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Skaven Clan Scruten


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Le clan Scruten est l'un des clans mineur qui a reçu le plus de modifications au cours du temps... pas mal de contresens et il faut pas mal broder pour tout rattacher.

Les Sources :
* WFRP1 Repos Sans Paix - Grapes of Wrath (repris du White Dwarf 98 UK (1988)
* WFB4 LA Skavens page 23 (chronologie)
* [url=""]WFRP2 Thirtheen Lesser Clans by Steve Darlington[/url]
* White Dwarf 127 FR/302 UK dans l'article l'Empire Souterrain - Les Forteresses Skavens d'Anthony Reynold, à propos de Marienburg
* Collector Guide Skaven
* WFB7 LA Skaven page 31 (chronologie)
* Uniforme & Héraldique des Skavens page 56-57 par Neil Hodgson et Robin Cruddace. Renommé clan Skruten.

[b]Résumé de WFRP1 Repos Sans Paix - Grapes of Wrath par repris du White Dwarf 98 UK (1988)[/b]
[quote] Its members, known as "scruts", are specialized in the arts of concealment and infiltration. Its tactics call for attacking from ambush whenever possible and avoiding direct fights.

The Grey Seers direct the Clan to carry out missions in civilized areas, where secrecy is the primary necessity. Units are commonly sent to recover or locate [url=""]warpstone[/url] once its general location has been sensed by the Grey Seers. If the unit is unable to recover the warpstone themselves once it is located, they will gather as much information as they can before returning. The Grey Seers then decide how to recover the warpstone, sending a force led to the area by the same unit.

Units of the Clan are able to live off the land for long periods of time as they keep watch on the individual or area under investigation. Their motto translates as:

"[i]With patience comes glimpses,
[/i] [i]with glimpses comes information,
[/i] [i]with information comes results[/i]."

Clan emblems abbreviate the motto to "[i]Who Stares, Wins[/i]".

Clan Scruten carries out its missions using small groups of Skaven in order to remain undetected. After spending long periods of time together, unit discipline becomes rather informal and the leader is often addressed simply as "boss".[/quote]

[u][quote][/u][b]Clan Scruten [/b]
Scruten are the watchers of the Under Empire. Their philosophy is simple: the more you wait and watch, the more you learn, and the more you learn the more powerful you become. Scruten are expert hiders and are able to remain perfectly still for days at a time, even sublimating the skaven's terrible hunger to do so, such is their power of concentration. Like Chittin, however, their abilities as spies are overshadowed by Clan Eshin, but also like Chittin, they have survived by staying under the radar. Scruten skaven are so good at hiding that few skaven ever notice they are there, even if they could be bothered to kill them. But those few who do remember them also remember that when it comes to observing a target for a long time, and gathering all the information on their weaknesses, there is none better than Scruten – and their prices are much cheaper than Eshin. Their star is on the rise as a result, and these watchers bear close watching themselves.
[b]Clan Size: 1,000,000 (approx)
Clan Influence: Moderate
Clan Settlements: Rich Holdings
Clan Talent: Excellent Vision [/b][/quote]

[url=""]Traduction libre par Baron Zéro[/url]

[quote][b]Clan Scruten[/b]
Les Scruten sont les guetteurs du Sous-Empire. Leur philosophie est simple : plus vous attendez et regardez, plus vous apprenez, et plus vous apprenez plus puissant vous devenez. Les Scruten sont des experts de la dissimulation et sont capables de rester immobiles durant des jours, sublimant même la terrible faim qu'éprouvent les autres skavens grâce à leur pourvoir de concentration. Comme les membres du Clan Chittin, leur faculté d'espionnage est surpassée par celle du Clan Eshin, mais comme les Chittin, ils ont survécu en sachant rester discrets. Le clan présente néanmoins l'avantage de proposer ses services à des tarifs plus compétitifs que les Eshin.
[b]Taille du Clan :[/b] 1,000,000
[b]Influence : [/b]Moyenne
[b]Talent :[/b] Acuité Visuelle
[/quote] Modifié par Dreadaxe
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