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Recherche règle bataillon STORMCAST ETERNAL


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Il semblerai que c'était des règles donnés dans un pack de figurines ( comme les warscroll bataillon qu'on peut trouver dans les pack à 65€ ), voici ce que j'ai trouvé à ce sujet :

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Pour la petite histoire, c'est un warscroll bataillon qui accompagnait un lot que faisait GW.

Le PDF était dispo depuis le site.


Petit copié / collé :


Crashing from the sky in a meteoric blaze of force, the Skyborne Slayers were hurled by Sigmar’s hand to halt the
rampage of the Redclaw Horde. By slaying that tribe’s infamous warlord, Volatai Splitfist, they stopped the enemy army
in its tracks and left its leaderless masses ripe for destruction.
The Skyborne Slayers consist of the
following units:
• 1 Lord-Celestant
• 2 units of Liberators
• 2 units of Judicators
• 1 unit of Decimators
• 1 unit of Protectors
Hurled by Sigmar’s Hand: Instead of setting up a unit from the Skyborne
Slayers on the battlefield, you can place it to one side and say that it is set up in
the Celestial Realm. In any of your movement phases, you can transport all of
the units from the Skyborne Slayers that you have placed to one side onto the
battlefield. When you do so, pick a point anywhere on the battlefield, then set up
all of the units within 12" of that point and more than 5" from any enemy models.
This is their move for that movement phase.
Honour of the God-King: Such is their dedication to the duty that Sigmar
himself has given them, units from the Skyborne Slayers never need to take
battleshock tests.



Un autre en bonus au cas ou :

High upon Infernia Peak, it was the Host Azyric that fell upon the Bloodghouls of Khorne with unstoppable fury. In
a hail of cometary blasts Sigmar’s warriors plummeted from the skies to strike with seismic force. A heartbeat later a
tight‑knit brethren of Stormcast Eternals strode from each explosion’s afterglow to crush their reeling adversaries.
The Host Azyric consists of the
following units:
• 1 Celestant-Prime
• 1 Knight-Azyros
• 1 Knight-Vexillor
• 1 Knight-Heraldor
• 1 Knight-Venator
• 4 units of Prosecutors
• 3 units of Liberators
• 2 units of Judicators
• 1 unit of Retributors
Comet Strike: Instead of setting up the Knight-Vexillor, Knight-Heraldor and the
units of Prosecutors, Liberators, Judicators and Retributors from the Host Azyric
on the battlefield, you can place them to one side and say that they are set up in the
Celestial Realm. In any of your movement phases after the first, you can transport
these units to the battlefield. When you do so, set up the units on the battlefield more
than 9" from any enemy models. This is their move for that movement phase. Any
enemy unit within 15" of a unit from the Host Azyric when it arrives in this manner
must halve its Movement characteristic (rounding up) and can only roll a single dice
when attempting to charge until the start of your next hero phase.
From the Heavens they Come: After resolving an attack with the Celestant-Prime’s
Cometstrike Sceptre, you can set up a Stormcast Eternal unit (either a new unit
from your collection or one that was slain earlier in the battle) within 10" of the point
that you picked and more than 3" from any enemy units, adding it to your army as
reinforcements. This counts as that unit’s move for the following movement phase.

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