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[Kickstarter] Blood and Plunder, la poudre et les plumes


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Nouveau Kickstarter à venir.




Raise the Black Coming Soon

Raise the Black Manifesto

Warfare and political struggle for control of the rich resources of the New World have raged for over 100 years. Spain has held a tight grip on the majority of those resources for most of that time, but her hand grows weak. In the wake of the War of Spanish Succession, or “Queen Anne’s War” as it is known by the English colonists, the monopoly is broken and trade has taken the place of lucrative privateering. In the wake of this shift, many former privateers are not content with harsh treatment and poor wages offered by merchants and turn a hand to their old trade. Only now, they will not have the backing of their home countries. They make their base in the abandoned English colony of New Providence in the Bahama Islands. From there they set out to make war on the whole world. They make their declaration with the death’s headset upon the black flags they fly. From 1714-1730, thousands of sailors will “Raise the Black” in what will be the final chapter of the golden age of piracy.

Raise the Black is the next major expansion for Blood & Plunder, below are some of the big changes coming to Blood & Plunder :

  • Hard Plastic Range: This expansion will feature an all-new wave of hard plastic sprue kits of Sailors, Militia, and Soldiers. All of which will include multiple customization options allowing them to be used for most nationalities and as various unit types.
  • Plastic Ship Kits: The wait is over! A two-section ship with a variety of rig options allowing you to build several types of ships out of a single kit!
  • Timeline Expansion: As we continue to move the timeline of Blood & Plunder forward, the time of the buccaneer fades away and a new wave of pirates will carry on their old trade.
  • Pirate Captain Legends: All kinds of infamous pirates covered by A General History will be represented in this range including Jack Rackham, Anne Bonny, Charles Vane, Black Bart Roberts, Sam Bellamy, and many more!
  • New Rulebook: Since we launched Blood & Plunder over four years ago, we have made many revisions and changes to the rules as we have received feedback from players. This new book will include new units, new factions, and all errata updated. This version is receiving a layout refresh so that it is easier to understand. This is not a new edition of the game, all previous editions of the rulebook will remain valid. Retailers, fear not! Your product will not become obsolete! Stay tuned for more details!
  • Open-and-Play 2 player box sets: This Kickstarter campaign will be centered around a 2 player starter set including everything needed for your first skirmish on the high seas. The two-player box set will include everything two players need to get started, including 26 miniatures and two ships, all in hard plastic! The set will be themed around Blackbeard’s final battle with the British Royal Navy’s Leftenant. Robert Maynard and will include exclusive miniatures for each.

Coming To Kickstarter
May 2020


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Merci de nous tenir informé sur ce sujet.

Et ils passent au plastique, non de non !! Je suis curieux de voir la qualité de leur plastique, comparé à GW.


Je n'ai pas encore attaqué mes starters, mais ça me démange à un point (j'ai du nécromunda à peindre ...)


Sinon, pour info, il y a un code promo pour avoir les FDP gratuit, à partir de 100$ de commande, sur le site de Firelock:


Valable ce WE.


Profitez-en !!!

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  • 1 mois après...

On a de l'humour cher Firelock Games :


New historical characters on their way!


All this time locked indoors has given our historical consultants, Benerson Little and Rufus Devane, a lot of time for research. After watching a 5-part documentary on Caribbean Pirates, Benerson says he has found evidence of new captains and details never before seen in Blood & Plunder! And Rufus has been watching TV. We have decided to move forward with entirely new factions dedicated to their findings. Below is a preview of what is on its way:


Socialite, drunkard, pirate. The privateer, Captain Jack Finch, was an enigmatic figure who proved how thin the line was between genius and insanity. After striking a deal with a nameless figure, Captain Finch came into possession of the finest ship to sail the Caribbean, the Dark Pearl. His career is as known for his awe-inspiring achievements as it is for his appalling blunders. In the words of an opposing captain “…without a doubt the worst pirate I have ever heard of.”

A big thank you goes to our favorite artist, Ian Hosfeld, for this captain art!


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  • 1 mois après...


Règles pouvoir jouer à Blood & Plunder en solo :

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  • 2 mois après...

Newsletter du mois :




Firestarters Available Now!

Firestarter units are now available to purchase from our store! These units can be used with the No Peace Beyond the Line expansion rulebook.

Canadian Militia 

    Bravesb53df1ec-01d7-4e58-b609-5b7dcd1fc8fb.png        Indian Fighters

Purchase Them Here ->

Ports of Plunder now Available

New terrain is now available at 4Ground's Publishing. Enhance your Blood & Plunder Wargaming with terrain focused on vital battlegrounds that are port towns!

Ports of Plunder Store Page ->

Cyberwars Roundtable Virtual Gaming Event

Firelock games will be present at the CYBËR WÅRS HMGS Round Table digital event held from July 23rd to July 26th. The events will be held digitally on Zoom and are free to register for.

Firelock will be hosting two separate events on July 25th and July 26th. One we will be discussing upcoming releases, and the other will be about Blood & Valor.
Check out Information and Registor for the Upcoming Release's Event ->
Check out Information and Registor for the Blood & Valor Event ->

No Dice No Glory - Tales of the Sail Podcast

The folks at No Dice No Glory have been running a podcast about Blood & Plunder and Firelock Games, in which they discuss various topics such as Miniature painting, Battle Reports, and more!
Check out the Podcast Here ->


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  • 3 semaines après...

Le nouveau kickstarter se précise pour le 6 octobre 2020 :




For the last 4 years, Blood & Plunder has introduced thousands of people into the world of 28mm amphibious wargaming within the attractive setting of the 17th Century New World. Our last expansion, No Peace Beyond the Line, covered everything from campaigns to larger scale battles and added tons of new units, factions, and ship options. We are excited to continue to add to the gameplay options and to push the timeline of the game forward by exploring a new chapter of history.


The Set Up

Queen Anne’s War book


The universe of Blood & Plunder will be moving onto the 18th century! This expansion book will feature new units and factions with a focus on active powers during the first two French & Indian Wars, King Williams War, and Queen Anne’s War. Mixed European and Native American raiding parties, the last of the buccaneers, and regular army units for all European factions are just some of the exciting additions you can expect. We have even added the option for 18th-century doctrinal reforms for some hugely impressive, well-coordinated tactics!

If you love your 17th-century units, fear not! Not only will Forces from the previous period be balanced to play against the newer ones, but we will continue to support and add to that setting even as we progress the timeline.


The Golden Age of Piracy

Raise the Black Kickstarter Campaign

We are getting asked about our next Kickstarter weekly at this point, so it is high time we address it! We have faced several obstacles in getting this ready to launch. Everything from issues stemming from the worldwide pandemic to staff members dealing with significant illness. But I am happy to say that things are now back on track and we will be announcing a launch date very soon! 

This Kickstarter will launch an all-new series of multi-part plastic miniatures, including a 28mm plastic Bermuda Sloop and customizable unit sprues! These first soldier kits will include enough to build 12 models with several body, head, and weapon options. You can use these kits to build out many of the game’s existing units and even add some new options to those units (like boarding pikes and brace of pistols for all sailors!). They will also be useful in creating some of the new units in the upcoming Queen Anne’s War supplement, such as Provincials, Grenadiers, and Jamaican Privateers.















The Kickstarter will also feature 10 famous pirates of the Golden Age. We will release bios and character art for each pirate over the next few weeks leading up to the launch of the

Finally, the main event of this whole Kickstarter: A Blood & Plunder 2 player starter set! The starter set will be themed around Blackbeard’s last battle with Royal Navy Lieutenant Robert Maynard. Pirates vs. the Royal Navy, classic Blood & Plunder action! As you may know, this was a naval battle between two small sloops, so this starter set will include two sloops and

two crews to man them! You can also expect this box to be a one-stop-shop for players looking to get into the game. Like our Oak & Iron Core set, the box will feature everything needed to play except plastic glue!










Following the new range of plastics for the Kickstarter, we plan to fill in the present time periods with lots of great plastic options. That means new units and ships for both the 17th and 18th centuries in full plastic.

We will also be continuing to move the time period forward. All the way to the early 19th century, at least. I am especially excited to be able to cover the American Revolution!

We are excited by how far Blood & Plunder has come and by all the great things on the way. Be sure to follow us on Facebook & Instagram, sign up for our newsletter, and check our website for the latest news!


Modifié par TheBoss™
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  • 1 mois après...

Il y a un peu de teasing sur les personnages historiques de Raise the Black :

Anne bonny :

Oliver Levasseur :

Calico Jack :

Edward teach :




Figurines plastiques peintes :








Une grappe est offerte dans le cadre du kickstarter pour un T-shirt Raise the Black précommandé.



Présentation du bermuda sloop qui figurera dans le starter par mustcontainsminis :

Bermuda Sloop Preview – Blood & Plunder

Ahoy there! Welcome to my “Raise the Black” Blood and Plunder preview article. In this post, we take a look at a Bermuda Sloop preview that was sent to me from Firelock Games. What exactly did Firelock Games send me? Four preview images of their newest ship from their design desk. They also sent me some exclusive information about the ship. Now, meet the Bermuda Sloop.

This new sloop will come two in the starter box for “Raise the Black” and you can also buy them individually. The Kickstarter Campaign that starts October 6, 2020.

Let’s take a closer look at those images.

Bermuda Sloop Preview Pictures

Check out these pictures sent to me by Firelock Games. They look really good.

Raise the Black Blood and Plunder preview image of the Bermuda Sloop
Immediately the fact that there are cannons under the back deck captures my attention. I want to see how the rules cover these new additions to such a small ship.
Raise the Black Blood and Plunder preview image of a Bermuda Sloop
A look from the side. This has a lot more firepower than the previous sloop.
Blood & Plunder Miniature News - Sample Images of new ship for Kickstarter
The extra firepower is likely from the timeline advancing up a bit.
Raise the Black Blood and Plunder preview images - Bermuda Sloop
And a look at the rear of the ship. This thing is bristling with guns!

Along with the pictures, my contact Mike Tuñez sent me some details about the model. Here they are…

So, first of all, this will be a multi-part hard plastic kit that will include everything pictured plus a bit more probably. Many of the parts you see on the deck such as the capstan and pumps are optional bits that players and modelers can choose to use or not and don’t effect game play but look cool! Though is is mostly done, what you see is still a bit of a work in progress. Some minor details like the tiller will change slightly. Which by the way, is fully functional and will move the rudder from side to side for those that like to play with their toys 

From a September 8, 2020 email from Mike Tuñez.

One of the best things to me about plastic for the ship that I’d like to detail is that we can add to the rigging. We can do a lot more than we could with laser cut wood and dowel as you can see! Our 2 player starter set is going to feature two of these ships. They will also be available individually. 

A little more information about the ships from the same email.

Bermuda Sloop Statistics

Size-wise, we know from our news article about Firelock Games that the Bermuda Sloop should be about the size of a Bark. That is smaller than a Sloop. That said, this small ship is just bristling with guns. It has two more cannons and two more deck guns than the old sloop.

We also know from the same article, that this ship will be made from plastic that we will presumably be able to build from hard plastic sprues. This is very exciting stuff!

Below are the proposed stats for the new ship…

  • Top Speed: 5”
  • Windward: -1”
  • Turn: 4”
  • Draft: 5”
  • Size: 2
  • Rigging Fortitude/Integrity: 3/4
  • Hull Fortitude/Integrity: 4/4
  • Guns – Deck 1: 6 Deck 2: 2
  • Swivels – Deck 1: 4 Deck 2: 4
  • Sail Settings: 5”/4”/2”/0”/A
  • Traits: Simple Rig, Fore-and-Aft Rig, Sweeps2, Lightly Built

Compared to the Original Sloop

In the “Raise the Black” Kickstarter for Blood and Plunder, the timeline moves up to the true “Age of Pirates.” We are talking about Blackbeard and all of the other classics in the stories we know. As such, the ships improved compared to the original game. You can still field the original sloop, or you can field this new and heavily armed Bermuda Sloop.

The original sloop is a little slower than the Bermuda Sloop. It also fields less weapons. That said, the fact that the Bermuda Sloop is Lightly built means that it can field just small cannons. The original can actually bring along medium cannons if the captain so chooses.

28mm Resin Sloop - Painted
The original sloop as seen in Must Contain Minis Review for the ship.

Finally, the original also protects its occupants a little better and has an extra point of Hull Integrity. Does that all really matter though if you can bring along more cannons and swivel guns? I am guessing a few games might be able to tell us.

Modifié par TheBoss™
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  • 2 semaines après...
The first preview of the flexibility of our plastics kits coming in the Raise the Black Kickstarter on October 6th!
These sailors are built as English Sea Dogs upgraded to each carry a brace of pistols (a new upgrade option coming along with the models!) and one model is armed with explosives and a blunderbuss as well. In next weeks preview, we will showcase a unit of Marins armed with buccaneer guns to show some more of the flexibility of these kits.
Learn more about the Kickstarter here:
Blood & Plunder is a 28 mm historical miniature war game set in the golden age of piracy. you can view and buy the game here:
If you are interested in learning more about our games, check out our website and join our worldwide gamer group here:
Le premier aperçu de la flexibilité de nos kits plastiques qui arrivent dans le Raise the Black Kickstarter le 6 octobre !
Ces marins sont construits comme des chiens de mer anglais mis à niveau pour chacun porter une attelle de pistolets (une nouvelle option de mise à niveau avec les modèles !) et un modèle est armé d'explosifs et d'un busteau aussi. Dans l'avant-première de la semaine prochaine, nous présenterons une unité de marins armés de pistolets boucaniers pour montrer un peu plus de la souplesse de ces kits.
En savoir plus sur le Kickstarter ici :
Blood Blood Plunder est un jeu de guerre miniature historique de 28 mm dans l'âge d'or de la piraterie. Vous pouvez voir et acheter le jeu ici :
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur nos jeux, consultez notre site web et rejoignez notre groupe de joueurs dans le monde entier ici :



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  • 2 semaines après...
Another preview of the flexibility of our plastics kits coming in the Raise the Black Kickstarter on October 6th!
These troops where the backbone of European militaries. The 18th century brought about many new reforms that pushed the professionalism of these soldiers to new heights. The advent of the socket bayonet completely replaced the pike and resulted in the well rounded modern infantryman.
Learn more about the Kickstarter here:
Blood & Plunder is a 28 mm historical miniature war game set in the golden age of piracy. you can view and buy the game here:
If you are interested in learning more about our games, check out our website and join our worldwide gamer group here:
Un autre aperçu de la flexibilité de nos kits plastiques qui arrivent dans le Raise the Black Kickstarter le 6 octobre !
Ces troupes où l'épine dorsale des militaires européens. Le 18 e siècle a entraîné de nombreuses nouvelles réformes qui ont poussé le professionnalisme de ces soldats à de nouveaux sommets. L ' avènement de la socket baïonnette a complètement remplacé le brochet et a entraîné l'infanterie moderne bien arrondie.
En savoir plus sur le Kickstarter ici :
Blood Blood Plunder est un jeu de guerre miniature historique de 28 mm dans l'âge d'or de la piraterie. Vous pouvez voir et acheter le jeu ici :
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur nos jeux, consultez notre site web et rejoignez notre groupe de joueurs dans le monde entier ici :



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Vidéo de prévisualisation :



Début du kickstarter : aujourd'hui 20h (2pm EST).

edit :


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  • 3 semaines après...

L'objectif financier initial du kickstarter a été dépassé (depuis fort longtemps).



Il y a actuellement 25 autres pledgers localisés en france (admiral pour moi).


Il y a un pledge avec un navire et des figurines uniquement pour les rôlistes ou les joueurs d'escarmouche (Mordheim...) :


Contribution de 64 US$ ou plus

Environ 54 €


This tier is designed for players who want to use our miniatures for roleplaying or other games. Includes a 28mm-scale ship and 14+ miniatures!

Comprend :
  • Bermuda Sloop - Full Plastic Ship
  • Choice of any available Miniatures Box
  • Kickstarter Box of Plunder



Pour ceux qui s'intéressent à la peinture des figurines Blood & Plunder, il y a le sujet de @Loholt en section CDA : Por todo el Oro del Mundo !.

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Bonsoir à tous

J'ai Oak and Iron et apprécie particulièrement l'époque.

Le jeu B&P vaut il la peine  et le KS tient il ses promesses svp?

Il y a d'autres règles de Pirates chez Osprey pour bien moins cher mais aussi , avec moins de matériel .

Merci pour les retours.

Modifié par SHAKALL
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GM TheBoss™ :


Il y a 18 heures, SHAKALL a dit :

pour ceux qui e sont pas des Fan Boys

Il serait bon d"éviter d'être méprisant avec les (quelques) membres intéressés par Blood & Plunder .

La façon dont tu traites les membres de cette (potentielle) communauté n'incite pas vraiment à t'intégrer et à te répondre.



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oubli verbe rectifié
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Ou as tu vu que j'étais méprisant ?

Je n'ai pas vu dans ce post de messages à base de "oui, c'est super et ceux qui critiquent sont nuls" comme c'est le cas sur un KS de MG par exemple.

La modération se doit d'être objective et pondérée.

Mais je retire le terme fan boy si cela peut choquer.

Modifié par SHAKALL
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  • 3 semaines après...



Merci the Boss pour les news, j'ai pledgé le Role player, en prenant le RuleBook souple.

J'avais pas vraiment besoin de choses, ayant suffisamment à faire, mais je me suis dit qu'il était bien de soutenir ce genre d'entreprise, qui propose du contenu de qualité (hors GW)

Aussi pour voir la qualité de leurs figs plastique (je prendrai 1 boite de cavaliers )


Je vais aussi suivre le sujet de Loholt, merci de l'info !


@SHAKALL, il est vrai que le terme Fanboy était mal choisi je pense, car il peut être péjoratif.


Pour te répondre, mais n'ayant pas encore essayé le jeu (foutu GW ?), mon avis peut être biaisé:

Il s'agit d'un jeu pépère, historique, avec des batailles plutôt scénarisée, je dirais

Les règles, à la lecture, sont simple efficace, rapide et fun !

Point important: les règles ne sont dispo qu'en anglais


Le matériel est de bonne qualité, ce qui m'a fait venir à ce jeu c'était la nostalgie des figs en métal, et la thématique XVIIème siècle (et les bateaux)


Pour commencer, un starter de Nation te suffit à monter une force de 100 pts environ.

Un bundle pour 2 joueurs(100€ environ) te permets donc de monter 200 pts, pour 50 fig, règle, cartes et dés inclus.

Je ne trouve pas cela si onéreux comparé aux prix pratiqué  par nos amis Anglais, actuellement


Voilà , si tu as d'autres questions n'hésites pas

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Bonjour Weiss


Merci pour ta réponse et tant pis pour ceux qui confondent "FB" et "Fan boy"... No comment.

En fait j'ai leur jeu "Oak and Iron" et suis un grand fan de l'époque des pirates et de la période XVII / XVIIIème siècle. Merci à Alexandre Dumas, Zevaco et Jean Marais pour avoir fait naître cette addiction !

Comment calcules tu le nombre de figurines à 50 ? Je ne vois que 24 + 2 figurines dans le pledge à 119£.


Les deux bateaux qui m'éviteront de les imprimer ont remporté la décision en fait. Et je vois bien des Cross over entre Oak et Blood avec la possiblité de jouer à d'autres règles d'embuscade dans le monde des pirates et des corsaires.


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  • 2 semaines après...



J'ai mal calculé le nombre de fig, en effet.

Par contre, je parlais de la gamme  XVIIème, que je possède.


Si tu prends un starter Nation, 65$, pour 25 fig représentant 100 pts d'armée.

Pour le 2 player set, tu as 26 figs en tout, en effet.

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  • 2 ans après...

Salut à tous,


Je remonte ce sujet pour dire que l’envoi du KS va se faire dans les prochaines semaines. 
J’ai hâte de voir la qualité du plastique. 

Pour le moment, je ne suis pas déçu des figurines métal, des règles et de leur kit de bateau.  

Si il y a du monde intéressé, je posterai les photos de mes peintures, dans le sujet approprié. 

See you later Bucaneers !

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Je pense que je vais craquer pour la nouvelle boite 2 joueurs et faire du lobbying forcené sur ce jeu ^^

Petite question sur le système, en terme de "complexité", on est sur quel niveau ? Le système est-il facile à prendre en main, est-ce qu'il ne croule pas sous des options de gameplay un peu trop diversifiées ?


Merci d'avance pour vos réponses, j'avoue que j'ai toujours un peu de mal avec les vidéos VO.

Modifié par KiDo
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Je fais aussi du lobbying forcené, et je dois dire que ça prend plutôt bien.


Niveau complexité, je dois dire que tout dépend du type de partie que tu souhaites mener.

Il est conseillé au début, de faire quelques partie de "Land Battle", batailles sur terre, avant de passer à la composante Bataille navale.


Pour ma part, je n'ai vu que la partie Land Battle, et quel bonheur !

Simple, rapide, fluide, c'est un plaisir de faire des parties de ce jeu.


Ils ont pris ce qu'il y avait de mieux dans le Wargame:  activation alterné, simplification des règles d'engagement, système d'activation, système de fatigue, etc


N'hésites pas, le ticket d'entrée est très bon sur ce starter, la communauté est top !

Seul bémol: tout est en Anglais



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Merci pour ta réponse !

J'attends donc avec impatience la disponibilité chez Wayland, car je n'ai trouvé aucune boutique française qui propose des précommandes (voire des ventes sur cette gamme).

Dommage pour cette absence de distribution car ça va rendre le "lobbying" difficile :)

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