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  • Date de naissance 17/01/1979

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    Launaguet (31)

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    warhammer :battle elfe noirs; 40K :tau; Bloodbowl : nains du chaos, nain, pouris de nurgle, tous les elfes, orques, MV, necromantiques, gob. Nécromunda :delaque; chronopia :dévots ; Warzone :mishima,symétrie obs; Confrontation :MV, Dirz, gob; Warmachine :Crix, sig; ...

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  1. Ça a mis des années mais les fichier sont réapparus sur les internets:
  2. C'est le cas des pages de tous les jeux spécialiste de GW. Je ne pense pas qu'ils comptent tous les arrêter en même temps. Ils vont juste tout mettre au même endroit.
  3. The Outland Beastmasters Are Back With More Bothersomely Burrowing Bug Buddies Necromunda has a pest control problem. The Ash Wastes Nomads have whole warrens full of bugs they use as cavalry and employ to ambush trespassers, Cawdor sickos have been taming rats and strapping bombs to them for years, while Outland Beastmasters are now fraternising with nightmarish Ripperjacks. If that weren’t enough, there are even more breeds of Beastmaster on the loose, and they’ve found some other nasty vermin to pal about with – Millisaurs. These ichorous invertebrates were likely smuggled onto Necromunda centuries ago – courtesy of the planet’s lax import controls – to help clear debris and other critters from mining tunnels. Left unchecked, the voracious worms have by now spread across much of the planet, from outland ore-pits to underhive sump-nests. Their rock-skinned hides make Millisaurs a nightmare to shift. Even worse, their ringed maw and robust digestive system allow them to chew through anything put in front of them, be that piles of rocks, metal bulkheads, or unlucky juves. These beasties can easily Infiltrate any environment, and the Beastmasters who train them share the same skill, having learned to wriggle through the tunnels bored by their pets. Gangers who think they can put the sturdy rockcrete floors of the hive between them and a hungry Millisaur are in for a rude awakening – their Burrowing skill lets them freely wriggle under impassable terrain. Gangs can hire up to two Outland Beastmasters, each with a personal gaggle of beasts, so you can now infest the floor and the ceiling with an unpalatable one-two punch of Ripperjacks and Millisaurs. This Beastmaster and his many-legged pets will be released in resin from Forge World, though they won’t be out for a few months yet. Sign up for the Warhammer Community newsletter to get the latest news from Necromunda sent straight to your inbox.
  4. Et bien j'ai eu la boîte de base nethermaze et la boîte rivals of harrowdeep pour 70€ au lieu de 142,50 prix GW. Une précision : le tout en anglais.
  5. J'en ai pris un pour voir. En espérant avoir de la figurine plus que des cartes.
  6. Et en "print on demand" du coup il y en aura pour tout le monde. En français j'espère.
  7. True Royalty Graces Necromunda – Show Obeisance to Lady Haera, 13th Daughter of Lord Helmwar Citizens of Necromunda – lay down your weapons, doff the rags you use for caps, and prostrate yourself before the most gracious, noble, and sagacious Lord Helmawr’s 13th trueborn heir, the current claimant to the Helmawr throne, and bona fide fashion icon – Lady Haera Helmawr. She is your better in every way – a royal scion with millennia of breeding, wealthy beyond the dreams of all but the High Lords of Terra, and bristling with the technological baubles of a more enlightened age. That said, she is also a sociopath and backstabbing murderer, directly responsible for the deaths of dozens of her siblings and rivals, and indirectly accountable for the deaths of many thousands more. A schemer from the cradle, she has gleefully conspired throughout her short life to ensnare servants and nannies in byzantine games of duplicity. And when she’s not plotting her ascension to the throne of Necromunda, Lady Haera likes a night out in the hives, painting the town red… with the blood of anyone foolish enough to get in her way. Her ornate, high-collared cloak is supported by three servo skulls. It may appear ostentatious to a mere pleb, but her robes hide a refractor field, while the skulls provide 360 degrees of vision – elegant and effective. Lady Haera is also a formidable duellist with the Backstab and Dodge skills, coupled with a phase sword and power spear. The latter has a teleport module to hurl the weapon at some unsuspecting grunt only to have it return to her hand. Make sure you’ve got plenty of red carpet to roll out, as Lady Haera will be available to grace your gang some time in the new year.
  8. Stock Up On (Relatively) Fresh Meat In Necromunda With a Corpse Harvesting Party Fighting an endless gang war over the underhive and across the ash wastes is guaranteed to work up an appetite. There’s no way the members of House Goliath can maintain that much mass without constant doses of protein – and the occasional pre-packaged sandwich from a Promethium Refuelling Station just won’t cut it. That’s why everyone on Necromunda absolutely loves heaped servings of delicious corpse-starch – at least, according to the corpse-starch marketing board. This morbid ambrosia doesn’t grow on trees,* and that’s where the Corpse Guild makes its bacon. Er, figuratively speaking. PreviousNext Known officially as the Mercator Pallidus, the guild dispatches its Corpse Harvesting Parties to collect the raw… materials… required to supply each hive’s corpse grinder plants. Led by the Pale Consorts and their Bone Scrivener attendants, these parties act as prospectors of dead meat, hunting rich seams of “freshly” disposed bodies ripe for recycling. When war rages between rival gangs, these graveyard gatherers are on the scene to harvest a fresh corpse-crop. Staving off the scent of death with ornamental rebreathers, they poke and prod their quarry with surgical tools to determine their worth – before the Pale Consort orders her Corpse Grinder heavies to hack up the unfortunate acquisition. Corpse Harvesting Parties can get a little… overzealous. Post-battle, any fighter who suffered a Critical Injury might suddenly, inexplicably, stop moving. The Scrivener will pass any indigestible valuables on to you, but no-one’s going to see that ganger again – except in a particularly juicy pie. This resin posse of free-range bodysnatchers will be up for pre-order soon. Sign up to the Forge World newsletter to get the latest underhive recruiting opportunities sent straight to your inbox. * Or rusty struts, moss-coated pillars, fungal stanchions, or whatever passes for a tree in the underhive.
  9. C'est quoi qui garantit que ça ne parle pas du prochain battle tome pour aos? Bon il ne reste que quelques heures avant d'en avoir le cœur net.
  10. bifron

    Warcry : rumeurs et nouveautés

    Deux bandes sans aucun œil à peindre! Le rêve! Vraiment très bien ce système de gamme de décors qui s'étale sur plusieurs sorties. ça permet de mettre en commun les décors d'un groupe de joueur pour avoir une table cohérente.
  11. Tu entends quoi par obscur? Tu montes (et peints) tes figurines et tu n'as plus qu'à jouer, pas besoin de se soucier des règles de constitution de pile, de restriction et tout le toutim. Grace à ce format le jeu est repartie dans notre assos. Par contre maintenant que l'on joue plus régulièrement pas sûr que l'on reste sur ce format. Certain decks tournent bien d'autres sont plus bancals. Du coup la tentation de modifier les piles commence à se faire sentir. Quitte à récupérer des listes sur internet. On joue en soirée certes mais pas au point de passer du temps hors soirée à préparer/peaufiner les decks. Merci pour le lien. J'aimai bien lire l'Underblog mais il n'est plus mis à jour. Désolé pour le double poste, manifestement l'édition du précédent pour ajouter de la deuxième citation à scindé le post et deux. Edit modération : Fusionnés.
  12. C'est exactement ça! Entre le motos du culte genestealer celles de necromunda et toutes les montures chelou d'aos on ça pouvoir faire des teux sympa.
  13. Effectivement, les changements ne sont pas négligeables. On se remet petit a petit au jeu dans notre assos avec des joueurs qui se sont arrêtés ou commencé à différente saison. Du coup on a eu du mal à gérer les différentes règles pour les pions objectif. Par exemple visible ou pas? Qui choisit quel set d'objectifs utiliser? Neutre(S1/2), fatal(S3/4) ou ombre(S5/6)? J'espère que cette version répondra à la question.
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