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Team Wales

Andrew Lewis - Daemons of Chaos

Bloodthirster (General); Obsidian Armour, Immortal Fury, Axe of Khorne, 550

Herald of Khorne; Battle Standard Bearer; Armour of Khorne, Firestorm Blade, 165
Herald of Tzeentch; Master of Sorcery (Lore of Tzeentch), Spellbreaker, 165

27 Bloodletters; Full Command, Icon of Endless War, 379
28 Horrors; Full Command, 366
5 Furies, 60

5 Flesh Hounds, 175

6 Flamers, 210
5 Fiends, 275
1 Fiend, 55

= 2400

Craig Jones - Warriors of Chaos

Sorceror Lord; Mark of Tzeentch, Lore of Tzeentch, Disk of Tzeentch, lvl 4 upgrade, Infernal Puppet, Talisman of Preservation, Dragonhelm, Third eye of Tzeentch, Bloodcurdling Roar, 445

Chaos Sorcerer (General); Barded Chaos Steed, Mark of Nurgle, Lore of Nurgle, Lvl 2 upgrade, Necrotic Phylactery, Charmed Shield, Ironcurse Icon, Power Familiar, Stream of Corruption, 221
Exalted Hero; Barded Chaos Steed, Mark of Tzeentch, shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Bronze Armor of Zhrakk, Dawnstone, Favour of the gods, Biting blade, 216

18 Chaos Warriors; Musician, Standard Bearer, Shields, Mark of Tzeentch, Rapturous Standard, 346
18 Chaos Warriors; Musician, Standard Bearer, Halberds, Mark of Tzeentch, Razor Banner, 371

9 Chaos Knights, Musician, Standard Bearer, Champion, Mark of Tzeentch, Standard of Discipline, 445

Hellcannon, 205
Warshrine; Mark of Tzeentch, 150

= 2399

Gareth Stoneham - High Elves

Prince (General); Star Dragon, Armour of Caledor, Vambraces of Defence, great weapon, 612

Noble; battle standard bearer, dragon armour, great weapon, Banner of the World Dragon, 184
Mage; level 2, lore of fire, Dispel Scroll, 160
Mage; level 2, lore of fire, 135

32 spearmen; full command, 313
14 archers; musician, 159
14 archers; musician, 159

23 swordmasters; full command, Banner of Sorcery, 425

Bolt thrower, 100
Bolt thrower, 100
Great eagle, 50
Great eagle, 50
Great eagle, 50

= 2497

Joel Smith - Dark Elves

Dreadlord(General); Black dragon , sea dragon cloak, shield , The Other Trickster's Shard , Armour of Destiny , Sword of Might , Dragonbane Gem, 554

Master; Dark pegasus, sea dragon cloak, shield, heavy armour, Biting blade, Pendant of Khaeleth, Dragonhelm, 190
Sorceress; Dispel scroll, Lore of metal, 125
Master; shield, heavy armour, sea dragon cloak, lance, cold one, battle standard bearer, Hydra banner, 214

15 Black ark corsairs; standard, musician, handbows, Banner of eternal flame, 175
15 Dark elf crossbowmen; musician, 155
10 Dark elf crossbowmen; musician, 105
5 Dark riders, 85
5 Dark riders, 85
5 Harpies, 55

10 Shades, 160
8 Cold one knights; standard, musician, champion, Ring of Hotek, Banner of Hag Graef, 316

War hydra, 175

= 2394

Matt Yeo - Ogre Kingdoms

Slaughtermaster; level 4, Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield, Tormentor Sword, Ruby Ring of Ruin, Lore of the Great Maw, 365

Bruiser; Battle Standard Bearer, heavy armour, Dragonhelm, ironfist, Crown of Command, Warrior Bane, 188
Firebelly; level 2, Hellheart, additional hand weapon, Lore of Fire, 207

8 Ironguts; full command, lookout gnoblar, Standard of Discipline, 394
6 Ogres; musician, standard bearer, ironfists, 212

4 Mournfangs; ironfists, heavy armour, standard bearer, musician, Dragonhide banner, 350
2 Mournfangs; ironfists, heavy armour, 140
7 Leadbelchers; musician, 311
1 Sabretusk, 21
1 Sabretusk, 21
1 Sabretusk, 21

Ironblaster, 170

= 2400

Michael Pritchard - Bretonnians

Duke (general); royal pegasus, shield, Dragonhelm, Virtue of Heroism, Dawnstone, Biting Blade, 248
Prophetess; lore of life, warhorse, level 4, Dispel Scroll, Crown of Command, 300

Paladin; battle standard bearer, barded warhorse, shield, Gromril Great Helm, 106
Damsel; lore of beasts, warhorse, Silver Mirror, 120

11 knights of the realm; full command, Standard of Discipline, 303
10 knights errant; full command, 221
11 peasant bowmen; burning braziers, musician, 76

3 pegasus knights; champion, 165
3 pegasus knights; champion, 165
3 pegasus knights; champion, 165

trebuchet, 90
trebuchet, 90
8 grail knights; full command, Banner of Eternal Flame, 344

= 2397

Tom Hale - Skaven

Grey Seer (General); Talisman of Preservation, Earthing Rod, Ironcurse Icon 315
Grey Seer; Power Scroll, 275

Chieftain; battle standard bearer, Standard of Discipline, shield, 87
Engineer; Doom Rocket, 45
Engineer; Brass Orb, 65
Engineer; level 1, Dispel Scroll, 90

40 Slaves; musician, 82
40 Slaves; musician, 82
40 Slaves; musician, 82
5 Giant rats, 1 pack master, 23
5 Giant rats, 1 pack master, 23
5 Giant rats, 1 pack master, 23
28 Clanrats; full command, shields, 146
28 clanrats; full command, shields, poison wind mortar, 211

10 Gutter runners; slings, poisoned attacks, 180
10 Gutter runners; slings, poisoned attacks, 180

Hell Pit Abomination; warpstone spikes, 250
Warp Lightning Cannon, 90
Doom Wheel, 150

= 2399

Tom Loyn - Tomb Kings

Liche High Priest(Hierophant); Level 4, Lore of Nehekara, Earthing Rod, 235
Liche High Priest(General); Level 4, Lore of Light, 210

Liche Priest; Lore of Light, Dispel Scroll, 95
Liche Priest; Lore of Light, 70
Liche Priest; Lore of Light, 70
Liche Priest; Lore of Light, 70

20 Skeleton Archers; musician, 130
20 Skeleton Archers; musician, 130
4 Skeleton Chariots; musician, standard, Banner of Eternal Flame, 250
25 Skeleton Warriors; musician, 110
5 Skeleton Horse Archers, 70

5 Necropolis Knights; musician, 335
5 Necropolis Knights; musician, 335

Hierotitan, 175
Casket of Souls, 135
Screaming Skull Catapult, 90
Screaming Skull Catapult, 90

= 2600[/quote]
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