran, BSB, heavy armour, great weapons, death cheater - 355 15 Saurus, M, Totem Piranha - 300 15 Saurus, M, Totem Piranha - 300 15 Saurus, M, Totem Piranha - 300 20 Temples guard, M, C - 560 2 Weapons beast Salamandre - 320 2 Weapons beast Salamandre - 320 3 pteradons sentries - 200 3 pteradons sentries - 200 Taurosaur, engine of the ancient - 540 4495 6 TEAM VINTAGE OU BIEN 6.1 Enguerran «Le Hardi» Georges Ogre Khans Characters 805/1800 Bases 1130/1125 Special 1402/4500 Powder Keg 1160/1575 Shaman, Wizard Master , General, Pyromancy, Crown of autocracy, Magical heirloom- 545 Khan, BSB, Brace of ogre pistol - 260 8 bruiser, S, M, C, Pennant of the great grass sky - 715 5 tribesmen, S, M,C Ironfists, Banner of discipline - 415 4 Tusker Cavalry , M , Great weapons - 661 4 Tusker Cavalry , M , Great weapons - 661 1 Thunder canon - 320 1 Thunder canon - 320 1 Scratapult - 260 1 Scratapult - 260 1 Sabertooth - 80 Total : 4497 6.2 Julien « Solkiss » FREY – Vermin Swarm Characters 1200/1800 Core 1141/1125 Special 965 Tunnel gunners 1187/1350 Built and bred 400/1350 Magister, General, Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Light Armour, Basalt Infusion, Book of Arcane Power, Second Awakening, 3 Dark Shards, Doom Bell – 940 Chief, BSB, The Lightning Rod - 260 34 Rats-at-arms, M, S, C, Aether Icon – 387 34 Rats-at-arms, M, S, C, Legion Standard – 377 34 Rats-at-arms, M, S, C, Legion Standard – 377 Weapon Team, Rotary Gun - 150 Weapon Team, Rotary Gun - 150 Weapon Team, Rotary Gun - 150 2 Rat Swarms - 90 2 Rat Swarms - 90 Meat Grinder - 150 Meat Grinder - 150 8 Gutter Blades, Scouts & Ambush - 257 4 Vermin Hulks, Thunder Hulks, C, Rotary Gun - 485 Lightning Canon - 240 Lightning Canon - 240 4498 6.3 Sylvain "Cocofreeze" JABER - Empire of Stonnstahl characters 1440/1800 core 1130/1125 sunna 755/1350 special 1140 Imperial auxiliaries 440/1575 Imperial armoury 510/900 Marshal, General, Imperial Prince, Dragon, pistol, dragon staff, potion of swiftness 855 Wizard Master, Cosmology, magical heirloom 390 Marshal, BSB, banner of discipline 195 10 state militia, bows, skirmish 110 10 state militia, bows, skirmish 110 10 state militia, bows, skirmish 110 10 state militia, bows, skirmish 110 20 heavy infantery Musician 170 5 electoral cavalery, shield, FCG, 260 5 electoral cavalery, shield, FCG, 260 5 knights of the sun griffon, lance &shield, musician, champion 570 5 knights of the sun griffon, lance &shield, musician, champion 570 Arcane engine Foresight 280 1 canon 255 1 canon 255 4500 6.4 Josselin"Baooss"Coellier (C) Character - 1780 Base - 1142 Death from above - 400 Special - 1178 Iron orc warboss, Warcry General, Omen of the aporcalypse, destiny's call, potion of swiftness 530 Iron orc chief, BSB, Green tide, Banner of speed, Shield 310 Common Goblin witchdoctor, wizard master, Essence of a free mind, pyromancy/Thaumaturgy 390 Common Goblin witchdoctor, witchcraft 115 Cave Goblin Chief, Lance, Cave Gnasher 145 Cave Goblin Chief, Lance, Cave Gnasher 145 Cave Goblin Chief, Lance, Cave Gnasher 145 58 Forest Goblin, Spear&shield, FCG, Green Tide 569 48 Cave Goblin, 3 mad gits, FCG, Relentless company 573 35 Iron orc, FCG, Minimok totem 980 7 Gnasher dasher 198 Git launcher, Brute 200 Git launcher, Brute 200 4500 6.5 Thibault « Grostiti » Rigolet, Deamons Legion. Character - 1090 Base - 1130 Minion of pestilence: 750 Minion of Wrath: 1240 Special: 290 Harbinger pesti, apprentice witchcraft, bsb, halberd, contamination, blight fly , nauseating aura - 585 Harbinger pesti, apprentice divination general, bloated putrefaction, halberd, blight fly, veil of shadow - 505 10 horrors, musician, champion - 335 10 horrors, musician, champion - 335 18 Slaughterers, musician champion - 460 5 Blight flies, emc, rending banner - 750 5 Crushers, mc - 620 5 Crushers, mc - 620 5 furies, pestilence - 145 5 furies, pestilence - 145 4500 6.6 Alexandre « Chaw » Houpin, Kingdom of Equitaine Total – 4499 Characters – 1650 Core – 1131 Special - 1718 Duke, General, Questing Oath & Bastard sword, Shield, Barded Warhorse, Virtue of Piety, Blessed Inscription, Crusader’s Salvation – 505 Paladin, BSB, Grail Oath, Shield, Barded Warhorse, Fortress of Faith, Alchemist’s Alloy, Lucky Charm – 355 Paladin, Virtue of Humility, Shield – 180 Damsel, Adept, Druidism, Barded Warhorse, Magical Heirloom, Talisman of the Void – 325 Damsel, Adept, Divination, Storm Clarion – 285 13 Knights of the Realm, Champion, Musician, Standard, Banner of the Last Charge – 706 30 Peasant Levy, Champion, Musician, Standard – 225 30 Peasant Levy, Musician, Standard – 205 11 Knights of the Quest, Champion, Musician, Standard, Flaming Standard – 635 14 Brigands – 254 14 Brigands – 254 Trebuchet – 285 Trebuchet – 285 7 TEAM Awesomeness Incarnate 7.1 Charles "Kikipou" Cabal - Sylvan Elves Forest Prince, Shapeshifter, Curse of the Black Stag, Shield, Elven Cloak, Great Weapon, Light Armor, Talisman of Shielding - 430 Dryad Ancient, General, Toxic Spores, Wizard Adept, Druidism - 275 Chieftain, BSB, Light Armor, Elven Cloak, Shield, Hail Shot - 290 8 Dryads - 150 18 Sylvan Archers, M – 470 18 Sylvan Archers, M - 470 17 Sylvan Archers, M - 445 20 Dryads, C - 410 1 Forest Eagle - 100 1 Forest Eagle - 100 6 Thicket Beasts - 426 1 Treefather – 465 1 Treefather - 465 4496 7.2 Julien "Mimoteph" Jean - Saurian Ancients Saurian Warlord, Great Weapon, Death Cheater, Raptor - 500 Saurian Warlord, Great Weapon, Talisman of Shielding, Taurosaur's Vigour, Lucky Charm, Cleansing Light, Raptor - 560 Cuatl Lord, BSB, General, Protean Potentate - 650 15 Saurian Warriors, M, Jaguar – 315 15 Saurian Warriors, M, Jaguar - 315 15 Saurian Warriors, M, Jaguar - 315 5 Raptor Riders, M - 280 5 Raptor Riders, M - 280 3 Caimans - 210 2 Snake Swarms, Scout - 130 2 Snake Swarms, 110 2 Weapon Beasts, Spearback - 260 1 Weapon Beasts, Salamander - 160 1 Weapon Beasts, Salamander - 160 5 Skink Hunters, Blowpipes - 120 5 Skink Hunters, Blowpipes - 120 4485 7.3 Yohann "Haltaifkathr" Teston - Warriors of the Dark Gods - Captain Exalted Herald, General - 800 Chosen Lord, Greed, Black Steed, BSB, Great Weapon, Basalt Infusion, Talisman of Shielding, Rod of Battle, Luck of the Dark Gods - 770 10 Warriors, MC, Halberds – 380 10 Warriors, MC, Halberds - 380 9 War hounds - 140 10 Chosen, Greed, MSC, Halberds, Flaming Standard - 765 8 Warrior Knights, MSC, Lances, Stalker's Standard - 594 4 Chosen Knights, Lust, MSC - 670 4499 7.4 Arthur "MeuhMeuh" Jouanolou - Dwarven Holds Runic Smith, General, Shield, 3 Battle Runes, Rune of Devouring, Rune of Steadiness, Rune of Iron - 355 Dragon Seeker, Monster Seeker, Rune of Quickening, Rune of Smashing, Rune of Fire - 370 Anvil of Power - 185 10 Greybeards, M, Shields, Throwing Weapons – 255 10 Greybeards, M, Shields, Throwing Weapons - 255 10 Greybeards, M, Shields, Throwing Weapons - 255 14 Marksmen, M, Shields, Guild-Crafted Handguns - 380 10 Miners, M, Shields, Throwing Weapons - 240 10 Miners, M, Shields, Throwing Weapons - 240 1 Vengeance Seeker - 115 1 Vengeance Seeker - 115 2 Attack Copters - 300 2 Attack Copters - 300 10 Seekers, C, Skirmishers, Vanguard - 285 Cannon, Flaming Shot - 270 Cannon - 260 Organ Gun, Rune Crafted - 320 4500 7.5 Vincent "Pti Vincent" Arnaud - Empire of Sonnstahl Marshal, General, Great Tactician, Imperial Seal - 305 Marshal, BSB, Household Standard - 210 Wizard, Wizard Adept, Cosmology - 200 Prelate, Shield, Plate Armour, Blacksteel, Hammer of Witches, Lucky Charm - 270 Artificer, Repeater Gun - 135 Artificer, Repeater Gun - 135 10 State Militia, Skirmishers, Pistols - 130 10 State Militia, Skirmishers, Pistols - 130 10 State Militia, Skirmishers, Pistols - 130 10 State Militia, Skirmishers, Bows - 110 14 Light Infantrymen, Handguns, M - 207 14 Light Infantrymen, Handguns, M - 207 14 Light Infantrymen, Handguns, M - 207 14 Light Infantrymen, Handguns, M - 207 14 Light Infantrymen, Handguns, M - 207 15 Imperial Guards, M - 215 15 Imperial Guards, M - 215 1 Cannon - 255 1 Cannon - 255 30 Flagellants, C - 520 15 Flagellants, C - 250 4500 7.6 Laurent "MysticAngel" Rosini - Vampire Covenant Necromancer, General, Wizard Adept, Evocation, The Dead Arise - 230 Necromancer, Wizard Master, Evocation - 350 Necromancer, Wizard Apprentice, Evocation - 125 Vampire Courtier, Strigoi, Wizard Apprentice, Shamanism, True Thirst - 375 2 Bat Swarms - 110 2 Bat Swarms - 110 40 Ghouls, C, Vanguard - 740 26 Zombies, MS - 185 26 Zombies, MS - 185 25 Zombies, MS - 180 22 Skeletons, MSC - 230 5 Phantom Hosts - 360 1 Varkolak - 330 1 Varkolak - 330 1 Varkolak - 330 1 Varkolak - 330 4500 8 TEAM : Les chevaliers de la Duchesse 8.1 Jérémie "Cheveux" Hauteville - Warriors of the Dark Gods (capitaine) Exalted Herald, general - 800 Sorcerer, path of evocation, Magical Heirloom - 280 20 Warriors, halberd, CMS, Banner of the Relentless Company - 750 5 Fallen - 165 4 Chosen Knights, CMS, Rending Banner, Favour of Lust - 740 4 Chosen Knights, CMS, Flaming Standard, Favour of Lust - 705 6 Warrior Knights, M, lances - 388 6 Warrior Knights, M, lances - 388 5 Flayers - 140 5 Flayers - 140 4496 8.2 Paul "Polo-La-Lune" Tandetnik - Saurian Ancients Saurian Warlord, General, Alpha Carnosaur, Halberd, Starfall Shard, Jade staff, kings slayer - 945 Saurian Veteran, raptor, halberd, death cheater - 405 Saurian Veteran, raptor, Battle Standard Bearer, Lance, shield, Dusk Forged, Dragonfire Gem - 435 15 Saurian Warriors, musician, Jaguar Totem - 315 15 Saurian Warriors, musician, Jaguar Totem - 315 15 skink brave -140 15 Skink Brave -140 2 Snakes Swarms - 110 1 Weapon Beast, Spreadback -130 1 Weapon Beast, Salamander - 160 1 Weapon Beast, Salamander - 160 3 Ramphodon Riders, shields - 244 3 Ramphodon Riders, shields - 244 1 Stygiosaur, Mystic Traveller - 375 1 Stygiosaur, Mystic Traveller - 375 4493 8.3 Julien "Elistan" Ménec - Kingdom of Equitaine Duke, general, warhorse, shield, lance, questing oath and bastard sword, virtue of might, divine judgement, crusader salvation, potion of speed - 585 Paladin, warhorse, shield, lance, grail oath, fortress of faith, alchemist alloy - 305 Paladin, warhorse, shield, lance, virtue of daring, battle standard bearer, basalt infusion, flaming standard - 355 Damsel, warhorse, adept divination - 245 12 aspirants knights, musician, standard, champion, banner of the last charge - 571 10 knight of the realm, musician, standard, champion, banner of speed - 562 8 grail knights, musician, standard, champion, banner of the green knight - 745 6 grail knights, musician, standard, champion - 532 green knight - 360 5 yeomen - 120 5 yeomen - 120 4500 8.4 Benjamin "Asgorth" Frand – Beast Herds Minotaur Warlord, GG, Paired Weapons, Blessed Inscriptions, Aaghor's Affliction, Crown of Horns, Potion of Swiftness – 685 Minotaur Chieftain, BSB, Shield, Heavy Armour, Death Cheater, Lucky Charm – 440 Soothsayer, Wizard Master (Evocation) - 380 40 Wildhorns, Paired Weapons, S, M, C, Blooded Horn Totem, Banner of the Wild Herd – 605 15 Wildhorns, Ambush, Paired Weapons, Throwing Weapons, S, M, C, Blooded Horn Totem, Banner of Discipline – 340 8 Minotaurs, Paired Weapons, S, M, C, Black Wing Totem, Flaming Standard – 830 8 Minotaurs, Paired Weapons, S, M, C, Black Wing Totem, Flaming Standard – 830 5 Gargoyles – 145 5 Gargoyles – 145 1 Razortusk Herd – 100 8.5 Cyril « TIAMAT » Berthomé - Vermin swarm General, Tyrant, Vermin Guard Litter, Crown of Autocracy - 315 Chief, Battle standard Bearer, lightning rod - 260 Magister, wizard master of witchcraft, book of arcane power - 420 35 vermin’s guard, M,S,C, banner of endless swarm - 655 20 plague brotherhood, M,C - 265 20 plague brotherhood, M - 245 40 slaves, M - 210 40 slaves, M - 210 4 jezzails - 155 4 jezzails - 155 4 jezzails - 155 1 naphta launcher - 180 1 naphta launcher - 180 1 lightning canon - 240 1 lightning canon- 240 8 Vermin hulk. Champion - 615 4500 8.6 Loic « Chareos » Libersa – Orcs and Gobelins Common Orc shaman, general, war cry, master wizard, Crown of Autocracy, magical heirloom, thaumaturgy - 535 iron orc chief, bsb, shield, death cheater - 305 Common Goblin chief, wolf - 120 Common Goblin chief, wolf - 120 Common Goblin chief, wolf - 120 Common Goblin chief, wolf - 120 20 Common Orc, bow, M - 215 30 Cave Goblin, bow, 2 Mad Git, M - 390 45 Cave Goblin, shield, nets, 2 Mad Git, CMS, Legion Standard - 575 30 iron orc CMS Mikinok’s Totem - 850 9 Cave Troll - 748 Greenhide Catapults Git Launcher, Orc Overseer - 200 Greenhide Catapults Git Launcher, Orc Overseer - 200 4498 9 TEAM LRA3 9.1 TITO69 - Capitaine - Undying Dynaties PERSO 1 515 (33,7%) Max 40% BASE 1 430 (33%) Mini 25% ENTOMBED 155 (=> 560 avec les squelettes et les chars enfouis soit 12,4%) Max 30% MASON'S MENAGERIE 1 395 (31%) Max 35% Pharaoh (300), Destiny's Call (70), General, Blessed Warpings (55), halberd (15), King Slayer (60) 500 Tomb Harbinger (180), Scourge of Kings (50), Shield (5), Sun's Embrace (45), Heavy Armour (10) 290 Death Cult Hierarch (125), Wizard Master (225), Cosmology, Light Armour (5), Hierophant (25), Ark of Ages (200), Alchemist’s Alloy (15), Sacred Hourglass (70), Obsidian Rock (60) 725 40 Skeletons (150+200), Spear (Free), EMC (60), Banner of Relentless Company (30) 440 5 Skeleton Chariots (300+130), Legion Charioteers (Free) 430 20 skeletons (150), E (20), Banner of the Entombed (30) 205 3 Skeletons Chariots (300), Legion Charioteers (Free), E (20), Banner of the Entombed (30) 355 Sand Scorpion 155 Battle Sphinx 450 Dread Sphinx 500 Colossus (400), Scales of Destiny (45) 445 TOTAL 4 495 9.2 TOUFIK - Daemon Legions Seigneur : 1130 points Base : Minimum 900 < 935 points (20%) Spéciales : Aucunes limites - 290 points Minions Wrath : 2130 Scourge of Wrath (880), Eternal Fury (75), Eternal Sword (75), Shackles of Reality (80), Elixir of Souls (20) : 1130 points 30 Slaughterers (720), EMC (60), Onslaught (60), Hell axe (60) Flaming Standard (35) : 935 points 5 Furies (140), Marque du Courroux (free) : 145 points 5 Furies (140), Marque du Courroux (free) : 145 points 1 Blood Chariot (345) : Onslaught (15) : 360 points 1 Blood Chariot (345) : Onslaught (15) : 360 points 5 Crusher Cavalry (580), EMC (60), Onslaught (30), Flaming Standard (35) : 705 points 5 Crusher Cavalry (580), EMC (60) , Onslaught (30), Flaming Standard (35) : 705 points TOTAL 4475 points 9.3 David “Gobdestrab” VICHARD – Warriors of the Dark Gods CHARACTERS (max. 45%) – 1315 /2025 CORE (min. 20%) – 914/900 SPECIAL (no limit) – 1846/no limit LEGENDARY BEASTS (max. 35%) - 425/1575 Chosen Lord, Envy, General, Black Steed, Burning Portent, Basalt Infusion, Wyrd Stone, Potion of Swiftness, Idol of Spite 720 Sorcerer, Wizard Master, Alchemy, Black Steed, Paired Weapons, Destiny’s Call, Rod of Battle, Dragonfire Gem 595 12 Warriors, Halberd, EM 40 - 444 5 Fallen - 165 5 Fallen - 165 9 War hounds - 140 8 Warrior Knights, Great Weapon, EMC 60, Wasteland Torch – 526 3 Chosen Knights, EMC, Pride, Flaming Standard - 520 3 Chosen Knights, EMC, Pride, Flaming Standard - 520 1 Battle shrine - 280 1 Forsaken One – 425 TOTAL 4500 9.4 Jean-philippe "djine" Mercier - orcs and goblins CHARACTERS (max 40%) – 920 < 1800 CORE (min 25%) – 1135 > 1125 SPECIAL – 1149 (no limit) BIG’N NASTY (max 30%) – 1290 < 1350 Iron Orc warlord, general, warcry, great weapon, paired weapons, shield, talisman of shielding, essence of mithril, rod of battle – 540 Common goblin witch doctor, wizard master, pyromancy, sceptre of power - 380 35 common eadbashers, paired weapons, M,S,C, green tide banner - 745 20 common goblins, shields and bows, 2 shady gits, M - 210 5 common orcs boar riders, M, shields – 180 29 iron orcs, M,S,C, green tide banner - 769 Git launcher, orc overseer - 200 Git launcher – 180 Gargantula - 490 Great green idol – 350 Great green idol, BSB – 450 TOTAL : 4494 9.5 Yannick "Scop" PERY Characters 1 770 (1800 Max) Core 935 (900 min) Spé 1 080 (no limit) The Suffering 0 (900 max) Swift Death 1 213 (1350 max) Total 4498 Vampire count: general, colossal zombie dragon, brotherhood of the dragon bloodline, dead arise, reaper's harvest, eternal duellist, crimson rage, potion of swiftness, Lucky charm = 1225 Necromancer, evocation = 125 Necromancer, evocation, wizard master, book of Arcane power= 420 36 skeletons, EMC, legion standard = 395 20 zombies, musician = 135 20 zombies, musician = 135 20 zombies, musician = 135 20 zombies, musician = 135 8 ghast champion= 650 2 great bats = 90 2 great bats = 90 Cadaver wagon = 250 4 winged reaper, paired weapon =713 Total 4498 9.6 RAINBOWBASH Characters - Max 40% - 1790/1800 Base - Min 25% -1135 /1125 Special 395 - No Limit - Destroyers - Max 15% 362 /675 The menagerie - Max 30% - 1010/1350 Raiders - max 30% 1135/1350 Total: 4500/4500 Dread Prince, General, beastmaster, Manticore, heavy armor, shield, paired weapons, Hero's Heart, basalt infusion, midnight cloack - 700 Oracle, divination, Cult of Yema, Wizard master, light armor, pegasus, death cheater, book of arcane power- 670 Captain, BSB, shield, heavy armor, raptor, lance, fleet commander, obsidian rock- 420 10 repeater auxiliaries,shield, musician- 235 10 repeater auxiliaries,shield, musician- 235 10 repeater auxiliaries,shield- 215 5 dark raiders, repeater crossbow, shield - 225 5 dark raiders, repeater crossbow, shield- 225 6 Dread Knights, musician, standardBearer, Banner of blood- 395 Dread Reaper- 180 Dread Reaper- 180 Hydra- 410 Hydra- 410 10 TEAM COMPAGNIE DOREE 10.1 Michel "Gandarin" Audiffren (Capitaine) - Daemon Legion - Monotheist Pestilence Characters (Max 40%): 1655 / 1800 Core (Min 25%): 1134 / 900 Special (no limit): 290 / 3375 Dark's God's Might (Max 40%): 0 / 1800 Minions of Pestilence (no limit): 4489 / 4500 Total: 4489 / 4500 Harbinger of Pestilence, General, Wizard Adept, Path of Evocation, Halberd, Aspect: Contamination, Daemonic Talisman: Nauseating Aura, Mounted on Blight Fly – 610 Harbinger of Pestilence, Wizard Adept, Path of Evocation, Halberd, Daemonic Enchanted Item: Token of Pestilence, Supreme aspect: Bloated Putrefaction, Mounted on Blight Fly – 550 Harbinger of Pestilence, Halberd, Daemonic Talisman: Nauseating Aura, Supreme aspect: Bloated Putrefaction, Mounted on Blight Fly – 495 19 Tallymen, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner Enchantment: Banner of the Relentless Company – 494 15 Tallymen, Musician – 320 15 Tallymen, Musician – 320 5 Blight Flies, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Aspect: Contamination, Banner Enchantment: Banner of Speed – 780 4 Blight Flies, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Aspect: Contamination, Banner Enchantment: Banner of Speed – 630 5 Furies, Alliance: Pestilence – 145 5 Furies, Alliance: Pestilence – 145 10.2 Marc "Trauma" Suche - Warriors of the Dark Gods Characters (Max 45%): 2005 / 2025 Core (Min 20%): 904 / 900 Special (No limit): 1590 / 3600 Legendary Beasts (Max 35%): 0 / 1575 Total: 4499 / 4500 Chosen lord, General, Shield, Black steed, Favour Envy, Luck of Dark gods, Talisman on Shielding, Burning Portent, Lucky charm - 715 Chosen lord, Battle Standard Bearer, Lance, Shield, Black steed, Favour Envy, Entropic Aura, Binding Scroll, Wyrd Stone - 705 Sorcerer, Black Steed, Plate, Paired weapon, Wizard Master, Path of Alchemy, Book of Arcane Power, Hero's Heart - 585 8 Horsmen Barbarian, Musician, Shield, Light lance - 257 8 Horsmen Barbarian, Musician, Shield, Light lance - 257 8 War hounds - 130 8 War hounds - 130 8 War hounds - 130 Chosen chariot, Wrath - 355 Chosen chariot, Wrath - 355 5 Warrior Knights - 260 5 Warrior Knights, Lance - 310 5 Warrior Knights, Lance - 310 10.3 Jonathan "Kroxi38" Blot - Saurian Ancients Characters (Max 40%): 830 / 1800 Core (Min 20%): 910 / 900 Special (No limit): 1942 / 3600 Jungle Guerrillas (Max 30%): 440 / 1350 Thunder Lizards (Max 35%): 372 / 1575 Total: 4497 / 4500 Cuatl Lord, General, Battle Standard Bearer, Path of Alchemy, Grasp of the Immortal, Trained from Birth, Banner of the Relentless Company, Rending Banner - 830 34 Saurian Warriors, Champion, Musician, Totem animal: Serpent, Spears, Standard Bearer, Banner Enchantment: Flaming Standard - 910 8 Caimans, Champion, Halberd, Musician, Standard Bearer - 710 2 Snake Swarm, Scout - 130 2 Snake Swarm, Scout - 130 2 Snake Swarm, Scout - 130 28 Temple Guards, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner Enchantments: Banner of the Relentless Company - 842 5 Skink Hunters: Blowpipe, Vanguard - 140 5 Skink Hunters: Blowpipe, Vanguard - 140 Salamander - 160 Stygiosaur, Mystic Traveller - 375 10.4 Marc-Antoine "Korigane" Carloni - Sylvan Elves Characters (Max 40%): 1490 / 1800 Core (Min 25%): 1415 / 1125 Special (No limit): 814 / 3375 Unseen Arrows (Max 35%): 1524 / 1575 Fleet of Foot (Max 45%): 0 / 2025 Forest Giants (Max 25%): 0 / 1125 Total: 4498 / 4500 Forest prince, General, Forest guardian, Hunter's honour, Talisman of greater shielding, Spear, Shield, Willow’s Ward, Light armour, Glyph of Amryl - 445 Chieftain, Battle standard bearer, Pathfinder, Longbow, Hail shot, Sylvan Blades - 355 Druid, Wizard master, Path of Druidism, Book of arcane power, Binding scroll - 500 Dryad ancient, Scarred bark - 190 22 Dryads, Champion - 450 15 Sylvan archers, Musician - 395 5 Heath riders, Longbow, Sylvan Longbow (3+), Feigned Flight, Light Troops, and Vanguard - 190 5 Heath riders, Longbow, Sylvan Longbow (3+), Feigned Flight, Light Troops, and Vanguard - 190 5 Heath riders, Longbow, Sylvan Longbow (3+), Feigned Flight, Light Troops, and Vanguard - 190 24 Forest rangers, Champion, Musician, Standard bearer, Banner Enchantments: Flaming standard - 619 Forest eagle - 100 Forest eagle - 100 9 Pathfinders - 387 9 Pathfinders - 387 10.5 Bruno "Bubu" Martin - Ogre Khans Characters (Max 40%): 955 / 1800 Core (Min 20%): 900 / 900 Special (No limit): 2016 / 3600 Power Kegs (Max 35%): 0 / 1575 Chained Beasts (Max 30%): 620 / 1350 Total : 4491 / 4500 Mammoth hunter, Hunting spear, Wildheart, Tusker, Paired weapons, Touch of greatness, Death cheater - 485 Mammoth hunter, Hunting spear, Tusker, BSB, Iron fist, Cult leader, Talisman of shielding, Lucky charm - 470 6 Tribesmen, Iron fist, Champion, Standard bearer, Musician, Banner of discipline - 480 3 Tribesmen, Musician, Iron fist - 210 3 Tribesmen, Musician, Iron fist - 210 2 Yetis - 175 2 Yetis - 175 Sabertooth tiger - 80 Sabertooth tiger - 80 3 Tusker cavalry, Great weapon, Musician - 502 3 Tusker cavalry, Great weapon, Musician - 502 3 Tusker cavalry, great weapon, Musician - 502 Slave giant, Giant club - 310 Slave giant, Giant club - 310 10.6 Pierre "Kerathop" Koch – Infernal Dwarves Character (Max 40%): 1230 / 1800 Core (Min 25%): 1200 / 1125 Special (no limit): 679 / 3375 Hail of the Gods (Max 30%): 1200 / 1350 Barrage (Max 20%): 260 / 900 Bound & Binders (Max 35%): 1130 / 1575 Total: 4499 / 4500 Overlord, General, Onyx Core, Death cheater, Potion of swiftness, Shield - 485 Prophet, Wizard, Master, Path of Pyromancy Alchemist Alloy, Shield - 450 Vizier, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Ring of Desiccation, Ghostly Guard - 295 10 Citadel Guards, Flintlock Axe, Shield, M - 300 10 Citadel Guards, Flintlock Axe, Shield, M - 300 30 Hobgoblins, Bows, Shield, M - 300 30 Hobgoblins, Bows, Shield, M - 300 22 Immortals, Shield, Infernal Weapons, Flaming standard, SMC - 679 5 Kadim Incarnates - 565 5 Kadim Incarnates - 565 Gunnery team, Flame thrower - 130 Gunnery team, Flame thrower - 130 11 TEAM mercenaires 11.1 Elguigui (capitaine) The vermin swarm: 4499/4500 Characters: 1120/1800 Special: 795 Core: 1264/1125 Built and bred: 400/1350 Tunnel gunners: 1320/1350 Magister 200, general, wizard master of thaumaturgy 150, doom bell 400, light armour 5, 3 Dark Shards 30, Second Awakening 50, Focusing Stone (D) 30 [865] Chief 110, BSB 50, shield 5, Sceptre of Vermin Valour 40, Banner of the Endless Swarm 50 [255] 38 Vermin Guard 275+18x18, MSC 60, Lightning Rod 100 [759] 25 Rats­at-arms 220, MS 40 [260] 20 plague disciples 225, M 20. [245] 2 rat swarms [90] 2 rat swarms [90] 8 Vermin Hulks 295+4x75, C 20 [615] 1 Naphtha Launcher [180] 1 Naphtha Launcher [180] 1 Naphtha Launcher [180] 1 lightning cannon [240] 1 lightning cannon [240] 1 dreadmill. [300] 11.2 Inferno13: Vampire Covenant 4498/4500 Vampiric Bloodline: Lamia Bloodline - Characters [1755] - Swift Death [330] - Special [1508] - Core [900] Barrow King [325]: Paired Weapons, Skeletal steed Hero's Heart, dragon staff Necromancer [240]: Evocation, Wizard Adept Magical Heirloom - Dominant Vampire Count [1195]: General Dead Arise, Commandment, Heavy Armour, Lamia Bloodline, Paired Weapons , Shield, Witchcraft, Wizard Adept Court of the Damned Blood Ties: Lamia Dragonfire Gem, Ghostly Guard, Hypnotic Pendant, Touch of Greatness Varkolak [330] 40 Barrow Guard [1035]: Champion Halberd Musician Black Standard of Zagvozd 9 Barrow Knights [473]: Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer Banner of Speed 25 Ghouls [405]: Champion 30 Skeletons [360]: CMS Banner of Speed 20 Zombies [135]: Musician 11.3 Sly013 Forteresse Naines 4499/4500 Perso 1335/ 1800 Base 1135/1125 Clan’s Thunder 460/1575 Mdg 750/900 Spé 1279 King (225), general, Shield (15), Rune of Iron (20), Rune of Destruction (80), Rune of Might *2 (80), Rune of Shielding *2 (60) Total 480 Thane (120), Shield (10), BSB (50), Rune of Shielding (30), Rune of Iron *2 (40), Flaming Standard (35) Total 285 Runic Smith (170), Shield (5), Rune of Harnessing (70), Rune of Grounding (50), Rune of Iron *2 (40),Rune of Forge (10), Battle Rune *2 (40) Total 385 Anvil of Doom (185) Total 185 30 Greybeards (575), Shield (60), EMC (60) Total 695 10 Clan Marksmen (200), Shield (20), Handgun (0) Total 220 10 Clan Marksmen (200), Shield (20), Handgun (0) Total 220 28 King’s Guard (704) EMC (60) Banner of Speed (50) Total 814 1 Vengeance Seeker (115) Total 115 1 Vengeance Seeker (115) Total 115 10 Seekers (215), Skirmisher (20) Total 235 1 Flame Cannon (120) Rune Crafted (30) Total 150 1 Catapult (210), Rune Crafted (90) Total 300 1 Catapult (210), Rune Crafted (90) Total 300 11.4 Florent "Flo-" Rochet Beast herds 4498 Beast Lord, General, Beast Axe, Heavy Armour, Hunting Call, Shield Crown of Horns, Death Cheater, Fatal Folly, Talisman of the Void [475] Beast Chieftain: Battle Standard Bearer, Greater Totem Bearer, Paired Weapons Destiny's Call [335] Soothsayer, Druidism, Wizard Master, Ancestral Carvings, Seed of the Dark Forest, Talisman of Shielding [545] 33 Wildhorn Herd: Paired Weapons, Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of the Wild Herd, Champion Totem Bearer, Blooded Horn Totem [521] 15 Wildhorn Herd (Ambush): Paired Weapons [200] 15 Wildhorn Herd (Ambush): Paired Weapons [200] 5 Gargoyles [145] 5 Gargoyles [145] 32 Longhorn, Musician, Standard Bearer, Rending Banner Champion Black Wing Totem [843] 31 Longhorn: Great Weapon, Musician, Standard Bearer Champion Gnarled Hide Totem [749] 1 Razortusk Chariot [240] 1x Razortusk [100] 11.5 Grand frère: – HE 4494 High Prince (250), general, High Warden of the flame(150), Sliver of the Blazing Dawn(75), Spear(5), Protection of Dorac(65), Dragonforged Armour(25), bow(5), Shield(5), Willow’s Ward(15), Talisman of the Void(40) - 635 Mage(225) divination, Wizard Master(150), Asfad Scholar(90), Light Armour(5), Gleaming Robe(100), Book of Meladys(90) - 660 19 Seas Guard (446) EMC (60) Navigator’s Banner (75) - 581 18 Seas Guard (422), EMC (60), Banner of Becalming (75) - 557 6 (Grey Watcher 205), Shield (6) total 211 Giant Eagle - 100 Giant Eagle - 100 27 Sword Masters (685) EMC (60) War Banner of Ryma (65) - 810 28 Sword Masters (710) EMC (60) Rending Banner (70) - 840 11.6 Erick "Howloon" Brassart, Sylvan Elves 4495/4500 Characters (1800): 1125 Core (1125): 1310 Unseen Arrows: 900 Special: 2060 Forest Prince, general, Forest guardian, Spear, Hunter's Honour, Talisman of Shielding, Glyph of Amryl, Basalt Infusion, Shield, Light Armour, Elven Cloak - 475 Chieftain, Forest Guardian, BSB, Death Cheater, Light Armour, Elven Cloak, Great Weapon - 360 Druid, Wizard Adept, Cosmology, Rod of Battle, Sylvan Longbow - 290 12 Sylvan Archers, M - 320 12 Sylvan Archers, M - 320 12 Sylvan Archers, M - 320 18 Dryads - 350 27 Forest Rangers, M,S,C, Flaming Standard - 682 27 Forest Rangers, M,S,C, Flaming Standard - 682 26 Forest Rangers, M,S,C, Rending Banner – 696 12 TEAM HOT BASH NORMANDY 12.1 François "Jaina" Girard – Vermine Swarm - Capitaine Characters : 995 / 1800 Core : 1125 / 1125 Special : 1030 Tunnel Gunners : 1350 / 1350 Magister, General, Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy, Magical Heirloom, 390 Chief, BSB, Banner of Discipline, Ratlock Pistols, 205 Rakachit Machinist, Ratlock Pistols, 200 Rakachit Machinist, Ratlock Pistols, 200 25 Vermin Guards, Standard, Musician, The Lightning Rod, 505 25 Plague Brotherhood, Standard, Musician, 320 25 Plague Brotherhood, Musician, 300 4 Vermin Hulks, Thunder Hulks, Champion, Naphta Thrower, 515 4 Vermin Hulks, Thunder Hulks, Champion, Naphta Thrower, 515 1 Weapon Team : Naphta Thrower, 180 1 Weapon Team : Naphta Thrower, 180 5 Gutter Blades, Scout & Ambush, 170 5 Gutter Blades, Scout & Ambush, 170 5 Gutter Blades, Scout & Ambush, 170 1 Verminous Artillery : Lightning Cannon, 240 1 Verminous Artillery : Lightning Cannon, 240 TOTAL : 4500 12.2 Guillaume "Gozher" Triquet - Vampire Covenant Characters : 1565/1800 Core : 905/900 Special : 1040/4500 The Suffering : 0/900 Swift Death : 1000/1350 Vampire count, General, dead arise, von karnstein, storm caller, light armor, reaper’s harvest, destiny’s call, potion of swiftness, apprentice evocation – 740 Necromancer, wizard adept, magical heirloom, evocation – 240 Necromancer, wizard adept, alchemy – 200 Barrow King, BSB, fire banner, hypnotic pendant – 375 35 ghouls, champion – 575 21 zombies, musician – 140 20 skeletons, musician, champion – 190 33 barrow guard, MSC, halberd, back standard of zagvozd – 860 2 great bats – 90 2 great bats – 90 1 Shrieking horror – 500 1 Shrieking horror – 500 TOTAL: 4500 12.3 Didier “Pendi” Pendaries – Dread Elves Characters 835/4500 max 1800 Core 1140/4500 min 1125 Special 135/4500 no limit Raiders 1349/4500 max 1350 Destroyers 540/4500 max 675 Menagerie 1230/4500 max 1350 Oracle, general, cosmology, wizard master, binding scroll, talisman of the void 490 Assassin, cult of death, paired weapons, wolf bane, elixir of shadow, ring of shadows 345 17 dread legionnaires, spear, Musician, Standard, banner of discipline 300 10 corsairs, paired weapons, repeater handbow, musician 220 10 corsairs, paired weapons, repeater handbow, musician 220 5 dark raiders, repeater crossbows 200 5 dark raiders, repeater crossbows 200 9 raven cloaks 302 9 raven cloaks 302 5 harpies 135 hydra 410 hydra 410 hydra 410 3 dread reapers 540 TOTAL: 4494 12.4 Zacharie "luthorhuss"Marchais – Warriors of the dark gods Characters - Max 45% - 1165/2025 Core - At least 20% - 901/900 Special - no limit- 2431 Legendary beasts - Max 35% - 0 /1575 Exalted herald, general - 800 Sorcerer, path of evocation, Magical Heirloom, plate armor, black steed, Alchemist’s Alloy - 365 8 barbarian horsemen, shield, light lances, M - 257 8 barbarian horsemen, shield, light lances, M - 257 8 barbarian horsemen, shield, light lances, M - 257 8 war hound - 130 5 chosen knights S, M, C, Wasteland Torch, Favour of pride -765 4 chosen knights M, S Favour of pride -590 6 warrior knights M, lances - 388 6 warrior knights M, lances - 388 5 warrior knights M, great weapon - 300 total 4497 12.5 Thibaut "Myelome"Courselle – Deamon Legions Characters: 945/1800 Core: 1419/1125 Special: 290 Minions of Change: 670/2600 Minions of Lust: 360/2600 Minions of Pestilence: 1694/2600 Minions of Wrath: 1485/2600 Harbinger of Pestilence: General, Aspect: Contamination, Nauseating aura, halberd, 420 Harbinger of Pestilence: BSB, Supreme Aspect: Bloated Putrefaction, Wizard adept, Divination, Token of Pestilence, halberd 525 10 Horrors: Champion, Musician 335 10 Horrors: Champion, Musician 335 29 Tallymen: FCG, legion standard 749 5 Mounted Sirens: 180 5 Mounted Sirens: 180 4 Crusher Cavalry: FCG, stalker’s standard, 570 4 Crusher Cavalry: FCG, stalker’s standard, 570 1 Blood Chariot: 345 5 Furies: Daemon of Pestilence 145 5 Furies: Daemon of Pestilence 145 Total: 4499 12.6 Pierre-Emmanuel "Gilg248" Guillet – Dwarven Holds Characters - Max 40% - 420/1800 Core - At least 25% - 1125/1125 Special - no limit- 580 Clans' Thunder - Max 35% - 1480/1575 Engineers of War - Max 20% - 900/900 Runic Smith, General, 3 Battle Runes [230] Anvil of Power [185] 10 Greybeards, Musician, Standard Bearer, Throwing Weapons, Shields [275] 10 Greybeards, Musician, Standard Bearer, Throwing Weapons, Shields [275] 10 Greybeards, Musician, Standard Bearer, Throwing Weapons Shields [275] 10 Clan Warriors, Musician, Shields, Throwing Weapons [170] 10 Clan Warriors, Shields [130] Vengeance Seeker [115] Vengeance Seeker [115] Grudge Buster [350] 10 Forge wardens, Musician, Standard Bearer [290] 10 Forge wardens, Musician, Standard Bearer [290] Steam Bomber [200] Steam Bomber [200] 10 Miners, Musician, Standard Bearer, Throwing Weapons, Shields [260] 10 Miners, Standard Bearer, Throwing Weapons, Shields [240] 1 Organ Gun, Rune Crafted [320] 1 Organ Gun, Rune Crafted [320] 1 Canon [260] Total: 4500/4500
  8. Les appariements : Rangée 1 : Lexie vs Chevaliers de la Duchesse Rangée 2 : LRA2 vs Joyeux enfants de la Bourgogne Rangée 3 : Hot Bash Normandy vs Awesomeness Incarnate Rangée 4 : Les enfants du Sud vs Vintage ou bien Rangée 5 : Compagnie Dorée vs Team Alice Rangée 6 : LWC vs Mercenaires Bonne analyse Bon trash talk
  9. Messieurs, voici les listes et les tirages pour la première ronde. Tirage je l'indique totalement aléatoire mais qui donne de belles parties tout de même. Il se peut que j'eusse fait quelques erreurs de copié collé, de format ou autre. Il est également possible que vous ne vous soyez pas entièrement corrigés correctement, il reste souvent des erreurs et vu les temps de corrections disponibles, dur de faire mieux. Dans tous les cas, n'hésitez pas à faire remonter les erreurs ici même, et j'invite les personnes concernées à me renvoyer les listes corrigées le cas échéant dans les plus brefs délais. PS : Président tu peux mettre ça en post 1 aussi stp Les listes : du mtc.pdf?dl=0
  10. s'il n'y a pas d'autres furies et que c'est bien expliqué en début de partie que ce sont pas des furies mais des danseuses.... pas d'opposition pour ma part. Mais faudra être très clair et honnête !
  11. Toutes les listes ont été envoyées en correction... retour attendu maximum dimanche Merci les correcteurs Je ne suis pas infaillible et j'ai pu me gourrer sur un copié collé ou une liste pas mise à jour ^^ pardon d'avance
  12. Envoyez deja les 5 listes d’ici ce soir si vous le retrouvez pas. Je me chargerai de le fouetter publiquement pendant le tournoi.
  13. Il ne manque ce matin que les listes de HOT&BASH Normandy..messieurs, réveillez vous ! J'envoie les listes aux correcteurs ce soir.... vous aurez quelques explications dans mon mail.
  14. ^^ Le 8000/9000 points j'y ai pensé... mais LE président m'a ramené sur Terre Ce type de format il faut du temps... et ça ferait finir tard le dimanche... avec seulement 4 parties....
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