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Team France 2014


Messages recommandés

French team

Army list: Chaos Dwarfs - Benjamin Quillard "Zhatan"

- Daemonsmith (95) [160]
General, Level 2 "Lore of Fire" (35)
Enchanted shield (5), Dispel scroll (25)

- Daemonsmith (95) [135]
Level 2 "Lore of Fire" (35)
Charmed shield (5)

- 15 Infernal guards (15*12) [207]
Standard (10), Deathmask (12), Gleaming pennant (5)

- 25 Hobgoblins Cutthroats (25*4) [151,5]
Musician (4), Champion (10), Bows (25), Shields (12,5)

- 25 Hobgoblins Cutthroats (25*4) [151,5]
Musician (4), Champion (10), Bows (25), Shields (12,5)

- 20 Hobgoblins Cutthroats (20*4) [90]
Shields (10)

- 1 Deathshrieker rocket launcher [100]

- 1 Deathshrieker rocket launcher [100]

- 1 Deathshrieker rocket launcher [100]

- 1 Iron Daemon War engine (285) [285]

- 1 Iron Daemon War engine (285) [285]

- 1 Iron Daemon War engine (285) [310]
Hellbound (25)

- 1 K'daai destroyer [325]

Total: 2 400

Empire - Thibaut Lorimier

- Wizard lord (165) [225]
Lvl 4 "Lore of Heavens" (35)
Dispell scroll (25)

- Captain of the Empire (60) [161] GENERAL
Pegasus (45), Full plate armor (6)
Enchanted shield (5), Crown of command (35), Tormentor sword (5), Dragonbane Gem (5)

- Captain of the Empire (60) [188]
Battle standard bearer (25)
Pegasus (45), Full plate armor (6), Shield (2), Swift as the wind (10)
Warrior bane (5), Dragonhelm (10), Dawn stone (25)

- Master Engineer (65) [66]
Light Armor (1)

- Master Engineer (65) [66]
Light Armor (1)

47 Halberdiers (43*6) [302]
Standard (10), Musician (10)

Detachment 1 -> 5 Archers (5*7) [35]
Detachment 2 -> 5 Archers (5*7) [35]

10 Archers (10*7) [70]

Detachment 1 -> 5 Archers (5*7) [35]
Detachment 2 -> 5 Archers (5*7) [35]

5 knights of the Inner Circle (5*25) [125]

- 6 Demigryph knights (6*58) [383]
Musician (10), Standard (10), Standard of discipline (15)

- 3 Demigryph knights (3*58) [184]
Musician (10)

- Great canon (120) [120]

- Great canon (120) [120]

- Great canon (120) [120]

- Celestial Hurricanum (130) [130]

Total: 2 400

Army list: Chaos Daemons - Richard Leroux

- Herald of Nurgle (90) [180]
General (0), Minor locus of virulence (40), Major Gift (50)

- Herald of Nurgle (90) [160]
Battle Standard Bearer (25), Razor standard (45)

- Herald of Tzeench (90) [125]
Level 2 "Lore of Metal" (35)

- Herald of Tzeench (90) [125]
Level 2 "Lore of Metal" (35)

- 30 Plaguebearers of Nurgle (30*13) [435]
Standard (10), Musician (10), Champion (10), Standard of discipline (15)

- 10 Pink Horrors (10*13) [165]
Standard (10), Musician (10), Lichebone standard (15)

- 5 Chaos Furies (5*12) [70]
Daemons of Nurgle (10)

- 5 Chaos Furies (5*12) [60]

- 5 Chaos Furies (5*12) [60]

- 3 Nurgle Beasts (4*60) [180]

- 4 Nurgle Beasts (4*60) [240]

- 5 Plague Drones (5*55) [300]
Proboscis (25)

- 5 Plague Drones (5*55) [300]
Proboscis (25)

Total: 2 400 pts

Army list: Tomb Kings - Didier Pendaries

- Liche High Priest (175) [270]
General (0), Level 4 "Lore of Light" (35)
Obsidian lodestone (45), Sceptre of stability (15)

- Liche High Priest (175) [265]
Hierophant (0), Level 4 "Lore of Nehekara" (35)
Talisman of endurance (30), Earthing rod (25)

- Liche Priest (70) [95]
Level 1 "Lore of Light" (0)
Dispell Scroll (25)

- Liche Priest (70) [70]
Level 1 "Lore of Light" (0)

- 5 Skeleton horse archers (5*14) [70]

- 5 Skeleton horse archers (5*14) [70]

- 5 Skeleton horse archers (5*14) [70]

- 5 Skeleton horse archers (5*14) [70]

- 5 Skeleton horse archers (5*14) [70]

- 10 Skeleton archers (10*6) [60]

- 10 Skeleton archers (10*6) [60]

- 33 Skeleton archers (33*6) [218]
Chief (10), Musician (10)

- 7 Ushabtis (7*50) [360]
Great bow (0), Muscian (10)

- 9 Ushabtis (9*50) [460]
Great bow (0), Muscian (10)

- Hierotitan (175) [175]

- Casket of Souls (135) [135]

- Screaming-skulls catapult (90) [90]

- Screaming-skulls catapult (90) [90]

Total: 2 698

Army list: Skavens - Kevin Chanard

- Grey Seer (240) [295]
General (0), Level 4 "Lore of Plague & Ruin" (0)
Dispell scroll (25), Foul pendant (30), D3 Warpstone tokens (0)

- Grey Seer (240) [305]
Level 4 "Lore of Plague & Ruin" (0)
Power Scroll (35), Talisman of Protection (15), D3+1 Warpstone tokens (15)

- Warlock Engineer (15) [15]

- Warlock Engineer (15) [60]
Obsidian Lodestone (45)

- Warlock Engineer (15) [65]
Brass Orb (50)

- Chief (45) [82]
Battle Standard Bearers (25), Shield (2)
Eternal Flame Banner (10)

- 45 Skaven Slaves (45*2) [96]
Musician (2), Champion (4)

- 45 Skaven Slaves (45*2) [96]
Musician (2), Champion (4)

- 30 Skaven Slaves (30*2) [66]
Musician (2), Champion (4)

- 41 Stormvermins (41*7) [347]
Musician (5), Stardard (10), Razor Standard (45)

-5 Giant rats & 1 Packmaster (5*3 + 8 )[23]

- 5 Gutter Runners (5*12) [90]
Slings (5), Poison (25)

- 5 Gutter Runners (5*12) [90]
Slings (5), Poison (25)

- 34 Plague Monks (34*7) [288]
Musician (10), Stardard (10), Plague Banner (30)

- Warp-lightning Canon (90) [90]

- Warp-lightning Canon (90) [90]

- Doomwheel (150) [150]

- Doomwheel (150) [150]

Total: 2 398

Dark Elves Fabrice "Babnik"

-Dreadlord. General. 282pts
Dark steed. Heavy armour. Sea dragon cloak. Shield. Rep Crossbow.
Ogre blade. Dawnstone. Crown of command.

-Sorceress L4. Lore of heaven.300pts
Ring of Hotek. Iron curse icon. Dispell scroll.

-Hag Queen. BSB. 155pts
Witchbrew. Discipline banner.

-Master. 188pts
Pegasus. Heavy armour. Shield. Sea dragon cloak. Cavalry lance.
Cloak of twilight.

-10x dark riders. 210pts
Shield. Crossbow. Musician.

-10x dark riders. 210pts
Shield. Crossbow. Musician.

-14x darkshards. 198pts
Musician. Banner. Eternal flame.

-5 harpies. 75pts

-30x Executionners. 395pts
Musician, banner. Swiftness.

-3x reapers. 210pts

-7x Doomfire Warlocks. 175pts

Total 2396

Chaos warriors William Barrois

- Chaos lord (210) on deamonic mount (35), general, mark of
tzeench (10), heavy weapon (8), flamming breath (30), skaly
skinn (20), talisman of preservation (45), sharmed shield
(5), crown of command (35): 398 pts

- Hexalted hero (110) on barded (15) deamonic mount (35),
BSB (25), mark of tzeench (10), heavy weapon (6), third eyes
(10), soul feeder (10), talisman of endurance (30),
dragonhelm (10): 261 pts

- Chaos sorcerer (110), Level 1 of lore of death, obsidian
lobestone (45), ironcurse icon (5): 160 pts

- Chaos sorcerer (110), Level 1 of lore of death, dispel
scroll (25), enchanted shield (5): 140 pts

- 19 wariors of chaos (19*14), mark of tzeench (19*1), shield
(19*1), heavy weapon (19*3), FCG (3*10), Blasted standard
(25): 435 pts

- 5 marauder horseman (5*14), Mark of Slaanesh (1*30),
scourge (5*2): 85

- 5 marauder horseman (5*14), Mark of Slaanesh (1*30),
javelot (5*1): 80

- 12 chaos trolls (12*35): 420

- 12 chaos trolls (12*35): 420

Total 2399 pts

Bretonnians - Yan Duhourcau

Bretonnian lord on royal pegasus
Questing vow
Sword of the quest
Gauntlet of the duel
Shield 270

Prophetess of The Lady on warhorse Lvl4 (Life)
Crown of command
The Silver Mirror 315

Paladin on warhorse BSB
Gromril great helm
Mantle of Damsel Elena
Shield 126

Paladin on warhorse
Virtue of Heroism
Enchanted Shield 114

Damsel on warhorse, Beast
Falcon Horn of Fredemund 125

11 Knights of Realm
War Banner 313

12 Knights of Realm
Discipline 327

4 Pegasus Knights FCG 250
4 Pegasus Knights FCG 250

5 Grail Knights, Standard, Musician, Banner of Eternal Flamme 230
2 Field Trebuchets 180

Total 2500
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[quote name='pendi' timestamp='1398755592' post='2560506']
diantre je n'ai pas modifié la liste que tu m'avais envoyée. :(/>

la deuxième tournée est pour moi X-//>

Et la troisième aussi car plusieurs fois je t'ai signalé que ma liste fait 2398 pts et pas 2396 :rolleyes: Je sens que je vais me la coller gratos samedi soir :clap:
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[quote name='Yan64' timestamp='1398780877' post='2560890']
Sachant que si vous êtes d'accord ceux qui prennent 20 payent aussi la leur ça va être drôle cette histoire :)/>
ça c'est un coup à voir Didier faire des appariements bizarres :lol:
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Non ce n'est pas grave, je ferais quand meme des doubles 6 avec 4 dés si Tzeentch me soutient!

Et puis le bubu n'a qu'a bien se tenir avec la strategie de la toupie willniskozienne ;) Modifié par willnisko
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Le copain Xelloss est vivement attendu dans la section MP pour prêt de pégases pour demain ! :)

Sinon ce seront des pèlerins du graal :D
Pour une armée bretonnienne qui voulait venir à 12 pégases ce serait moche de finir à pied ..
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