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Sunday Preview: Fighting for the Forge World



We’ve got a massive week coming up with new releases for Adeptus Titanicus and the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game. There are also exciting new releases from Black Library set in both the Mortal Realms and the 41st Millennium. Plus, Saturday sees the Indomitus boxed set hit the shelves of stores worldwide. Without further ado, let’s have a look at the highlights of This Week in Warhammer.


The Horus Heresy comes to one of the Imperium’s greatest forge worlds in The Defence of Ryza, the latest campaign book for Adeptus Titanicus. Will you valiantly defend the planet in the name of the Emperor or will you claim it for Horus?

Alongside narrative missions, the book includes rules for four new Titan Legions, four new maniples and six new Knightly Houses. The most exciting feature in the new book is the rules that allow you to create your own Titan Legion! Choose specific wargear, stratagems, and traits, then unleash your Legio in battle. There are also allegiance rules, meaning you can declare any Legio (including your own) to be Loyalist, Traitor or even Blackshield. The book will be available in hardback and ePub editions.

If you’re fighting over one of the most productive forge worlds in the galaxy, you’re going to need some reinforcements. Cerastus Knights are feared as weapons of extermination. A new kit will allow you to unleash four of these fast and deadly war machines in your games of Adeptus Titanicus. You can build two Cerastus Knight-Castigators armed with warblades and bolt cannons, and two Cerastus Knight-Acherons equipped with chainfists and flame cannons.

To round off the Adeptus Titanicus releases is the The Defence of Ryza Stratagem Cards pack. Featuring all 26 Stratagems from the book, this set is a great way to easily reference your rules during a game. 

These releases open up brand-new ways to play Adeptus Titanicus, adding even more depth and customisation to your battles of giant war engines.


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Je viens de voir que la War Zone Delta est passé en no longer available :


Est-ce que vous pensez que les 3 modèles de Cerastus vont se retrouver dans une même boite à terme comme pour les questoris ? Hâte qu'ils sortent en tout cas, je suis amoureux de l'acheron.

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Oh ... encore une référence qui saute, elle aura pas été vendu longtemps 


Il y a 8 heures, gaspard a dit :


Est-ce que vous pensez que les 3 modèles de Cerastus vont se retrouver dans une même boite à terme comme pour les questoris ? Hâte qu'ils sortent en tout cas, je suis amoureux de l'acheron.


Bon là on est sur de la pure spéculation. J'ai un gros doute, les deux Lancer actuellement vendu le sont sur une grape unique. Ca rendrai difficile une boite de 3 différents (ou alors 4, deux Lancer, un Archeron et un Castigator, pour autant que ces nouveaux soit mixés sur les grapes, ce dont je doute. 

J'adore aussi l'Archeron et j'aurai aimé une boite de moins de 4, je vais peut être trouver quelqu'un avec qui partager la boite. 

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Oh non un des plateau titanicus qui part... Et oui elle a pas duré longtemps, ils font du tri pour faire de la place... 

Peut être que c'est temporaire, c'est déjà arrivé que d'ancien kit reviennent. Ça aurait été sympa de prévenir avant. D'un autre coté il y a des kits qu'il vont refaire en stock mais pas avant longtemps et préviennent pour cela. Je comprends pas trop leur logique.

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On peut voir le contenu de la boîte de Cerastus sur le site de GW. 2 fois la même grappe qui permet de monter 1 Acheron et 1 Castigator pour un total de 4 knights. Et grosse nouveauté que je trouve très intéressante, la boîte contient un terminal de commandement pour les jouer.

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Il y a 23 heures, Boss Gobblitz a dit :

Et grosse nouveauté que je trouve très intéressante, la boîte contient un terminal de commandement pour les jouer.

C'est pas totalement nouveau, ils ont annoncé qu'à partir de maintenant il y aura un terminal dans chaque nouvelles figurines ( en papier rigide pas en carton classique).


Le Wargringer en a un dedans.

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Engine Kill de remplissage :


What is the Ursus Claw?



Fire the Ursus Claws! If you’re a Warhammer hobbyist, there’s a good chance you’ve heard this somewhere, but just what does it mean? 

Before long, players will be launching Ursus Claws of their own on Adeptus Titanicus tabletops thanks to incoming upgrade kits from Forge World. But what is an Ursus Claw? Why does everyone want one? Today, we’re investigating the issue.

Ursus Claws were first introduced by Horus Heresy loresmith Aaron Dembski-Bowden in a small but awesome section of a large but awesome novel Betrayer. For those who haven’t embarked upon reading the Horus Heresy series, Betrayer tells the story of the World Eaters’ fall during the Horus Heresy, following them through a brutal campaign amid the core worlds of Ultramar. We first see the Ursus Claws in the hands of the Legio Audax, used to staggering effect against a rival Titan.

Throughout the book, we see Titans, and even the World Eaters flagship – the Conqueror – use Ursus Claws, with terrifying results. Since then, players have dreamed of using these weapons for themselves. With the rules in Shadow and Iron, plus the upcoming Ursus Claw upgrade kit, soon you can!

Need a refresher on the rules for Ursus Claws? Check out our previous preview! While you wait, why not grab some Warhounds, and get them built up and ready to upgrade?

If you’re looking to keep up with the latest Adeptus Titanicus goings-on, we’ve got good news. The Forge World Facebook page is being transformed into the Horus Heresy Facebook page – the best spot on social media to discuss all things Age of Darkness from tiny Titans to Horus Heresy armies. If you haven’t already, give us a like to make sure you get the latest news and fun stuff delivered right to your newsfeed.




Modifié par TheBoss™
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Il y a 14 heures, latribuneludique a dit :

Mais qui annonce certainement l'arrivée prochaine de l'arme dans la gamme résine de FW...

L'arrivée se rapproche forcément mais la conception de proche chez GW est relativement laxiste.

il y a 12 minutes, BlooDrunk a dit :

Voir des règles spé pour la Legio Audax (Ember Wolves) ?

Je me permets à ce sujet de conseiller la lecture fort instructive de Shadow and Iron (p37 à 40 +93).

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J'ai hate de voir ce que seront les prochaines sortie en terme de figurines. Sauf erreur tout ce qui avait été montré est sorti. 


Si je me trompe pas, niveaux figs existantes en 28mm il reste les Chevaliers Dominius et Armiger, ainsi que les deux variantes questoris Styrix et Magaera de FW.


Je rêve qu'ils nous annonce des Xenos genre campagne d'Ulanor, mais la on part en wishlist ? 

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  • 4 semaines après...
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Engine Kill du jour :


Orders, And How To Use Them



Adeptus Titanicus is a game of deep strategy, where every decision you make matters – from which Titans you activate first to the direction you face at the end of a move. Among the most important choices each turn is what orders to issue to your God-machines. 

Orders are issued one at a time in the Strategy phase. To receive an order, a Titan has to make a Command check. If it succeeds, the chosen order will change the way the Titan acts. If the Command check fails, not only does the Titan not receive that order, but no more can be issued that turn, making the order of your orders critically important.

There are six orders available to your Titans, each with their own advantages and drawbacks.


What It Does: Normally, you have to wait until the Damage Control phase to repair your Titans. Emergency Repairs lets you make an immediate Repair roll in the Strategy Phase, with a nifty +1 bonus, for a better chance of those 5s and 6s that will let you raise your Void Shields and repair Critical Damage. This makes it more likely that you’ll get that reactor under control or restore shields, and you’ll get your normal Repair roll later in the turn as well!

The Drawback: A Titan which is issued Emergency Repairs can only be activated in either the Movement or Combat phases – not both. 

Use It When: You have a badly damaged war engine that needs additional repairs, or one whose reactor is running hot. If it’s in a position to either move into cover, or to draw a bead on enemies in the Shooting phase without moving first, Emergency Repairs are go. 


What It Does: Shoots twice! Rather than striding forward in the Movement phase, a Titan acting under First Fire orders can fire a single weapon instead – and then shoot all its weapons as usual in the Combat phase. Maximum firepower!

The Drawback: A Titan on First Fire must remain stationary – no moves or turning. 

Use It When: You have a target in your sights and absolutely want to bring it down with a withering barrage of fire, or when a badly damaged enemy could be removed from play with a pinpoint shot, and you need to hit it before it moves into cover. 


What It Does: Just what it says! Charge forward and hit an enemy really, really hard. In practical terms, a Titan on Charge orders can move in its Front arc, then hit with a Melee weapon or Smash attack. For every 3” it moves, it gets +1 to the attack’s Dice value, which can make for a truly devastating assault – followed by another in the Combat phase if the enemy remains close enough (and is still standing).

The Drawback: A Charge is of limited use for Titans not equipped with Melee weapons – sure, they can make a Smash attack, but it’s often less effective than just standing and shooting. It’s worth noting that a Titan which Charged can still shoot – with the caveat that some guns, like Blast weapons, are dangerous to use at close range.

Use It When: You have a Titan with a Melee weapon – like a tasty Reaver Chainfist – and an opposing Titan which has foolishly ventured too close. A Charge can also be handy when you’re facing a foe whose Blast weapons are likely to overwhelm you – get in close and you may be protected from the worst of the shooting, as no Princeps would be foolish enough to fire blast weapons at such close range. Charging also puts pressure on an opponent that can change their plans – having a Titan so close can force them to move away so they can re-engage on their own terms.


What It Does: When enemies are all around, Split Fire allows you to target different foes with each of your weapons. 

The Drawback: Your Princeps is so focused on their enemies that you can only move forwards – no turns this turn.

Use It When: Titans to the left of you, Titans to the right – make that valley of death a bit less deadly by taking on multiple enemies at once. Fire the volcano cannon into the Warlord lurking in the distance while your laser blasters drop the Void Shields on an opportunistic Warhound that’s come a little too close for comfort. The best of both worlds!


What It Does: When the Titan activates in the Movement phase, it can go full speed ahead.

The Drawback: There’s no shooting when you go Full Stride, and the Titan can’t make any turns either, or move outside of its front arc. It really is full speed ahead.

Use It When: You’re out of position and need to get back into the fight – or alternatively, when you’re in a bad position and need to get away. No Princeps expects an enemy Titan to speed right past them and into the relative safety of their rear arc. Titans with short-ranged weapons may want to Full Stride early in the game as well to get their guns in range for future turns of devastating shooting.

LwvKaimdTIhzmNSO.jpgWhat It Does: Collapses the Void Shields, turns off the plasma reactor and has a bit of a rest. In the Damage Control phase, the Reactor level automatically drops by 2 and any rule that would make the Titan make a Reactor roll just doesn’t. 

The Drawback: We’re not gonna lie – this one’s risky. A Titan on Shutdown orders is completely offline for repairs. It can’t be activated in the Movement or Combat phases, and unlike other orders, this one remains in place until you can restart the plasma reactor – and if you fail, your Titan becomes a big, defenceless target for every gun the enemy can point at it.

Use It When: Shutdown orders normally come about as a result of a Princeps being wounded, but can be handy if your Titan is in a relatively safe position and really, really needs to vent its reactor.

Knights and Orders

Knight Banners and Lances can be issued orders just like Titans – with a few differences. They can’t get Emergency Repairs or Shutdown orders, and their Charge orders only apply the Dice value bonus to one Knight in the Banner.

Knights in a Household force also have their own unique order – Coordinated Strike. This allows them to focus their weapons and make a single attack, with each Knight in the Banner adding to the attack’s Strength. This allows Knights to potentially overwhelm even the largest Titans, at the cost of an increased chance of missing altogether – risky, but incredibly satisfying when it leads to an Engine Kill!

You can start issuing orders to Titans and Knights alike with the contents of the Adeptus Titanicus boxed game. With four Titans and two Knights, along with the rules and everything else you need to play, it’s the ideal way to start playing.

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  • 1 mois après...

Engine Kill de pré-annonce :


Coming Soon: Crucible of Retribution



You’ve survived the Titandeath, experienced the Doom of Molech, defended Ryza, and waged crusades of Shadow and Iron. Soon, you’ll have a new challenge in your games of Adeptus Titanicus: the Crucible of Retribution.

This narrative expansion explores the war for the Belt of Iron, a vast region dominated by dozens of Forge Worlds, each of them sworn to the Emperor, the Warmaster, or their own independent interests. As well as extensive background on the area and the battles to claim it, the book contains a host of rules. Don’t take our word for it – see for yourself.

Seven new Titan Legions each get a suite of Legio Traits, Stratagems, and Wargear, alongside a reprint of the Firebrands rules from Titandeath. Legio Tritonis offer something different, allied to neither the Imperium or the Traitors. Instead, they’re a secessionist Legio, making them an interesting choice for narrative players. They also have some handy rules, like this ability to swap mandatory Reaver Titans out of maniples and include Warlords instead – perfect for Princeps who enjoy maximum firepower!


Two new maniples allow you to organise your Titans in diverse ways. For example, there’s a light maniple that features up to five Warhound Titans and supporting banners of Cerastus Knights-Acheron, making a swift and deadly force that can get up in the enemy’s face and deal a lot of damage with flame weapons.


 Knight Household players can choose from four new Houses, and all players can enjoy four narrative missions, recreating key clashes from the Cataclysm of Iron. These conflicts range from a small-scale Titan duel to a mass battle with Titans on the Traitor side and a force of Knights for the Loyalists – ideal for adding some variety to your games.

For even more ways to play, you can use the new Echoes of Glory rules. These give you loads of new missions to try – 15, in fact, set across three different types of world, each with their own special rules designed to reflect the environment they’re fought in. You can wage engine war in the nest of a terrifying death world beast, deep in the tunnels beneath a Forge World, or a war-torn section of a hive city, giving you even more places where you can shout “Engine Kill!” – probably with some nifty echoes in the tunnels. 


We’ll have more previews of the rules in Crucible of Retribution soon. While you’re waiting, grab the Adeptus Titanicus Starter Set to begin preparing your war engines for brutal combat in the Belt of Iron.

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Le rythme d'un supplément tous les 6 mois est tenu on dirait !


C'est super d'avoir des nouveautés régulièrement mais j'avoue que j'aimerais qu'on nous annonce bientôt quelque chose de spectaculaire ! On attend les titans et chevaliers corrompus promis il y a deux suppléments de cela et surtout des xénos ! ;)

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