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Création de perso spéciaux


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je trouve pourtant que c'est un sujet constructif, au modérateur de juger .

Effectivement, et je devrais avoir honte de ne pas avoir encore répondu. Je vais essayer de me faire pardonner :wink:

Ma vision de la création d'un perso :

1° l'historique

Peu importe la qualité des règles, elles ne valent rien si on ne sait pas qui on joue (c'est tout l'intérêt des persos spéciaux, sauf les plus bourrins). La création d'un background développé, complet et cohérent est indispensable. Pour bien faire, on ne devrait même pas penser aux règles du tout en écrivant l'historique.

J'aime particulièrement les gens fraîchement arrivés de la section Récits qui viennent poster leur perso, qu'ils ont fait évoluer pendant des mois : ce sont généralement ceux qui ont le plus de caractère.

2° le but et l'échelle

Aller chercher dans l'historque quel est le rang et l'importance du perso : ça va déterminer une grande partie de des caractéristiques et équipements. Un commandant de garnison sera un héro, un grand seigneur aura un profil de seigneur et plus d'OM...

C'est aussi le moment de déterminer ce qu'on veut le voir faire sur le champ de bataille : un bon guerrier mal protégé, un tireur insaisissable, un mage chiant, un rentre-dedans, un harceleur, un lâche (pourquoi pas...) etc. Un perso spécial est pour moi spécialisé : il ne doit donc pas être un couteau suisse, ce qui n'exclut pas une certaine flexibilité.

3° le profil

La phase facile en général : les profils sont souvent déjà existant, il n'y a qu'à choisir le bon (cf. point 2) : seigneur, héro, voire simple champion (mes préférés, j'aimerais plus de simples champions personnalisés que de grands seigneurs lassants et répétitifs...). Dans de rares cas, de légères modifications s'imposent : +1CC pour un guerrier habile par exemple, mais ça doit rester rare : les profils génériques sont là pour ça.

4° l'équipement et les règles spéciales

Ca va généralement ensemble. Encore une fois, ça ne doit que refléter l'objectif fixé au point 2°. Respecter les règles traditionnelles d'équilibre et rester raisonnable, et tout se passera bien.

5° les points

La phase chiante en général.

Pour le profil, tout va bien si on ne s'est pas éloigné des standards du livre d'armée, sinon les épinglés existent pour ça.

Pour les OM, rien d'écrit (même si je travaille sur un épinglé "Création d'OM"...). En général, on trouve son bonheur dans les différents livres d'armées... qu'on ne possède évidemment pas toujours.

6° la figurine

Je le place en dernier et c'est sûrement un tort : je me dis qu'il vaut mieux attendre que les règles soient prêtes pour être sûr que la fig soit WYSIWYG, mais d'un autre côté, une figurine peut souvent inspirer des règles aussi. En tout cas, peu de (voire aucune) création de cette section ne contient de conversions reflétant des règles persos, et c'est dommage, l'intérêt de la chose y perd beaucoup...

Modifié par Mîm
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  • 4 ans après...

Special Character Design Rules. Basic Character Construction

Over at Carpe Noctem we have a section of the forum called Unit Development. Take a trawl here, and apart from noticing its relative inactivity at the current time, you will notice that for nearly every character idea posted there, there is one line in common. This line is, of course, “Points: ????”. In this article and the next, I hope to answer that question. What number, small or large, should fill the gaping hole left by those question marks.

Step 0 : Read this over so your mind starts working subconsciously. Steps one to five detail basic character creation and stat modification. Later steps detail magic item creation

Step one: Choose a lord or hero choice from an army book, any army book, so this allows you to have a vampire leading an empire force for example. This is the “Base” you add your modifications to the points cost of this base.

Step two: Choose a name for your character. You’ll find mixing parts of names from the army book can sometimes help. There are also numerous online resources for this including Black Library and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, I won’t go over names here.

Step three: Write up a small history for your character, the more you write the better people will accept your character, generally…. It depends on your writing.

Step four: Work out how many points your character will spend on magic items and what (From here (The great forge, section 7), from your army book or from the rulebook). Magic items can be changed at any time, obviously.

(May only buy this upgrade once) An additional 30 points added to your characters normal magic item or Bloodline powers or sprites etc allowance may be bought for 35pts on a hero and 45pts on a lord.

Step five: Work out any additions to you characters stats, Stats with an asterisk can only be upgraded once. Those with a double asterisk may only be upgraded twice. Those with a triple asterisk can only be upgraded three times. The max amount of upgrades from here a hero may take is 85pts worth; the max amount for lords is 140pts worth. To take away statistics simply substract the points costs below, but there is no limit to how much you can take away. However, a hero choice may not go below 35points , and a lord, 75pts. You may continue taking away stats after that, but it will have no effect on the points cost.

*M +15pts for upgrade (10pts for heros) (30 points for dwarves)

Ws +10pts per upgrade

Bs+ 5pts per upgrade

**Str: + 16pts for upgrade

*T : + 35pts for upgrade (25pts for heros) (45 points for elves).

W: +45pts for upgrade (35pts for heros)

***I: +5pts per upgrade

**A: +17 pts per upgrade (12pts for heros)

*LD: + 10pts per upgrade, may not go above 10LD (15pts for heros) (25 points for all Skaven)

Step 6: Part One: : Special rules must be chosen from the table below, If you get a lvl 1 advantage you must get a lvl 1 disadvantage or pay the points cost noted, If you get a lvl1 disadvantage then you either get a free lvl 1 advantage or the minus points. It is the same process for lvl2 and lvl 3 special rules. Try to fit with the fluff, that is the point after all. Level one rules detail basic modifications, more suited to heroes, level two rules are more indepth, level three rules allow extreme levels of immersion, from madness, to vampirism to almost monstrous abilities or legendary strategical ability, more suited to lords. If your character already has one of the special rules, you may subtract for advantages or add for disadvantages to get rid of the rule. You add/ subtract the given points value. So you could -10 points (-powerdice) to show a bad mage, or a stupid one, or one that focoused on dispelling.

Special Rules table.

Lvl one advantages:

Magic Resistance 1, (+15pts) (does not accumulate)

Poisoned attacks, (+10pts)

Immune to fear, (+15pts)

Hatred, (15pts)

Eternal Hatred, (+20pts)

6+ scaly skin save, (+5pts) (does not accumulate)

Flaming attacks( + 10pts)

Extra Power Dice (+10points)

Extra dispel dice (+15pts)

Lvl one Disadvantages

Stupidity (-10pts)

Must always accept challenges and issue them (-5pts)

Flammable, (-5pts)

Eccentric movement ( roll 1d6 for the movement) (- 10pts)

Cannibalism: If the character breaks a unit instead of persuing, they must spend the rest of the combat phase staying till, eating the bodies of the fallen. In a VP game they gain 25 VP.

Antimagic resistance: Enemy gets +1 powerdice for the spell if it is are cast on his unit or him.


Examples of Basic Characters:

Ra’lak: A necromancer that has degenerated to an almost ghoulish state, a good Necromancer for a Strigoi vampire for example.


+1 T

+1 A

Poisoned attacks


6+ scaly skin save.


=25+12+10+15 (negated by disadvantage)+5+base= 107pts.

For fun lets give him one extra spell and the Black Pertiapit. Making him 137 points.

Is that unreasonable for a balanced, fluffy yet still slightly effective character?

And now for a few completely different characters, to demonstrate the versatility of this system. They will not have points values, so as not to let particular people work backwards and therefore arrive at the points of the model. I.e violating copyright.

Lithorthea: A woodelf that is a little too connected with the forest. Good for a forest spirit themed army list. (Wood elf noble)


6+ Scaly skin

Immune to fear


+1 Str

It seems a little more characterful than Glamourweave, no?

For fun lets give her a sprite, madness perhaps?.

Antonio van Helman: A refined duelist of the empire nobility. ( Empire Noble)

+1 I

+1 A

Must always accept and issue challenges.

Which shows you that even a few minor changes can give a different feel, in this case arrogance, pride with a little speed and agility, appropriate for a blade focoused character.

Cerial ve Koch: A talented magician, top of his grade, but with a magical vulnerability as a result of a failed experiment and is now also tormented by an eternal fire. (Empire Battle Wizard)


Anti magic resistance.

Flaming attacks


Above shows that the rules can be used independently of stats. And Vica Versa.

Above were the Basic SCDR, they allow you to lightly, or heavily theme a character with a little imagination. In the later sections, this customisability will be further enchanced. One note however, show a little imagination with these rules, Cannibalism doesn’t have to represent a cannibal, the rules could be used to represent a thief, a looter of dead bodies.

Special Character Design Rules Advanced.

Welcome to the second section of Special Character Design Rules. Here we examine magic item creation, mounts, followers and body guards as well as level two and three abilities. The following two steps are reiterated for ease of use.

Revisions to Basic Rules:

1. Extra powerdice do not accumulate and can only be used by the character in question, this is the same with the dispel dice.

Part Two Step One: Work out any additions to you characters stats, Stats with an asterisk can only be upgraded once. Those with a double asterisk may only be upgraded twice. Those with a triple asterisk can only be upgraded three times. The max amount of upgrades from here a hero may take is 85pts worth; the max amount for lords is 140pts worth. To take away statistics simply substract the points costs below, but there is no limit to how much you can take away. However, a hero choice may not go below 35points , and a lord, 75pts. You may continue taking away stats after that, but it will have no effect on the points cost.

*M +15pts for upgrade (10pts for heros) (30 points for dwarves)

Ws +10pts per upgrade

Bs+ 5pts per upgrade

**Str: + 16pts for upgrade

*T : + 35pts for upgrade (25pts for heros) (45 points for elves).

W: +45pts for upgrade (35pts for heros)

***I: +5pts per upgrade

**A: +17 pts per upgrade (12pts for heros)

*LD: + 10pts per upgrade, may not go above 10LD (15pts for heros) (25 points for all Skaven)

Part Two step Two.: : Special rules must be chosen from the table below, If you get a lvl 1 advantage you must get a lvl 1 disadvantage or pay the points cost noted, If you get a lvl1 disadvantage then you either get a free lvl 1 advantage or the minus points. It is the same process for lvl2 and lvl 3 special rules. Try to fit with the fluff, that is the point after all. Level one rules detail basic modifications, more suited to heroes, level two rules are more indepth, level three rules allow extreme levels of immersion, from madness, to vampirism to almost monstrous abilities or legendary strategical ability, more suited to lords. If your character already has one of the special rules, you may subtract for advantages or add for disadvantages to get rid of the rule. You add/ subtract the given points value. So you could -10 points (-powerdice) to show a bad mage, or a stupid one, or one that focoused on dispelling.

Level 2 advantages

Magic resistance 2 (+30pts) does not accumulate

The model is immune to killing blow and poison. (+15pts)

Unbreakable (+20pts)

Frenzy (+15pts)

Superb general, (generals radius is increased to 18”) (+20pts)

Lvl one magician (does not accumulate) (+40pts)

Undying love: Choose one of your other characters, if this character dies then the character gets frenzy and hatred for the rest of the game. (+20pts)

Stubborn, confers to unit (+25pts)

Dodge lvl1 (5+ WardSave) (+30pts)

Killing blow: (25pts)

Spell Knowledge: The model knows one extra spell from the lore.. (+15pts)

Elemental storm/ Disease cloud etc: All enemy units in BtB contact at the start of a combat phase suffer 1 str4 hit with no armour saves (wards and regeneration are allowed) and -1 to hit. (+ 25pts)

Hidden: The model gains the Scout Rules. You may also hide the character in a friendly infantry unit (except for flying infantry). While hidden the model may not be attacked in any way and does not confer any bonuses to the army or unit. The only way to kill a hidden character is to completely destroy the unit, in which case the model is removed from the table. The character may be revealed at any point during yours or the opponents turn. He/she displaces one model from the front rank and may immediately take action, for example if revealed in the combat phase the model may attack. For the turn the model is revealed the model counts as charging. The model may be mounted, but may not hide in units if this is the case. (+25pts)

5+ Scaly Skin Save (+10pts) Does not accumulate.

Remiss: Every wound the character causes counts as two upon the model. This has no effect on single wound models apart from overkill in challenges. +20pts.

Riposte: For every attack that fails to wound the character, roll a dice, on a 5 or 6, the opponent suffers one wound at the characters strength, all saves allowed. (+20pts)

Always strikes First: Follows the rules in the Main Rule Book. +(20pts)

Level two disadvantages:

Pride: The model must always be the general, even if another model has higher leadership, if two models have this rule you must choose between them, you cannot have both. Their pride also blinds him/her to danger this results in the character being unbreakable, and if the unit flees, the character must pass a leadership test at -2 or stay in combat.. (-20pts)

-1 power or dispel dice to the pool or character (-15pts)

Fear of (insert army), (-10pts) may be taken for multiple armies, confers the fear onto his mount and/or unit. Fear of causes the enemy to cause fear against him, and his mount and/or unit.

One enemy army HATES this model and the models unit, they gain all bonuses associated. This may be taken for multiple armies but the point cost is only subtracted once. (-5pts, can not balance out an Advanatge)

Mad: Roll a dice at the start of the turn.

1-2 The character immediately charges and fights the closest unit even if it is friendly, if the character is in a unit he/she fights the unit for one turn, holding it up. The character can do nothing but fight the unit.

3-4 The character stays put, dribbling, he/she will fight in CC if needed, but otherwise stays put and does nothing, if there is a unit with the character then the unit either abandons the character or stays put.

5-6 All is well (for the mean time). (-25pts)

Poor General: General radius is reduced by 6” (-20pts)

Level two anti magic resistance: Enemy gets +2 powerdice for the spell if it is are cast on his unit or him. (-30pts)

-One magic level: (-40pts)

Uncoordinated: Always strikes last. ( -15pts)

Mad general: At the start of the movement phase one randomly determined unit in the army moves its full march distance in a direction indicated by a scatter dice, if it makes contact with an enemy unit it charges, if it makes contact with a friendly unit they both stall and can do nothing until the next turn except fight in combat but without rank bonuses. This counts as the units movement, units in combat are out of the determining. (-30pts)

LVL 3 Advantages:

Brilliant general : You may redeploy one unit after both sides deployment. (+35pts)

Flying Unit: The model may ‘fly’. +35pts.

Dual Wield: The Charcter may use two magic weapons or a magic and mudane weapon at the same time, gaining +1 attack. Allocate the effects of each to the attacks. For example if the model has four attacks, you could use two attacks with one sword, and the other two with the other sword. (+20pts)

Close Quarters Combat: The model may choose one of three techniques to use during the each combat phase. The model may not use the same one in two conbat phases.

Technique One: Disarm: If the character successfully wounds an opponent, the character may instead Disarm them. If this option is chosen then the oppoent loses the weapon for the rest of the game.

Technique Two: Chokehold: If the model successfully kills a man sized opponent, he may use the model as a body shield. The character has his attacks characteristic decreased by one, however any successful wounds directed against the character are automatically directed against the bodyshield, using the bodyshield original wounds and toughness and protection (AS/WS/Regen) Once the bodyshield is dead, all additional wounds which were directed against the bodshield are lost.

Technique Three: Flowing defense: For every succesul attack on the model, roll to hit with the character, if you hit the attack is discounted and your attack gets through. If twocharacters are using this technique against eachother there is the possibility of the attacks being blocked and exploited again and again.

Killing blow on 5+ (35pts)

Vampire: The character gains the undead rule, +1 str, toughness and attacks and is a level one wizard. (+ 65pts, this has to be paid for, you can not get a disadvantage to balance it).

Unusual army composition: The character may take one type of core unit from another army, this does not count towards core minimum. (+ 30pts)

Regeneration (+ 40pts)

Causes Terror (+50pts)

Lvl 2 magician (+60pts)

Lvl3 magic resistance (+50pts)

+2Power Dice (+50pts)

Dodge Level Two: 4 + Ward Save

Scaly Skin save: 4+ (20pts)

Paladin of the light / Lord of Death etc:

Bound Spell Power Level 4

Allows D6 infantry models or wounds to be revived from a unit/ character within 6” of the Special character. Cavalry units, monsters and characters may only have D3 models/ wounds revived (50pts)

Unearthly Beauty/Handsomeness: One enemy model in Btb contact must take a LD test at -2, if they fail they may not attack the character.. (30pts)

Lvl 3 Disadvantages: (-)

Weak : Each wound does 2 wounds. (-20pts)

Deathwish : Model must always charge, , model is unbreakable but may not wear any mudane or magical armour, confers to unit if the model has the highest leadership in the unit. (-25pts)

Old battle wound: Roll at the start of each turn, on a

1 The model loses a wound but can continue as normally

2 the model collapses in pain and does nothing.

3-4 – 3Initiative

5 – 1 A

6 – ‘I Can fight on( all is well for the mean time)


Lost grip on the army : 1d6 units per turn are affected (chosen by you not your opponent) roll a d3 for each of these units, that is how many desert / crumble. These models are taken away as if killed. Special choices lose one model on a 4+, and rare choices do not ever lose a model, nor do unbreakable units (not undead though!) (-50pts)

Limited army: You may only choose up to 6 different types of unit from your army, includes character types.( -35pts)

Level 3 anti magic resistance: Enemy gets +3 powerdice for the spell if it is are cast on his unit or him. (-40pts)

The Great Forge:

Mudane Equipment:

For reference below, and if you don’t want a magic weapon for your character:

You may buy any of the following for the listed costs:

Close Combat:

Additional Handweapon………+6pts.

Great Weapon………………….+6pts



Morning Star...............................+3pts



Scourge (HW, -1 to AS).............+4pts

Rapier (HW, +1 to I)...................+3pts

Sword Breaker (HW,-1 to enemy Str)...+5pts

Ranged Weapons:





Repeater Crossbow....................+10pts

Repeater Handbow (RXB, 8”)....+8pts

Pair of Repeater Handbows........+16pts



Throwing knives...........................+4pts

Throwing Axe..............................+3pts


Hochland Long Rifle (30”, pick out characters)...+15pts

Repeater Handgun (3xshots)........+15pts


Pair of Pistols...............................+10pts

Warplock Pistols (Str5)...............+10pts

Pair of Warplock Pistols.............+20pts

Elven longbow (Str4 at 15”).......+10pts.


Light Armour..............................+3pts

Heavy Armour.............................+6pts

Fullplate Armour.........................+10pts


Seadragon Cloak (+1AS, +2 Shooting AS).....+6pts.

Helm (+1 to AS)...............................................+5pts

Magical Equipment:

You have four options here, create an item from scratch, use an existing item, modify an item or merge existing items). You may do all on one item, for example creating an item from scratch, modifying it and merge it with an existing item. Again, exercise reason.

Merge Existing Items.

You may merge up to 3 items into one. Pick your three items, these may be from any army book. To merge an item with another item from your armoury or common list you must pay +5 points. To merge an item with an item from another list, you must pay +10pts. If you wish to merge a third item onto an item of two, and any of the three is an item from another AB then you must pay +15pts. These are all in addition to the points costs of the items. You may merge in an item you create (later on), this costs an additional 15pts.

Use existing item:

You may pick an item from any armybook as per normal. Getting items from other armies costs +10pts.

Modify items:

Use the stat table above to modify items, e.g buy a stat bonus or minus on the wielder for the weapon.

Create an Item:

Start off with Blank Item. Blank Item may be from any of the items, e.g weapon, arcane, armour etc. Blank Item costs 5 pts. Creating each blank item is different e.g there is a different process for each type.

Magic Weapons:

You now have blank weapon, choose a mudane weapon to base it on.

Once you have your mudane weapon, the first step is to decide wether the weapon will give any statistic increases or decreases to the user using the stat table above (ranged weapons will of course use the stat modifications as their strength, and not add to the user). The weapon cannot go into minus points and CC weapons may not –BS, Ranged weapons may not -WS. The weapon is a magical weapon.

The second step is to decide wether it will give any special effects, from here or from the special rules tables.

Effect 1:

Poison/ Stat decrease upon enemy; The weapon causes -1 a particular stat (chosen) if the enemy model fails the test for that stat. This cannot be used on wounds. If the weapon affects WS,BS or I, the statistic goes down by 2.

May be taken multiple times for different stats.


Effect 2:

Does D3 Wounds per hit.


Effect 3: Killing blow:


Effect 4: Soul Stealer: Instead of rolling to wound, both you and the enemy roll a dice and add you leadership, add one to your score for every hit scored. The lowest score loses, and is immediately removed from the table.


Effect Five: Ignores Armour Saves


Effect six:

Gives D3 Extra attacks, roll at the start of the combat


Effect 7: Blinding Light:

For every successful wound the model causes all enemy models in BtB suffer -1 to hit, cumulative. (+20pts)

Effect 8:

-1 to As: 5 Points.

Effect 9: The ranged weapon shoots with the rules of a Boltthrower.


Effect 10:

If the character has a spear, he gets +3 Str on the charge.


Magic Armour: Start with Blank armour, choose whether is armour, shield or helm.

Step 1: Use the stat table above if you want stat bonuses or decreases.

Step 2: +Armour save. For every 5 pts you get an extra armour save point.

Step 3: Choose special effects for your armour:

Effect one: (Helms only) Hawkeye: +12” to range of ranged weapons, +2 to BS.


Effect two:

Regeneration; +40pts.

Effect three:

For the armour increases the wearers toughness to one more than the strength of the attacks of one model, with a maximum of T6. However if the model is attacked by any other opponents his toughness is reduced by 1. (+30pts)

Enchanted Items: (Bound items, yay!)

To create the item, choose a medium, you may choose a piece of armour, a weapon or a trinket. The weapons and/or armour count as one and take up an arm etc, they may be of any type..

To create the magic item pick a spell from any lore, spells from other AB lores incur an extra 10pts cost, this does not happen for the 8 main lores. You then attach this spell to the item.

Follow this table:

NB: Invocation of Nehek is a level 6 spell, so is Dispel Magic, and other automatically known spells.

Lvl 1 Spell -------Power level 3-----------Cost, +15pts

Lvl 2 Spell-------Power level 3-----------Cost, +20pts

Lvl 3 spell-------Power level 3-----------Cost, + 30pts

Lvl 4 spell-------Power level 4-----------Cost, + 35pts

Lvl 5 spell-------Power level 4-----------Cost, +40 pts

Lvl 6 spell-------Power level 5-----------Cost,+ 55pts

Arcane Items and Talismans:

Modify existing. They cover all bases.


You may mount your character on any kind of mount from any army, paying the appropriate points cost. Mounts may also be given statistic changes and Special rules from the Appropriate Tables as well as Mount Specific Rules below:

Mount Specific Rules:

Rule One: Undying Loyalty: The monster does not test on the monster reaction table, instead acting as a lone monster would. Since the monster takes the riders body with it, the enemy gets no victory points unless both are killed. If the mount is not a monster, and the rider is on one wound as a result of combat, and there is no friendly unit in the combat then take a LD test using the riders LD. If failed the rider and character immediately flee 3d6 “ then rally. The enemy may persue. If passed then the player may choose to stay or flee.


Rule Two: Independent Mount: If them mount is not a monster, then it remains in play even if the rider dies.


Rule Three: Spikes / Horns / Steel Shod Hooves: The mount gains +1 Str on the charge for the mount)


Rule Four: Monster Barding:

The Monster gains +1 to its AS, so does the rider.


Rule Five: Breath Attack.

The Mount gains one of the following breath attacks.

Fire: Flame Template, Str 4, Flaming. (+15pts)

Ice: Flame Template, Str 4, -1 to enemy movement and initiative until your next shooting phase. (+15pts)

Stone: Use rules for cannonballs. But at Str 6, maximum range 36”. A misfire results in on a 1-3, no shooting for this turn, 4-6, no shooting for this or the next turn. (+50pts)

Electric: Shooting Attack, Str 6, 24”, no armour saves. If it kills one model in the unit it is aimed at, then all models in BtB contact with the dead model suffers a Str 5 attack, if they die, then all models in Btb with them suffer a Str 4 attack, so on and so forth. A model cannot be electrocuted twice. (+40pts)


The following poison may be applied to the characters weapons, and confer their effects to the weapon. The attacks do not count as poisoned in the normal rule sense (i.e on a 6 to hit it auto wounds). You may not combine multiple poisons on the same weapon.

Essence of Nightshade: Each successful wound causes 2 wounds. (+ 20pts)

Manbane: Characters attacks are counted as being one higher in strength than the opponents Toughness, up to Str 6. ………………………………...(+25pts)

Terrorcap: If the character causes a successful wound against a model, the character is subject to the rules of terror for that model. In addition a monster will automatically go Raaaaaargh! if affected by this poison without a rider. (+15pts)

Hexweed: If a model is successfully wounded by a weapon with this poison, the model suffers an additional wound for every successive combat phase.

Twilight Frog Venom: Automatically wounds on a 5 to hit, not a 6.

Body Guards and Followers.

You may choose to have either a band of followers, or a single body guard.


Unit size 1-5. Each Follower is chosen from any unit choice from any army. You must pay the appropriate points cost for each model. So, a band could be made up of a Wardancer, a Wraith, a Grave Guard, a Black Guard and an Ogre lead Belcher.

One may be upgraded to Champion at +16pts, this confers an extra attack.

One may be upgraded to a Standard Beaer at +16pts.

One may be upgradec to a Musician at +8pts.

If the character is mounted, then the followers must be mounted on the basic steed of your army, if your army does not include a steed, use the Following rules: (+10 points per model)

M: 8

WS: 3

S: 4

I: 3


If your character is flying, then all followers must be mounted on the basic flying mount (Pegasi, Warhawks, Winged Nightmare)of your army, if there is none use the following rules.

M: 4






The ‘band’ (Character+Followers) follows all the rules for a unit and move as skirmishers , however they may (if not flying) join any other unit, replacing the front rank.

Alternatively, the character may have familiars as followers if they are a magician. These models automatically move at the same pace as your character, and can be placed as you see fit throughout the unit. You may buy the following familiars.

Spell Familiar : Gives the character an extra spell. May be placed at any point within 8” of the character, at the start of each turn and the character may use its line of sight when casting spells as well as her own. (+25pts)

Suicide Familiar: If an enemy unit is within 8” at the start of the turn then the suicide familiar may run at them. If he does so, the model is immediately removed, but the opposing unit suffers 2D6 Str 4 hits. (+30pts)

Body Shield Familiar: The first successful wound against the character is discounted and the BSF removed. (+25pts)

Body Guards:

Choose one champion of any unit from any army. Add 30pts to the cost of this champion but add an extra wound. The model may use any of the special rules from the appropriate table. The character and Bodyguard form a Skirmishing unit that may join any unit, replacing two models of the front rank. The Bodyguard also follows the rules of having to buy one of the above mount to match the character. The bodyguard also has the following Special Rules:

Principal above Life:

For every wound the character takes, before saves, roll a d6, on a 2+ the wound is transferred to the bodyguard. He may take his armour saves/wardsaves.


The bodyguard may sacrifice his attacks. For every attack sacrificed, on enemy model in BtB loses an attack.

And there you have it, how to make and point your own special character, for use in home games.


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