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Certains posent leurs questions directement à l'équipe WD (team[a] ), pour des règles floues. Leurs Réponses sont pour l'instant la seule source GW d'indication (en attendant mieux). Je propose de les recenser dans ce post n°1. Merci donc de signaler dans ce sujet celles dont vous avez connaissance. Ce post n°1 sera mis à jour à chaque ajout:






1/Some warscroll, in particular TOTEM HEROES (like Standard Bearers), can plant their standard. When they do so, they are not allowed to move or charge, but can they piles-in ? 
2/In the case of the Empire General with his Command Ability : Hold The Line ! It is said : "... These units cannot move or charge during your turn, but you can add 1 to all hit and wound rolls for them until your next hero phase."
Are those units allowed to piles-in in their combat phase ? In the ennemy's combat phase ?



A : "As for the second question, yes, you can pile in in both examples. In this case, it's best to take the rules literally – it doesn't say you can't pile in, so you can.  :) In a real-life context, a run or charge involves a lot of movement, whereas a pile-in is meant to represent the units manoeuvring around each other ready to strike. They aren't so much as moving, but caught in a swirling maelstrom of violence."




Q. Can a unit shoot in the shoot phase if it is engaged in close combat ? if it can, can it shoot on any target including the one she's engaged with ?
R. Units aren't considered locked in combat as they used to be so yes, they can shoot. They can shoot any target they can see and are in range of, which will likely include the one they're fighting.



Machine de guerre:

Q. How to attack war machines in close combat phase

R. You choose whether to attack the war machine or the crew first. So you could, for example, choose to fight the crew with one lot of attacks, then the war machine with a more powerful attack in the hope of destroying it. The war machine is a model, so it would need to be destroyed to remove it from the game. You could, of course, just kill the crew and leave the machine if you want to, but another crew may re-crew it in the game (or, in the case of the Screaming Skull Catapult, be resurrected).
Q : Can a crew move from one warmachine to another ? 
A : Yep :) As long as they are the same race and have the keyword CREW they can work it.
Q : So the crew of one single unit can fire several warmachines on the same turn if they are at 1" of it ?  
A : Hehe, cheeky. I have no idea, but I think your opponents would object quite heavily if you tried it. ;) I think in this case the war machine missile weapon counts as the unit's shooting attack. Because there is only one missile weapon on the war machine warscroll, they can only attack with that weapon once (or however many times they're allowed to depending on remaining crew). If it had, for example, multiple missile weapons on the warscroll like the Steam Tank, then you could fire all of them. Essentially, you can't have one lot of crew using missile attacks from two warscrolls at the same time, even if they are the same weapon.
Q : Ok, so to summarize, the Crew can choose to fire Warmachine A OR Warmachine B but not both ? 
A : Yes. 
Retrait des pertes:

Q.When you allocate wounds, it is said that you need to allocate all the wounds to the same models until he dies. Is it true in every steps of the game ?

Let me explain :
Thorek Ironbrow is Striking the Rune of Wrath and Ruin to wound Demygriph knights in the hero phase. The rune is Struck correctly so he puts D3 wounds to them. Let's say that's the D3 rolls a 3.
The Demigryph player then allocate the 3 wounds on the same model as the rules mentions. One of the demigryph knights now has only 1 wound left.
Later on, in the shooting  phase, the thunderers shoot on The Demygryphs. They make an other 3 wounds. Is the Demigryph player allowed to allocates wounds to another Demigryph of the unit in order to not loose the first demigryph ?
As we first read the rules, we thought it was clear that it was impossible. But then, we saw some abilities from warscrolls that made us doubt.
1/ Some river trolls are allowed to regenerate. As it is said : "Regeneration: Roll a dice for each River Troll in each of your hero phases. On a 2 or more that model heals D3 wounds."
How am i able to loose wounds on a model if i have to allocate all the wounds on the same one every time.
As far as i know, there is no spells giving wounds to each models of a unit.
2/ Vampire Counts as an ability working the same way with their Blood knights : "The Hunger: Models from this unit heal 1 wound at the end of the combat phase if the unit slew any models during that phase."



A : "With regards to your first question, we suggest following the main rules for this - you take whole models off before allocating wounds to new models. The issue, it seems, is more about the wording on the Trolls and the Blood Knights, which I know the rules team are already looking in to.  :)"




Warscrolls Compendium: Comtes Vampires, Roi des Tombes, Hommes-Lézards & Démons:
Q. do all the wizards know all the invocation spell by default ? If I have no skeletons on my army but I have a necromancer, can I invoque them ?
A. Yep, as stated on the Skeleton Warriors warscroll, any Death wizards in the army will also know the Raise Skeletons spell, so you can create Skeleton Warriors during the battle even if you didn't start the game with any.
Warscrolls Stormcast Eternals
Q. Can you canform this : judicators can shoot in shoot phase with bows but make melee attacks in combat phase only with their sword is that correct ?
R. Correct. Missile weapons for shooting, Melee weapons for combat.
Modifié par JB
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Quelques precisions sur les warmachines, que j'avais données dans le thread concerné : 


Q : Can a crew move from one warmachine to another ? 

A : Yep :) As long as they are the same race and have the keyword CREW they can work it.


Q : So the crew of one single unit can fire several warmachines on the same turn if they are at 1" of it ?  

A : Hehe, cheeky. I have no idea, but I think your opponents would object quite heavily if you tried it. ;) I think in this case the war machine missile weapon counts as the unit's shooting attack. Because there is only one missile weapon on the war machine warscroll, they can only attack with that weapon once (or however many times they're allowed to depending on remaining crew). If it had, for example, multiple missile weapons on the warscroll like the Steam Tank, then you could fire all of them. Essentially, you can't have one lot of crew using missile attacks from two warscrolls at the same time, even if they are the same weapon.
Q : Ok, so to summarize, the Crew can choose to fire Warmachine A OR Warmachine B but not both ? 
A : Yes. 
J'ai ajouté que cette règle permettait a deux warmachine cote a cote d'utiliser le crew de leur choix, et pas forcement leur crew d'origine, utile au cas ou tu as un crew a 1 ou 2 pinpins avec la machine A et un autre a 3 avec la machine B, et que tu veux tirer avec la B qui est plus puissante. Ce qui fait un peu bizarre... Mais il n'a pas rebondi sur ma remarque, donc ça doit surement se lire comme ça. 
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  • 2 mois après...

Voilà ma pierre à l'édifice. Suite à mes questions concernant :


1/ L'allocation des wounds sur plusieurs modeles d'une même unité : 


Q:" I/ The first question is about allocating wounds.

When you allocate wounds, it is said that you need to allocate all the wounds to the same models until he dies. Is it true in every steps of the game ?
Let me explain :
Thorek Ironbrow is Striking the Rune of Wrath and Ruin to wound Demygriph knights in the hero phase. The rune is Struck correctly so he puts D3 wounds to them. Let's say that's the D3 rolls a 3.
The Demigryph player then allocate the 3 wounds on the same model as the rules mentions. One of the demigryph knights now has only 1 wound left.
Later on, in the shooting  phase, the thunderers shoot on The Demygryphs. They make an other 3 wounds. Is the Demigryph player allowed to allocates wounds to another Demigryph of the unit in order to not loose the first demigryph ?
As we first read the rules, we thought it was clear that it was impossible. But then, we saw some abilities from warscrolls that made us doubt.
1/ Some river trolls are allowed to regenerate. As it is said : "Regeneration: Roll a dice for each River Troll in each of your hero phases. On a 2 or more that model heals D3 wounds."
How am i able to loose wounds on a model if i have to allocate all the wounds on the same one every time.
As far as i know, there is no spells giving wounds to each models of a unit.
2/ Vampire Counts as an ability working the same way with their Blood knights : "The Hunger: Models from this unit heal 1 wound at the end of the combat phase if the unit slew any models during that phase."



A : "With regards to your first question, we suggest following the main rules for this - you take whole models off before allocating wounds to new models. The issue, it seems, is more about the wording on the Trolls and the Blood Knights, which I know the rules team are already looking in to. :)"



2/ Les questions sur les étendards, le piles in, et les phases de move/charge (La première question concerne les hero totem avec battle standard, la seconde question concerne la capacité de commandement Tenez la ligne ! du général de l'empire :
Q : II/ The second question is about moves.
1/Some warscroll, in particular TOTEM HEROES (like Standard Bearers), can plant their standard. When they do so, they are not allowed to move or charge, but can they piles-in ? 
2/In the case of the Empire General with his Command Ability : Hold The Line ! It is said : "... These units cannot move or charge during your turn, but you can add 1 to all hit and wound rolls for them until your next hero phase."
Are those units allowed to piles-in in their combat phase ? In the ennemy's combat phase ?



A : "As for the second question, yes, you can pile in in both examples. In this case, it's best to take the rules literally – it doesn't say you can't pile in, so you can. :) In a real-life context, a run or charge involves a lot of movement, whereas a pile-in is meant to represent the units manoeuvring around each other ready to strike. They aren't so much as moving, but caught in a swirling maelstrom of violence."

I hope that helps explain it all. :)





Voilà. Nous sommes donc éclairés sur deux nouveaux points.


PS: Je tiens à souligner que l'équipe white dwarf a l'air extremement réactive et sympathique !

Modifié par Thaelys
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En résumé :
Première question : il faut allouer toutes les blessures à la même figurine jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit retirée du jeu, même si ça prends plusieurs phases (il y avait un doute suite à la description des compétences de régénération)
Pour la seconde : les figurines qui ne peuvent plus se déplacer ni charger (comme lorsqu'on plante un étendard) peuvent tout de même faire l'action de pile in. Il faut prendre la description au sens littéral : pas de phase de mouvement ni phase de charge, ce qui n'exclue pas le pile in.

Si besoin, je ferai le post en entier ;) Modifié par Zatvopop
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Ce n'est pas le lieu pour discuter de l'utilisation de l'anglais ou non sur le forum. Certes, le fait que GW ne traduise plus tout force à utiliser des termes anglais. Mais comme l'a dot Jehan, nous sommes sur un forum francophone. Les réponses doivent être comprises du plus grand nombre. Dans le cas contraire, on ne garderait qu'un sujet sur les traductions, et on renverrait sur Warseer pour le reste...

Et je rappelle que le «plussoiement» (fusse-t-il en anglais) par un monoligne est interdit.

Merci :)
Modifié par Nekhro
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