TheBoss™ Posté(e) le 12 février 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 12 février 2020 Le 12/02/2020 à 08:43, latribuneludique a dit : Tu es certain pour le starter ? Développer Regarde la vidéo de l'unboxing (à un peu plus de 4minutes). Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
latribuneludique Posté(e) le 12 février 2020 Auteur Partager Posté(e) le 12 février 2020 Ah, j'avais loupé ça. Merci pour l'info ! Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Sgt. Reppep Posté(e) le 12 février 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 12 février 2020 D'ailleurs la même pour le livre de règles : soft cover au lieu de hard cover. Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
latribuneludique Posté(e) le 12 février 2020 Auteur Partager Posté(e) le 12 février 2020 Le 12/02/2020 à 16:20, Sgt. Reppep a dit : D'ailleurs la même pour le livre de règles : soft cover au lieu de hard cover. Développer Oui, tout à fait. Ce qui ne me choque pas vraiment, j'ai toujours trouvé cela plus pratique pour un bouquin de règle que tu consultes en cours de partie. Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
TheBoss™ Posté(e) le 25 février 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 25 février 2020 (modifié) L'Engine Kill du jour : Citation Ready the Ursus Claws The new Adeptus Titanicus expansion, Shadow and Iron, brings new weapons options for your Warhound Titans – the Ursus Claw and Natrix Shock Lance. In this month’s instalment of Engine Kill!, we’re taking a look at these brutally effective new armaments. Ursus Claw The Horus Heresy pitted Space Marine against Space Marine and Titan against Titan. The Legions and Legios were forced to develop new weapons and tactics to fight their allies-turned-enemies – and among these the Ursus Claws were made famous by Legio Audax. Originally developed for use on World Eaters warships, Ursus Claws were huge harpoon-style weapons designed to impale enemy ships and drag them close for boarding. As the Shadow Crusade raged across Ultramar, the princeps of the Legio Audax adapted this idea from their World Eaters allies and turned it into a weapon for their favoured Warhound Titans. Ursus Claws allowed them to engage larger enemy engines and bring them low. This tactic proved so effective that other Legios, traitor and loyalist alike, began equipping their Warhounds with this weapon. In Adeptus Titanicus, any Warhound Titan can take an Ursus Claw in place of one of its usual weapons. It has a short range, making it perfect for the swift Warhound. Once in range, it rolls a single dice and has a Strength of 3 – which is where the weapon traits kick in. The Impale trait means that when an Ursus Claw hits, you don’t make an Armour roll. Instead, you roll a D6 and add the Strength of the attack – plus an extra 1 for each additional Impale weapon firing. Compare the final result to the Scale of the enemy you’re attacking – if it equals it, you force the Titan to randomly turn to the left or right. If it exceeds it, the Titan’s legs take D3+1 Devastating Hits – and any resulting Catastrophic Damage automatically results in the target being Laid Low! This is great for light maniples which like to get in close and brawl with the enemy, as it reduces your chance of getting hit by Wild Fire, a magazine explosion or a reactor meltdown, all of which can be deadly to a Warhound. You may notice that this means a single Ursus Claw may have trouble staggering anything larger than another Warhound – so you’ll want to squadron them up with similarly-armed Warhounds for +1 Strength. If your Warhounds are from Legio Audax and part of a Lupercal light maniple, your Ursus Claws will be getting strong enough to threaten even towering Warlords with (relative) ease. Natrix Shock Lance The Natrix Shock Lance is an upgraded version of the Ursus Claw that delivers a potent energy burst to a grappled Titan, potentially shutting down its reactor for a brief period. The Natrix Shock Lance has a slightly shorter range than the Ursus Claw, but an extra point of Strength, alongside the Shock trait, means that if it causes a Direct, Devastating or Catastrophic Hit to an enemy Titan, that engine immediately issues a Shutdown Order. This can give you the edge you need to bring in more of your battlegroup and take down a Titan before it becomes a major threat. It’s a risky strategy that’s well-suited to an aggressive play style – perfect for players who like to use lots of Warhounds to force an engagement on their own terms. Full rules for both the Ursus Claw and Natrix Shock Lance can be found in Shadow and Iron, and the weapons will be available soon as a resin kit that can build either variant. Développer Edit : Quelques tips de modélisme d'Owen Patten : Citation Développer Modifié le 25 février 2020 par TheBoss™ Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
TheBoss™ Posté(e) le 28 février 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 28 février 2020 Mise à jour des Règles : Citation Adeptus Titanicus: The Latest FAQs! It’s a great time to be an Adeptus Titanicus fan! With Shadow and Iron on shelves, new weapons on the way and a bright future ahead, we’re giving you a set of FAQs to ensure that rules queries never get in the way of your Engine Kills. Here’s the design team with the details… With a wave of releases for Adeptus Titanicus, including the latest supplement Shadow and Iron, we thought it time for a new FAQ and Errata which covers all current publications. We’ll address the most significant changes and why we made them in this article. Acastus Knights Since their release, we’ve received plenty of feedback about the Acastus Knights and have taken it on board with this FAQ. The Acastus sees three big changes: an overhaul of their points values, a decrease in maximum Banner size from 1-4 to 1-2, and a new special rule called ‘Auxiliary Knight Banner’ which limits how many Banners can be taken in a Battlegroup. Together, these changes see the Acastus fall in line with its background as a rarer pattern of Knight that’s often used in a support role without reducing its effectiveness. All changes only affect rules used in Battlegroup creation, meaning the majority of information on your Command Terminal is unchanged and correct when referenced during the course of a game. Warbringer Nemesis Titan Weapon Cards Many people have noted that the Warbringer Carapace weapons have a new damage effect – Weapon Critically Disabled. This rule currently doesn’t come into play during a game so we’ve included a note to that effect in the FAQ. Legio Rules and Stratagem Points When both players are using Legio Rules there is the potential for either player to gain additional Stratagem points. The last FAQ handled this by stating that you would only gain these additional points when your opponent has more Legio Rules than you. This rule has been removed from the new FAQ, meaning you gain 2 Stratagem points for each set of Legio Rules your opponent uses. Originally, the clarification was put into place to prevent one or both players gaining large numbers of Stratagem points, which had the potential to slow down the game. However, it has become apparent that players only rarely use more than one Legio Rule set. Additionally, some Titan Legions now find it difficult to gain access to their Legio Specific Stratagems that cost 3 or more points. This change should hopefully allow players to reliably use the full scope of their Legio rules. Legio Fortidus Legio Fortidus gets a tweak to their Legio Trait: Lost Sons. While they can still replace a Titan in a maniple with another Titan of their choice, the new Titan can only be a Warhound, Reaver or Warlord. In addition, this does not count as the Titan type it is replacing. This prevents any unintended interactions from happening and brings Legio Fortidus in line with other Titan Legions without affecting the adaptive tactics of the Legio. Shadow and Iron Shadow and Iron also has a couple of corrections or clarifications. The ‘Bypass’ weapon trait, which was unfortunately missed from the book, has been added, and two rule interactions have been clarified following feedback from our playtesters since the book went to print. Warlord-Sinister Weapon Cards The Warlord-Sinister comes with a Command Terminal and weapon cards giving you all the rules needed to field it. However, two weapon cards, namely the Apocalypse Missile Launchers and Paired Laser Blasters, have minor errors on them. These have been addressed in the FAQ. We’re confident that these changes, along with the others we’ve made, will allow for even greater Titan battles in the Age of Darkness. You can check out all of the new designer’s commentary and errata for all current publications to see if any of them affect your games, and let us know if you have any more questions! Développer Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
TheBoss™ Posté(e) le 7 mars 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 7 mars 2020 Le 28/02/2020 à 17:37, TheBoss™ a dit : Mise à jour des Règles : Développer Le PDF de mise à jour disponible dans la section FAQ de Warhammer Community contient quelques éléments en plus que celui présenté dans l'article de Warhammer Community. Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
gaspard Posté(e) le 10 mars 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 10 mars 2020 La suite des cerastus Et un nouveau livre de campagne Le tout à retrouver là ,: Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Radjame Posté(e) le 10 mars 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 10 mars 2020 On note les Knight du mechanicum sur la couverture du livre de campagne ! Ceux là en version 30k : Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
gaspard Posté(e) le 10 mars 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 10 mars 2020 bien vu ! j'avais pas tilté, j'imagine qu'ils ne sont plus trop loin dans les tuyaux du coup. Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
latribuneludique Posté(e) le 10 mars 2020 Auteur Partager Posté(e) le 10 mars 2020 Quel rythme ! C'est vraiment génial ! Surtout de voir que le développement du jeu passe aussi bien par des suppléments de campagne que par de nouvelles figurines ! :) Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
TheBoss™ Posté(e) le 10 mars 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 10 mars 2020 Il y aura un article "Engine Kill!" tous les derniers mardi du mois : Citation Développer Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
marell le fou Posté(e) le 10 mars 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 10 mars 2020 Super pour ces productions mensuelles Plaisir de voir le jeu bien suivi. Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Adruss Posté(e) le 11 mars 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 11 mars 2020 Le 10/03/2020 à 13:33, latribuneludique a dit : Quel rythme ! C'est vraiment génial ! Surtout de voir que le développement du jeu passe aussi bien par des suppléments de campagne que par de nouvelles figurines ! Développer Pour le cout je trouve que ça va un peu vite la ! Je n'arrive pas à suivre -_-' Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Loishy Posté(e) le 11 mars 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 11 mars 2020 Attention, c’est une annonce. Ça peut sortir dans 4 mois. Et je trouve que les sortie sont assez espacé. Surtout que tu as pas besoin d’énormément de matériel pour jouer. Ni de tout les suppléments. Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
latribuneludique Posté(e) le 11 mars 2020 Auteur Partager Posté(e) le 11 mars 2020 Le 11/03/2020 à 10:47, Loishy a dit : Attention, c’est une annonce. Ça peut sortir dans 4 mois. Développer Oui, je pense que cela ne sortira pas aussi vite que la précédente vague, on devrait avoir au moins deux ou trois mois pour économiser. Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
latribuneludique Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Auteur Partager Posté(e) le 19 mars 2020 Photo de la boite des futurs chevaliers Acheron et Castigator : 4 chevaliers (on imagine 2 chaque type) pour certainement un prix double de celle des Cerastus (2 figurines) . Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
TheBoss™ Posté(e) le 20 mars 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 20 mars 2020 Le Nabot Blafard de ce mois propose un article intitulé "Campagne de Vengeance" : avec des indications sur la conception de mission narrative 2 missions narratives : L'Invasion de Paramar V : Plaine de Feu (Fureans vs Gryphonicus) La Purge de L'Amas d'Ollianz :Percée (Fureans vs Astorum) Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
latribuneludique Posté(e) le 22 mars 2020 Auteur Partager Posté(e) le 22 mars 2020 Sympa, reste à voir si on peut réussir à se le procurer quand on n'est pas abonné... ^^ Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
TheBoss™ Posté(e) le 31 mars 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 31 mars 2020 Engine Kill de Mars : La défense de Ryza : premier aperçu Citation The Defence of Ryza: Your First Look As an Adeptus Titanicus player, you’ve lived through the Titandeath, experienced the Doom of Molech and joined the Shadow and Iron Crusades. The next stage in your journey through the Horus Heresy will take part in The Defence of Ryza. This expansion for Adeptus Titanicus will see one of the Imperium’s foremost forge worlds under siege as the Dark Mechanicum moves to capture this vital industrial hub, second only to Mars in power and prominence. Their main goal is the knowledge of plasma weapons and engines that Ryza holds, for with this information, coupled with the daemonic pacts of the traitor Tech-Priests, Horus’ power could be unmatched. The book contains loads of information about Ryza and the war to control it, as well as six narrative missions that recreate key clashes from this fierce conflict. We’re sure that what you really want to know, though, is about the Titans… Like every Adeptus Titanicus expansion before it, The Defence of Ryza details a variety of Titan Legions that fought in the campaign, each with their own rules and heraldry. There are three Legions detailed for each side. The Loyalists are bolstered by the Legio Honorum and Legio Osedax, while the Legio Magna and Legio Vulturum march for Horus and the Dark Mechanicum. The rules for Legio Crucius and Legio Mortis are also reprinted here, as both have a part to play in the battle for Ryza. All of them have a mix of Legio Traits, Stratagems and Wargear that will help you to defend or conquer Ryza, all while playing in a way that reflects the character of your Legion. A Princeps Seniores of Legio Honorum can sit in a Basilius Throne, improving a maniple’s ability to use the same Order across multiple Titans. This represents the Death Bolts’ penchant for fighting as a close-knit unit and passing information between princeps through their command thrones. Conversely, the traitors of Legio Magna, who were among the first Titan Legions to fall to Chaos, can make it harder for enemy engines to pass Command checks by broadcasting the horrifying shrieks of their home world’s fire spirits. If you like taking big risks for big rewards, check out Legio Vulturum’s Storm Frag shells. These upgrade vulcan mega-bolters with the Maximal Fire trait, letting you give each of your many shots +2 Strength with just a tiny chance of overheating your reactor and slightly blowing up. The Defence of Ryza also expands on rules first published in White Dwarf that allow you to create your own Titan Legion, complete with a choice of Traits, Stratagems and Wargear that you can use to customise the way your battlegroup plays. Perhaps the Tech-Priests attached to your Titans are particularly adept Adepts, who can keep your engines walking under the heaviest of fire. As well as choosing your rules, you can declare allegiance to the Emperor or Horus – or forge your own destiny as a Blackshield, eschewing both sides and fighting for freedom, for survival, or to carve out an empire of your own. Each of these three allegiances comes with its own associated custom traits, giving you even more thematic options. Blackshield, for example, can walk The Path to Ascension. 16 different Traits are joined by 15 Stratagems and 21 Wargear choices. You can choose four of these rules, with a maximum of two from each category, giving you countless customisation possibilities. A characterful option for a Titan Legion allied with Ryza might include the Plasma Rifling and Reactor Fetters wargear, along with Elite Magos and another Trait or Stratagem of your choice. This is just scratching the surface of what you can expect in The Defence of Ryza. As well as all the Titans, you’ll find new maniples, rules for Knight Allegiances, Battle Standards, additional Houses and new Stratagems. Keep an eye out for more previews soon. You don’t have to wait until The Defence of Ryza comes out to start your own Titan Legion – you can design your heraldry now! Download this handy Titan template, grab your crayons (other colouring implements are available) and get cracking! When you’ve created your Legion, take a photo of your design and show us it on the Forge World Facebook, Warhammer Community Twitter and Warhammer Instagram pages – we can’t wait to see your glorious god-machines. Développer Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
TheBoss™ Posté(e) le 17 avril 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 17 avril 2020 Il n'y aura pas de nouveautés développés spécifiques lors des révélations (mettre le superlatif de votre choix) de demain : Citation Développer Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
TheBoss™ Posté(e) le 23 avril 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 23 avril 2020 Article sur comment peindre une icône de la Legio Sinister sur un Warlord-Sinister Psi-Titan : Citation Freehand Lessons From a Master Richard Gray is one of the foremost display painters of our day,* and his freehand art is the capstone to his already-impressive skill set. Painting freehand is something that takes patience and skill, but it can also be learned and improved with lots of practice. To that end, we asked him to show us a few things and, lucky for every painter in the world, he had the perfect project in mind. Richard: As a massive fan of Adeptus Titanicus, I knew I had to have the Warlord-Sinister Psi-Titan as soon as I saw it. After I built the model, I realised I would have to figure out how to add the Legio Sinister icon to the shoulder pads. With no transfers available, this would make an ideal project to show my freehand process. The first thing to do when you want to freehand is a little research and planning. It’s very tempting to jump straight in and wing it. What usually happens if you do is that you run out of space, get details wrong and wish you had a transfer! With this in mind I looked for artwork of the Legio Sinister icon and managed to find a nice, large image. This tends to be when the true horror hits that you have a very detailed, large image that you need to fit in to a teeny tiny area. Before you get started on your freehand piece itself, paint the background armour panel completely. It’s much easier to paint it now rather than trying to get nice highlights and transitions around your carefully painted freehand. The colours I’m going to use for the freehand are as follows: For the non-metallic metal (NMM) sections, I’ll use Rhinox Hide, Mournfang Brown, XV-88, Dorn Yellow, and Screaming Skull. For the lion itself I will be using Mechanicus Standard Grey, Slaanesh Grey, Grey Seer, Abaddon Black and Mephiston Red. To get started, I first map out the shape and position of the freehand in black. Start in the centre and work your way outwards to allow you to make small corrections as you go. If you try painting the outline straight off there’s a good chance you’ll get the position wrong, and then it’s very hard to change! For the spikes just make small marks for each position to make sure they are spaced correctly. The reason for using black as a base colour is that it’s much easier to build up the highlight positions and use the black as shading, to keep your tonal contrast high. It also means you can use black to correct any mistakes you make. Once the outline is complete it’s time to move on to the next layer – NMM trim. Start with Rhinox hide and make very large highlight blocks. Remember that the highlights will get smaller and smaller with each layer. I didn’t make a straight copy of the reference artwork, but rather made the lighting come from the top left. This made it look a bit more dramatic and allowed me to build stronger highlights and shadows. Hard edges and curves reflect the light more strongly, so focus on those areas for the brighter highlights. After the Rhinox Hide, continue adding highlight layers with the remaining NMM colours in the order listed previously. Save the XV-88 for the finest edge highlights. After all of the trim is painted it’s time to start on the lion. This is where things get tricky! You should have a black, round hole in the middle of the design. Roughly block in the shape of the lion face using Mechanicus Standard Grey. This allows you to get the positioning correct without going over any of the work you’ve just done. Next begin refining the details of the face with Slaanesh Grey – be careful not to corrupt your Psi-Titan! Imagine the face as a 3D object and try to think where the highlights would naturally fall. I kept the light direction coming from the top left to match the trim. Now it’s time to start painting the lion’s mane. This is the scary part as it goes over all of the NMM that you’ve carefully painted. I strongly recommend that you take your time and try to be selective with your positioning. Avoid covering the bright point in the top left, as this feature helps make the NMM look metallic and shiny. I used watered down Mephiston Red to paint in the eye sockets, this makes the lion look extra angry. You should pick out the eyes in Grey Seer, plus any other details can be finished up in this step. By this stage everything should be starting to come together. One thing I strongly recommend is to take photos of your piece, and look at those rather than the painted model. The freehand is so small that it’s easy to miss mistakes, but on an enlarged photograph, your mistakes will look massive (and terrible)! This might be a difficult step, but it will be much easier to correct your work. Once the lion’s complete, it’s time for the symbol to be painted on the forehead. Again, start with black to block in the shape, then use the same colours for the NMM. As this area is so small, you don’t need to bother with Rhinox Hide. Finally, take one last photograph to check everything on the model and then give the whole panel a coat of matte varnish. This will remove any variances in the finish and will make the freehand look like it’s a part of the armour panel. This process really breaks it down and demystifies freehand. We hope you feel inspired to crack out a test piece and give it a go for yourself! You might want to start with a simpler icon, but these steps will work just as well by swapping out the colours. Remember, even Richard didn’t start out doing such consistently incredible work – allow yourself to make mistakes and learn and you’ll be more comfortable with freehand in no time! Take a look at Richard’s website to see more of his stellar work. * Let’s just say the man could dual-wield Slayer Swords if he wanted to… Développer Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
TheBoss™ Posté(e) le 28 avril 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 28 avril 2020 Nouvel article Engine Kill : Citation Engine Kill 3: Mastering Cerastus Knights Welcome back to Engine Kill! Lockdown isn’t stopping us from bringing you the latest Adeptus Titanicus news and previews. Today, we’re taking a closer look at Cerastus Knights. With a new kit on the way that lets you build even more variants of these invaluable support units, we’re examining just what the Knight Acheron and Knight Castigator have to offer you. Providing Support Seasoned Titan commanders know well to fear and respect the Cerastus Knight-Lancer – a few in the right spot can easily cripple or outright kill a Titan in a single Combat phase. The Acheron and Castigator variants of the Cerastus Knight each trade out a little of the durability and melee power of the Knight-Lancer for additional firepower and flexibility, capable of operating at a wider variety of ranges than their brethren. Castigator Knights are a close-combat option that can cause serious damage when positioned correctly. Sure, Strength 3 on their Castigator pattern bolt cannons might not seem like much, but once you factor in bonuses from attacking damaged locations or firing into a target’s side or rear arc, they can deal some serious damage. In close combat, they’re great for making called shots against a location you’ve softened up with the Castigator warblade. Acheron Knights, meanwhile, are incredible shield-strippers who excel against light armour, thanks to their Inferno weapons. A Banner of four of these Knights will drop eight Strength 7 hits on their chosen target a turn, while careful positioning can allow you to deal massive damage to grouped targets like Warhound squadrons or rival Knights. Remember, Knight Banners added to a Titan Legion can be equipped with a mix of loadouts, allowing you to take advantage of the key features of all types of Cerastus Knights. Why not take a Lancer to give the squad bolstered ion shield saves, an Acheron or two to soften targets up, and a Castigator to finish the job? Taking the Lead Cerastus Knights fill a key role in Knight Household forces in both broadening your tactical toolbox and acting as “command” Banners to lead your Lances. In a Knight Household army, Banners of Knights are organised into Lances, groups of three Banners who are activated as a single unit, capable of harnessing powerful Lance orders that benefit every Banner. Previously, Knight Household players fielding long-ranged Lances made up of Questoris Knights with battle cannons and avenger gatling cannons had to rely on their solid but still potentially treacherous Command value of 3+ to get those all-important Lance orders off. A Banner of Castigators is perfect for leading such a Lance of avenger gatling cannon-armed Knights. Together with Coordinated Strike orders, a Lance like this will be kicking out up to seven Strength 5 shots and sixteen Strength 6 shots a turn – more than enough to crack open a damaged location or flay the shields off a Warlord Titan or two. Likewise, Acherons are ideal for accompanying mixed-arms Lances with short ranged weaponry like melta cannons and meltaguns, using their Command value to provide Order support as well as reliably incinerating shields for their smaller siblings. You won’t have to wait too long until you can start rampaging across the battlefield with Acheron and Castigator Knights of your own! Développer Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
TheBoss™ Posté(e) le 9 juillet 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 9 juillet 2020 Ca tease : Citation Are you ready to defend Ryza? Or would you rather see it burn? Prepare for the next Adeptus Titanicus expansion and secure yourself the starter set today: ?-vous prêt à défendre Ryza ? Ou préférez-vous le voir brûler ? Préparez-vous pour la prochaine expansion Adeptus Titanicus et sécurisez-vous l'ensemble de démarrage aujourd'hui : Développer Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
Loishy Posté(e) le 9 juillet 2020 Partager Posté(e) le 9 juillet 2020 Je me souviens de pas de pareil teasing pour les précédente extensions. Une sortie plus importante que ce que l'on pensait ? Citer Lien vers le commentaire Partager sur d’autres sites More sharing options...
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