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[Création] [Scénarios]Cartes objectifs secondaires


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J'aime bien insubmersible.


On vient de faire 3 parties en Sang et Gloires avec les cartes objectifs secondaires et y'a aucun pets de travers à noter :wink:

Ça apporte vraiment des petits objo sympa à remplir, avec la donnée mystérieuse parfois qui a son charme. Elles sont claires et efficaces.


mention : Approved by Poutre Brother's  :P

Modifié par nopeace
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Le 31/10/2017 à 14:14, XAW a dit :

Il ne faut pas confondre l'historique de la carte et le nom de celle-ci.


Autant ne pas créer le doute ! En ce qui concerne les règles :

Le 29/10/2017 à 17:34, nopeace a dit :

je préciserais Bâtiment plutôt que navire, histoire d'éviter de se prendre 2 PH facile en coulant un navire d'escadre.


D'accord ?

Le navire (ou bâtiment si on se met d'accord sur ça) est tenu secret par le joueur qui tire cette carte ?


Le 31/10/2017 à 14:14, XAW a dit :

Du coup, j'ai pas trop d'idées, si tu veux insubmersible peut être pas mal aussi.


Insubmersible donne bien et est plus adapté à contre-mesure

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  • 2 mois après...



Man O War games are usually played in one of two ways - either a time limit is set and once reached, Battle Honors are totaled or else the battle is played out until someone concedes victory or it is obvious that they are unlikely to win. These rules will allow you to play a 3rd way, where some hidden agenda of your opponent is just as deadly as him trying to eliminate your fleet of ships.

You will need to make a deck of Objectives to be used by both players to pick from. You can make nearly any special event an objective, but the best are those that can be exploited by all the races, not just a select few.

Objectives shouldn't be used in every game, just occasionally to give you a change of pace in your battles. When using these rules, you still receive Battle Honors as usual for sinking ships but you also can earn addition Battle Honors if you meet your Objective - AND possibly obtain a quick automatic victory if you are lucky!

Here are 11 Objectives to get you going:

Designate a ship in your fleet as carrying a special ambassador to negotiate peace between you and your rocky neighbor. If this ship can make it off your opponent's table edge, you receive and additional 10 Battle Honors. You must declare this ship to your opponent only AFTER it is fired upon.

Sink the enemy's MOW carrying the Admiral for an automatic victory.

Your opponent places a treasure counter on any one ship. Each turn your Wizard may scrye two ships to see if they contain the treasure - (ask your opponent and he will say yes or no - as a group answer not as individuals!). If you capture the ship containing the treasure you receive 10 additional Battle Honors

Secretly designate a squadron to be your trade ships. At least one of them must make it off the opposite table edge to receive an additional 5 Battle Honors. If 2 of them make it, score 15 Battle Honors, if all 3 then it's an automatic victory for you.

Engage the enemy in Boarding Actions to capture his crews! Fight Boarding Actions normally except for the final counter of the enemy. Instead of them dying, roll a d6 and add in the number of remaining crew you have on your ship. On a 5 or more, they have become your slaves. Each Slave counter is worth an additional 3 Battle Honors.

You are trying to evaluate the strengths of the enemy fleet. Avoid confrontation as much as possible and observe them from a distance (up to 24" away) to assess their fleet. Each end phase roll a die for each enemy ship. On a roll of 6 you earn full Battle Honors for that ship. Your ship losses subtract from this amount for your total.

Capture the enemy's Wizard to exploit his knowledge of Magic for an automatic victory. You must defeat the ship in a Boarding Action and keep the enemy Wizard prisoner for two turns to succeed.

Steal the secret documents aboard the enemy flagship! In each round of a Boarding Action against the enemy flagship, roll 2 d6 and consult the table below:

Double Rolled Result
1 Your spies have been caught in the act! Subtract -2 from the next roll in this action.
2 Your spies were discovered but managed to get away. Subtract -1 from your next roll in this action
3 Mission successful. Earn 5 Extra Battle Honors and add +1 to your next roll in this Boarding Action
4 Mission successful. Earn 10 Extra Battle Honors.
5 Mission successful. Earn 10 Extra Battle Honors and add +1 to your next roll in this Boarding Action
6 You have discovered other important secret documents in addition to those you expected to find!! Roll 3d6 for additional Battle Honors earned.

Prevent the enemy from crossing into your territory. He gets additional Battle Honors at game end for ships of his past the halfway point of the table, you get additional Battle Honors for ships of his still on his half.

Target an enemy ship that is about to initiate a boarding action against your flagship and roll 2d6 adding the number of crew you have to your roll. On a roll of 9+ the enemy crew turns out to be
Mutineers and the ship becomes under your control for the remainder of the game. You gain 3 Battle Honors PLUS the Battle Honors for this ship if it survives the game. If the traitorous ship is the enemy Flagship, you win automatically.

This card Automatically Cancels any special Battle Honors won through Objective cards (no cost to you) or Automatic Victory won by your opponent (Your Opponent is automatically given 10 Battle Honors for his attempt).

Obviously MOW Objectives change the way the game is played somewhat as there can now be "surprise" winnings in the middle of a battle. However if both players know what is in the Objective Deck, you can make assumptions on what card he may have based on his movements and actions and try to foil his attack. On the end phase of the 1st turn, flip 2 Objectives that were chosen face up and during the End Phase of each turn there after, flip an Objective that was not picked face up for both players to see. Since there is only one of each type of Objective, you each will see what was NOT picked in helping you
develop strategy for thwarting the plans of your opponent.

These rules have yet to be play tested, so give me some feedback!



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J'ai toujours du mal à savoir quel est ton objectif lorsque tu nous balances ce type de règles.


Tu préférerai que l'on traduise les règles anglaises et que l'on joue avec ou c'est seulement pour nous montrer qu'ils bossent eux aussi sur les mêmes trucs que nous, ou alors pour que l'on rajoute des cartes objectifs francophones aux cartes déjà existantes?

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Et bien ça tombe pourtant sous le sens... :-P le concept de donner de nouvelles idées, pour pourquoi pas mutualiser et créer de nouvelles cartes.. . En l'occurrence là les cartes anglaises ont été développées en 2002 ça nous rajeunit pas.

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  • 4 ans après...
  • Ael a modifié le titre en [Création] [Scénarios]Cartes objectifs secondaires

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