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Elfes Sylvains (perso) - Thalandor


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La version de Mathias "M4cR1II3n" Eliasson pour la v8

[quote] [center][center][color=windowtext][size=2]THALANDOR [/size][/color][/center][/center]
[size=2]Thalandor was known as 'Doom Star' because he would swoop over the dark forest by night hunting for Goblins trying to creep into Athel Loren n under cover of darkness. If he spied any from on high, he would swoop down between the pines and atta ack without mercy, riding upon the back of Gwando or, his faithful Great Eagle. Gwandor the Black is perhaps the most famous of the Great Eagles. This mighty bird carried Thalandor into battle against the undead hordes of the Vampire Count of Sylvania, and it was the bravery and power of Gwandor that saved Thalandor's life on that grim day. A Wood Elf contingent which had marched to help the Empire by scouring the grim pine forest ts of Sylvania for signs of the Count's army, was overwhelmed by Skeleton hordes. The location of the enemy was revealed, but almost at the cost of the entire Elf contingent. With their general slain, the Elves fought a rearguard action and many escaped. Tha alandor heroically held back the hordes with his s magic until he was beset by Carrion and badly wounded. The Elves escaped, thinking Thalandor had fallen. Meanwhile, Gwandor fought ferociously to rescue h his master and carried the wounded Thalandor speedily y back to the safety of Loren where he was healed by y the magic of Ariel. [/size]

[size=2]Thalandor 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9 [/size]

[size=2]Gwandor 2 5 0 4 4 3 4 2 8 [/size]

[center][center] [/center][/center]
[size=2]POINTS: [/size][size=2]215.[/size][size=2] [/size]

[size=2]TROOP TYPE: [/size][size=2]Monstrous Cavalry (Special Character, Hero). [/size][size=2] [/size]

[size=2]EQUIPMENT: [/size][size=2]Spear of DaDaith, long bow. [/size]

[size=2]SPECIAL RULES: [/size][b][size=2]Fly, FForest Walker, Asrai Archery.[/size][/b][font=TT266t00][size=2] [/size][/font]

[b][size=2]War Paint: [/size][/b][size=2]Thalandor paints s himself with magical designs before going into battle. These can magically deflect blows from weapons and missiles and give him a 3+ Ward save against missiiles and a 5+ Ward save against close combat attacks. [/size]

[color=windowtext][size=2]MAGIC ITEMS: [/size][/color]

[b]Spear of Daith [/b][size=2][/size]

[i][size=2]This spear was made by Dait th, legendary master craftsman of Loren. He carved upon its shaft mystical spirals which give the weapo on a will of its own. Upon the hardened copper spearhe ead are engraved eyes that allow the spear to see the blo ows of the enemy and intercept them with its unbreakable hardwood shaft. [/size][/i][size=2][/size]

[size=2]Magic Weapon. Spear. The SSpear of Daith can parry any opponent's close combatattacks against him on a 4+. If successful, the enemy aattack misses. [/size]

[b]Talisman of Qwarr [/b][size=2][/size]

[i]Qwarr was the mightiest of a all the Great Eagles who ever lived and an ancestor of f Gwandor himself. It was Qwarr who slew the ravenou us dragon Grathgol when he came to steal eggs from hiis eyrie. Although the dragon plummeted to his doo om, torn by Qwarr's talons, Qwarr himself also perished in the fight. Elves saw this terrible conflict in the air andd preserved the mighty talons and beak of Qwarr as a powerful talisman. [/i][size=2][/size]

[size=2] Talisman. If the talisman is h hung around the neck of a Great Eagle he is protected b by the spirit of Qwar, magically deflecting enemy b blows. Enemies units suffer -1 To Hit against Thalandor with missile attacks. [/size]

[/quote] Modifié par Thindaraiel
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  • 2 semaines après...
Posté par Briseis le 20 sept 2004 :

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Thalandor et son aigle </span>380pt (les objet magique sont compris dedans)

Thalandor 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9
Gwandor 2 5 0 4 5 3 5 2 8

Compte comme un Seigneur
Epée + Lance
Chevauche Gwandor un aigle. Il peut être votre général même s'il n'a pas le meilleur moral.
C'est un mage N3 qui peut utiliser n'importe quelle voie du livre de regles.
Peut avoir jusqu'à 3 objet qui sont toujours ceux qui suivent.

[u]Peinture magique(armure magique[/u]) +5pt

sauvegarde magique de 5+ au CàC et 3+ contre les tir.

[u]Taslisman de Qwarr(objet enchanté[/u]) +15pt

Donne à Gwandor(seul)une sauvegarde d'armure de 4+contre les arme ordinaire et les tir

[u]Lance de Dwair(arme magique)[/u] +25pt

Compte comme une lance. De plus si un adversaire au CàC touche avant de blessé Thlandor peut parer le coup sur 4+ sinon continuer pour voir si blessure.
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