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Préparation ETC, l'open bar !


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Sinon, Très heureux que vous visiez aussi le prix de peinture! Mes figs sont à votre disposition si besoin.
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Les deux dessins sont bien fun et décalés, j'aime, mais surtout le deuxième. :clap:
Je leur ferait un reproche, c'est que le bleu de l'armure est bien trop vif pour qu'on remarque les divers écussons bleu-blanc-rouge (et fait trop cartoon). Un bleu plus sombre (proche des maillots FR actuels du foot / rugby) mettrait en valeur les insignes, tout en évoquant plus la force et le "sérieux".
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[quote name='Ravajaxe' timestamp='1372017668' post='2387684']
Les deux dessins sont bien fun et décalés, j'aime, mais surtout le deuxième. [img][/img]
Je leur ferait un reproche, c'est que le bleu de l'armure est bien trop vif pour qu'on remarque les divers écussons bleu-blanc-rouge (et fait trop cartoon). Un bleu plus sombre (proche des maillots FR actuels du foot / rugby) mettrait en valeur les insignes, tout en évoquant plus la force et le "sérieux".

Oui c'est très curieux, le dessin d'origine ( fait sur tablette ) est BEAUCOUP moins saturé. Je tente de ratraper ça :
[url=""][img][/img][/url] Modifié par Porco
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J'aime bien ce logo. Il claque.

Limite, on peut même ajouter la maxime "Liberté. Égalité. Fraternité." pour un trip (un poil) de mauvais goût. "Nous les space marines, nous sommes tous des frères. On pouillent coude à coude." [Musique kitsch: Born to be wiiiild in da' Chapter].
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Je suis un ami de Wilme, j'ai vu que vous recherchiez un logo pour l'ETC cette année (que je suivrais avec plaisir comme tous les autres :))

Je vous propose donc ceci fait vite fait tout à l'heure. Il est possible de rajouter du texte (nom de l'évènement, nom du porteur du T-Shirt, etc...).

Voilà, si ça vous plait, ou si vous en avez besoin pour rajouter quelquepart à coté des très chouettes illustrations précédentes, hésitez pas à contacter Wilme qui me le dira (c'est que je passe pas sur ce forum bien souvent ^^").

Au plaisir :)
[URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/center] Modifié par Bozar
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Ahah le Porco faut pas l’embêter : il fait une première tuerie, on lui trouve a redire et bah quenini, il en repond une deuxième encore mieux! :)

+10 pour ce magnifique emblème :)
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Je ne suis pas bon dessinateur mais pourquoi pas un truc simple devant et le Space-poulet dans le dos (par exemple)


PS: Un bon dessinateur pourra toujours le rendre plus beau, comme par exemple agrandir les têtes. Modifié par CRAFOUIN
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Chapeau les artistes, et vive l'équipe :)

Merci de prendre sur votre temps pour faire de la communication, je suivrai cela avec plaisir. Peut être l'avez vous évoqué et je n'aurais alors pas compris mais : y aura t il des rapports de bataille ? (Après coup bien sûr). De mon avis ça reste le meilleur moyen de vivre l’événement.

Allez la team !

Côcôtement votre,
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bon courage à l'équipe dans sa préparation. Petite question : ou peut-on voir les restrictions (ou pas) du tournoi pour la constitution des listes ? format, alliances, etc... Les alliances changent pas mal la donne dans un tournoi qui avant ne permettait pas le spam de liste... Bref, juste savoir quelles sont vos contraintes au niveau des armées =) !
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[quote name='DU-An Ra' timestamp='1372629369' post='2391503']

bon courage à l'équipe dans sa préparation. Petite question : ou peut-on voir les restrictions (ou pas) du tournoi pour la constitution des listes ? format, alliances, etc... Les alliances changent pas mal la donne dans un tournoi qui avant ne permettait pas le spam de liste... Bref, juste savoir quelles sont vos contraintes au niveau des armées =) ![/quote]

Ci-joint le rulepack ETC :
[quote]Rulespack for Novi Sad ETC 2013 v1.4

1.Tournament outline
Every player is expected to have read and abide by the stipulations lined up in the ETC charter : viewtopic.php?f=43&t=69474

1.1 Format:
The 40K ETC is an 8 player Team Tournament.
1850 pts Armies, Standard Force Organization Chart.
Armies have to be fully painted/based and be WYSIWYG.
Teams will be matched by swiss system after the first round which will be randomly drawn by means of the magic fingers of Tom and chtio.
Battles have max 4hours in addition to the 30 minute set aside for pairings (4.5 hour rounds)
Battles will take place on 72"x 48" tables
Official language of the tournament is English.
The date for the Tournament are: 9-10-11 August 2013.
Event FAQ can be found here : viewtopic.php?f=43&t=112013

1.2 Team formation
A Team should consist of a minimum of 8 playing members; a 9th non-playing member may also attend the tournament to act as a coach for the team. The Team must have a nominated Captain (either playing or non-playing).

The Team Captain is responsible for the conduct of his/her Team. They are responsible for pairing their Team each round (see section 4.2), submitting results (see section 4.1), and can be called in for a 40K Captains Council in certain situations.

The non-playing Team Member is allowed to:
- Be the Team Captain
- Do the Pairings
- Collate and submit Team Results
- Ask questions about how the game is going
- Tell their player they require a win/draw/loss
The non-playing Team Member is not allowed to:
- Give Tactical advice (they may not tell their player ‘how’ to get that win/draw/loss!)
- Speak to their Team player in their native language

Any of the 9 team members may perform a player replacement : play a game with any of the 8 armies submitted by the team in replacement of another team member for the duration of a whole round. Replacement during rounds (ie when games are already started) will not be allowed except under extraordinary circumstances validated by a joint decision by the head referees. A Captain must petition this change before the head referees. Any breach of these rules is to be brought to the immediate attention of a Referee.

1.3 Tournament Schedule (provisionnal as of 05/06/2013)

Friday 9 August 2013

Round 1 : 9.30 am - 2 pm
Round 2 : 3 pm - 7.30 pm

Saturday 10 August 2013

Round 3 : 9.30 am - 2 pm
Round 4 : 3 pm - 7.30 pm

Sunday 11 August 2013

Round 5 : 9.30 am - 2 pm
Round 6 : 3 pm - 7.30 pm
Awards : 8 pm

2. Rules

2.1 General Rules
The 40K ETC is governered by the standards and rules in this document in addition to those laid down in the ETC Charter. We play with the 6th edition of the Warhammer 40000 rules. Special/Unique characters may be used without any additional restrictions.
English version of army books and rulebook take priority over other versions.
Each player must have all codices and rules they're using, army roster, dices, measure tape and templates.
All official FAQ and ETC Rules Clarifications are in use and need to be brought to the table by the players.
Death From The Skies compendium and it's rules-updates will be used at the ETC, but not the dogfighting rules.
White Dwarf official updates may be used during the tournament.
The new Eldar Codex (due out in June) will NOT be used.
Link to the current ETC Rules Clarifications:

2.2 Referees
The Tournament will be officiated by 3 Head Referees and they can be supported by any number of Line Referees. A Referee may never rule on a table where their own Nation is competing. A Referees word is usually final, but if a captain does not agree with a certain decision he can petition a head ref for another opinion. Abuse of this right will not be tolerated. A red/yellow card system will be implemented, and each offense that warrants such a card will come with a reduction in gamepoints (used as tiebreaker) or worse, might result in a team losing matchpoints gathered during the tournament.

A player or Team may receive any number of yellow cards before receiving a Red however a repeat offence that involves the same Player/Team should be strongly considered for a more severe penalty (for example another yellow card with a higher gaming point fine). A Yellow card with a 20-0 Fine is allowed.

Yellow Card – Warning. Offending Player and Players Captain are both warned. Referee may choose to fine the player Gaming points, however the Referee may not directly affect Match points as per the ETC Charter.

Red Card – Sin-bin. Offending Player auto-concedes the game (20-0) and must leave the hall till the end of the round. This is so a violent or abusive player has a cool down period before they are allowed back in the gaming hall.

A Referee issuing a Gaming Point fine will ask for the Teams Result Sheet prior to submission at the end of the round. They are to annotate the Fine on the Offending players score and to ensure that this is correctly implemented with the Admin Staff.

3. Armies
Eldar Codex v4 (not eldar codex v6)
TBA once we get ally restrictions in order.

Army lists (codices) which will be published after 14th june 2013 won't be used. FAQ published after list submission dates will not be used either.

3.2 Army lists limitations and updates:
- Each codex may be taken once as a primary detachment and once as an allied detachment, with the additional restriction that no team may have the same mirrored primary/allied combination (so no Daemons/CSM and CSM/Daemons within one given team)
- Each Army list MUST mention which model will be the Warlord
- Each Army list MUST mention which basic psychic powers have been purchased for models, even if they will be swapped for generic ones from the book
- Fortifications that can be included in the army lists: Bastion, Aegis Defense Line, Skyshield Landing Pad

4. Games

4.1 Scoring system :
A match between teams consists of 8 individual games.

4.1.1 At the team level : Match points
A team result consist of the sum of its players game points.

Match Points :
Team result, match points
86-160 = Win, 2 points
75-85 = Draw, 1 point
0-74 = Loss, 0 points

If two or more teams have the same number of team points (2/1/0) at the end of the tournament, game points gained from all battles will be used as tie-breaker.

4.1.2 On the individual level: Game Points

Game points scored by each player for his team are cumulated from Mission scoring and Victory points scoring (VPs). An exception is that a tabling player gets 20 game points, a tabled player get 0 game points. Missions (up to 17 Game points)

Each player count their mission points, subtract the opponent's mission points and consult the table bellow:
Difference +0 / -0 Battle points 10 / 10
Difference 1 or 2 / -1 or -2 Battle points 11 / 9
Difference 3 or 4 / -3 or -4 Battle points 12 / 8
Difference 5 or 6 / -5 or -6 Battle points 13 / 7
Difference 7 or 8 / -7 or -8 Battle points 14 / 6
Difference 9 or 10 / -9 or -10 Battle points 15 / 5
Difference 11 or 12 / -11 or -12 Battle points 16 / 4
Difference 13 or more / -13 or less Battle points 17 / 3

Apart from the missions points specified in the missions (which translate into game points in the terms of this rulespack), when you achieve First Blood, Slay The Warlord or Linebreaker you get +1 game points (as in Rulebook). It's the same for Warlord traits like Legendary Fighter or The Hunt.

For example in the Big Guns Never Tire mission you control 2 objectives and your opponent none. You got Linebreaker and the opponent First blood and also Linebreaker. You killed two of their heavy support units.
You got 6 +1+2 = 9 game points. The opponent got 0+1+1+0=2 game points. The difference is +7 / -7 so you get 14 game points and the opponent 6. Difference Of Victory Points (up to 3 Game Points)

Each player counts the points of destroyed or half strength enemy units, subtracts their own and then consult the table below.

Units destroyed
At the end of the game every unit that has been destroyed is worth an amount of Vicotry Points (VPs) equal to its points cost (including the cost of all its extra wargear, vehicle upgrades, etc). Units that end the game falling back or off the battlefield count as destroyed.

Units at half strength
At the end of the game every enemy surviving unit that has lost half of its initial models or more is worth an amount of VPs equal to half its points cost (including the cost of all its extra wargear, vehicle upgrades, etc), rounded down.
In the case of units that start the game as a single model (independent characters, monstrous creatures, etc), they are worth half their points cost in VPs if they have lost half or more of the Wounds on their profile.
In the case of units of 1 vehicle, they are worth half their points cost in VPs if they have lost half or more of its Hull points. In squadrons count each vehicle as a separate unit just for the Old Victory Point System.

VP dif ---- Winner -- Loser
0-350 -------- +0 ------- +0
351-700 ----- +1 ------- -1
701-1050 ---- +2 ------- -2
1051+ -------- +3 ------- -3

4.2 Team players pairing system :

Captains will have 30 minutes before each game to decide who will play with which opponnent. They can consult with and use the help of the rest the of the team freely.

Players during match will be matched by Captains in that way :
"Secret challenge" - At the start of the pairing captains chose secretly one player - a champion. Champion can be different from round to round. Both names of champions are written down at the start of the pairing on a separate piece of paper and revealed and the end of it. Champions play on the last available table.

After that:
1. Both captains roll a dice.
2. Captain A who rolled lowest puts forward player A.
3. Captain B puts a player to fight player A.
4. Captain A choses a table for that game.
5. Captain B who rolled highest puts forward player B.
6. Captain A puts a player to fight player B.
7. Captain B choses a table for that game.
8. Captain A .....

4.3 Missions :

Unless specified, the rules are the same as the Rulebook missions. So in Big Guns Never Tire, heavy support units are scoring units and each player receives 1 game Point for each enemy heavy support unit that has been completely destroyed.

BIG GUNS NEVER TIRE - 5 Objectives (3 game points each, maximum difference by controling objectives: 12 game points)

CRUSADE 4 objectives (2 game points each, maximum difference by controling objectives: 6 game points) & PURGE THE ALIEN (+1 game point per unit destroyed more than the opponent, up to a maximum of + 6 game points)

THE THE EMPEROR'S WILL (4 game points each objective) & CRUSADE 1 objective in the middle of the board (4 game points)

THE RELIC (6 game points) & CRUSADE 2 objectives (3 game points each) placed at least at 12” from the Relic

THE SCOURING - Each player places three markers 6 "from the edge, 12" from each other worth 1, 2 and 3 points (point values noted in secret by the player deploying them). Then before rolling to take the initiative you need to give your opponent the value of individual markers

CRUSADE 2 objectives (3 game points each) placed in the middle of the unoccupied quarters & PURGE THE ALIEN (+1 game point per unit destroyed more than the opponent, up to a maximum of +6 game points)
DEPLOYMENT – SPEARHEAD (quarters as in 5th ed)

4.4 Terrain
We're aiming for an even distribution of terrain types and coverage between all the rows, so teams don't get advantaged for playing in this or that row. Terrain will be placed by the organisation and cannot be adjusted during the tournament. Captains will give their OK before the tournament by going through all rows and tables. This is the ONLY time where comments/remarks can be made about terrain on a table that has to be switched around. A referee will take the comments to heart and change/displace terrain where and how he sees fit.

5. Lists Submission :

5.1 Planning

Names of players with armies and team army lists are to be submitted by 23:59 on the 1st of July 2013. Each country will be assigned 4 countries to check their army lists for errors. Teams have one week to do this and another week to make all necessary corrections. Teams that meet those deadlines and submit correct army lists will receive 2 Team points (as for one team win). Referee corp will award the correct list submission bonus. Glaring errors might result in a reduction in gamepoints, under the purview of the Referee corp.

This is the ETC. Making correct lists and submitting them in the correct format should be no mean task. Army lists are first going to be posted on secret captains forum. After the submission deadline they will be published in the public section for all to see.

To summarize :

- Submission of Lists: July 1st (Monday) (lists in at Sunday 23:59 forum time at the latest)
- Checking of Lists: July 2nd to July 8th (Monday) (checking done at Sunday 23:59 forum time at the latest)
- Final Revisions: July 8th to July 14th
- July 14th : Round 1 Draw (by chtio and Tom as per usual, might have a neutral supervisor in Krewl if he can make it)

5.2 List format template

Army lists are to be submitted in the following approved format (Use plaintext-format, readable in forum posts) :

PLAYER 1: (firstname, nickname, secondname)

HQ1 - Warlord : (codex entry name, detailed cost of every options & wargear and their multiplier if any, transport reference number if relevant) [(point total without transport)pts]
HQ2 : (idem supra...)
Elite1 : (...)
Elite2 : (...)
Elite 3 : (...)
Troop 1 : (...)
Troop 2 : (...)
Troop 3 : (...)
Troop 4 : (...)
Troop 5 : (...)
Troop 6 : (...)
FA1: (...)
FA2: (...)
FA3: (...)
HS1: (...)
HS2: (...)
HS3: (...)
Transport1 : (codex entry name, detailed cost of every options & wargear and their multiplier if any, unit transported) [(point total)pts]
Transport2 : (idem supra...)
TransportX : (...)
(don't forget to delete unused entries)
PRIMARY TOTAL [(point total)pts]

HQ1 : (codex entry name, detailed cost of every options & wargear and their multiplier if any, transport reference number if relevant) [(point total without transport)pts]
Elite1 : (...)
Troop 1 : (...)
Troop 2 : (...)
FA1: (...)
HS1: (...)
Transport1 : (codex entry name, detailed cost of every options & wargear and their multiplier if any, unit transported) [(point total)pts]
Transport2 : (idem supra...)
TransportX : (...)
(don't forget to delete unused entries)
ALLIED TOTAL [(point total)pts]

ARMY TOTAL [(point total)pts]
PLAYER 2: (...)
PLAYER 3: (...)
PLAYER 4: (...)
PLAYER 5: (...)
PLAYER 6: (...)
PLAYER 7: (...)
PLAYER 8: (...)

Merci pour les encouragement :)

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Plop, j’émerge un peu de mon warp personnel.

Bonne chance à l'équipe, même si j'ai pas été impliqué dans l'event cet année (et dieu sait que j'aurais voulu, vraivie quand tu nous tiens), je crois en vous les gars.
Le Wilme je l'ai jamais affronté (le couard à fuit ma liste 5 CMV à carrière l'an dernier, mod chambrage off), mais je sais que c'est un BIP de joueur et de pitaine (ouais j'écoute les on dit c'est pas bien^^).
Et pour son équipe, je connais de nom, et je sais qu'ils vont envoyer leur paté.
Et d'après ce que j'ai lu, ils y vont quand même aussi pour le plaisir, alors amusez vous bien là bas.

J'aurais bien voulu faire le punching ball, mais je suis pas proche de chez vous à priori, et j'ai pas forcément un super niveau de jeu.

Bref bonne chance à vous les gens, may the force be with you, tout ça tout ça.

Et porco c'est aussi un BIP d'artiste.


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Je ne peux que souhaiter bonne chance et réussite à notre équipe de France!
Je vous suivrai avec attention une fois de plus. Objectif: Le podium! :)/>

Bravo à Porco pour ces réalisations, retenues ou non, c'est bien foutu.

Si vous organisez une journée de tests, je veux bien y participer et me faire rouler dessus avec plus ou moins de difficulté. Je peux jouer des listes imposées (ETC d'autres pays) ou bien des listes de mon cru. mais uniquement en Tyranide (Armée que je connais très bien).

Bon courage et à bientôt ;)/>
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Heuuuuu il me semble que les listes sont en phases de corrections sur le forum anglais et ne sont pas publiques avant le 15 Juillet il me semble, tu est sur de ton coup Meijin :) ???

Je pense qu'il est préférable que les personnes intéressées par les listes aillent sur le fofo adéquat et non le warfo (du moins jusqu'à ce que ce soit rendu réellement publique).

Guillaume Modifié par blair_o
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[quote name='blair_o' timestamp='1372836827' post='2392699']
Heuuuuu il me semble que les listes sont en phases de corrections sur le forum anglais et ne sont pas publiques avant le 15 Juillet il me semble, tu est sur de ton coup Meijin :)/> ???

Peut être bien.

En tout cas toutes les listes sont dispo sur le forum des qualif-etc.

Après si c'est dispo pour tout le monde je pense pas que ça pose trop de problème (si quelqu'un de l'équipe de France pouvait donner son accord quant à la publication des listes, je les re-posterai), mais bon juste au cas où, j'ai snip les listes (désolé).
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