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Hauts Elfes (armée) - L'Ost d'Imrik


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Très beau travail.
Cependant,j'ai remarqué une anomalie (ou peut être pas, j'attend vos réactions). Est-ce normal si sur l'illustration Imrik porte un bouclier et qu'il n'est pas mentionner dans l'équipement.
Fait on abstraction de l'illustration? (Dans ce cas, je trouve ça tout de même bizarre car tout prince dragon est équipé de bouclier).
Ou est-ce juste un oubli?
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Effectivement... Il faudrait vérifier si l'illustration le représente réellement.

Dans WAR

Dans WarCry

Je propose de changer l'illustration par celle de la carte WarCry en meilleur qualité (il me semble que j'ai un fond d'écran) et si j'ai de la place rajouter la citation d'Imrik contenu sur la carte.

Modifié par Dreadaxe
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La version de Mathias "M4cR1II3n" Eliasson dans son énorme supplément de plus de 150 page sur les Personnages Spéciaux.

[quote][center][center] [size="7"][color="black"][font="TT266t00"]IMRIK[/font][/color][/size]
[size="7"][color="black"][font="TT266t00"]Dragon Prince of Caledor[/font][/color][/size]

[size="2"]Caledor is now a silent realm. No longer do the skies ring to the cries of dragons and the roar of their fiery breath. No more do the caves rumble with their sonatas nor does the earth shake beneath their heavy tread. Instead, there is nothing but the hollow echo of the Elves' footsteps in the ancient halls. [/size]

[size="2"]In Caledor, the Dragons lie sleeping within the cold volcanoes of the mountains known as the Dragon's Spine. They dream of the ancient days when they soared through the magic-laden air of Ulthuan, spitting fire and destruction upon the enemies of the Dragon Princes. Today the mountains have cooled and the Dragons have dwindled in power. Few of the creatures can be wakened when the clarion calls of war ring from mountain peak to mountain peak, summoning the scattered folk of Caledor to battle. [/size]

[size="2"]Most noble of these Princes of dragons is Imrik, last of the line of the Phoenix King Caledor. It is he who remains one of the few, that can wake the dragons in time of need, and then only a few. Gone are the days when his followers rode into battle atop mighty fire drakes. Now it is Imrik alone who fights in the traditional manner of his house. [/size]

[size="2"]And fight he does! In the defence of his homeland, and indeed of all Ulthuan, Imrik is a stalwart bastion of strength. Together with Tyrion and Teclis, the descendants of the great house of Aenarion, he stands as an unbreachable wall between the many foes of the High Elves and the mystical isle of Ulthuan. [/size]

[size="2"]Like the Dragons themselves the line of Dragon Princes is fading. Prince Imrik, Lord of Dragons, is the last descendant of the house of Caledor, the Phoenix King of the ancient times. In him is invested all the power and nobility of that great house. The greatest Dragons stir from slumber to his call and no other. [/size]

[size="2"]Prince Imrik is the greatest High Elf warrior of his age. The people of Ulthuan say that the nobility of Phoenix King Caledor and the battle prowess of Phoenix King Tethlis have been reborn in the Lord of the Dragons. He leads his Dragon to the attack, plunging to the ground with the destructive fury of a lightning bolt. The great scaly beast seizes its victims and tears them limb from limb as Prince Imrik pierces the enemy ranks with his devastating Star Lance. Few can stand before him and none living can look upon the fire of his eyes or match the strength of his arm.
[b][size="2"]MWS BS ST W I ALd [/size][/b]
[size="2"]Imrik 5 8 6 43 39410[/size][size="2"]
Minaithnir 6 7 0 76 726 9 [/size]

P[size="2"]OINTS: [/size][size="2"]630 (250 for Imrik, 380 for Minaithnir). [/size]

[size="2"]TROOP TYPE: [/size][size="2"]Infantry (Special Character, Lord). [b]Minaithnir: [/b]Monster. [/size]

[size="2"]EQUIPMENT: [/size][size="2"]Hand weapon, Star Lance, Armour of Caledor, Dragonhorn. [/size]

[size="2"]SPECIAL RULES [/size][size="2"](Imrik): [b]Speed of Asuryan, Valour of Ages. [/b][/size]

[b][size="2"]Dragon Kin: [/size][/b][size="2"]For millennia Imrik has learnt the lore and languages of dragon. He has walked the deep caves where the great beasts sleep and dream, and even the most proud and mighty firedrakes obey his every word. No Dragons will fight Imrik. If they are in base contact with other models (and not in a challenge) then they fight them instead, otherwise they may do nothing. They may still fight Minaithnir as normal. [/size]

[size="2"]SPECIAL RULES [/size][size="2"](Minaithnir): [b]Terror, Large Target, Fly, Breath Weapon (Strength 4). [/b][/size]

[b][size="2"]Loyal Bond: [/size][/b][size="2"]Imrik rides the majestic dragon Minaithnir. They have a mutual bond between them — the last of the true Dragon Princes, and one of the last of the dragons. Minaithnir is fanatically loyal to his master. If Imrik is slain, Minaithnir will become subject to Frenzy. No Monster Reaction test is taken. [/size]

[size="2"]MAGIC ITEMS:[/size]

[b]Dragonhorn [/b]
[i]This war horn was made from the horn of an ancient dragon, gifted to Imrik's distant ancesto ors in elder days. The dying fire drake summoned alll his remaining power to enchant his remaining, unbrok ken horn as he lay bleeding in the aftermath of the Batt tle of the Glade of Tears. When Prince Imrik goes to wa ar, all can hear the call of his warhorn, full of challenge e and pride. No Dragons can ignore its sound, but rise f from their slumber, ready to do battle once more. [/i]
[size="2"]Enchanted Item. One use only. At the start of any of his own turns, Imrik may sound the Dragon nhorn. This fills his army with pride, and all friendly Hig gh Elf units may re-roll any failed Rally and Psychology tests until the start of their next turn. [/size]

[b]Armour of Caledor [/b]
[i]This armour is the heirloom of the hous se of Caledor, the greatest of all the Dragon Princes. F For well over four thousand years the masters of the h house of Caledor ham worn this armour in battle e. It is a suit of Ithilmar, unsurpassed in its beauty, ligh htweight and flexible, and yet stronger than any armo our made of mortal steel. [/i]
[size="2"]Magic Armour. Dragon armour. Gives l lmrik a 2+ armour save. [/size]
[b] [/b]
[b]Star Lance [/b]
[i]The tip of this deadly weapon n is made from the heart of a fallen star. With a blade of such keenness no armour can protect Imrik's foes. [/i]
[size="2"]Magic Weapon. Lance. Whenn charging, Imrik adds +3 to his Strength. In addition, n no armour saves may be taken on a turn that he charges. [/size][/quote]

Les différences
* Dragon moins fort 7 PV et CC7 (contre 8 et 8)
* Règles spéciales du dragon apparaissent.
* Dragon Kin est une adaptation de Dompteur de Dragon de la v5 (test de Cd ou le dragon n'attaquait pas). Là il l'a rendu automatique. C'est une bonne personnalisation je trouve.
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  • 2 semaines après...
[quote]Prince Imrik is the greatest High Elf warrior of his age[/quote]

C'est un détail, mais vu qu'il y a Tyrion, il serait tellement plus élégant de dire :

[i]Prince Imrick is indisputably one of the greatest HE warrior of his age.[/i]
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  • 4 mois après...
Je tente une mise à jour des règles d'Imrik. Pas grand chose à faire.
* Mise à jour du profil du dragon en gardant les avantage +1CC et +1PV
* Mise à jour profil du Prince +1CT (pas visible dans le screenshot)
* Différenciation règles Imrik et Minaithnir
* Ajout des description des objets v6
* Ajout illustrations v6 et v7 (cor)
* Ajout citations de carte WarCry. Je n'ai trouvé que la VO en ligne. pour la carte d'Imrik
"Dernier de la lignée des Caledor, je chevauche sur le dos de Minaithnir, je suis le feu flamboyant, le brûleur de nuit, inflexible comme les écailles d'un dragon !"
- Tiré du Serment d'Imrik

Carte des Chevaliers d'Imrik
"Les liens anciens ne peuvent être brisés; Le cœur des dragons bat toujours dans nos poitrines." Les Chevaliers d'Imrik.

En gardant le coût de Poupi et en ajustant au nouveau livre :
+20 (Dragon stellaire v7-v8) -10 (coût Seigneur v7-v8) - 10 (Lance des étoiles v7-v8) + 25 (armure de Caledor) = +25 pts soit 640 pts (insortable à moins de 2560 pts quand même ;))


Le PDF [b][/b]
Qu'en pensez-vous ? Modifié par Dreadaxe
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[quote name='Thindaraiel' timestamp='1371637481' post='2385323']
"Aucun dragon ne peut attaquer Imrik". Mais alors que peut-il faire ? Attaquer Minaithnir est-il autorisé ?

Le texte v6 était le suivant :
[quote]Frère des Dragons
Depuis des millénaires, Imrik a appris la science et le langage des dragons. Il a pénétré dans les grottes où dorment les plus grands, et même les plus fiers et les plus puissants obéissent à ses paroles.
Aucun Dragon ne combattra jamais Imrik. Si le Dragon ennemi se trouve également en contact avec d'autres figurines (et s'il n'est pas impliqué dans un duel contre Imrik), il peut les attaquer. Dans le cas contraire, il ne peut rien faire, si ce n'est attaquer Minaithnir, bien sûr.[/quote]

Je change ?!
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Merci bien. Le PDF est à jour.

Pour les images de previews pas encore. Je cherche une appi qui ferait des images à la volée en ligne et partageable à partir du PDF en ligne avec une actualisation automatique en fonction de la mise à jour du PDF. Si vous connaissez quelque chose qui peut faire ça. Un script ou autre.
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Pour l'unité de Princes dragons obligatoire, j'aurais bien vu les Compagnons Ardents (gardes d'Imrik) qui sont décrits dans le bouquin héraldique haut elfe.
Et leur filer une petite règle spéciale pour le coup, pas autant qu'Archaon avec les épées du chaos mais un petit truc quand même.

Et je maintiens, le cor du dragon v5, ça roxxait beaucoup plus du poney. :ph34r:

Sinon, belle mise en page.
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Première relecture rapide.
* CanardWC me faisait remarqué que Uniformes et Héraldiques Hauts Elfes nous parle des Compagnons Ardents. Du coup ça peut être le nom des Chevaliers d'Imrik présenté dans WarCry
[quote name="Uniformes et Héraldiques page 51"]En tant que gardes du corps du prince Imrik, les Compagnons Ardents rassemblent les plus illustres chevaliers d'un royaume déjà réputé pour la valeur de sa cavalerie lourde. Leurs boucliers arborent Indrauqnir, le dragon légendaire d'Ænarion chevauchait au combat. Cet honneur leur a été accordé par Imrik lui-même qu'ils urent banni le buveur de sang Tranchetripes et mené une charge victorieuse contre !a horde de Shalthrak le Tueur. [/quote]
* La limitation de passer en base une unité de Prince Dragon n'est peut-être pas si génial. Pourquoi pas une unité de Prince boosté : Charge dévastatrice (+1A lors de la charge) / +1F en charge / Immunité à la psychologie. À voir.
* Le Cor peut booster Minaithnir à la manière de ce qu'il faisait en v5 (une fois par partie Attaque Aléatoire (1D6+6))
* Le Background v5 à inclure. Si quelqu'un a le courage de compiler avec le texte v6, v7. Je l'ai fait pour les descriptions des armes pour la description général j'ai pas regardé.
[quote name="WFB5 Livre d'Armée Hauts Elfes page 94"]Les dragons dorment profondément à Caledor, du cœur des volcans éteints de la chaîne rnontagneuse appelée l'Échine du Dragon. Ils rêvent aux jours anciens où ils votaient haut dans le ciel chargé d'énergie magique d'Ulthuan, crachant le feu et la mort sur les ennemis des Princes Dragons. Aujourd'hui, les Volcan se sont refroidis et les dragons ont perdu leurs pouvoirs. Ils sont peu nombreux à se réveiller lorsque les cors résonnent de pic en pic, appelant le peuple dispersé de Caledor à se rassembler pour la bataille.

Comme les dragons eux-mêmes, la lignée des Princes Dragons s'éteint peu à peu. Le prince Imrik, Seigneur des Dragons, est le dernier descendant de la maison de Caledor, le très ancien Roi Phénix. Il est le dépositaire des pouvoirs et de la noblesse de sa famille, et les dragons ne répondent qu'à son seul appel.

Le Prince Imrik est le plus grand guerrier haut elfe de cet âge. Le peuple d'Ulthuan a l'habitude de dire que le Seigneur des Dragons incarne à la fois la noblesse du Roi Phénix Caledor et les talents guerriers du Roi Phénix Tethlis.

Il dirige son dragon à la bataille, plongeant vers le sol avec la furie destructrice d'un orage. L'immense créature saisit ses proies et les démembre pendant que le prince Imrik perce les rangs ennemis de sa terrible Étoile d'Argent. Très peu d'ennemis peuvent lui résister et aucun mortel ne peut soutenir le feu de son regard ou rivaliser avec lui les armes à la main.

L'Étoile d'Argent
L'Étoile d'Argent est faite du cœur ardent d'une comète. Sa pointe aiguë peut transpercer n'importe quelle armure.

Cor Dragon
Quand le prince lmrik part au combat, tout Ultbuan peut entendre le son de son cor de guerre, fier et plein de défi. Aucun dragon ne peut résister à cet appel, tous ceux qui l'entendent quittent leurs cavernes, prêts à livrer bataille.

Armure de Caledor
Cette armure est l'héritage de la maison de Caledor, le plus grand des Princes Dragons. Cette armure d'ithilmar, d'une incroyable beauté, légère et flexible, est plus résistante que n'importe quelle armure d'acier.[/quote] Modifié par Dreadaxe
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Une adaptation espagnol pas vraiment terrible... Avec un dragon empereur en monture.

[b] Príncipe Imrik de Caledor, Señor de los dragones [/b]
Los altos elfos también han sufrido la pérdida de algunos personajes especiales clásicos, como [url=""]la Reina Eterna[/url] o Belannaer. Hoy traigo de regreso al Príncipe Imrik, todo un clásico. Imrik apareció en la White Dwarf número 7 durante la cuarta edición de Warhammer (¡gracias al [url=""]Friki Solitario[/url] por la White Dwarf!), de la mano de Rick Priestley, creador de Warhammer. Tenía una miniatura muy al estilo de los jinetes de dragón de la época, antes de que sacasen las alas de plástico genéricas.
Imrik volvió a aparecer en el manual de 5ª edición de los altos elfos, con unas reglas nuevas, pero la misma miniatura. En la sexta edición regresó, más poderoso que nunca y con una nueva miniatura, con alas de plástico (que todavía se vende en la página de GW).
Sin embargo, Imrik desapareció con la llegada de la 7ª edición, y eso que el libro de altos elfos de 7ª está cargado de dragones. Para subsanar eso, traigo de vuelta a este Príncipe de Caledor con sus reglas adaptadas a 8ª.

[i]En Caledor, los Dragones duermen en el interior de los volcanes extinguidos de las montañas conocidas como Montañas del Espinazo del Dragón. Sueñan con épocas remotas, cuando volaban por el aire saturado de magia de Ulthuan, escupiendo fuego y destruyendo a los enemigos de los Príncipes Dragoneros. Actualmente, las montañas se han enfriado y el poder de los Dragones ha disminuido. Pocos son los Dragones que pueden ser despertados cuando las trompetas de guerra suenan entre los picos de las montañas, convocando a los dispersos habitantes de Caledor a la batalla. [/i] [i]
[/i] [i]Al igual que los Dragones, el linaje de los Príncipes Dragoneros está desapareciendo. El Príncipe Imrik, Señor de los Dragones, es el último descendiente de la casa de Caledor, el Rey Fénix de la antigüedad. En él está concentrado todo el poder y la nobleza de esta gran casa. Los Dragones más poderosos todavía despiertan de su sueño respondiendo únicamente a su llamada. [/i] [i]
[/i] [i]El Príncipe Imrik es el guerrero Alto Elfo más poderoso de su era. Los habitantes de Ulthuan dicen que la nobleza del Rey Fénix Caledor y la fuerza en combate del Rey Fénix Tethlis han renacido en el Señor de los Dragones. Dirige su Dragón al ataque, picando sobre los enemigos de los Altos Elfos con la furia destructora de un relámpago. La gran bestia escamosa agarra a sus víctimas y las despedaza miembro a miembro, mientras el Príncipe Imrik atraviesa un enemigo tras otro con su devastadora Lanza Estelar. Pocos pueden resistir su ataque, y ningún ser vivo puede sostener su ardiente mirada o igualar la fuerza de su brazo. [/i] [url=""][img][/img][/url]
Puedes incluir a Imrik en un ejército de Altos Elfos, cuyo coste deberá deducirse del porcentaje destinado a Comandantes.

[b]M[/b] [b]HA[/b] [b]HP[/b] [b]F[/b] [b]R[/b] [b]H[/b] [b]I[/b] [b]A[/b] [b]L[/b] Príncipe Imrik 4 8 6 4 3 3 9 4 10 Minaithnir 8 9 0 9 9 9 1 8 10
[b]Puntos:[/b] 940 puntos
[b]Tipo de unidad:[/b] Infantería (único)/monstruo
[b]Armas:[/b] Lanza estelar y arma de mano
[b]Armadura:[/b] Armadura de Caledor.
[b]Montura: [/b]Imrik, como príncipe de Caledor, es capaz de llamar a los más antiguos dragones, que despiertan de su letargo y acuden a su llamada. Imrik monta en Minaithnir, un dragón emperador (ver más abajo).
[b]Reglas especiales: Valor familiar, Rapidez de Asuryan, Inmune a psicología.[/b]
[b]Señor de los dragones: [/b]Imrik es el descendiente del mismo Caledor Domadragones, y ninguna de estas bestias escamosas lo atacará voluntariamente. Si Imrik es retirado como baja, su dragón no deberá hacer una tirada en la tabla de monstruos dominados mágicamente, sino que podrás elegir el resultado que desees en la tabla. Adicionalmente, cualquier dragón que desee atacar a Imrik (no a su montura) en cuerpo a cuerpo deberá superar un chequeo de liderazgo, o no podrá atacar esa fase de combate cuerpo a cuerpo.
[b]Minaithnir, Dragón Emperador:[/b] Imrik va a la batalla montado en Minaithnir, una bestia ancestral de gran tamaño. Minaithnir se ve sujeto a las siguientes reglas especiales: Volar, Inmune a psicología, Terror, Piel escamosa (3+), Objetivo grande, Arma de aliento (se trata de una bola de rayos: F6, niega tirada de salvación por armadura), Magia (el Dragón Emperador es mago de nivel 2 que siempre usa el Saber de los Cielos)
[b]Objetos mágicos:[/b]
[b]Lanza Estelar [/b][i]La Lanza Estelar está forjada con el incandescente núcleo de un cometa. Su filo es tan afilado que puede atravesar cualquier armadura.[/i] Arma Mágica. Lanza de caballería. La Lanza Estelar permite al Príncipe Imrik aplicar un modificador de + 3 a la Fuerza al efectuar una carga (en lugar del +2 habitual de las lanas de caballería). Además, en el turno que cargue, la Lanza Estelar penetrará automáticamente cualquier armadura, por lo que no es posible efectuar tiradas de salvación por armadura contra las heridas causadas por la Lanza Estelar.
[b]Cuerno del Dragón[/b] [i]Cuando el Príncipe Imrik marcha a la guerra, todos pueden escuchar la llamada de su cuerno de guerra, lleno de orgullo y desafío. Ningún Dragón puede ignorar su sonido, despertando de su sueño, listos de nuevo para la batalla.[/i] Objeto Hechizado. Una vez por batalla, al inicio de cualquier fase de combate cuerpo a cuerpo, Imrik puede hacer sonar su cuerno. Su Dragón combatirá con 1D6 ataques adicionales durante esa fase de combate cuerpo a cuerpo. El Cuerno del Dragón sólo puede ser utilizado una vez por batalla, tras lo cual sus poderes se agotan temporalmente.
[b]Armadura de Caledor[/b] [i]Esta armadura es la herencia de la casa de Caledor, la más poderosa de todas las casas de Príncipes Dragoneros. Es una armadura. de Ithilmar, insuperable en belleza, ligereza y flexibilidad, pero aún así es mucho más resistente que cualquier armadura forjada con acero normal. [/i]La Armadura de Caledor permite efectuar una tirada de Salvación por Armadura de 2 ó más, que no puede aumentarse de ningún modo. También proporciona una tirada de salvación especial de 5+. Además, Imrik es inmune a todos los tipos de Aliento de Dragón, incluido el fuego de los Dragones Rojos, los relámpagos de los Dragones Azules, etc. [/quote]
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  • 3 mois après...
[quote name='Dreadaxe' timestamp='1371686946' post='2385808'][quote name="Uniformes et Héraldiques page 51"]En tant que gardes du corps du prince Imrik, les Compagnons Ardents rassemblent les plus illustres chevaliers d'un royaume déjà réputé pour la valeur de sa cavalerie lourde. Leurs boucliers arborent Indrauqnir, le dragon légendaire d'Ænarion chevauchait au combat. Cet honneur leur a été accordé par Imrik lui-même qu'ils urent banni le buveur de sang Tranchetripes et mené une charge victorieuse contre !a horde de Shalthrak le Tueur. [/quote]
* La limitation de passer en base une unité de Prince Dragon n'est peut-être pas si génial. Pourquoi pas une unité de Prince boosté : Charge dévastatrice (+1A lors de la charge) / +1F en charge / Immunité à la psychologie. À voir.[/quote]
La règle peut aussi s'intéresser à leur bouclier qu'on nous décrit. Modifié par Dreadaxe
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  • 2 ans après...

Critique tactique de Imrik du EoT




End Times: Khaine – Imrik


Greetings fellow wargamers and hobbyists; I welcome you to my End Times: Khaine review and discussion! Today I wanted to focus on Imrik of Caledor, a Prince of great standing and power even among the elder regents of Ulthuan.


Like Neferata before him, Imrik has returned to Warhammer Fantasy via an End Times book, receiving updated rules in keeping with 8th Edition (and soon to be 9th Edition, I assume) that only serve to highlight just how much we have missed the Dragonlord of Caledor. While many will rightfully look more to Malekith and Alarielle as the leaders of their Elven armies with the Host of the Eternity King, Imrik is nonetheless one of the most capable and proficient fighters in the game right now – few, if any individual opponents could hope to stand against him even for one round of combat! I hope you are enjoying the return of this long lost Elven hero as much as I am!

Imrik, Crown Prince of Caledor

Before I begin, I want you as an audience to look up Imrik’s profile in End Times: Khaine if you have the book or via other means. If we look at just the stats themselves, Imrik has the single best stat-line in all of Warhammer Fantasy barring maybe one or two Storm of Magic monsters that are unavailable for use in regular games. While admittedly his basic stats only bear two improvements over Malekith out of the nine separate characteristics, they are in the two arguably most important stats for a character and monster with a combined profile.

For those of you who haven’t seen what Imrik brings to the table, try to keep your jaw up; Weapon Skill 8, Ballistic Skill 7 and Initiative 8 are enough to earmark Imrik as one of the more proficient fighters in the game, while Leadership 10 with an 18″ Inspiring Presence range due to being a Large Target certainly adds to his value as a General. 10 Attacks at Strength 7 are alone enough to eat through almost anything an army book can throw at Imrik, while Toughness 7 with 10 Wounds makes for an impossibly survivable character once his impressive saving throws are accounted for. Nagash, the Glottkin and even Malekith wish they could have a profile like this that literally has no weaknesses and can destroy anything and everything from massed Toughness 3 Infantry to 1+ armoured Monstrous Cavalry or Toughness 8 Tomb Kings Sphinxes.

If those stats weren’t impressive enough, Imrik has a sizable cadre of special rules and magical equipment that help solidify his place as one of the more terrifying opponents to face in a game of Warhammer Fantasy. This includes Always Strikes First typical of all Elves that means he will be re-rolling to hit or striking either before or simultaneously with any opponent, while the Fly special rule ensures Imrik will be getting where he needs to be in record time. Causing Terror and possessing the Valour of Ages are part and parcel with being both a Monster and a High Elf, while Martial Prowess is also represented despite being pointless on its own; it is there solely to affirm Imrik’s place as part of the Asur, and to provide him with the very handy Murderous Prowess when he is used in a Host of the Eternity King list. On that note, you really should be using Imrik in that list as Murderous Prowess maximises his melee damage output; re-rolling to hit against most opponents isn’t good enough anymore now that we can mix the Asur and Druchii, ancient rivalries be damned!

Satire aside, something I feel many discussions of Imrik have failed to point out is that he possesses the Fireborn special rule, providing him with a 2+ ward save against all wounds dealt to him that are Flaming Attacks. While this does serve to invalidate K’daii, Flamespyre Phoenixes and certain other sources of the rule, the main draw is the fact that most Dwarf Cannons, Skull Cannons, Hellcannons and damage-dealing spells from the Lores of Fire and Metal are rendered useless against the Crown Prince of Caledor. Whereas Malekith can easily fall prey to the Lore of Metal, Imrik is far more difficult to bring down through magical means, especially if they have Flaming Attacks. Of course, Imrik lacks Malekith’s immunity to both Heroic Killing Blow and Multiple Wounds which means the Eternity King is still the toughest to bring down through conventional means – especially when non-magical attacks are involved.

Of course, the main reason you would field Imrik over other similarly priced characters such as Malekith the Eternity King is down to his ridiculous combat prowess, especially seeing as he is perhaps the only single model in the game that can fight a Banner of the World Dragon death-star head on and emerge victorious. This is because Imrik only uses his Magic Weapon on the charge, something which you will often find won’t make too much of a difference except when fighting other monsters or well armoured units – 10 Strength 7 Attacks base with probable re-rolls to hit and re-rolls of 1s to wound is insane enough as it is! If you somehow forget the Strength 7 Thunderstomp or Strength 4 Flaming breath weapon, Imrik will eat units and monsters regardless – those two extras are just there to make your opponent shudder in disbelief at how one model will average in the vicinity of twelve to thirteen unsaved wounds inflicted per phase even without their one-use-only breath weapon. Considering all of those are non-magical when Imrik doesn’t charge, an Elf unit featuring the Banner of the World Dragon would have to be insanely lucky to beat him in a melee, as protracted as it might be. Heck, the small base size on his official model ensures very few models will be able to strike him at any given time while being a Flying monster allows him to set up flank and rear charges with ease; those poor White Lions will never know what hit them!


Of course, I would be lying if I said the Star Lance wasn’t useful on Imrik, even if it will be rendered superfluous against anything that either has a 3+ armour save or is Toughness 5. For those rare enemies that are Toughness 6 or have 2+ and 1+ armour saves – or happen to be Ethereal – the Star Lance makes each of Imrik’s 10 Attacks strike at a whopping Strength 10, ignoring all armour saves (an ability of the weapon, even though Strength 9 and Strength 10 ignore 1+ armour saves anyway). If your opponent thought they could put a Necrosphinx or Spirit Host in your way and hope to tie you up for a good while, they can think again; the Star Lance ensures Imrik won’t be held up by anything worth a damn while guaranteeing he will simply obliterate even characters as powerful as Nagash. Perhaps the only real downside to having the Star Lance on Imrik is that any army list featuring him can’t then place that particular magic weapon on another model, meaning people wanting to play around with the humorous upgraded Drakemaster will be out of luck.

Another important aspect to any of these monster-riding characters is their survivability, and thankfully this is an area in which Imrik still excels – even if it does come with a few concessions. For one, having a 10 Wound monster with Toughness 7 makes Imrik practically immune to Strength 5 or lower attacks, especially seeing as he has good saving throws with a 3+ armour save and 5+ ward save. The rare few models that are Strength 6 or higher almost universally tend to be either Monsters or Characters, both of which Imrik serves as a hard-counter to. Where Imrik can simply issue challenges to the latter, the former is a bit more interesting – especially if it is a monster character such as Nagash, Malekith or Mannfred – because of Imrik’s unique Lord of Dragons special rule. This provides a -1 penalty to all to hit rolls made by units with the Monster type against Imrik; the background equivalent of being a god amongst men and having them respect you even against their will. Basically, the only real counters to Imrik in the Close Combat phase are things that he himself just shuts out completely, while even the few proper ways to beat him are often thrown out the window just because he is still ridiculously hard to kill with his saving throws, high Toughness and ridiculous amount of Wounds.

When you remember that Imrik has the Fireborn special rule and his stats have no obvious weaknesses with each having a minimum value of seven, this leaves concentrated Poisoned shooting and “standard” war machines as the only real ways to stop the Knight of Caledor. The fact that Imrik is a Flying monster means opponents will have at best one or two turns to deal with him before he reaches combat and thus becomes nigh unstoppable, and even dedicated gun-lines will struggle to accomplish this when other high-value targets such as Frostheart Phoenixes or Witch Elf death-stars are running around. Poisoned shooting needs to get into a good range, get lots of hits and get past Imrik’s 3+ armour save, while war machines need to contend with the fact that he is still Toughness 7 – only direct hits from Stone Throwers and Cannons can reliably wound him – and has that hilarious 5+ ward save. It doesn’t help that he has a tiny base-size and can be easily hidden or covered by intervening models and terrain, making him a living nightmare to deal with even with a list built specifically for taking him on.

When all is said and done, Imrik is just as frightening (if not more-so) as the other uber-characters (re)introduced by the End Times, leaving Neferata, Orghotts Daemonspew and others lying in the dust as quivering mounds of flesh that can barely even register the giant magical lance sticking out of what used to be their heads. On the plus side, Imrik even has a nifty little support ability for those that are intrigued by the idea of a “monster-mash” Elf list using the Host of the Eternity King; once per game and lasting for an entire game turn, Imrik can provide the Stubborn special rule to both himself and all friendly Monsters within 12″. Considering that he also has an Inspiring Presence range of 18″ and Leadership 10, Imrik serves as an expensive but worthwhile alternative to a High Beastmaster with respect to army lists that want to use Monsters in significant numbers. If we account just for Imrik as far as characters are concerned, a Host of the Eternity King list can legally field up to eleven Monsters from the Special and Rare slots (though eight of those eleven are in the Rare slot, unfortunately) which gives Imrik’s Dragonhorn some good mileage. Even a standard list featuring one or two Frostheart Phoenixes will surely get some benefit from the Dragonhorn as they are known to fluff their rolls and lose combats against Steadfast unit blocks.

Of course, at such an incredibly high points cost that makes even Tyrion as the Avatar of Khaine blink, you expect only the very best from this character and I feel Imrik can be a bit of a mixed bag in that regard. His damage output against single-wound models that are Toughness 4 or lower with 4+ or weaker armour saves is identical to Malekith’s, while multiple wound models that are not Toughness 8 are better suited to Malekith’s predations while Imrik is better suited against Monsters of all kinds due to his special -1 to-hit penalty imposed upon them. He is more durable against all types of magical damage including Enchanted Arrows from the Wood Elf book, but against anything that is Strength 6 or higher that lacks Magical Attacks, Malekith comes out on top. Most war machines are not magical which gives Malekith a huge edge in terms of durability, especially as he is immune to Multiple Wounds and Heroic Killing Blow which are the only really reliable ways of stopping these models. When you factor in that Malekith is a Level 5 Wizard with better support abilities, an improved 24″ Inspiring Presence and what effectively amounts to an invulnerability against all non-magical attacks (which makes up the vast majority of damage sources in Warhammer Fantasy). I think Imrik is good for his points cost, but not great like Malekith or Alarielle are; at the very least, I like Imrik more than Tyrion because he is more mobile and can kill units without needing the support of his own bodyguard regiment.

Competitive? Yes.

Thank you everyone for reading my thoughts and impressions of Imrik, Crown Prince of Caledor. The legendary Lord of Dragons has been a notable absentee from the High Elf army book for several editions running, but thankfully Games Workshop saw the opportunity to reintroduce a classic character and I am as impressed by what I have seen as I was with Neferata, Crom and Valten before him. Truly, this is a fantastic time to be a collector of all things Elves and Imrik’s return may as well be the icing on that sweet chocolate cake!

If you have any feedback for me or want to share your experiences with Imrik so far, please leave them in the comments section below – we appreciate your right to criticize and be heard! Thanks again and please have a lovely day!

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Je réouvre le sujet. J'ai changé le nom. L'idée est de produire les règles pour un parchemin de Bataille autour de Imrik, ses chevaliers et pourquoi pas après Thaindon et des Chevaucheurs de Dragon.

Opinion ? Modifié par Dreadaxe
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Les Parchemins de Bataille sont des formations uniques tournée autour d'un personnage présentées entre autres dans les End of Times. Par exemple La levée de Thanquol, Première Meute du Clan Mors, Le Throng Nain de Karaz-A-Karak, L'Ost Rouge... Modifié par Dreadaxe
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