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[WarhammmerCE] Présentation du projet

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Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB) is a popular gaming system with a long history that apart from casual play allows players to compete in tournaments. About every 5-6 years a new edition was released that tried to refine and improve the game, furthermore every other edition tried to shake things up a bit more to keep the game fresh and interesting. Even though the rule set was constantly enhanced, the overall balance of the game failed to exceed mediocrity, which was a result of the army books that had a major impact on game balance. The problem with the army books was the way they were released as well as that they were not written in a consistent manner. This resulted in army lists of varying power level with sometimes glaring issues, that won’t got addressed until a rewrite of the book was on the table, which usually takes 4-5 years. By looking at the time scales, it was obvious that a balanced game was not feasible in this manner.


For years, tournament organizers had to come up with ways to moderate the difference in power levels by composition rules that became increasingly complex over time. While they addressed the most game-breaking issues, they usually only limited the amount of broken stuff players were able to field, instead of fixing it by amendments to rules or point costs. This is where the WarhammerCE project steps in. Its goal is to create a solid rule set that makes competitive play possible and can be updated regularly to guarantee a balanced environment.



The vision of the WarhammerCE project is to create a tight rule set that allows for tactical, challenging, competitive play of WFB. This will include a revision of all the army lists, which are the core of most problems that are game breaking and cause the most grievance. To reflect the feel of Warhammer battles on the tabletop, armies that are built around a core of infantry with support from other units will be the most effective army builds point for point. In this way restrictions for army lists shouldn’t be necessary for the most part and would give players more freedom in list building if they are willing to take the hit in competitiveness. In the end, games should be won by the tactics used on the tabletop, not by the list brought to the game.



The following Golden Rules are the foundation upon which the rule set will be based. They should act as a guideline to ensure balance and are virtually unbreakable.


1. What you pay for is what you get

The game uses a points system for a reason. So if you pay for something, it should be worth the price. On the other hand, if something is powerful it has to be priced accordingly.


2. Mortality

Everything in the game has to have a weakness that can be exploited, so that a balanced army has a reasonable chance to get rid of it over the course of a normal game if it chooses to invest a reasonable amount of resources to achieve it.


3. Moderate effects

All effects should have a reasonable effect on the game, taking point costs and ease of use into account. There should be virtually no effects that single-handedly are game changing, whatever their cost or drawbacks may be. Also, highly situational effects should be avoided as they are impossible to balance in an adequate way. The goal is to tone down the impact of luck as much as possible.


4. Balance over fluff

While the game should reflect the vision and feel of the Warhammer world, game balance has top priority.


5. The factor of luck

There will always be luck in a game of dice and while there are a lot of ways to minimize the impact of a lucky roll, the way some fundamental game mechanics work in Warhammer (especially Leadership tests), there will always be times when a single roll will decide the game. What can be done though is to give the player as much control as possible on when and where those rolls happen and give him tactical options to stack the probabilities in his favour.


6. Lean, definitive rules

Everything has to be as clear as possible. Get rid of unnecessary rules and make the ones left count. Although there might be optional rules, there has to be always a definitive way to do things that takes precedence. 



Version 1.01 October 2015


WarhammerCE is built on the 7th WFB edition and the project started about three years ago. The main reason for the developer ("Seelenhaendler") was to keep the 7th edition playable after the 8th edition was published, with all models available for 8th edition and to balance the points/rules by changing the most extreme things and clarifying the mechanics which have caused debates during the game (e.g. charge move).

I have joined the project six month ago, after waiting for 9th edition WFB and playing historicals (e.g. WAB) in the meantime, stopped playing WFB mid of 7th edition. 

With WarhammerCE the fun playing WFB came back pretty fast. It is easy to play and the lack of comp ensures you can bring whichever army/units you want. The points are calculated accordingly, the more powerful items/spells/often some units are taken the more expensive the army, so the games are well balanced. It's still work-in-progress but already well done.


Modifié par Dreadaxe
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Changelog for WarhammerCE Living Rulebook Version 1.01

• Typos, spelling errors, etc. were fixed

Rules Changelog
• Catapults are more accurate if target is within ‘short range’

Chaos (Beasts/Daemons/Warriors) Spell
• Luxurious Torment:
o changed from Hex or Augment to MM or Augment

Dark Elves Changelog
• Added Shield option for Repeater Crossbowmen

Empire Changelog
• Halberdiers: cost for shield option reduced to +0.5p/model

High Elves Changelog
• The Heal spell was replaced by the Cure spell
Modifié par Dreadaxe
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