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Mercenaire (RoR) - Disciples de la Rédemption Rouge


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Quelques réflexions :

* Humains tout ce qu'il a de plus classique ou bien petit avantage CC4 ? I4 ? F4 (pas pour) ?. Il faut s'inspirer de l'armée d'un culte chaotique du White Dwarf UK 304/FR 137. Ça peut être le profil d'un Épéiste/Maraudeur

* Rédemption Pourpre ou Rouge ? ou simplement Rédemption

* Disciple de la Rédemption ou Rédemptioniste ? Rédemptoriste ?

* Marque de Khorne comme pourrait l'avoir des maraudeurs

* Armure légère ou lourde ?

* Bouclier + morgenstern ? Fléau pour le champion ? A voir pour le héros, mais ça peut être arme supplémentaire ou autre...

* Si quelqu'un a la version WFB6 crée par Raza Decon je suis prenneur.



The Red Redemption was born during the bitter religious wars fought between the Man of the West and the swarthy Arabians. Amongst the countless factions of crusading warriors, those known only as the Brotherhood were surely the most feared and the most powerful.

As with all protracted wars, there were long periods of inactivity, whilst supplies were organized, spies sent out or paltry scouting missions undertaken. Such lulls were anathema to the more zealous of the warrior-priests of the Brotherhood . They hated sitting around whilst they know the Arabians were out there being, well, downright Arabian.

Eroneus Balbadron was one such frustrated fanatic. Eroneus fell into a black mood whenever the fighting got hold up. Each stoppage caused his moods to become even blacker; indeed, legend has It that his skin and hair turned completely black during this time. His frustration turned easily to anger, and the_ anger grow Inside him until it was almost a palpable thing. He sought solace In the holy books of the Brotherhood, but to no avail. His anger grow and grew until he became crazed and twisted with it. His hatred of Arabians became a hatred for all.

Presently, a very strange thing happened that was to 'change the course of Eroneus's life, and the lives of countless others also. It was a dark evening, and the Brotherhood has just captured the ruins of an ancient temple from a group of Arabians. The enemy has hardly put up any resistance, and the fight had been a most disappointing affair. It was as he searched the ruins for any signs of the enemy that Eroneus saw a curious book, its cover barely visible as it lay on the floor. Eroneus compulsively picked it up and sought secrecy in the ruined remains of a sunken room.

Eroneus placed his torch In a bracket by the wall, and feverishly spread the book in front of him. Kneeling before it he began to read. To say that what he read was bombshell would understate the Impact that the volume had on him. In truth his crazed mind could not at first believe that It was possible: this aged book contained the truth. Eroneus was overwhelmed by a feeling of physical, spiritual and mental Redemption. The book was a sacred scripture dedicated to and revering the Chaos God of Khorne. Khorne the black God of Battleg the dark Lord of Slaughter, the thirsting God of Blood!

At once Eroneus felt his links with the Brotherhood, and with humanity, permanently broken. In a favor of ecstasy he pounded his face against the chamber walls until all that remained was ... well, little enough remained to betray the fact that he had once been human. Only then did he see the black robes and iron masks that hung upon the chamber walls. The Iron mask was unnaturally hot and soared his face as he put It on. The black robes soaked the blood from his armour. Eroneus had become the first and greatest of the redemptionists, the Master of the Redemption, and his cry was, 'Be redeemed through blood, saved through slaughter.'

Quickly slaying his former comrades in a chaotic commando style exercise of carnage, Eroneus fled Into the wor4d at large. His objectives were unclear, but he was certain that people of the right persuasion would be sure to welcome enlightenment. He was right.

Only a few years after the Incident of the Brother-slaying, the cult of the Red Redemption had become established throughout the Old World. In the secret temples of the cult, Initiates were introduced to the vile and bloody ways of the mighty God Khorne. The skin was ritually flayed from the face and torso of each Initiate. Glowing hot Iron face masks and cuirasses formed a now and tougher skin. At last they were permitted to wear the black robes of Khorne. Of course, this resulted in all of the Disciples of the Rod Redemption suffering from total and Irrevocable madness, but that really didn't bother them too much. (They were more concerned In shedding the blood of heretics, as members of the countless groups of Disciples then spreading the ways of Khorne in the world).

On such group was Darkhoth's Disciples of On Red Redemption. Darkhoth was sold to have been initiated by the Master of the Redemption himself, a great honour indeed. His power was such that he could command a group of up to 40 Disciples. The key to this power was the large black book that he always carried - Darkhold. This was a transcript of the original scriptive book discovered by Eroneus. It Is a very powerful magic item, although its uses are confined to cult practices. Merely looking at the pages of this book would drive any living being Insane. The Disciples are Immune to this by dint of them already having achieved this particular state of mind. Darkhoth was able to read passages from this book, and herein its his power. A passage read from the book gives Darkhoth absolute power over any Disciples that hear him. During the initiation ceremony, Darkhoth would read a special passage from the book which so assaulted the mind of the Initiate that his personality would be forever shattered. Darkhoth would assess the suitability of the Initiate for cult membership by his reaction. If the Initiate reacted with extreme violence this was judged to be good, and he would be prepared for flaying and encasement In glowing Iron. If the Initiate failed to react With sufficient violence he would be given up as a sacrifice to Khorne.

Version citadel Journal Autunm 85



Version OldSage

Editor's Notes: This regiment was first published in The Second Citadel Journal, Autumn 1985, for Warhammer Fantasy Battles, 1st Edition [Ndr : C'est la 2ième édition en fait]. I have edited and modified it to fit with Warhammer Fantasy Battles, 6th Edition. The history for the regiment has not been altered in any way except to correct spelling errors and typos.

Version Skarloc

Die Jünger der Roten Erlösung

Blut fließt,

Zorn brennt,

Tot erwacht,

Krieg ruft!

(Schlachtgebet an den Gott des Blutes)

Die Regeln für dieses Legendäre Regiment sind nicht von Games Workshop. Sie basieren auf den Regeln der Legendären Söldnerregimenter aus dem White Dwarf 252. Darkhoth gilt im Spiel als Charaktermodell, kann die Einheit aber nicht verlassen und darf - unabhängig von seinen Moralwert - niemals General der Armee sein. Darkhoth oder die Einheit darf auch keinen zusätzlichen magischen Gegenstand erhalten. Die Jünger der Roten Erlösung können als Seltene Einheit in anderen Armeen angeworben werden, mit Ausnahme von Bretonen, Hochelfen, Waldelfen, Imperium, Zwerge und Echsenmenschen.

Darkhoth und neun der Jünger, einschließlich dem Standartenträger und einem Musiker, kosten insgesamt 195 Punkte. Dies ist die Mindesteinheit, welche anheuern werden muß. Das Regiment kann durch das Hinzufügen zusätzlicher Jünger für je +8 Punkte vergrößert werden.


Darkhoth 4 5 3 4 4 2 5 3 8

Jünger 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7

* Einheitengröße: 10 – 40

* Ausrüstung: Leichter Flegel (Handwaffe ohne Bonus), leichte Rüstung und Schilde. Darkhoth selbst ist mit Handwaffe, leichten Flegel und schwerer Rüstung ausgestattet. Er besitzt Darkhold und das Flammenschwert des Khorne.

* Sonderregeln: Die Jünger der Roten Erlösung unterliegen den Regeln für Raserei.

Magischer Gegenstände:

* Das Flammenschwert des Khorne (Magische Standarte): Das Flammenschwert ist keine Waffe, vielmehr ein Amulett. Zu Beginn der Schlacht übergibt Darkhoth das Schwert an den Standartenträger, der es an der Spitze der Standarte befestigt. Dort können es alle Jünger sehen. Die Macht des Flammenschwert ist enorm und treibt die Krieger in eine kaum aufzuhaltende Kampfwut. Um dies darzustellen, erhält die gesamte Einheit in der ersten Phase jedes Nahkampfs einen Bonus von +1 auf die Trefferwürfe.

* Darkhold (Talisman) Diese uralte und vergilbte Abschrift trägt Darkhoth immer bei sich. Das Buch ist mit einer Kette auf seinen Rücken gebunden und verleiht ihm einen Rettungswurf von 4+.








Modifié par Dreadaxe
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L'histoire semble avoir été reprise dans le bouquin sur l'héraldique impériale ; on y décrit une bande de fanatiques appelés les Flagellants de la Rédemption Rouge, reconnaissables à leurs scarifications. Ils sont présentés comme un groupe de flagellants parmi d'autres.

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Super, très bonne idée de les remettre au goût du jour. Je vais pouvoir ressortir les miens :(

QUelques remarques :

Humains tout ce qu'il a de plus classique ou bien petit avantage CC4 ? I4 ? F4 (pas pour) ?. Il faut s'inspirer de l'armée d'un culte chaotique du White Dwarf UK 304/FR 137. Ça peut être le profil d'un Épéiste/Maraudeur

Pour moi, un profil d'humain de base.

* Rédemption Pourpre ou Rouge ? ou simplement Rédemption

Les disciples de la Rédemption Rouge.

* Marque de Khorne comme pourrait l'avoir des maraudeurs

Vi !

* Armure légère ou lourde ?

Légère, regarde l'armure d'un exécuteur.. il marche dessus, c'est ce n'est qu'une armure lourde.

Bouclier + morgenstern ?

Parfait !

Fléau pour le champion ?


A voir pour le héros, mais ça peut être arme supplémentaire ou autre...

Je mettrais juste une capa en plus pour le Héro genre peur à cause de son masque par exemple. Il faudrait aussi représenter le livre tu ne crois pas ?

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La version de Raza Decon pour WFB6

The Disciples of the Red Redemption

The mad monks of Araby

The Red Redemption was born during the bitter Crusades fought between the Men of the Old World and the swarthy Arabians. Amongst the countless factions of crusading warriors, those known only as the Brotherhood were surely the most feared and the most powerful.

As with all prolonged wars, there were long periods of inactivity, whilst supplies were organized, spies sent out or scouting missions undertaken. Such lulls were anathema to the more zealous of the Templars of the Brotherhood. They hated sitting around whilst they knew the Arabians were out there being, well, downright Arabian.

Eroneus Balbadron was one such frustrated fanatic. Eroneus fell into a black mood whenever the fighting got held up. Each stoppage caused his moods to become even blacker; indeed, legend has it that his skin and hair turned completely black during this time. His frustration turned easily to anger, and the anger grew inside him until it was almost a palpable thing. He sought solace in the holy books of the Brotherhood, but to no avail. His anger grew and grew until he became crazed and twisted with it. His hatred of Arabians became a hatred for all.

Presently, a very strange thing happened that was to change the course of Eroneus's life, and the lives of countless others also. It was a dark evening, and the Brotherhood had just captured the ruins of an ancient temple from a group of Arabians. The enemy had hardly put up any resistance, and the fight had been a most disappointing affair. It was as he searched the ruins for any signs of the enemy that Eroneus saw a curious book, its cover barely visible as it lay on the floor. Eroneus compulsively picked it up and sought secrecy in the ruined remains of a sunken room.

Eroneus placed his torch in a bracket by the wall, and feverishly spread the book in front of him. Kneeling before it he began to read. To say that what he read was a bombshell would understate the impact that the volume had on him. In truth his crazed mind could not at first believe that it was possible: this aged book contained the truth. A feeling of physical, spiritual and mental redemption overwhelmed Eroneus. The book was a sacred scripture dedicated to and revering the Chaos God of Khorne. Khorne the black God of Battle, the dark Lord of Slaughter, the thirsting God of Blood!

At once Eroneus felt his links with the Brotherhood, and with humanity, permanently broken. In a fever of ecstasy he pounded his face against the chamber walls until all that remained was ... well, little enough remained to betray the fact that he had once been human. Only then did he see the black robes and iron masks that hung upon the chamber walls. The iron mask was unnaturally hot and seared his face as he put it on. The black robes soaked the blood from his armor. Eroneus had become the first and greatest of the Redemptionists, the Master of the Redemption, and his cry was, 'Be redeemed through blood, saved through slaughter.'

Quickly slaying his former comrades in a chaotic commando-style exercise of carnage, Eroneus fled into the world at large. His objectives were unclear, but he was certain that people of the right persuasion would be sure to welcome enlightenment. He was right.

Only a few years after the incident of the Brother-slaying, the cult of the Red Redemption had become established throughout Araby and some parts of the Old World. In the secret temples of the cult, initiates were introduced to the vile and bloody ways of the mighty God Khorne the skin was ritually flayed from the face and torso of each initiate. Glowing hot iron facemasks and cuirasses formed a now and tougher skin. At last they were permitted to wear the black robes of Khorne. Of course, this resulted in all of the Disciples of the Red Redemption suffering from total and irrevocable madness, but that really didn't bother them too much. (They were more concerned in shedding the blood of heretics, as members of the countless groups of Disciples then spreading the ways of Khorne in the world.)

One such group is Darkhoth's Disciples of the Red Redemption. Darkhoth is said to have been initiated by the Master of the Redemption himself, a great honor indeed. His power is such that he can command a group of up to 40 Disciples. The key to this power is the large black book that he always carries - the Darkhold. This is a transcript of the original cursed book discovered by Eroneus. It is a very powerful magic item, although its uses are confined to cult practices. Merely looking at the pages of this book would drive any living being insane. The Disciples are immune to this by dint of them already having achieved this particular state of mind. Darkhoth is able to read passages from this book, and herein lays his power. A passage read from the book gives Darkhoth absolute power over any Disciples who hear him. During the initiation ceremony, Darkhoth reads a special passage from the book, which so assaults the mind of the initiate that his personality is forever shattered. Darkhoth assesses the suitability of the initiate for cult membership by his reaction. If the initiate reacts with extreme violence, this is judged to be good, and he is prepared for flaying and encasement in glowing iron. If the initiate fails to react with sufficient violence, he is given up as a sacrifice to Khorne.

Note: Many of the Cults of Disciples seek work as mercenaries because of their bloodthirsty nature, but no employer would ever openly hire followers of the ruinous powers. Darkhoth and some of the other cult leaders tell the hopeful employers that they follow the High Elf god of war, Khaine. Since the worshipers of Khaine are still very unpredictable, the cultists are placed under watch and if any redemptionist steps out of line the regiment is quickly destroyed. Darkhoth is the only regiment of Redemptionist never to be destroyed during a mercenary campaign, mostly because of his cursed tome that keeps his fanatics in line.

The Regiment

Captain: Darkhoth

Battle-cry: Be redeemed through blood

For Hire: The Disciples of the Red Redemption can be hired as a Special unit for a Dark Elf and Dogs of War army. Alternatively, they can hire by as a Rare unit in any Warhammer army, except Bretonnia, Empire, Dwarfs, High Elves and Wood Elves.

Points: Darkhoth, a standard bearer, a musician, and seven Redemptionist cost a total of 210 points. This is the minimum size regiment that you may hire. The Regiment may be enlarged adding up to 30 more Redemptionist for 10 points a model.

					 M	WS	BS	S	T	W   I	A	Ld
Darkhoth			 4	5	 3	 4	5	2   5	3	8
Redemptionist		4	3	 3	 3	4	1   4	1	7

Unit Size: 10-40

Equipment: Morning Star, Light Armor, Shield. Darkhoth is armed with a morning star and long dagger (which gives him an additional S4 attack in combat)

Special Rules

Frenzy: The Disciples of the Red Redemption are so blood thirsty that they are subject to the rules of Frenzy in the rulebook.

Unpredictable Lot: The only thing that keeps these fanatics in line is the Darkhold, the book that Darkhoth carries. To represent this the Disciples of the Red Redemption will never use the leadership of the general and will never get to use the Battle Standard re-roll. Also if Darkhoth were ever to fall in battle the Red Redemption will charge the nearest unit, friend or foe. If the Red Redemption charges a friendly unit the opponent will do their combat. If there are no units near them, they will move during the Compulsory Phases in order to move closer to the nearest unit friend or foe.

There are no offical rules for this Regiment of Renown at this time.

These models are no longer available from Games Workshop.


The hard blister that the third edition The Disciples of the Red Redemption came in.

Modifié par Dreadaxe
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L'histoire semble avoir été reprise dans le bouquin sur l'héraldique impériale ; on y décrit une bande de fanatiques appelés les Flagellants de la Rédemption Rouge, reconnaissables à leurs scarifications. Ils sont présentés comme un groupe de flagellants parmi d'autres.

Ça prouve simplement que les auteurs de Uniformes & Héraldique de l'Empire, j'ai nommé Neil Hogson et Jeremy Vetock ont des lacunes dans leur connaissance du background classique.

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L'histoire semble avoir été reprise dans le bouquin sur l'héraldique impériale ; on y décrit une bande de fanatiques appelés les Flagellants de la Rédemption Rouge, reconnaissables à leurs scarifications. Ils sont présentés comme un groupe de flagellants parmi d'autres.

Ça prouve simplement que les auteurs de Uniformes & Héraldique de l'Empire, j'ai nommé Neil Hogson et Jeremy Vetock ont des lacunes dans leur connaissance du background classique.

J'avais pensé, plus charitablement, qu'ils avaient voulu glisser une allusion au vieux régiment et en avait fait une secte khorneuse qui tiendrait son culte secret en apparaissant comme un groupe de flagellants. Mais quand on voit que les auteurs n'ont pas même daigné reprendre les couleurs de la Sylvanie telles qu'elles avaient été présentées pendant la Tempête du Chaos, on peut effectivement douter de leur mémoire. :P
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  • 3 ans après...

Version de Mathias



The Red Redemption was born during the bitter religious wars fought between the Men of the West and the swarthy Arabians. Amongst the countless factions of crusading warriors, those known only as the Brotherhood were surely the most feared and the most powerful.

As with all protracted wars, there were long periods of inactivity, whilst supplies were organised, spies sent out or paltry scouting missions undertaken. Such lulls were anathema to the more zealous of the warrior­priests of the Brotherhood . They hated sitting around whilst they knew the Arabians were out there being, well, downright Arabian. Eroneus Balbadron was one such frustrated fanatic. Eroneus fell into a black mood whenever the fighting got held up. Each stoppage caused his moods to become even blacker; indeed, legend has it that his skin and hair turned completely black during this time. His frustration turned easily to anger, and the anger grew inside him until it was almost a palpable thing. He sought solace in the holy books of the Brotherhood, but to no avail. His anger grew and grew until he became crazed and twisted with it. His hatred of Arabians became a hatred for all.

Presently, a very strange thing happened that was to change the course of Eroneus's life, and the lives of countless others also. It was a dark evening, and the Brotherhood had just captured the ruins of an ancient temple from a group of Arabians. The enemy had hardly put up any resistance, and the fight had been a most disappointing affair. It was as he searched the ruins for any signs of the enemy that Eroneus saw a curious book, its cover barely visible as it lay on the floor. Eroneus compulsively picked it up and sought secrecy in the ruined remains of a sunken room. Eroneus placed his torch in a bracket by the wall, and feverishly spread the book in front of him. Kneeling before it he began to read. To say that what he read was a bombshell would understate the impact that the volume had on him. In truth his crazed mind could not at first believe that it was possible: this aged book contained the truth. Eroneus was overwhelmed by a feeling of physical, spiritual and mental Redemption. The book was a sacred scripture dedicated to and revering the Chaos God of Khorne. Khorne the black God of Battle, the dark Lord of Slaughter, the thirsting God of Blood!

At once Eroneus felt his links with the Brotherhood, and with humanity, permanently broken. In a fever of ecstasy he pounded his face against the chamber walls until all that remained was ... well, little enough remained to betray the fact that he had once been human. Only then did he see the black robes and iron masks that hung upon the chamber walls. The iron mask was unnaturally hot and seared his face as he put it on. The black robes soaked the blood from his armour. Eroneus had become the first and greatest of the Redemptionists, the Master of the Redemption, and his cry was, 'Be redeemed through blood, saved through slaughter.'

Quickly slaying his former comrades in a chaotic commando-style exercise of carnage, Eroneus fled into the world at large. His objectives were unclear, but he was certain that people of the right persuasion would be sure to welcome enlightenment. He was right.

Only a few years after the incident of the Brother­slaying, the cult of the Red Redemption had become established throughout the Old World. In the secret temples of the cult, initiates were introduced to the vile and bloody ways of the mighty God Khorne The skin was ritually flayed from the face and torso of each initiate. Glowing hot iron face masks and cuirasses formed a now and tougher skin. At last they were permitted to wear the black robes of Khorne. Of course, this resulted in all of the Disciples of the Red Redemption suffering from total and irrevocable madness, but that really didn't bother them too much. They were more concerned in shedding the blood of heretics, as members of the countless groups of Disciples then spreading the ways of Khorne in the world.

One such group is Darkhoth's Disciples of the Red Redemption. Darkhoth is said to have been initiated by the Master of the Redemption himself, a great honour indeed. His power is such that he can command a group of up to 40 Disciples. The key to this power is the large black book that he always carries -the Darkhold. This is a transcript of the original scripture book discovered by Eroneus. It is a very powerful magic item, although its uses are confined to cult practices. Merely looking at the pages of this book would drive any living being insane. The Disciples are immune to this by dint of them already having achieved this particular state of mind. Darkhoth is able to read passages from this book, and herein lies his power. A passage read from the book gives Darkhoth absolute power over any Disciples who hear him. During the initiation ceremony, Darkhoth reads a special passage from the book which so assaults the mind of the initiate that his personality is forever shattered. Darkhoth assesses the suitability of the initiate for cult membership by his reaction. If the initiate reacts with extreme violence, this is judged to be good, and he is prepared for flaying and encasement in glowing iron. If the initiate fails to react with sufficient violence, he is given up as a sacrifice to Khorne.

Spreading the ways of Khorne through the Old World by means of slaughter, destruction, arson, murder and the propagation of insanity.


CAPTAIN: Darkoth, Warrior-Priest of the Red Redemption.
BATTLE­CRY: Be redeemed through blood!
APPEARANCE: The robes of the Disciples are black, edged in red. All equipment tends to be black, or dark colours. The shield, banners and the robes of the e Disciples all carry the symbols of the God Khorne.

POINTS: Darkoth plus nine Disciples, including Mordrid, a Standard Bearer and Musician, cost a total of 170 points. This is the minimum size e of unit you can hire. The regiment may be enlarged by a adding extra Disciples at a cost of 8 points each.

Darkoth 4 6 3 4 4 2 5 3 8
Mordrid 4 5 3 4 3 1 4 2 7
Disciple 4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7


EQUIPMENT: Hand weapons, morning stars and shields. Mordrid the Maniac carries a flail and Darkhoth carries two hand weapons. Al ll models wear light armour.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Frenzy, Fear (Darkoth and Mordrid only).

Note: The Disciples of the Red Redemption may not be included in the same army as the Avenging Knights of the Cleansing Flame.



Modifié par Dreadaxe
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  • 1 mois après...
  • 2 ans après...

Discípulos de la Redención Roja


Alquiler: Cualquier ejército es un buen lugar para los Discípulos si se va a verter sangre. Sin embargo, hay ejércitos que no los aceptarían entre sus filas: todos los ejércitos del Orden y Reyes Funerarios. El resto de ejércitos puede incluirlos como una opción de unidad Singular, excepto si llevas algún ejército de Caos y tu General lleva la marca de Khorne; en ese caso contará sólo como una unidad Especial.

Grito de Guerra: ¡Redención mediante la sangre!

Puntos: 160 por Darkoth y nueve Discípulos más (incluidos un Músico y un Portaestandarte). Puedes incluir Discípulos adicionales por +9 puntos por miniatura.

Tamaño de la unidad: 10-20

Tipo de unidad: Infantería

Equipo: Todos los Hermanos llevan flagelo, escudo y armadura ligera. Darkhoth lleva armadura pesada y dos flagelos. El Flagelo proporciona +1F.

Reglas especiales : Furia Asesina, Odio a Bretonia. Exceptuando para la regla El Ojo de los Dioses, a todos los efectos los Discípulos cuentan como caóticos y seguidores
de Khorne (Odio de otras razas hacia ellos, objetos mágicos que afecten a Caos, etc).

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  • 1 mois après...

Version des Cultistes de base par Mathias.


CHAOS CULTISTS 3 points per model

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld Troop Type
Cultist 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 Infantry
Cult Leader 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 Infantry

Unit Size: 20+

• Hand weapon

Special Rules:
• Eye of the Gods

• One Cultist may be upgraded to a Cult Leader........................10 points
• One Cultist may be upgraded to a musician...........................10 points
• One Cultist may be upgraded to a standard bearer...................10 points
• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Mark of Khorne.............................................2 points per model
- Mark of Nurgle..............................................2 points per model
- Mark of Slaanesh.............................................1 point per model
- Mark of Tzeentch.............................................1 point per model

• The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Additional hand weapons....................................1 point per model
- Flails..........................................................2 points per model

• The entire unit may take throwing weapons...............1⁄2 point per model
• The entire unit may be upgraded to


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