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[Listes] Conclave vampirique 2400pts


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Je débute dans le 9ème age (et même dans feu WHB, où j'ai fait que quelques parties).

Je me suis fait une liste à 2400 pour faire un première demo.

Je voulais votre avis, histoire de savoir si j'avais fait n'importe quoi où si ca se tenais, surtout au niveaux des options et objets magiques.

L'idée c'est d'avoir un milieu qui va tenir et repoper, avec sur les ailes la cavalerie pour faire le ménage.

Avec une grosse bête volante, histoire d'aller chercher ce qui se cache dans les coins et un peu d'éthéré pour engluer et éviter les sur nombres.


Vampire Covenant (Standard (1501-3999pts)) (2400pts)
  • (No Category)
    • Vampiric Bloodlines

      Brotherhood of the Dragon

  • Lords (295pts)
    • Vampire Count (295pts)

      Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline (30pts), Plate Armour, Shield (5pts)

      Awaken (Zombies), Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Fear, Undead, Vampiric (6+)

      • Army General


      • Level 2 Wizard ​Apprentice (25pts)

        Path of Necromancy

      • Magic Items (10pts)

        Hardened Shield (5pts), Potion of Swiftness (5pts)

      • Mount (20pts)
        • Skeletal Steed (20pts)


          Ethereal, Mount's Protection (6+), Swiftstride, Undead

      Name Magic Property Potion of Swiftness One use only. May be activated at the start of any phase or Round of Combat. For the duration ofthe Player Turn, the bearer has +3 Initiative. Name Saving Throw modifier Special Rules Type Hardened Shield +2 Adds an additional +1 to bearer's Armour Save (for a total of +2) while using the shield. Shield Plate Armour +3   Suit of Armour Shield +1 In CC cannot use with two-handed weapon Shield Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Skeletal Steed 8 2 - 3 3 1 2 1 3       War Beast 25x50mm Vampire Count (Brotherhood of the Dragon) 6 9 5 5 5 3 7 5 10       Infantry 20x20
  • Heroes (540pts)
    • Necromancer (125pts)

      Awaken (Zombies; Skeletons), Undead

      • Level 2 Wizard Apprentice (25pts)

        Path of Necromancy

      • Magic Items (35pts)

        Dispel Scroll (35pts)

      Name Magic Property Dispel Scroll One use only. Instead of making a Dispel roll, you can use the scroll. The spell is automatically Dispelled. Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Necromancer 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7       Infantry 20x20mm
    • Necromancer (90pts)

      Magic Items

      Awaken (Zombies; Skeletons), Undead

      • Level 2 Wizard Apprentice (25pts)

        Path of Necromancy

      Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Necromancer 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7       Infantry 20x20mm
    • Vampire Courtier (325pts)

      Additional Hand Weapon (5pts), Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline (10pts), Plate Armour, Shield (5pts)

      Awaken (Zombies), Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline, Fear, Undead, Vampiric (6+)

      • Level 1 Wizard Apprentice (30pts)

        Path of Necromancy

      • Magic Items (40pts)

        Sword of Strength (15pts), Talisman of Greater Shielding (25pts)

      • Mount (160pts)
        • Monstrous Revenant (160pts)

          Fly (40pts), Lethal Srtrike (10pts), Monstrous Beast

          Fear, Fly (8), Large Target, Lethal Strike, Monstrous Ranks, Monstrous Support, Stomp (1), Swiftstride, Undead

      Name Saving Throw modifier Special Rules Type Plate Armour +3   Suit of Armour Shield +1 In CC cannot use with two-handed weapon Shield Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Monstrous Revenant 6 4 - 5 5 4 2 4 4       Monstrous Beast 50x50mm Vampire Courtier (Brotherhood of the Dragon) 6 8 4 5 4 2 6 4 8       Infantry 20x20 Name Protection Talisman of Greater Shielding The bearer has Ward Save (5+). Name Range Strength Special Rules Type Paired Weapons     Requires Two Hands. +1 Attack and strikes with +1 Initiative. Combat Weapon Sword of Strength CCW As User +1 Attacks made with this weapon are at +1 Strength. Hand Weapon
  • Core (655pts)
    • Dire wolves (40pts)

      5x Dire wolf (30pts), Warbeast

      Ashes to Ashes, Invocation (D3+3), Swiftstride, Thunderous Charge, Undead, Vanguard

      Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Dire wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 3       Warbeast 25x50mm
    • Dire wolves (40pts)

      5x Dire wolf (30pts), Warbeast

      Ashes to Ashes, Invocation (D3+3), Swiftstride, Thunderous Charge, Undead, Vanguard

      Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Dire wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 3       Warbeast 25x50mm
    • Dire wolves (40pts)

      5x Dire wolf (30pts), Warbeast

      Ashes to Ashes, Invocation (D3+3), Swiftstride, Thunderous Charge, Undead, Vanguard

      Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Dire wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 3       Warbeast 25x50mm
    • Ghouls (115pts)

      Champion (10pts), 12x Ghoul (120pts), Musician (10pts), Standard Bearer (10pts)

      Ashes to Ashes, Invocation (D6+3), Poisoned Attacks, Undead

      Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Ghoul 4 3 0 3 4 1 4 2 6       Infantry  
    • Skeletons (210pts)

      Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts), 40x Skeleton (200pts), Spears, Standard Bearer (10pts)

      Ashes to Ashes, Invocation (D6+3), Undead

      Name Saving Throw modifier Special Rules Type Light Armour +1   Suit of Armour Shield +1 In CC cannot use with two-handed weapon Shield Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Skeleton 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 4       Infantry 20x20mm Name Range Strength Special Rules Type Spear     Wielder has Fight in Extra Rank when using this weapon. Attacks made with a Spear has Armour Piercing (1). Attacks made with Spears gain Lethal Strike when directed against Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry and Chariots Engaged to the front. Mounted models cannot use Spears. Combat Weapon
    • Skeletons (210pts)

      Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts), 40x Skeleton (200pts), Spears, Standard Bearer (10pts)

      Ashes to Ashes, Invocation (D6+3), Undead

      Name Saving Throw modifier Special Rules Type Light Armour +1   Suit of Armour Shield +1 In CC cannot use with two-handed weapon Shield Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Skeleton 4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 4       Infantry 20x20mm Name Range Strength Special Rules Type Spear     Wielder has Fight in Extra Rank when using this weapon. Attacks made with a Spear has Armour Piercing (1). Attacks made with Spears gain Lethal Strike when directed against Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry and Chariots Engaged to the front. Mounted models cannot use Spears. Combat Weapon
  • Special (555pts)
    • Barrow Guard (155pts)

      15x Barrow Guard (150pts), Champion (10pts), Heavy Armour, Musician (10pts), Shield (15pts), Standard Bearer (10pts)

      Ashes to Ashes, Bodyguard (General, Barrow King), Invocation (D3+3), Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry,War Beast, Cavalry), Undead

      Name Saving Throw modifier Special Rules Type Heavy Armour +2   Suit of Armour Shield +1 In CC cannot use with two-handed weapon Shield Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Barrow Guard 4 3 0 4 4 1 3 1 7       Infantry 20x20mm
    • Barrow Knights (145pts)

      5x Barrow Knight (130pts), Cavalry, Champion (10pts), Heavy Armour, Lance, Musician (10pts), Shield

      Ashes to Ashes, Cavalry Support, Combined Profile, Invocation (D3 +1), Lethal Strike, Magical Attacks, Multiple Wounds (2, Infantry,War Beast, Cavalry), Swiftstride, Undead

      • Mount

        Skeletal Steed

        Ethereal, Mount's Protection (5+)

      • Standard Bearer (35pts)

        Banner of Speed (25pts)

      Name Saving Throw modifier Special Rules Type Heavy Armour +2   Suit of Armour Shield +1 In CC cannot use with two-handed weapon Shield Name Magical Emination Banner of Speed The bearer's Unit has +1 Movement. Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Barrow Knight 4 3 0 4 4 1 3 1 7       Cavalry 25x50mm Skeletal Steed 8 2 - 3 3 1 2 1 3       War Beast 25x50mm Name Range Strength Special Rules Type Lance   +2 Grants +2 Strength in the Round of Combat directly after the Model has charged into combat. This bonus can only be used for attacks directed against the charged enemies. Models on foot cannot use a Lance. Combat Weapon
    • Cadaver Wagon (95pts)

      Bone Pyre (15pts), Cart

      Ashes to Ashes, Bone Pyre, Cavalry Support, Combined Profile, Impact hits (D6), Invocation (D6+3) (1), Monstrous Ranks, Mount's Protection (5+), Random Attacks (2D6) Shamling Horde, Regeneration (4+), Undead, Wake the Dead

      Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Cadaver Master - 3 - 3 - - 3 1 5           Cadaver Wagon - - - 4 4 4 - - -       Chariot 50x100mm Shambling Horde 4 1 0 3 - - 1 *            
    • Great Bats (40pts)

      2x Great Bat (28pts), Warbeast

      Ashes to Ashes, Fly (10), Invocation (D3+3), Skirmishers, Swiftstride, Undead

      Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Great Bat 1 3 - 3 3 2 3 2 3       War Beasts 40x40mm
    • Phantom Host (60pts)

      2x Phantom Host (50pts)

      Armour Piercing (1), Ashes to Ashes, Ethereal, Fear, Invocation (D3), Undead

      Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Ghost Horde 6 3 0 3 3 4 1 4 4       Infantry 40x40
    • Phantom Host (60pts)

      2x Phantom Host (50pts)

      Armour Piercing (1), Ashes to Ashes, Ethereal, Fear, Invocation (D3), Undead

      Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Ghost Horde 6 3 0 3 3 4 1 4 4       Infantry 40x40
  • Rare (355pts)
    • Vampire Knights (280pts)

      Cavalry, Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts), Standard Bearer (10pts), Undead Mount, 5x Vampire Knight (250pts)

      Cavalry Support, Combined Profile, Fear, Invocation (1), Mount's Protection (6+), Swiftstride, Undead, Vampiric (6+)

      Name Saving Throw modifier Special Rules Type Barding +1 mount -1 movement Mount armour Heavy Armour +2   Suit of Armour Shield +1 In CC cannot use with two-handed weapon Shield Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Undead Mount 8 3 - 4 3 1 2 1 3       Cavalry 25x50mm Vampire Knight 4 5 3 5 4 2 5 2 7       Cavalry 25x50mm Name Range Strength Special Rules Type Lance   +2 Grants +2 Strength in the Round of Combat directly after the Model has charged into combat. This bonus can only be used for attacks directed against the charged enemies. Models on foot cannot use a Lance. Combat Weapon
    • Wraiths (75pts)

      Great Weapon, 5x Wraith (100pts)

      Armour Piercing (6), Ashes to Ashes, Ethereal, Invocation (1), Light Troops, Reaper, Skirmishers, Terror, Undead

      Name M WS BS S T W I A LD ArmourSave WardSave MR Type Base Size Wraith 6 3 0 3 3 1 2 2 5       Infantry 20x20mm Name Range Strength Special Rules Type Great Weapon   +2 Requires Two Hands. ​Strikes at initiative 0 (regardless of wielder’s initiative). Combat Weapon


Modifié par Fenrie
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Je suppose que tu utilises un logiciel pour la liste mais actuellement c'est très lourd à lire avec toutes les règles, les profils et les options. Tu devrais juste laisser les coût en points et les options à mon avis ;)


Pour la liste en elle-même :

- le seigneur : tu lui payes un bouclier alors qu'il a le Hardened Shield en objet magique, pas de pouvoir de lignée (dommage de se priver de la furie rouge si tu joue la Bloodline Dragon), relativement à poil. Petite erreur à mon sens de le monter, le général est surtout la pour amener du punch dans un pack de close et la il ne le fait pas (ou pas assez). De plus la moitié de ton armée va rester à 4 de mouvement sans marche forcée.

- les nécro : rien à redire à part peut-être l'absence du Tome of arcane Lore qui te permettrait de virer le niveau 2 du seigneur. Un petit Ring of Fire pour s'occuper des redirecteurs adverses peut également être très utile.

- le héro vampire : combinaison sympa mais tu te prives de la GB et dans une armée de morts-vivants c'est très préjudiciable.

- les loups : très bons

- les squelettes : ràs

- les ghouls : par 12 c'est vraiment trop peu. Dans l'optique de ta liste c'est ta cavalerie qui envoie du lourd donc les remplacer par 20 zombies c'est plus efficace comme glue

- barrow guard : même chose que pour les ghouls. Par 15 ils se feront laminer en une phase et ils amènent peu de choses dans ta liste. Soit tu augmentes leur effectif jusqu'à 30-40 pour avoir une vraie force de close, soit tu prends 5-6 Barrow Knight supplémentaires à la place

- barrow knight : ràs

- great bats : très bon

- cadaver wagon : très bon

- phantom host : très bon dans le méta actuel

- vampire knight : ràs

- wraith : ràs


Si je peux te donner quelques conseils :

- passe à 2500 pts, la plupart des tournois se jouent dans ce format (ETC 9e age)

- dans l"optique de ta liste (centre infanterie, ailes cavalerie) j'enlèverais le seigneur pour prendre 2 héro à la place ou alors je changerais de lignée

- 1 héro vampire général dans l'infanterie, 1 héro vampire GB dans l'infanterie, 1 héro vampire monté dans les barrow knigth

- 1 seul nécro si tu joues les vampires n1 necromancy ou 2 dans le cas contraire

- comme dis au dessus j’enlèverais les ghouls et un pack de squelettes pour mettre 2 pavés de zombies scoring

- je garde tous les redirecteurs et les éthérés

- je vire les barrow guard comme dis au-dessus


Voilà j'espère avoir pu t'aider un peu et amuse-toi bien en découvrant le 9e age !

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Merci pour les conseils
La liste est faite avec l'excellent battle scribe.
Je l'aie nettoyée un peu plus ce coup-ci.
Pour le 2400 pts, c'est mon adversaire qui a décidé.
Je suis pas fan des zombies.
J'ai mis 1 vampire GB à la place d'un necro
J'ai fait qq modifications, a voir si c'est mieux comme ca.

Cv (2400pts)
Vampire Covenant (Standard (1501-3999pts)) (2400pts)
  • (No Category)
    • Vampiric Bloodlines

      Brotherhood of the Dragon

  • Lords (330pts)
    • Vampire Count (330pts)

      Plate Armour

      • Army General


      • Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline (95pts)

        Ancient Blood Power: Crimson Rage (65pts)

      • Level 1 Wizard ​Apprentice

        Path of Necromancy

      • Magic Items (10pts)

        Hardened Shield (5pts), Potion of Swiftness (5pts)

      • Mount (20pts)
        • Skeletal Steed (20pts)
  • Heroes (620pts)
    • Necromancer (105pts)
      • Level 1 Wizard Apprentice

        Path of Necromancy

      • Magic Items (40pts)

        Ring of Fire (25pts), Tome of Arcane Lore (15pts)

    • Vampire Courtier (320pts)

      Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline (10pts), Plate Armour, Shield (5pts)

      • Level 1 Wizard Apprentice (30pts)

        Path of Necromancy

      • Magic Items (40pts)

        Sword of Strength (15pts), Talisman of Greater Shielding (25pts)

      • Mount (160pts)
        • Monstrous Revenant (160pts)

          Fly (40pts), Lethal Srtrike (10pts), Monstrous Beast

    • Vampire Courtier (195pts)

      Battle Standard Bearer (25pts), Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline (10pts), Great Weapon (10pts), Plate Armour, Shield (5pts)

      • Level 1 Wizard Apprentice (30pts)

        Path of Necromancy

      • Magic Items (40pts)

        Dispel Scroll (35pts), Razor Blade (5pts)

  • Core (695pts)
    • Dire wolves (40pts)

      5x Dire wolf (30pts), Warbeast

    • Dire wolves (40pts)

      5x Dire wolf (30pts), Warbeast

    • Ghouls (195pts)

      Champion (10pts), 20x Ghoul (200pts), Musician (10pts), Standard Bearer (10pts)

    • Skeletons (210pts)

      Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts), 40x Skeleton (200pts), Spears, Standard Bearer (10pts)

    • Skeletons (210pts)

      Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts), 40x Skeleton (200pts), Spears, Standard Bearer (10pts)

  • Special (400pts)
    • Barrow Knights (145pts)

      5x Barrow Knight (130pts), Cavalry, Champion (10pts), Heavy Armour, Lance, Musician (10pts), Shield

      • Mount

        Skeletal Steed

        Ethereal, Mount's Protection (5+)

      • Standard Bearer (35pts)

        Banner of Speed (25pts)

    • Cadaver Wagon (95pts)

      Bone Pyre (15pts), Cart

    • Great Bats (40pts)

      2x Great Bat (28pts), Warbeast

    • Phantom Host (60pts)
    • Phantom Host (60pts)
  • Rare (355pts)
    • Vampire Knights (280pts)

      Cavalry, Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts), Standard Bearer (10pts), Undead Mount, 5x Vampire Knight (250pts)

    • Wraiths (75pts)

      Great Weapon, 5x Wraith (100pts)

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Bon choix que la lignée agressive des Dragon de Sang 


Mais attention un vampire count doit etre capable de se débarrasser vite des gêneurs, en gros les persos ennemi pour faire :  une grosse force et une holy icone ;) et si tu peux une invu on reste tres dependant de nos persos :) (moins que nos cousins du désert) équipe les au mieux le seigneur lui il doit faire le plus peur possible!


Le perso sur Revenant monstru sa me plait bien une autre version avec le pouvoir Perfect warrior (maitre d'arme , coup fat) et eternal ring t'as un gros pigeon qui crains moins les canons et polyvalent en terme d'arme (le cri sur revenant aussi mais je comprend le fait de vouloir empecher le cout en point excessif des vampires)


Attention la Bsb a deux armes ;) great weapon et razor blade choisi une des deux ;)


le reste de l'armée semble cohérent mème si comme dit précédent 5 barrow knights c'est light 



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Merci pour les conseils.

J'ai pas pu faire ma partie de test, du coup je vais surement aller tester ca  sur universal battle.

Pas trop eu le temps de m'y remettre avec la migration, voici ce que ce ca donne maintenant :

Cv (2398pts)

Vampire Covenant (Standard (1501-3999pts)) (2398pts)

  • (No Category)

    • Vampiric Bloodlines

      Brotherhood of the Dragon

  • Lords (400pts)

    • Vampire Count (400pts)

      Plate Armour

      • Army General


      • Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline (95pts)

        Ancient Blood Power: Crimson Rage (65pts)

      • Level 1 Wizard Apprentice

        Path of Necromancy

      • Magic Items (80pts)

        Divine Icon (15pts), Ogre Sword (40pts), Talisman of Greater Shielding (25pts)

      • Mount (20pts)

        • Skeletal Steed (20pts)

  • Heroes (580pts)

    • Necromancer (90pts)

      • Level 1 Wizard Apprentice

        Path of Necromancy

      • Magic Items (25pts)

        Ring of Fire (25pts)

    • Vampire Courtier (330pts)

      Plate Armour

      • Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline (45pts)

        Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline

        • Blood Power: Perfect Warrior (35pts)

          Great Weapon, Halberd, Lance, Paired Weapons, Shield

      • Magic Items (50pts)

        Eternal Ring (50pts)

        Eternal Ring

      • Mount (160pts)

        • Monstrous Revenant (160pts)

          Fly (40pts), Lethal Srtrike (10pts), Monstrous Beast

    • Vampire Courtier (160pts)

      Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline (10pts), Plate Armour, Shield (5pts)

      • Level 1 Wizard Apprentice (30pts)

        Path of Necromancy

      • Magic Items (40pts)

        Dispel Scroll (35pts), Razor Blade (5pts)

  • Core (645pts)

    • Dire wolves (40pts)

      5x Dire wolf (30pts), Warbeast

    • Dire wolves (40pts)

      5x Dire wolf (30pts), Warbeast

    • Ghouls (195pts)

      Champion (10pts), 20x Ghoul (200pts), Musician (10pts), Standard Bearer (10pts)

    • Skeletons (185pts)

      Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts), 35x Skeleton (175pts), Spears, Standard Bearer (10pts)

    • Skeletons (185pts)

      Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts), 35x Skeleton (175pts), Spears, Standard Bearer (10pts)

  • Special (418pts)

    • Barrow Knights (223pts)

      8x Barrow Knight (208pts), Cavalry, Champion (10pts), Heavy Armour, Lance, Musician (10pts), Shield

      • Mount

        Skeletal Steed

        Ethereal, Mount's Protection (5+)

      • Standard Bearer (35pts)

        Banner of Speed (25pts)

    • Cadaver Wagon (95pts)

      Bone Pyre (15pts), Cart

    • Great Bats (40pts)

      2x Great Bat (28pts), Warbeast

    • Phantom Host (60pts)

      2x Phantom Host (50pts)

  • Rare (355pts)

    • Vampire Knights (280pts)

      Cavalry, Champion (10pts), Musician (10pts), Standard Bearer (10pts), Undead Mount, 5x Vampire Knight (250pts)

    • Wraiths (75pts)

      Great Weapon, 5x Wraith (100pts)




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