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Empire - Prêtres de Myrmidia


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4 4 4 4 4 2 5 2 8

Coût : 95 pts.

Armes : Lance (lance ; +1I), arme de base et bouclier.

La CT4 et l'équipement de base vont à l'encontre de ton idée initiale de "prêtre modulable".

Je reviendrais à ce que tu avais dit : la lance et le bouclier en OM. Du genre, +1CC et I, et permet d'utiliser la règle "arme de base + bouclier", pour 20 pts.


La plupart de ces objets ne sont pas des reliques telles celles du culte d'Ulric. Une relique influe généralement sur les prières.

J'en ferias une liste d'OM classique.

Heaume de Mépris ?pts

devrait taper dans les 30-35 pts.

Parchemin de Stratégie ? pts

+/- 50 pts. Je crois pas qu'il y ait d'équivalent existant, mais c'est efficace...

Lance de Myrmidia ? pts

50 pts. Le projo non dissipable doit coûter cher. Mais encore une fois, pas d'équivalent.

Sceptre Obéissance ? pts

50 pts. J'enlèverais l'immunité à la panique, et laisserais tenace. Normalement, la tenacité seule est de 60 pts, mais elle ne s'applique plus ici si général mort ou trop loin, d'où la réduction.

Relique d'Autorité  ? pts

30 pts.

Bouclier d'Éblouissement ? pts

Trop efficace à mon avis pour ce que peut se payer un prêtre (50 pts...). J'enlèverais la phrase sur les machines de guerre (quid des balistes ?), et mettrais l'objet à 40 pts.

Lumière de Myrmidia (Une seule utilisation) ? pts

+/- 20 pts.

Glaive de Foi  (Une seule utilisation) ? pts

25 pts.

Statuette de Myrmidia ?pts

40 pts.

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La CT4 et l'équipement de base vont à l'encontre de ton idée initiale de "prêtre modulable".

Je reviendrais à ce que tu avais dit : la lance et le bouclier en OM. Du genre, +1CC et I, et permet d'utiliser la règle "arme de base + bouclier", pour 20 pts.

Oups pour le profil...

Pour les équipements ça doit effectivement être en objet magique c'est plus réaliste et surtout ça laisse équivalence entre les 3 prêtres des dieux de la guerre.


La plupart de ces objets ne sont pas des reliques telles celles du culte d'Ulric. Une relique influe généralement sur les prières.

J'en ferias une liste d'OM classique.

Hum c'est vrai pour le Prêtre d'Ulric. Pourtant relique ça sonnait bien les objets magique reservait aux prêtres.

Sceptre Obéissance ? pts

50 pts. J'enlèverais l'immunité à la panique, et laisserais tenace. Normalement, la tenacité seule est de 60 pts, mais elle ne s'applique plus ici si général mort ou trop loin, d'où la réduction.


Bouclier d'Éblouissement ? pts

Trop efficace à mon avis pour ce que peut se payer un prêtre (50 pts...). J'enlèverais la phrase sur les machines de guerre (quid des balistes ?), et mettrais l'objet à 40 pts.

on peut peut-être changer par le prêtre et son unité obtientienne une svg invulnérable de 6+ contre les tirs (ça fait très 40K tout ça...). La baliste est un machine de guerre...

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Bouclier d'Éblouissement ? pts

Trop efficace à mon avis pour ce que peut se payer un prêtre (50 pts...). J'enlèverais la phrase sur les machines de guerre (quid des balistes ?), et mettrais l'objet à 40 pts.

on peut peut-être changer par le prêtre et son unité obtientienne une svg invulnérable de 6+ contre les tirs (ça fait très 40K tout ça...). La baliste est un machine de guerre...

Je raffole pas des distibutions de svg invulnérable. Trop 40K, effectivement...

Juste le -1 pour toucher, à 40 pts, me semble simple, efficace et dans l'esprit. A toi de voir...

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  • 2 ans après...

La dernière version des règles de Bubble Ghost

Warrior Priests of Myrmidia - 95 points per model

Myrmidia is the goddess of war. Her worship began in the south of the Old World, with both Tilea and Estalia claiming to be their beloved goddess and saviour’s homeland. But whatever her origins, worship of Myrmidia has spread north throughout much of the Old World, thanks in no small part to the heroics of the renowned Knights of the Blazing Sun. Myrmidia is a more stoic deity than the savage northern god of battle, Ulric; she is scrupulous and unyielding, and where Ulric loves battle for its own sake, Myrmidia’s resolve is born of duty and compassion. Her followers venerate spiritual purity, skill at arms, and the intricate arts of strategy. In times of war, Priests and Priestesses of Myrmidia are a great boon, advising generals, bolstering the morale of troops, and leading from the front, exemplary in their skill and immovable in their courage.

Empire and Dogs of War armies may choose Priests of Myrmidia as Hero choices.


Warrior Priest 4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 8

Equipped with hand weapon and shield. May carry a great weapon (+4 points) or an additional hand weapon (+4 points). May be equipped with light armour (+2 points) or heavy armour (+4 points). May ride a warhorse (+10 points), which may have barding (+4 points). May carry magic items with a maximum value of 50 points.

Blessing of Myrmidia

The presence of the Priest on the battlefield adds one die to the army’s Dispel pool.

Strength of the Maiden

Enemy units fighting the Priest or unit he is with cannot gain the +1 combat resolution for outnumbering.


Cast as Bound spells with a Power level of 3.

Gift of Arms. The Priest and the unit he is with may re-roll any 1s scored on to hit rolls in the next Close Combat


Gift of Strategy. Remains in play until the Priest is slain or attempts to use another Prayer. Enemy units charged by the Priest cannot choose to voluntarily flee as a charge reaction.

Iron Resolve. Remains in play until the Priest is slain or attempts to use another prayer. Unit with Priest may re-roll failed Break tests.

Radiant Glory. Remains in play until the Priest is slain or attempts to use another prayer. Use on the Priest himself or a friendly model within 12”. All successful hand to hand attacks made against the affected model must be re-rolled.

Modifié par Dreadaxe
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  • 2 semaines après...

Tant qu'on y est, problème pour tous les prêtres guerriers : le prêtre étalon étant celui de Sigmar, il va falloir aligner les autres dessus. Donc trouver une 5e prière, passer leur niveau de puissance à 4 et changer l'effet psychologique que la prêtre confère. La haine de certaines armées est devenue la haine de tout le monde, on généralise ça pour tous les prêtres ? Ca se justifie assez bien pour Sigmar, puisqu'un ennemi de l'armée impéraile est un ennemi de l'Empire et donc de Sigmar, mais pour Taal, Mórr, Myrmidia et les autres ?

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Tant qu'on y est, problème pour tous les prêtres guerriers : le prêtre étalon étant celui de Sigmar, il va falloir aligner les autres dessus.

Le soucis étant que le Prêtre d'Ulric de GW ne sera pas remis à niveau... donc je sais pas trop.

On peut aussi considérer que les armées impériales agissent comme des armées du culte ce qui explique la puissance des prêtres de Sigmar qui trouve plus d'adorateurs...

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  • 1 an après...

Une autre version (de la forme augmentation pour le Prêtre Guerrier) quelques idées pour d'autres objets magiques.

Along the same lines of ‘Provincial Traits’, I decided to compile some thoughts I had in regards to characters that should actually be in the Empire Armybook, that were missed opportunities. These in general work off a framework of the existing characters, to make them more unique – similar to Kindreds in a WE book I guess…

Feedback / suggestions welcome.


The Warrior Priest may ‘worship’ one of the following gods:

- Sigmar

- Ulric

- Morr

- Taal

- Manann

- Myrmydia

- Verena

- Ranald

Notice the only difference is the prayers that are cast, and the equipment available. All other rules are the same.



A Warrior Priest may worship Myrmidia for 10 points.

Equipment: Hand Weapon and Spear

May not take any additional mundane weapons.

May ride a Pegasus for +50pts

Special Rules:


- Hold the Line

The warriors around the Warrior Priest are inspired by his determination and conviction of the battle plan.

Add +1 combat resolution to each combat taking place within 3 inches of the Warrior Priest or unit he has joined. Remains in Play.

- Battle Formations

Myrmidia whispers in the Priest’s ear the key to defeating the approaching foe.

Warrior Priest and any unit he joins may make an immediate reform (only if not in combat).

- Feigned Retreat

A common effective tactic used by followers of Myrmidia is to feign retreat, often leading enemies into traps.

Any unit that flees through the Warrior Priest or any unit he joins does not cause panic and automatically rallies in their following turn. Remains in Play.

- Superior Manoeuvring

A priest is exceptional at co-ordinating and directing troops to weaknesses in the enemy line.

Warrior Priest and any unit he joins that has detachments can use all detachment special rules up to 6 inches away, rather than 3 inches. Remains in Play.

- Myrmidia's Plan

For a few moments, Myrmidia's plan is crystal clear in the eyes of commanding officers. This gives them the confidence to proceed as planned.

A selected champion within 12 inches of the Warrior Priest gains +1 Ld. This cannot equal greater than the General’s Leadership. Remains in Play.

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  • 13 ans après...

Pour WFB6



Greetings out there and welcome back to another run in my hobby world.

Today i’ll show you something we made to meet the needs of one of our players, Gabriele,who asked a way to field a priestess of his beloved Myrmidia for his upcoming south-based imperial army. Digging in the net, i found an interesting fluff resume corcerning the Goddess of War templars and i tried to replicate her cult representatives in wharhammer 6th ,our most played edition.



Let’s get technical :

I started from the classic Sigmarite Warrior Priest and i basically rewrote the skills to fit the new diety dogmas.

Since “hate” rule didn’t really fit the Myrmidians way-to-go, i changed the priesthood signature skill with something it can rapresent the vast tactical knowledge they have calling it “Tactical Supremacy“. This transforms the priestess in something more  interesting.

I added “Weapon Mastery”  to workaround the weapon choices and  to represent the martial rigidity of the cult.

Prayers are an interesting point : basically,  “Spear of Myrmidia” and “Shield of Myrmidia” are very close to the first 2 prayers indicated in the Sigmarite lists of prayers.I changed just few details to make them slightly different and engaging.

Her Will Manifest” is very interesting.

Basically a Warbanner (+1 to combat result) ,to me it should really rapresent the tactical superiority of Myrmidia over the enemies, while “Divine Call”  shows the martial one.  Of all , this last one is probably the strongest, but still it must pass with a power level of 3.

Do you like it? We do.

Its an hero choice very different from the ones coming from the other cults, with strengths that take over different aspects of the game.

I’m going to attach here the articles i found in Warpstone magazine so ,for those who likes the Old World lore, its going to be a good read  (a great read tbh).

Hope to read your tests over this!





Special Rules

  • Blessing of Myrmidia: as long as the Warrior priestess is on the battlefield add one dice to the Dispel Pool.
  • Tactical Supremacy: after every unit has been deployed, but before scouts of both armies are deployed, you can re-deploy a single unit of your army that has been joined by one or more Warrior Priestesses. Otherwise you can re-deploy a single unaccompanied Warrior Priestess.
  • Weapon Mastery : unless equipped with magic weapons/shields the Warrior Priestess MUST be equipped with one of the following combinations for 5 points: spear and shield, Two hand weapons, Two-handed weapon. Note that the Warrior Priestess gains +1 to Armour Saves when fighting with Spear & Shield due to her skill. She ALWAYS wears an Heavy Armour.
  • Prayers of Myrmidia (Bound Spells with Power Level 3, can be invoked on Characters or Champions within 12” or on the Warrior Priestess herself)
  1. Spear of Myrmidia : the target model Re-rolls to hit. The prayer lasts until it is dispelled or until the Warrior Priestess invokes another prayer.
  2. Shield of Myrmidia : the target model gets 1+ Armour Save. The prayer lasts until it is dispelled or until the Warrior Priestess casts invokes prayer.
  3. Her Will Manifest : the Warrior Priestess adds 1 to the Combat Resolution of the fight she is involved in (if she is part of a unit, this prayer takes effect even if the Warrior Priestess is not in base to base contact with the enemy). The prayer lasts until it is dispelled or until the Warrior Priestess casts invokes prayer.
  4. Divine Call : Priestess can issue a challenge to a specific enemy model, which can still refuse it following ordinary rules. The priestess adds +2 to his Strength and always strikes first, irrespective of Initiative or any other rule (for example for being armed with a Two-handed weapon).


  • May choose magic items from the Common or Empire magic items lists with a maximum total value of 50.
  • May ride a warhorse (+10pts) which can have bardings (+4pts)


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