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Culte de Khaine


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Bonjour à tous,

j'ai repris le culte de Khaine du unofficial mordheim rulebook et j'ai fait quelques petits ajouts (en particulier un cultiste de Khaine capable d'effectuer des prières) et je voulais votre avis pour savoir quoi modifier pour l'équilibrer. Me semble poser problèmes en particulier le cout des furies et cleui de l'assassin.

Voici ma version du culte de Khaine (en anglais désolé mais c'était trop long à traduire) :
(j'ai chargé un pdf pour ceux qui auraient du mal à le lire sur le warfo :

[s][i][u][b]Cult of Khaine [/b][/u][/i][/s]

[b]Special Rules [/b]
Kindred Hatred: The Dark Elves have been fighting the High Elves for many centuries. The wars between these two races have been very long and bloody affairs. Dark Elves Hate any High Elf warriors including High Elf Hired Swords.
Excellent Sight: There are numerous legends detailing the excellent eyesight of the Elves, both Druchii and Ulthuan kin. Elves can spot Hidden enemies from twice as far away than normal warriors. (i.e. twice their Initiative value in inches)
Black Powder Weapons: Dark Elves may never use black powder weapons as they find them too crude, noisy and unreliable.
Devotees of Khaine: The Cult of Khaine is bloodthirsty to the extreme. In situations where a warband can either sacrifice those that they find or use them for other reasons, the Cult of Khaine can choose to sacrifice them.
Alignment: the Warband’s Alignment may be one of the following: Neutral / Chaotic, Chaotic.

[u][b]Choice of Warriors [/b][/u]
A Cult of Khaine warband must include a minimum of three models. You have 500 gold crowns to recruit your initial warband. The maximum number of warriors in the warband may never exceed 12.
Witch Hag: Each Cult of Khaine warband must have one Witch Hag to lead it – no more, no less.
Executioner: Your warband must include up to three Executioners
Assassin: Your warband must include up to one Assassin.
Witch Elves: Your warband may include any number of Witch Elves.
Scouts: Your warband may include up to five Scouts.

[b]Starting Experience [/b]
The Witch Hag & Assassin Starts with 20 experience
The Cultist of Khaine starts with 12 experience.
The Executioner starts with 8 experience.
All henchmen starts with 0 experience.

[s][b]Cult of Khaine Equipment List [/b][/s]

Witch Elves Equipment List
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger .............................................................. 1st free/2 GC
Axe ................................................................................ 5 GC
Sword .......................................................................... 10 GC
Double-handed weapon ............................................... 15 GC
Halberd ........................................................................ 10 GC
Dark Steel Weapon* ................................................. 2x price
Shield ............................................................................ 5 GC
Buckler .......................................................................... 5 GC
Helmet ......................................................................... 10 GC (5 GC)
Light armour ................................................................ 20 GC (15 GC)
Heavy Armour* ........................................................... 50 GC (30 GC)
Dark Steel Armour* .................................................... 95 GC (50 GC)
Special Equipment
Dark Venom* .............................................................. 15 GC
Black Lotus** ............................................................... 5 GC
Unholy Calyx ***........................................................ 20 GC

Scouts Equipment List
Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger .............................................................. 1st free/2 GC
Axe ................................................................................ 5 GC
Sword .......................................................................... 10 GC
Dark Steel Weapon* ................................................. 2x price
Missile Weapons
Throwing Knives ......................................................... 15 GC
Crossbow Pistol* ......................................................... 35 GC
Repeater Crossbow ...................................................... 35 GC
Helmet ......................................................................... 10 GC (5 GC)
Light armour ................................................................ 20 GC (15 GC)
* May be taken by Heroes only.
** May be taken by Witch Hag & Witch Elves only
*** May be taken by Cultist of Khaine only


[b]1 Witch Hag[/b]
85 Gold Crowns to hire
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
5 5 3 3 3 1 7 1 9
Weapons/Armour: Witch Hag may be armed with weapons chosen from the Witch Elves Equipment list, note that Witch Hag don’t uses missile weapons or wear armour.
Skills: The Witch Hag may choose from Combat, Academic, & Speed when she gains a new skill. In addition, the Witch Hag may choose from the Dark Elves Special Skill list.
Special Rules
Leader: Any models in the warband within 6" of the Witch Hag may use her Leadership instead of their own.
Frenzy: Witch hag is affected by the rules for frenzy. While frenzied, Witch hag still hates High Elves, although normally immune to psychology.

[b]0-1 Cultist of Khaine [/b]
60 Gold Crowns to hire
The city of Har Ganeth holds the Cult of Khaine in the highest esteem. Here, they devote themselves to Khaine in his aspect of executioner. Chosen for their calm yet vicious demeanours, the deadly Executioners are sent to foray into Mordheim in the name of Khaine.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Weapons/Armour: A Cultist of Khaine may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Witch Elves equipment list. Notice that he cannot wear heavy armor, neither shield nor buckler.
Skills: The Cultist of Khaine may choose from Combat, & Speed when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Cultist of Khaine may choose from the Dark Elves Special Skill list.
Special Rules
Pray User: The Cultist of Khaine is a servant of Khaine and may use the Prayers of Khaine as detailed in the Magic section and the Cultist of Khaine start with one prays generated at random. See the Magic section for details. In addition the Cultist of Khaine may learn a new Pray instead on a new skill.

[b]0-3 Executioner[/b]
40 Gold Crowns to hire
The city of Har Ganeth holds the Cult of Khaine in the highest esteem. Here, they devote themselves to Khaine in his aspect of executioner. Chosen for their calm yet vicious demeanours, the deadly Executioners are sent to foray into Mordheim in the name of Khaine.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
5 5 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Weapons/Armour: An Executioner may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Witch Elves equipment list.
Skills: The Executioner may choose from Combat, & Speed when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Executioner may choose from the Dark Elves Special Skill list.

[b]0-1 Assassin[/b]
70 Gold Crowns to hire
All Assassins follow one of the aspects of Khaine, the thousand-faced god of murder. The Assassins chosen to venture into the cursed city of Mordheim are those that the leaders of the Cult felt could use a bit more real-world experience before serving the Witch King in his glorious armies.
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
5 5 4 3 3 1 6 3 9
Weapons/Armour: An Assassin may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Shards equipment list.
Skills: The Assassin may choose from Combat, Shooting, Academic, & Speed when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Assassin may choose from the Dark Elves Special Skill list or the Assassin Special Skill List.
Special Rules
Perfect Killer: An Assassin always has an extra -1 modifier to any armour save the enemy has to take against wounds they inflict, both with shooting and close combat weapons.
Loner: Assassins are not great leaders, but are ruthless and highly disciplined warriors. The warband may never use the Assassin’s Leadership score for the purposes of Rout tests. In addition, the Assassin is immune to All Alone tests


[b]Witch Elves[/b]
35 Gold Crowns to hire
Witch Elves are the maiden-elves who are wedded to Khaine, the Lord of Murder, in midnight rites of blood sacrifice and magic. They imbibe a concoction of blood and drugs which fills them with supernatural bloodlust and rage. The Witch Elves scour Mordheim looking for sacrifices for the glory of Khaine.

5 4 3 3 3 1 6 1 8
Weapons/Armour: Witch Elves may be armed with weapons chosen from the Witch Elves Equipment list, note that Witch Elves don’t uses missile weapons or wear armour.
Special Rules
Frenzy: Witch Elves are affected by the rules for frenzy. While frenzied, Witch Elves still hate High Elves, although normally immune to psychology.

[b]0-5 Scouts [/b]
30 Gold Crowns to hire
The stealthy Dark Elf Scouts rely on their repeater crossbows to harass and snipe at the enemy, rather than engaging them head on as ambush is the preferred style of fighting. Shades are young and inexperienced scouts that see the expeditions to Lustria as a valuable training opportunity.
5 3 3 3 3 1 5 1 8
Weapons/Armour: Shades may be armed with weapons and armour chosen from the Shades Equipment list.
Special Rules
Natural Stealth: The first thing that Dark Elf Scouts master is the art of moving without being seen or heard. If a Dark Elf is Hiding, enemy models suffer -1 to their Initiative value for determining if they can detect him.
Prayers of Khaine[/b][/u]
D6 Result
1 Insane Healing Difficulty 5
Any one model within 2" of the Cultist of Khaine (including himself) may be healed. The warrior is restored to his full quota of Wounds. In addition, if any friendly models within 2" are stunned or knocked down, they immediately come to their senses, stand up, and continue fighting as normal.
2 Word of Pain Difficulty 8
The spell may be cast at an enemy model within 12". The victim must re-roll all successful hand to hand or missile attacks and all to wound rolls. If the victim wishes to charge, he must pass a successful Leadership test first. Lasts until the beginning of the next Cult of Khaine turn.
3 Impious Armor Difficulty 9
The Cultist of Khaine has an armour save of 2+ which replaces his normal armour save. In addition, he causes fear in his enemies and is therefore immune to fear himself.
The power of the Impious Armor lasts until the beginning of the Cultist’s next Shooting phase.
4 Bloodsword Difficulty 7
The Cultist of Khaine may choose the hand-to-hand combat weapon of a member of her warband within 6" to be engulfed in bloody flames. A weapon with these flames acts as a normal weapon of its type, but also adds a +1 bonus to the users Strength. Hits inflicted from the weapon ignore armour saves. Lasts until the Cultist of Khaine’s next shooting phase.
5 Unholy resurection Difficulty 10
The Live again has a range of 6" and must be cast on the closest friend model which has been put out of order. The model come back to life and is restored to his full quota of wounds.
6 Holy Frenzy Difficulty 7
The Cultist of Khaine becomes frenzied for this turn. While frenzied, he still hates High Elves, although normally immune to psychology. In addition, if he hits an opponent during this turn, any one model within 2" of the Cultist of Khaine (including himself) may be healed. The warrior is restored to his full quota of Wounds. In addition, if any friendly models within 2" are stunned or knocked down, they immediately come to their senses, stand up, and continue fighting as normal.

J'ai chargé un .pdf pour ceux qui aurait du mal à lire : Modifié par Newlight
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Une autre liste de bande à tester :
Bande de Coterie de Tueurs[/b][/u]

Règles spéciales :
Cousins honnis : Les Elfes noirs haïssent les hauts Elfes.
Vue excellente : Les elfes noirs peuvent détecter leurs ennemis deux fois plus loin que la normale (c'est à dire deux fois leur initiative en pas)
Alignement : Les ombres itinérantes sont neutre/chaotiques, chaotiques.

[u]Choix de guerriers [/u]

Une Coterie de tueurs doit inclure 3 figurines au minimum. Vous avez au début 500 CO pour recruter votre bande. Votre bande peut comporter un maximum de 12 guerriers.

Assassin : Votre bande doit comporter un Assassin, ni plus, ni moins.
Tueur : Votre bande peut comporter jusqu'à 3 Tueurs.
Flèche Mortelle : Votre bande peut comporter une Flèche Mortelle.
Maître des dévots : Votre bande peut comporter un Maître des dévots.
Dévot de Khaine : Votre bande peut comporter autant de Dévots de Khaine que vous voulez.

Expérience de Départ
L'Assassin commence avec une expérience de 20.
La Flèche Mortelle et les Tueurs commencent avec une expérience de 12.
Le Maître des dévots commencent avec une expérience de 8.
Les Hommes de main commencent avec une expérience de 0.

[u]Liste d'équipement de la Coterie de Tueurs[/u]

Armes de Mêlée
Dague ......................................................... 1re gratuite/2 CO
Hache ............................................................................. 5 CO
Épée ............................................................................. 10 CO
Morgenstern* ............................................................... 15 CO
Fléau* …...................................................................... 15 CO
Arme en Noir Acier*.. ................................................. 2x prix

Armes de tir
Couteaux de lancer **.................................................. 15 CO
Étoiles de lancer **...................................................... 15 CO
Arbalète de poing **.................................................... 35 CO
Arbalète Noire***........................................................ 55 CO

Targe .............................................................................. 5 CO
Armure légère............................................................... 20 CO (15 CO)

Equipment Spécial
Venin Noir** …........................................................... 15 CO
Lotus Noir** ..................................................................5 CO
Cape en peau de dragon des mers**.............................50 CO (25 CO)

* Dévots de Khaine et Maître des dévots uniquement
** Héros uniquement et hormis Maître des dévots
*** Flèche Mortelle uniquement


[b]1 Assassin[/b]
80 GC pour recruter
5 5 4 3 3 1 6 3 9
Armes/Armures : L'Assassin peut choisir son équipement dans la liste d'équipement de la Coterie de Tueurs.
Compétences : L'Assassin peut choisir ses compétence dans les listes de Combat, Tir, Académique et Vitesse. En outre il peut choisir ses compétences dans la liste des Compétences des Elfes Noirs et des Assassins.
Solitaire : Aucune autre figurine ne peut utiliser le commandement de l'Assassin
Tueur parfait : Un Assassin a un modificateur de -1 minimum sur la sauvegarde d'armure adverse, tant au tir qu'au corps à corps.
Infiltration : L'Assassin connait déjà la compétence Infiltration de la liste des Compétences des Elfes Noirs.
Dons de Khaine : Au lieu d'une nouvelle compétence l'Assassin peut acquérir un nouveau Don de Khaine.
0-3 Tueurs[/b]
45 GC pour recruter
5 5 4 3 3 1 6 1 8
Armes/Armures : Un Tueur peut choisir son équipement dans la liste d'équipement de la Coterie de Tueurs.
Compétences : Un Tueur peut choisir ses compétence dans les listes de Combat, Tir et Vitesse. En outre il peut choisir ses compétences dans la liste des Compétences des Elfes Noirs.
Infiltration : Un Tueur connait déjà la compétence Infiltration de la liste des Compétences des Elfes Noirs.
Dons de Khaine : Au lieu d'une nouvelle compétence un Tueur peut acquérir un nouveau Don de Khaine parmi les 3 premiers (lancez un D3).
0-1 Flèche Mortelle[/b]
45 GC pour recruter
5 4 5 3 3 1 5 1 8
Armes/Armures : Une Flèche Mortelle peut choisir son équipement dans la liste d'équipement de la Coterie de Tueurs.
Compétences : Une Flèche Mortelle peut choisir ses compétence dans les listes de Tir et Vitesse. En outre il peut choisir ses compétences dans la liste des Compétences des Elfes Noirs.
Infiltration : Une Flèche Mortelle connait déjà la compétence Infiltration de la liste des Compétences des Elfes Noirs.
Discrétion naturelle : Un ennemi tentant de détecter une Flèche Mortelle subit un malus de -1 sur son jet d'initiative.
Dons de Khaine : Au lieu d'une nouvelle compétence une Flèche Mortelle peut acquérir un nouveau Don de Khaine parmi les 3 premiers (lancez un D3).

[b]0-1 Maître des dévots[/b]
40 GC pour recruter
5 5 4 3 3 1 6 1 8
Armes/Armures : Un Maître des dévots peut choisir son équipement dans la liste d'équipement de la Coterie de Tueurs.
Compétences : Un Maître des dévots peut choisir ses compétence dans les listes de Combat, et Vitesse. En outre il peut choisir ses compétences dans la liste des Compétences des Elfes Noirs.

[u]Hommes de Main[/u]

[b]Dévot de Khaine[/b]
35 GC pour recruter
5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Armes/Armures : Un Dévot de Khaine peut choisir son équipement dans la liste d'équipement des Ombres.
Compétences : Un Dévot de Khaine peut choisir ses compétence dans les listes de Combat, Tir, et Vitesse. En outre elle peut choisir ses compétences dans la liste des Compétences des Elfes Noirs.

[u]Dons de Khaine [/u]
Résultat du D6 (D3 pour les Tueurs et Flèche Mortelle)
1 Rune de Confusion : Lors de la phase de tir, si celui qui utilise le don ne tire pas, il peut alors inscrire une Rune de confusion là où il se trouve (utilisez un marqueur). Toute figurine de la bande adverse s'approchant à moins de 6 pas d'une Rune de Confusion la déclenche sur un 3+ (lancez un dé par figurine en fin de phase de mouvement, si un 3+ est obtenu la Rune de confusion est activée). Les figurines ne peuvent alors plus bouger ni tirer ni lancer de sort ce tour ci. La rune de confusion est alors désactivée et ne s'activera plus de la partie. Ce don ne peut être utilisé qu'une fois par partie et par figurine.

2 Rune de Protection : Une fois par partie, pendant la phase de tir et si elle ne tire pas, la figurine peut inscrire une rune de protection là où elle se trouve. Si une figurine adverse s'approche à moins de 3 pas de la Rune de protection elle subit alors 1D3 touches de force 2. La rune ne s'activera alors plus de la partie.

3 Rune de Khaine : Une fois par partie le porteur de la Rune de Khaine peut effectuer 1D3 attaques supplémentaires.

4 Main de Khaine : L'utilisateur de la Main de Khaine peut, une fois par partie, annuler une attaque adverse.

5 Protection magique : Une fois par partie, la figurine peut annuler sur un 3+ un sort lancé sur elle ou l'incluant dans son aire d'effet.

6 Engourdissement fatal : Une fois par partie, pendant la phase de tir et si elle ne tire pas ce tour ci, la figurine peut plonger une figurine adverse située à moins de 6 pas dans un état d'engourdissement qui diminue sa CC et sa CT de 2 ce tour ci.
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Afin d'éviter un nième sujet je propose maintenant le culte de slaanesh :
[b][u]Cult of Slaanesh[/u][/b]

[u]Special Rules[/u]
Kindred Hatred: The Dark Elves have been fighting the High Elves for many centuries. The wars between these two races have been very long and bloody affairs. Dark Elves Hate any High Elf warriors including High Elf Hired Swords.
Excellent Sight: There are numerous legends detailing the excellent eyesight of the Elves, both Druchii and Ulthuan kin. Elves can spot Hidden enemies from twice as far away than normal warriors. (i.e. twice their Initiative value in inches)
Black Powder Weapons: Dark Elves may never use black powder weapons as they find them too crude, noisy and unreliable.
Alignment: the Warband’s Alignment may be one of the following: Neutral / Chaotic, Chaotic.

Choice of Warriors[/u]
A Cult of Slaanesh warband must include a minimum of three models. You have 500 gold crowns to recruit your initial warband. The maximum number of warriors in the warband may never exceed 12.
Cult Chieftain: Each Cult of Slaanesh warband must have one Cult Chieftain to lead it – no more, no less.
Druchii Annointed: Your warband may include one Druchii Annointed.
Possessed: Your warband may include up to two Possessed.
Cultist of Slaanesh: Your warband may include up to two Cultists of Slaanesh.
Druchii Follower of Slaanesh: Your warband may include up to five Druchii Followers of Slaanesh.
Human Follower of Slaanesh: : Your warband may include any number of Human Followers of Slaanesh.

Starting Experience
A Cult Chieftain starts with 20 experience.
The Druchii Annointed starts with 12 experience.
Possessed and Cultist of Slaanesh start with 8 experience.
Henchmen start with 0 experience.

[u]Cult of Slaanesh Equipment List [/u]

Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Dagger .............................................................. 1st free/2 GC
Axe ................................................................................ 5 GC
Sword .......................................................................... 10 GC
Double-handed weapon ............................................... 15 GC
Halberd ........................................................................ 10 GC
Dark Steel Weapon* ................................................. 2x price
Shield ............................................................................ 5 GC
Buckler .......................................................................... 5 GC
Helmet ......................................................................... 10 GC (5 GC)
Light armour ............................................................... 20 GC (15 GC)
Heavy Armour* .......................................................... 50 GC (30 GC)
Dark Steel Armour* .................................................... 95 GC (50 GC)
Special Equipment
Dark Venom* .............................................................. 15 GC
Unholy Relic**.............................................................20 GC

* May be taken by Heroes only.
** May be taken by Cultist of Slaanesh only

Heroes [/u]

[b]1 Cult Chieftain [/b](Dark elf)
70 Gold Crowns to hire
5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Weapons/Armour: The Cult Chieftain may be armed with weapons and armour chosen from the Cult of Slaanesh Equipment list but they may not cast spells if wearing armour.
Skills: The Cult Chieftain may choose from Academic & Speed when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Cult Chieftain may choose from the Dark Elf Special Skill list.
Special Rules
Magic User: The Cult Chieftain has the ability to use magic and casts spells like any other magicians, and the Cult Chieftain starts with one spells generated at random from the Dark Elf Magic list or Slaanesh Cult rituals. See the Magic section for details. In addition the Cult Chieftain may learn a new Spell instead on a new skill.
Leader: Any models in the warband within 6" of the Cult Chieftain may use his Leadership instead of their own.

0-1 Druchii Annointed[/b] (Dark elf)
40 gold crowns to hire (+ the cost of mutations)
5 5 4 3 3 1 6 1 8
Weapons/Armour: The Druchii Annointed may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Cult of Slaanesh Equipment list.
Skills: The Druchii Annointed may choose from Combat & Speed when he gains a new skill.
Special Rules
Mutations: The Druchii Annointed must start the game with one or more mutations each. See the Slaanesh Cult Mutations list for the cost.

[b]0-2 The Possessed[/b]
90 gold crowns to hire (+ the cost of mutations)
The Possessed have committed the greatest of heresies: they have given their bodies to Daemons. As a result, they are nightmarish creatures, a melding of flesh, metal and black magic. Inside them lives a supernatural thing of evil, a Daemon from the dark reaches of the Realm of Chaos.
The powerful spirit of a Daemon can meld several creatures together, be they men or animals, into a multi-faceted horror. These monstrous Possessed are perhaps the most dangerous of the creatures of Mordheim, and certainly the most loathsome and dreadful.
5 4 0 4 4 2 4 2 7
Weapons/Armour: None. The Possessed never use weapons or armour.
Skills: The Possessed may choose from Combat, Strength, & Speed when he gains a new skill.
Special Rules
Fear: The Possessed are terrifying, twisted creatures and therefore cause fear. See the Psychology section for details.
Mutations: Possessed may start the game with one or more mutations each. See the Mutations list for costs.

[b]0-1 Cultist of Slaanesh[/b] (Dark elf)
60 Gold Crowns to hire
Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Weapons/Armour: The Cultist of Slaanesh may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Cult of Slaanesh Equipment list. Notice that he cannot wear heavy armor, neither shield nor buckler.
Skills: The Cultist of Slaanesh may choose from Combat, & Speed when he gains a new skill. In addition, the Cultist of Khaine may choose from the Dark Elves Special Skill list.
Special Rules
Pray User: The Cultist of Slaanesh is a servant of Slaanesh and may use the Cult of Slaanesh Rituals as detailed in the Magic section and the Cultist of Slaanesh start with one prays generated at random. See the Magic section for details. In addition the Cultist of Slaanesh may learn a new Pray instead on a new skill.


[b]0-5 Druchii Follower of Slaanesh[/b] (Dark elf)
35 Gold Crowns to hire
The Dark Elves are cruel and fierce fighters.
5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8
Weapons/Armour: A Follower of Slaanesh may be armed with weapons and armour chosen from the Cult of Slaanesh Equipment list

Human Follower of Slaanesh[/b]
25 Gold Crowns to hire
4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7
Weapons/Armour: A Follower of Slaanesh may be armed with weapons and armour chosen from the Cult of Slaanesh Equipment list

[u]Cult of Slaanesh Rituals[/u]
D6 Result
1 Horrorfull seduction Difficulty 6
Any model who wants to attack the Cultist must pass a Leading test or not move this turn.
The power of the Horrorfull Seduction lasts until the beginning of the Cultist’s next Shooting phase.
2 Within Temptation Difficulty 6
All ennemy model within 6'' must pass a Leading test or attack the Cultist. When they do so they do it with a WS of 1 and a malus of -1 to Wound.
3 Perverse pleasure Difficulty 7
All friendly model within 5'' of the Cultist (including himself) get an extra 6+ save which is not modified by any mean.
4 Unholy spear Difficulty 8
The Cultist of Slaanesh throws a magic spear on a single ennemy within 12'' and in line of sight, which cause 1D6 hits of S2.
5 Delicious Armor Difficulty 9
The Cultist of Slaanesh has an armour save of 4+ which replaces his normal armour save. In addition, he causes fear in his enemies and is therefore immune to fear himself. Each wound which is absorbed by the Delicious Armor causes a S2 hit to the attacker.
The power of the Delicious Armor lasts until the beginning of the Cultist’s next Shooting phase.
6 Dangerous refreshment Difficulty 6
Any one model within 2" of the Cultist (including himself) may be healed. The warrior is restored to his full quota of Wounds. In addition, if any friendly models within 2" are stunned or knocked down, they immediately come to their senses, stand up, and continue fighting as normal.

[u]Slaanesh Mutations[/u]

1 Claw (50 GC)
One arm of the heros ends with a crab claw. He can not use weapon with this arm but instead has a supplementary attack with a bonus of +1 strenght
2 Scorpion Tail (40 GC)
The heros has a supplementary attack of Strenght 5. If the enemy is immune to poison the strenght is reduced to 2.
3 Supplementary arm (40 GC)
The heros has a supplementary arm which he can uses to wield weapon or shield if he is not a Possessed. If he wield a new weapon or is a Possessed he then gain a supplementary Attack.
4 Spine (35 GC)
The heros causes an extra automatic hit of strenght 1 to any model in contact with him at the beginning of Melee phase. Spine never cause critical hits.
5 Acid blood (30 GC)
If the heros is wounded in melee, he causes a S3 hit to all models in contact with him. Acid blood never cause critical hits.
6 Tentacle (35 GC)
The heros reduces by 1 the number of attacks of one of his opponents to a minimum of 1. He can choose which attack he reduces.
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