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Précommandes ce samedi : le supplément Titandeath, le titan Reaver et son armement alternatif, les transfer sheets des legio Vulpa, Krytos & Solaria  et la grappe d'armes alternatives pour le Warlord. Bonne nouvelle pour cette dernière, je ne pensais que cela arriverait si vite ! ?

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Il y a 14 heures, latribuneludique a dit :

plus de 35€ la grappe d'armes


En fait 33,5€, je suis allé un peu vite même si au final cela  ne change pas grand chose, c'est quand même bien cher...

Il y a 13 heures, RogueTrader a dit :

Qu'apporte ce supplément exactement ?


La description du site :


– An overview of the war for Beta-Garmon
– Background and Legion-specific rules for 8 Titan Legions: Astorum, Defensor, Atarus, Solaria, Mortis, Krytos, Fureans, and Vulpa
– Full colour examples of Titans from each Legion
– Four new maniples: Corsair, Janissary, Regia and Lupercal
– Six narrative missions based on the greatest battles of Beta-Garmon
– Rules for organising an Adeptus Titanicus campaign
– Guidelines for map campaigns and terrain types
– How to build and maintain a Titan battlegroup across multiple games
– Rules for hostile battlefields based on conditions in Beta-Garmon
– A list of Knight Houses that fought in the Titandeath


Il y a 13 heures, RogueTrader a dit :

Sinon on a une idée des prochaines extensions, nouveau Titans ou autre ?


Pour l'instant pas grand chose. On sait qu'il y aura d'autres suppléments et titans mais on n'a pas le détail.

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Il y a eu un stream Twitch et Mendi Warrior du forum epic_fr nous en a fait un résumé :



Les transfer sheets Mortis et Gryphonicus sont en Last Chance To Buy, de même que les cartes d'armes et les terminaux de commande pour le Reaver. Andy Hoare a indiqué qu'ils regardaient pour réapprovisionner cela.

Il semble que cela se vende comme des petits pains.

La boîte Battleforce semble aussi avoir dépassé les attentes en terme de vente ("numbers through the roof").

Estimation à la grosse louche, il semble y avoir plus de 10K clients ayant acheté des modèles AT.

Les livres d'expansion devraient avoir entre 80 et 96 pages, les prochains 3-4 seraient planifiés. Fréquence: environ tous les 6 mois. Même format que pour Titandeath. Environ 6 légions couvertes, règles, parties narratives, un peu de fluff, ...

Le prochain WD pourrait avoir quelques règles. A priori pour les chevaliers vu qu'ils seront couverts par un article spécifique.
Une mention pour House Taranis qui pourrait avoir des règles spécifiques dans un avenir indéterminé > possible extension de l'idée à d'autres

Envie d'explorer les liens de vassalité (bonded knight houses) > même héraldique que la Légio à laquelle les chevaliers sont inféodés.

Idem pour les liens entre Légions Titaniques et Légions Space Marines ("liens historiques").

Une transfer sheet pour Legio Fureans semble confirmée.

Introduction future de manipules spécifiques à certaines légions (ex. Reaper maniple pour Mortis, pas de détails quant à sa composition).

Armes en résine: les ursus claws semblent en tête de liste.

Armes spécifiques et plus ésotériques: pas de cartes à acheter mais un pdf à télécharger (exemple: Saturnyne lascutter).

Un titan Imperator? Peut-être. Si c'est le cas, il sera a priori en résine "premium luxury FW resin", taille estimée être 2 x celle du warlord

Les FAQs sont a priori quasi prêtes, publication estimée quelques semaines (4 à 6?) après la sortie de Titandeath, le temps qu'il y ai quelques retours de joueurs.

Les décalcomanies qui représentent les warlords / reavers / warhounds peuvent être utilisées comme kill marks ou pour représenter la place du titan au sein d'une manipule (alors utilisée sur la bannière du titan en question)

Le homeworld de la Legio Vulpa est Anvilus.

Le scénario narratif qui se passe sur une planète de glace vient d'un gaming event annoncé dans le WD 113 "Battle of the Ice Planet".


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L'article sur les Maisons Vassales figurant dans la pravda lentonnienne de février donne du background sur un certain type de maisonnées de chevaliers impériaux et ajoute le Manipule de Force Dominus (mixant titans et banners) à la liste des Manipules existant.

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Il y a 10 heures, TheBoss™ a dit :

L'article sur les Maisons Vassales figurant dans la pravda lentonnienne de février donne du background sur un certain type de maisonnées de chevaliers impériaux et ajoute le Manipule de Force Dominus (mixant titans et banners) à la liste des Manipules existant.


Ah, merci pour l'info.


Sinon une présentation du supplément Titandeath et petit rapport de bataille ont été publiés sur Hobbyshop, il donne une bonne idée de l'ambiance du jeu :



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[11:30 am GMT] Adeptus Titanicus: The Doom of Molech Approaches…

Good Morning Horus Heresy fans! We’re back for Day 2 of the 31st Millennium’s favourite weekend.

Over the past year, the world of the Horus Heresy has expanded with more books from Black Library, more content for battles in the Age of Darkness and, of course, Adeptus Titanicus – a new version of the classic game that allows you to recreate some of this legendary age’s most massive clashes. We’ve just had some incredible news on the future of Adeptus Titanicus, with the next campaign book, new weapons, and some of the coolest terrain you’ve ever seen…

One of the thrills of Adeptus Titanicus is the sheer scale, with models dwarfing the buildings around them. With the right board, Adeptus Titanicus has a grand, cinematic sweep – which is why we’re releasing two more resin tiles that’ll make creating your own dystopian cityscapes simpler than ever.

What’s more, a standalone set of plastic spires can be combined with the Sector Imperialis kits or used alone to add a distinctly gothic vernacular to your terrain and create the striking, baroque skylines you know and love from the world of the 31st and 41st Millennia.

Don’t worry if you’ve already built a bunch of Sector Imperialis buildings – these spires are highly modular and can be added to and removed from your chosen structures with ease.

Of course, buildings and terrain are just a small part of what’s on the way for Adeptus Titanicus. We’re incredibly excited to reveal the sequel to Titandeath and the next in the Adeptus Titanicus supplement series – the Doom of Molech.

The Doom of Molech allows you to experience war in the Horus Heresy on a new scale. This has always been a huge chapter for the Age of Darkness – a war that would dwarf even the earth-shattering conflict between the Legions that came before it, as Titans, Knight households and more joined Horus’s rebellion.

The Doom of Molech campaign book allows you to fight these battles for yourself, with lore and campaigns that bring the conflicts explored in Black Library’s Vengeful Spirit to life in sumptuous detail. Meanwhile, rules for a variety of Titan Legions offer you even more tactical choice. There’s even the option to field an entire army of nothing but Knights for maximum gallantry – particularly fitting, as Molech was where the most infamous of Traitor Knight Houses, Devine, would reveal the depths of their perfidy and turn upon their allies.

In the long run, there are some exciting new kits on the way. With all the plastic Warlord and Reaver weapons soon to be available separately…

…Forge World is stepping in with a variety of upgrade sets featuring some more esoteric options, like the Mori quake cannon and the warp missile rack:

After that – well, we don’t want to give everything away! At this point, we can confirm that even more narrative-focused rulebooks like Titandeath and The Doom of Molech are on the way, as well as rules for even more Titan Legions, a growing range of plastic Knights, Titans and terrain, and a host of resin kits from Forge World to round it out. It’s a great time to get started – which is why we’re happy to announce that, after overwhelming popular demand, the Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Edition is coming back for a second run – giving you a great way to get started.

We’ll be back with news from the Black Library later on, so stay tuned for more awesome reveals!


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Ah ! Ah ! Je savais bien que ces bâtiments cubiques n'allaient pas en rester là ! ?


Un nouveau supplément, des armes et tout un tas d'autres choses. Cela confirme qu'Adeptus Titanicus est bien parti pour durer. Cela confirme aussi certainement les bons chiffres annoncés par Games Workshop lors du dernier Twitch dédié au jeu. :)

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Plein d'info de Garro :


Adeptus Titanicus

Most of the key info has been covered in the slides from the future of Titanicus seminar, but I’ll cover most of it again quickly and add details as and when. Adeptus Titanicus has been a far bigger success than anyone at GW expected. for example the ‘bean counters’ told Specialist games that they’d ordered too many GM editions and that they wouldn’t sell them, it sold out in a weekend. the transfers stock has to be ordered in bulk, and they thought they had a years supply of the colour transfer sheets, but they’ve sold out in a month. Same with the command tiles, and cards. the items that have gone Last chance to buy or sold out will be coming back, but those items are made by 3rd party companies and take a while to return to stock, hence them disappearing from the site while they’re gone.

Shown Releases

The next expansion book will be narratively focused around the battle of Molech. rules wise it will be focused around expanding the rules and game play function of knights. this will include household rules that work like Legio rules. I believe there are 6 or so knight households in the book (most appear in the Vengeful spirit book). there are also several more Titan legions covered as well. one of the key take aways from the book, is a ‘maniple’ that is knights only and that we’ll have new ranks for knights (barons etc). Future expansions will follow this formula of focusing around a battle/campaign/event, with rules for the legios and houses involved, with a future focus on expanding a certain part of the game. they will also be sticking to the same page count as Titandeath. Future releases. the resin weapon upgrades will be out in the summer, as they’re going to need to build bigger stock piles than normal. the arms/turrets will be sold individually with the arms/parts needed to magnetise them like the plastic kits. price ranges for the kits were £10-15 for reaver parts, £15-20 for the warlord guns.


We’ve also got the new ‘spires’ sprue of scenery coming with two box sets mirroring the two sizes of boxes for the existing ones. more scenery is planned, but it won’t be any ‘natural’ stuff as they feel that making that stuff in plastic/resin will end up costing too much and a waste of resources when we’ve already got model train companies and the like making that sort of thing, and most of it can be made at home quickly and cheaply. there was interest in maybe doing a white dwarf article or even a masterclass book on making AT scenery like hills, cliffs ect. Will be clear that this is just ‘nice idea for the future’ rather than ‘confirmed totally happening’. but if you want it to happen, message White dwarf that you’d want to see it. The stuff they’re going to focus on making will be stuff that is very 30k/40k looking. the notion of making some larger building panels to aid making bigger buildings, and maybe doing some ‘single pose’ buildings that are bigger and could hide warlords behind. Also worth saying at this point, that it’s unlikely we’ll see any more of the 2’x2’ board tiles anytime soon, as the sculptor who does them has retired. but if people voice enough demand, they may look at trying to get someone to do some more.

Far Future

Regarding future releases for 40k scale weapons based off AT weapons and vice versa, they said 40k scale releases would be based off AT sculpts, and would only be done, as and where demand was, i.e. how many people comment on social media, and at events that they want it .etc The warbringer nemesis titan is planned to be brought to AT of course. however they would say that they haven’t started yet, as they’ve had to wait for the warbringer to be finished, then have to fit it into their already busy schedule. also worth saying at this point, that plastic kits normally have a year plus lead time from sculpting to on sale, so don’t expect it this year. Future plastic releases plan include new titan chassis. they’ve got a loose plan for another six at least, one slightly bigger, and one slightly smaller than each of the three existing Titans. these will then have resin weapon kits, and maybe plastic depending on sales. one in particular is normally used as the example, which is that of a Scout titan class smaller than a warhound, which Andy was thinking about, Guy Haley then separately invented the same thing and called it a Rapier class scout titan, so I’d bet that will be one of the first to be made. We’ll also see more Knights with the other two Cerastus types planned for their own plastic kits to mirror the knight-lancer. they’ve also suggested they might look at making entirely new knight variants and chassis. A Friend of mine asked about whether or not we’d see Volkite weapons appear for the titans, and they said that they’ve been talking about it, as most weapon types in 30k/40k tend to scale up, in that we have flamer/melta/plasma/bolter pistols, rifles, cannons, tank, super heavy variants etc, and most come up to titan class weapons, so it would be logical to see a volkite weapon at some point. they also suggested that they might look at creating entirely new types of weapons. The question of specialist games making some small vehicles and infantry for basing came up in the design studio area, and during seminars. the simple answer is that never say never, but they’re unwilling to do them, as they know as soon as they make a rhino, it’s “well can you make a predator/vindicator /whirlwind etc” and “well you’ve made the models, give us Epic” which is a completely different game. Adeptus Titanicus will be sticking to titans and knights, the clue is in the games title. having said that, they did suggest a ‘get around’ is doing little dioramas of crashed ships and ruined tanks that could be glued onto a titan’s base or just used as scatter terrain, but that’s just ‘a nice idea’ at this point.


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