Zugrub Posté(e) le 24 février 2012 Partager Posté(e) le 24 février 2012 Bonjour à tous. Je parle ici de [u]l'ancienne version[/u] des arbalétriers de Ruglud. Je voulais en premier lieu savoir quelle figurine représente Ruglud ? Celui avec les deux épées ou celui avec l'épée à 2 mains. Il me semblait que c'était celui avec les deux épée mais -comme je suis en train de les peindre actuellement- lorsque j'ai regardé les noms sculptés sur la barre métalique qui les relient à leur socle, aucun des deux ne porte ce nom ! En second lieu, j'ai souvenance de l'histoire très sympathique qui accompagnait la vieille boite des Arbalétriers de Ruglud; quelqu'un aurait-il un Lien où il serait possible de la trouver en version française ? En vous remerciant par avance ! Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
RuneLord Posté(e) le 24 février 2012 Partager Posté(e) le 24 février 2012 D'après cette page trouvée sur Solegends, tu aurais 2 héros dans ce régiment de renom, Gudruk et Ruglud. Gudruk serait celui à l'épée à 2 mains, et Ruglud celui avec les 2 épées, à voir leurs profils ici :[url]http://www.solegends.com/citrr/rrd05rugluds.htm[/url] En lisant rapidement la page, leur fluff semble expliquer comment ils en sont venus à être des orcs armurés, et comment Ruglud est devenu le chef de cette escouade... pas trouvé de version française par contre... Tu as donc 4 "personnages", Gudruk, le chef de la tribu, Ruglud, le chef de l'escouade, Bambrag, un shaman orque reconverti en musicien (l'ancien fluff est fabuleux !) et Maggot le gobelin en porte-étendard. La version suivante du fluff est celle que l'on connait maintenant, où Gudruk et Bambrag ont disparu, ne restent que Ruglud et Maggot dans l'escouade... Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Zugrub Posté(e) le 24 février 2012 Auteur Partager Posté(e) le 24 février 2012 Merci pour les réponses et le lien Alors, n'étant en rien anglocomprendé, c'est via Google Traduction que j'ai tenté de comprendre le récit que l'on trouve sur le lien que tu as posté. Mais il faut reconnaitre que par ce procédé c'est très difficilement compréhensible... Par contre je me demande (mais peut-être es-ce dit dans le récit guère compréhensible) pourquoi l'on dit "les arbalétriers de Ruglud" alors que c'est Gudruk qui est le "boss"? -Ruglud Level 5 Orc Hero (visiblement un simple champion); Gudruk (un héros) Level 10 Orc Hero. Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
RuneLord Posté(e) le 24 février 2012 Partager Posté(e) le 24 février 2012 Pour faire simple, voici une version résumée de la première version : La tribu orque des "Crooked Eye" (littéralement les yeux tordus, ce qui fut traduit par yeux mauvais en vf) a beaucoup voyagé vers l'ouest du vieux monde, et a subi, outre une pluie incessante et les babillages incessants de Bambrag (chaman incontinent, pauvre vieux ), les attaques incessantes des gobelins des montagnes. Au bout d'un moment, ils longent les ruines d'un vieux fort nain, mais aucun des orques ne veut y rentrer par peur des esprits. Seul Ruglud, jeune héros orque, y va, et revient indemne, mais les yeux dans le vague et sans parler. Du coup ils restent dehors sous la pluie jusqu'à ce que le chef de la tribu, Gudruk, se fâche tout rouge... en gros, les gobs ne reconnaissent que les guerriers du chaos comme adversaires suffisamment puissants pour ne pas leur chercher des noises, alors que les orques sont assaillis à coups de rochers, arcs et lances... car ils n'ont pas d'armure donc sont tués facilement par des gobs bien retranchés dans leurs forts... Donc 2 solutions: celle du chef "on a besoin de volontaires", sous-entendu de chair à canon pour passer devant et subir les pertes jusqu'à ce que les orques arrivent jusqu'aux gobs et les massacrent, ce qui ne déclenchent pas grand-chose hormis une vraie passion des orques pour regarder leurs pieds, et celle du chaman "ou des armures, pour ressembler à des guerriers du chaos". "Ouais mais on n'en a pas, hein, triple-pattes?" lui répond le chef. Là-dessus, Ruglud se réveille et leur dit ce qu'il a vu dans le fort, à savoir des grandes salles où ça s'est battu, avec des "spiky Stunties an' reg'ar ones" (si je me réfère à l'argot orque, c'est donc un affrontement mortel entre Nains du Chaos (spiky) et Nains (regular ones)...) Du coup, le chef est tout content, organise une razzia dans la forteresse pour équiper une unité armurée qui servira de première force de frappe. Ruglud pour service rendu est donc nommé chef de l'unité (et aussi car c'est le plus brave, le plus humble et sûrement le plus stupide des orques), Bambrag est bombardé musicien, et son serviteur gobelin le plus irritant, Maggot, de porte-étendard... Pour finir, la tribu a donc massacré les gobs, et a festoyé de chair gobeline toute la nuit, sauf Ruglud qui avait son casque trop enfoncé et bloqué, et qui n'a pu que boire du bouillon de gobelin à l'aide d'une paille ! La version suivante a simplifiée la chose, Gudruk n'existe plus, et Ruglud est devenu mercenaire suite à l'extermination de son clan par des nains du chaos... il reste l'histoire de la forteresse naine, Maggot a été traduit par l'Astiko et c'est lui qui découvre la salle, et Ruglud découvre alors les armures... et les arbalètes et décide d'en équiper ce qui reste de son clan... Ce petit fluff est complètement hilarant, rien à voir avec le fluff qui a suivi, sympa mais sans plus... Pour ta question, c'est donc que dans la première version, le reste du clan n'est pas exterminé, Gudruk en est le chef incontesté et Ruglud n'est donc que le chef d'une unité. Unité soit dit en passant très drôle dans sa formation car on comprend bien par le texte que le chef décide d'y mettre tout ce qui l'embête dans son clan, les impotents, ceux qui lui tapent sur le système, les héros qui pourront un jour le menacer, ou ceux qui sont trop bêtes pour être bons à quelque chose... l'exemple même du régiment qui se prendre tous les coups, et donc où la durée de vie ne sera pas très grande... dommage pour Gudruk, car au final, c'est lui qui a disparu du fluff ! Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Dreadaxe Posté(e) le 25 février 2012 Partager Posté(e) le 25 février 2012 Maggot étant Asticot en anglais... la traduction est parfaite. Le texte de la boite [quote]The Crooked Eye Orcs had travelled many miles westward to the Old World, suffering the sniping of mountain Goblins, incessant rain, and the endless whining of Bambrag, their incontinent shaman. Once, they skirted a ruined Dwarfhold. Fear of spirits kept them from sheltering inside, but, a single Orc Hero named Ruglud had dared to enter. He returned unharmed, but had not spoken since, and stated blankly into space. The Orcs huddled in the rain before a rough stone wall across a narrow pass, while Chief Gudruk Bonechewer yelled at a figure on the battlements. 'Stoopid!', he screamed, 'Do we look like Chaos boys?' 'Zog off!' echoed the reply. Gudruk returned to the tribe, dodging the hall of stones and garbage that accompanied this witty riposte. 'Lissen,' he said. 'Them kak-'ead Gobboes reckon the Chaos boys took ev'ryfink over. They ain't comin' out an' they ain't lettin' nuffink through. They got bows an' rocks an' spears an' stuff - if we was to try and get 'em, they'd crump us to bits.' He thought for a while. 'We needs volunteers', he announced at length. His warriors developed a sudden and compelling interest in the ground at their feet. 'Or armour', whined Bambrag, 'Couldn't touch us if we 'ad cans like real Chaos boys.' 'We ain't got cans, 'ave we, Trickle-legs?' snarled Gudruk. 'Cans... jus' lyin' where they dropped... all black an' spiky.' It was Ruglud who spoke. Gudruk gave him a good shake to speed the recovery of his senses, and he continued dreamily. 'Down this Stunty-hole... lotsa rooms ... lost... big room... big enough to stand up in ... big pile of bones an' gear... spiky Stunties an' reg'lar ones... wiped each uvver out...' 'Yerrrss!' cried Gudruk, 'We'll 'ave some o' that! Come on, boys - it's Goblin-gizzard for supper!'. A swift expedition returned to the Dwarfhold. The ill-fitting plates were roughly hammered into shape and held together with whatever came to hand. By nightfall, a small unit of armoured warriors was ready. As the gear's discoverer and the bravest, meanest and certainly the most stupid Orc, Ruglud was made leader, At Gudruk's suggestion, Bambrag became the regimental musician on the Xylobone, a traditional Orcish instrument, and Maggot - Gudruk's youngest and most irritating whelp - joined the ranks as standard-bearer. The tribe feasted upon Goblin-flesh long into the night - all except for Ruglud, who couldn't get his helmet off, and was reduced to sucking broth through a straw. BATTLECRY The most frequent battlecry is a repetitive chant of 'Gobbo fer tea, Gobbo fer tea, Gobbo, Gobbo, Gobbo fer tea!', with 'Stunty', "Uman' and so on being substituted for 'Gobbo' as appropriate. DEEDS The Commandos' first victory led to many more as they pushed across the Worlds' Mountains towards the old World. Most of these were over isolated Goblin strongholds, and are remembered only in the stories and drinking songs of the Crooked Eye Orcs - and then in versions which are probably wildly exaggerated. one confirmed exploit was the storming of Karak-Bazik, an outlier to the great Dwarven settlement of Zhufbar, when the Dwarfs were obliged to abandon the Dwarfhold and cave in a series of connecting tunnels to cover their retreat. UNIFORMS There is no uniform as such; the commandoes are dressed in a wide and miscellaneous range of armour. SHIELDS The Commandos never bothered to re-paint their shields to a standard design, so this varies widely. [/quote] Je dois avoir quelque part la traduction Agmat France de l'époque (à vérifier) Le texte d'origine légèrement adapté Par le The OldSage [quote] [center][img]http://www.inisfail.com/oldsage/whfb6/ruglug-orcs.gif[/img][/center] [left][i]The Crooked Eye Orcs had travelled many miles westward to the Old World, suffering the sniping of mountain Goblins, incessant rain, and the endless whining of Bambrag, their incontinent shaman. Once they skirted a ruined Dwarfhold. Fear of spirits kept them from sheltering inside, but a single Orc hero named Ruglud had dared to enter. He returned unharmed, but had not spoken since, and stared blankly into space. The Orcs huddled in the rain before a rough stone wall across a narrow pass, while Chief Gudruk Bonechewer yelled at a figure on the battlements.[/i][/left] [left][i]"Stoopid!", he screamed, "Do we look like Chaos boys?"[/i][/left] [left][i]"Zog off!", echoed the reply.[/i][/left] [left][i]Gudruk returned to the tribe, dodging the hail of stones and garbage that accompained this witty riposte. "Lissen,' he said, 'Them kak'ead Gobboes reckon the Chaos boys took ev'ry fink over. They ain't comin' out an' they ain't lettin' nuffink through. They got bow an' rocks an' spears an' stuff - if we was to try and get 'em, they'd crump us to bits." He thought for a while. "We needs volunteers", he announced at length. His warriors developed a sudden and compelling interest in the ground at their feet.[/i][/left] [left][i]"Or armour", whined Bambrag, 'Couldn't touch us if we 'ad cans like real Chaos boys."[/i][/left] [left][i]"We ain't got cans, 'ave we, Trickle-legs?" snarled Gudruk.[/i][/left] [left][i]"Cans .... jus' lyin where they dropped ..... all black an 'spikey'." It was Ruglud who spoke. Gudruk gave him a good shake to speed the recovery of his senses, and he continued dreamily. "Down this Stunty-hole... lotsa rooms .... lost .... big room .... big enough to stand up in .... big pile of bones an' gear .... spikey Stunties an' reg'lar ones .... wiped each uvver out ...."[/i][/left] [left][i]"Yerrrsss!!' cried Gudruk, 'We'll 'ave some o' that! Come on, boys-it's Goblin gizzard for supper!'[/i][/left] [i]A swift expedition returned to the Dwarfhold. The ill-fitting plates were roughly hammered into shape and held together with whatever came to hand. By nightfall, a small unit of armoured warriors was ready. As the gear's discoverer and the bravest, meanest and certainly the most stupid Orc, Ruglud was made leader. At Gudruk's suggestion. Bambrag became the regimental musician on the Xylobone, a traditional Orcish instrument, and Maggot - Gudruk's youngest and most irritating whelp - joined the ranks as standard-bearer. The tribe feasted upon Goblin-flesh long into the night - all except for Ruglud that is. He couldn't get his helmet off, and was reduced to sucking broth through a straw.[/i] [b]Battlecry[/b] :The most frequent battlecry is a repetitive chant of 'Gobbo fer tea, Gobbo fer tea, Gobbo, Gobbo, Gobbo fer tea!', with 'Stunty', 'Uman' and so on being substituted for 'Gobbo' as appropriate. [b]Deeds[/b] : The Commandos' first victory led to many more as they pushed across the Worlds' Edge Mountains towards the Old World. Most of these were over isolated Goblin Strongholds, and are remembered only in the stories and drinking songs of the Crooked Eye Orcs - and then in versions which are probably wildly exaggerated. One confirmed exploit was the storming of Karak-Bazik, an outlier to the great Dwarven settlement of Zhufbar, when the Dwarfs were obliged to abandon the Dwarfhold and cave in a series of connecting tunnels to cover their retreat. [b]Uniforms[/b] : There is no uniform as such; the Commandoes are dressed in a wide and miscellaneous range of armour. The Commandoes never bothered to re-paint their shields to a standard design, so this varies widely. [/quote] Le texte de de la v6 (pas trouvé le texte en fr sur le net... et comme je suis flemmard pas d'OCR aujourd'hui [quote]Ruglud's Armored Orcs The Spike-Can Commandos Ruglud Bonechower is a powerful and wealthy Orc mercenary who sells his services all across the known world, from the treacherous Badlands in the south up to through the realm of the Boarder Princes and throughout the mountains surrounding the Empire. Rumors suggest that even the Empire itself has hired his services on occasion. Ruthless to the core, Ruglud's only loyalty is to his self and he has been known to change sides during battle if offered more payment and, more importantly, more opportunity to loot and pillage. Over the years the band has equipped itself with a motley assortment of equipment, stripping scraps of armor from countless defeated foes, and always taking the crossbows and bolts that they prize so highly. Ruglud Bonechower was once a mighty Orc warlord, leading the Crooked Eye tribe to countless victories. Uniting the local tribes, his army stormed through the Grey Mountains and the World's Edge Mountains. He staged numerous successful raids on Dwarf strongholds and Empire towns, as well as upon various Goblin tribes that refused to grovel before him. Ruglud suffered one devastating defeat, many miles to the east of the Old World, and in that defeat he also lost his position as warlord of the Crooked Eye. Caught in a cunning and well implemented ambush by a powerful Chaos Dwarf force, his tribe were cut down in the hundreds by the withering hail of missile fire that the Chaos Dwarfs sent into their midst. The Orcs return fire was unsurprising inaccurate. The heavy armor worn by the Chaos Dwarfs deflected the few arrows the found their targets. As Ruglud fled, many of his tribe turned on him, blaming him in typical Orcish manner for the defeat. Ruglud bullied a small group of Orcs into staying by his side and fled with them to the south, pursued by arrows and insults of his former tribe. The came across an ancient, seemingly impenetrable stronghold built into the mountainside. It appeared to be deserted, and the superstitious Orcs cowered at the sound of the wind howling over its blackened battlements. As they picked their war around the huge boulders at the base of the stronghold walls, the smallest member of the group, the runt known only as "Maggot", tripped and fell. Ruglud blinked in surprise, for the Goblin had disappeared from sight. Moments later, he stuck his head through a hole in the ground, exclaiming that he had found a tunnel. The Orcs refused to enter the tunnel, scared of the "bad sprits" that inhabited the stronghold. Ruglud pushed the Orcs aside roughly, determined to show them that he was not afraid. Besides, he thought, there might be something looting inside. Ruglud grabbed Maggot by the scruff of the neck, forcing him to walk in front of him into the low tunnel. They came upon a scene of devastation, the aftermath of a titanic battle in the tunnels and grand halls of what must have been a Dwarf stronghold. Dwarf bodies lay strewn across the floors in the unbelievable numbers, and at first it looked to Ruglud as if the dwarf had been fighting Dwarf. As he looked closer at the bodies, he saw that some were the Chaos Dwarfs that he had suffered his great had suffered his great defeat against. Bloodied armor and weapons were scattered across the stone floor. At Ruglud's feet lay a Dwarf crossbow, which he picked up absently in one huge hand. His gaze lingered on the weapon as a sizable lump of masonry suddenly fell on his thick head, and a moment of inspiration washed over him. The unexpected thought filled his cunning Orcish mind: "If ya can't beat em, join em!" He began to strip the armor of the Dwarf bodies, haphazardly strapping the plates to his oversized frame. Climbing out of the hole, he stood before his Orc followers who fell back before him. With a strange, determined look in his eyes, he growled at the Orcs: "We'll show'em how it's done." And so Ruglud's Armored Orcs were formed, only know band of Orcs to implement the combination of armor and crossbow. They are still disliked and distrusted by other Orc tribes, but their fighting qualities are grudgingly accepted. Wherever the band travels, it fights for gold and for food, and for the change to strip the enemy of anything worth taking.[/quote] Dommage de pas avoir un patch de raccord entre les deux backgrounds. Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Zugrub Posté(e) le 25 février 2012 Auteur Partager Posté(e) le 25 février 2012 (modifié) Merci infiniment, c'est vraiment très sympa d'avoir pris le temps de répondre ainsi ! Merci en particulier à RuneLord pour ta traduction ! Effectivement, l'histoire est excellente !! C'est ce fluff qui pour moi donne toute sa dimension et son intérêt au jeu. Ca m'encourage également dans la peinturlure de mes Rugluds. Un détail me "chiffonne" toutefois. Il est dit que "Ruglud qui avait son casque trop enfoncé et bloqué, et qui n'a pu que boire du bouillon de gobelin à l'aide d'une paille !" (génialissime n'es-ce pas !?!! ) On est bien d'accord sur le fait que Ruglud est représenté par la figurine avec les deux épée. Or, cette figurine ne dispose pas de casque ! ...Par contre, Gudruk qui est représenté par la figurine avec l'épée à deux mains, lui, possède un casque, qui semble bien trop petit pour sa tête... Y-a-t-il d'après vous une erreur d'inversion des noms du texte d'origine par rapport aux figurines sculptées, ou es-ce moi qui suis trop dans le détail !? En tout cas encore un grand merci pour la traduction Modifié le 25 février 2012 par Zugrub Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Patatovitch Posté(e) le 26 février 2012 Partager Posté(e) le 26 février 2012 Peut-être que, suite à cette mésaventure, Ruglud ne supporte plus les casques ! Patatovitch Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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