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[VICTRIX] Nouveautés

Durgrim l'Ancien

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Quand je vois ce qu'ils ont fait avec cette cavalerie ibère, je salive en pensant à ce qu'ils pourraient nous sortir pour eux!


La réponse est peut-être là :

2. I am hoping to announce a new range of Ancients sometime in the next 2-3 weeks. This new series of sets are already being worked on but I want to wait for an image of the first render before making an announcement. I noted that there has been much speculation on TMP with some potential good ideas and some not so good.


Attention tout de même, cela peut être les cavaleries manquantes.

Si ils évitent le cliché du type à poil et à grosse moustache je vais me jeter dessus!

Ce serait bien dommage... Surtout qu'ils existent chez Warlord ^^.

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  • 3 semaines après...

Les samnites sont dans la place :

Salute 2016 Deals

Due to the varying price of our plastic products it is difficult to run multi box deals. However, instead we will run a sliding percentage discount depending on the number of plastic sets you wish to purchase. This applies to all plastic products be it figure sets, aircraft, bases or movement trays.

1 box 0% discount
2-3 boxes 10% discount
4-6 boxes 20% discount
6-10 boxes 25% discount
10+ boxes 30% discount

Unfortunately we are unable to offer discounts on the LittleBigMenStudios shield transfers.

The Samnites were a tribal group of the Oscan peoples that occupied Central and Southern Italy. They were fierce warriors and in their many wars with Rome they earned a high military reputation.

Samnites fought in loose formations armed with javelins and sword, preferably in hilly or wooded terrain. They were formidable fighters in close combat.

These fantastic and highly detailed miniatures are ideal as enemies of Republican Rome or fighting as allies and mercenaries in a Carthaginian army. They can also be used as earlier Italian peoples such as Lucani, Bruttii or Campani.

Both sets of 24 figures will be on release at Salute 2016 at £17.95 each.

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LA grosse news, la voilà :

The New ancient range we are starting at Victrix will be Early Imperial Romans. This is a period we have wanted to work on since we started Victrix in 2008 so we are very excited about this and look forward to showing more updates over the coming months.

We have a render of one of the figures so far. Most of the work up this point has been sorting the equipment such as helmets, shields, armour, weapons etc... Now that is pretty much finalised (a couple of minor tweaks) then the poses for other figures will come thick and fast over the coming weeks.

The plan is to do a set of Roman Legionaries in attacking active poses and a set in marching/advancing poses for those who like their Romans active and those who like a more linear look.

There will be pilum and sword arm options, 2 helmet variants plus segmented arm armour variants and some leg options with greaves. Some separate crests and oval shields are being looked at to make Praetorians. We will see if we can fit these on the frame or whether it has to be an extra set?
We also want to put a few nice bits in there such as arms holding torches and severed heads, this adds a nice touch for those doing skirmish games and as you know we always like to give the customer extras and not just the bare minimum.

There will be full plastic command frames and a mounted General figure will be produced.

Other sets in the planning are Auxiliary infantry attacking and advancing, archers, cavalry and Scorpions (Possibly with an ox cart to mount it on)

Steve form LBMS will be producing a large range of shield transfers for these figures.

Don’t worry about the Punic wars we are still producing sets for this as well and will hop back and forth between the periods. The great thing is the Numidian cavalry and the already released Balearic slingers can be used in the Early Imperial Roman army.

We will also be returning to Napoleonics at some stage later this year.

Hopefully we will have a few more renders by Salute in a couple of weeks.

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Franchement déçu du coup....


Autant les samnites, les ibères, les romains républicains sous toutes leurs formes et même les carthaginois sont parmi les plus beaux que je connaisse, autant des romains impériaux, d'une part la période plus classique est moins intéressante et en plus on en a à la tonne sur le net.


Je doute de plus en plus de voir arriver des celtes, Victrix n'a pas l'air de s'y intéresser, dommage.....

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Je doute de plus en plus de voir arriver des celtes, Victrix n'a pas l'air de s'y intéresser, dommage.....

Il faudra des ennemis de tailles a ces Romains Impériaux ^^, tout comme les futurs macédoniens et les perses.

Modifié par Durgrim l'Ancien
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Il faudra des ennemis de tailles a ces Romains Impériaux 



Pas des Gaulois de la Tène en tous cas du coup (autres que Guerre des gaules je veux dire).... des germains? Mouais.... y aurait mieux à faire pour les Celtes.


Ils auraient su se concentrer sur la période héllenistique/guerres puniques je trouve, mais bon....


Surtout que ces romains, tous en loricae segmentata sont assez caricaturaux (y avait une bien plus grande variété d'équipement que ça, même à la période impériale classique (soit entre les règnes de Tibère et de Marc Aurèle en gros).


On en a déjà pleins des comme ça, et franchement à côté du superbe taff qu'ils ont fait sur les peuples période guerres puniques, ils sont d'un ennui insondable.........


Y a gavé de possibilités à explorer en matière de figurines de la période antique! Surtout en matière de kits plastocs:


- CEltes en tous genre en dehors du pote moustachu carricatural de Vercingétorix (du celte de Hallstatt au gaulois de la Tène ancienne en cuirasse, char, casques ornementés en passant par des variante galates et cisalpins (avec des équipements celtes et classiques mêlés),

- Tous les peuples de l'est: Scythes, thraces et autres....

- Des étrusques, ligures et autres peuples d'Italie du Nord,

- Des séleucides, des égyptiens Ptolémée

- Des Perses, des Parthes, des Bactres et autres populations orientales.

- Age du bronze: un bon millénaire à explorer (je rêve de belles fig de la période Mycénienne!!!! Avec le siège de Troie en contexte, ça pourrait être énorme!).

- etc, etc, etc.


Mais des romains en segmentata vu et revu et discutables historiquement dans leur uniformité, c'est plus que décevant.


A la rigueur, le coup de maître, ça aurait été de beaux kits plastocs pour des romains impériaux tardifs, avec tout ce qui suit derrière en matière de germains (Goths, Francs, Vandales, Lombards, saxons.....Etc), de huns, de parthes et autres Sassanides. Là j'aurais craqué direct.....


Les période de transitions sont toujours plus intéressantes, car elles brassent tout un tas de peuples, de cultures, et donc d'équipements et de visuels différents. Peindre une légion romaine de Trajan, j'en baille déjà d'ennui.


Je pourrais à la rigueur me consoler si ils font de beaux germains ou daces..... Mais les Gaulois resteront les moustachus carricaturaux à la Astérix qu'ils sont actuellement en matière de fig.........







Modifié par Ser Eddard
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Des news :


Test shots have arrived and all is looking good so we will now go to production. Both the unarmoured and armoured sets are on sale through the website. We will also have plenty of stock at Salute 2016.

Both sets contain 24 men including various arm options to create command.

I hope to have some images of unpainted miniatures posted later today.

Unfortunately with the craziness that is Salute 2016 Steve at LBMS is still completing the first 2 sets of shield transfers for the Samnites. These should be available next week.

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Du FB :

At first I did not want to show these images of the next two EIR Legionaries because shields were not included and there are some minor tweaks that still need working on. However, it is all about publicity and there is no such thing as bad publicity in the crazy world of wargaming celebrity.

Anyway as well as sleeping with my pet slug I am also going to share the next two EIR legionary figures (without shields).

The next development with this set is as follows:

One more "action posed" legionary figure.
Additional up armoured helmets for those that fought the Dacians
Segmented armoured arms (again Dacians).
Armoured legs (grieves.......yes the Dacians again).
4 separate marching figures.
All the command figures.

and then the next sets.....but we will give details on those late

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Des news ! Mai, c'est le mois de la macédoine, le pays, pas la salade ^^.

I think with the grace of God and a fair wind we will be looking at mid May for the release of the 3 sets of Macedonians.

Numidian cavalry is now at the tooling stage and these will be followed by the Spanish cavalry.


I had a request to post the individual Macedonian illustrations. From left to right:

Hypaspist Phalangite Successor

Please note the Successor set will include trousered legs allowing the creation of Eastern or Seleucid pikemen.

I have had a number of queries about the release date for the Early Imperial Roman Legionaries. At present I anticipate the first set of Romans will go to tooling in August with a potential release date probably in November.

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Du lourd :

There is quite a lot to cover in this post with regards the Early Imperial Romans, Numidian infantry and Macedonians.

First up are the latest renders of the Early Imperial Romans and that you will see, from the attached images, they are coming along nicely. These are obviously the attacking poses but we will also be providing marching figures to create units with a more regimented look.

The head variants show the Roman helmet with Iron crossbars welded on top which added strength when facing the Dacian Falx. There will be sword and Pilum arm options for all figures. There are plans for a few more sword and pilum arm choices.

Please note that the positions have been refined and the Roman dagger (Pugio) has been added. The shield has been refined with extra rivet work around the rim.


Please note that the Early Imperial Roman range will be comprehensive and will take sometime to complete (first release later this year). We have therefore decided to slip in a quick new set to give the sculptor a short break from the complex Roman designs. I hope to be able to show you a new Numidian Infantry set within the next 2 weeks. This will be a quick design process as we can "kit bash" from various figures in our digital archives. Once this is complete we will move straight back onto the Romans.

I am confident we are still on track for a May release for all 3 Macedonian sets

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Encore des news :

Numidian infantry renders

Here are some new renders of the Numidian infantry set we have been working on in-between the Romans legionaries.

The set will comprise 4 figures on a frame with arm, head and shield options to make Numidian close order infantry or javelin skirmishers. There are also command parts such as a trumpet, sword arm and standard bearer arm to make command figures.

The infantry in helmets with oval Thureos shields represent King Syphax and Jugurthas Roman trained infantry. They were an attempt to create a close order fighting force. Still the majority of Numidian infantry would have been light javelin armed skirmishers with a round hid shield.

We have include a few kit bashed renders to show you some of the possible alternatives you will be able to make from this very useful and versatile set of miniatures.

You can easily make more Greek javelin men variants by adding Peltast shields and heads form the Greek Peltast set and bare heads from the Spanish and Velites. By adding a Roman scutums and helmets you can easily make troops for the slave revolt or add variants to the Numidian close order fighting troops. They could also be used for some Biblical warriors as well.

We will now move back to working on the Romans and hope to be able to show the marching legionary figures in about 2 weeks, it will then be on to the Roman command.

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C'est les promos chez Victrix :

Victrix Spring Sale

From today until next Sunday we are running a 20% off sale on all our plastic and resin products. At the checkout type in the code

Spring sale

and 20% will be taken of your order. Please note that you will not get 20% off any of the shield transfers. You can still order shield transfers alongside the plastic sets but the discount will only apply to the plastic items.

Happy shopping.

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Les légions d'Alexandre sont en approche et ça claque :

Please see attached shot of the Hypaspist frame and the command frame.

A few things to note:

1. All 3 sets will contain 27 figures; 3 command and 24 rank and file. This odd number will allow customers to build a pike block of 48 with 3 command and 45 pikemen.

2. The command frame is on the left and the Hypaspists are on the right. The frames will be spilt at the factory so each set will contain 8 rank and file frames and 1 command frame. All 3 sets will retail at £17.95.

3. The trousered legs on the command frame are to use with the standard bearer and the musician when combined with the Succssor or Seleucid set.

4. The musician will carry one of the small shields on a leather strap on his back.

5. The smaller Hoplite shield is the officers shield.

6.You will note that with a plethora of heads and crests many different combinations can be created.

More news shortly.....Julian at Victrix

PS I forgot to mention that once the Early Imperial Romans are finished we will start work on Macedonian Companion cavalry.

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On continue avec du très lourd, on peut découvrir toutes les possibilités offertes avec le kit de piquier.

I am most grateful for Steve at LittleBigMenStudios for working tirelessly over the bank holiday weekend so producing the following set of images from our Hypaspist and Macedonian command test shots. I hope to receive on Tuesday the Macedonian and Seleucid pikemen test shots so look out for more images next week.

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