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[Création] Supplément Skavens de Theseaofclaws


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  • 2 semaines après...

C'est une des flottes les plus tout ou rien du jeu. La Malenef disparait il y a de grande chance craigne vraiment pour le joueur Skavens. Les autres bateaux ayant peu de portée et peu résistant ça reste gérable. Donner d'autres options me semble intéressant.

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Un add-on bien pensé, c'est toujours une bonne idée. Les skav sont rude à affronter (surtout quand mon frère les jouent!) mais c'est vrai pour eux qu'un coup de mal-moule avec le sorcier ou la disparition de la malenef leur fait quasi auto perdre la partie.


Par contre, franchement, j'ai pas du tout le temps et la motiv pour me lancer dans une trad, surtout que j'ai juste le temps de survoler le doc et que ça à l'air intéressant mais dense...

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  • 3 semaines après...

On en est tous là les amich's

Admiral class

Paddles: 4”. Turns using normal turning template. May move backwards at will. May turn on the spot 45 degrees for 2” of move or 90 degrees for 4” of move. Unaffected by wind direction.
Suffers from momentum: Due to the nest being a huge barge it tends to keep moving once it gets going.
To simulate this the following rules will be used:

[center][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]PADDLES[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]4”[/size][/font][/b][/center]

    [*]Whenever moving 2” or more in the same direction (i.e. a straight line with no turns), momen- tum is built up for the following turn.[/*]
    [*]Each full 2” move in the same direction builds up a momentum of 1” in the same direction for the next turn. This momentum build up also occurs when travelling backwards.[/*]
    [*]The maximum amount of momentum that can be built up is 2”, regardless of how far the Nest moved in total.[/*]
    [*]Momentum inches do not count when working out momentum build up next turn[/*]
    [*]Momentum markers should be placed as the Nest moves during the battle phase.[/*]
    [*]Magic that affects movement does not affect momentum; only ship powered movement can build momentum.[/*]
    [*]All momentum movement must be done at the beginning of the next battle phase for the Nest before any normal movement occurs.[/*]
When moving the Nest from momentum push the ship in the direction of the momentum buildup—this is to simulate a ‘skid’ if you are not facing that direction.
Any wreck marker or ship of size less than 150 points will not stop the Nest’s movement and it can push the ship out of the way in the same way as the Black Ark. Ships of 150 points or above will cause move- ment to stop and the Nest must ‘push off’ to free itself from these ships.
Running aground: as it is a barge it has a very shallow draft. If it moves onto terrain, make a below water- line save at +1 and if it fails roll on the following table:
1              3 Below waterline hits 2-3            2 Below waterline hits
4              1 Below waterline hit 5-6              0 Below waterline hits
If damage is taken the Nest is considered stuck until it can break free. At the beginning of each battle phase for the Nest, roll a dice. Due to its size it may only move off on a 6. Each subsequent battle phase, add +1 to the dice roll. No further damage occurs whilst stuck.
Pushing off: This is only needed if the ship in contact is 150 points or above. This costs half the Nest’s movement

None. (Terrible stench*).
Crew generation:
Instead of firing, roll 1 dice for every undamaged box in high locations 4 and 5. Remove all duplicate num- bers from this throw. Any dice remaining causes a crew counter to be generated on the box of the same number if undamaged—i.e. If 6 dice are thrown and 1,2,3,3,3,6 are thrown, then a crew will be generated  on boxes 1,2 and 6 (2 Slaves and a Storm Vermin).
The crew counters stay on their production boxes until the end phase where they get moved up to the Crew Boxes as space allows. Crew Boxes represent the maximum crew allowed above decks at any one time! On the following end phase these crews can swim over to nearby ships (using the swimming rules), or transfer over to other ships in contact with the Nest.
Once a production space is damaged, you ignore all production rolls of that number AND you roll one less die.
Terrible stench:
The only ‘attack’ the Floating Nest has is from the stench of the massive dung pile that sits on the ship. It starts with a 12” range (use the Elf range ruler) and is placed downwind from the ship and cannot be aimed. Any enemy caught under it’s template must make a below waterline save or else it cannot move / shoot this turn (one or the other, enemy players choice). Attacks against the Nest can hit the dung pile, which are inef- fective against the ship itself and actually extend the stench by 1” for each hit as buried (and extremely  rank) dung is exposed.
Skaven, Orc and Nurgle crew / ships are immune to the effects of this.
Man O’War class

Paddles: 6”. Turns using normal turning template. May move backwards at will. Unaffected by wind direction.
1 Great Bell firing through 360 degrees; may not be used to repel boarders.
Roll 2 dice plus the number of dice indicated on the Volume track for the Great

[center][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]PADDLES[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]6”[/size][/font][/b][/center]

Bells’ attack. Range of all attacks is equal to the highest double rolled. Look up each double rolled to find the attacks effect, apply the highest double first and then work down.
After ringing add an extra counter to the bell volume track. You can decide not to ring the bell, if so, re- move one counter from the volume track
    [*]The Great Bell explodes and may not be used for the rest of the game. Place damage markers on all bell location of the template.[/*]
    [*]All enemy ships within range that have not yet moved may not move this turn.[/*]
    [*]All enemy ships within range that have not yet fired may not fire this turn.[/*]
    [*]All enemy ships within range take one random hit, normal saving throw.[/*]
    [*]All enemy ships within range take lose one crew counter.[/*]
    [*]Roll once on the critical damage table for each enemy ship within range. If a blaze, roll to see affected location—re-roll misses until they hit.[/*]

Ship of the Line

Paddles: 8”. Turns using normal turning template. May move backwards at will. Unaffected by wind direction.
1 Plagueburner firing ahead. May not be used to repel boarders.
[center][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]Special[/size][/font][/b][/center]
[center][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]PADDLES[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]8”[/size][/font][/b][/center]

Once the Deathburner has finished moving, place the Plagueburner template at the front of the ship; roll on the following table for each vessel that lies under the template:
1-4 No effect
5-6 The ship loses one crew counter
In addition, make a single 1 dice attack against each ship, which can be aimed high or low with a normal saving throw.

[b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]Special[/size][/font][/b]
[b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]PADDLES[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]2 DICE”[/size][/font][/b]

Ship of the Line
Paddles: 2 dice inches. Turns using normal turning template. May move back- wards at will. Unaffected by wind direction.
1 Warpfire-thrower firing ahead. May not be used to repel boarders.
The warpfire-thrower use the warpfire-thrower template. The first target that
falls under the template, even if only partially is hit. The warpfire-thrower makes a 3 dice attack with a –1 saving throw modifier. If a location fails it save, it is set alight—place a blaze counter on the location. If you throw a double on the 3 dice when rolling the attach, the Warp-raider explodes and sinks (the attack is still carried through).

Ship of the Line
Paddles: 8”. Turns using normal turning template. May move backwards at will. Unaffected by wind direction.

Giant Warp Serum injected rat
Warp drugged rat:
Normally the rat sits on the barge in a stupor, but it can be injected with a warp drug and used to attack, or be provoked into a rage.

[center][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]PADDLES[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]8”[/size][/font][/b][/center]

If so the rat acts like a sea monster—its initial attack is used as the weapon of that barge. In subsequent rounds the rat must move at the same time as the barge squadron, but it is not bound by squadron formation rules. The barges do still need to keep formation.
Giant rat: 1d6” move, using standard turning template. May use 4” of move to turn on the spot. Hits:1; To hit: 5 or 6 at all ranges; Save: 5+; Gnaw attack.
Gnaw attack: if the rat comes into contact with another vessel it may attempt to gnaw the hull—roll on the following table:
    [*]Teeth stuck in the hull! Unable to free itself the rat drowns. Remove from play—no damage to the attacked vessel.[/*]
    [*]Teeth unable to penetrate hull. No damage.[/*]
    [*]Rat scrambles up side of ship—make a single low attack, save at +1[/*]
    [*]Rat bites into hull. Make a below the waterline save, no modifier. 1 below waterline damage if failed.[/*]
    [*]GNAW! Make 2 below waterline normal saves. Take a below waterline hit for each failed save.[/*]
    [*]CHOMP! Make 2 below the waterline saves at –1. Take a point of damage for each failed save.[/*]
Once a gnaw attack has been attempted, the rat, if capable, may then make a normal boarding attempt at +1 for its single hit point.
Special event:
Roll 1 dice if the rat location of the barge is damaged (or criticalled) and the rat has not yet been ‘deployed’.
    [*]YAWN! Rat still in stupor, no additional effect, rat does not take a wound.[/*]
    [*]OUCH! Rat takes the hit fair and square between the eyes. Rat dead.[/*]
    [*]RAT OVERBOARD! The rat dives into the water and swims d6” in a random direction (roll scatter dice). It does not attack any vessels and next turn comes under the Skaven players con- trol.[/*]
    [*]SWIM AMOK! The rat swims off to attack the nearest vessel. Move d6” towards nearest ves- sel. If it makes contact make a special attack then a boarding attack. At the end of the turn the rat returns to the Skaven players control.[/*]
    [*]EAT! EAT! The rat tries to eat the Skaven crew. Make a boarding action between the rat and the crew—continue until the rat or the crew are dead. If rat wins it swims off into the sunset. Barge is left unscrewed.[/*]
    [*]FRENZY! The rat goes mad, attacks barge and sinks it will all hands on board. Remove barge and rat from play—full battle honours to enemy fleet.[/*]
Every round that the rat is no longer in a stupor, roll after its movement phase on the following table:

    [*]The drugs don't work—rat dies and sinks[/*]
    [*]Warp drugs diminished—rat only moves d3” from now on. A second roll of 2 now has the same effect as a 1.[/*]
3-6                  Continue as normal.
The enemy fleet scores 1 battle honour for each destroyed raft and 1 battle honour for each destroyed rat. Once the rat has deployed , location 4 just becomes the hull of the barge and the barge no longer has any form of attack except crew boarding actions. Any number of additional crew counters may be placed on the template.

[b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]1*[/size][/font][/b]
[indent=1][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]PADDLES[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]6”[/size][/font][/b][/indent]

Ship of the Line
Paddles: 6”. Turns using normal turning template. May move backwards at will. Unaffected by wind direction.
1 Jezzail firing ahead, may add +1 to repelling boarders
The Jezzail has a range of 12” and uses the elf Range ruler. Due to its inherent
inaccuracies, roll 2 dice when making an attack and always use the lower of the 2 dice. If a double is rolled on the 2 dice, the attack is still resolved, but the Jezzail is unable to fire next turn whilst the crew unclear the spent charge.

Ship of the Line
Paddles: 8”. Turns using normal turning template. May move backwards at will. Unaffected by wind direction.
    [*]Ratling Gun firing in a 180 degree forward arc. May not be used to repel boarders.[/*]

[center][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]PADDLES[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]8”[/size][/font][/b][/center]

[b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]SPECIAL[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]RULES:[/size][/font][/b]
The Ratling Gun is an anti-flier weapon and can only be used against fliers.
    [*]dice attack – any roll of a double causes ratling gun to overheat and explode – place damage counter on gun location and apply a single roll on the critical hit table against this location.[/*]


[b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]SPECIAL[/size][/font][/b]
[indent=1][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]PADDLES[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]8”[/size][/font][/b][/indent]

Ship of the Line
Paddles: 8”. Turns using normal turning template. May move backwards at will. Unaffected by wind direction.
1 Lesser Warp Lightning Generator firing forwards. May be used to repel boarders.
Warp tanks – 1[size=6]st [/size]hit causes critical hit.
Lesser Warp lightning generator – adds +1 to defensive fire if conductor location still intact. Every time ship moves add one counter to warp counter track. If fire, remove all counters and use the amount of dice attack under the top most counter ie.1,2 or 3 dice attack. Standard save, but any location which rolls a 1 for its save gains a blaze counter instead of the usual damage counter. Any triple roll the same causes warp tanks to suffer a hit – effect of attack still carried out on enemy vessel. Template for attack – use the howl- ing insanity template placed directly in front of skaven ship (so an edge touches the skaven ship). The ship affected is the one falling most under the template, dice randomly if equal.
If all 3 dice come up the same, an explosion rips the generator location apart – apply a damage marker and critical hit to this location immediately after the attack.
If a 3 dice attack is not used on the turn it is generated, still roll all 3 dice to see if the above explosion hap- pens due to built up energy.
Ship of the Line

Towed only, no self propulsion.
Addition to squadron rather than new squadron – can be towed by other ships with an individual point value of greater than 25.
None (Horrid stench)

Special NONE

[b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]SPECIAL[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]RULES:[/size][/font][/b]
At any time during its battle phase, a ship towing the Gar-barge can release it, where upon it will move in subsequent turns according to the wind – in the same phase as the ship squad it was attached to move each barge d6” in the direction of the wind.
A ship can re-attach to the barge at any point in their movement by backing up to either end of the barge and ceasing any further movement that turn.
Horrible stench:
The only ‘attack’ the Gar-barge has is from the stench of the massive dung pile that sits on the raft. It starts with a 9” range (use the standard cannon range ruler) and is placed downwind from the ship and cannot be aimed. Any enemy caught under it’s template must make a below waterline save or else it cannot move / shoot this turn (one or the other, enemy players choice). Attacks against the Gar-barge can hit the dung pile, which will extend the stench by 1” for each hit as buried (and extremely rank) dung is exposed.
Skaven, Orc and Nurgle crew / ships are immune to the effects of this.


[b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]SPECIAL[/size][/font][/b]
[indent=1][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]PADDLES[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]6”[/size][/font][/b][/indent]

Independent class
Paddles: 6”. Turns using normal turning template. May move backwards at will. Unaffected by wind direction.
Dung-lobber—forward firing, may not be used to repel boarders.
Dung-Lobbers have a very unorthodox attack.
The Dung-Lobber has a range of 24” ,a minimum range of 6", and may fire over other ships.
To fire the Dung-Lobber, roll on the following table to determine how many die attacks the Dung-Lobber makes. You may add one to the roll if you did not fire over other ships or terrain and have a clear line of sight to the target.
Die roll                          No. of Dung-lobber attacks
[indent=2]1                               Shot disintegration. Shot(s) hit first ship within 12” in LOS, (Friend or Foe). Re-roll for # of attacks, ignoring this result. If no ship is in LOS, it is considered a miss.[/indent]
2-3                           3
4-5                           4
6                               5
[indent=3]Add +1 if not firing over any other ships or terrain. A Natural “1” is still a “Shot Disintegration Result”[/indent]
After determining the number of attacks, roll that many dice to see which locations are hit. The target vessel may make saving throw attempts at –1 in each location. Place a Fouled counter on any location that fails its save. Multiple hits to the same area simply add another Fouled counter.
Fouled location—
Areas that have been fouled by the dung attacks are considered unusable during that ships next battle phase(s) unless the dung is cleaned up. To remove the “Fouled” counters, the player must commit a crew counter to the area that was hit and roll a die. This can be done either at the end phase or battle phase as desired, though it is much more successful in the end phase.
[font='times new roman', serif][size=10]Battle[/size][/font] [font='times new roman', serif][size=10]Phase[/size][/font]
[font='times new roman', serif][size=10]End[/size][/font] [font='times new roman', serif][size=10]Phase[/size][/font]
[font='times new roman', serif][size=10]Remove[/size][/font] [font='times new roman', serif][size=10]Fouled[/size][/font] [font='times new roman', serif][size=10]Counter[/size][/font]
[center][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]5+[/size][/font][/center]
[font='times new roman', serif][size=10]2+[/size][/font]
Simply take a crew counter and turn it face down on the Fouled counter where a clean up attempt is de- sired. Crew counters committed to clean up attempts cannot be used for Boarding Actions later in the Battle Phase. Up to two crew counters may be assigned to any one location with the player then getting two die rolls to remove the dung. If a ship that has committed all of its crew counters to clean up duty is boarded, it is automatically captured. Only one attempt per crew per turn may be made. Crews that made an attempt in the Battle Phase may not make another attempt in the End Phase. At the end of the turn, flip back over crews that made clean up attempts and place them back in the crew counter area.
Successive attacks that hit Fouled areas ignore the Fouled counter and cause damage normally. If an area gets damaged, leave the Fouled counter as well. Repair attempts made to an area that is damaged and Fouled do not suffer any penalties, but after repairs, a roll to clear the Fouled counter still must be made.
Poison Wind Globe Ammunition:
Due to the extreme fragility of this ammunition, they are only prepared during combat.
Preparing the Poison Wind Globes: During the Dung-Lobber movement, put one PWG counter in the

"Filling Globe" box on the template, OR, move a previous counter from that location to one of the "Globe Ready" box. Ship starts with one globe in the "Filling Globe" box.
To fire a poison wind globe, remove a PWG counter from a "Globe Ready" box, then roll to hit as nor- mal. If ship is hit (any location), place a PWG counter next to it: the ship will count as a straggler until the end of turn, when the counter is removed.
Also: roll for each crew aboard:
1-2                 Crew attempts to move out of the toxic cloud: as 4 on the Captain's Chart.
3-6                 Crew is very sick! Flip the counter face down. That crew does not count for any action.
If all the crew are very sick, ship counts as abandoned, If ship is boarded it is captured. If none are sick, remove the PWG counter.
At the end phase, before moving stragglers, roll for each sick crew:
    [*]Crew is removed by toxic poisoning.[/*]
    [*]Crew still sick.[/*]
3-6                 Crew recovers.
If location 6 HIGH (Globes Hut), is destroyed, the ship has to roll as if hit by the same number of PWG as those stocked in the PWG track. May only stock one "Globe Ready" from then on
The Dung-Lobber has a special crew of 2 Plague Monks counters. They may get other crew as per the normal Skaven rules, any of those may mix with the Plague Monks.
Plague Monks are never affected by any disease or poison effect (Poison Wind, Nurgle Rot, Etc…). Plague Monks will always lead and start a boarding action if possible. They are discarded if the action is lost.

[b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]SPECIAL[/size][/font][/b]
[indent=1][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]PADDLES[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]8”[/size][/font][/b][/indent]

Paddles: 8”. Turns using normal turning template. May move backwards at will. Unaffected by wind direction.
1 Greater Warp Lightning Generator firing forwards. May be used to repel boarders.
Warp tanks – 1[size=6]st [/size]hit causes critical hit. Greater Warp lightning generator :
Adds +2 to defensive fire if template’s ‘Upper 5’ warp location is undamaged, +1 if 1 point of damage, 0 if both damaged (as per template). Every time ship moves add one counter to warp counter track. If fire, remove all counters and use the amount of dice attack under the top most counter ie. 3,6 or 9 dice attack. Standard save, but any location which rolls a 1 for its save gains a blaze counter instead of the usual dam- age counter. Any triple roll the same causes warp tanks to suffer a hit – effect of attack still carried out on enemy vessel. Template for attack – use the Slime trail template placed directly in front of skaven ship. The ship affected is the one falling most under the template, dice randomly if equal.
If 6 of the same results on the dice are rolled, catastrophic explosion rips the ship apart and it sinks, plus causes d3 random hits on all vessels within 3”.
If the energy track has built up to full, but you don’t decide to launch a 9 dice attack, roll anyway to see if catastrophic explosion happens due to built up energy. Roll every turn until discharged / fired when at  max strength

Independent class

Paddles: 6”. Turns using normal turning template. May move backwards at will. Unaffected by wind direction.
One-Rat Barrel-Sub Launcher, 1 to each side. May not be used to repel boarders.
One-Rat Barrel-Sub Launcher:

1                      1
[center][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]SPECIAL[/size][/font][/b][/center]
[center][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]PADDLES[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]6”[/size][/font][/b][/center]

Instead of “really” firing, the Carrier may release (“fire”) up to two barrel-subs in the firing phase of the Carriers movement. As the carrier has one crane at every longside, you may release one barrel directly on starboard, and one on port.
Upon release roll a dice for each released barrel:
1            “Misfire”: Disaster on release, roll one more die:
[indent=2]1-2       Barrel crashes on the deck, warp splinter explodes, normal save, if failed, apply d3 waterline hits to the carrier[/indent]
[indent=1]3-4     Barrel crashes on the deck, apply one low hit, save -1[/indent]
[indent=1]5-6     Too many stones in the barrel, the barrel sub dives straight to the bottom of the sea.[/indent]
[indent=1]2-6        Successful release, place the barrel-sub model immediately centered exactly beneath the Carrier’s model respective side (starboard/port)[/indent]
The first movement of the just released barrels is resolved immediately. In subsequent turns the move- ment of remaining barrel subs will be resolved at the beginning of the turn before the Magic phase.
Barrel movement follows normal rules with normal turning template.
Barrel subs::
For movement roll a die immediately after deployment:
If you roll a natural 1, then the barrel sub’s pilot is too oxygen-deprived and too drunk from the alco- holic residues in the barrel. Remove model from play.
1st round:           d6-2, but at least 1” move (if not rolled natural 1) 2nd round          d6-3, but at least 1” move (if not rolled natural1)
[indent=2]3rd round           d6-4, if calculated result is 0 or less, then the barrel sub’s pilot is exhausted. Remove model from play.[/indent]
Setting the charge
The barrel model has to touch the target ship. The Skaven player rolls an attack for a low location (only to see if the pilot manages to settle the charge somewhere) – if successful hit, the target has to make a waterline save. If it fails the Skaven player rolls a dice:
1-2        The target ship takes 1 waterline damage 3-5      The target ship takes 2 waterline damage
6           The target ship takes 1d6 waterline damage
Barrel sub locations:
6 barrel, save: 6, “Destroyed”
No waterline hits, immediately sinking, if hit there.
If rammed or even touched by a ship normally moving, the barrel sub sinks immediately.

Independent class
Paddles: 6”. Turns using normal turning template. May move backwards at will. Unaffected by wind direction.

Warp stone charge.
This barge has a large cluster of warpstone on it and a set of engines which have been specifically engineered to supply power to the warpstone and overload its already unstable state, causing a catastrophic explosion.
Warpstone overload:

[center][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]PADDLES[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]6”[/size][/font][/b][/center]

The Skaven player declares at the end of his move that the engine power has been diverted to overloading the warpstone. On the next turn, the barge forfeits its standard move and instead drift 1d6” in the direc- tion of the wind.. In the end phase of this following turn the barge explodes and sinks (before dicing for fires etc). Remove the barge and its crew—no debris is left.
Roll 3d6 – that is the radius in inches of the explosion.
All ships within the first half of this radius take d8 randomised hits (do not re-roll misses). Those ships within the second outer half of the radius take half the d8 roll in randomised hits.
So this barge could detonate and destroy a large group of enemy ships (and certainly any fixed shore- forts which cant dodge!) or it could explode harmlessly, or even take out its own fleet’s ships if badly managed / the opponent manipulates the wind etc.

[b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]SPECIAL[/size][/font][/b]
[indent=1][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]PADDLES[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]6”[/size][/font][/b][/indent]

Independent class
Paddles: 6”. Turns using normal turning template. May move backwards at will. Unaffected by wind direction.
Poison Wind Globe Catapult. May not be used to repel boarders.
Globe catapult– a huge fixed forward firing slingshot which fires the globes up to 18” (minimum of 6”, can fire over any intervening ships or low terrain within that 6”).
The globe takes a full turn to reload, so the ship cannot fire in subsequent turns.
Determine the point you wish to aim (which must be visible to the catapult and within the standard firing template width but unlimited range—ie a 3” wide corridor in from of the ship) for then roll the scatter   and misfire dice. This represents where the globe finally shatters (having skimmed and spun to this posi- tion).
Place a 3” diameter globe template centred on this location.
Any ship partially under the template must make a roll for each crew counter. On a 6 that counter is re- moved. If a ship is fully under the template it will remove the counter on a 5 or a 6.
If a ship moves through the cloud, out of the cloud, or the cloud moves over it in the end phase unless a roll has already been made this turn – roll a dice for each crew counter and on a 6 it is removed.
End phase: roll a dice, on a 1 the cloud vanishes. Otherwise the cloud moves that many inches in the di-

rection that the wind is blowing.
[indent=1]Misfire:           if a misfire is rolled, the globe has shattered on board the Skaven vessel itself, roll a dice: 1:                the        globe explosively shatters. Place a damage counter on the launcher location – no[/indent]
[indent=2]globes can be fired until repaired. Roll a 2 dice hit against the ship. As the fumes are con- centrated on the ship, roll a dice for each crew counter – on a 4+ it is removed.[/indent]
[indent=2]Place the poison wind template over the ship.[/indent]
[indent=2]2:         the globe shatters and envelopes the ship in a gas cloud. Roll a dice for each crew mem- ber on a 5 or a 6 remove that counter. Place the poison wind template over the ship.[/indent]
[indent=2]3-4:  the globe is stuck and isn’t launched. Spend next 2 turns un-sticking and then reloading the globe.[/indent]
[indent=1]5-6:     plop! The globe rolls harmlessly off the front and sinks beneath the waves.[/indent]
The Globe catapult has a special crew of 2 Plague Monks counters. It may have other crew as per the normal Skaven rules, as any of those may mix with the Plague Monks.
Plague Monks are never affected by any disease or poison effect (Poison Wind, Nurgle Rot, Etc…). Plague Monks will always lead and start a boarding action if possible. They are discarded first if the ac- tion is lost.

[b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]SPECIAL[/size][/font][/b]
[indent=1][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]PADDLES[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]6”[/size][/font][/b][/indent]

[u] The Catapult may purchase a single Nurgle chaos reward card. [/u]
Independent class
Paddles: 3d6”. Turns using normal turning template. May move backwards at will. Unaffected by wind direction.
Food Catcher. May not be used to repel boarders.
Food catcher – when trying to capture beasts of the deep roll 2 dice and need to ‘hit’ with both dice.
If hit, monster is ‘pinned’ by the catcher and may not submerge and may only move half move (dragging the catcher with it). Any attack dice are halved, any special ability is ‘halved’ (if it normally automati- cally occurs it will only happen on a roll of 4+, if it occurs on a 5+ it will now only happen on a 6+ etc). Any boarding carried out against the monster will gain +1 to the attacker.
To free itself the monster (or allies) must destroy the catcher location of the ship, or have the Skaven release the beast.
If the ship sinks it may take the beast to the bottom with it and eventually drown it….(for game play if the ship sinks the monster (only) has next round to attempt to damage the catcher location. If it fails then roll 1 dice and compare roll :
Roll is less than the number of hits the monster has left – monster escapes unharmed Roll is equal to current hits – monster escapes taking one wound.
Roll is greater than current hits – ship and monster sucked to the bottom – monster counts as killed. Roll modified as +1 for each point of undamaged catcher location is left when sunk.
If the catcher location is not destroyed it can be used to do a 1 dice low attack against any other non-beast target as long as the vessel is able to move.
Any movement roll of a triple will cause an automatic hit on the warp tanks as they overheat. This will therefore cause an automatic critical on that location.

Independent class

2d6”, always towards the nearest enemy ship. May cross terrain.
The rat swarm costs 25pts per "crew counter", and a rat swarm may consist of up to 10 rat swarm crew counters.
The rat swarm template is 3” by 2”

No Ranged Attack
[center][b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]SPECIAL[/size][/font][/b] [b][font='times new roman', serif][size=10]2d6”[/size][/font][/b][/center]

Rat Swarms have no missile weapons and do not ram or commit boarding actions against ships. If the swarm contacts an enemy ship break off a number of rat crew counters equal to the maximum crew of the ship to be infested. Those rats are now aboard the enemy ship, place them on the ship's template. The swarm in the water may now ignore the infested ship for purposes of movement. When the last crew counter moves onto an enemy ship or is destroyed through attacks remove the swarm template.
Rat crew counters have no effect on the ship except as follows:
When the infested ship's action comes up roll a d6 for each rat swarm aboard to determine what affect the rats have
1- swarm killed, remove this counter, 2- no effect
    [*]no effect[/*]
    [*]kill one ship's crew (Dark elf monster ships treat this as a loss of a wound instead.) 5- Ship slowed by 2" this turn[/*]
6- one below the waterline hit, save at +1
At the end of any infected ship's action if the ship has not been involved in a boarding action, the crew may hunt the rats on board. Resolves as a boarding action roll using any normal crew bonuses (no can- nons) vs the number of rat swarm counters aboard. If the crew wins remove a rat counter and the crew may choose to continue the attack as normal. If the rats win no ship's crew are lost but the hunt ends im- mediately.
The rat swarms are very low in the water and cannot be shot at with most weapons. Cannons and bolt throwers go right over them. Indirect fire weapons (mortars, catapults) can attack swarms, as can magic attacks, and fliers with ranged weapons (Gyrocopter, Dragon, etc.). Attacks on rat swarms are resolved as normal. The Swarm only has a low location, is hit on 4+ and has a save of 5+. The only effect of a hit is the removal of one swarm crew counter.
Rats infesting a ship are immune to the effects of all attacks against that ship, they are never killed by attacks that kill crew on the ship (for example a kraken's special attack).
Close combat:
Monsters can close combat the swarm normally, use the swarm's crew counters as its bonus. The rat swarm will not initiate combat against a monster, and if they win they will automatically drive the beast off (after doing damage as usual). Dark elf monster ships are treated as ships, not as monsters for pur- poses of how rats react to them.
If a ship that has rat swarm counters aboard is sunk, either by the rats causing below the waterline hits or enemy attacks, the rats desert the ship like... well like rats deserting a sinking ship. The counters will form a new rat swarm or rejoin the original rat swarm if it happens to be within two inches of the sinking
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  • 3 semaines après...

As tu réussi à en tirer la substantielle moelle ?


J'ai un peu regarder les règles supplémentaires. Au delà de la présentation qui est pas mal et qui m'avait tapé à l’œil, le contenu n'est pas forcément top.


Exemple avec le Floating Nest.

  • C'est la première fois qu'on a un bateau qui dérive à la MoW.
  • Il tourne pas de façon standard.
  • Le poussage style Arche Noire mais seulement les bateaux de moins de 150 pts et mal formulé… seulement les vaisseaux de ligne était mieux à mon sens
  • Terrible Stench. En quoi les Orques sont plus fort à la résistance de la puanteur que des MV par exemple. Une telle exception n'est pas bien sentie pour un jeu à l'échelle de MoW.

On peut faire ce genre de critique pour tous les concepts présentés.

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  • 2 ans après...

Zak vient de reposter ses belles conversions de bateau skaven sur un FB groupe


Here's some close ups of the scratch built skaven ships. Rules are in the skaven clanfleet pdf on sea of claws.
I can't remember the proper names for all of these but you should be able to work out which one is which for the rules.













Modifié par Dreadaxe
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  • Dreadaxe a modifié le titre en [Création] Supplément Skavens de Theseaofclaws

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