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[MOW 1.5] Sources

Messages recommandés

[b]White Dwarf 143[/b] Man of War!: Concept Sketches by John Blanche
[b]White Dwarf 160[/b] Man O'War: Preview
'Eavy Metal: Man O'War Painting Guide

Imperial Wargalleys
Pirate Wargalleys
Imperial and Bretonnian Warships
Pirate and Dwarf Warships
Sails and Pennants
Fleet Colour Schemes

[b]White Dwarf 161[/b] Sea of Doom: Empire and Dwarf Tactics
The Battle of Death's Point: Battle Report - Bretonnians vs. Dwarfs

[b]White Dwarf 162[/b] Across the Raging Sea: Elf & Bretonnian Tactics
Dwarf Dreadnoughts

Dreadnought Rules
Dwarf Fleet List
The Dwarf Fleet

[b]White Dwarf 163[/b] Allies

Choosing Allies
Man O'War Allies Table
Multi-Player Games
Man O' War Quick Reference Sheet

Plague Fleet: Fleet Backgrounds

Chaos Dwarves
'Eavy Metal
Plague Fleet Review

Questions and Answers


[b]White Dwarf 164[/b] Seas of Chaos: Chaos Fleet Tactics

'Eavy Metal: Nurgle Plagueships

[s]Wizards and Magic

Choosing your College of Magic
Using Specific Spells
Holding on to What you Need
Expanded Rules for Wizards[/s]

[b]White Dwarf 165[/b] Hellhammer & Ironfist: Empire Ships
Sea of Blood: Preview

Sea Monsters
Flying Creatures
'Eavy Metal: Sea of Blood
Sea of Blood Contents List

[b]White Dwarf 166[/b] Norse Raiders

'Eavy Metal: Norse Longships and Kingships
Norse Ships

[b]White Dwarf 167[/b] Shoreforts: Expanded Rules

Shorefort Scenarios
Free the Trade Route
Neutral Waters
Campagin Gmaes!

Modelling Workshop: Islands and Sandbars for Man O'War

Getting Started
Headges and Fields

[b]White Dwarf 169[/b] Death on the Sea of Claws: Battle Report - Empire vs. Dark Elves
[b]White Dwarf 172[/b] Questions and Answers 2

Skaven Crew: Table

[b]White Dwarf 175[/b] Slaanesh Fleet

[b]Les articles CITADEL JOURNAL numéros 1 à 9 :[/b]

#1) Blood and Iron: Dwarf runesmiths and master engineers.
#2) Wind and Wave: [s]High Elf magic[/s]. Cirstals of Power.
#3) Curse'd of Naggaroth: optional extras for Dark Elves.
#3) Row, Row, Row Yer Boat: rules for dinghies and small boats.
#5) We Are Sailin': Kustom cards and [s]Waaagh magic rules for Orcs[/s].
#6) Fleets of the Damned: rules and stats for an Undead Fleet.
#9) Necromantic Magic: magic for your undead fleet. Modifié par marell le fou
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Je vois que les dwarfs ont proposés moults règles en anglais et pas les WD français.

Ces règles ont'elle été traduites, si oui, où peut on les trouver? Si non, un travail de traduction serait bien sympa et je suis dispo pour ce type de truc au mois d'Août.
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Ca nous rajeunis pas...

Plus important que la traduction: peut-on mettre en place [u]un lien unique[/u] pour récupérer toutes ces règles? Un peu comme le lien qu'Alias avait mis en place pour les règles VF.

Dread? Marell?
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[quote]Je vois que les dwarfs ont proposés moults règles en anglais et pas les WD français.

Ces règles ont'elle été traduites, si oui, où peut on les trouver? Si non, un travail de traduction serait bien sympa et je suis dispo pour ce type de truc au mois d'Août. [/quote]

Je compte bien regrouper TOUT les trucs officiels dans la version 1.5. C'est le but. Si j'arrive à choper les sources !

J'ai certains WD je crois... Je ne sais plus si ils sont en fr ou vo. Je vais regarder ça. Je n'ai aucun Citadel Journal par contre, je ne dirais pas non à les avoir. Je vais essayer de trouver ça.

Pour les mettre en ligne ben j'ai pas de scann mais je peux prendre des photos. L'idéal serait simplement de tout mettre là, non ?
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[quote name='snorri61' timestamp='1337621795' post='2138811']
Pour ma part, j'ai quelques Citadel journal anglais et quasi tous les WD anglais qui traitent de MOW. Si tu as besoin de scan...

Vu que la communauté MOW s'agrandit à Joinville (l'air iodé de la Marne sûrement), je comptais faire une compile "tactica belli mare" pour notre armoire magique.
Pourrais tu me les envoyer à stp?
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Normalement on a pas le droit, il faut pas se leurrer.

Mais on a pas le droit non plus de citer tous les copyrights GW, ni de mettre en lignes les règles, ni même des petits inserts comme on fait ici etc, alors tu sais... Au pire envoie les moi et je ferai ici ou là des insertions en tant qu'images des passages qui nous intéressent.

C'est mon avis uniquement personnel. Si on respecte la loi à la lettre, on ne peut rien faire. Modifié par marell le fou
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  • 4 semaines après...
Hello Snorri,

Aura t-on un de ces jours ces sources ? Ce serait dommage de tout réécrire et devoir faire des modifs après coup. J'aimerai les avoir assez rapidement. Si tu ne peux pas, pas de soucis, on sait tous ce que c'est. Mais alors dis le moi, que j'essaie de trouver sur ebay ou autres les magasines qui me manquent.
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[quote name='snorri61' timestamp='1337767152' post='2139827']
Ok alors je vais scanner les Citadel journal et les questions et réponses des wd anglais.

Heu c'est pas tout disponibles dans les fichiers des Y!G ? Il me semble bien.

Sinon j'ai ça dans ma dropbox
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Ben si les articles y sont, ce serait bien de psoter des captures d'écrans dans les chapitres correspondants si possible ? Je ne connais pas toutes les règles avancées ou les erratas. Enfin je crois ne pas les avoir tous lu. Du coup on risque de passer à coté à la rédaction.

C'est surtout l'ensemble des [b]erratas[/b], [b]questions réponse[/b], [b]faq[/b] et autres [b]modifications de règles[/b] que je voudrai. Les articles sur les règles générales avancées aussi. Tout ce qui est facultatif ou propre à un peuple, ça peut attendre un peu (genre les elfes, dark elves, nains, orcs...)

Du coup dans ton dossier Dropbox, je pense que la seule chose qui soit exploitable pour le moment est le doc sur la magie. Et encore, c'est surtout des conseils et pas des additifs ou modifs de règles. Modifié par marell le fou
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[quote name='marell le fou' timestamp='1340230965' post='2156954']Du coup dans ton dossier Dropbox, je pense que la seule chose qui soit exploitable pour le moment est le doc sur la magie. Et encore, c'est surtout des conseils et pas des additifs ou modifs de règles.[/quote]

En même temps le dossier à la base n'est pas fait pour être partagé...
Les article des Citadel Journal ne peuvent pas intéresser ?
L'article du White Dwarf 164 est une exclusivité mondiale sur le web ;) En ce qui le concerne, il donne des conseils parfois faux il semble que Bill King choisisse sont domaine de magie par exemple... Mais il contient aussi des règles avancées pour la magie qui permettent plus de flexibilité.
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Voila les règles pour la magie tirée du WD 164 (merci Dreadaxe). J'ai rayé l'article dans la liste de premier message... Manque plus que tous les autres !



[img][/img][img][/img] Modifié par marell le fou
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La FAQ des numéros 163 et 172 !
J'ai pas encore lu, y a de la matière...

[quote]Questions & Answers

The following questions and answers are copied from the original articles that appeared in White Dwarf and Official Rumors. The author of the White Dwarf articles was Andy Jones, and the author of the others is unknown. This Q&A is Copyright Games Workshop Ltd. And is reprinted here with permission. Games Workshop retains all rights to the original works, and may request these reprints be removed at any time. The sources for each question and answer set are listed after each answer. They are:

[b](WD1) - White Dwarf 163, Man O' War: Questions and Answers by Andy Jones (July 1993)

(WD2) - White Dwarf 172, Man O' War: Questions and Answers 2 by Andy Jones (April 1994)

(OR1) - Official Rumors, November 1993

(OR2) - Official Rumors, January 1994[/b]

General Questions 2
Magic 3
general 3
spells 4
Shooting 5
Boarding Actions 5
Flyers 6
Elf Fleet 6
Dark Elf Fleet 7
Dwarf Fleet 7
Orc Fleet 9
Skaven Fleet 9
Chaos 10
general 10
Nurgle Ships 10
Khorne Ships 11
Slaanesh Ships 11
Tzeentch Ships 12
Sea Monsters 13

Note: this was downloaded from Dart Frog’s page.


[s][b]Q- Captain Overboard: "When a roll on the Captain's Chart indicates that the ship must make a move to pick up the captain is the turn made immediately?"[/b]

A- No, the ship makes the mandatory move on its normal turn(OR1)[/s]

[b]Q- Does the result of 'The Captain is washed overboard by a freak wave…' on the Captain's Chart mean that the ship's next move must be 2" in the indicated direction, or does it move 2" immediately?"[/b]

A- The ship must move 2" in the indicated direction immediately, even if it has already moved this turn. This represents the ship's crew making a panicked attempt to rescue the rapidly drowning captain. (WD2)
(Dartfrog's Note: Obviously this is a direct contradiction of what was stated above. The White Dwarf article was posted later, by one of the writers, so it should take precedence.)

[s][b]Q- More Captain Overboard: "When a roll on the Captain's Chart indicates that a ship must make a move to pick up its captain, must the ship end it move after picking up the captain?"[/b]

A- No. The ship may continue its move as normal (OR1)[/s]

[s][b]Q- "Can a Wizard start the Game on any ship?"[/b]

A- No, he must start on the command ship of the whole fleet (With the Admiral). (WD2)[/s]

[b]Q- "If a Warbanner is lost on a roll of 1, does this mean that it is discarded and cannot be used for the rest of the engagement?"[/b]

A- Yes, on a roll of 1 the Warbanner has been captured by the enemy crew and cannot be used for the rest of the game, let alone the rest of the engagement. (WD2)

[b]Q- "How do you re-crew a friendly ship?"[/b]

A- Move alongside it and transfer crew counters to the abandoned vessel. (WD1)

[s][b]Q-"Do abandoned ships sink or float?"[/b]

A- They remain where they are - afloat and causing a hazard to other vessels. (Though there are usually a few moaning, fatally wounded crewmen on board any abandoned vessel!) (WD1)[/s]

[s][b]Q- "In each Battle Phase, do all the ships in a squadron move, then all of them fire, and then all of them ram, and then all of them board?"
"When a squadron gangs up and boards a single ship, do all the attacking crew count towards one big boarding action?"[/b]

A- When you choose to move a squadron, each ship in that squadron must complete all of its actions before the next ship in the squadron may do anything at all. The ship must move, fire, ram and board all on its own, before the next ship in the squadron takes its actions.

If you follow this sequence, you will see that you will see that it is impossible for crews to be merged into one big boarding action, as each ship will finish its own boarding action before the next ship has the chance to even start moving.

Once all of the ships in a squadron have moved and fought, it is your opponent's turn to do the same with one of his own squadrons, and so on, until all of the ships on the table have moved and fought. (WD1)[/s]



[[s]b]Q- "How does the magic system work, and how many spells can you cast each turn?"[/b]

A- This was a common question. The second part is the easiest to answer-each wizard can cast just one spell per turn.

In the answer to the first part, how the Man O' War magic system works-and how to play it to its full potential -is a complicated subject. Bill King is writing an article about it at the moment, so look out for it in a future issue of White Dwarf. (ed. This article, entitled Man O' War: Wizards and Magic, appeared in White Dwarf 164.) In short, the magic system works like this:[/s]

[s][b]Magic Cards[/b]

Each player has a hand of Magic Cards. The number of Magic Cards in your hand is dependent on the power of your Wizard the more powerful he is, the more magic cards you have in your hand.

Looking at the example (The article has a picture of the "Sea of Glass" Celestial spell as an example), you can see that Magic Cards (and Wizards for that matter) are split into colored groups, according to the Colleges of Magic. Each Magic Card has a casting number printed on it. You have to roll equal to or greater than this number for a spell to succeed. It is easier to cast spells that are the same color as your Wizard.

Each Magic Card also has a alternative function-it can be used to dispel a Magic Card of a certain color. Each Magic Card has a bar along the bottom that shows which color Magic Card it can dispel. You have to roll equal to or Greater than the casting number on your Magic Card for the dispel to succeed.
Using Magic

Each turn, during the Magic Phase, you have a chance to cast a single spell from your hand of Magic Cards. If you won the initiative roll for this turn, you go first.

Select a Magic Card and roll a dice, aiming to get equal to or higher than its casting number. If the spell succeeds, your opponent has a chance to try and dispel it. If your opponent does not have a suitable Magic Card with which to dispel it, or his dispel fails, the spell takes effect - read out what the Magic Card does and apply the effects.

A Magic Card is discarded after use, whether it was used to try and cast a spell or to try to dispel your opponent's spell It is discarded even if the spell or dispel fails.

Once both Wizards have attempted to cast their spells, the Magic Phase is over...

[b]Cycling Cards[/b]

The strength of the Man O' War magic System is that in the End Phase of every turn, you may discard some or all of your remaining Magic Cards and pick up a new set for the next turn. This means that once you have learnt the Magic Cards, you can cycle through the deck looking for those cards you need. Likewise, you can hang onto the Magic Cards that you think your opponent may be looking or, denying him the opportunity to cast them against you.(WD1)[/s]


[b]Q- "The Iceberg spell states that if it contacts its target, the ship takes 1 to 6 points of below the waterline damage. If another ship is in the way, does it take damage also? "[/b]

A- Yes. The iceberg will still continue to go after the original target ship, until it either hits the target, or sinks of its own accord. (OR2)

[b]Q- "Does a magical Iceberg attack another target if its original target is destroyed?"[/b]

A- No. If an Iceberg's target is destroyed, whether by the Iceberg itself or another ship, the Iceberg vanishes. (WD1)

[b]Q-"Do spells like Rotting Timbers affect Dwarfs?"[/b]

A- Yes. Even of the ship does not possess a wooden hull it is still affected by Rotting Timbers -read the spell as 'Rusting Steel.' Other spells work in the same way, affecting components that the target does not have. (WD1)

[b]Q- "When the Howling Insanity spell is used against a ship with turrets, which direction do they fire in?"[/b]

A- A Turret will fire in the direction of its rest position: the direction it is facing in when it is not being used. To determine direction of rest for each turret look at the model and the ship's template; a forward mounted turret fires forward, a side mounted turret fires a broadside, and so on, using common sense to resolve any arguments. (WD2)

[b]Q- "Can you extinguish and repair a blazing location using a Repair or Aura of Growth spell?"[/b]

A- No, any fires must be extinguished before these spells can work. (WD2)


[b]Q-"Can you deliberately target an empty area of sea with an area effect weapon, such as a Chaos Dwarf Great Leveler, in the hope that it will deviate from that point onto a vessel that couldn't otherwise be targeted?"[/b]

A- No, not unless the rules for the weapon state you can. (WD2)


[b]Q- "Given that an unmodified roll of a 1 is always a failure (The Rule of 1, page 13 of the Man O' War rulebook), is a boarding action automatically lost on such a roll?"[/b]

A- No, the Rule of One doesn't apply in this case as you are rolling against a similar dice roll that your opponent is making, rather than rolling to do something. Of course, rolling an unmodified 1 doesn't do your chances of winning the boarding action any good! (WD2)

[b]Q- "Can I fire grapeshot when I am attacking?"[/b]

A- No, you cannot fire grapeshot when attacking! If you tried, you would mow down your own troops as hey board the enemy ship. (WD1)

[b]Q-"If I win a boarding action, and wish to capture an enemy ship, how do I do it and when?"[/b]

A- Once you win a boarding action, and have killed all the crew onboard the enemy vessel you may either leave the ship abandoned or capture it.

To capture the ship, as soon as the boarding action is over place one or more of your ships crew counters onto the enemy ship's template. Remember that this reduces the number of crew counters on your ship on your ship, making it more vulnerable in a boarding action. For more details, see page 22 of the rulebook. (WD1)


[b]Q- "Do Flyers block line of sight to ships behind them?"[/b]

A- No, Flyers are generally too high to get in the way of a ships guns. (WD2)

[b]Q- "Is it possible for a flyer to rescue a Wizard, Admiral or other character from the debris?"[/b]

A- This is the sort of question that cannot be covered in the rules, if only because things like this don't always occur during playtesting. In this case, where the rules don't specifically prevent it, if all the player's agree I don't see why not.

One of the most important parts of any game is dealing with odd situations like this. The general rule is if all the players think it's fair and reasonable, then it probably is. (WD2)


[b]Q- "On page 51 of the Man O' War rulebook it states that 'Using (a Dragonship's) Dragon blades does not count as an attack. It is part of the Dragonship's movement.' Yet on page 52 it states that the ship 'Must move at least 3" towards foe in a straight line with no turns…' just as if were ramming. Which is correct?"[/b]

A- Page 51. The Dragonship may use its Dragonblade as part of its normal move. It doesn't count as an attack. (WD2)

[b]Q-"Do you get +1 in a boarding for having an Elf Wardancer counter in your crew stack?"[/b]

A- As stated in the rulebook, Wardancers don't add to your boarding dice roll, but instead allow you to re-roll it if you think you can roll higher. (WD2)

[b]Q-"When in a boarding action are Elf Wardancers killed?"[/b]

A- The Wardancer counter indicates that some or all of the crew are Wardancers, not that there are Wardancers aboard in a addition to the normal crew. The counter is not removed until all the crew is dead. (WD2)

[b]DARK ELF[/b]

[b]Q- "Why are there two damage boxes in the Black Ark's Bow location?"[/b]

A- The extra hit has no effect other than to indicate that the location is very tough. The third hit on the location causes critical damage in the normal way. (WD1)

[b]Q- If you wish to counterboard a Black Ark of Naggaroth (after winning a boarding action in defense) do you still have to roll for the Maze of Traps?"[/b]

A- Yes, every crew counter that attempts to board a Black Ark of Naggaroth must roll to see if it gets past the Maze of Traps. (WD2)


[b]Q-"Can the Dwarf Dreadnought move 6" or 8""[/b]

A- Dwarf Dreadnoughts move at 8"(OR1)

[b]Q- "May a Dwarf Dreadnought continue to ram after its bow location has been damaged?"[/b]

A- Yes, the Dwarfs are master craftsmen and made the Dreadnought extremely durable. (OR1)

[b]Q-"If the only damage to a Dwarfen vessel is below the waterline, may it still be boarded?"[/b]

A- Yes. The damage done by a "below the waterline" shots is great enough to allow boarders. (OR2)

[b]Q-"What happens when your opponent places one of his ships so that it is on top of your submerged Nautilus at the start of the next turn? Does it still have to surface and come up underneath the enemy ship, or is it forced to stay under?"[/b]

A- Actually, it would be impossible to place another model top of your submerged Nautilus, so this situation should never occur. The Nautilus model never leaves the tabletop even when submerged; it just has a submerged marker placed next to it to show that it is submerged, and is then moved about the table as normal.

Unless you are happy to let your opponent place his vessel on top of your carefully painted model (which will look distinctly odd on the table), the best your opponent can do is to move up right up to the submerged Nautilus until the two models are touching.
In the next turn, when the Nautilus surfaces, if the two models are still touching, the rules for a collision apply, as explained in the Man O' War rulebook. (WD1)

[b]Q- "If my Nautilus has been set ablaze, do the fires go out when it dives?"[/b]

A- No, they are internal. However, remember that a damaged Nautilus runs a much greater risk of sinking. See the Man O' War rulebook, page 46. (WD1)

[b]Q- "The Rulebook states that Ironclads have 2 crew in one place, and 3 crew in another. Which is correct?"[/b]

A- The Ironclad has 3 crew. (WD1)

[b]Q- "Do Dwarf Engineer's mend all the damage on a ship?"
"Do you roll one dice for repairs to the whole Dwarf fleet at once?"[/b]

A- Each Dwarf ship has a contingent of Engineers aboard. They can try to fix any one damaged location on their own ship each turn. If you fail to mend the location, you can try again next turn, and so on. (WD1)

[b]Q- "When my Ironclads fire their turret guns to the side, is the shot resolved separately to any broadside attacks that I make. And is the range ruler laid down level with the turret itself, or with the center of the Ironclad model?"[/b]

A- If you fire a turret to the side, simply add the power of the turret to any broadsides already firing in that direction.

If both turrets on an Ironclad fire to the right, for example, they would both be added to the single dice broadside already being already firing in that direction, to give a total broadside of three dice. This is resolved just like any other three dice broadside - fired at a single target, aimed high or low, with a range ruler lined up in the center of the Ironclad. (WD1)

[b]Q- "Can a Dwarf Fleet dispel a Triton's spell on a roll of a 6?"[/b]

A- No, a Triton's spell is a special case; as stated in the last paragraph of page 12 of the Sea of Blood rulebook, the Triton's spell cannot be dispelled, even by the Dwarf's innate magical resistance. (WD2)


[b]Q- "The rulebook states that Drillakillas have 2 crew in one place, and have 1 crew in another. Which is correct?"[/b]

A- A Drillkilla has 2 crew. (WD1)

[b]Q- "Are the Orc Hulk's smash-hammers destroyed after just one hit?"[/b]

A- No it takes two hits to destroy them - the first hit has no effect. (WD1)


[b]Q- "Does the Skaven Doombringer's Great Bell affect flyers?"[/b]

A- No. as the Great Bell is the Doombringer's main armament it cannot affect Flyers (see top of column two on page 17 of the Sea of Blood rulebook: 'Defensive Fire…is the only way a ship without special weapons may fire at a Flyer'). This is the reason that the Skaven fleet must buy Firethrowers to destroy flyers! (WD2)

In fact, for the record, any ship's main armament - be it cannons, catapults, Thunderfire Rockets, or whatever-may not fire at Flyers. (WD2)

[b]Q- "What happens to Skaven Sorcerers' spells when they are washed overboard?"[/b]

A- A Skaven Sorcerer doesn't lose any cards or tokens if the ship he is on sinks, although he is unable to cast spells while in the water. (WD2)

[b]Q- Skaven Crew[/b]

[b]The rules for Skaven crew seem to be causing some confusion. We have even had questions asking "Why do the Skaven get as many free crew as the like -it's not fair." Clearly this is not the case.[/b]

A- The important thing to remember is that, with the exception of Rat-Ogres and Assassins, Skaven crew counters do not have to be bought from the Clanfleet's total point allocation. Instead for each 1000 points worth of ships in the Clanfleet you get 20 Slave Counters, 20 Clanrat counters, and 5 Storm Vermin counters absolutely free to distribute amongst them. (WD2)



[b]Q- "What happens to Chaos Sorcerers' spells when they are washed overboard?"[/b]

A- If a Chaos sorcerer finds himself in the Water he is treated just like a normal Wizard and loses all of his spell cards until he gets back on deck. Note, however, that a Chaos Sorcerer can only end up in the water if he is first moved via a magic spell to another ship, as rather then sinking, his Bane Tower usually blows up taking him with it. (WD2)

[b]Q- "Is it possible to move into a Vortex of Chaos deliberately without taking any damage?"[/b]

A- No, definitely not! The Vortex damages anything it touches. Whether it moves onto it, or is itself moved onto. An admiral would have to be suicidal to consider doing such a thing. (WD2)

[b]Q- "Does Chaos Terrain block line of sight?"[/b]

A- Yes, it does. (WD2)

[b]Q- "A burning vessel enters the Sea of Change and rolls a 6, meaning that all of its damage counters are removed. Are all of its blaze markers removed also removed?"[/b]

A- Yes, all damage on the ship is repaired by the Sea of Change! (WD2)


[b]Q- "Can a ship be afflicted with Nurgle's Rot more than once, thus having the Chaos Player get multiple rolls on the Nurgle's Rot table in the end phase?"[/b]

A- No, each ship can only have one Nurgle's rot counter on it at a time. (OR1)

[b]Q-"In a boarding action, how many Nurgle's Rot Counters are placed per turn?"[/b]

A- Each time a ship's crew attacks, or is attacked by a Plagueship a Nurgle's Rot counter is placed on their ship. This means that if a combat see-saws between the two sides, more than one Nurgle's Rot counter can be placed on the ship in a single turn. (WD2)

[b]Q- "Can a Deathburner have a Ship Rot Chaos Reward even if it doesn't have a catapult?"[/b]

A- Yes, Chaos Rewards like this include the extra weapon. The ship now has a putrescent, organic catapult mounted on its deck. (WD2)

[b]Q- "It states in the Plague Fleet rulebook that a Plaguecrusher may only be given Chaos Rewards of Nurgle, yet it is a Ship of the Line and therefore cannot buy Chaos Rewards. How does it get them?"[/b]

A- When drawing Chaos Experience counters in a campaign it is possible to draw a Chaos Reward rather than a crew counter, thus allowing even Ships of the Line to get Chaos Rewards. (WD2)

[b]Q- "Does a Plagueship's slime trail affect a Nurgle fleets allies?"[/b]

A- Yes, it does. However, it doesn't affect other Nurgle ships, such as Deathgalleys with Nurgle rewards, as they already have various foul diseases on board and are less likely to suffer the extreme effects of Nurgle's Rot. (WD2)


[b]Q- "If a Khorne Bloodship locks onto an enemy vessel, and performs an unsuccessful boarding action does the defender still get to disengage as normal?"[/b]

A- Yes, normal boarding action rules apply(OR1)


[b]Q- "On the bow location of a Hellrammer's template there is a cannon marked, while on the Slaanesh Fleet List it says the Hellrammer has no ranged weapons. Which is correct?"[/b]

A- The template: the Hellrammer has a single, bow-mounted forward-firing cannon. (WD2)

[b]Q- "Do ships under the influence of the Whispering Death Chaos Reward just fire all their guns?"[/b]

A- No, they make all the attacks they can, including boarding actions against friendly ships if they are in a position to do so. (WD2)


[b]Q- "If a Bane Tower of Tzeentch or a Winged Terror attempt a boarding action, do the defenders get to fire grapeshot as normal?"[/b]

A- Yes. (OR1)

[b]Q- "Since the Bane Tower and Winged Terror may pass over terrain may they end their turn over terrain?"[/b]

A- Yes, but remember to make a crash test as detailed in the Plague Fleet rulebook(OR1)

[b]Q- "If a Bane Tower or Winged Terror ends it turn over terrain, does the terrain block shots as normal?"[/b]

A- No, the ship is considered high enough so that the terrain does not block shots. (OR1)

[b]Q- "Is it possible for a Bane Tower of Tzeentch to get a Pink Horror counter for wounding a Sea Monster?"[/b]

A- No, a Bane Tower, or Winged tower for that matter, only get a Pink Horror counter for destroying an enemy crew counter. It is the crew represented by this counter that are transformed into Pink Horrors. (WD2)

[b]Q- "Does a Bolt of Tzeentch from a Bane Tower cause criticals?"[/b]

A- No, as stated, unlike the Great Winged Terror, a Bane Tower's Bolt's of Tzeentch do not cause criticals, as they are not as powerful. (WD2)

[b]Q-"If a Bane Tower or Winged Terror of Tzeentch is set ablaze, do you remove an Energy of Tzeentch counter each time the blaze spreads?"[/b]

A- Yes, when a location takes a hit from the blaze you should remove an Energy Counter, just as if it had been hit by enemy cannons. (WD2)

[b]Q- "Do you have to discard Energy of Tzeentch counters to make a roll to repair a Bane Tower of Tzeentch?"[/b]

A- No, you simply assign 1 or more energy dice to repairs rather than movement or firing. For each one that comes up a 5 or 6 the Bane Tower regains on Energy of Tzeentch counter. (WD2)


[b]Q- "Can a Sea Monster take its normal move on the turn it is summoned?[/b]

A- Yes. You may move and attack normally. (OR2)

[b]Q- "When setting up using Sea Monster Templates, can you place part of a Sea Monster's Template under a terrain feature?"[/b]

A- Yes. The template may be partially covered by a terrain piece. This represents the underwater cave dwellings of monsters. (OR2)

[b]Q- "If a Wounded Sea Monster returns to it's lair, does it get healed in the end phase of that turn, or does it start to heal during the next turn?"[/b]

A- The next turn. A sea monster must spend the entire turn healing. (OR2)

[b]Q- "Can a Sea Monster engage another Sea Monster underwater?"[/b]

A- No. Sea monsters are impervious to all attacks when submerged in the ocean's murky depths. (OR2)

[b]Q- "For the Megladon, do you roll a second die to see if it sinks into a digestive torpor after every attack, or only after rolling a 6"[/b]

A- Check only after the Megladon goes berserk on a 6. (OR2)

[b]Q- "Can a Kraken attack the crew aboard Dark Elf Sea Monsters, even though they don't have crew counters?"[/b]

A- No, a Kraken can only use its crew attack if there are crew counters aboard the target. If the target hasn't any crew counters, the Kraken must attack the vessel itself. (WD2)

[b]Q- "It says on page 24 of the Man O' War rulebook that a vessel's Battle Honors depend on the number of below the waterline hits it has, yet things like Sea Monsters don't have below the waterline hits. How do you work out Battle Honors for them?"[/b]

A- Sea Monsters don't have below the waterline hits, that's true, but they do have their Battle Honor value printed on their templates, as do all other vessels and creatures. (WD2)

The rule about Battle Honors being the same as a ship's below the waterline hits is a simplified version of the real situation, and only applies to the basic ships you get with the game. (WD2)(Dartfrog's note: A good rule of thumb to go by is 1 battle honor for every 25 points. This helps in working out battle honors for ships with lot of Man O' War cards as well.)[/quote] Modifié par marell le fou
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