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[CSM] exposition d'idées


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J'ai trouvé le sujet très intéressant et plein de bonnes idées.

We all had a great time brainstorming the Chaos Legions and how we wish we could bring them back to the tabletop. Here's a baseline set of rule ideas that could get us halfway there. Read on...

Design Goals:

1) This is a "quick and dirty" ruleset. It will not attempt to create new units, new wargear and such. The goal is not to create a totally new codex from the ground up - that is the GW Design Studio's (save us Phil Kelly, you're our only hope) job. The overall goal of these is a "less is more" mindset.

2) The goal here is to use lifted units from other codices, and some quick unit restrictions and Force Org shifting to get us halfway to our goal fast.

3) Narrative wise, these rules reflect the Legions as they exist in the 40th Millennium. These are NOT Heresy era forces.

Legion Generic Rules:

1) The rules are all based on Codex: Chaos Space Marines

2) Units imported from other codices retain their original Force Org categorizations.

3) Icons are purchased for squads as normal (with Legion Restrictions), but their effects are permanent until the unit is destroyed. The loss of the Icon bearer only limits the beneficial effects on daemonic summoning and deepstriking units reserving onto the table.

4) All summoned daemon units from C:CSM work exactly as stated in that codex.

5) All units from C:CD work exactly as stated in that codex, with the following exceptions: Units from C:CD are all held in reserve at the start of the game. These units enter play via deep strike using the reserves rules listed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. When entering play via deep strike, these units will scatter 2d6 as normal. They cannot charge on the turn they enter play unless a ‘hit’ was rolled on the scatter die. These units may avoid scattering if they enter play within 6” of an Icon (per C:CSM). If they enter play within 6” of an Icon, roll a scatter die, ignoring any other roll than a ‘hit.’ If a ‘hit’ is rolled, the unit does not scatter, and may charge on the turn it enters play.


Emperor's Children - Legion III

All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Slaanesh.

Allowed units:

HQ: Lord, Sorcerer, Daemon Prince, Fabius Bile, Lucius, 0-1 Keeper of Secrets

Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Possessed, Dreadnought, Fiends

Troops: Chaos Marines, Noise Marines, Daemonettes

Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors, Spawn, Seekers

Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider

Iron Warriors - Legion IV

All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Chaos Glory.

Allowed units:

HQ: Lord, Sorcerer, Daemon Prince, Master of the Forge (C:SM – loses ATSKNF & Combat Tactics)

Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Dreadnought, Techmarine (C:SM – loses ATSKNF & Combat Tactics)

Troops: Chaos Marines

Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors

Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider, Ordinance Battery (C:IG)

Night Lords - Legion VIII

All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Chaos Glory.

Allowed units:

HQ: Lord, Sorcerer, Daemon Prince

Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Possessed, Dreadnought

Troops: Chaos Marines

Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors, Spawn, Furies of Chaos

Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider

Unit Notes:

-All non-vehicle units have the Acute Senses USR

-Chaos Lord or Sorceror mounted on a bike can make Chaos Bikers troops or FA.

-Chaos Lord or Sorceror with a jumppack, or a Winged DP, can make Raptors troops or FA.

-Raptors and Chaos Bikers bought as FA choices gain the Scout USR

World Eaters - Legion XII

All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Khorne.

Allowed units:

HQ: Lord, Daemon Prince, Kharne, 0-1 Bloodthirster

Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Possessed, Dreadnought, Bloodcrushers

Troops: Chaos Marines, Berserkers, Bloodletters

Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors, Spawn, Fleshhounds

Heavy Support: Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider

Death Guard - Legion XIV

All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Nurgle.

Allowed units:

HQ: Lord, Sorcerer, Daemon Prince, Typhus, 0-1 Great Unclean One

Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Possessed, Dreadnought, Beasts of Nurgle

Troops: Chaos Marines, Plague Marines, Plaguebearers, Nurglings

Fast Attack: Bikers, Spawn

Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider

Unit Notes:

-Chosen, Chaos Marines, Havocs may not be equipped with the following weapons: Lascannon, Missile Launcher, Autocannon

Black Legion - Legion XVI

Allowed units:

HQ: Lord, Sorcerer, Daemon Prince, Summoned Greater Daemon, Abaddon

Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Possessed, Dreadnought

Troops: Chaos Marines, Plague Marines, Noise Marines, Berserkers, Thousand Sons, Summoned Lesser Daemons

Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors, Spawn

Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider

Unit Notes:

-Disciplined: Icons and Marks of Chaos Glory additionally grant Combat Tactics (C:SM)

-Speartip: 1/2 of teleporting and deepstriking Black Legion units (chosen by the Black Legion player) will arrive from reserve on turn 1. The remainder arrive normally.

Thousand Sons - Legion XV

All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Tzeentch.

Allowed units:

HQ: Sorcerer, Daemon Prince, Ahriman, 0-1 Lord of Change

Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Possessed, Dreadnought, Flamers

Troops: Chaos Marines, Thousand Sons, Pink Horrors

Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors, Spawn, Screamers

Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider

Unit Notes:

-Chaos Sorcerors (not Aspiring Sorcerors) may select from any of the powers in C:CSM, including those that normally require other marks.

Word Bearers - Legion XVII

All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Chaos Glory.

Allowed units:

HQ: Lord, Sorcerer, Daemon Prince, 0-1 Bloodthirster, 0-1 Great Unclean One, 0-1 Lord of Change, 0-1 Keeper of Secrets

Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Possessed, Dreadnought, Bloodcrushers, Fiends, Flamers, Beasts of Nurgle

Troops: Chaos Marines, Conscripts (C:IG), Daemonettes, Bloodletters, Pink Horrors, Plaguebearers, Nurglings

Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors, Spawn, Fleshhounds, Seekers, Screamers

Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider

Unit Notes:

-Lords gain Litanies of Hate (C:SM) for +15 pts.

-Conscripts are taken as stand-alone units as seen on p.97 of C:IG (ie, no Command Squad)

Alpha Legion - Legion XX

All units must be unmarked, or bear the mark of Chaos Glory.

Allowed units:

HQ: Lord, Sorcerer, Daemon Prince

Elite: Chosen, Terminators, Dreadnought, Guardsman Marbo (C:IG)

Troops: Chaos Marines, Special Weapon Squads (C:IG)

Fast Attack: Bikers, Raptors

Heavy Support: Havocs, Obliterators, Predator, Vindicator, Defiler, Land Raider

Unit Notes:

-Well-trained: Non Daemon, Non-vehicle units gain Combat Tactics and ATSKNF (C:SM)

-Special Weapon Squads are taken as stand-alone units as seen on p.97 of C:IG (ie, no Command Squad), and gain the Infiltrate USR.

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J'aime bien l'idée. C'est vrai que le codex v5 est pauvre comparé au v4 qui décrit la façon de jouer les différentes légions. Et utiliser d'avantages d'unités du codex Démons est vraiment sympa.

Par contre je ne vois pas pourquoi les World Eaters n'auraient pas accès aux havocs (alors qu'ils pourraient avoir les obliterators, qui ne peuvent pas porter de marque).

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Modifié par Ondskapt
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A noter qu'il y a quelques temps, Alessio Cavatore a déclaré que le Codex : CSM actuel était pour faire du Marine du Chaos "générique", et qu'il était prévu de sortir un autre bouquin dédié lui aux Légions spécifiques.

En même temps, il ne travaille plus chez GW, et peut-être que les plans éditoriaux ont changé depuis !

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Ondskapt: les WE n'ont pas d'havocs depuis trés longtemps (voir le codex précédent) c'est pas fluff, c'est mal tout ça tout ça. :-D

Pour les oblizz, juste sous le nom et le numéro de la légion il est dit:"Toutes les unités doivent être sans marque ou porter la marque de khorne"

Je rappelle juste que ce n'est en rien une rumeur ou une vision future de ce qui sortira(?), c'est seulement le boulot de passionnés comme nous, et qui, dans un cadre amical peut être utilisé pour accentuer les caractéristiques d'une légion.

J'ai juste posté cet article pour donner des idées d'armées, de conversions, de peinture, ou tout simplement des bases sur lesquelles dévelloper des listes alternatives (berserks sur juggers, unités FW etc.....).

Tschuss, à pleuss.

Modifié par Deunss
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