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[Bre] (Règle) - Formation Fer de Lance - V8


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Pour dépoussiérer un peu le livre d'armée Bretonnie, je suis entrain de réfléchir à modifier le fer de lance V6 pour le mettre à jour avec les attaques de soutien de la V8.

La grosse différence avec la V6, serait que les figurines sur les flancs portent des attaques de soutien (donc une seule attaque par figurine et les montures ne frappent plus).

Il est aussi envisageable de pouvoir faire une "horde" avec un fer de lance.


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Une autre proposition de Mathias sur Warhammer Armies Project donner Charge dévastatrice.


The Lance Formation
Bretonnian Knights often form up into a powerful formation called the 'Lance'. This formation enables the Knights to charge deep into enemy units, angled so as to maximise the number of attacking Knights.

Forming the Lance
Any Cavalry unit of Knights may start the game in the Lance formation. Knights in Lance formation follow the rules for Monstrous Ranks that apply to Monstrous Cavalry. In effect, if by any means a unit of Bretonnian Knights is formed into a unit three models wide, it is treated as being in Lance formation.
Characters must be placed in the front rank, if at all possible, displacing Champions, Standard Bearers or Musicians into the second rank (or third if necessary). Standard Bearers and Musicians operate as normal even if not in the front rank.
A Damsel or Prophetess may be placed in the centre of the second rank of the Lance formation rather than the front rank, as the Knights form up protectively around her. Note that she remains fully in play even if she is not in the front rank (so the unit may use her Leadership, she may cast magic, etc.). If a second Damsel or Prophetess joins the unit, she may be placed in the centre of the third rank, and so on. If the rank in front of the Damsel or Prophetess ever falls below three models, she will move forward to take up the empty space. However, a Damsel or Prophetess that is not in the front rank obviously has no line of sight.

The Lance in Combat
On the turn that a unit of Knights in Lance formation charge, all models in the front rank fight as normal. In addition to this, every Knight model in the flanks of the unit is allowed to fight, as long as they are directly behind a model in the front rank which is engaged in close combat to its front. In any turn that a unit of Knights in Lance formation charges, they have the Devastating Charge rule. This applies to all models that are allowed to fight, not just the first rank.

When removing casualties from the Lance formation,rank and file models are always removed from the centre of the back rank before removing those on the flanks. After casualties have been removed, the models in an incomplete back rank are not automatically moved to the centre of that back rank, but can stay on the edges, so that they can still fight if the Lance charges.

A Champion or character that is in the second or third rank may attack as normal on the charge so long as he is in a position to do so, although he cannot issue or accept challenges unless he is actually in the fighting rank.

Modifié par Dreadaxe
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  • 4 semaines après...

Ca fait un moment que je n'ai pas joué avec ou contre des Bretonniens.

Est-ce que le fait de n'avoir les rangs que de 3 figurines n'est pas un bonus suffisant comparé aux autres cavaleries ?


Si on devait ajouter ce bonus, je le donnerai limite à toutes les cavaleries et non exclusivement au fer de lance.

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Je ne comprends pas la proposition


J'ai du mal à me comprendre également des fois ;)

Le bonus charge dévastatrice, je ne suis pas pour le donner au fer de lance. A la rigueur le donner à toutes les cavaleries mais là ce serait un sujet plutôt V8.5 qui doit déjà exister d'ailleurs.

Le seul point qui pourrait me faire hésiter à donner cette règle au fer de lance, serait l'efficacité d'un fer de lance (chevaliers sur 3 rangs) au lieu des formations de cavalerie basique (figurines sur 5 rangs).

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