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[Armada] Ils sortent l'artillerie lourde


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Il y a 5 heures, latribuneludique a dit :


Faut dire que le jeu n'a pas reçu de réelle nouveauté depuis des lustres. C'est toujours le même problème avec FFG, ils ne savent pas gérer leur planning de sorties...


Heureusement il y a une communauté fr certes petite mais plutôt motivé, cela devrait aider. Mais faut pas rêver : sans VF cela ne fera que continuer à vivoter. C'est dommage parce que le jeu est bon, comme d'habitude le soucis est ailleurs.


Le jeu est bon c'est vite dit. C'est surtout un coloriage Star Wars sur un affrontement répondant à une logique WWII, ce qui est quand-même très très très stupide.

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Question de goûts. Pour ma part je trouve que le thème de Star Wars est parfaitement respecté avec d'énormes vaisseaux de guerre vulnérables aux nuées de chasseurs. Le système n'est pas parfait, bien entendu, il est un peu lourd et la multiplication des règles spéciales (via les cartes d'upgrade) n'aide pas à fluidifier la chose mais cela reste à mes yeux un bon jeu Star Wars servi par de belles figurines.

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Il y a 3 heures, latribuneludique a dit :

il est un peu lourd

Certainement (je ne connais pas) mais n'est-ce pas ce que l'on est en droit d'attendre d'un jeu qui vous met à la tête d'une flotte de guerre avec des navires de taille colossale ... j'ai envie de dire que le côté velu est pas un défaut, c'est un passage obligé sinon on passe à côté du truc.

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Le 15/04/2019 à 21:42, DrussDharan a dit :


Le jeu est bon c'est vite dit. C'est surtout un coloriage Star Wars sur un affrontement répondant à une logique WWII, ce qui est quand-même très très très stupide.

En même temps Star Wars n'est ni plus ni moins que du combat WWII dans l'espace (et les producteurs de SW ne s'en cache même pas cf le résistance bomber de SW8 nommé B/SF-17 et qui a toutes les caractéristiques du B17 de la seconde)hein donc pour le coup Armada représente plutôt bien les choses.


Pour du plus "réaliste" si on peut vraiment employer ce terme il y a Honor Harrington.


Modifié par Seravee
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Il y a 16 heures, Absalom a dit :

Certainement (je ne connais pas) mais n'est-ce pas ce que l'on est en droit d'attendre d'un jeu qui vous met à la tête d'une flotte de guerre avec des navires de taille colossale ... j'ai envie de dire que le côté velu est pas un défaut, c'est un passage obligé sinon on passe à côté du truc.




Fort heureusement ce n'est pas parce que l'on joue des colosses que le système de jeu doit être lourdingue. Battlefleet Gothic nous met à la tête d'une flotte de vaisseaux qui n'ont rien à envier à ceux de Star Wars et pourtant le système est super simple (c'est un dérivé d'Epic 40k en passant). Fleet Commander est un autre contre exemple.


Le problème d'Armada est la multiplication ad nauseum de petites règles spéciales introduites par une multitudes de cartes d'upgrade. Quand on est à fond dans le jeu ce n'est pas trop handicapant mais quand on y joue en mode casual c'est l'enfer (quand j'y joue j'essaie si possible de limiter drastiquement les dits upgrades et même comme ça j'en oublie systématiquement la moitié).


Pour le reste, il arrive à simuler dans un même système les mastodontes ET les escadrons de chasseurs et ça je trouve que c'est une belle réussite. Pour moi c'est le meilleur jeu de bataille spatiale Star Wars car il condense tous les éléments qui nous font aimer ces batailles dans la saga au cinéma. Malheureusement son coût et son éditeur ont largement freiné son développement. Espérons qu'il y aura un effet Clone Wars même si cela risque d'être limité en l'absence de VF.

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Perso, les deux problèmes qui m'ont le plus marqué quand j'ai essayé de le faire adopter dans mon entourage ont été :
- C'est sympa, mais bon, le plaisir est moins immédiat qu'avec X-Wing / On préfère agir et réagir plutôt que programmer.
- Oui, il est cool, mais je suis déjà sur X-Wing, j'ai pas les moyens de suivre les deux gammes.

J'ai donc fini par laisser tomber et j'ai revendu les quelques vaisseaux que j'avais.

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Je ne connais ni Fleet Commander ni Battle Fleet Gothic mais leurs éditeurs ont l'air de freiner encore plus leur développement à l'heure actuelle. ?


Quant à la complexité, je persiste à croire que c'est peut-être une volonté de l'éditeur pour se démarquer d'un X-Wing plus immédiat comme dit Pierrick ... donc pas nécessairement un défaut "absolu", voire même un truc que des joueurs peuvent apprécier, y compris comparé à la concurrence. Le joueur velu mérite aussi son jeu Star Wars.

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  • 3 mois après...
Il y a 2 heures, Inquisiteur Pierrick a dit :

FFG a annoncé

A partir de 40 min 13


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  • 4 semaines après...

Oui ils annoncent la sortie en VF des 2 nouveaux vaisseaux.






Modifié par DARKSIDE73
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Bonjour à tous

A la recherche d'un jeu de "flottes", je regardais Armada.

Le coté  complexe des règles ne me gêne pas trop tant qu'elles restent abordables et s'assimilent progressivement.

Le frein le plus important est selon moi l'aspect pécuniaire.

Quel est selon vous le ticket d'entrée minimum pour avoir plus que la boite de base et suffisamment d'options pour aller au delà d'une simple initiation ?

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Les règles ne sont pas complexes, elles sont juste un peu touffues. Et malheureusement alourdies par les multiples petites règles spéciales ajoutées par les cartes d'upgrade. Faut aimer le deckbuilding !


Par contre, en toute honnêteté, même si le rapport qualité/prix est correct, le jeu est très cher. En plus de la boite de base,  il te faudra au moins la boite de chasseurs (Rebelles ou Impériaux selon ton camp), un gros vaisseau de ligne (type Destroyer de classe Impérial ou Croiseur Mon Calamari) et certainement un ou deux vaisseaux intermédiaires (Croiseurs légers impériaux ou corvettes rebelles). Grosso-modo (sans vérification des prix), faut bien ajouter une centaine d'euros pour une flotte opérationnelle (et quelques figurines supplémentaires à côté pour varier un peu).


Ceci dit je trouve que c'est vraiment le meilleur jeu de combat spatial dans l'univers de Star Wars, il permet de vraiment revivre ce que l'on voit à l'écran avec des affrontements entre gros vaisseaux ET escadrons de chasseurs (ils ne font pas de la figuration). Sa grosse faiblesse : c'est taillé pour la compétition, il n'existe quasiment aucun scénario officiel et les deux kits de campagne sont sympa mais sans plus. L'autre gros point noir est la disponibilité en VF, faudra parfois se résoudre à acheter en VO (a priori on attend encore la réimpression des boites de chasseurs en VF et on risque d'attendre très longtemps).

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Merci  pour ta réponse.

La compétition est accessoire mais je voulais y  jouer entre copains: Cela impos donc d'investir quasiment 300€ pour avoir de quoi faire dans les deux camps...

C'est quand même le gros point noir de ces produits;

Pour la traduction on se demande si les compagnies veulent réellement que le produits se développent en Europe ou si le frein du coût n'empêche pas le développement.

Je vais sans doute guetter les occasion pour me lancer;

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Le 30/08/2019 à 07:29, latribuneludique a dit :

les deux kits de campagne sont sympa mais sans plus

Le deuxième sera peut-être plus à ton goût suite aux teasers sur son contenu :


Take Command of the Fleet

Previewing Task Force Commanders in Rebellion in the Rim



"You need an incredibly fast ship, and a brilliant pilot."
"We've got the pilot."

   —Dryden Vos and Han Solo, Solo: A Star Wars Story


Across the galaxy, The Galactic Civil War continues to throw local systems into chaos, nowhere more fiercely than the Mid and Outer Rim. As both the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance struggle to gather the resources and allies that will tip the scales of power to their favor, now is the time for newly promoted commanders to make a name for themselves. 

As these commanders lead their fleets to these vital systems, they gain ever-more experience and power as tensions in the Rim grow to a boiling point. Will the Rebellion be crushed under the fist of the Empire, or will the spark of hope spread throughout the galaxy to burn down the Empire and herald in a new age?

Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to a closer look at the task force commanders who will lead your campaigns in Rebellion in the Rim, the second campaign expansion for Star Wars™: Armada—now available for pre-order at your local retailer or online through our website with free shipping within the continental United States!


The Galaxy In Your Hands

The campaign of Rebellion in the Rim is an escalating struggle for supremacy as the Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire fleets clash in the remote regions of the galaxy. Two players can go head-to-head, or four to six players can work as two competing teams. Each player commands a single fleet and gains new abilities as their ships do battle, but your ability to work together will ultimately determine whether your fleet ultimately succeeds or fails.

Unlike your usual game of Armada, campaign battles may contain fleets of unequal power, and they can range in size, consisting of skirmishes between small fleets—also called task forces—or encounters that include large team fleets. Players who have fought their way through The Corellian Conflict may be familiar with campaign play (which you can preview here) where you must attempt to gain campaign points over the course of several acts by participating in battles that can have permanent effects. In addition to earning campaign points, players also gain experience from these battles and earn rewards to upgrade their task forces’ capabilities. But unlike The Corellian Conflict, your fleet is not the only thing to evolve in Rebellion in the Rim

swm31_a2_fleet-sheet-1.jpg   swm31_a2_fleet-sheet-2.jpg

This campaign expansion introduces a brand-new element of gameplay with task force commanders. These commanders replace commander upgrade cards attached to your fleet’s flagship, instead allowing you to build your own unique character and have them evolve throughout the course of your campaign. This gives you the chance to become more immersed in your games than ever before, watching your chosen leader learn and develop until they can stand amongst the most prestigious starship commanders in the galaxy. If you can help your commander succeed in their battles in the Rim, you may be able to solidify their position in the fleet, set them on the course for further promotion through the ranks, and ultimately seal their place in the annals of history.


Evolving With the Battle

The Rim may be a lawless backwater compared to the glittering Core Worlds, but it is the largest region of the known galaxy and the perfect place for an aspiring commander to make their mark. At the beginning of your adventure in Rebellion in the Rim, you create your task force commander by choosing a tier-1 ability and then developing their skills as they gain more experience over the course of the campaign. The commander’s ability is written on their fleet roster which also records the name you have chosen for them. Through this roster, you can watch your commanders grow from novices to full masters in their fields. For example, if your commander devotes their studies to squadron tactics, they may begin the campaign specializing as a Master Coordinator or practicing Rapid Deployment. 


Some abilities, like Master Coordinator, are ranked, linked by an arrow to higher-tier abilities with the same name. A commander must have the lower-tier version of a ranked ability to purchase the next rank of that ability and replace their lower-tier version. Meanwhile others, like Rapid Deployment, simply offer their advantage without the possibility of growth. But you can always choose to replace one ability with another, provided you have the experience to purchase your new ability. You are not strictly bound by choices you make before the battle begins. A true commander is able to change course depending on the needs of their fleet.

Your commanders become more effective leaders in their specialized areas by spending experience from battles to either gain new abilities or replace current ones. Task force commanders that participated in the battle gain experience regardless of whether they win or lose. Defeat is often the best teacher, after all. But depending on the difference in score or total fleet value between the winner and the loser, commanders can gain additional experience. At the end of a battle, the winning team subtracts the losing team’s score from their score. For every 75 points difference, each commander from the winning team gains one additional experience. If one team’s total fleet point value is greater than the other, then the team with fewer total fleet points subtracts their fleet value from their opponent. For each full 25 points difference, the team with a lower fleet point value gains one additional experience. These points are precious, and you must spend them wisely. If you cannot adjust your course to the tide of your battles, doom is sure to await.


Once your commander is ready to embark on their mission, you must plan your advance across the Rim carefully and choose your missions well to gain the experience that will hone the skill of your fleet’s crews and sharpen your commander. Learn to work with your fellow commanders to not only divide and conquer, but also join forces against the enemy when necessary. Remember that initial setbacks may lead to later opportunities, and you must be at your best when the pivotal battle for the Rim begins!

Prepare for Hyperspace

The galaxy has fallen into chaos and the outcome of the entire Galactic Civil War may be determined by your actions in the Mid and Outer Rim. The eyes of your allies turn to you for leadership and hope—are you ready to take on this mission?



Mission Control

Previewing the New Objectives of Rebellion in the Rim



“When I was young, I was told amazing stories of creatures that lived in the stars, traveled between the worlds. Old pilots said it was the purrgil who inspired us to jump from system to system. But I don’t believe it.”
   —Hera Syndulla, Star Wars: Rebels


The Galactic Civil War is tearing the galaxy apart, and nowhere is the fighting fiercer than in the lawless Mid and Outer Rim. These often ignored systems may be far removed from the glittering lights of the Core Worlds, but they are rich with resources and potential allies that may be able to shift the scales of power. Both the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance are desperate to gain a steadier hold on the region, presenting the perfect opportunity for newly promoted commanders to lead their fleets and make a name for themselves.

In the Rebellion in the Rim campaign expansion for Star Wars™: Armada, two to six players journey to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, where they must fight for control of the valuable territories over the course of multiple battles across the Rim. But the exact missions themselves may differ with each adventure as the needs of each side shift with the tides of war. If you wish to advance through the ranks and lead your fleet to victory, you must be prepared to face any challenge.

Today, we are pleased to offer you a closer look at the new objectives found in Rebellion in the Rim—now available for pre-order at your local retailer or online through our website with free shipping within the continental United States!


Battle and Betrayal

Rebellion in the Rim includes new objective cards that can be used with all modes of play, whether you are progressing through a challenging campaign or engaging in traditional battles. This expansion includes twelve new standard objective cards and eleven new campaign objective cards to increase strategic complexity and expand the possibilities of your battles to put you in the mindset of a fleet commander locked in the middle of the Galactic Civil War. You may be asked to  Recruit Allies  or  Steal Supplies , all in the name of your faction.

swm31_pilot-defection.png But not every mission is simple—some may take their toll on not only your mind, but also your spirit. For example, you may be forced to confront one of the greatest challenges a commander can face in the form of a  Pilot Defection.  Before deploying fleets in games running this objective, the first player chooses 3 additional non-unique squadrons of the opposing faction with a total value up to 40 fleet points and add them to the second player’s fleet. Then once during the battle, the first player may assign an objective token to one of the chosen squadrons. This is the defector. It will join to the first player’s fleet for the remainder of the game, offering them additional firepower and strategic potential. If the defector can manage to reach the safety of the opposing side by the end of the game, the commander they are defecting to will gain one victory token. However, if the commander who lost the defecting squadron can manage to destroy them, they will gain one victory token as some small compensation for their lost ships and crew. But will any victory be enough to ease the pain of betrayal?

And the trails of conflict do not end there.  Double Agent  opens the battle by having the second player choose one of their ships to act as the objective ship. When the objective ship reveals a command dial, it may gain 1 matching command token without spending the command dial. What's more, this ship can drop objective tokens across the map, allowing players to scoop up valuable information. If no player has any victory tokens by the third round, the first player may remove the objective token from its ship at the start of a round and place it in the play area at distance 1 of the objective ship, allowing it to be picked up by another ship, which then becomes the objective ship and earns it owner one victory token in the process. But these objective ships are also very tempting targets. When an objective ship is destroyed, the opponent gains a victory token and the objective token remains in play near the destroyed ship. This creates a new tactical play experience where objective tokens are constantly shifting control and commanders are forced to focus on a small area of the battlefield. Will you be able to maintain control of the battle even as it turns to chaos around you, or will you falter and watch as your opponent rakes up victory points at your expense? If you wish to win the pivotal battle and solidify your commander’s place in the fleet, you cannot afford to lose an inch!


Life Among the Stars

Beyond the new objectives tailored to the campaign itself, Rebellion in the Rim also offers you a variety of new objectives that can be integrated into any game of Armada, bringing more variety to your games and introducing new challenges to overcome. Along with the difficulties you will face from your opponent, you will also be forced to contend with both new and familiar obstacles, including purrgils, exogorths, dust fields, and gravity rifts. 

Purrgils, the incredible whale-like creatures that inspired hyperspace technology, are as wonderous as they are dangerous. They are known to crash into ships or wander into hyperspace lanes, with devastating consequences. And now as the purrgils make their appearance in Armada, you have the chance to use them to your advantage. During a  Hyperspace Migration,  players alternate moving these living obstacles at the end of each round, potentially blocking their opponent’s path or lining up a collision. If a squadron overlaps a purrgil, it suffers one damage, and if a ship should do so, it suffers damage equal to its speed. You must take care to respect the natural creatures that surround you, even in the heat of battle.


Far removed from the peaceful purrgils are the opportunistic exogorths. These space-slugs often live on asteroids, waiting to grasp at any passing prey. You may find these troublesome creatures popping up in  Asteroid Tactics,  where asteroid fields offer helpful recovery benefits to fleet commanders, but place ships at greater risk of being attacked. At the end of each round, the second player places two exogorths, which must be touching other obstacles. Here, they lay in wait. If a ship should overlap them, it suffers one damage as the creature springs from its hiding place, attempting to catch an easy meal. And at the start of each Squadron Phase, each player chooses an exogorth to perform an anti-squadron attack against each squadron that has wandered too close. Afterwards, the exogorths retreat back into their hiding places and are removed from the board until the next round. None of these creatures are actively evil or seek to do harm; they simply exist. The conflicts of various warring factions have no effect on them. But if you wish to claim victory in the Mid and Outer Rim, you will need to adapt to your surroundings and rise to the face the trials ahead. Are you ready for a new challenge?


Control Your Destiny

Whether you are preparing to take on the Rebellion in the Rim or your next tournament, the time has come to take command and lead your fleet to victory. Find your next mission and prepare for a new adventure in a galaxy far, far away!



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Il y a 14 heures, TheBoss™ a dit :

Le deuxième sera peut-être plus à ton goût


Malheureusement non : même matériel médiocre,  fluff malmené (2 à 6 joueurs pour un jeu et une période de l'univers où 2 factions s'affrontent), etc.


J'ai de toute façon arrêté les jeux avec figurines estampillés FFG pour revenir chez GW qui répond bien mieux à mes attentes depuis son changement de politique et le grand retour des Specialist Games. 

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Bon, j'ai dû chercher à quoi correspondaient les "Specialist Games"...

Tout ceci n'est guère encourageant et, entre le peu de joueurs, le coût, l'absence de VF, ... je pense que je vais remettre mon achat ou tenter de trouver quelque chose qui a un peu plus de pratiquants.

A l'époque Firestorm Armada m'avait semblé sympa mais lui aussi a finalement mis la clef sous la porte.

Je ne sais pas si il existe une solution alternative pour un jeu de Vaisseaux spatiaux en dog fight ou en combat de flottes.

Modifié par SHAKALL
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Il y a 2 heures, SHAKALL a dit :

Bon, j'ai dû chercher à quoi correspondaient les "Specialist Games"...


Au bûcher ! ;)


Il y a 2 heures, SHAKALL a dit :

Tout ceci n'est guère encourageant et, entre le peu de joueurs, le coût, l'absence de VF, ... je pense que je vais remettre mon achat ou tenter de trouver quelque chose qui a un peu plus de pratiquants.


L'avenir du jeu semble pour l'instant garanti pour encore une année ou deux avec l'annonce récente de l'arrivée de la Guerre des Clones. Pour la VF, il y a un peu d'espoir puisque les dernières nouveautés sont annoncées dans la langue de Molière. De toute façon, faut pas se leurrer, sur ce créneau, Armada reste le jeu pour lequel tu auras certainement le plus de suivi et de joueurs.

Par contre en dog figth spatial, tu as bien entendu X-Wing Miniatures pour lequel tu trouveras facilement des joueurs et dont la VF est plus ou moins bien suivie.

Modifié par latribuneludique
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  • 2 mois après...

Puissance rebelle, présentation du Nadiri starhawk :


Rebel Might

Preview the Nadiri Starhawk Expansion Pack for Star Wars: Armada



“Winning does not mean won.”
   –Kyrsta Agate, Star Wars: Aftermath


The Battle of Endor is over, and suddenly the Rebel Alliance finds itself in an unfamiliar position. Accustomed to running from the watchful eye of the Empire, the Rebels are now poised to take the offensive and make a decisive strike that could bring an end to the Galactic Civil War. As they do, a powerful new battleship leads their fleets: the Nadiri Starhawk.

Soon, you’ll be able to add one of these titanic warships to your Rebel fleets as you fight to take back the galaxy with the Nadiri Starhawk Expansion Pack for Star Wars™: Armada! Join us today as we take a closer look at how this powerful ship can help you turn the tides of battle.


Rise of the Republic

Constructed from the remnants of defeated Imperial Star Destroyers, there is perhaps no better symbol of the Rebellion’s newfound power—and the New Republic’s ascendance—than the Starhawk-class battleship. The largest and most powerful ship available to Rebel commanders, the Starhawk adds an imposing presence to any fleet that it backs up with pure brute strength.

As the first capital ship built by the fledgling New Republic, the Starhawk declares the Republic’s willingness to strike back against the Empire, and these intentions are made clear with the new salvo defense token it carries into battle. Rather than reducing or containing the damage a ship takes, spending one of these tokens allows a ship to launch an attack of its own after the Resolve Damage step of an attack made against it.

The Victory-class star destroyer attacks the Starhawk-class battleship Mark II. After damage has been resolved, the Starhawk spends its salvo token to fire back using its printed rear battery armament!

If the attack was made by a ship, the defender performs a salvo attack against the attacking hull zone using its printed rear battery armament. If the attacker was a squadron, however, the defender uses its printed anti-squadron armament. While dice cannot be added to a salvo attack, a retaliatory strike like this is the perfect way to whittle away at your opponent’s shields and hull while letting them know you won’t back down.

With the salvo defense token setting the tone, the Starhawk ushers in a new era of Rebel capital ships. With its heavy armament, the imposing Starhawk-class battleship can easily go toe-to-toe with a star destroyer and the Nadiri Starhawk Expansion Pack gives you two different ways to add one to your fleet. Both the Starhawk-class Battleship Mark I and Mark II feature the same upgrade bar, but mix up the ship’s attacks from each hull zone, giving you the freedom to choose the mixture of range and accuracy that works best for your strategy.


Such a large ship is bound to play a large role in your fleet, and you’ll want to assign the Alliance’s best personnel to it. In our announcement, we revealed that you can appoint the venerable Kyrsta Agate as the commander of your Starhawk, inviting you to spend a defense token, even when you would ordinarily be unable to do so. But you can also add Agate to a ship as an officer for a fraction of the cost, granting you the ability to ready an exhausted defense token with a red or blue critical result, even during a salvo attack.

Now that the Rebellion has amassed the power to sweep away the remnants of the Empire, some of its most well-known figures must step into new roles if they hope to usher in this new era. Although he’s best known for his exploits as a starfighter pilot, the legendary Wedge Antilles can still make contributions to your strategy as an officer aboard one of your capital ships. In this capacity, he acts as a mentor to your non-unique squadrons, granting them cloak until the end of the round.


Even with the firepower the Starhawk brings to the table, Rebel fleets are still likely to be outgunned by the large Imperial ships they regularly face. But a weapons team led by Shriv Suurgav can help you even the odds. For the cost of a squadron dial, they can strip a key upgrade card off an enemy ship at close range, forcing them to switch up their strategy in the middle of battle.

While the Rebellion's many heroes can be of service to any ship that will take them, the Starhawk itself can be upgraded with some experimental technology that further enhances its effectiveness in battle. Along with the Onager-class star destroyer, it is the first ship to feature the Superweapon upgrade icon. But while the Onager-class star destroyer uses its massive particle cannons to bombard targets with heavy fire, the Starhawk takes a different approach. Its Magnite Crystal Tractor Beam Array can be used at manipulate an enemy ship’s speed, helping you get it right where you want it.

The Starhawk activates its Magnite Crystal Tractor Beam Array at the end of its activation, forcing the Imperial Raider to match its speed!

No matter who's in command or what weapons it's armed with, the Starhawk-class battleship marks a new era for the Rebellion, and a handful of these powerful ships took part in some of the pivotal battles that led to the rise of the New Republic. The Concord, for example, helped turn the tides of the Battle of Jakku in the Republic’s favor. This ship enters battle with an extra salvo token and can spend a defense token while its speed is 0, making it particularly difficult to bring down.

The Amity, meanwhile, excels at avoiding enemy fire while it closes in on enemy ships. Once it does, it’s not afraid to sacrifice some of its own health to deal crucial damage to the enemy. Finally, the Unity works closely with its squadrons to eliminate opposing starfighters before they become too much of a threat.


Defeat the Empire

The Rebellion is on the brink of claiming victory in the Galactic Civil War. Defeat the last vestiges of the Empire and usher in a new era of peace with the Nadiri Starhawk!  

Pre-order your copy of the Nadiri Starhawk Expansion Pack (SWM32) at your local retailer today or online through our website—with free shipping in the continental United States—here! These expansions will arrive at retailers in the fourth quarter of 2019.


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Brise-siège :


The Siege Breaker

Preview the Onager-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack for Star Wars: Armada



"You may fire when ready."
   –Grand Moff Tarkin, Star Wars: A New Hope


The Death Star may be the most visible symbol of Imperial might, but it's not the only superweapon employed by the Galactic Empire. An even greater threat may be lurking in the shadows for those who stand in opposition to the Empire: the Onager-class Star Destroyer. Capable of leveling an enemy base from orbit or punching through an enemy cruiser with its heavy armament, this mysterious ship is a deadly addition to any fleet.

Soon, you’ll be able to harness the power of one of these specialized weapon platforms during your epic space battles with the Onager-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack for Star Wars™: Armada! Join us today as we take a closer look at the many ways this ship can help you use the Empire’s most dangerous weaponry.


Out of the Shadows

Unlike the ubiquitous Victory- and Imperial-class Star Destroyers found throughout the Imperial Navy, the Onager-class Star Destroyer is a rare sight, only emerging from its veil of secrecy for sensitive Imperial operations. Despite this, it’s easy to see what makes it such a threat. Outfitted with a special battery armament that accounts for over half the ship’s length, the Onager’s power is evident from the first moment it enters battle.

It should be no surprise, then, that strategies involving the Onager focus on using this armament to deadly effect through ignition attacks—a new form of attack that uses a pool of dice and a special firing arc not associated with a hull zone. While undoubtedly powerful, ignition attacks are all the more effective because they can target ships beyond long range.

The Onager-class Star Destroyer measures its ignition attack from its targeting token rather than the standard attack range, allowing it to attack the CR90 Corvette at extreme range!

The first step to performing an ignition attack occurs at the end of a ship’s activation, when it can place its targeting token within its special firing arc at close range. Then, at the beginning of its Attack step, the ship must perform an ignition attack against a ship in the special firing arc as its first attack of the activation. The dice for this attack are gathered from the special battery armament like normal, but the range for this attack is determined by measuring from the attacker’s targeting token rather than the ship itself.

Anchored by its special battery armament, the Onager-class Star Destroyer is a threat to virtually any enemy ship in play, and two ship cards let you add one to your fleet in two distinct configurations. The Onager is still being refined, of course, and you can always choose to deploy it in its experimental form as a way to test the ship’s great potential. For a more well-rounded capital ship, however, you can always field a full Onager-class Star Destroyer that supplements its special battery armament with additional firepower in its standard arcs and gives it more chances to coordinate with friendly squadrons.


Beyond selecting exactly what type of Onager-class Star Destroyer you want in your fleet, you can also enhance the ship’s special battery armament itself. For a default ignition attack, your ship must place its targeting token at close range. But this can be modified by equipping it with more potent weapons. Orbital Bombardment Particle Cannons for example, stretch this all the way to long range while also spreading the damage the attack inflicts to the ships and squadrons close to the defender. The attack from some Superheavy Composite Beam Turbolasers, meanwhile, is slightly more limited in range, but can tear through a ship, inflicting a damage for each red or blue critical effect icon in the pool.

Given the impact an Onager-class Star Destroyer can have on a battle, it should be no surprise that the personnel you can assign to the ship also work to enhance its ignition attacks. A commander like General Romodi benefits the entire fleet by increasing the firepower of friendly ships making an obstructed attack—of course, this is especially useful for the Onager and its extreme long-range attacks that can easily become obstructed by ships or obstacles. Similarly, Gunnery Chief Varnillian can boost an attack by constantly swapping in a die from her card, helping you pile on extra damage or gain another accuracy at a critical moment.


The forward firepower of an Onager-class Star Destroyer is the ship's defining characteristic and, as such, it is protected by heavy shielding. But this does leave your ship's side and rear arcs exposed to attack. Thanks to her groundbreaking work with shield generator design, Reeva Demense can help remedy this weakness. If she’s a part of your crew, you can ready one defense token after becoming the target of an attack so long as the defending hull zone has at least one shield remaining.

Although they are a relative rarity, several distinct Onager-class Star Destroyers saw service in the Galctic Civil War, and the Onager-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack lets you use the unique characteristics of three such ships. The Cataclysm, for instance, speeds up the process of making an ignition attack, letting you place its targeting token at the start of the ship phase at the cost of a concentrate fire token.

Similarly, the Sunder does more than simply bombard a ship with its powerful cannons—it can also use its blue or black critical effects to target and destroy a specific upgrade on an enemy ship. Finally, because the Onager-class Star Destroyer can attack from such extreme distances, you’ll most likely want to keep its speed low while turning it to acquire new targets. This is easier with the Rakehell, which can reposition and line up shots with its special battery armament without moving forward at all.


Intensify Forward Firepower

The Rebellion scored a major victory when it destroyed the Death Star, but the technology behind this massive superweapon endures. Shrouded in secrecy, the Onager-class Star Destroyer is stark reminder of the Empire's might!


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  • 4 mois après...

Début d'effeuillage Clone Wars :








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  • 2 mois après...
Le 24/06/2020 à 12:09, hiigara a dit :

Voici peut être une des dernières sorties pour le jeu Star Wars Armada.


Espérons bien que non, FFG a bien annoncé l'adaptation du jeu à la Guerre des Clones.


Très belle vidéo comme d'habitude. Malheureusement pour moi (et heureusement pour mon portefeuille), c'est un vaisseau qui ne m'intéresse pas. Je me concentre uniquement sur la guerre civile jusqu'à la Bataille d'Endor...

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Eh ben purée on l'aura attendu celui là.

Prévu pour Noël, reporté à Mars, Covid19 oblige reporté à mai, puis 5 Juin, 19 Juin et enfin il sort...

Alors que la VO est dispo depuis un bon moment.

Par contre Asmodée à confirmé qu'ils ne renouvèleraient plus les vaisseaux en rupture de stock pour la VF...

Merci Asmodée, de prendre une licence et de la laisser mourir.

C'est dommage parce-que je suis sûre que d'autre éditeur auraient été intéressé et aurait su faire vivre le jeu...

Heureusement il nous reste la VO...


Merci pour cette vidéo.

Modifié par DARKSIDE73
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