Dreadaxe Posté(e) le 31 octobre 2015 Partager Posté(e) le 31 octobre 2015 http://www.chaos-dwarfs.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15958&pid=261888 Rather than spam up this forum with new threads, I thought I'd collect together the non-Chaos Dwarfs compendiums I've done so far into one thread. The idea with these is that I'm following the GW example and producing warscrolls in the same format (so no fluff, no pictures) and they'll cover units that had models produced for them only, with suggestions for counts-as choices on the final page. So my Dogs of War compendium doesn't have the generic pikemen, crossbowmen, etc. because these never had models (okay, actually there were some Tilean Crossbowmen for The Empire in 4th/5th edition, but we'll gloss over those...). Of course, there are exceptions - I've included stuff like the Fimir and the Zoat because they were in Storm of Magic, and the generic Paymaster never had a model I don't think, but it'd be odd not to have it... Likewise, the new Kislev compendium isn't a "full" list - I haven't expanded it with obvious new choices, like AoS versions of their Warmaster units, or stuff cribbed from other fan works. It's literally just the stuff from the 6th edition Allied Contingent pamphlet, plus the Mordheim Kislev Ranger because she's cool. Contents: [b]Dogs of War[/b] [list][*]Borgio the Besieger [*]Lorenzo Lupo [*]Ghazak Khan [*]Lucrezzia Beladonna [*]Gotrek Gurnisson [*]Felix Jaeger [*]Mydas the Mean [*]Mercenary General [*]Paymaster [*]Paymaster's Bodyguard [*]Asarnil the Dragonlord [*]Pirazzo's Lost Legion [*]Ricco's Republican Guard [*]Leopold's Leopard Company [*]The Alcatani Fellowship [*]Vespero's Vendetta [*]The Marksmen of Miragliano [*]Al Muktar's Desert Dogs [*]Braganza's Besiegers [*]Voland's Venators [*]The Bowmen of Bergerac [*]The Bearmen of Urslo [*]Oglah Khan's Wolfboyz [*]Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks [*]Bronzino, Master Gunner [*]Bronzino's Galloper Guns [*]Long Drong's Slayer Pirates [*]Birdmen of Catrazza [*]Tichi-Huichi's Raiders [*]Hengus the Druid [*]The Giants of Albion [*]Truthsayer [*]Dark Emissary [*]Fenbeast [*]The Cursed Company [*]Anakonda's Amazons [*]Amazon Serpent Priestess [*]Mengil Manhide's Manflayers [*]Fimir Balefiend [*]Zoat Guardian [*]Battalion: Army of Miragliano [*]Battalion: Monstrous Host[/list] [b]Kislev[/b] [list][*]Boris Ursus, the Red Tzar [*]Tzarina Katarin, the Ice Queen [*]Kislev Boyar [*]Kislev Ranger [*]Kossars [*]Ungol Horse Archers [*]Winged Lancers [*]Battalion: Last Stand [*]Battalion: Defenders of the Steppe[/list] [b]Scrolls of Binding[/b] [list][*]Manticore [*]Griffon [*]Hippogryph [*]Hydra [*]Kharibdyss [*]Cold ones [*]Carnosaur [*]Stegadon [*]Bastiladon [*]Terradons [*]Ripperdactyls [*]Troglodon [*]Pegasi [*]Unicorns [*]Great Stags [*]War Lions of Chrace [*]Wyvern [*]Giant Spiders [*]Gigantic Spiders [*]Great Cave Squigs [*]Chaos War Mammoth [*]Young Dragon [*]Dragon [*]Great Dragon [*]Emperor Dragon [*]Chaos Dragon [*]Emperor Chaos Dragon [*]Rhinox [*]Thundertusk [*]Stonehorn [*]Mournfangs [*]Scenery: Locus of Ghur [*]Battalion: Trueheart Flight [*]Battalion: Darkwing Horde[/list] [b]Mighty Fortress[/b] [list][*]Gatehouse [*]Curtain Wall [*]Breached Wall [*]Fortress Tower [*]Fortress Keep [*]Siege Ladder [*]Battering Ram [*]Mantlet [*]Covered Ram [*]Siege Tower[/list] AoS - Scrolls of Binding.pdf (Size: 1.28 MB ) AoS - Kislev.pdf (Size: 868.73 KB ) AoS - Dogs of War.pdf (Size: 1.45 MB) AoS - Mighty Fortress.pdf (Size: 1.1 MB) Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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