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Nippon & Cathay


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Bonjour, ce sujet m'intéressant, j'essaye d'apporter ma pierre à l'édifice (dsl si çà a déjà été dit ou si vous le saviez déjà...) :

Non non merci bien...

"-1200: Le culte de Chi'an Chi (connu sous le nom de Tzeentch dans le Vieux Monde) se répand dans la noblesse de Beichai en Cathay" p38

Encore une autre nom :clap:

....mmmh question à 2000 euros...qu'est-ce que Beichai...

Alors soit une région ou une ville.

Lost Bloodlines: An Apocryphal Supplement for Night’s Dark Masters par Steve Darlington pour WFRP2 un supplément à prendre des pincettes car pas officielle.


“To invite mortals to the battlefield is to cast pearls before swine. But what else can we do but hope to enlighten the lesser creatures of this world?”

-- Master Thousand-Hands-Cutting


Amongst the Deathless Court of Lahmia, there was none so opposite to the sensualist Maatmeses as the narrow-eyed eunuch Harakhte, Chief Justice and High Executioner. Almost seven feet tall and extremely thin, he would shift through the palace not unlike a gigantic spider, hunting out any betrayal or slightest whisper of sedition. His men did likewise in the streets, providing his Queen with all the knowledge of the streets below and hallways within so that she might rule from above.

To the simpering Harakhte, the Elixir of Life was just another tincture, just another drug, for he took so many to preserve his long life and stave off the many depredations of his incredible age. Not even the Queen knew how old he was, and the emasculated, emaciated inquisitor would never speak of it. Some said he had already learnt the secret of immortality on his trips to Cathay and the mystics he met there. Nor does anyone know why he left the city - whether it was just a happy coincidence that he was on a diplomatic mission to the east or whether he had known about the army of Alcadizaar well in advance. Whatever the truth, he did drink of the Elixir, he was spared the terrible fall and even now continues to live out his life in far Cathay, where the spices are richer and the stimulants more exquisite.

He took with him on this journey a dozen of his most skilled courtiers, scribes, investigators, guards and torturers, to whom he also passed the Blood Kiss so they might never leave his service. When they reached Cathay, he sent each to one of its thirteen provinces, to investigate the ruling powers and determine where best to place his strength. However, each of his attendants betrayed him in turn, setting themselves up quickly as the powers behind each provinces’ throne. Great wars raged across Cathay, and Harakhte struck down four of his upstart servants himself before the nations fell into anarchy. Eventually, new powers emerged, some ruled openly by the sons of Harkhte, some manipulated from the shadows, and some showing no sign of a vampire’s hand: perhaps because they were dead, perhaps they slept, or perhaps they were simply very good at hiding their presence. War had proved an inefficient way to deal with their enemies, so each began instead to scheme and plot.

To this day, Cathay is riven with internal strife as each remaining Vampire has thousand-year long schemes planned against his enemies. As age has wearied them, the diseases and addictions they inherited from their master has ravaged their bodies, and they require more and more drugs with each passing decade. Their eyes cloud over, their skin grows translucent and their blood has become an ooze of bright green ichor. Thus it is that the few holy people who are permitted to look upon these ancient monarchs know them as the Jade-Blooded.

Society and Outlook

The Jade-Blooded believe in law. Harakte himself crafted a very strict set of laws – with nine hundred strictures – for the city of Lahmia, and he brought it with him to Cathay. These laws are not just about criminal acts, but the proper position and working of every aspect of society. All of his students adhere to it strictly and without deviation for without law, there is nothing. The art comes therefore, in knowing the 900 Strictures so well that one may use them the most to ones advantage, against others. As such, the monarchs often spend decades at a time contemplating the strictures

and their meanings.

Law and scholarship are the twin pinnacles of the Jade-Blooded life. Yes, there is pleasure in stimulants, and nobility in tradition, and even glory in victory, but these are momentary distractions, and are worthless if they are achieved at the expense of the primary concerns.

Everything has a proper time, place and way, and such things must be observed, even though the rules were designed three millennia ago, and are now often nonsensical or half forgotten. Tradition and history are sacrosanct to the Jade-Blooded, and to ignore anything of the past is to trample on the great history of both Cathay and the Lahmian paradise. Of course, for the monarchs there is no sense in trying to re-claim or re-build that city of the past; the spirit of Lahmia is within them, and they build it anew in their minds each day.

Each of the monarchs however believes that he and only he remembers the true ways of Lahmia, and has the greatest mastery of the 900 Strictures. So it is that they must make war against their brethren to eradicate their sloppy, foolish ways, until only the perfect law remains. It may take a thousand years, or ten thousand, but building a tower to heaven is never quick or easy work.

Although as fast and deadly as most of their Vampire cousins, they rarely enter combat themselves – such things are, according to the Strictures, best done by others. If attacked, they prefer to turn into deadly snakes and slither away with little more than a parting bite. When they do fight, they prefer to strike from the darkness with poisoned blades or their own, equally poisonous claws. This poison they draw from their own flesh, for their own blood is toxic. Any who strikes them finds their blade covered in foetid green fluid, and any whom they feed on are struck down by a wasting plague. To even be in their presence is to gag on the foul aroma of thick drugs and rotted flesh, and those who live through the experience remember little more than a clouded, narcotic haze.

This allows the Jade-Blooded to preserve their mysterious, god-like status among their followers, and their ever-loyal servants form a cult around their immortal lives. Each servant would die for his monarch, and will fight fanatically to stop any who would harm him, or act against his wishes. These massive armies of zealous warriors are fleshed out with huge ranks of zombies and wights, giving each Jade-Blooded his own gigantic personal army. And the art of war is their business.

Feeding and Breeding

It is forbidden for the Jade-Blooded to create new vampires, and considered unwise and unhealthy. Who, after all, needs a fresh enemy when there are so many already? However, like everything that is forbidden, it does happen. Over the millennia, their numbers have very slowly but steadily increased. Still, they are the least numerous of all the Bloodlines, ensuring always that their power remains completely within their conclave of perhaps but a score of extremely powerful beings. Those who do not quickly learn to master the Strictures and to watch their backs will be obliterated by their rivals within a few years. A thrall who is not a count after a decade or two is not long for this world.

The Jade-Blooded are typically fed by their faithful cultists, who bring fresh victims as often as possible. Some of the Jade-Blooded have entirely forgotten how to kill, and have their followers hold naked throats up to their mewling mouths, or slit throats with claws rather than fangs and drain the blood directly into their hookahs to mix with their opium and spices. Most victims are drained dry. Those who survive carry what is called by the peasants The Wasting Death, a terrible malady that causes madness, fever and atrophy, as the flesh dies from the outside in. Considered by the cult to be most blessed indeed, such sufferers are not prevented from stumbling back to their homes to die in agony and terror, unable to speak of the monstrous creature who suckled to them like a hungry baby.

Designs and Stratagems

Besides contemplating the Strictures and destroying their rivals, the Jade-Blooded have no long-term goals. Rather, destroying their rivals is an all-consuming goal, and every decision they make is part of a plan to do just that. To the humans watching, it may seem like a terrible war has begun again, and thousands slaughtered, but to the monarchs in their mountain strongholds, it is but one small move on a chessboard the size of the world, in a game as long as eternity. Betrayal and deception feed off each other like a dragon eating its own tail, and the play goes on forever. For a mortal to be part of such a game is an honour; for them to know more than a few moves and gain a glimpse of their meaning is a rare privilege that may give their pathetic life a glimmer of meaning. Or perhaps not. The ways of mortals are of little concern to the Jade-Blooded. There is only law, there is only scholarship, and there is only the game.

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  • 5 ans après...
  • 5 ans après...

Je refais monter ce sujet d’agrégation car j'ai fait quelque recherche récente pour le forum Winds of Chaos… Ça permet de mettre à jour quelques liens morts


WFRP1 Cathay sourcebook by Brian Scot Hoover #Cathay ... y-ole.html ... sp=sharing

Warhammer Quest Fanmade Country by Leandro Braga #Cathay!AjUHJDXrIi03ge1dbK4 ... w?e=MRhf3r

Mordheim setting Border Town Burning fanmade supplement - Battle Monks of Cathay #Cathay #Nippon!AjUHJDXrIi03gZ88Del ... A?e=G1Qlw8

Wiki #Cathay #Nippon ... ory:Cathay ... ory:Nippon

Man O' War fanmade fleet #Cathay #Nippon ... le-cathay/ ... ippon&ct=1 ... /mownippon

Warmaster Trial Armies Compendium 2009 community fanmade army #Cathay #Nippon ... s_2009.pdf

Warhammer Armies Project by Mathias Elliasson Cathay army #Cathay #Nippon
https://warhammerarmiesproject.blogspot ... bel/Cathay
https://warhammerarmiesproject.blogspot ... bel/Nippon

Ronin Samurai character for Warhammer Quest by Littlemonk #Nippon


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  • 6 mois après...
Citation #cathay
Warhammer Grand Cahtay concept art: Xen Ming, Dragon Emperor
Xen Ming is the fourth son to a minor consort of the late Dragon Emperor Xen Song. Knowing that he has almost no claim to the throne, he spend most of his early days living the opulent court life in a drunken stupor without any interest in politics. He was eventually falsely accused in a Chaos worshiping scandal and demoted as a Dragon Lord in the desolate frontier city of Wuping. His initial management of the city was a disaster and it was almost overran in a marauder raid if not for the brave defense of the garrisoned army. The experience deeply humbled the conceited prince who vowed to changes his ways. By employing and learning from capable advisors, he transformed the forsaken city into one of the busiest station along the Ivory Road. Not satisfied with simply keeping Wuping safe, Xen Ming looked to pacify the north once and for all by actively leading campaigns across the Great Bastion and fostering a deeply xenophobic attitude towards all outsiders.


Ronin Samurai character for Warhammer Quest by Littlemonk #Nippon






Nippon work of Ian Ward and Arne Dam on Nippon #Nippon
2 files by Arne : Nipponese history and religion
2 files by Ian: Oshiki, god of Samurai and a Ki system


Illustration from rulebook WFB7  #Cathay


Inspiration Cathay ship #cathay


Modifié par Dreadaxe
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  • 9 mois après...

Avec la sortie du Warhammer Total War III

On a ça

Celetial Riverlands
Gunpower Road
Lands of Stone and Steel
Great Bastion
Warpstone Desert
Forest of the ???
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Sympa. Cathay et Ind sont vraiment les grands mystères du Monde Connu.


Sur l'image, les trois figurines font penser à Cathay (vert), un Sanguinaire (rouge) et Kislev (bleu). Kislev si loin à l'Est ?

Modifié par Patatovitch
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Kislev s'étend un peu à l'est sur les désolations... Et puis les cavaliers nomades Kislevites on imagine bien qu'il vont à l'est tataner des hobgobelins de l'Hégémonie.


Pour les démons c'est aussi une autre faction de cet opus. Dommage des Hobgobelins de Hobglobla Khan c'était plus dans le thème.


L'orient est vraiment l'un des parents pauvres de Warhammer !

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il y a 38 minutes, Patatovitch a dit :

Sur l'image, les trois figurines font penser à Cathay (vert), un Sanguinaire (rouge) et Kislev (bleu). Kislev si loin à l'Est ?

Ça ne représente peut-être pas des territoires mais des armées.

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  • 7 mois après...

Concernant les sources d'inspiration pour Cathay Total War III


Un fan de culture chinoise a écrit ça Chinese Culture & Armor in Total War: Warhammer III : 全面战争:战锤 III 契丹


Et une réponse d'un autre sinophine (ou un concepteur si j'ai rien compris) a rajouté ceci

Modifié par Dreadaxe
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Avant on avait le The Divine Document Ward-hammer Supplemental 4 - Divine Magic de Ian Ward

qui nous parlait de



This a name given for Nurgle in some of the older Warhammer novels, used in the Far East of Nippon and/or Cathay.  A somewhat unfortunate name, if read literally in English. ?

Great Gojira
This a name given for Khorne in some of the older Warhammer novels, used in the Far East of Nippon and/or Cathay.

Master of the Fifteen Devils, Far Eastern name for Tzeentch as mentioned in some of the older Warhammer novels.

Far Eastern name for Slaanesh as mentioned in some of the older Warhammer novels.



Human Gods - Cathay and Nippon

God Represents Where found
Annu-Minato (m) Enlightenment (=Alluminas, see Law gods)
Ashinaga (f) Order and Discipline (=Arianka, see Law gods)
Catshit (m) Plague god (=Nurgle, see Chaos gods)
Great Gojira (m) Blood god (=Khorne, see Chaos gods)
Oshiki (m) God of samurai Forthcoming (hopefully) Nippon
Shinto (f) Earth mother (=Old Faith, see Rhya and Old Faith
Tsien-Tsin (m) Changer of the ways (=Tzeentch, see Chaos gods)
Zai-Neshi (m/f) Prince of lust (=Slaanesh, see Chaos gods)



Je n'ai pas trouvé la source du roman pour les 3 dieux du Chaos hors Tsien-Tsin.


Maintenant si je comprends bien ils ont de nouveaux noms officiels dans Warhammer Total War III


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Histoire d'être complet



Watch Grand Cathay Come to Life in an Epic Collaboration for Total War: Warhammer III


TotalWar Feb4 Header22kvmsFar to the east, past the Dwarfen realms in the Worlds Edge Mountains and beyond even the Ogre Kingdoms, lies the mysterious Grand Cathay.

It’s the largest nation in the Warhammer world, first mentioned all the way back in the second edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, but the armies of Grand Cathay have never appeared on stage before, as it were. 

Until now. They’re storming onto the battlefield as one of the six main factions in the upcoming Total War: Warhammer III. 

Storming, that is, in the most literal sense.

You probably have follow-up questions. 

Firstly, yes, that WAS an immortal dragon in human form and then in cool dragon form too. Meet Miao Ying, one of Cathay’s two playable legendary lords. 

TotalWar3 Sep14 Screenshot1
TotalWar3 Sep14 Art6
Miao Ying (top) in-game and (bottom) as designed by the Warhammer Studio’s concept artists.

Miao appears at the head of a Grand Cathayan host that’s been designed by the Warhammer Studio from the ground up in an unprecedented collaboration with long-term partners Creative Assembly – the studio behind Total War: Warhammer I and II. 

For all intents and purposes, Grand Cathay is a brand new faction, but it’s every bit as Warhammer as Emperor Karl Franz. 

TotalWar3 Sep14 Art2

The Storm Dragon Miao Ying is charged with defending the northern border from the relentless incursions of Chaos. She commands the armies of the Great Bastion – a towering magical wall constructed by her father, the Celestial Dragon Emperor, that stands as a powerful vanguard against the ever-present threats to Cathay.

If you think magical walls sound rad, perhaps you spotted that big chap with the glowing face and halberd? That’s a Terracotta Sentinel, a statue that can come to life to defend the city. You might also be able to make out an Alchemist and an Astromancer, Cathay’s two main magical sorts.

TotalWar3 Sep14 Art8
TotalWar3 Sep14 Art9
TotalWar3 Sep14 Screenshot2
From concept to completion – the Terracotta Sentinel went through several stages of design with the Warhammer Studio before Creative Assembly brought it to life in-game.

Cathay is a sprawling empire as diverse and eclectic as the Empire of the Old World, and amongst its ranks can be found infantry, cavalry, and war machines, as well as far stranger units. We’ll let the eagle-eyed among you try and work out what those other units might be…

…but now you come to mention it, those do look like Chaos Warriors riding Discs of Tzeentch, don’t they? We’d say more, but Chi’an Chi – as the Changer of Ways is known in Cathay – won’t let us.

TotalWar3 Sep14 Art4
TotalWar3 Sep14 Art5
TotalWar3 Sep14 Art3
Though Cathay has been in the Warhammer background for decades, it wasn’t until recently that the Warhammer Studio had the chance to envisage their battlefield capabilities.

With Grand Cathay looming in the Warhammer background for so long,* they’ve been a much-requested addition over the years. But beyond a few adventurous Ogres and the odd Hobgoblin Khan, we’ve never really seen much of the Cathayans.

When it came time to design them for the next instalment in the blockbuster Total War: Warhammer series, the Warhammer Studio team leapt at the chance to bring Cathay into the fold. Andy Hoare, the emperor of all things Old World, has more.

This iteration of Grand Cathay is a Warhammer Studio creation through and through. Everything from preliminary concept sketches and special character design to how the army performs on the battlefield was established by the same teams working on the wider Warhammer settings.

In fact, the Warhammer Studio went so far as to establish each and every unit for use on the tabletop, including stats and special abilities.** These numbers were then expertly translated and transposed by the technomancers at Creative Assembly, who deftly wove them into a rich campaign in this never-before-seen part of the Warhammer world.

TotalWar3 Sep14 Art1

Cathayan society follows the harmonious teachings of the Celestial Dragon Emperor and his equally powerful consort, the Moon Empress. They also happen to be two of the oldest beings still alive – predating even the arrival of the Old Ones.

They’re not gods, nor do they wish to be worshipped as such, but they are nevertheless so spectacularly powerful that they’re quite detached from the day-to-day running of their empire, which falls to their children to manage.

Children? That’s right, Miao Ying has siblings, including a certain Iron Dragon. We’ll be revealing more about the ruling Dragons next week, so keep an eye on Warhammer Community for all the details. In the meantime, you can find out more about Cathay with Creative Assembly’s FAQ.

Can’t wait to kick off a grand campaign in Grand Cathay? Total War: Warhammer III is coming out in early 2022 and is available for pre-order right now over on Steam and the Epic Games Store.

* Since 1984, fact fans.

** Eighth edition rules, we understand.


Modifié par Dreadaxe
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Zhao Ming, the Iron Dragon, is the ruler of the Western Provinces of Grand Cathay, and the Lord of Shang-Yang.[1]



As one of the rulers of Cathay, he is an immortal Dragon who can take human form. This makes him an incredibly powerful combatant, an amazing sorcerer, and a natural leader.[1]

He rules over Western Cathay and the Sky Road that leads into the Mountains of Mourn. A hardened frontier warrior, he maintains the western edge of the empire and keeps the desert clans in order.[2] This area is less defended, if less chaotic (and Chaotic), area of the world. The Western Provinces contain beasts and men of all sorts coming from further West, as well as the regular incursions of Skaven and Ogres from the Warpstone Desert and Mountains of Mourn. The creation of the Great Maw still hangs heavy on this area, even as an uneasy peace maintains.[4]

Many trade caravans leave Cathay from Zhao’s domain, and particularly to and from the mighty city of Shang-Yang – seen as a gateway to the West – and should they be successful he will reap the wealth and prestige. Which is particularly important to the Iron Dragon as he is not as beloved by his father as his older sister, although rumours say the Moon Empress has a soft spot for her son.[6]

Zhao Ming is a natural born warrior, though less innately skilled than his sister to the North. He is a talented alchemist and shows great preference for the art among his armies, leading to the presence of sorcerous cabals of Metal Wizards in Zhao Ming's realm – much to the chagrin of those that find the insidious magics worrying for the empire,[2][4] such as the Jade Dragon, who sees the encouragement of sorcerous organizations outside of the Celestial Court as dangerous to the empire. These sorcerers help the Iron Dragon in his experiments, and many magical weapons and armour are forged in the Dragon’s cities.[6]

These cabals use the city of Shang-Yang as a base for their expeditions into the Warpstone Desert – some never return. Others come back loaded with exotic ores that end up in the forges, with the Iron Dragon as enthusiastic as any of the other Alchemists to begin experimenting. Zhao Ming is as skilled an artisan as those drawn to him since he has had a Dragon’s lifespan to perfect such expertise and research the mysteries of arcane metallurgy.[6]

The strange elements found in the Warpstone Desert have only deepened Zhao’s fascination and understanding of alchemy but also many fear his mind is permanently damaged from the exposure, and any eccentricities or erratic behaviour he displays is very worrying to his siblings.[2][4] While the other Dragons are cold-blooded and detached from the mortals they rule, the Iron Dragon will share a jape, or even a drink with his followers. Such mortal behaviour inspires loyalty within his legions but makes him stand apart from his kin.[6]

This makes him a far more gregarious character than his eldest sister, Miao Ying, and gets especially offended by her aloofness.[5] In any case, even if his siblings look upon him with suspicion, the Moon Empress is very fond of her son and will shield him from ire when the family assemblies become less than harmonic.[6]


  • In Chinese, the Iron Dragon's name is written with the characters 昭 (Zhāo - "Dawn; to make clear/illuminate") and 明 (Míng - "Brightness"), which can be translated as "Dawn's Brightness" or "Illuminating Light".[3]


Zhao Ming Iron Dragon Cathay Total War Warhammer 3
Zhao Ming in his Iron Dragon form.[4]



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Dive into the world of Grand Cathay! An ancient empire in harmony with the world around it and where every soldier knows their place in the grand designs of the Celestial Dragon Emperor. Yet Chaos armies are gathering beyond the Great Bastion...

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Le trailer est pas foufou et apprend peu malheureusement...:/

On distingue un peu les nouvelles écoles de magie et les animation de tzeentch dans le jeu mais rien de bien nouveau sous le soleil.

On devrait avoir des news d'ici fin du mois concernant tzeentch et ses 'échanges' avec le Cathay...

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Le 05/10/2021 à 12:22, khalyst a dit :

Le trailer est pas foufou et apprend peu malheureusement...:/

On distingue un peu les nouvelles écoles de magie et les animation de tzeentch dans le jeu mais rien de bien nouveau sous le soleil.


Disons qu'on consolide

  • Les gardes hallebardier
  • Les arba
  • Le Colosse d'airain
  • Les jezzails tromblon
  • Les chevaucheurs de pégases draconiques
  • Les Alchimistes
  • La sorcellerie des Sangs de Dragon
  • Les nobles Dragonmorphes


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Alors, oui, il parle bien d'un "army book"...

Serait-ce comme le troisième tome des "Codex : chasseurs de..." pour 40k? Un tome écrit, rédigé, mais que GW n'a jamais produit pour une cause qu'eux-seuls savent?


Mais j'ai quand même l'impression qu'il parle d'un bouquin "qu'il aurait en tête" (c'est ce qu'il semble dire quand il se reprend après avoir parlé de l'army book)...


Barbarus : w&s

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