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Listes d'armées qualifs ETC D2 & D1

Otto von Gruggen

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Bonjour à tous.


L'ETC (European Team Championship) réunit chaque année des équipes du monde entier dans différents jeux. En Espagne pour 2017. Dans le cas qui nous intéresse, w40k, l'association FEQ gère la sélection de l'équipe de France en vue de cette compétition ("généralement" il s'agit de l'équipe Bisounours). Un circuit de qualification composé de D2, puis D1 et D0 permet de sélectionner l'équipe de France selon un critère assez objectif : l'équipe qui gagne est l'équipe de France.


Les qualifs D2 approchent (février) et les listes d'armée des différentes équipes sont désormais fixées. Le but de ce sujet est de résumer toutes les listes d'armées de cette année (2 D2 * 6 équipes * 8 joueurs = 96 listes) en un seul endroit. (Note pour les modos, comme ce sujet concerne différents codex, je ne savait pas où le placer, donc je comprendrais qu'il puisse ne pas être à sa place.)


Pour ceux qui voudrait trouver l'ensemble des règles du format ETC: vous pouvez les trouver en suivant ce lien.

Il s'agit d'un jeu en équipe dont les règles sont définies par le conseil des capitaines.

Principe de base : chaque faction ne peut être présente qu'une fois par équipe (ex : un seul eldar par équipe), chaque joueur peut sélectionner au maximum 4 détachements pour constituer une armée de 1850 points maximum.


Il est aussi important de préciser que le format pour les D2 a été fixé au 30 novembre 2016, ce qui exclut Traitor's Légion, Curse of the Wulfen 2 & Imperial Agents. Ces suppléments seront cependant utilisés lors du D1. La raison de cette exclusion était que leur sortie a eu lieu en décembre, et que le rendu des listes pour le D2 était au 30 décembre. Cela semblait trop proche. 


Voici donc les listes d'armées, brut de décoffrage :


D2 Sud :


Les Cadets de Gascogne :



TEAM Cadets de Gascogne
PLAYER 1 : Chabalou
Fortification: None
Type of alliance: None
Factions used: Dark Angels 

PRIMARY DETACHMENT  : Lion's Blade Strike Force 
CORE 1 : Battle Demi-Company 
HQ1 : Chaplain(1*90), Auspex(5) [95] 

Elite1 : Command Squad (1*90), 4 Storm shields(40), Sacred Standard (35), 4 grav guns (60), Apothecary (15) in Transport 7 [240]
Elite2 : Dreadnought(100) in Transport 9 [100]
Troup1 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 1 [90] 
Troup2 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 2 [90] 
Troup3 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 3 [90] 

FA1 : 5 Assault Squad (70), 2 Lance-flammes(10), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 11 [80]

HS1 : 5 Devastator Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 13 [90]

CORE 2 : Battle Demi-Company
HQ2 : Company Master (1*90), Auspex(5),artificer armour (20),Eye of the Unseen(40), WARLORD [155]

Troup4 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 4 [90] 
Troup5 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 5 [90] 
Troup6 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 6 [70] 
Elite3 : Command Squad (1*90), 4 Storm shields(40), Sacred Standard (35), 4 grav guns (60), Apothecary (15) in Transport 7 [240] 
Elite4 : Dreadnought(100) in Transport 10 [100] 
FA2 : 5 Assault Squad (70), 2 Lance-flammes(10), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 12 [80] 
HS2 : 5 Devastator Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 14 [90] 

Transport 1, Razorback  (0), Twin-linked assault canon(20) 
Transport 2, Razorback  (0),  Twin-linked assault canon(20) 
Transport 3, Razorback  (0),  Twin-linked assault canon(20) 
Transport 4, Razorback  (0),  Twin-linked assault canon(20) 
Transport 5, Razorback  (0),  Twin-linked assault canon(20) 
Transport 6, Drop Pod  (0) 
Transport 7, Drop Pod  (0) 
Transport 8,Drop Pod  (0) 
Transport 9, Drop Pod  (0) 
Transport 10, Drop Pod  (0) 
Transport 11,Drop Pod  (0) 
Transport 12,Drop Pod  (0) 
Transport 13, Razorback  (0),  Twin-linked assault canon(20) 
Transport 14, Razorback  (0),  Twin-linked assault canon(20) 
Total detachment : 1790 

AUXILIARY :  10th Company Support 
Troup7 : 5 Scout Squad (55), 4 sniper rifles (4), Scout Sergeant (0),  sniper rifles (1) [60] 
Total detachment : 60 

TOTAL: 1850
PLAYER 2 : Tituspoulo
Fortification: Wall of martyrs imperial bunker
Type of alliance: Battle brothers

PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Gladius Strike Force

Core 1 : Battle demi company

HQ1 : [WARLORD] Kor'sarro Khan(125), Moondrakkan (25) [150] 

Troup1 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant(0) in Transport 1 [90] 
Troup2 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant(0) in Transport 2 [90] 
Troup3 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant(0) in Transport 3 [90] 

FA1 : Attack Bike Squad (40), Multi-melta (10) [50] 

HS1 : 5 Devastator Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 7 [70] 

Transport 1, Razorback (0), twin linked assaut canon (20) 
Transport 2, Razorback (0), twin linked assaut canon (20) 
Transport 3, Razorback (0), twin linked assaut canon (20) 
Transport 7, Drop Pod (0) 

Core 1 : Battle demi company

HQ2: Chaplain(1*90), power fist(25), bike(20) [135] 

Troup4 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant(0) in Transport 4 [90] 
Troup5 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant(0) in Transport 5 [90] 
Troup6 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant(0) in Transport 6 [90] 

FA1 : Attack Bike Squad (40), Multi-melta (10) [50] 

HS2 : 5 Devastator Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 8 [70] 

Transport 4, Razorback (0), twin linked assaut canon(20) 
Transport 5, Razorback (0), twin linked assaut canon (20) 
Transport 6, Razorback (0), twin linked assaut canon(20) 
Transport 8, Drop Pod (0) 
Total detachment : 1065 

AUXILIARY: Suppression Force 
FA1 : Land Speeder(45) [45] 
HS1 : 2 Whirlwind(65 + 1*65) [130] 
Total detachment : 175 

SECONDARY DETACHMENT : Combined arms detachment Adeptus Astartes : Space Marines - White Scars 

HQ1 : Techmarine(65), conversion beamer (20), hunter eye’s(20) [105] 

Troup1 : 5 Scout Squad (55), 4 sniper rifle(4), Scout Sergeant (0), sniper rifle(1) [60] 
Troup2 : 5 Scout Squad (55), Scout Sergeant (0) in Transport 9 [95] 

HS1 : 3 Centurion Devastator Squad (165), 2 Grav Cannons with grav-amp (50), Centurion Sergeant (0), Grav Cannons with grav-amp (25), Omniscope(10) [250] 

Fortifications1 : Wall of martyrs imperial bunker(55), Escape hatch(25), comms relay(20) [100] 

Transport 9, Land Speeder Storm(40) 
Total detachment : 610 


Fortification: void shield generator
Type of alliance: Battle brothers
Factions used: Crafworlds Eldar (CAD et Warhost)

Primary Detachment: Eldar Combined Arms Detachment 
HQ1: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15), Witchblade (0) - [115pts] - WARLORD 
HQ2: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15), Witchblade (0) The Spirit Stone of Anath’lan (15) - [130pts] 
TROOPS1: 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Lasers (3x10) - [81pts] 
TROOPS2: 3 Windriders - [51pts] 
FORTIFICATION: Void Shield (50) 2 Additionnal Charges (2x25) [100pts] 
Total detachment : 477   

Secondary Detachment: Eldar Craftworld Warhost 
Formation Windrider Skyhost 
HQ3 : Farseer skyrunner (115) Singing Spear (5) [120] 
HQ4 : Warlock Skyrunner [50] 
TROOPS 4 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Lasers (3x10) - [81pts] 
TROOPS 5 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Lasers (3x10) - [81pts] 
TROOPS 6 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Lasers (3x10) - [81pts] 
FS1 : Vyper [40]  
Formation Wraith Constructs1   
LOW1: Wraithknight (295), 2 Heavy Wraithcannon (0), Scatter Laser (15) - [310pts]   
Formation Wraith Constructs 2   
LOW2: Wraithknight (295), Ghostglave & Scattershield (0) - [295pts] 
Formation Aspect Host   
AR 2 : 5 Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105] 
AR 3 : 5 Warp Spiders (95) exarch (10) [105] 
AR 4 : 5 Warp Spiders (95) exarch (10) [105] 
Total detachment : 1373 

ARMY TOTAL [1850] 

Fortification: void shield generator
Type of alliance: Battle brothers


QG 1a  Heraut Tzeentch (45) psy niveau 3 (2*25)  paradoxe (25)  WARLORD120] 
QG 1b  Heraut Tzeentch (45) psy niveau 2 (25)  [70] 
QG 1c  Heraut Tzeentch (45) psy niveau 2 (25) [70] 
QG 2    Le Masque (75) [75] 

Troupe 1: 10 horrors (90) 2 aditionnal horrors (2*9) icone (10) [118] 
Troupe 2: 10 horrors (90) 2  aditionnal horrors (2*9) [108] 

Fortification : Void Shield ( 50) 2 aditionnal shields (2*25) [100] 
-- total détachement --  [661] 

SECONDARY DETACHMENT : Forsworn Detachment - Renegade Knights 
LOW 1: Renegade  Knight     (325)   avenger gatling canon and  heavy flammer (50), avenger gatling canon and heavy flammer (60) [435] 
LOW 2:Renegade  Knight reaper chainsaw (325) avenger gatling canon and  heavy flammer (50) [375] 
LOW 3: Renegade  Knight reaper chainsaw (325) avenger gatling canon and  heavy flammer (50)[375] 

total detchment :1185 

Total [1846] 

Fortification: Skyshield landing platform
Type of alliance: Come the apocalypse
Factions used: Astra Militarum et Tyranids

Primary Detachment: Astra Militarum Psykana Formation 
HQ1: Primaris Psyker ‐ [50pts] 
HQ2: Commissar ‐ [25pts] ‐ WARLORD 
HQ3: Commissar ‐ [25pts] 
HQ4: Commissar ‐ [25pts] 
ELITE1: 5 Wyrdvane Psykers ‐ [60pts] 
ELITE2: 5 Wyrdvane Psykers ‐ [60pts] 
ELITE3: 5 Wyrdvane Psykers ‐ [60pts] 

Secondary Detachment: Tyranid Combined Arms Detachment 
HQ5: Hive Tyrant (165), 2 Sets of Twin‐linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2x15), Wings (35) ‐ [230pts] 
HQ6: Hive Tyrant (165), 2 Sets of Twin‐linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2x15), Wings (35) ‐ [230pts] 
TROOPS1: 1 Mucolid Spore Mine – [15pts] 
TROOPS2: 1 Mucolid Spore Mine – [15pts] 
FORTIFICATION: Skyshield Landing Platform – [75pts] 

Tertiary Detachment: Tyranid Hive Fleet Detachment 
HQ7: Hive Tyrant (165), 2 Sets of Twin‐linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2x15), Wings (35) ‐ [230pts] 
HQ8: Hive Tyrant (165), 2 Sets of Twin‐linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2x15), Wings (35) ‐ [230pts] 
HQ9: Hive Tyrant (165), 2 Sets of Twin‐linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2x15), Wings (35) ‐ [230pts] 
TROOPS3: 1 Mucolid Spore Mine – [15pts] 
TROOPS4: 1 Mucolid Spore Mine – [15pts] 
TROOPS5: 1 Mucolid Spore Mine – [15pts] 

Quaternary Detachment: Tyranid Allied Detachment 
HQ10: Hive Tyrant (165), 2 Sets of Twin‐linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2x15), Wings (35) ‐ [230pts] 
TROOPS6: 1 Mucolid Spore Mine – [15pts]  

Fortification: none
Type of alliance: Battle brothers
Factions used:  Cult Mechanicus, Skitarii, Imperial Knights (War Convocation) 

Primary Detachment: War Convocation Detachment  

 Skitarii Battle Maniple Formation  

TROOPS1: 6 Skitarii Vanguard (55+9), 2 Plasma Caliver (0), Omnispex (0), Arc Maul (0), Arc Pistol (0
), Conversion field (0), Digital weapons (0), Pater Radium (0) ‐ [64pts] 
TROOPS2: 5 Skitarii Rangers (65), 2 Arc Rifles (0), Omnispex (0), Arc Maul (0), Phosphoenix (0), Con
version field (0), Digital weapons (0) ‐ [65pts] 
ELITE1: Sicarian Ruststalkers (160), Prehensile Dataspike (0), Phase Taser (0), Digital Weapons (0),
 Conversion field (0) ‐ [160pts] 
ELITE2: Sicarian Infiltrators (185), Infoslave Skull (0), Omniscient Mask (0), Conversion field(0), 
Digital Weapons (0), Taser Goads and flechette blasters (0) ‐ [185pts] 
FA1: Sydonian Dragoon (45), Phosphor serpenta (0) ‐ [45pts] 
HS1:  Onager Dunecrawlers (90) Icarus Array (0), Cognis Manipulator (0) Cognis heavy stubber (0) Min
dscanner probe (0) ‐ [90pts] 

Cult Mechanicus Battle Congregation  

HQ1: Tech Priest Dominus (105), Erradication ray (0), Phosphor Serpenta (0), Digital Weapons (0), In
foslave Skull (0), Stasis field (0), Scryerskull Persipatus (0) [105pts] ‐WARLORD 
TROOPS3: Kataphron Destroyers (165), 3 x Heavy Grav Cannons (0) [165pts] 
TROOPS4: Kataphron Destroyers (165), 3 x Heavy Grav Cannons (0), 3x Phosphor Blaster (0) ‐[165pts] 

 Oathsworn Detachment  

LOW1: Imperial Knight Warden (375), Heavy stubber (0), Stormspear Rocket Pod (0) ‐ [375pts] 
LOW 2: Imperial Knight Crusader (425), Rapid‐fire Battle Cannon (0), Stormspear Rocket Pod (0) [425pts]  

Total : [1844 pts] 

Fortification: Wall of the martyr imperial bunker
Type of alliance: Desperate allies
Factions used:  Tau ( CAD Farsight Enclave) OFFICIO ASSASSINORUM 

Primary détachement: CAD farsight enclave 
HQ1 : Commander (85), drone controller ( 8 ), Command and control node (15), 2 MV-7 Marker drones (2x12): [132] [Warlord] 
TROOP1 : XV-8 Crisis (22), bonding knife ritual (1) : [23] 
TROOP2 : XV-8 Crisis (22), bonding knife ritual (1) : [23] 
FA1 : 4 MV-7 Marker drones (56) : [56] 
LOW : KV-128 Stormsurge (360), Pulse driver canon (15), Twin-Linked airbusting projector (5), Early warning override (5) Shield generator (50) : [435] 
FORTIFICATION: Bunker (55), escape hatch (25), ammunition Dump (20) : [100] 

Secondary détachement: riptide wing
ELITE1 : XV-104 Riptide (180), Ion Accelerator (5), Smart missile system (0), Early warning override (5) : [190] 
ELITE2 : XV-104 Riptide (180), Ion Accelerator (5), Smart missile system (0), Early warning override (5) : [190] 
ELITE3 : [560] 
ELITE3a : XV-104 Riptide (180), Smart missile system (0), Early warning override (5) : [185] 
ELITE3b : XV-104 Riptide (180), Smart missile system (0), Target lock (5), Early warning override (5) : [190] 
ELITE3c : XV-104 Riptide (180), Smart missile system (0), Target lock (5) : [185] 

TERTIARY DETACHMENT :Detachment Officio Assassinorum
ELITE4 : Culexus (140) : [140] 

Total Army : [1849] 

Fortification: none
Type of alliance: none
Factions used:  Cult Genestealer 

= Lord of The Cult (Command 1) = 
HQ 1 : Patriarch (90), Psyker level 2 (25) [115 pts] (WARLORD) 
[115 pts] 

= Lord of The Cult (Command 2) = 
HQ 2 : Magus (40), Psyker level 2 (25), The Chrouchling (20) [85 pts]
[85 pts] 

= BROOD CYCLE (Core) = 
HQ 4 : Hybrid Iconward (65), Ascendant cult Icon (30) [95 pts] 
Troop 1 : Neophyte Hybrid x10 (50) [50 pts] 
Troop 2 : Neophyte Hybrid x10 (50), Flammer (5) [55 pts] 
Troop 3 : Acolyte Hydrid x5 (40)  [40 pts] 
Troop 4 : Acolyte Hydrid x5 (40)  [40 pts] 
Troop 5 : Acolyte Hydrid x5 (40)  [40 pts] 
Elite 1 : Metamorph Hybrid x5 (45) [45 pts] 
Elite 2 : Purestain Genestealers x5 (70) [70 pts]
[445 pts] 

= SUBTERREAN UPRISING n°1 (Auxiliary)= 
HQ 3 : Primus (75), Fléau des astres lointains (15) [90 pts] 
Troop 6 : Acolyte Hydrid x5 (40), 15 Acolyte Hybrid (120), Cult Icon (10), Disqueuse x2 (50)  [220 pts] 
Troop 7 : Acolyte Hydrid x5 (40)  [40 pts] 
Elite 3 : Metamorph Hybrid x5 (45), Metamorph pince x5 (10) [55 pts]
[405 pts] 

= SUBTERREAN UPRISING n°2 (Auxiliary)= 
Troop 8 : Acolyte Hydrid x5 (40)  [40 pts] 
Troop 9 : Acolyte Hydrid x5 (40)  [40 pts] 
Troop 10 : Acolyte Hydrid x5 (40)  [40 pts] 
Troop 11 : Acolyte Hydrid x5 (40)  [40 pts] 
Troop 12 : Acolyte Hydrid x5 (40)  [40 pts] 
Troop 13 : Acolyte Hydrid x5 (40)  [40 pts] 
Elite 4 : Metamorph Hybrid x5 (45), Metamorph pince x5 (10) [55 pts
[295 pts]] 

= SUBTERREAN UPRISING n°3 (Auxiliary) = 
Troop 14 : Acolyte Hydrid x5 (40), 5 Acolyte Hybrid (40), Cult Icon (10), Disqueuse x1 (25)  [115 pts] 
Troop 15 : Acolyte Hydrid x5 (40), 5 Acolyte Hybrid (40), Cult Icon (10), Disqueuse x1 (25)  [115 pts] 
Troop 16 : Acolyte Hydrid x5 (40), 5 Acolyte Hybrid (40), Cult Icon (10), Disqueuse x1 (25)  [115 pts] 
Troop 17 : Acolyte Hydrid x5 (40), 5 Acolyte Hybrid (40), Cult Icon (10), Disqueuse x1 (25)  [115 pts] 
Elite 5 : Metamorph Hybrid x5 (45) [45 pts]
[505 pts] 

Total Army : 1850 pts 

Coach : None



Arverngers :



PLAYER 1 : Jérémy - K-lyse - HUANT
Fortification: N/A
Type of alliance: Come the Apocalypse
Factions used: Genestealer Cults and Forsworn Knight Detachment

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : CAD Genestealer Cults ==
HQ1 : [Warlord] Magus (1*40), mastery level 2 (25) [65]
Troup1 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids(40) [40]
Troup2 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids(40) [40]
Total detachment : 145

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Subterranean Uprising :Genestealer Cult ==
Troup1 : 6 Acolyte Hybrids(40 + 1*Cool [48]
Troup2 : 7 Acolyte Hybrids(40 + 2*Cool, eavy rock saw(25) [81]
Troup3 : 7 Acolyte Hybrids(40 + 2*Cool, eavy rock saw(25) [81]
Elite1 : 7 Hybrid Metamorphs(45 + 2*9) [63]
Elite2 : 7 Hybrid Metamorphs(45 + 2*9) [63]
Elite3 : 7 Hybrid Metamorphs(45 + 2*9) [63]
Total detachment : 399

== TERTIARY DETACHMENT : Forsworn Detachment - Renegade Knights ==
Lord of War1 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger Gatling Canon and Heavy flamer (60), Avenger Gatling Canon and Heavy flamer (50) [435]
Lord of War2 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger Gatling Canon and Heavy flamer (60), Avenger Gatling Canon and Heavy flamer (50) [435]
Lord of War3 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger Gatling Canon and Heavy flamer (60), Avenger Gatling Canon and Heavy flamer (50) [435]
Total Detachment : 1305

PLAYER 2 : Matthieu - M.Tacud - DUCAT
Fortification: Void Shield Generator
Type of alliance: None
Factions used: Eldar

== Primary Detachment: Eldar Combined Arms Detachment ==

HQ1 [Warlord]: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) [115]
HQ2: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15), The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan (15) [130pts]
TROOP1: 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Lasers (3x10) [81]
TROOP2: 3 Windriders (51) [51]
FORTIFICATION: Void Shield Generator (50) 2 Additionnal Charges (2*25) [100]
Total detachment: 477

== Secondary Detachment: Eldar Craftworld Warhost ==
= CORE - Windrider Skyhost =
HQ3 : Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15), Singing Spear (5) [120]
HQ4 : Warlock (35) Skyrunner (15) [50]
TROOP 4 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Lasers (3x10) - [81]
TROOP 5 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Lasers (3x10) - [81]
TROOP 6 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Lasers (3x10) - [81]
FA1 : Vyper (40)[40]

= AUXILIARY 1 - Wraith Constructs =
LOW1: Wraithknight (295), 2 Heavy Wraithcannon (0), Scatter Lasers (15) [310pts]

= AUXILIARY 2 - Wraith Constructs =
LOW2: Wraithknight (295), Ghostglave & Scattershield (0) [295pts]

= AUXILIARY 3 - Aspect Host (+1BS) =
FA 2 : 5 Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
FA 3 : 5 Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
FA 4 : 5 Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
Total detachment: 1388


PLAYER 3: Matthieu - Otto von Gruggen - BENAT
Fortification: N/A
Type of Alliance: Battle Brothers
Faction: Adeptus Astartes: Space Marines

= CORE 1 : BATTLE DEMI-COMPANY [780 pts] =
HQ 1: Kor'sarro Khan(125) [125] (WARLORD)
Troup 1: Tactical Squad(70), Grav-Cannon with Grav-Amp (35), Space Marine Sergeant(0) in Dedicated Transport 1 [105]
Troup 2: Tactical Squad(70), Grav-Cannon with Grav-Amp (35), Space Marine Sergeant(0) in Dedicated Transport 2 [105]
Troup 3: Tactical Squad(70), Melta Gun(10), Space Marine Sergeant(0), Combi-melta(10) in Dedicated Transport 3 [90]
Elite 1: Ironclad Dreadnought(135) in Dedicated Transport 4 [135]
Fast 1: Assault Squad(70), 2xflamer (10), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Dedicated Transport 5 [80]
Heavy 1: Devastator Squad(70), 2x Grav-Cannon with Grav-Amp (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Dedicated Transport 6 [140]
Dedicated Transport 1: Rhino (0)
Dedicated Transport 2: Rhino (0)
Dedicated Transport 3: Drop Pod (0)
Dedicated Transport 4: Drop Pod (0)
Dedicated Transport 5: Drop Pod (0)
Dedicated Transport 6: Rhino (0)

= CORE 2 : BATTLE DEMI-COMPANY [665 pts] =
HQ 2: Chaplain(90) [90]
Troup 4: Tactical Squad(70), Melta Gun(10), Space Marine Sergeant(0) in Dedicated Transport 7 [80]
Troup 5: Tactical Squad(70), Melta Gun(10), Space Marine Sergeant(0) in Dedicated Transport 8 [80]
Troup 6: Tactical Squad(70), Melta Gun(10), Space Marine Sergeant(0) in Dedicated Transport 9 [80]
Fast 2: Assault Squad(70), flamer(5), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Dedicated Transport 10 [75]
Heavy 2: 3 Centurion Devastator Squad(165), 2x Grav-Cannon with Grav-Amp (50), Centurion Sergeant (0), Grav-Cannon with Grav-Amp (25), Missil-Launcher (10), Omniscope(10) [260]
Dedicated Transport 7: Drop Pod (0)
Dedicated Transport 8: Razorback (0)
Dedicated Transport 9: Razorback (0)
Dedicated Transport 10: Razorback (0)

Fast 3: Land Speeder(45) [45]
Heavy 3: 2 x Whirlwind(65 x2) [130]

HQ 3: Librarian(65), The Hunter's Eye(20), force axe (0) [85]
Troup 7: Scout Squad(55), Scout Sergeant (0) [55]
Troup 8: Scout Squad(55), Scout Sergeant (0) [55]
Fast 4: Drop Pod(35) [35]

Total Army: 1850pts

PLAYER 4 : Edouard - Belgarion43 - Chevalier
Fortification: N/A
Type of alliance: Battle Brother
Factions used: Dark Angels, Space Wolfs and Adepta Sororitas

== Primary Detachment: Dark Angels Combined Arms Detachment ==
HQ1: Sammael (200), Corvex (Jetbike) (0) - [200pts]
TROOPS1: 5 Scouts (55), Upgrade Scout Sergeant (0), 5 Boltguns (0), 5 Bolt Pistol (0) - [55pts]
TROOPS2: 5 Scouts (55), Upgrade Scout Sergeant (0), 5 Boltguns (0), 5 Bolt Pistol (0) - [55pts]
FA1 : Ravenwing Darkshroud (1*80) [80]
FA2 : Ravenwing Darkshroud (1*80) [80]
LOW1: Azrael (215) - [215pts] - WARLORD
Total detachment : 685

== Secondary Detachment: Dark Angels Librarius Conclave ==
HQ2: Ezekiel (145) - [145pts]
HQ3: Librarian (65), Bolt Pistol (0), Force Axe (0), Psyker Level 2 (25) - [90pts]
HQ4: Librarian (65), Bolt Pistol (0), Force Axe (0), Psyker Level 2 (25) - [90pts]
HQ5: Librarian (65), Bolt Pistol (0), Force Axe (0), Jump Pack (15), Psyker Level 2 (25) - [105pts]
HQ6: Librarian (65), Bolt Pistol (0), Force Axe (0), Jump Pack (15), Psyker Level 2 (25) - [105pts]
Total detachement: 535

== Tertiary Detachment: Space Wolves Wolfkin ==
FA3 : 10 Fenrissian Wolves(40 + 5*Cool [80]
FA4 : 10 Fenrissian Wolves(40 + 5*Cool [80]
FA5 : 10 Fenrissian Wolves(40 + 5*Cool [80]
FA6 : 10 Fenrissian Wolves(40 + 5*Cool [80]
FA7 : 15 Fenrissian Wolves(40 + 10*Cool [120]
Total detachment : 440

== Quaternary Detachment: Adepta Sororitas Allied Detachment ==
HQ0.1: Ministorum Priest (25), Close Combat Weapon (0), Laspistol (0), The Litanies of Faith (15) – [40pts]
HQ0.2: Ministorum Priest (25), Close Combat Weapon (0), Laspistol (0) – [25pts]
HQ7: Canoness (65), Bolt Pistol (0), Chainsword (0) - [65pts]
TROOPS3: 5 Battle Sister (60), Upgrade Sister Superior (0), 5 Bolt Pistol (0), 5 Boltgun (0) – [60pts]
Total detachment : 190

PLAYER 5 : Yoan - Raivo - Boeuf
Fortification: Aegis Defence Line
Factions used: Tyranids, Astra militarum

HQ1: Primaris Psyker, Chuck Norris Woodcutter Force Axe (0) [50] 
HQ2: Commissar [25] Warlord
HQ3: Commissar [25]
HQ4: Commissar [25]
Elites1: Wrydvane Psykers [60]
Elites2: Wrydvane Psykers [60]
Elites3: Wrydvane Psykers [60]

HQ1: Hive tyrant (165), 2 x Twin-linked devourers with Brainleach worms (2x15), wings (35) [230]
HQ2: Hive tyrant (165), 2 x Twin-linked devourers with Brainleach worms (2x15), wings (35) [230]
Troop1: Mucolid Spore Cluster [15]
Troop2: Mucolid Spore Cluster [15]
Fortification: Aegis Defence Line (50), Comms Relay (20) [70 pts]

== TERTIARY DETACHMENT: Hive Fleet Detachment, Leviathan Campaign supplement ==
HQ1: Hive tyrant (165), 2 x Twin-linked devourers with Brainleach worms (2x15), wings (35) [230]
HQ2: Hive tyrant (165), 2 x Twin-linked devourers with Brainleach worms (2x15), wings (35) [230]
HQ3: Hive tyrant (165), 2 x Twin-linked devourers with Brainleach worms (2x15), wings (35) [230]
Troop1: Mucolid Spore Cluster [15]
Troop2: Mucolid Spore Cluster [15]
Troop3: Mucolid Spore Cluster [15]

== QUARTERNARY DETACHEMENT : Allied Detachment, Codex Tyranids ==
HQ1: Hive tyrant (165), 2 x Twin-linked devourers with Brainleach worms (2x15), wings (35) [230]
Troop1: Mucolid Spore Cluster [15]

PLAYER 6 : Florent - Razahrds - Tran Quang
Fortification: Imperial Bastion
Factions used: Tau enclave Farsight, Burning of Prospero Imperial Datasheets, Tau

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : CAD - Tau Empire - Farsight Enclaves ==
HQ1 : Commander(85), Stimulant injector(15), Advenced targeting system(3), 2 Missile pod(30), Iridium Battlesuit(25), [Farsight enclaves] Talisman of Arthas Moloch(25) [183] [WARLORD]
Troop1 : XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (22), Flamer(5), Bonding Knife ritual(1) [28]
Troop2 : XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (22), 2 Flamer(2*5), Bonding Knife ritual(1) [33]
Fortifications1 : Impérial Bastion(75), Escape hatch(25), Ammunition dump(20) [120]

Elite1 : 3 XV104 Riptide Battlesuits
        a) XV104 Riptide Battlesuits (180), Early warning override(5), Velocity tracker(20) [205]
        b) XV104 Riptide Battlesuits (180), Early warning override(5), Velocity tracker(20) [205]
        c) XV104 Riptide Battlesuits (180), Early warning override(5), Target lock(5) [190]
Elite2 : 3 XV104 Riptide Battlesuits 
        a) XV104 Riptide Battlesuits (180), Early warning override(5), Velocity tracker(20) [205]
        b) XV104 Riptide Battlesuits (180), Early warning override(5), Velocity tracker(20) [205]
        c) XV104 Riptide Battlesuits (180), Velocity tracker(20), Target lock(5), Accélérateur à ions(5) [210] 
Elite3 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuits 
        a) XV104 Riptide Battlesuits (180), Early warning override(5), Accélérateur à ions(5) [190]

== TERTIARY DETACHMENT : Burning of Prospero Imperial Datasheets ==
Elite4 : 5 Sisters of Silence, Boltgun(0) [75]


Fortification: N/A
Type of alliance: BATTLE BROTHERS
Factions used: Chaos Deamons

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Daemonic Incursion ==
= Tallyband =
HQ1 : Herald of Nurgle [45]
Troup1 : 3 Nurglings [45]
Troup2 : 3 Nurglings [45]
Troup3 : 3 Nurglings [45]
Troup4 : 3 Nurglings [45]
Troup5 : 3 Nurglings [45]
Troup6 : 3 Nurglings [45]
Troup7 : 3 Nurglings [45]

= Burning Skyhost 1 =
HQ2 : Herald of Tzeentch(45), Disc of Tzeentch(25) [70] [WARLORD]
FA1 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA2 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA3 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA4 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA5 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA6 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA7 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA8 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA9 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]

= Burning Skyhost 2 =
HQ3 : Herald of Tzeentch(45), Disc of Tzeentch(25) [70]
FA10 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA11 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA12 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA13 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA14 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA15 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA16 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA17 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]
FA18 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75]


PLAYER 8 : Pierre - Morgrim - AUGUSTIN
Fortification: Aegis Defense line
Type of alliance: BATTLE BROTHERS
Factions used: Chaos Space Marines, Khorn Daemonkin and dataslate Cypher

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Chaos Space Marines: Black Legion: Cyclopia Cabal
[warlord] HQ1 : Sorcerer(1*60), Power Axe(0), Bolt Pistol (0), Spell Familiar(15), Psyker Mastery Level 3 (50), Veterans of the Long War(5) - [130]
HQ2 : Sorcerer(1*60), Power Axe(0), Bolt Pistol (0), Chaos Bike(20), Spell Familiar(15), Psyker Mastery Level 3 (50), Veterans of the Long War(5) - [150]
HQ3 : Sorcerer(1*60), Power Stave(0), Bolt Pistol (0), jump pack(15), Spell Familiar(15), Psyker Mastery Level 3 (50), Veterans of the Long War(5) - [145]
HQ4 : Sorcerer(1*60), Power Stave(0), Bolt Pistol (0), Chaos Bike(20), Spell Familiar(15), Psyker Mastery Level 3 (50), Veterans of the Long War(5) - [150]
HQ5 : Sorcerer(1*60), Power Stave(0), Bolt Pistol (0), Chaos Bike(20), Spell Familiar(15), Psyker Mastery Level 3 (50), Veterans of the Long War(5) - [150]
HQ6 : Cypher [190]

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT : Khorne Daemonkin CAD ==
HQ1 : Chaos lord (75), juggernaught (45), power fist (25), Seal of corrupt (25), Brazen rune (15) [185] 
Troup1 : 8 cultist [58] 
Troup2 : 8 cultist [58] 
FA1 : 14 Flesh Hounds(80 + 9*16) [224] 

Fortifications1 : Aegis Defense line(50), comm relay (20) [70] 

FA2 : Helldrake, baleflammer (0) [170] 
FA3 : Helldrake, baleflammer (0) [170]



Les décapsuleurs :



Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
Faction : Imperial Knight, Astra Militarum
==PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Imperial Knights Baronial Court==
Lord of War1 : Knight Warden(375), Twin linked Icarus (35) [410]
Lord of War2 : Knight Warden(375) [375]
Lord of War3 : Knight Warden(375) [375]
Lord of War4 : [WARLORD] Knight Warden(375) [375]
Total detachment : 1535

=DETACHMENT : Astra Militarum Psykana Division=
HQ1 : Commissar(25) [25]
HQ2 : Commissar(25) [25]
HQ3 : Commissar(25) [25]
HQ4 : Primaris Psyker(50) Axe Force(0) [50]
Elite1 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers (60) [60]
Elite2 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers (60) [60]
Elite3 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers (60) [60]
Total detachment : 305


PLAYER 2: Lolo
Fortification: Aegis Defense Line
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brother
Faction : SMC, KDK
==Primary Detachment: Chaos Space Marines: Combined Arms Detachment==
HQ1 : Kharn the Betrayer - [160] - WARLORD
HQ2 : Be'lakor, the Dark Master - [350]
HQ3 : Cypher - [190]
TROOPS1 : 10 Chaos Cultists(50), Cultist Champion (0) - [50]
TROOPS2 : 10 Chaos Cultists(50), Cultist Champion (0) - [50]
FORT1 : Aegis Defense Line - [50]

=Secondary Detachment: Chaos Space Marines: Black Legion: Cyclopia Cabal=
HQ1 : Sorcerer(1*60), Power Axe(0), Bolt Pistol (0), Chaos Bike(20), Spell Familiar(15), Psyker Mastery Level 3 (50), Veterans of the Long War(5) - [150]
HQ2 : Sorcerer(1*60), Power Axe(0), Bolt Pistol (0), Chaos Bike(20), Spell Familiar(15), Psyker Mastery Level 3 (50), Veterans of the Long War(5) - [150]
HQ3 : Sorcerer(1*60), Power Axe(0), Bolt Pistol (0), Chaos Bike(20), Spell Familiar(15), Psyker Mastery Level 3 (50), Veterans of the Long War(5) - [150]
HQ4 : Sorcerer(1*60), Power Axe(0), Bolt Pistol (0), Chaos Bike(20), Spell Familiar(15), Psyker Mastery Level 3 (50), Veterans of the Long War(5) - [150]

==Secondary Detachment: Khorne Daemonkin: Allied Detachment==
HQ1 : Herald (55), The Brazen Rune (15) - [70]
TROOPS1 : 8 Chaos Cultists (58), Cultist Champion (0) - [58]
FA1 : 17 Flesh Hounds(80 + 12*16) - [272]


PLAYER 3: Elronhir
Type Of Alliance: 
Faction : Eldars

==Primary detachement:Eldar combined arms detachement==
HQ1:1 Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) - [115pts] [Warlord]
HQ2:1 Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) - [115pts] 
Troop1:3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [81pts]
Troop2:3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [81pts]
Troop3:3 Windriders (51), 1 Scatter Laser (10) - [61pts]

=Secondary detachement:Windriders battle host=
HQ3:1 Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) - [115pts] 
HQ4:1 Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15),Singing spears(5) - [55pts]
Troop1:3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [81pts]
Troop1:3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [81pts]
Troop1:3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [81pts]
FA1:1 Vyper (40) - [40pts]

=Auxilliary Aspect Host=
FA2:5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA3:5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA4:5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) - [105pts]

=Auxilliary Aspect Host=
FA5:5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA6:5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA7:5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) - [105pts]

=Auxilliary : Wraith constructs=
LOW:WraithKnight (295), D-HeavyCannon (0),  Scatter Laser (15) - [310pts]


PLAYER 4: Xenos77
Fortification: Aegis Defense Line
Type Of Alliance: Desperate allies
Faction : Genestealers Cult, Inquisition

==Détachement 1 : Cult Insurrection ==
=Brood cycle=
QG : 1 Iconward [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids [40]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids [40]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids [40]
Troupe : 10 neophytes hybrids (50) flame (5) [55]
Troupe : 10 neophytes hybrids (50) flame (5) [55]
Elite : 5 hybrids metamorphs (45) 5 Whip (10) [55]
Elite : 5 stealers [70]

=Subtterranean uprising :=
QG : 1 Primus [75]
Elite : 5 hybrids metamorphs (45) 5 Whip (10) [55]
Elite : 5 hybrids metamorphs (45) 5 Whip(10) [55]
Elite : 5 hybrids metamorphs (45) 5 Whip (10) [55]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw (25) [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw (25) [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw (25) [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw (25) [65]

=Subtterranean uprising :=
Elite : 5 hybrids metamorphs (45) 5 Whip(10) [55]
Elite : 5 hybrids metamorphs (45) 5 Whip (10) [55]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw (25) [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw (25) [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw (25) [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw(25) [65]

=Lord of the cult :=
QG : 1 Magus (40) niv 2 (25) The Crouchling (20) [85]

=Lord of the cult :=
QG : 1 Patriarch (90) niv 2 (25) [WARLORD] [115]

==- Détachement 2 : CAD Genestealers cult ==
QG : 1 Magus (40) niv 2 (25) [65]
QG : 1 Magus (40) niv 2 (25) [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids [40]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids [40]
Fortification :  aegis [50]

== Détachement 3 : Inquisition==
QG : Coteaz [100]

Total : 1850

PLAYER 5: Yrian
Type Of Alliance: Desperate allies
ELITE1 : Culexus (140) : [140] WARLORD

FA1 : TX-4 Piranha (40), sensor spines (5) : [45]
FA2 : 4 TX-4 Piranhas (40+3*40), blacksun filter (1) : [161]
FA3 : 4 TX-4 Piranhas (40+3*40), blacksun filter (1) : [161]
FA4 : 4 TX-4 Piranhas (40+3*40), blacksun filter (1) : [161]

FA5 : 5 MV-7 Marker drones (56+14) : [70]
FA6 : 4 MV-7 Marker drones (56) : [56]
FA7 : 4 MV-7 Marker drones (56) : [56]
FA8 : 4 MV-7 Marker drones (56) : [56]

ELITE2 : [568]
ELITE2a : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), target lock (5), early warning override (5): [190]
ELITE2b : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), target lock (5), early warning override (5): [190]
ELITE2c : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), advanced targetting system (3), early warning override (5): [188]
ELITE3 : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), advanced targetting system (3), early warning override (5) : [188]
ELITE4 : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), advanced targetting system (3), early warning override (5) : [188]

TOTAL : [1850]

PLAYER 6: Manix
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
Faction : Dark Angels, Space Wolves
==Primary Detachment: Dark Angels: Ravenwing Stike Force==
QG 1 : Sammael [200] Warlord
Elite 1 : 6 Ravenwing Black Knights Command Squad (40*6) Apothicary (30) [270]
Attaque Rapide 1 : 1 Darkshroud [80]
Attaque Rapide 2 : 1 Attack Bike [45]

=Secondary Detachment: Dark Angels Data Slate: Dark Angels Librarius Council Formation=
QG 2 : Ezekiel [145]
QG 3 : Librarian "Motkar Al Motard" (65) Space Marine Bike (20) Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25) The Eye of the Unseen (40) Force Staff (0) [150]
QG 4 : Librarian "Omar Al Motard" (65) Space Marine Bike (20) Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25) Force Staff (0) [110]
QG 5 : Librarian "Bashar AL Motard" (65) Space Marine Bike (20) Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25) Force Staff (0) [110]

=Terciary Detachment: Space Wolf Champion of Fenriss: Detachment of the Great Wolf=
QG 6 : 1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunder Wolf (50) Runic Armour (25) Stormshieild (15) Power Fist (25) [165]
QG 7 : 1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunder Wolf (50) Runic Armour (25) Stormshieild (15) Power Fist (25) [165]
QG 8 : 1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunder Wolf (50) Runic Armour (25) Stormshieild (15) Power Fist (25) [165]
Elite 2 : 1 Servitor "Timmy" [10]
Elite 3 : 1 Servitor "Tymmi" [10]

=Quaternary Detachment: Space Wolf Warzone Fenriss Curse of the Wulfen: Wyrdstorm Brotherhood=
QG 9 : Rune Priest "Ghost Rider" (60) Space Marine Bike (20) Runic Armour (25) Runic Stave (0) [105]
QG 10 : Rune Priest "Dudu" (60) Jet Pack (15) Helm of Durfast (20) Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25) Runic Stave (0) [120]

Total : 1850

PLAYER 7: Bromotimol
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
Faction : Space Marines, Sister of Silence
== Principal detachment : Gladius (white scars) ==
= Battle demi company 1 =
HQ1: kor'sarro Khan - [125] (WARLORD)
Troops1: Tactical Squad (70), Grav‐cannon and Grav‐amp (35), Rhino DT (0), Storm Bolter (0) ‐ [105pts]
Troops2: Tactical Squad (70), Grav‐cannon and Grav‐amp (35), Rhino DT (0), Storm Bolter (0) ‐ [105pts]
Troops3: Tactical Squad (70), Flamer (5), Combi-flamer (10), Drop pod DT (0), Storm Bolter (0) - [85pts]
FA1: Assault squad (70), 2 Flamer (10), Drop pod DT (0), Storm bolter (0) - [80]
HS1: 3 Centurion devastator squad (165), 3x Grav-cannon and grav-amp (75), Omniscopes (10) - [250]

= Battle demi company 2 =
HQ2: Chaplain (90), The hunter's eye (20) - [110]
Troops4: Tactical Squad (70), Flamer (5), Razorback DT (0), Twin‐linked Heavy Bolter (0) - [75pts]
Troops5: Tactical Squad (70), Flamer (5), Razorback DT (0), Twin‐linked Heavy Bolter (0) - [75pts]
Troops6: Tactical Squad (70), Flamer (5), Razorback DT (0), Twin‐linked Heavy Bolter (0) - [75pts]
FA2: Attack bike squad - [40]
HS2: Devastator squad (70), 3x Grav-cannon and grav-amp (105), Drop pod DT (0), Storm bolter (0) - [175]

= Suppression force =
FA3: Land speeders (50), Heavy bolter (0), Heavy bolter (5) - [55]
HS3: 2 Whirlwind (65+65) - [130]

== Secondary detachment : Ally detachment, Space Marines (Iron Hands) ==
QG3: Terminator captain (120), Cataphractii armor (0) - [120]
Troops7: Scout squad - [55]
FA4: Drop pod - [35]

== Tertiary Detachment : Formation Null-Maiden task force ==
Elite1: Sisters of silence (75), Flamer (2), 4 Executioner blades (0) - [77]
Elite2: Sisters of silence (75), Flamer (2), 4 Executioner blades - [77]

PLAYER 8: Poolky
Type Of Alliance: 
Faction : Demons

== Detachment 1 : Daemonic Incursion - Curse of the Wulfen Campaign Supplement ==

= Core : Flayer Troupe =
HQ1 : The Masque - [75pts]
Troop1 : 10 Daemonettes (90) Icon of Chaos (10), Instrument of Chaos (10) - [110pts]
Troop2 : 10 Daemonettes (90) Icon of Chaos (10) - [100pts]
Troop3 : 10 Daemonettes (90) Icon of Chaos (10) - [100pts]
Troop4 : 10 Daemonettes (90), Instrument of Chaos (10)- [100pts]
Troop5 : 10 Daemonettes (90), Instrument of Chaos (10) - [100pts]
Troop6 : 10 Daemonettes [90pts]

= Auxilliary : Burning Skyhost =
HQ2 : Herald of Tzeentch (45),lvl 3 (50) Disc (25), Paradoxe (25) - [150pts] (Lord of War)
FA1 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA2 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA3 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA4 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA5 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA6 : 4 Screamers - [100pts]
FA7 : 4 Screamers - [100pts]
FA8 : 4 Screamers - [100pts]
FA9 : 4 Screamers - [100pts]

Total : 1845



Playboyz :



PLAYER 1: Aurel "AUREL" [capitaine]
FACTION: Tau / Sisters of silence
== Primary Detachment: Enclaves Farsight Combined Arms Detachment ==
HQ1: Commander (85), Node C2 (15), Drone controller (8 ), Combat jammer (2), 2 Markers Drones (2x12) - [134] [WARLORD]
FA1: 4 Markers Dones - [56]
TROOP1: Crisis Battlesuits (22), Bonding Knive (1) - [23]
TROOP2: Crisis Battlesuits (22), Bonding Knive (1) - [23]
LOW1: KV128 StormSurge (360), Pulse Driver Cannon (15), Early Warning Override (5), Shield Generator (50) - [430]
FORTIFICATION: Void Shield Generator (50), 2 Additionnal Void Shield (50) - [100]

== Secondary Detachment: Riptides Wing ==
ELITE1: Riptide (180), Twin Linked Smart Missiles System (0), Early Warning Override (5) - [185]
ELITE2: Riptide (180), Twin Linked Smart Missiles System (0), Early Warning Override (5) - [185]
ELITE3a: Riptide (180), Twin Linked Smart Missiles System (0), Advanced Targeting System (3), Early Warning Override (5) - [188]
ELITE3b: Riptide (180), Twin Linked Smart Missiles System (0), Advanced Targeting System (3), Target Lock (5) - [188]
ELITE3c: Riptide (180), Twin Linked Smart Missiles System (0), Advanced Targeting System (3), Target Lock (5) - [188]

== Tertiary Detachment: Null-Maiden Task Force, Burning of Prospero Imperial Datasheets ==
TROOP1: Sister of Silence squad (75), 5 Executioner greatblade (0) - [75]
TROOP2: Sister of Silence squad (75), 5 Executioner greatblade (0) - [75]

PLAYER 2: Mathieu " Matheuw"
FACTION: Dark Angels / Spaces Wolves
== Primary Detachment: Dark Angels Combined Arms Detachment ==
HQ1: Sammael - [200]
TROOP1: Scout Squad (55), 5 Boltgun (0) - [55]
TROOP2: Scout Squad (55), 5 Boltgun (0) - [55]
LOW1: Azrael - [215] [WARLORD]

== Secondary Detachment:  Formation Librarius Conclave - Dataslate Dark Angels ==
HQ1: Ezekiel - [145]
HQ2: Librarian (65), Level 2 (25), Bike (20), Shroud of Heroes (10), Force Axe (0) - [120]
HQ3: Librarian (65), Level 2 (25), Bike (20), Force Axe (0) - [110]
HQ4: Librarian (65), Level 2 (25), Bike (20), Force Axe (0) - [110]

== Tertiary Detachment: Formation Wolfkin - Curse of the Wulfen Campaign Supplement ==
FA1: Fenrisian Wolves - [40]
FA2: Fenrisian Wolves - [40]
FA3: Fenrisian Wolves - [40]
FA4: Fenrisian Wolves (40), 8 Fenrisian Wolves (8x8) - [104]
FA5: Fenrisian Wolves (40), 10 Fenrisian Wolves (10x8)  - [120]

== Fourth Detachment: Formation Wyrdstorm Brotherhood - Curse of the Wulfen Campaign Supplement ==
HQ1: Rune Priest (60), Level 2 (25), Helm of durfast (20), Bike (20), Runic Axe (0) - [125]
HQ2: Rune Priest (60), Level 2 (25), Bike (20), Runic Axe (0) - [105]
HQ3: Rune Priest (60), Level 2 (25), Bike (20), Runic Axe (0) - [105]
HQ4: Rune Priest (60), Bike (20), Melta Bomb (5), Runic Axe (0) - [85]
HQ5: Rune Priest (60), Jump Pack (15), Runic Axe (0) - [75]

PLAYER 3: Romain "Hiso"
== Primary Detachment: Detachment Curse of the Wulfen, Daemonic Incursion ==
[Burning Skyhost]
HQ1: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Paradox (25), Level 3 (50) - [145]
FA1: 3 Screamer of Tzeentch - [75]
FA2: 3 Screamer of Tzeentch - [75]
FA3: 3 Screamer of Tzeentch - [75]
FA4: 3 Screamer of Tzeentch - [75]
FA5: 3 Screamer of Tzeentch - [75]
FA6: 3 Screamer of Tzeentch - [75]
FA7: 3 Screamer of Tzeentch - [75]
FA8: 3 Screamer of Tzeentch - [75]
FA9: 3 Screamer of Tzeentch - [75]

[Deamon Lord]
HQ1: Kairos - [300] [WARLORD]

HQ1: Herald of Khorne (55), Exalted Reward (30) - [85]
FA1: 5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne - [80]
FA2: 5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne - [80]
FA3: 5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne - [80]
FA4: 5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne - [80]
FA5: 5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne - [80]
FA6: 5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne - [80]
FA7: 5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne - [80]
FA8: 5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne - [80]

PLAYER 4: Mathieu "Fogia"
FACTION: Orks / Khorne Daemonkin / Renegade Knights
== Primary Detachment: Orks Combined Arms Detachment ==
HQ1: Big Mek - [35] [WARLORD]
TROOP1: 10 Gretchins, 1 Runtherd - [35]
TROOP2: 10 Gretchins, 1 Runtherd - [35]
FORTIFICATION: Void Shield Generator (50), 2 Additionnal Void Shield (50) - [100]

== Secondary Detachment: Khorne Daemonkin, Air Superiority Detachment ==
FA1: Heldrake (170), Baleflamer (0) - [170]
FA2: Heldrake (170), Baleflamer (0) - [170]

== Tertiary Detachment: Forsworn Knight Detachment ==
LOW1: Renegade Knight (325), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (chainsword) (60), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (gauntlet) (50) - [435]
LOW2: Renegade Knight (325), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (chainsword) (60), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (gauntlet) (50) - [435]
LOW3: Renegade Knight (325), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (chainsword) (60), Rapid-fire battle cannon and heavy stubber (gauntlet) (50) - [435]

PLAYER 5: Cédric "Raklure"
FACTION: Imperial Knights / Dark Eldars
== Primary Detachment: House Old Detachment, Imperial Knight Detachment ==
LOW1: Imperial Knight Warden (375), Missiles Pod (40) - [415] [WARLORD]
LOW2: Imperial Knight Warden (375), Missiles Pod (40) - [415]
LOW3: Imperial Knight Warden (375), Missiles Pod (40) - [415]
LOW4: Imperial Knight Warden (375), Missiles Pod (40) - [415]

== Secondary Detachment: Dark Eldars Combined Arms Detachment ==
HQ1: Lamaeen - [10] 
TROOP1: 5 Kabalits - [40]
TROOP1: 5 Kabalits - [40]
FORTIFICATION: Void Shield Generator (50), 2 Additionnal Void Shield (50) - [100]

PLAYER 6: François "Flauros"
== Primary Detachment: Craftworld Combined Arms Detachment ==
HQ1: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15), Singing spear (5) - [120] [WARLORD]
HQ2: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15), Singing spear (5) - [120]
TROOP1: 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter laser (3x10) - [81]
TROOP2: 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter laser (3x10) - [81]
TROOP3: 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter laser (3x10) - [81]
TROOP4: 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter laser (3x10) - [81]
TROOP5: 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter laser (3x10) - [81]
LOW1: WairthKnight (295), 2 Heavy wraithcannons (0), 2 Scatter laser (2x15) - [325]
FORTIFICATION: Void Shield Generator (50), 2 Additionnal Void Shield (50) - [100]

== Secondary Detachment: Décurie Craftworld, Warhost ==
[Windrider Ost]
HQ1: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15), Singing spear (5) - [120]
HQ2: Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15) - [50]
TROOP1: 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter laser (3x10) - [81]
TROOP2: 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter laser (3x10) - [81]
TROOP3: 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter laser (3x10) - [81]
FA1: Vyper - [40]

LOW1: WairthKnight (295), Ghostglaive and Scattershield (0), 2 Scatter laser (2x15) - [325]

PLAYER 7: Théo "Tohouo"
FACTION: Space Marines
== Primary Detachment: Décurie Gladius, Chapitre White Scars ==

[Battle Demi-Company]
HQ1: Khorsaro - [125] [WARLORD]
TROOP1: Tactical Squad (70), 1 Melta (10) - [80] Transport 1 
TROOP2: Tactical Squad (70), 1 Melta (10) - [80] Transport 2 
TROOP3: Tactical Squad (70), 1 Melta (10) - [80] Transport 3
FA1: Assault Squad (70), Baf (5) - [85] Transport 4 
HS1: Devastator Squad - [70] Transport 5 

[Battle Demi-Company]
HQ1: Chaplain (90), Hunter Eye (20), 1 Combi-gravgun (10) - [120]
TROOP1: Tactical Squad (70), Baf (5), 1 Melta (10) - [85] Transport 6 
TROOP2: Tactical Squad (70), 1 Melta (10) - [80] Transport 7 
TROOP3: Tactical Squad (70), 1 Melta (10) - [80] Transport 8
FA1: Assault Squad (70), Baf (5) - [85] Transport 9 
HS1: Devastator Squad - [70] Transport 10 

[Suppression Force]
HS1: 2 Whirlwind - [130] 
FA1: Land Speeder (45), Heavy Bolter (0) - [45] 

== Secondary Detachment: Formation Skyhammer, Chapitre Ultramarines ==
HS1: Devastator Squad (70), 3 Grav-Cannon with Grav-Amp (3x35) - [175] Transport 11
HS2: Devastator Squad (70), 3 Grav-Cannon with Grav-Amp (3x35) - [175] Transport 12
FA1: Assault Squad (70), Baf (5), Jump Pack (15) - [90]
FA2: Assault Squad (70), Baf (5), Jump Pack (15) - [90]

Transport 1: Drod Pod [0]
Transport 2: Drod Pod [0] 
Transport 3: Drod Pod [0]
Transport 4: Razorback (0), Twin-linked Heavy Bolter (0), Blade (5) - [5]
Transport 5: Razorback (0), Twin-linked Heavy Bolter (0), Blade (5) - [5]
Transport 6: Razorback (0), Twin-linked Heavy Bolter (0), Blade (5) - [5]
Transport 7: Razorback (0), Twin-linked Heavy Bolter (0), Blade (5) - [5]
Transport 8: Razorback (0), Twin-linked Heavy Bolter (0), Blade (5) - [5]
Transport 9: Razorback (0), Twin-linked Heavy Bolter (0), Blade (5) - [5]
Transport 10: Razorback (0), Twin-linked Heavy Bolter (0), Blade (5) - [5]
Transport 11: Drod Pod - [35]
Transport 12: Drod Pod - [35]

PLAYER 8: Jean-Baptiste "Brox"
FACTION: Genestealer Cults
== Primary Detachment: Detachement Cults Insurrection ==

[Core: Brood Cycle]
HQ1: Iconward [65]
TROOP1: 5 Acolyte Hybride - [40]
TROOP2: 5 Acolyte Hybride (40), 1 Disqueuzzz (25) - [65]
TROOP3: 10 Acolyte Hybride (80), 2 Disqueuzzz (50) - [130]
TROOP4: 10 Neophyte Hybrids - [50]
TROOP5: 10 Neophyte Hybrids - [50]
ELITE1: 5 Hybrid Metamorph - [45] 
ELITE2: 5 Purestrain - [70]

[Auxiliary1: Subterrean Uprising]
HQ2: Primus - [75]
ELITE3: 5 Hybrid Metamorph - [45]
TROOP6: 10 Acolyte Hybride (80), 2 Disqueuzzz (50), Icon Cult (10) - [140]
TROOP7: 10 Acolyte Hybride (80), 2 Disqueuzzz (50), Icon Cult (10) - [140]
TROOP8: 10 Acolyte Hybride (80), 2 Disqueuzzz (50), Icon Cult (10) - [140]

[Auxiliary2: Subterrean Uprising]
ELITE4 : 5 Hybrid Metamorph - [45]
TROOP9: 10 Acolyte Hybride (80), 2 Disqueuzzz (50), Icon Cult (10) - [140]
TROOP10: 10 Acolyte Hybride (80), 2 Disqueuzzz (50), Icon Cult (10) - [140]
TROOP11: 10 Acolyte Hybride (80), 2 Disqueuzzz (50), Icon Cult (10) - [140]

[Command: Lords of the Cult]
HQ3 : Patriarch (90), 2 Familiars (10) - [100] [WARLORD]

== Secondary Detachment: Genestealer Cults Combined Arms Detachment ==
HQ4: Patriarch (90), 2 Familiars (10) - [100]
TROOP12: 5 Acolyte Hybride - [40]
TROOP13: 5 Acolyte Hybride - [40]






Joueur1/Capitaine : Adrien - Le Gob - Gehant
Faction : Inquisition & Dark Angel - Battle Brother

==Primary: The Inquisition==

HQ1: Ordo Malleus Inquisitor (25), 3 servo-skulls (3*3) [34][Warlord]

==Secondary: Lion's Blade Strike Force==

=Core : Battle Demi-Company=

HQ1: Company Master (90), auspex (5) [95]

Elite1: Company Veteran Squad (90), meltagun (10) [100] in Transport1
Elite2: Company Command Squad (90), 5 meltaguns (5*10) [140] in Transport2
Elite3: Dreadnought (100), in-built heavy flamer (10) [110] in Transport3

Troop1: Tactical Squad [70] in Transport7
Troop2: Tactical Squad [70] in Transport8
Troop3: Tactical Squad [70] in Transport9

FA1: Assault Squad (70), 2 flamers (2*5) [80] in Transport13

HS1: Devastator Squad [70] in Transport15

=Core : Battle Demi Company=

HQ2: Chaplain (90), auspex (5) [95]

Elite4: Company Veteran Squad [90] in Transport4
Elite5: Company Command Squad (90), 5 meltaguns (5*10) [140] in Transport5
Elite6: Dreadnought (100), in-built heavy flamer (10) [110] in Transport6

Troop4: Tactical Squad [70] in Transport10
Troop5: Tactical Squad [70] in Transport11
Troop6: Tactical Squad [70] in Transport12

FA2: Assault Squad (70), 2 flamers (2*5) [80] in Transport14

HS2: Devastator Squad [70] in Transport16

=Auxilliary : 10th Company Task Force=

Troop1: Scouts Squad (55), 5 shotguns (0) [55]

Transport1: Drop Pod [0]
Transport2: Drop Pod [0]
Transport3: Drop Pod [0]
Transport4: Drop Pod [0]
Transport5: Drop Pod [0]
Transport6: Drop Pod [0]
Transport7: Razorback (0), Twin-Linked lascannon (20) [20]
Transport8: Razorback (0), Twin-Linked lascannon (20) [20]
Transport9: Razorback (0), Twin-Linked lascannon (20) [20]
Transport10: Razorback (0), Twin-Linked lascannon (20) [20]
Transport11: Razorback (0), Twin-Linked lascannon (20) [20]
Transport12: Razorback (0), Twin-Linked lascannon (20) [20]
Transport13: Drop Pod [0]
Transport14: Drop Pod [0]
Transport15: Razorback (0), Twin-Linked lascannon (20) [20]
Transport16: Razorback (0), Twin-Linked lascannon (20) [20]

[1 849]

Joueur2/Lieutenant : Alban - Le Bien Suprême - De Polignac
Factions : Sister of Silence & Chaos Daemons : in case of apocalypse

==Primary : Null-Maiden Sisterhood==

Elite1 : Sisters of Silence (75), 5 executionner great blades (0) [75] [Warlord]

==Secondary : Chaos Daemon CAD==

HQ1 : The Mask of Slaanesh [75]

Troop1 : Nurglings swarm [45]
Troop2 : Daemonettes (90), icon of chaos (10), Instrument of chaos (10) [110]

Fortification1 : Wall of Martyr Imperial Bunker (55), voidshield (25), escape hatch (25), coms relay (20) [125]

==Tertiary : Burning Skyhost==

HQ1 : Herald of Tzeentch (45), level 3 (2*25), disc of Tzeentch (25), Paradox (25) [145]

FA1 : 6 screamer of Tzeentch (75+3*25) [150]
FA2 : 6 screamer of Tzeentch (75+3*25) [150]
FA3 : 6 screamer of Tzeentch (75+3*25) [150]
FA4 : 6 screamer of Tzeentch (75+3*25) [150]
FA5 : 6 screamer of Tzeentch (75+3*25) [150]
FA6 : 6 screamer of Tzeentch (75+3*25) [150]
FA7 : 5 screamer of Tzeentch (75+2*25) [125]
FA8 : 5 screamer of Tzeentch (75+2*25) [125]
FA9 : 5 screamer of Tzeentch (75+2*25) [125]

[1 850]

Joueur3/Cuir-moustache : Brice - Le Cad - Dumoulin
Faction : Space Marine


HQ5: Captain (90), Chapter Master (40), The Gorgon’s Chains (45), Artificer Armour (20), Power Fist (25), Bike (20) - [240] [Warlord]
HQ6: Captain (90), Chapter Master (40), The Eternel Shield (50), Artificer Armour (20), Power Fist (25), Bike (20) - [245]

TROOP1: Scouts Squad (55), 5 shotguns (0) - [55]
TROOP2: Scouts Squad (55), 5 shotguns (0) - [55]

ELITE1: Command Squad – 5 Veterans (90), Bikes (35) 5 Veterans with Storm Shields (5x10), Apothecary (15) Emperor's standard (60) - [250]

Fortification1 : Wall of Martyr Imperial Bunker (55), escape hatch (25) [80]

==Secondary detachment: Librarius conclave (Ultramarines)==

HQ1: Tigurius - [165]
HQ2: Librarian (65), Level 2 (25), force axe (0) - [90]
HQ3: Librarian (65), Level 2 (25), force axe (0) - [90]


HQ4: Librarian (65), Level 2 (25), Hunter Eye (25), force staff (0) - [115]

TROOP3: Scouts Squad (55), 5 shotguns (0) - [55]

HS1: Centurions Devastator Squad (165), 2 additionnals Centurions (2*55), 5 Grav Cannons with grav-amp (5x25), Omniscope (10) – [410pts]

TOTAL: 1850

Joueur4/Petit Pédestre : Arnaud - Le Nahel - Chabrier
Factions : Tau Empire & Officio Assassinorum - desesperate allies

HQ2 : Commander (85), Drone Controller (8), Command and Control Node (15), 2 Marker Drone (2*12) [132]

TROOP1 : Crisis Battlesuits (22), Bonding Knive (1) [23]
TROOP2 : Crisis Battlesuits (22), Bonding Knive (1) [23]

FA1 : 4 Marker Drone [56]

LOW 1 : KV128 Stormsurges (360), Pulse Driver Cannon (15), Shield Generator (50), Early Warning Override (5), Twin Linked Smart Missiles System (0), Cluster Rocket System (0), 4 Destroyers Missiles (0), Twin-Linked airbusting projector (5), Velocity Tracker (20) [455]

FORTIF1 : Wall of Martyr Imperial Bunker (55), Escape Hatch (25), Ammunition Dump (20) [100]


ELITE1 : 1 Riptide (180), 2 Additionnal Riptide (360) [551]
1a : Twin Linked Smart Missiles System (0), Heavy burst cannon (0), target lock (5)
1b : Twin Linked Smart Missiles System (0), Heavy burst cannon (0), Advanced Targeting System (3)
1c : Twin Linked Smart Missiles System (0), Heavy burst cannon (0),Advanced Targeting System (3)
ELITE2 : 1 Riptide (180), Twin Linked Smart Missiles System (0), Heavy Burst Cannon (0), Early Warning Override (5) [185]
ELITE3 : 1 Riptide (180), Heavy Burst Cannon (0), Twin Linked Smart Missiles System (0), Early Warning Override (5) [185]


Elite1 : Culexus Assassin [140]

TOTAL : 1850 PTS

Joueur5/Portugais(e) : Saul - Le Cid - Baptista
Faction : Eldar Craftworld

==Primary : Eldar Craftworld Warhost==

=Core : Windrider Warhost=

HQ1 : Farseer (100), skyrunner (15) [115][Warlord]
HQ2 : Warlock (35), skyrunner (15) [50]

Troop1 : 4 Windriders (51+17), 4 scatter laser (4*10) [108]
Troop2 : Windriders (51), 3 scatter laser (3*10) [81]
Troop3 : Windriders (51), 3 scatter laser (3*10) [81]

FA1 : Vyper (40), starcannon (5) [45]

=Command : Heroes of Craftworld=

HQ1 : Autarch (70), skyrunner (15) [85]

=Auxilliary : Wraith Construct=

LoW1 : Wraithknight (295), 2 heavy wraithcannons (0), star cannon (20), scatter laser (15) [330]

=Auxilliary : Wraith Construct=

LoW1 : Wraithknight (295), ghostglaive and scattershield (0), 2 scatter laser (2*15) [325]

=Auxilliary : Aspect Host=

FA1 : Warp Spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]
FA2 : Warp Spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]
FA3 : Warp Spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]

=Auxilliary : Aspect Host=

FA1 : Warp Spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]
FA2 : Warp Spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]
FA3 : Warp Spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]

[1 850]

Joueur6/Poisse-man : Maxime - Le-Ezekyle - Cobuccio
Factions : Blood Angel & Space Wolves & Battle Sisters : Battle Brothers

==Primary : Flesh Tearers Strike Force==

HQ1 : Sanguinary Priest (60), bike (20), bolt pistol (1) [81] [Warlord]
HQ2 : Librarian (65), level 2 (25), force staff (0), bike (20) [110]

Troop1 : Scouts Squad (55), 5 shotguns (0) [55]

FA1 : Scout Bike Squad (54), 1 additionnal biker (18) [72]

==Secondary : Sisters of Battle AD==

HQ1: Saint Celestine [135]
HQ0a: Ministorum Priest (25), litanies of faith (15) [40]

Troop1: Battle Sisters Squad (60), sister superior with boltgun (0) [60]

==Tertiary : Wyrdstorm Brotherhood==

HQ1 : Rune Priest (60), jumpack (15), level 2 (25), runic staff (0), The Helm of Durfast (20) [120]
HQ2 : Rune Priest (60), bike (20), level 2 (25), runic axe(0) [105]
HQ3 : Rune Priest (60), bike (20), level 2 (25), runic staff (0) [105]
HQ4 : Rune Priest (60), level 2 (25), runic staff (0) [85]
HQ5 : Rune Priest (60), bike (20), level 2 (25), runic staff (0) [105]

==Quaternary : Champions of Fenris Detachment==

HQ1 : Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50), Thunderwolf (50), runic armour (25), stormshield (15), power fist (25), 2 fenrissians wolves (8*2), The Wulfen Stone (40) [221]
HQ2 : Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50), Thunderwolf (50), runic armour (25), stormshield (15), power fist (25), 2 fenrissians wolves (8*2) [181]
HQ3 : Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50), Thunderwolf (50), runic armour (25), stormshield (15), power fist (25), 2 fenrissians wolves (8*2) [181]
HQ4 : Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50), Thunderwolf (50), runic armour (25), stormshield (15), power fist (25), 1 fenrissian wolf (8)  [173]

Elite1 : Servitor [10]
Elite2 : Servitor [10]

[1 849]

Joueur7/Sauce Grand-Veneur : Adrien - Le Chevreuil - Meunier
Renegat Knight ; Genestealer Cult ; Tyranids ; Chaos Space Marine -Battle Brothers or Circumstances Allies or In case of Apocalypse

==Primary: CAD Cult Genestealer==

HQ1: Magus (40), level 2 (25), force staff (0) [65][Warlord]
HQ2: Magus (40), level 2 (25), force staff (0), The Crouchling (20) [85]

Troop1: Acolytes Hybrids [40]
Troop2: Acolytes Hybrids [40]
Troop3: Acolytes Hybrids [40]

==Secondary: Hell Drake Terror Pack==

FA1: Helldrake (170), baleflamer (0) [170]
FA2: Helldrake (170), baleflamer (0) [170]

==Tertiary: Foresworn Renegat Knight Detachment==

LoW1: Knight Renegat (325), avengers gatlings cannon with heavy flamer (50) [375]
LoW2: Knight Renegat (325), avengers gatlings cannon with heavy flamer (50) [375]

==Quaternary: CAD Tyranids==

HQ1: Hive Tyrant (165), wings (35), 2 twin-linked devourer (2*15) [230]
HQ2: Hive Tyrant (165), wings (35), 2 twin-linked devourer (2*15) [230]

Troop1: Mucoloide spore cluster [15]
Troop2: Mucoloide spore cluster [15]

[1 850]

Joueur8/LittleBigKnight : Raphael - Le_Orthol - Ferreira
Factions : Imperial Knights & Orks - In case of apocalypse

==Primary : Formation Baronial Court==

LoW1 : Knight Warden [375] [Warlord]
LoW2 : Knight Warden (375), meltagun (5) [380]
LoW3 : Knight Warden [375]
LoW4 : Knight Warden [375]

==Secondary : CAD Ork==

HQ1 : Big Boss (60), mega-armour (40), Da Lucky Stikk (25) [125]

Troop1 : Gretchins [35]
Troop2 : Gretchins [35]

FA1 : Kopter (30), Twin-Linked Rockit launcher (0) [30]
FA2 : Kopter (30), Twin-Linked Rockit launcher (0) [30]

HS1 : 3 Meks Gunz (3*18), 3 kannons traktor (3*12) [90]

[1 850]






PLAYER: Kevin "Attila" KOTWICA
Type of alliance: Battle Brother
Factions used: Grey Knights & Space Marines

== Detachment 1 : Nemesis Strike Force – Codex Grey Knights ==

HQ1 : Librarian (110), Nemesis Warding Stave (0), Mastery level 3 (25) - [135] [Warlord]
Troop1 : Strike Squad - [110]
LOW1 : Kaldor Draigo - [245]
Fortification : Bunker (55), Escape Hatch (25) - [80]

== Detachment 2 : AD Space Marine (White Scars) – Codex Space Marines ==

HQ2 : Captain (90), Chapter Master (40), Bike (20), Power Fist (25) The Hunter eye (20), Artificer Armor (20), Storm Shield (15) - [230]
Troop2 : 5 Scouts (55), 5 Boltguns (0) - [55]
HS1 : 6 Centurions Devastator (165+3x55), 6 Grav-cannons and Grav-amp (6x25) 5 missiles launchers (5x10), Omniscope (10) - [540]

== Detachment 3 : Formation Librarius Conclave (ultramarines) – Codex Space Marines ==

HQ3 : Tigurius - [165]
HQ4 : Librarian (65), Bike (20), Mastery level 2 (25), Force Axe (0), melta bomb (5) - [115]
HQ5 : Librarian (65), Bike (20), Mastery level 2 (25), Force Axe (0) - [110]
HQ6 : Librarian (65), Force axe (0) - [65]

Type Of Alliance : Battle Brothers
TOTAL : 1850 pts
KP: 10
CW: 14

Type of alliance: Desperate Allies
Factions used: Tau Empire & Officio Assassin

Detachment 1  CAD Farsight enclave [Mont’Ka]

HQ1: Shas'o (85), Drone controler ( 8 ), 1 marker drone (12), c² Node (15) [120] ( Warlord )

T1 : Xv-8 Crisis (22) Ritual knife (1) [23]
T2 : Xv-8 Crisis (22) Ritual knife (1) [23]

Ar1: Drone squad, 4 marker drone (4*0) [56]

LoW1 : Stormsurge (360), Shield Generator (50), Pulse driver canon (15), early warning override (5) [430]

Fortification : Bunker (55), Escape Hatch (25), Ammunition Dump (20) - [100pts]

Détachment 2: Riptide wing  [Mont’Ka]

E1: 1 Xv 104 Riptide (180), SMS (0), early warning override (5) [185]
E2: 1 Xv 104 Riptide (180), SMS (0), early warning override (5) [185]
E2: 1 Xv 104 Riptide (180), SMS (0), early warning override (5) [185]

Detachment 3: Piranahs wing  [Mont’Ka]

Ar2: 3 piranhas (3*40) 6 seeker missiles (6*Cool [168]
Ar3: 3 piranhas (3*40) 4 seeker missiles (4*Cool [152]
Ar4: 1 piranhas [40]
Ar5: 1 piranhas [40], team leader

Detachment 4: Officio Assasinorum  [Mont’Ka]

Culexus Assassin - [140pts]


Type of alliance: Come to Apocalypse
Factions used: Chaos Space Marines & Astra Militarum

== Primary Detachment : CAD Chaos Space Marine ==
HQ1: Sorcerer (60), Force Axe - [60] WARLORD
NoFG: Cypher - [190]
TROUPS1: 10 Cultists - [50]
TROUPS2: 10 Cultists - [50]
Fortification : Aegis Line Defense - [50]

== Secondary Detachment : Black Legion Cyclopia Cabal Formation ==
HQ1: Sorcerer (60), 2 Additional Mastery Level (50), Bike (20), Force Axe, Spell familiar (15), Veteran of the Long War (5) - [150pts]
HQ2: Sorcerer (60), 2 Additional Mastery Level (50), Bike (20), Force Axe, Spell familiar (15), Veteran of the Long War (5) - [150pts]
HQ3: Sorcerer (60), 2 Additional Mastery Level (50), Force Axe, Spell familiar (15), Veteran of the Long War (5) - [130pts]
HQ4: Sorcerer (60), 2 Additional Mastery Level (50), Force Axe, Spell familiar (15), Veteran of the Long War (5) - [130pts]
HQ5: Sorcerer (60), Force Axe, Veteran of the Long War (5) - [65pts]

== Tertiary Detachment : Khorne Daemonkin Gorepack Formation ==
FA1: 3 Chaos Bikers - [76pts]
FA2: 3 Chaos Bikers - [76pts]
FA3: 18 Flesh Hounds - [288pts]
FA4: 5 Flesh Hounds - [80pts]

== Fourth Detachment : Astra Militarum Psykana Division Formation ==
HQ1: Primaris Psyker (50), Force Axe (0) - [50pts]
HQ2.a: Commissar - [25pts]
HQ2.b: Commissar - [25pts]
HQ2.c: Commissar - [25pts]
Elite1: Wyrdvane Psykers - [60pts]
Elite2: Wyrdvane Psykers - [60pts]
Elite3: Wyrdvane Psykers - [60pts]

+ PLAYER : Hugo “Shev” Bourgeois
+ ARMY (Factions used): Necrons

== DETACHMENT 1 : Décurion Necron == 

= Décurion Necron - Reclamation Legion =
HQ1 : [Warlord] Nemesor Zahndrekh(150) [150]
Troup1 : 5 Immortals (85) [85]
Troup2 : 10 Warriors(130) [130]
Troup3 : 10 Warriors(130) [130]
FA1: 6 Tomb Blades (54+3x18), 6 Twin-linked Gauss Blaster (0), 6 Shield Vanes (6x2), 6 Nebuloscope (6x2) - [132pts]
FA2: 6 Tomb Blades (54+3x18), 6 Twin-linked Gauss Blaster (0), 6 Shield Vanes (6x2), 6 shadow (6x1) - [126pts]
FA3: 3 Tomb Blades (54), 3 Twin-linked Gauss Blaster (0), 3 Shield Vanes (3x2), 3 Nebuloscope (3x2) - [66pts]

= Décurion Necron - Destroyer Cult =
HQ1 : Destroyer Lord(110), Warscythe (20), Resurrection orbe(25), The Nightmare Shroud (35) [190]
FA1 : 3 Destroyers [120]
FA1 : 3 Destroyers [120]
FA1 : 3 Destroyers [120]

= Décurion Necron - Royal Court =
HQ1 : Overlord (80), Warscythe (20), Resurrection orbe (25), Veil of the darkness (25) [150]
HQ2 : Vargard Obyron(120) [120]
HQ3 : Orikan the Diviner(120) [120]
HQ4 : Lord(50), Resurrection orbe (25), solar staff(15) [90] 

PLAYER : Shas O Kassad
Type of alliance: -
Factions used: Eldars

== Primary Detachment: Eldar Combined Arms Detachment ==

HQ1: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15), Witchblade (0) - [115pts] - WARLORD
HQ2: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15), Witchblade (0) - [115pts]
TROOPS1: 3 Windriders - [51pts]
TROOPS2: 3 Windriders - [51pts]
FORTIFICATION: Void Shield Generator (50), 2 Additionnal Void Shield (50) [100]

== Secondary Detachment: Eldar Craftworld Warhost ==

= Core Formation Windrider Skyhost =

HQ3: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15), Witchblade (0) - [115]
HQ4: Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15), Witchblade (0) - [50]
TROOPS3: 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Lasers (3x10) - [81pts]
TROOPS4: 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Lasers (3x10) - [81pts]
TROOPS5: 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Lasers (3x10) - [81pts]
FA1: Vyper (40), Stellar Cannon (5) - [45]

= Auxiliary Formation Wraith Constructs =

LOW1: Wraithknight (295), 2 Heavy Wraithcannon (0), 2 Scatter Laser (30) - [325pts]

= Auxiliary Formation Wraith Constructs =

LOW2: Wraithknight (295), Ghostglave & Scattershield (0), 2 Scatter Laser (30) - [325pts]

= Auxiliary Formation Aspect Host =

FA2: 5 Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
FA3: 5 Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
FA4: 5 Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]


PLAYER : Maxime "Bubbamix" Meyer
Type of alliance: Battle Brother
Factions used: Dark Angels & Space Wolves

== Detachement 1: CAD Dark Angels - Codex Dark Angels == 685
HQ1: Sammael - [200pts]
Troop 1: Scout Squad (55), 5 Boltguns (0) - [55pts]
Troop 2: Scout Squad (55), 5 Boltguns (0) - [55pts]
FA1: Darkshroud - [80pts]
FA2: Darkshroud - [80pts]
LOW1: Azrael - [215pts] [Warlord]

== Detachement 2: Formation librarius Conclave - Dataslate Dark Angels == 435
HQ2: Ezekiel - [145pts]
HQ3: Librarian (65), Mastery Level 2 (25), moto (20) Force Axe (0) baf (5) - [115pts]
HQ4: Librarian (65), Mastery Level 2 (25), force Axe (0) - [90pts]
HQ5: Librarian (65), Mastery Level 2 (25), Force staff (0) - [90pts]

== Detachement 3: Formation Wolfkin - Curse of the Wulfen Campaign Supplement ==400
FA1 : Fenrisian Wolves (40) +5 Fenrisian wolves (5x8) - [80pts]
FA2 : Fenrisian Wolves (40) +5 Fenrisian wolves (5x8) - [80pts]
FA3 : Fenrisian Wolves (40) +10 Fenrisian wolves (10x8) - [120pts]
FA4 : Fenrisian Wolves (40) +10 Fenrisian wolves (10x8) - [120pts]

== Detachement 4: Formation Wyrdstorm Brotherhood - Curse of the Wulfen Campaign Supplement == 325
HQ6: Rune Priest (60), Mastery Level 2 (25), Jump Pack (15), Runic staff (0), Helm of Durfast (20) - [120pts]
HQ7: Rune Priest (60), Mastery Level 2 (25),  Runic axe (0) - [85pts]
HQ8: Rune Priest (60), Runic staff (0) - [60pts]
HQ9: Rune Priest (60), Runic staff (0) - [60pts]

Total 1850PTS


Type of alliance: Come to Apocalypse
Factions used: Cult Genestealer & Imperial Knight

== Detachement Cult Insurection ==

= Core : Brood Cycle = 420
QG1 : Iconward [65]
TROOP1 : Acolyte Hybride [40]
TROOP2 : Acolyte Hybride [40]
TROOP3 : Acolyte Hybride [40]
TROOP4 : Néophyte [50]
TROOP4 : Néophyte [50]
ELITE1 : Hybrid Métamorph (45), 3 pinces metamorph (6) [51] 
ELITE2 : 6 Purestrain [84]

= Auxiliary : Subterrean Uprising = 215

ELITE3 : Hybrid Métamorph (45), 5 pinces metamorph (10) [55]
TROOP6 : Acolyte Hybride [40]
TROOP7 : Acolyte Hybride [40]
TROOP8: Acolyte Hybride [40]
TROOP9: Acolyte Hybride [40]

= Command : Lords of the Cult =

QG2 : Patriarch [90] [Warlord]

== Secondary Detachment - BARONIAL COURT == 1125

LOW1 : Warden [375]
LOW2 : Warden [375]
LOW3 : Warden [375]

PLAYER : Monsieur TKT
Type of alliance: Come to Apocalypse
Factions used: Tyranids & Chaos Daemons

== DETACHMENT 1 : CAD Tyranids (primary detachment) ==
HQ1 : [Warlord] Hive tyrant(165), 2 twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (30), Wings(35) [230]
HQ2 : Hive tyrant(165), 2 twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms(30), Wings(35) [230]
Troup1 : Mucolid Spore Cluster(15) [15]
Troup2 : Mucolid Spore Cluster(15) [15]
Total detachment : 490

== DETACHMENT 2 : CAD Chaos Daemons ==
HQ1 : Herald of Tzeentch(45), Disc(25), Paradox(25), Psyker (Lvl3)(50) [145]
HQ2 : Kairos Fateweaver [300]
Troup1 : 10 pink Horrors of Tzeentch(90), Icon of Chaos(10) [100]
Troup2 : 3 Nurglings(45) [45]
Total detachment : 590

== DETACHMENT 3 : Leviathan ==
HQ1 : Hive tyrant(165), 2 twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms(30), wings(35), Electroshock grubs(10) [240]
HQ2 : Hive tyrant(165), 2 twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms(30), wings(35), Electroshock grubs(10) [240]
HQ3 : Hive tyrant(165), 2 twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms(30), wings(35), Electroshock grubs(10) [240]
Troup1 : Mucolid Spore Cluster(15) [15]
Troup2 : Mucolid Spore Cluster(15) [15]
Troup3 : Mucolid Spore Cluster(15) [15]
Total detachment : 765



D2 Nord :


Machomens :



PLAYER 1 : Bubu
Fortification: Void shield generator
Type of alliance: Come the Apocalypse
Factions used: Tyranids and Chaos Deamon 
HQ1 : [Warlord] Hive tyrant(165), 2 twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (30), Wings(35), Electroshock grubs(10)[240]
HQ2 : Hive tyrant(165), 2 twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms(30), Wings(35), Electroshock grubs(10)[240]
Troup1 : Mucolid Spore Cluster(15) [15]
Troup2 : Mucolid Spore Cluster(15) [15]
Fortification1 : Void shield generator(50), 2 void shields(2x25)[100]
Total detachment : 610

HQ1 : Herald of Tzeentch(45), Disc(25), Paradox(25), Psyker (Lvl3)(50) [145]
HQ2 : Kairos Fateweaver(300) [300]
Troup1 : 10 pink Horrors of Tzeentch(90), Icon of Chaos(10) [100]
Troup2 : 3 Nurglings(45) [45]
Total detachment : 590

== THIRD DETACHMENT : Hive Fleet Detachment - Leviathan ==
HQ1 : Hive tyrant(165), 2 twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms(30), wings(35), Electroshock grubs(10) [240]
HQ2 : Hive tyrant(165), 2 twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms(30), wings(35), Electroshock grubs(10) [240]
Troup1 : Mucolid spore cluster(15)[15]
Troup2 : Mucolid spore cluster(15)[15]
Troup3 : Mucolid spore cluster(15)[15]
Total Detachment : 525

HQ1 : Mask of Slaanesh(75)[75]
Troup1 : 3 nurglings(45)[45]
Total Detachment : 120


PLAYER 2 : Legourou
Fortification: None
Type of alliance: Battle Brothers
Factions used: DA - SW - Assassinorum

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Cad Dark Angels ==

HQ1: Samael [200]
HQ2: Chaplain [90]
Troop1: 5 scouts (55) bolters (0) [55]
Troop2: 5 scouts (55) bolters (0) [55]
LOW1: [Warlord] Azrael [215]
Total detachment: 615

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT :Detachment Officio Assassinorum ==

E1: Culexus [140]
Total detachment: 140

== TERTIARY DETACHMENT: Company of the great Wolf detachment (Champion of Fenris) ==

HQ3: Iron Priest (75), Thunder Wolf (50), Tempest Hammer (5), cyberwolf (15) [145]
HQ4: Iron Priest (75), Thunder Wolf (50), Tempest Hammer (5) [130]
E2: Iron Priest (55), Thunder Wolf (50) [105]
E3: Iron Priest (55), Thunder Wolf (50) [105]
E4: Iron Priest (55), Thunder Wolf (50) [105]
Total détachment: 590

== FOURTH DETACHMENT: Formation Space Wolves (Wolfkin) ==

FA1: 5 Fenrissian wolves (40), 10 Fenrissian wolves (10*8 ) [120]
FA2: 5 Fenrissian wolves (40), 10 Fenrissian wolves (10*8 ) [120]
FA3: 5 Fenrissian wolves (40), 9 Fenrissian wolves (9*8 ) [112]
FA4: 5 Fenrissian wolves (40), 9 Fenrissian wolves (9*8 ) [112]
FA5: 5 Fenrissian wolves [40]
Total detachment: 464

ARMY TOTAL: [1849]

PLAYER 3 : Tanker
Fortification: Void shield generator
Type of alliance: Come the apocalypse (AM & RK), Allies of convenience  (DE & AM), Desperate allies (DE & RK)
Factions used: DE - RK - AM 

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Combined Arms Detachment - Dark Eldars ==
HQ1 : Lameane (10) [10]
Troop1 : 5 Kabalyte Warriors (40) [40]
Troop2 : 5 Kabalyte Warriors (40) [40]
FA1 : 3 Reavers, Arena champion (0) [Warlord] [48]
F1 : Void shield generator (50), 2 additionnal void shields (2*25) [100]
Total Detachment : 238

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT : Forsworn Detachment - Renegade Knights ==
Lord of War1 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger Gatling Canon and Heavy flamer (60), Avenger Gatling Canon and Heavy flamer (50) [435]
Lord of War2 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger Gatling Canon and Heavy flamer (60), Avenger Gatling Canon and Heavy flamer (50) [435]
Lord of War3 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger Gatling Canon and Heavy flamer (60), Avenger Gatling Canon and Heavy flamer (50) [435]
Total Detachment : 1305

== TERTIARY DETACHMENT : Psykana division - Astra Militarum ==
HQ2 : Primaris psyker (50), Force staff (0) [50]
HQ3 : Commissar (25) [25]
HQ4 : Commissar (25) [25]
HQ5 : Commissar (25) [25]
EL1 : 5 Wyrdvanes psykers (60) [60]
EL2 : 5 Wyrdvanes psykers (60) [60]
EL3 : 5 Wyrdvanes psykers (60) [60]
Total Detachment : 305

Army Total : [1848pts]

PLAYER 4 : Chestnut
Fortification: Wall of martyrs Imperial Bunker
Type of alliance: Battle Brothers
Factions used: SM - AS - Inquisition

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Common Army Detachment space marines "white scars" ==
QG1 : Captain (90), chapter master (40), power fist (25), eternal shield (50), space marines bike (20), artificer armor (20) [245]
QG2 : Captain (90), power axe (15), melta bomb (5), the hunter eye (20), space marine bike (20), storm shield (15), artificer armor (20) [185]
TR1 : scout squad (55), bolter (0) [55]
TR2 : scout squad (55), bolter (0) [55]
HS1 : Centurion devastator squad (165), 2 centurion add (55x2), 5 gravcanon whith grav amp (25x5), 5 missile launcher (5x10), omniscope (10), sergent (0) [Warlord] [460]
FORTIFICATION : Wall of martyrs Imperial bunker (55), escape hatch (25) [80]
Total detachment: 1080

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT : librarius conclave formation "ultramarine" ==
QG3 : Master librarian Tigurius (165) [165]
QG4 : Librarian (65), mastery level 2 (25), force axe (0) [90]
QG5 : Librarian (65), mastery level 2 (25), force axe (0) [90]
QG6 : Librarian (65), mastery level 2 (25), force axe (0) [90]
Total detachment: 435

== TERTIARY DETACHMENT, Allied détachement : Adeptas sororitas ==
QG7 : Saint Celestine (135) [135]
QG8 : Ministorum priest (25), lithanie of fate (15) [40]
TR3 : Battle sister squad (60) [60]
Total detachment: 235

== FOURTH DETACHMENT : Inquisition ==
QG9 : Inquistor Torquemada Coteaz [100]
Total detachment: 100


PLAYER 5 : MrPlot
Fortification: Wall of martyrs imperial bunker
Type of alliance: Come the apocalypse
Factions used: Necrons / Sisters of silence

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Decurion - Necrons ==
= CORE : Reclamation Legion =
HQ1 : [Warlord] Nemesor Zahndrekh(150) [150]
Troup1 : 5 Immortals (85), gauss blaster (0) [85]
Troup2 : 10 Warriors(130) [130]
Troup3 : 10 Warriors(130) [130]
EL1 : 10 Lychguard(125 + 5*25) [250]
FA1 : 7 Tomb Blades(54 + 4*18 ), 7 Shield Vanes (7*2), 7 Nebuloscope (7*2) [154]
FA2 : 7 Tomb Blades(54 + 4*18 ), 7 Shield Vanes (7*2), 7 Shadowloom (7*1) [147]
FA3 : 7 Tomb Blades(54 + 4*18 ), 7 Shield Vanes (7*2), 7 Shadowloom (7*1) [147]

= AUXILIARY : Flayed Ones =
Elite1 : 9 Flayed Ones (65 + 4*13) [117]
Total detachment : 1310

== DETACHMENT : CAD - Necrons ==
HQ1 : Orikan the Diviner(120) [120]
HQ2 : Lord(50), Ressurection Orb (25), The Solar Staff (15) [90]
Troup1 : 5 Immortals (85), gauss blaster (0) [85]
Troup2 : 5 Immortals (85), gauss blaster (0) [85]
Fortifications1 : Wall of martyrs imperial bunker(1*55), Escape hatch(25) [80]
Total detachment : 460

== DETACHMENT : Null Maiden Task Force - Sisters of silence ==
EL1 : Sisters of silence (75), 2*flamer (2*2) [79]
Total detachment : 75


PLAYER 6 : Ziel
Fortification: Void shield generator
Type of alliance: Come the apocalypse
Factions used: IK - Genestealer cult

== Primary Detachment: Baronial court formation ==
LOW 1 [WARLORD]: Knight Warden (375), Avenger gatling cannon w/heavy flamer, Heavy stabber, Reaper chainsword, stormspear rocket pod (40) [415] [BARON]
LOW 2: Knight Warden (375), Avenger gatling cannon w/heavy flamer, Heavy stabber, Reaper chainsword [375]
LOW 3: Knight Warden (375), Avenger gatling cannon w/heavy flamer, Heavy stabber, Reaper chainsword [375]
LOW 4: Knight Warden (375), Avenger gatling cannon w/heavy flamer, Heavy stabber, Reaper chainsword [375]
Total detachment: 1540

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT: CAD Genestealer Cult ==
QG1: Magus (40)
Troop 1: 5 Acolyt Hybrids (40) [40]
Troop 2: 5 Acolyt Hybrids (40) [40]
Troop 3: 5 Acolyt Hybrids (40) [40]
Troop 4: 6 Acolyt Hybrids (40+8 ) [48]
Fortification: Void Shiel Generator (50), 2 Additionnal shields (2*25) [100]
Total detachment: 308


PLAYER 7 : Wolverine
Fortification: Void Shield Generator
Type of alliance: None
Factions used: Eldar

== Primary Detachment: Eldar Combined Arms Detachment ==

HQ1 [Warlord]: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) [115]
HQ2: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) [115pts]
TROOP1: 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Lasers (3x10) [81]
TROOP2: 3 Windriders (51) [51]
FORTIFICATION: Void Shield Generator (50) 2 Additionnal Charges (2*25) [100]
Total detachment: 462

== Secondary Detachment: Eldar Craftworld Warhost ==
= CORE - Windrider Skyhost =
HQ3 : Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) [115]
HQ4 : Warlock (35) Skyrunner (15) [50]
TROOP 4 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Lasers (3x10) - [81]
TROOP 5 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Lasers (3x10) - [81]
TROOP 6 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Lasers (3x10) - [81]
FA1 : Vyper (40), Starcannon (5) [45]

= AUXILIARY 1 - Wraith Constructs =
LOW1: Wraithknight (295), 2 Heavy Wraithcannon (0), 2 Scatter Lasers (2x15) [325pts]

= AUXILIARY 2 - Wraith Constructs =
LOW2: Wraithknight (295), Ghostglave & Scattershield (0) [295pts]

= AUXILIARY 3 - Aspect Host (+1BS) =
FA 2 : 5 Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
FA 3 : 5 Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
FA 4 : 5 Warp Spiders (95) Exarch (10) [105]
Total detachment: 1388


PLAYER 8 : Tutur
Fortification: None
Type of alliance: None
Factions used: Tau

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Dawn Blade Contingent – MONT’KA ==
= Core : Retaliation Cadre =
HQ 1 [Warlord] : Commander (85), iridium Armor (25), shield generator (25), stimulant injector (15), command & control node (15), multi spectrum sensor suite (20), vectored retro-thrusters (5), puretide engram neurochip (15), drone controller (8 ) [213]
Elite 1: Riptide (180), ion accelerator (5), Early Warning Override (5), Twin-linked Smart Missile System (0), Earth Cast Pilot Array (30), bonding knife ritual (1), Advanced Targeting System (3) [224]
Troop 1: 3*crisis (22*3), 3* bonding knife ritual (3*1), 6*missile pod (6*15), 3*target lock (3*5), 6*marker drone (6*12) [246]
Troop 2: crisis (22), bonding knife ritual (1), 2*cyclic ion blaster (2*15) [53]
Troop 3: crisis (22), bonding knife ritual (1), 2*fusion blaster (2*15) [53]
HS1: Broadside (65), Twin-linked High-Yield Missile Pod (0), Twin-linked Smart Missile System (0), bonding knife ritual (1) [66]

= Auxiliary 1: Piranha Firestream Wing =
FA1 [Team Leader] : TX4 Piranha (40), sensor spines (5), disruption pod (15) [60]
FA2 : 3 TX4 Piranhas (40*3), 6 seeker missiles (6*8 ), blacksun filter (1) [169]
FA3 : 3 TX4 Piranhas (40*3), 6 seeker missiles (6*8 ), blacksun filter (1) [169]
FA4 : 3 TX4 Piranhas (40*3), 6 seeker missiles (6*8 ), blacksun filter (1) [169]

= Auxiliary 2: Skysweep Missile Defence =
FA5 : TY7 Devilfish (80) [80]
HS2 : TX78 Skyray (115), Twin-linked Smart Missile System (0), blacksun filter (1) [116]
HS3 : TX78 Skyray (115), Twin-linked Smart Missile System (0), blacksun filter (1) [116]
HS4 : TX78 Skyray (115), Twin-linked Smart Missile System (0), blacksun filter (1) [116]
Total detachment: 1850


Coach: Soulofgaïa

Coach: Trag
Coach: Croncron



les artichauts farceurs :



+PLAYER 1: Maxime 'Atheh' Riggi
+Fortification: Imperial bunker
+Type Of Alliance: Battle brothers
+Faction : Imperium
+Titre Honorifique : Heywégromancien

==Primary Detachment: War Convocation Detachment==

=Skitarii Battle Maniple Formation=

TROOPS1: 5 Skitarii Vanguard (55), 2 Plasma Caliver (0), Alpha : Omnispex (0), Arc Maul (0), Arc Pistol (0), Conversion field (0), Digital weapons (0), Pater Radium (0) ­ [55pts]
TROOPS2: 5 Skitarii Rangers (65), 2 Arc Rifles (0), Alpha : Omnispex (0), Arc Maul (0), Phosphoenix (0), Conversion field (0), Digital weapons (0) ­ [65pts]

ELITE1: Sicarian Ruststalkers (160), Princeps : Prehensile Dataspike (0), Phase Taser (0), Digital Weapons (0), Conversion field (0) ­ [160pts]
ELITE2: Sicarian Infiltrators (185), Taser Goads and flechette blasters (0), Princeps : Infoslave Skull (0), Omniscient Mask (0), Conversion field(0), Digital Weapons (0), [185pts]

FA1: Sydonian Dragoon (45), Phosphor serpenta (0) ­ [45pts]

HS1: 1 Onager Dunecrawlers (90) Icarus Array (0), Cognis Manipulator (0) Cognis heavy stubber (0) Mindscanner probe (0) ­ [90pts]

=Cult Mechanicus Battle Congregation=

HQ1: Tech Priest Dominus (105), Erradication ray (0), Phosphor Serpenta (0), Digital Weapons (0), Infoslave Skull (0), Stasis field (0), Raiment of the technomartyr (0) [105pts] ­WARLORD

TROOPS3: Kataphron Destroyers (165), 3 x Heavy Grav Cannons (0), 3x Cognis flamer (0) ­[165pts]
TROOPS4: Kataphron Destroyers (165), 3 x Heavy Grav Cannons (0), 3x Phosphor Blaster (0) ­[165pts]

FORTIFICATION: Imperial Bunker (55), Escape Hatch (25) ­ [80pts]

=Oathsworn Detachment=

LOW1: Imperial Knight Gallant (325), Heavy stubber (0), Stormspear Rocket Pod (0) ­ [325pts]
LOW2: Imperial Knight Gallant (325), Heavy stubber (0), Stormspear Rocket Pod (0) ­ [325pts]

==Secondary Detachment: Null-Maiden Task Force ==

5 sisters of Silence (75), 5 flamers (10) [85]

Total 1846

+ JOUEUR 1 : Nicolas "Manix" Fortin
+ ARMEE (Factions): Dark Angels, Space Wolf
+ TITRE HONORIFIQUE : Le Phonomancien 
+Type Of Alliance: Battle brothers

== Primary Detachment: Dark Angels: Ravenwing Stike Force ==

QG 1 : Sammael [200] Warlord

Elite 1 : 6 Ravenwing Black Knights Command Squad (40*6) Apothicary (30) [270]

Attaque Rapide 1 : 1 Darkshroud [80]
Attaque Rapide 2 : 1 Attack Bike [45]

== Secondary Detachment: Dark Angels Data Slate: Dark Angels Librarius Council Formation ==

QG 2 : Ezekiel [145]
QG 3 : Librarian "Motkar Al Motard" (65) Space Marine Bike (20) Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25) The Eye of the Unseen (40) Force Staff (0) [150]
QG 4 : Librarian "Omar Al Motard" (65) Space Marine Bike (20) Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25) Force Staff (0) [110]
QG 5 : Librarian "Bashar AL Motard" (65) Space Marine Bike (20) Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25) Force Staff (0) [110]

== Tertiary Detachment: Space Wolf Champion of Fenriss: Detachment of the Great Wolf ==

QG 6 : 1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunder Wolf (50) Runic Armour (25) Stormshieild (15) Power Fist (25) [165]
QG 7 : 1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunder Wolf (50) Runic Armour (25) Stormshieild (15) Power Fist (25) [165]
QG 8 : 1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50) Thunder Wolf (50) Runic Armour (25) Stormshieild (15) Power Fist (25) [165]

Elite 2 : 1 Servitor "Timmy" [10]
Elite 3 : 1 Servitor "Tymmi" [10]

== Quaternary Detachment: Space Wolf Warzone Fenriss Curse of the Wulfen: Wyrdstorm Brotherhood ==

QG 9 : Rune Priest "Ghost Rider" (60) Space Marine Bike (20) Runic Armour (25) Runic Stave (0) [105]
QG 10 : Rune Priest "Dudu" (60) Jet Pack (15) Helm of Durfast (20) Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25) Runic Stave (0) [120]

Total : 1850 

PLAYER 3: Mathieu "Fogia" Decalonne
Fortification: Void shield generator
Type Of Alliance: Allied of convenience
Faction : Orks, Khorne Daemonkin, Renegade Knights
Titre Honorifique : Le Thanatomancien


HQ1 : [WARLORD] Big Mek(35) [35]
Troup1 : 10 Gretchins, 1 Runtherd(0) [35]
Troup2 : 10 Gretchins, 1 Runtherd(0) [35]
Fortifications1 : Void shield generator(1*50), 2 Additionnal void shield(50) [100]

== Khorne Daemonkin - Air Superiority Detachment ==
FA1 : Heldrake (170), Baleflamer (0) [170]
FA2 : Heldrake (170), Baleflamer (0) [170]

== Renegades Knights - Forsworn Knight detachment ==
Lord of War1 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (chainsword)(60), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (gauntlet)(50) [435]
Lord of War2 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (chainsword)(60), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (gauntlet)(50) [435]
Lord of War3 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (chainsword)(60), Rapid-fire battle cannon and heavy stubber (gauntlet)(50) [435] 

+ PLAYER 4 : Florian "Yrian" L.
+ TYPE OF ALLIANCE : Desperate allies
+ HONORIFIC TITLE : Le judamancien


ELITE1 : Culexus (140) : [140] WARLORD


FA1 : TX-4 Piranha (40), sensor spines (5) : [45]
FA2 : 4 TX-4 Piranhas (40+3*40), blacksun filter (1) : [161]
FA3 : 4 TX-4 Piranhas (40+3*40), blacksun filter (1) : [161]
FA4 : 4 TX-4 Piranhas (40+3*40), blacksun filter (1) : [161]


FA5 : 5 MV-7 Marker drones (56+14) : [70]
FA6 : 4 MV-7 Marker drones (56) : [56]
FA7 : 4 MV-7 Marker drones (56) : [56]
FA8 : 4 MV-7 Marker drones (56) : [56]


ELITE2 : [568]
ELITE2a : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), target lock (5), early warning override (5): [190]
ELITE2b : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), target lock (5), early warning override (5): [190]
ELITE2c : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), advanced targetting system (3), early warning override (5): [188]
ELITE3 : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), advanced targetting system (3), early warning override (5) : [188]
ELITE4 : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), advanced targetting system (3), early warning override (5) : [188]

TOTAL : [1850] 

+ JOUEUR 5 : Edouard "Mogor" Siméon
+ ARMEE (Factions): Chaos Daemons + Chaos Space Marines
+ TITRE HONORIFIQUE : Le 4+mancien

== Primary Detachment: Chaos Daemons Combined Arms Detachment - Curse of the Wulfen supplement ==

QG1: Kairos Fateweaver [300] warlord
HQ2a : Herald of Tzeentch (45), Mastery Level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Exalted Reward (30) [150]
HQ2b : Herald of Tzeentch (45), Mastery Level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Exalted Reward (30), exalted locus of conjuration (25) [175]
HQ2c : Herald of Tzeentch (45), Mastery Level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), The Impossible Robe (25), 3 Minor rewards (30) [175]
HQ2d: Herald of Nurgle (45), Doomsday Bell (30), 2 minor rewards (2x10) [95]

Troop 1: 3 nurglings [45]
Troop 2: 16 pink horrors of Tzeench (90+6*9), icon (10) [154]

FA1: 6 Screamers of Tzeentch (75+3*25) [150]

Fortification: Bastion (75), Comms Relay (20) - [95]

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Chaos Space Marines – Heldrake Terror Pack - Traitor's Hate supplement ==

FA2 Heldrake(170), baleflamer(0) [170]
FA3 Heldrake(170), baleflamer(0) [170]
FA4 Heldrake(170), baleflamer(0) [170]

Total: 1850points 

+PLAYER 6 : Nicolas "Isenheim" ROSSATO
+ TITRE HONORIFIQUE : Le Chemisemancien
+Type Of Alliance: NA

PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Eldar Craftworlds faction Eldar
HQ1: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15), Witchblade (0), The Spirit Stone of Anath’lan (15) [130 pts]
HQ2: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15), Witchblade (0) [115 pts] [warlord]
Troop1: 3 Windriders (3x17=51), 3 scatter laser (3x10=30) [81 pts]
Troop2: 3 Windriders (3x17=51) [51 pts]
Fortification1: Voidshield Generator [50], 2 addtionnal Voidshield (2x25=50) [100 pts]

SECONDARY DETACHMENT: War Host - Codex: Eldar Craftworlds
Windriders formation :
HQ3: Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15), Witchblade (0) [115 pts]
HQ4: Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15), Witchblade (0) [50 pts]
Troop1: 3 Windriders (3x17=51), 3 scatter laser (3x10=30) [81 pts]
Troop2: 3 Windriders (3x17=51), 3 scatter laser (3x10=30) [81 pts]
Troop3: 3 Windriders (3x17=51), 3 scatter laser (3x10=30) [81 pts]
Fast attack1: Vyper [40 pts]

Aspect Host formation :
Fast attack2: 5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) [105 pts]
Fast attack3: 5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) [105 pts]
Fast attack4: 5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) [105 pts]

Wraithconstruct :
LordOfWar1: Wraith Knight (295), 2 Distorsion cannons (0), 1 scatter laser (15) [310 pts]
LordOfWar2: Wraith Knight (295), Ghostblade and Scattershield (0) [295 pts]

Total Army : [1845] 

+PLAYER 7: Antoine « Wildgripper » Mamcarz
+Titre honorifique : Le couennemancien
+Fortification: Void shield generator
+Type Of Alliance: allied of convenience
+Faction : Tyranids, Genestealer cult

HQ1: Hive tyrant(165) 2 twin linked devourer with brainleech worm(2*15) wings(35) electroshock grubs (10) WARLORD [240]
HQ2: Hive tyrant(165) 2 twin linked devourer with brainleech worm(2*15) wings(35) electroshock grubs (10) [240]
Troop1: Mucolid spore [15]
Troop2: Mucolid spore [15]

==SECONDARY DETACHEMENT: Tyranid Hive fleet detachement ==

HQ3: Hive tyrant(165) 2 twin linked devourer with brainleech worm(2*15) wings(35) [230]
HQ4: Hive tyrant(165) 2 twin linked devourer with brainleech worm(2*15) wings(35) [230]
HQ5: Hive tyrant(165) 2 twin linked devourer with brainleech worm(2*15) wings(35) [230]
Troop3: Mucolid spore [15]
Troop4: Mucolid spore [15]
Troop5: Mucolid spore [15]
Elite1: Venomthrope[45]

==TERTIARY DETACHEMENT: Genestealer Cult CAD == 

HQ6: magus [40]
Troop6: 10 neopghytes hybrids [50]
Troop7: 10 neopghytes hybrids [50]
Troop8: 10 neopghytes hybrids [50]
Troop9: 5 acolytes Hybrids (40) 3 hand flammers(15) [55]
Troop10: 5 acolytes Hybrids (40) 3 hand flammers(15) [55]
Troop11: 5 acolytes Hybrids [40] 

Fortification: void shield generator(50) 2 additional projected void shields(50) [100]

==QUATERNARY DETACHEMENT: Genestealer Cult allied detachement ==

HQ7: magus [40]
Troop12: 5 acolytes Hybrids [40]
Troop13: 5 acolytes Hybrids [40]

+ JOUEUR 8 : Aubry "Yekcim" 
+ ARMEE (Factions): Space Marines

== Primary Detachment: Angel of Death Supplement : Fist of Medusa Strike Force ==

= Command Choice 1 : Strike Force Command =
QG 1 : Captain (90), Capter Master (40), the Gorgon Chain (45), Space Marine Bike (20), Artificer Armour (20), Power Fist (25) [240] - WARLORD
QG 2 : Command squad (90), Space Marine Bikes (35), Apothecary (15), 3 storm shield (3*10, apothecary) [170]

= Command Choice 2 : Strike Force Command =
QG 3 : QG 1 : Techmarine (65), Space Marine Bike (20) [85]
QG 4 : Command squad (90), Space Marine Bikes (35), Apothecary (15), 3 storm shield (3*10, apothecary) [170]

= Core Choice 1 : Armoured Task Force =
QG 5 : Techmarine (65), Space Marine Bike (20) [85]
HS 1 : Whirlwinds (65) [65]
HS 2 : Whirlwinds (65) [65]
HS 3 : Whirlwinds (65) [65]

= Auxiliary Choice 1 : Hounoured Ancients =
Elite 1 : Dreadnought (100) [100] 

== Secondary Detachment: Space Marines – White scar : Allied Detachment ==
QG 6 : Librarian (65) Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25) Force Axe (0), the Hunter eye (20) [110]
Troop 1 : scout squad (55), camocloak (2*5) [65]
FA 1 : Drop pod (35) [35]
HS 4 : Centurion devastator squad (165), grav-cannon & grav-amp (3*25) omniscope (10) [250]

== Tertiary Detachment: Space Marines – Ultramarine : Librarius conclave ==

QG 7 : Chief Librarian Tigurius (165) [165]
QG 8 : Librarian (65) Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25) Force Axe (0) [90]
QG 9 : Librarian (65) Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25) Force Axe (0) [90]

Total : 1850






PLAYER 1: Homad
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
Faction : Space Marines
==DETACHMENT : Gladius Strike Force White Scars==

=Battle Demi-Company 1=
HQ1 : [Warlord] Kor'sarro Khan(1*125) [125]
Troup1 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Grav‐cannon and Grav‐amp (35), Space Marine Sergeant(0) in Transport 1 [105]
Troup2 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Grav‐cannon and Grav‐amp (35), Space Marine Sergeant(0) in Transport 2 [105]
Troup3 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Grav‐cannon and Grav‐amp(35), Space Marine Sergeant(0) in Transport 3 [105]
FA1 : Attack Bike Squad (40), Multi-Melta(10) [50]
HS1 : 3 Centurion Devastator Squad (165), 2 Grav‐cannon and Grav‐amp (50), Centurion Sergeant (0),  Grav‐cannon and Grav‐amp (25), Omniscope(10) [250]
Transport 1, Rhino Battle Company (0)
Transport 2, Rhino Battle Company (0)
Transport 3, Rhino Battle Company (0)
Total detachment : 740

=Battle Demi-Company 2=
HQ1 : Chaplain(1*90), Auspex(5),  The Hunter's Eye(20) [115]
Troup1 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Melta(10), Space Marine Sergeant(0),  Combi-Melta(10) in Transport 4 [90]
Troup2 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Melta(10), Space Marine Sergeant(0),  Combi-Melta(10) in Transport 5 [90]
Troup3 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Melta(10), Space Marine Sergeant(0),  Combi-Melta(10) in Transport 6 [90]
FA1 : Attack Bike Squad (40), Multi-Melta(10) [50]
HS1 : 3 Centurion Devastator Squad (165), 2 Grav‐cannon and Grav‐amp  (50), Centurion Sergeant (0),  Grav‐cannon and Grav‐amp (25), Omniscope(10) [250]
Transport 4, Drop Pod Battle Company (0)
Transport 5, Drop Pod Battle Company (0)
Transport 6, Drop Pod Battle Company (0)
Total detachment : 685

=DETACHMENT : Suppression Force White Scars=
FA1 : Land Speeder(45) [45]
HS1 : 2 Whirlwind(65 + 1*65) [130]
Total detachment : 175

==DETACHMENT : CAD Adeptus Astartes : Space Marines - White Scars==
HQ1 : Librarian (1*65), Auspex(5) Force Axe (0)[70]
Troup1 : 5 Scout Squad (55), Scout Sergeant (0) [55]
Troup2 : 5 Scout Squad (55), Scout Sergeant (0) [55]
FA1 : Drop Pod (35) [35]
FA2 : Drop Pod (35) [35]
Total detachment : 250


PLAYER 2: Elronhir
Type Of Alliance: 
Faction : Eldars
==Primary detachement:Eldar combined arms detachement==
HQ1:1 Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) - [115pts] [Warlord]
HQ2:1 Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) - [115pts] 
Troop1:3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [81pts]
Troop2:3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [81pts]
Troop3:3 Windriders (51), 1 Scatter Laser (10) - [61pts]

==Secondary detachement:Windriders battle host==
HQ3:1 Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) - [115pts] 
HQ4:1 Warlock (35), Skyrunner (15),Singing spears(5) - [55pts]
Troop1:3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [81pts]
Troop1:3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [81pts]
Troop1:3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [81pts]
FA1:1 Vyper (40) - [40pts]

=Auxilliary Aspect Host=
FA2:5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA3:5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA4:5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) - [105pts]

=Auxilliary Aspect Host=
FA5:5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA6:5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA7:5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) - [105pts]

=Auxilliary : Wraith constructs=
LOW:WraithKnight (295), D-HeavyCannon (0),  Scatter Laser (15) - [310pts]


PLAYER 3: Arlequin
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
Faction : Imperial Knight, Astra Militarum
==PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Imperial Knights Baronial Court==
Lord of War1 : [Warlord] Knight Warden(375), melta(5) [380]
Lord of War2 : Knight Warden(375) [375]
Lord of War3 : Knight Warden(375) [375]
Lord of War4 : Knight Warden(375) [375]
Total detchment : 1505

==DETACHMENT : Astra Militarum Psykana Division==
HQ1 : Commissar(25) [25]
HQ2 : Commissar(25) [25]
HQ3 : Commissar(25) [25]
HQ4 : Primaris Psyker(50), Psyker lvl2 (25) Force Axe (0) [75]
Elite1 : 6 Wyrdvane Psykers (60 + 1*12) [72]
Elite2 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers (60) [60]
Elite3 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers (60) [60]
Total detchment : 342


PLAYER 4: Xenos77
Fortification: Aegis
Type Of Alliance: Desperate allies
Faction : Genestealers Cult, Inquisition

==Détachement 1 : Cult Insurrection ==
=Brood cycle=
QG : 1 Iconward [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids [40]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids [40]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids [40]
Troupe : 10 neophytes hybrids (50) flame (5) [55]
Troupe : 10 neophytes hybrids (50) flame (5) [55]
Elite : 5 hybrids metamorphs (45) 5 Whip (10) [55]
Elite : 5 stealers [70]

=Subtterranean uprising :=
QG : 1 Primus [75]
Elite : 5 hybrids metamorphs (45) 5 Whip (10) [55]
Elite : 5 hybrids metamorphs (45) 5 Whip(10) [55]
Elite : 5 hybrids metamorphs (45) 5 Whip (10) [55]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw (25) [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw (25) [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw (25) [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw (25) [65]

=Subtterranean uprising :=
Elite : 5 hybrids metamorphs (45) 5 Whip(10) [55]
Elite : 5 hybrids metamorphs (45) 5 Whip (10) [55]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw (25) [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw (25) [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw (25) [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids (40) Heavy Rock Saw(25) [65]

=Lord of the cult :=
QG : 1 Magus (40) niv 2 (25) The Crouchling (20) [85]

=Lord of the cult :=
QG : 1 Patriarch (90) niv 2 (25) [WARLORD] [115]

==- Détachement 2 : CAD Genestealers cult ==
QG : 1 Magus (40) niv 2 (25) [65]
QG : 1 Magus (40) niv 2 (25) [65]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids [40]
Troupe : 5 acolytes hybrids [40]
Fortification :  aegis [50]

== Détachement 3 : Inquisition==
QG : Coteaz [100]

Total : 1850

PLAYER 5: Fuilogar
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
Faction : Dark Angels, Space Wolves
==DETACHMENT : Lion's Blade Strike Force - Battle Demi-Company ==
HQ1 : [warlord] Company Master (1*90)Auspex (5) [95]
Troup1 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Melta(10), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 6 [80]
Troup2 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Melta(10), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 7 [80]
Troup3 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 8 [70]
FA1 : 5 Assault Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 9 [70]
HS1 : 5 Devastator Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 10 [70]
Transport 6, Razorback Battle Company (0)
Transport 7, Razorback Battle Company (0)
Transport 8, Razorback Battle Company (0)
Transport 9, Razorback Battle Company (0)
Transport 10, Razorback Battle Company (0)
Total detachment : 465

=DETACHMENT : Battle Demi-Company =
HQ1 : Chaplain(1*90) Auspex (5) [95]
Troup1 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Melta(10), Space Marine Sergeant (0), Combi-Melta(10) in Transport 1 [90]
Troup2 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Melta(10), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 2 [80]
Troup3 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Melta(10), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 3 [80]
FA1 : 5 Assault Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 4 [70]
HS1 : 5 Devastator Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 5 [70]
Transport 1, Drop Pod Battle Company (0)
Transport 2, Razorback Battle Company (0)
Transport 3, Razorback Battle Company (0)
Transport 4, Razorback Battle Company (0)
Transport 5, Razorback Battle Company (0)
Total detachment : 485

=DETACHMENT : Lion's Blade Strike Force - 10th Company Support =
Troup1 : 5 Scout Squad (55), Scout Sergeant (0) [55]
Total detachment : 55

==DETACHMENT : [Curse of the Wulfen] Greatpack - [Curse of the Wulfen] Blackmanes==
HQ1 : Wolf Guard Battle Leader (1*50)  [50]
Troup1 : 5 Blood Claws (60), Flamer(5) in Transport 11 [65]
Troup2 : 5 Blood Claws (60), Flamer(5) in Transport 12 [65]
Troup3 : 5 Blood Claws (60), Flamer(5) in Transport 13 [65]
Troup4 : 5 Grey Hunters(70), Melta(10) in Transport 14 [80]
Troup5 : 5 Grey Hunters(70), Melta(10) in Transport 15 [80]
Troup6 : 5 Grey Hunters(70), Melta(10) in Transport 16 [80]
Troup7 : 5 Grey Hunters(70), Melta(10) in Transport 17 [80]
Elite1 : 5 Wolf Guard (90), Wolf Guard Pack Leader (0) in Transport 18 [90]
Elite2 : 5 Wolf Scouts (70) [70]
HS1 : 2 Long Fangs (30), Long Fang Ancient (0), Melta(10) in Transport 19 [40]
Transport 11, Drop Pod Blackmanes(0)
Transport 12, Drop Pod Blackmanes(0)
Transport 13, Drop Pod Blackmanes(0)
Transport 14, Drop Pod Blackmanes(0)
Transport 15, Drop Pod Blackmanes(0)
Transport 16, Drop Pod Blackmanes(0)
Transport 17, Drop Pod Blackmanes(0)
Transport 18, Drop Pod Blackmanes(0)
Transport 19, Drop Pod Blackmanes(0)
Total detachment : 765

=DETACHMENT : [Curse of the Wulfen] Greatpack - [Curse of the Wulfen] Wolfkin=
FA1 : 5 Fenrissian Wolves(40) [40]
FA2 : 5 Fenrissian Wolves(40) [40]
Total detachment : 80


PLAYER 6: Shas'O'Kassad
Fortification: Munitorum Armoured Containers
Type Of Alliance:-
Faction : TAU
==Detachment 1  : CAD Tau Farsight Enclaves - Codex Farsight==
HQ : Commander (85), XV8-02 Crisis 'Iridium' Battlesuit (25), Command and Control Node (15), Drone Controller (8.), 2 Marker Drones (2x12) - [157 pts] [Warlord]
Troop1 : 1 XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (22) - Bonding Knife Ritual (1) - [23 pts]
Troop2 : 1 XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (22) - Bonding Knife Ritual (1) 2 flamer (2x5) - [33 pts]
FA1 : 4 Marker drone (4x14) - [56 Pts]
Total: 269

==Detachment 2: Riptide Wing Formation - Mont'Ka Campaign supplement==
ELITE1: 3 Riptides (3x180), 2 Early Warning Override (3x5), Advanced targeting system (3), 2 Target lock (2x5) – [568pts]
ELITE1a: Riptide (180), Early Warning Override (5), Advanced targeting system (3) – 188 pts]
ELITE1b: Riptide (180), Early Warning Override (5),Target lock (5) – [190 pts]
ELITE1c: Riptide (180), Early Warning Override (5),Target lock (5) – [190 pts]
ELITE2: 1 Riptides (180), Early Warning Override (5), Advanced targeting system (3) – [188pts]
ELITE3: 1 Riptides (180), Early Warning Override (5), Advanced targeting system (3) – [188pts]
Total : 944

==Detachment 3 : Formation  Piranha Firestream Wing - Mont'ka Campaign Supplement ==
FA1 : 1 Piranha (40) - Target Acquisition Team - [40 pts]
FA2 : 1 Piranha (40) - [40 pts]
FA3 : 3 Piranhas (3x40) - 4 Seeker missiles (4x8) - [152 pts]
FA4 : 4 Piranhas (4x40) - 1 Blacksun filter (1), 8 Seeker missiles (8x8) - [225 pts]
Total : 457

==Detachment 4 : Officio Assassinorium Detachment - Mont'ka Campaign Supplement==
Elite1 : Culexus Assassin - [140 pts]

Fortification : Munitorum Armoured Containers (40) - [40 pts]


PLAYER 7: Razahrds
Type Of Alliance: 
Faction : Chaos Daemons
==PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Daemonic Incursion ==
=Flayertroupe =
HQ1 : The Masque of Slaanesh(75) [75]
Troup1 : 10 Daemonettes of Slaanesh(90), Icon of Chaos(10) [100]
Troup2 : 10 Daemonettes of Slaanesh(90), Icon of Chaos(10) [100]
Troup3 : 10 Daemonettes of Slaanesh(90), Icon of Chaos(10) [100]
Troup4 : 10 Daemonettes of Slaanesh(90), Instrument of Chaos(10) [100]
Troup5 : 10 Daemonettes of Slaanesh(90), Instrument of Chaos(10) [100]
Troup6 : 10 Daemonettes of Slaanesh(90), Instrument of Chaos(10) [100]

=Burning Skyhost=
HQ1 : Herald of Tzeentch(45), Disc of Tzeentch(25), Paradoxe(25), Psyker (Level 3)(50) [145] [WARLORD]
FA1 : 5 Screamers of Tzeentch(75 + 2*25) [125]
FA2 : 5 Screamers of Tzeentch(75 + 1*25) [125]
FA3 : 5 Screamers of Tzeentch(75 + 2*25) [125]
FA4 : 5 Screamers of Tzeentch(75 + 2*25) [125]
FA5 : 5 Screamers of Tzeentch(75 + 2*25) [125]
FA6 : 5 Screamers of Tzeentch(75 + 2*25) [125]
FA7 : 4 Screamers of Tzeentch(75 + 1*25) [100]
FA8 : 4 Screamers of Tzeentch(75 + 1*25) [100]
FA9 : 4 Screamers of Tzeentch(75 + 1*25) [100]


PLAYER 8: The Pleymo
Fortification: Void Shield
Type Of Alliance: Allied of convenience
Faction : Orks, Renegade Knights
HQ1 : [WARLORD] Big Mek(35) [35]
Troup1 : 11 Gretchins(25), Runtherd(10) [35]
Troup2 : 11 Gretchins(25), Runtherd(10) [35]
FA1 : Deffkoptas(30) [30]
FA2 : Deffkoptas(30) [30]
HS1 : 5 Mek Gunz(18 + 4*18), 5 Lobeur(0), 10x Gretchin(0) [90]
HS2 : 3 Mek Gunz(18 + 2*18), 3 Kanon Trakteur (36), 3 Grots bastos(9), 6x Gretchin(0) [99]
HS3 : 5 Mek Gunz(18 + 4*18), 5 Lobeur(0), 10x Gretchin(0) [90]
Fortifications1 : Void shield generator(1*50), 2 Additionnal void shield(50) [100]
Total detachment : 544

==DETACHMENT : Renegades and Heretics==
Lord of War1 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (chainsword)(60), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (gauntlet)(50) [435]
Lord of War2 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (chainsword)(60), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (gauntlet)(50) [435]
Lord of War3 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (chainsword)(60), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (gauntlet)(50) [435]
Total detachment : 1305




Bisounours :



+ PLAYER 1 & Captain : Wilme
+ FACTIONS : Tau Farsight Enclave + Sister of Silence

== Detachment 1 : CAD Tau Farsight Enclaves - Codex Farsight ==
HQ1 : Commander (85), XV8-02 Crisis 'Iridium' Battlesuit (25), Command and Control Node (15), Stimulant Injector (15), Vectored Retro-Thrusters (5), Drone Controller (8.), 2 Marker Drones (2x12) - [177pts] [Warlord]

Troop1 : 2 XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (2x22), 2 Bonding Knife Ritual (2x1), 4 Marker Drones (4x12) - [94pts]
Troop2 : 1 XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (22), Bonding Knife Ritual (1) - [23pts]

LOW1 : 1 KV128 Stormsurge (360), TL-Flamer (-), Shield Generator (50), Velocity Tracker (20), Early Warning Overdrive (5) - [435pts]

Fortification1 : Bunker (55), Escape Hatch (25), Ammunition Dump (20) - [100pts]

== Detachment 2 : Formation Piranha Firestream Wing - Mont'ka Campaign Supplement ==
FA1 : 1 Piranha (40) - Target Acquisition Team - [40pts]
FA2 : 5 Piranhas (5x40), 1 Blacksun filter (1), 9 Seeker missiles (9x8) - [273pts]
FA3 : 5 Piranhas (5x40), 1 Blacksun filter (1), 9 Seeker missiles (9x8) - [273pts]
FA4 : 5 Piranhas (5x40), 1 Blacksun filter (1), 9 Seeker missiles (9x8) - [273pts]

== Detachment 3 : Formation Null-Maiden Task Force - Burning of Prospero Imperial ==
Elite1: 5 Sister of Silence Squad (75), 2 Executioner GreatBlade (0), 3 flamers (3x2) - [81pts]
Elite2: 5 Sister of Silence Squad (75), 2 Executioner GreatBlade (0), 3 flamers (3x2) - [81pts]

Type Of Alliance : Apocalypse
TOTAL : 1 848 pts

+ PLAYER 2 : Olohmë
+ FACTIONS : Imperial Knight + Dark Eldar

== Detachment 1 : Formation Baronial Court - Codex Imperial Knights ==
Lord of War1 : Knight Warden (375), StormSpear Rocket Pod (40) - [415pts]
Lord of War2 : Knight Warden (375), StormSpear Rocket Pod (40) - [415pts]
Lord of War3 : Knight Warden (375), StormSpear Rocket Pod (40) - [415pts]
Lord of War4 : Knight Warden (375), StormSpear Rocket Pod (40), Lord Baron (0) - [415pts] [Warlord]

== Detachment 2 : Combined Army Detachment Dark Eldar - Codex Dark Eldar ==
HQ1: Court of the Archon: Lhamaean - [10pts]

Troop1: 5 Kabalite Warriors - [40pts]
Troop2: 5 kabalite Warriors - [40pts]

FA1: 3 Reavers - [48pts]
FA2: 3 Reavers - [48pts]

Type Of Alliance : Apocalypse
TOTAL : 1846 pts

+ PLAYER 3 : Makai
+ FACTIONS : Craftworld Eldar

== Detachment 1 : Craftworld Warhost - Codex Craftworld Eldars ==
= Core1 : Windrider host =
HQ1 : 1 Farseer (100), skyrunner (15), singing spear (5) - [120pts] [Warlord]
HQ2 : 1 Warlock conclave (35), skyrunner (15), singing spear (5) - [55pts]
Troop1 : 4 Windriders (68), 4 scatter laser (40) - [108pts]
Troop2 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 scatter laser (30) - [81pts]
Troop3 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 scatter laser (30) - [81pts]
FA1 : 1 Vyper (40), bright lance (10) - [50pts]

= Auxilliary1 : Aspect host =
FA2 : 5 Warp spiders (95), exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA3 : 5 Warp spiders (95), exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA4 : 5 Warp spiders (95), exarch (10) - [105pts]

= Auxilliary2 : Aspect host =
FA5: 5 Warp spiders (95), exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA6: 5 Warp spiders (95), exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA7: 5 Warp spiders (95), exarch (10) - [105pts]

= Auxilliary3 : Aspect host =
FA8: 5 Warp spiders (95), exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA9: 5 Warp spiders (95), exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA10: 5 Warp spiders (95), exarch (10) - [105pts]

= Auxilliary4 : Wraith constructs =
LoW: Wraithknight (295), 2 D-HeavyCannon (0), 1 scatter laser (15) - [310pts]

= Command1 : Heroes of the craftworlds =
HQ3: Autarch (70), Swooping Hawk Wings (15), Fusion Gun (10), Banshee Mask (5) - [100pts]

TOTAL : 1 850 pts

+ PLAYER 4 : EdlR
+ FACTIONS : Chaos Daemon

== Detachment 1 : Daemonic Incursion - Curse of the Wulfen Campaign Supplement ==
= Core1 : Murderhorde = 
HQ1: Herald of Korne (55), Exalted Reward (30) - [85pts]
FA1 : 5 Flesh Hounds - [80pts]
FA2 : 5 Flesh Hounds - [80pts]
FA3 : 5 Flesh Hounds - [80pts]
FA4 : 5 Flesh Hounds - [80pts]
FA5 : 5 Flesh Hounds - [80pts]
FA6 : 5 Flesh Hounds - [80pts]
FA7 : 5 Flesh Hounds - [80pts]
FA8 : 5 Flesh Hounds - [80pts]

= Aux 1 : Daemon Flock =
FA9 : 5 Chaos Furies - [35pts]

= Command1 : Daemon Lord = 
HQ2: Kairos Fateweaver - [300pts]

= Command2 : Daemon Lord = 
HQ3: Lord of Change (230), Psyker lvl3 (25), 2 Greater Rewards (2x20), 1 Lesser Reward (10), The Impossible Robe (25) - [330pts] [Warlord][/b]

== Detachment 2: Chaos Daemons Combined Arms Detachment - codex Chaos Daemons ==
HQ4 : The Masque of Slaanesh - [75pts]
HQ5 : Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker Level 3 (50), Paradox (25) - [120pts] 
HQ6 : Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker Level 3 (50), Endless Grimoire (35) - [130pts] 
Troop1 : 3 Nurglings - [45pts]
Troop2 : 10 Horrors - [90pts]

TOTAL : 1850 pts

+ PLAYER 5 : Arrethas
+ FACTIONS : Grey Knights + Space Marines + Blood Angels

== Detachment 1 : Nemesis Strike Force – Codex Grey Knights ==

HQ1 : Librarian (110), Nemesis Warding Stave (0), Mastery level 3 (25) - [135pts] [Warlord]
Troop1 : Strike Squad (110), Incinerator (5) - [115pts]
LOW1 : Kaldor Draigo - [245pts]
Fortification : Bunker (55), Escape Hatch (25) - [80pts]

== Detachment 2 : AD Space Marine (White Scars) – Codex Space Marines / Angels of Death ==

HQ2 : Captain (90), Chapter Master (40), Bike (20), Power Fist (25), The Hunter eye (20), Artificer Armor (20), Storm Shield (15) - [230pts]
Troop2 : 5 Scouts (55), 5 Boltguns (0) - [55pts]
HS1 : 5 Centurions Devastator (165+2x55), 5 Grav-cannons and Grav-amp (5x25), 5 Missiles Launchers (5x10), Omniscope (10) - [460pts]

== Detachment 3 : Formation Librarius Conclave (ultramarines) – Codex Space Marines ==

HQ3 : Tigurius - [165pts]
HQ4 : Librarian (65), Bike (20), Mastery level 2 (25), Force Axe (0) - [110pts]
HQ5 : Librarian (65), Bike (20), Mastery level 2 (25), Force Axe (0) - [110pts]

== Detachment 4 : Allied Detachment Blood Angels – Codex Blood Angels ==

HQ6 : Sanguinary Priest (60), The Angel’s Wings (25), Melta bomb (5) - [90pts]
Troop3 : 5 Scouts, Bolters (0) - [55pts]

Type Of Alliance : Battle Brothers
TOTAL : 1850pts

+ PLAYER 6 : fire.mike
+ FACTIONS : Orks + Renegade Knights + Skitarii

== Primary Detachment: Orks Combined Arms Detachment ==
QG1 : Big Mek (35) - [35pts] [Warlord]
Troop1 : 10 gretchin + Runtherd - [35pts]
Troop2 : 10 gretchin + Runtherd - [35pts]
FA1 : 1 Deffkopta (30), Twin-Linked Big Shoota - [30pts]
FA2 : 1 Deffkopta (30), Twin-Linked Big Shoota - [30pts]
FA3 : 1 Deffkopta (30), Twin-Linked Big Shoota - [30pts]
HS1 : 1 Mek Gunz (18), upgraded to Lobba (0) - [18pts]
Fortification 1 : Voidshield (50), 2 additionnal Shields (2x25) - [100pts]

== Detachment 2 : Forsworn Detachment ==
LoW1 : Renegade Knight (325), 1 Avenger Gatling Canon (50), Stormspear Rocket Pod (40) - [415pts]
LoW2 : Renegade Knight (325), 2 Avenger Gatling Canon (50+60), Stormspear Rocket Pod (40) - [475pts]
LoW3 : Renegade Knight (325), 2 Avenger Gatling Canon (50+60) - [435pts]

== Detachment 3 : Skitarii Maniple ==
Troop3 : 5 Skitarii Vanguards (55) - [55pts]
Troop3 : 5 Skitarii Vanguards (55) - [55pts]
Fortification 2 : Voidshield (50), 2 additionnal shields (2x25) - [100pts]

Type Of Alliance : Come the Apocalypse / Allies of COnvenience
TOTAL : 1848 pts

+ PLAYER 7 : Lex-A
+ FACTIONS : Dark Angels + Space Wolves + Inquisition

== Detachement 1: Ravenwing Strike Force - Codex Dark Angels ==
HQ1: Sammael - [200pts] [warlord]
FA1: Darkshroud - [80pts]
FA2: Darkshroud - [80pts]
FA3: 3 Black Knights - [120pts]

== Detachement 2 : Formation Dark Angels Librarius Conclave - Dataslate Dark Angels ==
HQ2: Ezekiel - [145pts]
HQ3: Librarian (65), Mastery Level 2 (25), Bike (20), Force stave (0) - [110pts]
HQ4: Librarian (65), Mastery Level 2 (25), Bike (20), Force stave (0) - [110pts]
HQ5: Librarian (65), Mastery Level 2 (25), Jetpack (15), Force stave (0) - [105pts]
HQ6: Librarian (65), Mastery Level 2 (25), Jetpack (15), Force stave (0) - [105pts]

==Detachment 3 : Company of The Great Wolf Detachment - Space Wolves : Champions of Fenris ==
HQ7: Rune Priest (60), Level 2 (25), Force stave (0), Bike (20), Runic Armor (25) - [130pts]
HQ8: Rune Priest (60), Level 2 (25), Force stave (0), Bike (20), Runic Armor (25) - [130pts]
Elite1: 8 Wulfens (240), 4 Thunder Hammers + Storm Shield (4x20), 4 Great Frost Axes (4x8), 4 Stormfrag Auto-launchers (4x2) - [360pts]
Elite2: Iron Priest (55), Bike (20) [75]

==Détachment 4 : Inquisition ==
HQ9: Coteaz - [100pts]

Type Of Alliance : Battle Brothers
Total : 1850 points

+ PLAYER 8 : throst
+ FACTIONS : Genestealers Cult + Tyranid

== Detachment 1 : Cult Insurrection - Codex Genestealer Cult ==

= Core1 : Broodcycle =
HQ1 : Inconward - [65pts] [Warlord]
Elite1 : 5 Purestrain Genestealers - [70pts]
Elite2 : 5 Hybrids Metamorphs - [45pts]
Troop1 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids - [40pts]
Troop2 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids - [40pts]
Troop3 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids - [40pts]
Troop4 : 10 Neophites - [50pts]
Troop5 : 10 Neophites - [50pts]

= Aux1: Subterranean Uprising =
Troop6 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids - [40pts]
Troop7 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids - [40pts]
Elite3 : 5 Hybrids Metamorphs - [45pts]

== Detachment 2 : CAD Tyranids - Codex Tyranids ==
HQ2 : Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 TL Devourer (2x15), Electrochoc Grub (10) - [240pts]
HQ3 : Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 TL Devourer (2x15), Electrochoc Grub (10) - [240pts]
Troop8 : Mucolid Spore - [15pts]
Troop9 : Mucolid Spore - [15pts]
Fortification : Aegis Defense Line - [50pts]

== Détachement 3 : Hive Fleet Detachment - Shield of Baal Campaign Supplement ==
HQ4 : Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 TL Devourer (2x15), Electrochoc Grub (10) - [240pts]
HQ5 : Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 TL Devourer (2x15), Electrochoc Grub (10) - [240pts]
HQ6 : Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 TL Devourer (2x15), Electrochoc Grub (10) - [240pts]
Troop10 : Mucolid Spore - [15pts]
Troop11 : Mucolid Spore - [15pts]
Troop12 : Mucolid Spore - [15pts]

Total : 1850pts



Mogway 2 :



PLAYER 1: Guillaume – Blair_o - MARTIN - Captain aka "Tout est dans le skill"
Type Of Alliance: Allies of convenience
Faction : ORKS / Renegade Knight
== PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Combined Arms Detachment ORKS ==

HQ 1 : Big Mek(35) [35] (WARLORD)

Troup 1 : 30 Boyz(60+20*6) [180]
Troup 2 : 30 Boyz(60+20*6), Boss Nob(10) [190]
Troup 3 : 10 Gretchins and 1 Runtherd(35), squig hound (5) [40]

Fortification : Void shield generator(1*50), 2 Additionnal void shield(50) [100]

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Forsworn Renegade Knight detachement ==

Lord of War1 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (chainsword)(60), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (gauntlet)(50) [435]
Lord of War2 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (chainsword)(60), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (gauntlet)(50) [435]
Lord of War3 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (chainsword)(60), Rapid-fire battle cannon and heavy stubber (gauntlet)(50) [435]

[Total 1850]

PLAYER 2: Florian - Dletch - HAMEL aka "Démon Bizut"
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
Faction : Chaos Daemons / Chaos Space Marines
== PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Combined Arms Detachment Chaos Daemons - Curse of the Wulfen Campaign Supplement ==

HQ1 : Kairos Fateweaver [300pts] (WARLORD) 
HQ2a : Herald of Tzeentch(45), Mastery Level 3(50), Disc of Tzeentch(25), Exalted Reward(30) [150pts] 
HQ2b : Herald of Tzeentch(45), Mastery Level 3(50), Disc of Tzeentch(25), Exalted Reward(30) [150pts] 
HQ2c : Herald of Tzeentch(45), Mastery Level 3(50), Disc of Tzeentch(25), The Impossible Robe (25), Minor reward (10) [155pts] 
HQ2d: Herald of Nurgle (45) , Doomsday Bell (30) [75pts] 
Troop 1: 3 Nurglings (45) [45pts] 
Troop 2: 3 Nurglings (45) [45pts] 
FA1: 6 Screamers of Tzeentch (75+3*25) [150pts] 
Fortification: Bastion (75), Comms Relay (20) - [95pts] 

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Chaos Space Marines – Heldrake Terror Pack - Traitor's Hate supplement ==

FA2 Heldrake(170), baleflamer(0) [170] 
FA3 Heldrake(170), baleflamer(0) [170] 
FA4 Heldrake(170), baleflamer(0) [170] 
FA5 Heldrake(170), baleflamer(0) [170] 

[Total: 1845]

PLAYER 3: Erwan - Terrachnydes - GAVENS aka "si booba avait le CAPES"
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
Faction : Dark Angels / Space Wolf / Inquisition

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Combined Arms Detachment Dark Angels ==

HQ1 : Sammael - [200pts]
Troop 1 : Scout Squad (55), 5 Boltguns (0) - [55pts]
Troop 2 : Tactical squad (70), in transport 1 (35) [105 pts] 
LOW1 : Azrael - [215pts] (WARLORD)

Transport 1 : POD

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Formation Wolfkin - Curse of the Wulfen Campaign Supplement ==

FA1 : 11 Fenrisian Wolves (40 + 6*8 ) - [88 pts]
FA2 : 15 Fenrisian Wolves (40 + 10*8 ) - [120 pts]
FA3 : 15 Fenrisian Wolves (40 + 10*8 ) - [120 pts]
FA4 : 15 Fenrisian Wolves (40 + 10*8 ) - [120 pts]
FA5 : 15 Fenrisian Wolves (40 + 10*8 ) - [120 pts]

== TERTIARY DETACHMENT: Formation Librarius Conclave - Dataslate Dark Angels ==

HQ2 : Ezekiel - [145pts]
HQ3 : Librarian (65), Mastery Level 2 (25), Jump pack (15), Force Staff (0) - [105 pts]
HQ4 : Librarian (65), Mastery Level 2 (25), Force Axe (0) - [90 pts]
HQ5 : Librarian (65), Mastery Level 2 (25), jump pack (15), Force Axe (0) - [105 pts]
HQ6 : Librarian (65), Mastery Level 2 (25), jump pack (15), Force Axe (0), Œil de l’invisible (40) - [145 pts]

== QUATERNARY DETACHMENT: Inquisitorial Detachment ==

HQ7 : Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor (25), Null Rod (25), servo-skulls (3) [53 pts]
HQ8 : Ordo xenos Inquisitor (25), Rad grenades (15), psychotroke grenades (15), servo-skulls (3 x 3) [64 pts]

[Total 1850]

PLAYER 4: Mathieu - Superpoulpe - FERNANDEZ aka "Corvidé mineur"
Type Of Alliance: Come to the Apocalypse
Faction : Necrons / Officio Assassinorum

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Decurion Necron ==

= CORE : Reclamation Legion - CODEX: Necron [1014pts] =
HQ1 : Nemesor Zahndrekh(150) [150] (WARLORD)
Troup1 : 5 Immortals, heavy gauss (0), (85) [85]
Troup2 : 10 Warriors(130) [130]
Troup3 : 10 Warriors(130) [130]
Elite1 : 7 Lychguard(125 + 2*25) [175]
FA1 : 5 Tomb Blades(54 + 2*18), 5 shieldvanes (10), 5 Nébuloscope(10) [110]
FA2 : 5 Tomb Blades(54 + 2*18), 5 shieldvanes (10), 5 Nébuloscope(10) [110]
FA3 : 6 Tomb Blades(54 + 3*18), 5 shieldvanes (10), 6 shadowloom(6) [124]

= AUXILIARY : Canoptek Harvest - CODEX: Necron [310pts] =
FA1 : 3 Canoptek Scarabs(60) [60]
FA2 : 5 Canoptek Wraith (120 + 2*40) [200]
HS1 : Canoptek Spyder(50) [50]

= AUXILIARY : Royal Court - CODEX: Necron [385pts] =
HQ1 : Orikan the Diviner(120) [120]
HQ2 : Overlord (80), phase disruptor(25),  resurrection orb (25), solar staff(15) [145]
HQ3 : Vargard Obyron(120) [120]

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Officio Assassinorum ==

Elite1 : Culexus Assassin(140) [140]

Total [1849]

PLAYER 5: Michaël - Undead tyty - Clouet aka "la blatte"
Type Of Alliance: Allies of convenience
Faction : Tyranid / Cult Genestealer

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Combined Arms Detachment Tyranids ==

HQ1 Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 Twin-linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2x15) [230] (WARLORD)
HQ2 Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 Twin-linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2x15), Electroshock Grubs (10) [240] 

tr1 Mucolid Spore (15) [15]
tr2 Mucolid Spore (15) [15]

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Tyranids Hive Fleet Detachment ==

HQ3 Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 Twin-linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2x15), Electroshock Grubs (10) [240] 
HQ4 Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 Twin-linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2x15) [230]
HQ5 Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 Twin-linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms (2x15) [230]

tr3 Mucolid Spore (15) [15]
tr4 Mucolid Spore (15) [15]
tr5 Mucolid Spore (15) [15]

== TERTIARY DETACHMENT: Cult Insurrection ==

= CORE: Brood cycle =
HQ1 Acolyte iconward (65) [65]
tr1 5 Acolytes hybrids (40) [40]
tr2 5 Acolytes hybrids (40) [40]
tr3 5 Acolytes hybrids (40) [40]
tr4 10 Neophytes hybrids (50) [50]
tr5 10 Neophytes hybrids (50) [50]
el1 5 Hybrids metamorphs (45) [45]
el2 5 Purestrain genestealer (70) [70]

= AUXILIARY: Subterranean uprising =
el3 5 Hybrids metamorphs (45) [45]
tr6 5 Acolytes hybrids (40) [40]
tr7 5 Acolytes hybrids (40) [40]
tr8 5 Acolytes hybrids (40) [40]
tr9 5 Acolytes hybrids (40) [40]

[Total: 1850]

PLAYER 6: Nicolas "Philidork" Bonin aka "Papa mérou"
Type Of Alliance: Desesperate alliance
Faction : Tau / Sister of silence Parce que moi je préfère les vierges au cul(exus)

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Combined Arms Detachment Tau Farsight Enclave ==

HQ1 : Commander(1*85), Command and Control Node (15), Drone Controller (8 ), 2x MV7 Marker Drones (24) [132] (WARLORD)
Troup1 : XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (22), Binding knife ritual(1) [23]
Troup2 : XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (22), Binding knife ritual(1) [23]
FA1 : 4x MV7 Marker Drone (14) [56]
Lord of War1 : KV128 Stormsurge(360), Shield Generator(50), Early Warning Override(5), Advanced Targeting System(3), Pulse driver canon (15) [433]
Fortification1 : WALL OF MARTYRS IMPERIAL BUNKER (55), Escape hatch (25), Ammunition dump (20) [100]

Total detachment : 767

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT: [Mont'ka] Riptide Wing ==

Elite1 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuits (180), SMS (0), Early Warning Override(5), Advanced Targeting System(3) [188]
Elite2 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuits (180), SMS (0), Early Warning Override(5), Advanced Targeting System(3) [188]
Elite3 : XV104 Riptide Battlesuits (180), SMS (0), Early Warning Override(5), Advanced Targeting System(3) [188]

Total detachment : 564

== TERTIARY DETACHMENT: [Mont'ka] Piranha Firestream Wing ==

FA2 : 4 TX4 Piranha (40 + 3*40), 8 Missiles Seeker (64), 8x MV1 Gun Drone (0) [224]
FA3 : 3 TX4 Piranha (40 + 2*40), 2 Missiles Seeker (16), 6x MV1 Gun Drone (0) [136]
FA4 : TX4 Piranha (40), 2x MV1 Gun Drone (0) [40] ROGUE 1 LEADER
FA5 : TX4 Piranha (40), 2x MV1 Gun Drone (0) [40] 
Total detachment : 440

==QUATERNARY DETACHMENT:[Burning of Prospero] Null-Maiden Task Force ==

Elite4 : 5 Sister of silence (75) 3 Executioner greatblades (0) 2 flammers (4) [79]

Total detachment : 79

[Total 1850]

PLAYER 7: Hugo - Dahrkan - Drelon aka "un H mal placé"
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brother Alliance
Faction : Eldar Craftworlds

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Combined Arms Detachment Eldar Craftworld ==

HQ1: Farseer (100); windrider (15), spirit stone of anath'lan (15) [130]
HQ2: Farseer (100): windrider (15) [115] (WARLORD)
Troop1: 3 Windriders [51]
Troop2: 3 Windriders [51]

Fortification1: Void Shield Generator (50): 2 additionnal projected Void shield (2*25) [100]

Total detachment: 347 pts

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Craftworld Warhost ==

= CORE: Windrider Host =
HQ3: Farseer (100): windrider (15) [115]
HQ4: Warlock Conclace (35): skyrunner (15) [50]
Troop3: 3 Windriders (51): 3 scatter lasers (3*10) [81]
Troop4: 3 Windriders (51): 3 scatter lasers (3*10) [81]
Troop5: 3 Windriders (51): 3 scatter lasers (3*10) [81]
FA1: Vyper (40): starcannon (5) [45]

Total detachment: 453 pts

= AUXILIARY: Aspect Host =
Bonus: +1BS
FA2: 5 Warp Spiders (95): Exarch (10) [105]
FA3: 5 Warp Spiders (95): Exarch (10) [105]
FA4: 5 Warp Spiders (95): Exarch (10) [105]

Total detachment: 315 pts

= AUXILIARY: Wraith Constructs =
LoW1: Wraithknight (295): 2 heavy wraithcannons (0), 1 scatter laser (15) [310]

Total detachment: 310 pts

= AUXILIARY: Wraith Constructs =
LoW2 Wraithknight (295): Ghostglaive and Scattershield (0), 2 scatter lasers (2*15) [325]

Total detachment: 325 pts

[Total: 1850]

PLAYER 8: Mathieu "Manwe" Bach aka "c'est qui Manolo ?"
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brother Alliance
Faction : Space Marines, Adepta Sororitas
Chapter Tactic: Iron Hand

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Fist of Medusa Strike Force ==

= CORE: Battle Demi Company = 
HQ1: Captain (90); artificer armour (20), power fist (25), the Gorgon's Chain (45), bike (20) [240] (WARLORD)
HQ2: Command Squad (90): on bikes (35), apothecary (15) with storm shield (10), 3 storm shields (3*10), 1 power fist (25): 205 pts
Troop1: Tactical Squad (70) in Transport 1 (35): [105]
Troop2: Tactical Squad (70) in Transport 2 (35): [105]
Troop3: Tactical Squad (70) in Transport 3 (35): [105]
FA1: Bike squadd [63]
HS1: Devastator squad (70) in Transport 4 (35) [105]
Transport 1: Drop pod [35]
Transport 2: Drop pod [35]
Transport 3: Drop pod [35]
Transport 4: Drop pod [35]

Total detachment: 928 pts

= AUXILIARY: Honoured Ancients =

Elite1: Dreadnought: multi melta [100]

Total detachment: 100 pts

= COMMAND: Librarius Conclave =
HQ2: Librarian (65): Bike (20), Mastery level 2 (25), the Mindforge Stave (15) [125]
HQ3: Librarian (65): Bike (20), Mastery Level 2 (25), Force axe [110]
HQ4: Librarian (65): Bike (20), Mastery Level 2 (25), Force axe [110]
HQ5: Librarian (65): Bike (20), Mastery Level 2 (25), Force axe [110]
HQ6: Librarian (65): Jump pack (15), Mastery Level 2 (25), Force axe [105]

Total detachment: 560 pts

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Allied Detachment Adepta Sororitas ==

HQ7: Saint Celestine [135]
HQ8: Munistorum Priest (25): the Litanies of Faith (15) [40]
HQ9: Munistorum Priest [25]
Troop1: Battle Sister Squad [60]

Total detachment: 260 pts

[Total: 1848]

Coach | Assistant : Rémi - Requiem - Héraud aka "Cotoreq'"



Paris United :



++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++
+ TEAM : Paris United
+ PLAYER1 : Louisteq
+ FACTIONS : Space Wolves/Dark Angels
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++
==DETACHMENT : Librarius Conclave==
HQ1 : Ezekiel(1*145) [145]
HQ2 : Librarian (1*65), Bike (20), Force Staff(0), Psyker (Mastery level 2)(25) [110]
HQ3 : Librarian (1*65), Bike (20), Force Staff(0) ,Psyker (Mastery level 2)(25) [110]
HQ4 : Librarian (1*65), Bike (20), Force Staff(0), Psyker (Mastery level 2)(25) [110]
Total detachment : 475

==DETACHMENT : Space Wolves - Wolfkin==
FA1 : 7 Fenrissian Wolves(40 + 2*8 ) [56]
FA2 : 5 Fenrissian Wolves(40) [40]
FA3 : 10 Fenrissian Wolves(40 + 5*8 ) [80]
FA4 : 10 Fenrissian Wolves(40 + 5*8 ) [80]
FA5 : 10 Fenrissian Wolves(40 + 5*8 ) [80]
Total detachment : 336

==DETACHMENT : Space Wolves - WyrdStorm==
HQ5 : Rune Priest(1*60), Durfast's Helm (20), Jump pack (15), Runic Axe(0), Psyker (Mastery level 2) (25) [120]
HQ6 : Rune Priest(1*60), Runic Axe(0), Melta Bomb (5), jump pack (15) [80]
HQ7 : Rune Priest(1*60), Runic Staff(0), Jump pack (15) [75]
HQ8 : Rune Priest(1*60), Runic Axe(0), Jump pack (15) [75]
Total detachment : 350

==PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Adeptus Astartes : Dark Angels CAD==
HQ9 : Sammael(1*200) [200]
Troup1 : 5 Scout Squad (55), Scout Sergent (0) [55]
Troup2 : 5 Scout Squad (55), Scout Sergent (0) [55]
FA6 : Ravenwing Darkshroud (1*80) [80]
FA7 : Ravenwing Darkshroud (1*80) [80]
Lord of War1 : Azrael(1*215) [215] [WARLORD]
Total detachment : 685



++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++
+ TEAM : Paris United
+ PLAYER2 : Oro
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++
==dawn of blade detachement==

=hunter cadre=
HQ1 : Commander (85), XV8-02 Crisis 'Iridium' Battlesuit (25), Command and Control Node (15),Drone Controller (8 ), 2 marker drone (24),[157] (WARLORD)
Troop 1 : 10 kroots (60)
Troop 2 : 10 kroots (60)
Troop 3 : 10 kroots (60), 1 kroot hound (5) [65]
Troop 4 : 1 crisis (22), bonding knife ritual (1) [23]

FA 1 : 4 marker drone (56)

LOW 1 : stormsurge(360), Pulse Driver Cannon (15), Shield Generator (50), Early Warning Override (5), Advanced Targeting System (3) [433]

=piranha wing=
FA 2 : 1 piranha (40)
FA 3 : 3 piranha (40+40*2), 6 missiles seeker (48), blacksun filter (1) [169]
FA 4 : 3 piranha (40+40*2), 6 missiles seeker (48) ,blacksun filter (1) [169]
FA 5 : 3 piranha (40+40*2)

=piranha wing=
FA 6 : 1 piranha (40)
FA 7 : 3 piranha (40+40*2), 6 missiles seeker (48) , blacksun filter (1) [169]
FA 8 : 3 piranha (40+40*2), 6 missiles seeker (48) , blacksun filter (1) [169]
FA 9 : 3 piranha (40+40*2)



++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++
+ TEAM : Paris United
+ PLAYER : Ryle
+ FACTIONS : Space Marines/Sisters of Silence
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++
== Principal detachment : Gladius (white scars) ==
= Battle demi company 1 =
HQ1: kor'sarro Khan - [125] (WARLORD)
Troops1: Tactical Squad (70), Grav‐cannon and Grav‐amp (35), Rhino DT (0), Storm Bolter (0) ‐ [105pts]
Troops2: Tactical Squad (70), Grav‐cannon and Grav‐amp (35), Rhino DT (0), Storm Bolter (0) ‐ [105pts]
Troops3: Tactical Squad (70), Flamer (5), Combi-flamer (10), Drop pod DT (0), Storm Bolter (0) - [85pts]
FA1: Assault squad (70), 2 Flamer (10), Drop pod DT (0), Storm bolter (0) - [80]
HS1: 3 Centurion devastator squad (165), 3x Grav-cannon and grav-amp (75), Omniscopes (10) - [250]

= Battle demi company 2 =
HQ2: Chaplain (90), The hunter's eye (20) - [110]
Troops4: Tactical Squad (70), Flamer (5), Razorback DT (0), Twin‐linked Heavy Bolter (0) - [75pts]
Troops5: Tactical Squad (70), Flamer (5), Razorback DT (0), Twin‐linked Heavy Bolter (0) - [75pts]
Troops6: Tactical Squad (70), Flamer (5), Razorback DT (0), Twin‐linked Heavy Bolter (0) - [75pts]
FA2: Attack bike squad - [40]
HS2: Devastator squad (70), 3x Grav-cannon and grav-amp (105), Drop pod DT (0), Storm bolter (0) - [175]

= Suppression force =
FA3: Land speeders (50), Heavy bolter (0), Heavy bolter (5) - [55]
HS3: 2 Whirlwind (65+65) - [130]

== Secondary detachment : Ally detachment, Space Marines (iron hand) ==
QG3: Terminator captain (120), Cataphractii armor (0) - [120]
Troops7: Scout squad - [55]
FA4: Drop pod - [35]

== Tertiary Detachment : Formation Null-Maiden task force ==
Elite1: Sisters of silence (75), Flamer (2), 4 Executioner blades (0) - [77]
Elite2: Sisters of silence (75), Flamer (2), 4 Executioner blades (0) - [77]



++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++
+ TEAM : Paris United
+ PLAYER4 : Poolky
+ FACTIONS : Daemons
+ LIST : La poissonnière masquée, "il est pas frais mon poisson"??
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

== Detachment 1 : Daemonic Incursion - Curse of the Wulfen Campaign Supplement ==

= Core : Flayer Troupe =
HQ1 : The Masque - [75pts]
Troop1 : 10 Daemonettes (90) Icon of Chaos (10), Instrument of Chaos (10) - [110pts]
Troop2 : 10 Daemonettes (90) Icon of Chaos (10) - [100pts]
Troop3 : 10 Daemonettes (90) Icon of Chaos (10) - [100pts]
Troop4 : 10 Daemonettes (90), Instrument of Chaos (10)- [100pts]
Troop5 : 10 Daemonettes (90), Instrument of Chaos (10) - [100pts]
Troop6 : 10 Daemonettes [90pts]

= Auxilliary : Burning Skyhost =
HQ2 : Herald of Tzeentch (45),lvl 3 (50) Disc (25), Paradoxe (30) - [150pts] (WARLORD)
FA1 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA2 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA3 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA4 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA5 : 5 Screamers - [125pts]
FA6 : 4 Screamers - [100pts]
FA7 : 4 Screamers - [100pts]
FA8 : 4 Screamers - [100pts]
FA9 : 4 Screamers - [100pts]

Total : 1850

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++
+ TEAM : Paris United
+ PLAYER5 : Lolo2957
+ FACTIONS : Chaos Space Marines/Khorne Daemonkin
+ TYPE OF ALLIANCE : Battle Brothers
+ LIST : Unicorns will rule the world.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

== Primary Detachment: Chaos Space Marines: Combined Arms Detachment ==
HQ1 : Kharn the Betrayer - [160] - WARLORD
HQ2 : Be'lakor, the Dark Master - [350]
HQ3 : Cypher - [190]
TROOPS1 : 10 Chaos Cultists(50), Cultist Champion (0) - [50]
TROOPS2 : 10 Chaos Cultists(50), Cultist Champion (0) - [50]
FORT1 : Aegis Defense Line - [50]

== Secondary Detachment: Chaos Space Marines: Black Legion: Cyclopia Cabal ==
HQ1 : Sorcerer(1*60), Power Axe(0), Bolt Pistol (0), Chaos Bike(20), Spell Familiar(15), Psyker Mastery Level 3 (50), Veterans of the Long War(5) - [150]
HQ2 : Sorcerer(1*60), Power Axe(0), Bolt Pistol (0), Chaos Bike(20), Spell Familiar(15), Psyker Mastery Level 3 (50), Veterans of the Long War(5) - [150]
HQ3 : Sorcerer(1*60), Power Axe(0), Bolt Pistol (0), Chaos Bike(20), Spell Familiar(15), Psyker Mastery Level 3 (50), Veterans of the Long War(5) - [150]
HQ4 : Sorcerer(1*60), Power Axe(0), Bolt Pistol (0), Chaos Bike(20), Spell Familiar(15), Psyker Mastery Level 3 (50), Veterans of the Long War(5) - [150]

== Secondary Detachment: Khorne Daemonkin: Allied Detachment ==
HQ1 : Herald (55), The Brazen Rune (15) - [70]
TROOPS1 : 8 Chaos Cultists (58), Cultist Champion (0) - [58]
FA1 : 17 Flesh Hounds(80 + 12*16) - [272]



++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++
+ TEAM : Paris United
+ PLAYER6: Sleekid
+ FACTIONS : Imperial Knights/Astra Militarum
+ TYPE OF ALLIANCE : Battle Brothers
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++
== Primary Detachment: Imperial Knights: Baronial Court==
Lord of War1 : Knight warden (375), Fuseur (5) - [380] - WARLORD
Lord of War2 : Knight Warden - [375]
Lord of War3 : Knight Warden - [375]
Lord of War4 : Knight warden - [375]

== Secondary Detachment: Astra Militarum: Psycana Division ==
HQ1 : Primaris Psyker (50), Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25), Force Axe - [75]
HQ2 : Commissar - [25]
HQ3 : Commissar - [25]
HQ4 : Commissar - [25]
Elite1 : 6 Wyrdvane Psykers (60+1*12) - [72]
Elite2 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers - [60]
Elite3 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers - [60]



++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++
+ TEAM : Paris United
+ PLAYER7: Bromotimol
+ FACTIONS : Cult Geneastealer
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

HQ1 : Magus(1*40), Psyker lvl 2 (25) [65] [WARLORD]
HQ2 : Magus(1*40), the crounchling (20), Psyker lvl2 (25) [85]
Troop1 : 10 Neophyte Hybrids (50), heavy weapon team (0), mortar (5) [55]
Troop2 : 10 Neophyte Hybrids (50), heavy weapon team (0), mortar (5) [55]
Troop3 : 10 Neophyte Hybrids (50), heavy weapon team (0), mortar (5) [55]
Troop4 : 10 Neophyte Hybrids (50), heavy weapon team (0), mortar (5) [55]
Fortifications1 : Aegis defense line [50]
Total detachment : 420

[BASE 1 - Brood Cycle]
HQ3 : Acolyte Iconward(1*65) [65]
Troop5 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids(40) [40]
Troop6 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids(40) [40]
Troop7 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids(40) [40]
Troop8 : 12 Neophyte Hybrids (60), 2 seismic cannon (40) [100]
Troop9 : 12 Neophyte Hybrids (60), 2 lasers miniers (30) [90]
Elite1 : 5 Purestrain Genestealers(70) [70]
Elite2 : 5 Hybrid Metamorphs(45), 3 metamorph lash (6), 2 metamorph claws (4) [55]
Total detachment : 500

[Command 1 : Lords of the Cult]
HQ4 : Magus(1*40), Psyker lvl2 (25) [65]
Total detachment : 65

[Auxillary 1 : Subterranean Uprising 1]
Troop10 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids(40), heavy rock Saw (25) [65]
Troop11 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids(40), heavy rock Saw (25) [65]
Troop12 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids(40), heavy rock Saw (25) [65]
Troop13 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids(40), heavy rock Saw (25) [65]
Elite3 : 5 Hybrid Metamorphs(45), 3 metamorph lash (6), 2 metamorph claws (4) [55]
Total detachment : 315

[Auxillary 1 : Subterranean Uprising 2]
Troop14 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids(40), heavy rock Saw (25) [65]
Troop15 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids(40), heavy rock Saw (25) [65]
Troop16 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids(40), heavy rock Saw (25) [65]
Troop17 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids(40), heavy rock Saw (25) [65]
Elite4 : 5 Hybrid Metamorphs(45), 3 metamorph lash (6), 2 metamorph claws (4) [55]
Total detachment : 315

TERTIARY DETACHMENT : The Doting Throng formation
HQ5 : Magus(1*40), Psyker lvl2 (25) [65]
Troop18 : 10 Neophyte Hybrids (50), heavy weapon team (0), mortar (5), flamer (5) [60]
Troop19 : 10 Neophyte Hybrids (50), heavy weapon team (0), mortar (5) [55]
Troop20 : 10 Neophyte Hybrids (50), heavy weapon team (0), mortar (5) [55]
Total detachment : 235



++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++
+ TEAM : Paris United
+ PLAYER8: Lol
+ FACTIONS : Eldars en collants ET STRING PANTHERE
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

HQ1 : Farseer (1*100), Farseer Skyrunner (15) [115] [WARLORD]
HQ2 : Farseer (1*100), Farseer Skyrunner (15) [115]
Troop1 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 scatter laser(30) [81]
Troop2 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 scatter laser(30) [81]
Troop3 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 scatter laser(30) [81]
Total detachment : 473

==DETACHMENT 2: Craftworld Warhost ==
=Guardian Hosts - Windrider Host=
HQ3 : Farseer (1*100), Farseer Skyrunner (15) [115]
HQ4 : Warlock Conclave (35), Warlock Skyrunner (15) [50]
Troop4 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 scatter laser(30) [81]
Troop5 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 scatter laser(30) [81]
Troop6 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 scatter laser(30) [81]
FA1 : Vyper Squadron (40), StarCannon (5) [45]
Total detachment : 453
=Wraith-Constructs =
Lord of War1 : Wraithknight (1*295), scatter laser(15) [310]
Lord of War2 : Wraithknight (1*295), GhostGlaive (0), ScatterShield(0) [295]
Total detachment : 605
=Aspect Host =
FA2 : 5 Warp Spiders (95), Warp Spider Exarch (10) [105]
FA3 : 5 Warp Spiders (95), Warp Spider Exarch (10) [105]
FA4 : 5 Warp Spiders (95), Warp Spider Exarch (10) [105]
Total detachment : 315




@Dahrkan a commencé une analyse des listes par codex :

- les space marines

- les eldars

(il a d'ailleurs un copyright sur certaines phrases de ce texte)


Je n'ai pas les connaissances et le temps pour faire comme lui et analyser, mais n'hésitez pas à réagir et à poser vos questions sur ces listes et le format de jeu. 

Modifié par Otto von Gruggen
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Un grand Merci pour ce partage des listes.

J adores lires ses gros pavés de listes et imaginé ce que cela peux donner sur une table.

On joue au même jeu mais pas avec la même dureté de liste mais comme les autres années je suivrais les resultats.


A noté il y a une très grosse evolution des listes vers le msu avec la presque disparition des necron seul 2 team si je ne me trompe pas


A plus et bonne partie a vous 

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A noté il y a une très grosse evolution des listes vers le msu avec la presque disparition des necron seul 2 team si je ne me trompe pas


Oui, le nécron peine réellement dans le méta actuel et fait généralement guère mieux que 8ième codex.

Le soucis c'est qu'il n'est pas capable de ramener de gros score contre assez de match up différent, a quelques match up légèrement favorables où il peut espérer faire 11/12 (là où d'autre pose 20) et va se faire retourner par énormément de chose. Un retour du MSU pourrait lui redonner de l'intérêt, a voir.



Je n'ai regardé que les listes bisounours et en tout cas dans leur cas pas de grosse tendance au msu


Clairement c'est pas le roster le plus MSU du monde, après il reste encore la liste Daemonic Incursion et la liste cult stealer dans ce rôle. La liste RK est assez bien pourvu en unités, comme le Tau et l'Eldar.

Mais oui, pas de "gladius like" comme on peux en voir ailleurs.


Le roster des Cadets par contre est complètement partie dans le délire MSU (peut être un peu trop d'ailleurs, l'avenir nous le dira).

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Le 18/01/2017 à 18:47, le toy a dit :

A noté il y a une très grosse evolution des listes vers le msu avec la presque disparition des necron seul 2 team si je ne me trompe pas

Les nécrons ont parfois du mal par rapport à d'autres top codexs, mais ils mettent leurs points quand l’appariement est bon.



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  • 1 mois après...

Voici les listes non corrigées du D1.


Le méta a évolué avec les prises en comptes :

- des sorties récentes,

- des convs 0.7 (au lieu de 0.4),

- des FAQs des codexs,

- du retour à +8KP (au lieu de +6).


Bisounours :

+ PLAYER 1 : Wilme (Captain)
+ FACTIONS : Tau Empire + Sister of Silence + Genestealers Cult

== Detachment 1: CAD Tau Farsight Enclaves - Codex Farsight ==
HQ1 : Ethereal - [50pts] [Warlord]

Troop1 : 1 XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (22), Bonding Knife Ritual (1), 2 Marker Drones (2x12), Drone Controller (8.) - [55pts]
Troop2 : 1 XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (22), Bonding Knife Ritual (1), 2 Marker Drones (2x12), Drone Controller (8.) - [55pts]

Fortification1 : Bunker (55), Escape Hatch (25) - [80pts]

== Detachment 2: Riptide Wing Formation - Mont'Ka Campaign supplement ==
Elite1 : 3 Riptides (3x180), 3 Early Warning Override (3x5), 1 Velocity tracker (20), 2 Target lock (2x5) – [585pts]
Elite1a : Riptide, TL Smart Missile System (0), Early Warning Override, Velocity tracker
Elite1b : Riptide, TL Smart Missile System (0), Early Warning Override, Target lock
Elite1c : Riptide, TL Smart Missile System (0), Early Warning Override, Target lock

Elite2 : 3 Riptides (3x180), 3 Early Warning Override (3x5), 1 Velocity tracker (20), 2 Target lock (2x5) – [585pts]
Elite2a : Riptide, TL Smart Missile System (0), Early Warning Override, Velocity tracker
Elite2b : Riptide, TL Smart Missile System (0), Early Warning Override, Target lock
Elite2c : Riptide, TL Smart Missile System (0), Early Warning Override, Target lock

Elite3 : 1 Riptide (180), Early Warning Override (5), Velocity tracker (20) [205pts]

== Detachment 3: Formation Null-Maiden Task Force - Burning of Prospero Imperial ==
Elite4: 5 Sister of Silence Squad (75), 5 Executioner GreatBlade (0) - [75pts]

== Detachment 4: CAD Genestealer Cult - Codex Genestealers Cult ==
HQ2: Magus - [40pts]

Troop3: 5 Acolyt Hybrids - [40pts]
Troop4: 5 Acolyt Hybrids - [40pts]

Fortification2 : Munitorum Armoured Container - [40pts]

TOTAL : 1850pts

+ PLAYER 2 : Olohmë
+ FACTION : Imperial Knight 

== Detachment 1 : Formation HouseHold - Codex Imperial Knights ==

Lord of War 1 : Knight Warden (375), meltagun (5) - [380pts] [Warlord]
Lord of War 2 : Knight Warden (375), meltagun (5) - [380pts]
Lord of War 3 : Knight Warden (375), meltagun (5) - [380pts]
Lord of War 4 : Knight Warden (375), meltagun (5) - [380pts]
Lord of War 5 : Knight Gallant (325), meltagun (5) - [330pts]

TOTAL : 1850 pts

+ PLAYER 3 : Arrethas
+ FACTIONS : Grey Knights + Space Marines + Blood Angels

== Detachment 1 : Nemesis Strike Force – Codex Grey Knights ==
HQ1 : Librarian (110), Nemesis Warding Stave (0), Mastery level 3 (25) - [135pts] [Warlord]
Troop1 : Strike Squad - [110pts]
LOW1 : Kaldor Draigo - [245pts]
Fortification : Bastion (75), Escape Hatch (25) - [100 pts]

== Detachment 2 : AD Space Marine (White Scars) – Codex Space Marines ==
HQ2 : Captain (90), Chapter Master (40), Bike (20), Power Fist (25) The Hunter's eye (20), Artificer Armor (20), Storm Shield (15) - [230 pts]
Troop2 : 5 Scouts (55), 5 Boltguns (0) - [55 pts]
HS1 : 5 Centurions Devastator (165+2x55), 5 Grav-cannons and Grav-amp (5x25), 4 Missiles Launchers (4x10), Omniscope (10) - [450pts]

== Detachment 3 : Formation Librarius Conclave (ultramarines) – Codex Space Marines ==
HQ3 : Tigurius - [165 pts]
HQ4 : Librarian (65), Bike (20), Mastery level 2 (25), Force Axe (0) - [110pts]
HQ5 : Librarian (65), Bike (20), Mastery level 2 (25), Force Axe (0) - [110pts]

== Detachment 4 : Allied Detachment Blood Angels – Codex Blood Angels ==
HQ6 : Sanguinary Priest (60), The Angel’s Wings (25) - [85pts]
Troop3 : 5 Scouts, Bolters (0) - [55pts]

TOTAL : 1850pts 

+ PLAYER 4: EdlR
+ FACTIONS : Chaos Daemons 

== Detachment 1 : Formation Omnicient Oracle - Wrath of Magnus Campaign Supplement ==
HQ1 : Kairos - [300pts] 
HQ2 : Lord of change (230), Psyker lvl3 (25), Impossible Robe (25), Minor Reward (10) - [290pts] [Warlord]

== Detachment 2 : Formation Heralds Anarchic - Wrath of Magnus Campaign Supplement ==
HQ3 : Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker lvl3 (50), Paradox (25) - [120pts]
HQ4 : Herald of Tzeentch (45), Exalted Reward (30) - [75pts]
HQ5 : Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker lvl3 (50) - [95pts]
HQ6 : Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker lvl3 (50) - [95pts]
HQ7 : Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker lvl3 (50) - [95pts]
HQ8 : Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker lvl3 (50) - [95pts]
HQ9 : Herald of Tzeentch - [45pts]

== Detachment 3 : Formation Brimstone Conflagration - Wrath of Magnus Campaign Supplement ==
HQ10 : Exalted Flamer - [50pts]
Troop1 : 10 Brimstones Horrors - [30pts]
Troop2 : 10 Brimstones Horrors - [30pts]
Troop3 : 10 Brimstones Horrors - [30pts]
Troop4 : 10 Brimstones Horrors - [30pts]
Troop5 : 10 Brimstones Horrors - [30pts]
Troop6 : 10 Brimstones Horrors - [30pts]
Troop7 : 10 Brimstones Horrors - [30pts]
Troop8 : 10 Brimstones Horrors - [30pts]

== Detachment 4 : CAD Chaos Daemons - Codex Chaos Daemons ==
HQ11 : Mask of Slaanesh - [75pts]
Troop9 : 11 Blue Horrors (11x5) - [55pts]
Troop10 : 10 Brimstones Horrors - [30pts]
Troop11 : 10 Brimstones Horrors - [30pts]
Troop12 : 10 Brimstones Horrors - [30pts]
Troop13 : 10 Brimstones Horrors - [30pts]
Troop14 : 10 Brimstones Horrors - [30pts]

Fortification1: Aegis Defense Line (50), Comms Relay (20) - [70pts]

Total : 1850pts

+ PLAYER 5 : throst
+ FACTIONS : Chaos Space Marine + Astra militarum

== Detachment 1 : Formation Rehati War Sect - Wrath of Magnus Campaign Supplement ==
HQ1 : Daemon Prince (145), Mark of Tzeentch (15), Wings (40), Mastery Level 3 (75), Spell Familiar (15) - [290pts] [Warlord]
HQ2 : Daemon Prince (145), Mark of Tzeentch (15), Wings (40), Mastery Level 3 (75), Spell Familiar (15) - [290pts]
HQ3 : Daemon Prince (145), Mark of Tzeentch (15), Wings (40), Mastery Level 3 (75), Spell Familiar (15) - [290pts]
LoW1 : Magnus the Red - [650pts]

== Detachment 2 : Formation Psykana Division - Mont'Ka Campaign Supplement ==
HQ4 : Psyker Primaris (50), lvl2 (25) - [75 pts]
Elite1 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers (60), Commissar (25) - [85pts]
Elite2 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers (60), Commissar (25) - [85pts]
Elite3 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers (60), Commissar (25) - [85pts]

TOTAL : 1850pts

+ PLAYER 6 : Lex-A
+ FACTIONS : Dark Angel + Space Wolves

== Detachement 1: CAD Dark Angels - Codex Dark Angels ==
HQ1: Sammael - [200pts]
Troop 1: Scout Squad (55), 5 Boltguns (0) - [55pts]
Troop 2: Scout Squad (55), 5 Boltguns (0) - [55pts]
FA1: Darkshroud - [80pts]
FA1: Darkshroud - [80pts]
LOW1: Azrael - [215pts] [Warlord]

== Detachement 2: Formation Librarius Conclave - Dataslate Dark Angels ==
HQ2: Ezekiel - [145pts]
HQ3: Librarian (65), Psyker lvl2 (25), Bike (20), Force Staff (0) - [110pts]
HQ4: Librarian (65), Psyker lvl2 (25), Jump pack (15), Force Axe (0) - [105pts]
HQ5: Librarian (65), Psyker lvl2 (25), Jump Pack (15), Force Axe (0) - [105pts]

== Detachement 3: Formation Wolfkin - Curse of the Wulfen Campaign Supplement ==
FA1 : 10 Fenrisian Wolves (40+5x8) - [80pts]
FA2 : 10 Fenrisian Wolves (40+5x8) - [80pts]
FA3 : 10 Fenrisian Wolves (40+5x8) - [80pts]
FA4 : 10 Fenrisian Wolves (40+5x8) - [80pts]
FA5 : 10 Fenrisian Wolves (40+5x8) - [80pts]

== Detachement 4: Formation Wyrdstorm Brotherhood - Curse of the Wulfen Campaign Supplement ==
HQ7: Rune Priest (60), Runic Axe (0), Psyker lvl2 (25) , Jump Pack (15) Helm of Durfast (20) - [120pts]
HQ8: Rune Priest (60), Runic Axe (0) - [60pts]
HQ9: Rune Priest (60), Runic staff (0) - [60pts]
HQ10: Rune Priest (60), Runic Axe (0) - [60pts]

TOTAL : 1850pts

+ PLAYER 7 : fire.mike
+ FACTIONS : Orks + Renegade Knights + Dark Eldars

== Detachment 1 : CAD Ork - Codex Orks ==
HQ1 : Big Mek (35) - [35pts] [Warlord]
Troop1 : 10 gretchin + Runtherd (35) - [35pts]
Troop2 : 10 gretchin + Runtherd (35) - [35pts]
FA1 : 1 Deffkopta (30), Twin-Linked Big Shoota - [30pts]
FA2 : 1 Deffkopta (30), Twin-Linked Big Shoota - [30pts]
HS1 : 1 Mek Gunz (18), upgraded to Lobba (0), 1 Ammo Runt (3) - [21pts]
Fortification1 : Voidshield (50), 2 additionnal Shields (2x25) - [100pts]

== Detachment 2 : Forsworn Knights Detachment - Traitor's Hate Campaign Supplement ==
LoW1 : Renegade Knight (325), 1 Avenger Gatling Canon (50), Stormspear Rocket Pod (40) - [415pts]
LoW2 : Renegade Knight (325), 2 Avenger Gatling Canon (50+60), Stormspear Rocket Pod (40) - [475pts]
LoW3 : Renegade Knight (325), 2 Avenger Gatling Canon (50+60) - [435pts]

== Detachment 3 : CAD Dark Eldars - Codex Dark Eldars   ==
HQ2 : Lhamaean - [10pts]
Troop3 : 5 Kabalyte Warriors - [40pts]
Troop4 : 5 Kabalyte Warriors - [40pts]
FA3 : 3 Reavers - [48pts]
Fortification2 : Voidshield (50), 2 additionnal shields (2x25) - [100pts]

TOTAL : 1849 pts

+ PLAYER 8 : Makai
+ FACTIONS : Eldar Craftworld + Ynnari + Officio Assassinorum

== Detachment 1+2 : Reborn Warhost Detachment - Fracture of Biel Tan Campaign Supplement ==

HQ1 : Farseer (100), skyrunner (15) - [115 pts] [Warlord]
HQ2 : Autarch (70), skyrunner (15) - [85 pts]

Troop1 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 scatter laser (30) - [81 pts]
Troop2 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 scatter laser (30) - [81 pts]
Troop3 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 scatter laser (30) - [81 pts]
Troop4 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 scatter laser (30) - [81 pts]
Troop5 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 scatter laser (30) - [81 pts]

FA1 : 5 Warp spiders (95), exarch (10) - [105 pts]

HS1 : 1 Vaul's wrath support battery (30), shadow weaver (0) - [30 pts]
HS2 : 1 Vaul's wrath support battery (30), D-cannon (25) - [55 pts]

LoW1 : Wraithknight (295), 2 D-HeavyCannon (0), 1 Scatter Laser (15) - [310 pts]

== Detachment 3 : Ulthwe Strike Force Detachment - Fracture of Biel Tan Campaign Supplement ==

Elite1 : 3 Black Gardians Warwalkers (3x65), 6 Scatter Laser (0) - [195 pts]
Elite2 : 2 Black Gardians Warwalkers (2x65), 4 Scatter Laser (0) - [130 pts]
Elite3 : 2 Black Gardians Warwalkers (2x65), 4 Scatter Laser (0) - [130 pts]
Elite4 : 2 Black Gardians Warwalkers (2x65), 4 Bright lance (4x5) - [150 pts]

== Detachment 4 : Officio Assasinorum Detachement - Mont’Ka Campaign Supplement ==

Elite5 : Culexus Assassin - [140 pts]

TOTAL : 1 850 pts


Team : Le RTFM
Player1 & Captain : Adrien Gehant
Player T3 Profil : Le Gob
Army (Factions used): Dark Angel
Total Army Point : 1 850 pts

==Primary : Dark Angel Lion’s Blade Strike Force (Codex Dark Angels)==

=Core1 : Battle Demi-Company=

HQ1 : 1 Company Master (90), artificer armor (20) - [110pts]

Elite1 : 1 Company Command Squad (90), 5 meltaguns (5*10) - [140pts] In Transport1
Elite2 : 1 Dreadnought (100), in-built heavy flamer (10) - [110pts] In Transport2
Elite3 : 1 Company Veteran Squad (90), 5 bolt pistol (0), 5 chainswords (0) - [90pts] In Transport3

Troop1 : 1 Tactical Squad - [70pts] In Transport4
Troop1 : 1 Tactical Squad - [70pts] In Transport5
Troop1 : 1 Tactical Squad - [70pts] In Transport6

FA1 : 1 Assault Squad (70), 2 flamers (2*5) - [80pts] In Transport7

HS1 : 1 Devastator Squad - [70pts] In Transport8

Transport1 : 1 Drop Pod - [0pts]
Transport2 : 1 Drop Pod - [0pts]
Transport3 : 1 Drop Pod - [0pts]
Transport4 : 1 Razorback (0), twin-linked lascannon (20) - [20pts]
Transport5 : 1 Razorback (0), twin-linked lascannon (20) - [20pts]
Transport6 : 1 Razorback (0), twin-linked lascannon (20) - [20pts]
Transport7 : 1 Drop Pod - [0pts]
Transport8 : 1 Razorback (0) - [0pts]

=Core2 : Battle Demi-Company=

HQ1 : 1 Chaplain (90), auspex (5) - [95pts]

Elite1 : 1 Company Command Squad (90), 5 meltaguns (5*10) - [140pts] In Transport1
Elite2 : 1 Dreadnought (100), in-built heavy flamer (10) - [110pts] In Transport2
Elite3 : 1 Company Veteran Squad (90), flamer (5) - [95pts] In Transport3

Troop1 : 1 Tactical Squad - [70pts] In Transport4
Troop1 : 1 Tactical Squad - [70pts] In Transport5
Troop1 : 1 Tactical Squad - [70pts] In Transport6

FA1 : 1 Assault Squad (70), 2 flamers (2*5) - [80pts] In Transport7

HS1 : 1 Devastator Squad - [70pts] In Transport8

Transport1 : 1 Drop Pod - [0pts]
Transport2 : 1 Drop Pod - [0pts]
Transport3 : 1 Drop Pod - [0pts]
Transport4 : 1 Razorback (0), twin-linked lascannon (20) - [20pts]
Transport5 : 1 Razorback (0), twin-linked lascannon (20) - [20pts]
Transport6 : 1 Razorback (0), twin-linked lascannon (20) - [20pts]
Transport7 : 1 Drop Pod - [0pts]
Transport8 : 1 Razorback (0), twin-linked lascannon (20) - [20pts]

=Auxilliary1 : Ravenwing Attack Squadron=

FA1 : 1 Ravenwing Attack Bike - [45pts]
FA2 : 1 Ravenwing Land Speeder (50), additionnal heavy bolter (5) - [55pts]

Team : Le RTFM
Player2: Alban De Polignac
Player T3 Profil : Le Bien Suprême
Army (Factions used): Chaos Daemonns & Chaos Space Marine (Thousands Sons)
Total Army Point : 1 850 pts

== Primary : Chaos Daemon CAD (Chaos Daemon Codex/Warzone Fenris Wrath of Magnus/Warhammer40k Rulebook/Supplement Stronghold Assault)==

HQ1 : 1 Kairos - [300pts][Warlord]
HQ2 : 1 Herald of Tzeentch (45), exalted rewards (30) - [75pts]

Troop1 : 10 Brymstone Horrors - [30pts]
Troop2 : 10 Brymstone Horrors - [30pts]
Troop3 : 10 Brymstone Horrors - [30pts]
Troop4 : 10 Brymstone Horrors - [30pts]
Troop5 : 10 Brymstone Horrors - [30pts]

Fortification1 : 1 Imperial Bastion - [75pts]

==Secondary : Chaos Space Marine CAD (Thousand Sons) (Chaos Space Marine Codex/Traitor's Legions/Warhammer 40k Rulebook/Supplement Stronghold Assault)==

HQ1 : 1 Chaos Sorcerer (60), veteran of the long war (0), force axe (0), Mark of Tzeentch (15) - [75pts]

Troop1 : 10 Chaos Cultists (50), 10 mark of Tzeentch (10) - [60pts]
Troop2 : 10 Chaos Cultists (50), 10 mark of Tzeentch (10) - [60pts]

LoW1 : 1 Magnus The Red - [650pts]

Fortification1 : 1 Aegis Defense Line (50), coms relay (20) - [70pts]

==Tertiary : Brymstone Conflagration (Warzone Fenris Wraht of Magnus)==

HQ1 : 1 Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch - [50pts]

Troop1 : 15 Brymstone Horrors (30+3*5) - [45pts]
Troop2 : 10 Brymstone Horrors - [30pts]
Troop3 : 10 Brymstone Horrors - [30pts]
Troop4 : 10 Brymstone Horrors - [30pts]
Troop5 : 10 Brymstone Horrors - [30pts]
Troop6 : 10 Brymstone Horrors - [30pts]
Troop7 : 10 Brymstone Horrors - [30pts]
Troop8 : 10 Brymstone Horrors - [30pts]
Troop9 : 10 Brymstone Horrors - [30pts]

Team : Le RTFM
Player3 : Théo Kerbat
Player T3 Profil : Le Tohouo
Army (Factions used): Cult Mechanicus, Officio Assassinorum, Orks
Total Army Point : 1 850 pts

==Primary : CAD Cult Mechanicus (Codex Cult Mechanicus/Gathering Storm I The Fall of Cadia/Warhammer40K Rulebook/Supplement Stronghold Assault)==

HQ1 : 1 Belisarius Cawl - [200pts][Warlord]
HQ2 : 1 Tech Priest Dominus (105), Memento-Mortispex (30) - [135pts]

Troop1 : 4 Kataphrons Destroyer (165+55), 4 heavy grav-cannon (0) - [220pts]
Troop2 : 4 Kataphrons Destroyer (165+55), 4 heavy grav-cannon (0) - [220pts]

Fortification1 : 1 Imperial Bastion (75), escape hatch (25), ammo store (15) - [115pts]

==Secondary : War Convocation Cult Mechanicus (Codex Cult Mechanicus/Codex Imperial Agent/Supplement Stronghold Assault)==

HQ1 : 1 Tech-Priest Dominus (105), Rainment of The Technomartyr (30) - [135pts]

Troop1 : 3 Kataphrons Destroyer (165), 3 heavy grav-cannon (0) - [165pts]
Troop2 : 3 Kataphrons Destroyer (165), 3 heavy grav-cannon (0) - [165pts]

Elite1 : 1 Servitor - [10pts]

Fortification1 : 1 Imperial Bastion (75), escape hatch (25) - [100pts]

==Tertiary : Orks CAD (Codex Orks/Warhammer40k Rulebook/Supplement Stronghold Assault)==

HQ1: 1 Big Mek (35) - [35pts]

Troop1 : 10 Gretchins (&1 Orks Runthred) - [35pts]
Troop2 : 10 Gretchins (&1 Orks Runthred) - [35pts]

FA1 : 1 Kopta (30), twin-linked rockit launcha (0) - [30pts]
FA2 : 1 Kopta (30), twin-linked rockit launcha (0) - [30pts]

Fortification1 : 1 Imperial Bunker (55), escape hatch (25) - [80pts]

==Quaternary : Officio Assassinorum Detachment (Codex Imperial Agents)==

Elite1 : 1 Assassin Culexus - [140pts]

Team : Le RTFM
Player4 : Saul Baptista
Player T3 Profil : Le Cid
Army (Factions used): Eldars Craftworld, Ynnari
Total Army Point : 1 849 pts

==Primary : Ynnari Reborn Warhost (Gathering Storm II Fracture of Biel-Tan, Codex Eldars Craftworld)==

HQ1 : 1 Farseer (100), skyrunner (15) - [115pts][Warlord]
HQ2 : 1 Farseer (100), skyrunner (15) - [115pts]

Elite1 : 3 Windriders Black Guardian (60), 3 scatters laser (3*10) - [90pts]
Elite2 : 3 Black Guardian Windriders  (60), 3 scatters laser (3*10) - [90pts]

Troop1 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 scatters laser (3*10) - [81pts]
Troop2 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 scatters laser (3*10) - [81pts]

LoW1 : 1 Wraithknight (295), 2 heavy wrath cannons (0), scatter laser (15) - [310pts]

=Formation1 : Aspect Host=

FA1 : 5 Warp Spyder (95), exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA2 : 5 Warp Spyder (95), exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA3 : 5 Warp Spyder (95), exarch (10) - [105pts]

==Secondary : Eldar Craftworld CAD (Codex Eldars Craftworld/Warhammer40k Rulebook/Stronghold Assault)==

HQ1 : 1 Farseer (100), skyrunner (15) - [115pts]

Troop1 : 3 Windriders (51), 2 scatters laser (2*10) - [71pts]
Troop2 : 3 Windriders - [51pts]

Fortification1: VoidShield Generator (50), 2 additionnals Projected VoidShield (2*25) [100]

==Tertiary : Formation Aspect Ost (Codex Eldars CraftWorld)==

FA1 : 5 Warp Spyder (95), exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA2 : 5 Warp Spyder (95), exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA3 : 5 Warp Spyder (95), exarch (10) - [105pts]

Team : Le RTFM
Player5 : Arnaud Chabrier
Player T3 Profil : Le Nahel
Army (Factions used): Tau Empire & Sisters of Silence
Total Army Point : 1 849 pts

== Primary: Tau Empire, Farsight Enclaves CAD (Codex Tau Empire/Supplement Empire Tau Enclaves Farsight/Warhammer40k Rulebook/Munitorum Armoured Container Cache Datasheet)==

HQ1 : 1 Ethereal - [50pts] [Warlord]

Troop1: 1 XV-8 Crisis (22), bonding knive ritual (1) - [23pts]
Troop2: 10 Kroots (60), 1 kroot hound (5) - [65pts]
Troop3: 1 XV-8 Crisis (22), bonding knive ritual  (1) - [23pts]

Fortification1: 2 Munitorum Armoured Container Cache (40+40*1), 4 stormbolters (0) - [80pts]

== Secondary: Empire Tau Riptides Wing Formation (WarZone Damocles Mont'Ka) ==

Elite1: 3 XV-104 Riptides (180+180*2)
Elite1a: twin-linked smart missile systems (0), target lock (5), early warning override (5)
Elite1b: twin-linked smart missile systems (0), target lock (5), early warning override (5)
Elite1c: twin-linked smart missile systems(0), velocity tracker (20), early warning override (5) - [585]
Elite2: 3 XV-104 Riptides (180+180*2)
Elite2a: twin-linked smart missile systems (0), target lock (5), early warning override (5)
Elite2b: twin-linked smart missile systems (0), target lock (5), early warning override (5)
Elite2c: twin-linked smart missile systems(0), velocity tracker (20), early warning override (5) - [585]
Elite3: 1 XV-104 Riptide (180), twin-linked smart missile systems(0), velocity tracker (20), early warning override (5) - [205pts]

== Tertiary: Null Maiden Task Force Formation (Burning of Prospero Imperial Datasheet) ==

Elite1: 5 Sisters of Silence (75), 5 executionner greatblades (0) - [75pts]
Elite2: 5 Sisters of Silence (75), 2 flamers (2*2), 3 executionner greatblades (0) - [79pts]
Elite3: 5 Sisters of Silence (75), 2 flamers (2*2) - [79pts]

Team : Le RTFM
Player6 : Maxime Cobuccio
Player T3 Profil : L'Ezekyle
Army (Factions used): Space Wolves, Blood Angel, Adepta Sororitas, Astra Telepathica & The Inquisition
Total Army Point : 1 850 pts

==Primary : Blood Angel CAD (Codex Blood Angel/Gathering Storm I The Fall of Cadia/Warhammer40k Rulebook)==

HQ1 : 1 Sanguinary Priest (60), bolt pistol (1) - [61] [Warlord]
HQ2 : 1 Saint Celestine - [200pts]

Troop1 : 1 Scouts Squad (55), shotguns (0) - [55pts]
Troop2 : 1 Scouts Squad (55), shotguns (0) - [55pts]

==Secondary : Space Wolves Wyrmstorm Brotherhood (Codex Space Wolves & Warzone Fenris Curse of the Wulfen)==

HQ1 : 1 Rune Priest (60), jumpack (15), Helm of Durfast (20), level 2 (25), runic staff (0) - [120pts]
HQ2 : 1 Rune Priest (60), bike (20), level 2 (25) - [105pts]
HQ3 : 1 Rune Priest (60), level 2 (25) - [85pts]
HQ4 : 1 Rune Priest (60), level 2 (25) - [85pts]
HQ5 : 1 Rune Priest (60), level 2 (25), runic staff (0) - [85pts]

==Tertiary : Space Wolves Company of The Great Wolf Detachment (Codex Space Wolves & Supplement Space Wolves Champions of Fenris)==

HQ1 : 1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50), thunderwolf (50), power fist (25), stormshield (15), runic armour (25), 2 fenrissians wolves (16) - [181pts]
HQ2 : 1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50), thunderwolf (50), power fist (25), stormshield (15), runic armour (25), 2 fenrissians wolves (16) - [181pts]
HQ3 : 1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50), thunderwolf (50), power fist (25), stormshield (15), runic armour (25), 2 fenrissians wolves (16) - [181pts]

Elite1 : 1 Servitor - [10pts]
Elite2 : 1 Servitor - [10pts]

==Quaternary : Inquisitorial Hanchmen Warband Formation (Codex Imperial Agents)==

HQ1 : 1 Inquisitor Torquemada Coteaz - [100pts]
HQ2 : 1 Ministorum Priest (25), Litanies of Faith (15), chainsword (0) & laspistol (0) - [40pts]
HQ3 : 1 Astropathe (25), level 2 (25), laspistol (0) - [50pts]

Elite1 : 3 Acolytes (12), 2 carapace armours (2*2) - [16pts]
Elite2 : 10 Crusaders (30+8*15) - [150pts]
Elite3 : 8 Arco-Flagellants (30+5*10) - [80pts]

Team : Le RTFM
Player7 : Brice Dumoulin
Player T3 Profil : Le Cad
Army (Factions used): Space Marine (Iron Hand, Ultramaine, White Scars)
Total Army Point : 1 850 pts

==Primary : Space Marine CAD (Iron Hands)(Codex Space Marine/Angel of Death/Warhammer40k Rulebook/Supplement Stronghold Assault)==

HQ1: 1 Captain (90), Chapter Master (40), The Gorgon’s Chains (45), Artificer Armour (20), Power Fist (25), Bike (20) - [240pts] [Warlord]
HQ2: 1 Captain (90), Chapter Master (40), The Eternel Shield (50), Artificer Armour (20), Power Fist (25), Bike (20) - [245pts]

Troop1: 1 Scouts Squad (55), 5 shotguns (0) - [55pts]
Troop2: 1 Scouts Squad (55), 5 shotguns (0) - [55pts]

Elite1: 1 Command Squad (90), Bikes (35) 5 Veterans with Storm Shields (5x10), Apothecary (15), Emperor's standard (60) - [250pts]

Fortification1 : 1 Wall of Martyr Imperial Bunker (55), escape hatch (25) - [80pts]

==Secondary : Space Marine Librarius Conclave (ultramarines)(Codex Space Marine/Angel of Death/Warhammer40k Rulebook)==

HQ1: 1 Tigurius - [165pts]
HQ2: 1 Librarian (65), Level 2 (25), force axe (0) - [90pts]
HQ3: 1 Librarian (65), Level 2 (25), force axe (0) - [90pts]

==Tertiary : Space Marine Allied Detachment (White Scar)(Codex Space Marine/Angel of Death/Warhammer40k Rulebook)==

HQ4: 1 Librarian (65), Level 2 (25), The Hunter Eye (25), force staff (0) - [115pts]

TROOP3: 1 Scouts Squad (55), 5 shotguns (0) - [55pts]

HS1: 1 Centurions Devastator Squad (165), 2 additionnals Centurions (2*55), 5 Grav Cannons with grav-amp (5x25), Omniscope (10) - [410ptspts]

Team : Le RTFM
Player8 : Adrien Meunier
Player T3 Profil : Le Chevreuil
Army (Factions used): Imperial Knights, Astra Militarum & Cult Genestealers
Total Army Point : 1 850 pts

==Primary : Imperial Knight Baronial Court (Codex Imperial Knights)==

LoW1 : 1 Knight Warden (375), seneschal (0) - [375pts] [Warlord]
LoW2 : 1 Knight Warden - [375pts]
LoW3 : 1 Knight Warden - [375pts]

==Secondary : Cult Genestealer CAD (Codex Cult Genestealer/Warhammer40k Rulebook/Supplement Stronghold Assault)==

HQ1 : 1 Magus (40), level 2 (25), The Crouchling (20) - [85pts]
HQ2 : 1 Magus (40), level 2 (25) - [65pts]

Troop1 : 10 Neophytes Hybrids (50), 10 lasguns (0) - [50pts]
Troop2 : 5 Acolytes Hybrids - [40pts]
Troop3 : 5 Acolytes Hybrids - [40pts]
Troop4 : 5 Acolytes Hybrids - [40pts]

Fortification1 : 1 VoidShield Generator (50), 2 additionnals projected void shield (2*25) - [100pts]

==Tertiary : Astra Militarum Psykana Division (Codex Astra Militarum & Warzone Damocles Kauyon)==

HQ1 : 1 Psyker Primaris (50), force axe (0) - [50pts]
HQ2 : 1 Commissar (25), boltgun (0) - [25pts]
HQ3 : 1 Commissar - [25pts]
HQ4 : 1 Commissar - [25pts]

Elite1 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers - [60pts]
Elite2 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers - [60pts]
Elite3 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers - [60pts]

Décapsuleurs :

+ Player 1 : Yann "Bromotimol" QUEFFELEC 
+ List Fancy name : No retreat. No surrender. That is Spartan law. And by Spartan law, we will stand and fight... And die...
+ Faction : Skitarii/Cult Mechanicus/Inquisition/Battle Sister/Space wolfs
+ Level of alliance : Battle brother
+ Army total : 1850pts

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : CAD Skitarii - codex skitarii/Gathering storm I ==
HQ1 : Belisarius Cawl [200] WARLORD
Troop 1 : 5 skitarii vanguard (55), omnispex (10) [65]
Troop 2 : 5 skitarii vanguard [55]

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT : Castellan of the imperium detachment - Gathering storm I ==
HQ2 : Coteaz [100]
HQ3 : Celestine [200]
HQ4 : Eucclesiarchy battle conclave
HQ4a : 1 ministorum priest (25), lithany of faith (15) [40]
HQ4b : 10 crusaders [150]
HQ4c : 10 crusaders [150]
HQ4d : 10 crusaders [150]
Troop3 : 5 tempestus scions [70]
Troop4 : 5 tempestus scions [70]
Troop5 : 5 tempestus scions [70]
Troop6 : 5 tempestus scions [70]

== TERTIARY DETACHMENT : Space Wolves Wyrdstorm brotherhood formation - Warzone fenris : Curse of the wulfen ==
HQ5 : Rune Priest (60), psyker lvl2 (25), force stave (0) [85]
HQ6 : Rune Priest (60), psyker lvl2 (25), force stave (0) [85]
HQ7 : Rune Priest (60), psyker lvl2 (25), force stave (0) [85]
HQ8 : Rune Priest (60), psyker lvl2 (25), force stave (0) [85]
HQ9 : Rune Priest (60), psyker lvl2 (25), Jetpack (15), helm of durfast (20), force stave (0) [120]

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ PLAYER 2: Florian "Dletch" HAMEL
+ ARMY (Factions used): Orks & Chaos Space Marine: Wrath of Magnus
+ Type Of Alliance: Allies of covenience
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++

== Primary Detachment: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex Orks ==
HQ1: Warboss (60), Mega Armour (40), Power Klaw (0), Twin‐linked Shoota (0), Da Lucky Stikk (25) – [125pts] WARLORD
TROOPS1: Gretchin (35) ‐ [35pts]
TROOPS2: Gretchin (35) ‐ [35pts]
FA1: Deffkopta (30), Twin‐linked Rokkit Launcha (0) ‐ [30pts]
FORTIFICATION 1: Imperial Bastion (75), Coms Relay (20) - [95pts]

== Secondary Detachment: Rehati War Sect - Chaos Space Marine: Warzone Fenris - Wrath of Magnus ==
LOW1: Magnus The red [650pts]
HQ 2: Daemon Prince (145), lvl 3 (75), Daemonic fligth (40), daemon of Tzeentch (15), Spell familiar (15), Staff of arcane compulsion - [300pts]
HQ 3: Daemon Prince (145), lvl 3 (75), Daemonic fligth (40), daemon of Tzeentch (15), Spell familiar (15) - [290pts]
HQ 4: Daemon Prince (145), lvl 3 (75), Daemonic fligth (40), daemon of Tzeentch (15), Spell familiar (15) - [290pts]

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ PLAYER 3: Yann "Elronhir" Paillard
+ List Fancy Name: Craftworld Tamalo'Khu
+ ARMY (Factions used): Eldar
+ Type Of Alliance: /
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++

== Primary Detachment : Eldar craftworld warhost - Codex : Eldar Craftworlds ==

= Base 1 : Windrider host =
HQ1 : Farseer (100), skyrunner (15) [115] -Warlord-
HQ2 : Prescient (35), skyrunner (15) [50]
Troop1 : 4 Windriders (68), 4 rayonneurs (40) [108]
Troop 2 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 rayonneurs (30) [81]
Troop 3 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 rayonneurs (30) [81]
FA1 : Vyper [40]

= Aux 1 : Aspect host =
FA2 : 6 warp spyders (114), exarch (10) [124]
FA3 : 5 warp spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]
FA4 : 5 warp spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]

= Aux 2 : Aspect host =
FA5 : 5 warp spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]
FA6 : 5 warp spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]
FA7 : 5 warp spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]

= Aux 3 : Aspect host =
FA8 : 5 warp spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]
FA9 : 5 warp spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]
FA10 : 5 warp spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]

= Aux 4 : Aspect host =
FA11 : 5 warp spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]
FA12 : 5 warp spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]
FA13 : 5 warp spyders (95), exarch (10) [105]

= Command 1 : heroes of the craftworld =
HQ3 : Autarch (70), skyrunner (15), meltagun (10) [95]

+ Player 4 : Lolo
+ List Fancy Name: Lilou Dallas Riptidepass
+ Faction: Tau Empire: Farsight Enclaves, Tau Empire & Sisters of Silence
+ Type Of Alliance: Desesperate alliance
+ Total Army Points: 1850

== Primary Detachment: Tau Empire: Farsight Enclaves: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex Farsight enclave ==
HQ1: Ethereal - [50] WARLORD
Troop1: 1 XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (22), Bonding Knife Ritual (1) - [23]
Troop2: 1 XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (22), Bonding Knife Ritual (1) - [23]
HS1: 1 TX78 Sky Ray Gunships (115), Blacksun filter (1), Proximity sensor (5), Twin-linked Smart Missile System (0) - [121]
Fortification1 : Wall of martyrs imperial bunker (55), Escape hatch (25), Ammunition dump(20) - [100]

== Secondary Detachment: Tau Empire: Riptide Wing - Codex farsight enclave ==
ELITE1 : 3 XV-104 Riptides (3*180), 3 Twin linked smart missiles systems (3*0), 3 Early warning overrides (3*5), 3 Bonding Knife Rituals (3*1)
ELITE1a : Target lock (5)
ELITE1b : Target lock (5)
ELITE1c : Velocity tracker (20) - [588]
ELITE2 : 3 XV-104 Riptides (3*180), 3 Twin linked smart missiles systems (3*0), 3 Early warning overrides (3*5), 3 Bonding Knife Rituals (3*1)
ELITE2a : Target lock (5)
ELITE2b : Target lock (5)
ELITE2c : Velocity tracker (20) - [588]
ELITE3 : 1 XV-104 Riptide (180), Twin linked smart missiles systems (0), Early warning override (5), Velocity tracker (20) - [205]

== Tertiary Detachment: Sisters of Silence: Null-Maiden Task Force - Sister of silence dataslate ==
ELITE4 : 5 Sisters of Silence - [75]
ELITE5 : 5 Sisters of Silence, 1 Flamer - [77]

+ Player 5 : Guillaume "Xenos77" Leandri
+ List Fancy Name: RIP Coteaz
+ Faction: Dark Angels
+ Type Of Alliance: /
+ Total Army Points: 1850

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Lion's Blade Strike Force - Codex Dark Angels ==

= Base 1 : Battle Demi-Company 1 =
HQ1 : Company Master (1*90), Combi-melta (10), Auspex(5) [105] WARLORD
Troop1 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 1 [90]
Troop2 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 2 [90]
Troop3 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 3 [90]
Elite1 : Command Squad (1*90), 5 meltaguns (50) in Transport 4 [140]
Elite2 : 5 Company Veteran Squad (90), 5 Combi-meltas (50), Veteran Sergeant (0) in Transport 5 [140]
Elite3 : Dreadnought(100), heavy flamer (10), twin linked heavy flamer (5) in Transport 6 [115]
FA1 : 5 Assault Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 7 [70]
HS1 : 5 Devastator Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 8 [70]
Transport 1, Razorback Battle Company (0), twin-linked laser cannon (20)
Transport 2, Razorback Battle Company (0), twin-linked laser cannon (20)
Transport 3, Razorback Battle Company (0), twin-linked laser cannon (20)
Transport 4, Drop Pod Battle Company (0)
Transport 5, Drop Pod Battle Company (0)
Transport 6, Drop Pod Battle Company (0)
Transport 7, Razorback Battle Company (0)
Transport 8, Razorback Battle Company (0)

= Base 2 : Battle Demi-Company 2 =
HQ2 : Chaplain(1*90), Combi-melta (10), Auspex(5) [105]
Troop4 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 9 [90]
Troop5 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 10 [70]
Troop6 : 5 Tactical Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 11 [70]
Elite4 : Command Squad (1*90), 5 meltaguns (50) in Transport 12 [140]
Elite5 : 5 Company Veteran Squad (90), 5 Combi-melta (50), Veteran Sergeant (0) in Transport 13 [140]
Elite6 : Dreadnought(100), heavy flamer (10), twin-linked heavy flamer (5) in Transport 14 [115]
FA2 : 5 Assault Squad (70), 2 flamers (10), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 15 [80]
HS2 : 5 Devastator Squad (70), Space Marine Sergeant (0) in Transport 16 [70]
Transport 9, Razorback Battle Company (0), twin-linked laser cannon (20)
Transport 10, Razorback Battle Company (0)
Transport 11, Razorback Battle Company (0)
Transport 12, Drop Pod Battle Company (0)
Transport 13, Drop Pod Battle Company (0)
Transport 14, Drop Pod Battle Company (0)
Transport 15, Drop Pod Battle Company (0)
Transport 16, Razorback Battle Company (0)

= Auxillary 1 : 10TH support company =
Troop7 : 5 Scout Squad (55), 5 sniper rifles (5), Scout Sergeant (0) [60]

+ Player 6 : François " FLAUROS" Piquemal
+ Faction: GK/SM(white scars)/SM(ultramarines)/Blood Angels
+ Type Of Alliance: Battle brother
+ Total Army Points: 1850

== Detachment 1 : Nemesis Strike Force – Codex Grey Knights ==

HQ1 : Librarian (110), Nemesis Warding Stave (0), Mastery level 3 (25) - [135pts] WARLORD
Troop1 : Strike Squad (110), Incinerator (5) - [115pts]
LOW1 : Kaldor Draigo - [245pts]
Fortification : Bunker (55), Escape Hatch (25) - [80pts]

== Detachment 2 : CAD Space Marine (White Scars) – Codex Space Marines / Angels of Death ==

HQ2 : Captain (90), Chapter Master (40), Bike (20), Power Fist (25), The Hunter eye (20), Artificer Armor (20), Storm Shield (15) - [230pts]
Troop2 : 5 Scouts (55), 5 Boltguns (0) - [55pts]
HS1 : 5 Centurions Devastator (165+2x55), 5 Grav-cannons and Grav-amp (5x25), 5 Missiles Launchers (5x10), Omniscope (10) - [460pts]

== Detachment 3 : Formation Librarius Conclave (ultramarines) – Codex Space Marines ==

HQ3 : Tigurius - [165pts]
HQ4 : Librarian (65), Bike (20), Mastery level 2 (25), Force Axe (0) - [110pts]
HQ5 : Librarian (65), Bike (20), Mastery level 2 (25), Force Axe (0) - [110pts]

== Detachment 4 : Allied Detachment Blood Angels – Codex Blood Angels ==

HQ6 : Sanguinary Priest (60), The Angel’s Wings (25), Melta bomb (5) - [90pts]
Troop3 : 5 Scouts, Bolters (0) - [55pts]

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ PLAYER 7: Pierre "Poolky" WETULA
+ List Fancy Name: Let's play Hide and Seek with Brimtone !
+ ARMY (Factions used): Chaos Deamon : Wrath of Magnus, Dark Eldar
+ Type Of Alliance: /
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++

== Primary Detachment : Chaos Deamon CAD - Codex Chaos Daemons/Warzone Fenris : Wrath of Magnus ==
HQ1: Herald of Tzeentch (45), lvl 3 psyker (50) exalted reward (30) Disc of Tzeentch (25) [150]
Troop 1: 10 Brimstone [30]
Troop 2: 10 Brimstone [30]
Troop 3: 10 Brimstone [30]
Troop 4: 10 Brimstone [30]
Troop 5: 10 Brimstone [30]
Troop 6: 10 Brimstone [30]
Fortification: Bastion (75) Com Relay (20) 3 * Barricades (30) [125]

== Secondary Detachment : Chaos Deamon Brimstone Conflagration Formation - Warzone Fenris : Wrath of Magnus ==
HQ2: Exaled Flamer of Tzeentch [50]
Troop 7: 10 Brimstone [30]
Troop 8: 10 Brimstone [30]
Troop 9: 10 Brimstone [30]
Troop 10: 10 Brimstone [30]
Troop 11: 10 Brimstone [30]
Troop 12: 10 Brimstone [30]
Troop 13: 10 Brimstone [30]
Troop 14: 10 Brimstone [30]

== Tertiary Detachment : Chaos Deamon Omniscient Oracle Formation - Warzone Fenris : Wrath of Magnus ==
HQ3: Kairos The Faithweaver [300]
HQ4: Lord of Change (220) lvl 3 psyker (25) 2*Major reward (40) Minor reward (10) Impossible Robe (25) [320] - [Warlord]
HQ5: Lord of Change (220) lvl 3 psyker (25) Major reward (20) Paradox (25) [290]

== Quaternary Detachment : Dark Eldar CAD- Codex Dark Eldar ==
HQ6: Court of the archon, 1xLhamean [10]
Troop 15: 5*Kabalites [40]
Troop 16: 5*Kabalites [40]
Fortification: Bastion (75) 3 * Barricades (30) [105]

ARMY TOTAL: [1850]

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
+ Faction : Imperial Knight, Astra Militarum
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Imperial Knights Baronial Court ==
Lord of War1 : Knight Warden(375), fusion gun (5) [380]
Lord of War2 : Knight Warden(375), fusion gun (5) [380]
Lord of War3 : Knight Warden(375), fusion gun (5) [380]
Lord of War4 : [WARLORD] Knight Warden(375) [375]

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT : Astra Militarum : Psykana Division ==
HQ1 : Commissar(25) [25]
HQ2 : Commissar(25) [25]
HQ3 : Commissar(25) [25]
HQ4 : Primaris Psyker(50), Psyker Level 2 (25) Axe Force(0) [75]
Elite1 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers (60) [60]
Elite2 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers (60) [60]
Elite3 : 5 Wyrdvane Psykers (60) [60]

Artichauts Farceurs :


TEAM : Artichauts farceurs


PLAYER 8 : Nicolas "Manix" Fortin


FACTIONS : Chaos Space Marines, Khorne Deamonkin



HQ1 : Bel'Akor [350pts]
HQ2 : Kharn the Betrayer [160pts]

Troop 1 : 10 chaos Cultists [50pts]
Troop 2 : 10 chaos Cultists [50pts]

Fortification : Void Shield Generator (50) 2 Additionnal projected void shields (50) [100pts]


Fast Attack 1 : 3 Chaos Bikers [76pts]
Fast Attack 2 : 3 Chaos Bikers [76pts]
Fast Attack 3 : 20 Chaos Hounds [320pts]
Fast Attack 4 : 14 Chaos Hounds [224pts]


HQ3 : Sorcerer "Harry Bolter" (60) Veteran of the Long War (0) Psyker Lv 3 (50) Spell Famillar (15) Bike (20) Power Staff (0) [145pts]
HQ4 : Sorcerer "Ron Whiskey" (60) Veteran of the Long War (0) Psyker Lv 3 (50) Spell Famillar (15) Bike (20) Power Staff (0) [145pts]
HQ5 : Sorcerer "Hermione Grinder" (60) Veteran of the Long War (0) Psyker Lv 3 (50) Spell Famillar (15) Bike (20) Melta Bombs (5) Power Axe (0) [150pts]


TEAM : Artichauts farceurs


PLAYER 7 : Edouard "Mogor" Simeon


FACTIONS : Ynnari, eldar



HQ1: Farseer (100) skyrunner (15) singing spear (5) [120 pts] (warlord)
HQ2: Farseer (100) skyrunner (15) singing spear (5) [120 pts]

Troop1: 3 windriders (51) 3 scatter lasers (30) warlock skyrunner (50) [131 pts]
Troop2: 3 windriders (51) 3 scatter lasers (30) [81 pts]
Troop3: 3 windriders (51) 3 scatter lasers (30) [81 pts]

Elite1: 3 black gardian windriders (60) 3 scatter lasers (30) [90 pts]
Elite2: 3 black gardian windriders (60) 3 scatter lasers (30) [90 pts]
Elite3: 3 black gardian windriders (60) 3 scatter lasers (30) [90 pts]

HS1: 1 vaul's wrath support battery (30) shadow Weaver (0) [30 pts]
HS2: 1 vaul's wrath support battery (30) shadow Weaver (0) [30 pts]

LoW1: 1 Wraithknight (295) 2 heavy wraithcannons (0) 1 scatter laser (15) [310 pts]

= Aspect Host =
FA1: 6 Warp Spiders (114) Exarch (10) [124 pts]
FA2: 6 Warp Spiders (114) Exarch (10) [124 pts]
FA3: 6 Warp Spiders (114) Exarch (10) [124 pts]


HQ3: Farseer (100) skyrunner (15) singing spear (5) spirit stone of Anath'lan (15) [135 pts]

Troop4: 3 windriders (51) 3 scatter lasers (30) [81 pts]
Troop5: 3 windriders (51) 3 scatter lasers (30) [81 pts]


TEAM : Artichauts farceurs


PLAYER 6 : Florian "Yrian" Leduc


FACTIONS : Tau Empire, Officio Assassinorum



HQ1 : Ethereal (50), recon armor (5) : [55 pts] (Warlord)

TROOP1 : 10 kroots (60), kroot hound (5) : [65 pts]
TROOP2 : 10 kroots (60), kroot hound (5) : [65 pts]
TROOP3 : XV-8 Crisis (22), bonding knife ritual (1) : [23 pts]
TROOP4 : XV-8 Crisis (22), bonding knife ritual (1) : [23 pts]
TROOP5 : XV-8 Crisis (22), bonding knife ritual (1) : [23 pts]

FORTIFICATION : Munitorum Armoured Container Cache (40), 2 storm bolters (0), Additionnal Munitorum Armoured Container Cache(40), 2 storm bolters (0) : [80 pts]


ELITE1 : [585 pts]
ELITE1a : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missile system (0), target lock (5), early warning override (5): [190 pts]
ELITE1b : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missile system (0), target lock (5), early warning override (5): [190 pts]
ELITE1c : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missile system (0), velocity tracker (20), early warning override (5): [205 pts]
ELITE2 : [585 pts]
ELITE2a : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missile system (0), target lock (5), early warning override (5): [190 pts]
ELITE2b : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missile system (0), target lock (5), early warning override (5): [190 pts]
ELITE2c : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missile system (0), velocity tracker (20), early warning override (5): [205 pts]
ELITE3 : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missile system (0), velocity tracker (20), early warning override (5): [205 pts]


ELITE4 : Culexus (140) : [140 pts]


PLAYER 5 : Aubry "Yekcim" Cavaillé


FACTIONS : Grey Knights, Space Marines, Blood Angels



HQ1 : Librarian (110), Nemesis Warding Stave (0), Mastery level 3 (25) - [135pts] (Warlord)
Troop1 : Strike Squad (110), Incinerator (5) - [115pts]
LOW1 : Kaldor Draigo - [245pts]
Fortification : imperial Bunker (55), Escape Hatch (25) - [80pts]


HQ2 : Captain (90), Chapter Master (40), Bike (20), Power Fist (25), The Hunter eye (20), Artificer Armor (20), Storm Shield (15) - [230pts]
Troop2 : 5 Scouts (55), 5 Boltguns (0) - [55pts]
HS1 : 5 Centurions Devastator (165+2x55), 5 Grav-cannons and Grav-amp (5x25), 5 Missiles Launchers (5x10), Omniscope (10) - [460pts]


HQ3 : Tigurius - [165pts]
HQ4 : Librarian (65), Bike (20), Mastery level 2 (25), Force Axe (0) - [110pts]
HQ5 : Librarian (65), Bike (20), Mastery level 2 (25), Force Axe (0) - [110pts]


HQ6 : Sanguinary Priest (60), The Angel’s Wings (25), Melta bomb (5) - [90pts]
Troop3 : 5 Scouts, Bolters (0) - [55pts]


TEAM : Artichauts farceurs


PLAYER 4: Wild – Le couennemancien - Gripper


FACTION : Space wolves, sisters of silence



HQ1: wolf guard battle leader(50) thunderwolf(50) close combat weapon(0) power fist(25) power shield(15) runic armour(25) fenrisian wolf ( 8 ) [173pts]
HQ2: wolf guard battle leader(50) thunderwolf(50) close combat weapon(0) power fist(25) power shield(15) runic armour(25) fenrisian wolf ( 8 ) [173pts]
HQ3: wolf guard battle leader(50) thunderwolf(50) close combat weapon(0) power fist(25) power shield(15) runic armour(25) [165pts]

Elite 1: iron priest(55) thunderwolf(50) [105pts] (warlord)
Elite 2: iron priest(55) thunderwolf(50) [105pts]

Fortification: imperial bunker(55) escape hatch(25) [80pts]


HQ4: runepriest(60) lvl2(25) jumppack(15) the helm of durfast(20) [120pts]
HQ5: runepriest(60) lvl2(25) bike(20) [105pts]
HQ6: runepriest(60) lvl2(25) bike(20) [105pts]
HQ7: runepriest(60) lvl2(25) bike(20) [105pts]
HQ8: runepriest(60) lvl2(25) bike(20) [105pts]


Elite 3: 5 wulfens (150)
Elite 3a and b: 2 thunder hammers and storm sields(40)
Elite 3c: great frost axe( 8 ) stormfrag auto lancer(2)
Elite 3d and e: 2 great frost axes(16)

Elite 4: 5 wulfens (150)
Elite 4a and b: 2 thunder hammers and storm sields(40)
Elite 4c: great frost axe( 8 ) stormfrag auto lancer(2)
Elite 4d and e: 2 great frost axes(16)


Elite 5: 5 sisters of silence(75) 5 executioner greatblade(0)[75pts]


TEAM : Artichauts farceurs


PLAYER 3 : Maxime "Atheh" Riggi


FACTION : Chaos daemons




HQ1 : The blue Scribes [81pts]
TROOPS1 : 11 Blue Horrors [55pts]
TROOPS2 : 11 Blue Horrors [55pts]
TROOPS3 : 11 Blue Horrors [55pts]


HQ2 : Herald of Tzeentch (45), psyker mastery lvl 3 (50), the Oracular Dais (35) [130pts]
HQ3 : Herald of Tzeentch (45), psyker mastery lvl 3 (50) [95pts]
HQ4 : Herald of Tzeentch (45), psyker mastery lvl 3 (50) [95pts]


HQ5 : Herald of Tzeentch (45), psyker mastery lvl 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Paradox (25) [145pts]
FA1 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75pts]
FA2 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75pts]
FA3 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75pts]
FA4 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75pts]
FA5 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75pts]
FA6 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75pts]
FA7 : 3 Screamers of Tzeentch [75pts]
HS1 : Burning Chariot of Tzeentch [100pts]
HS2 : Burning Chariot of Tzeentch [100pts]


HQ6 : Exalted flamer of Tzeentch [50pts] (warlord)
TROOPS4 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]
TROOPS5 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]
TROOPS6 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]
TROOPS7 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]
TROOPS8 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]
TROOPS9 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]
TROOPS10 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]


HQ8 : The Masque of Slaanesh [75pts]
TROOPS11 : 15 Brimstone Horrors [45pts]
TROOPS12 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]


TEAM : Artichauts farceurs


PLAYER 2: Nicolas "Isenheim" Rossato


FACTION : Dark Angels



HQ1: Company Master(90), combigrav (10) [100pts] (WARLORD)
Troop1: 5 Tactical Squad, Transport 1 [70pts]
Troop2: 5 Tactical Squad, Transport 2 [70pts]
Troop3: 5 Tactical Squad, Transport 3 [70pts]
FA1: 5 Assault Marines Squad(70) , 2x flamer (10), transport 4 [80pts]
HS1: 5 Devastator Marines Squad, transport 5 [70pts]
EL1: 1 Dreadnought(100), built-in heavy flamer (10), transport 6 [110pts]
EL2: 5 Veteran Squad(90), 2x Boltgun (0), 3x Combimelta (3x10), Transport 7 [120pts]
EL3: 5 Command Squad(90), 5x Combigrav (50), transport 8 [140pts]

Transport 1: Razorback(0) twin-linked Lascannon (20) [20pts] (Company Support)
Transport 2: Razorback(0) twin-linked Lascannon (20) [20pts] (Company Support)
Transport 3: Razorback(0) twin-linked Lascannon (20) [20pts] (Company Support)
Transport 4: Droppod [0pts] (Company Support)
Transport 5: Razorback(0) twin-linked Lascannon (20) [20pts] (Company Support)
Transport 6: Droppod [0pts] (Company Support)
Transport 7: Droppod [0pts] (Company Support)
Transport 8: Droppod [0pts] (Company Support)


HQ2: Chaplain(90), auspex (5) [95pts]
TR4: 5 Tactical Squad, transport 9 [70pts]
TR5: 5 Tactical Squad, transport 10 [70pts]
TR6: 5 Tactical Squad, transport 11 [70pts]
FA2: 5 Assault Marines Squad(70), 2x flamer (10), transport 12 [80pts]
HS2: 5 Devastator Marines Squad, transport 13 [70pts]
EL4: 1 Dreadnought(100), built-in heavy flamer (10), transport 14 [110pts]
EL5: 5 Veteran Squad(90), 5x Boltgun (0), Transport 15 [90pts]
EL6: 5 Command Squad(90), 4x Combimelta (40), 1 Boltgun (0), Transport 16 [130pts]

Transport 9: Razorback twin-linked Lascannon (20) [20pts] (Company Support)
Transport10: Razorback Lascannon & twin-linked plasmaguns (20) [20pts] (Company Support)
Transport11: Razorback Lascannon & twin-linked plasmaguns (20) [20pts] (Company Support)
Transport12: Droppod [0pts] (Company Support)
Transport13: Razorback Lascannon & twin-linked plasmaguns (20) [20pts] (Company Support)
Transport14: Droppod [0pts] (Company Support)
Transport15: Razorback Lascannon & twin-linked plasmaguns (20) [20pts] (Company Support)
Transport16: Droppod [0pts] (Company Support)

TR7: 5 Scout Squad, Boltguns (0) [55pspts]


PLAYER 1: Mathieu "Fogia" Decalonne


FACTION : Imperial Knights



Lord of War1 : "Metal'IK" Knight Warden(1*375), Ravager(25) [400pts] (Warlord)
Lord of War2 : "Amer'IK" Knight Warden(1*375) : [375pts]
Lord of War3 : "Harmon'IK" Knight Warden(1*375) : [375pts]
Lord of War4 : "Arab'IK" Knight Warden(1*375) : [375pts]
Lord of War5 : "Angel'IK" Knight Gallant(1*325) : [325pts]

Machomens :

Team Machomens

+Team Machomens
+Player 1: Valentin "Legourou"
+Army (faction used): Dark angels - Space Wolves 

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Detachement Dark Angels (Rawenwing strike force, dark angel codex) ==

HQ1 Sammael [200] - Warlord
HQ2 Librarian (65), lvl2 (25), Bike (20), Force stave (0) [110]
Elite1 3 Black knights (120), Apothicary (30) [150]
FA1 Ravenwing Darkshroud [80]
FA2 Rawenwing assault bike [45]

==SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Detachment Space Wolves (Champion of Fenris) ==

HQ3 Wolf guard battle leader (50), Thunder Wolf (50), Runic armour (25), Power fist (25), Storm shield (15), 2 Fenrissian wolves (8*2) [181]
HQ4 Wolf guard battle leader (50), Thunder Wolf (50), Runic armour (25), Power fist (25), Storm shield (15), 2 Fenrissian wolves (8*2) [181]
HQ5 Wolf guard battle leader (50), Thunder Wolf (50), Runic armour (25), Power fist (25), Storm shield (15), 2 Fenrissian wolves (8*2) [181]
HQ6 Wolf guard battle leader (50), Thunder Wolf (50), Runic armour (25), Power fist (25), Storm shield (15), 2 Fenrissian wolves (8*2) [181]

Elite2 Servitor [10]
Elite3 Servitor [10]

== TERTIARY DETACHMENT: Formation Dark Angels (Librarius conclave, codex dark angel) ==

HQ7 Ezekiel [145]
HQ8 Librarian (65), lvl2 (25), Bike (20), Eye of the unseen (40), Force stave (0) [150]
HQ9 Librarian (65), lvl2 (25), Bike (20), Melta bomb (5), Force axe (0) [115]
HQ10 Librarian (65), lvl2 (25), Bike (20), Force stave (0) [110]


+Team Machomens
+PLAYER : Tanker 
+Factions used: Chaos daemons / Chaos space marines

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Pandemoniad of tzeentch - Chaos daemons - wrath of Magnus == 

= CORE 1: Pandemoniad of tzeentch- Lorestealer Host =
HQ4 : The blue scribes (1*81) [81]
Troup21 : 11 Blue Horrors(50 + 1*5) [55]
Troup22 : 11 Blue Horrors(50 + 1*5) [55]
Troup23 : 11 Blue Horrors(50 + 1*5) [55]

= AUXILIARY 1 : Pandemoniad of tzeentch - Brimestone conflagration =
HQ1 : Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch (1*50) [50]
Troup1 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]
Troup2 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]
Troup3 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]
Troup4 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]
Troup5 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]
Troup6 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]
Troup7 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]
Troup8 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]
Troup9 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]

= AUXILIARY 2 : Pandemoniad of tzeentch - Brimestone conflagration =
HQ2 : Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch (1*50) [50]
Troup10 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]
Troup11 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]
Troup12 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]
Troup13 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]
Troup14 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]
Troup15 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]
Troup16 : 10 Brimstone Horrors(30) [30]
Troup17 : 14 Brimstone Horrors(30+4*3) [42]

= AUXILIARY 3 : Pandemoniad of tzeentch - Heralds Anarchic =
HQ5 : [Warlord] Herald of tzeentch (45) [45]
HQ6 : Herald of tzeentch (45) [45]
HQ7 : Herald of tzeentch (45) [45]

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT : Combined Arms Detachment - Chaos Space Marines (Thousand Sons) ==
HQ1 : Sorcerer(1*60), Mark of Tzeentch(15), Veteran of the long war (0), Force staff (0) [75]
Troup1 : 10 Chaos cultists(50), 10 Mark of Tzeentch(10), Cultist champion (0) [60]
Troup2 : 10 Chaos cultists(50), 10 Mark of Tzeentch(10), Cultist champion (0) [60]
Lord of War1 : Magnus the Red(1*650) [650]


+Team Machomens
+PLAYER 3 : Bubu
+Factions used: genestealer cult/dark eldars/Renegade knights

==PRIMARY DETACHMENT : CAD Genestealer Cults - genestealers codex==
HQ1 : [warlord] Magus(1*40) [40]
Troup1 : 5 Acolyt Hybrids(40) [40]
Troup2 : 5 Acolyt Hybrids(40) [40]
Troup3 : 5 Acolyt Hybrids(40) [40]
Troup4 : 5 Acolyt Hybrids(40) [40]
Troup5 : 5 Acolyt Hybrids(40) [40]
Fortifications1 : Void shield generator(1*50), 2 Additionnal void shield(50) [100]

HQ1 : Court of the Archon (1*0), Sslyth(25) [25]
Troup1 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (40) [40]
Troup2 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (40) [40]
Fortifications1 : Void shield generator(1*50), 2 Additionnal void shield(50) [100]

==TERTIARY DETACHMENT : Renegades KNIGHTS, codex renegade knights==
Lord of War1 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (chainsword)(60), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (gauntlet)(50) [435]
Lord of War2 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (chainsword)(60), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (gauntlet)(50) [435]
Lord of War3 : Renegade Knight(1*325), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (chainsword)(60), Avenger gatling cannon and heavy flamer (gauntlet)(50) [435]


+Team Machomens
+PLAYER 5 : MrPlot
+Factions used: Necrons / Officio assassinorum

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Decurion - Necrons - codex necron==
= CORE 1: Reclamation Legion =
HQ1 : [Warlord] Nemesor Zahndrekh(150) [150]
Troup1 : 5 Immortals (85), gauss blaster (0) [85]
Troup2 : 10 Warriors(130) [130]
Troup3 : 10 Warriors(130) [130]
EL1 : 9 Lychguard(125 + 4*25) [225]
FA1 : 7 Tomb Blades(54 + 4*18 ), 7 Shield Vanes (7*2), 7 Nebuloscope (7*2) [154]
FA2 : 7 Tomb Blades(54 + 4*18 ), 7 Shield Vanes (7*2), 7 Nebuloscope (7*2) [154]
FA3 : 6 Tomb Blades(54 + 3*18 ), 5 Shield Vanes (5*2), 6 Nebuloscope (6*2) [130]

= AUXILIARY 1: Flayed Ones =
Elite1 : 7 Flayed Ones (65 + 2*13) [91]

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT : CAD - Necrons - codex necron ==
HQ1 : Orikan the Diviner(120) [120]
HQ2 : Lord(50), Ressurection Orb (25), The Solar Staff (15) [90]
Troup1 : 5 Immortals (85), gauss blaster (0) [85]
Troup2 : 5 Immortals (85), gauss blaster (0) [85]
Fortifications1 : Wall of martyrs imperial bunker(1*55), Escape hatch(25) [80]

==TERTIARY DETACHMENT : Officio assassinorum force -  Officio assassinorum - Mont'ka ==
EL1 : Culexus assassin (140) [140]


+Team Machomens
+PLAYER 5 : Chestnut
+Factions used: Grey Knight / Space Marine / Adeptus Mechanicus

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Common Army Detachment Grey knight - Fall of Cadia, Grey Kniht codex ==

HQ1 : Belisarus Cawl [200] WARLORD
HQ2 : Librarian (110), Memento-mortispex (30), level 3 (25), force sceptre (0) [165]
Troup1 : Strike Squad [110]
Troup2 : Strike Squad [110]
LOW : Kaldor Draigo [275]
Total detachment : 860

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT : Librarius Conclave Formation (Ultramarines) - SM codex ==

HQ3 : Master Librarian Tigurius [165]
HQ4 : Librarian (65), level 2 (25), force axe (0) [90]
HQ5 : Librarian (65), level 2 (25), space marines bike (20), force staff(0) [110]
Total detachment : 365

== TERTIARY DETACHMENT : Allied detachment : Space marines (White scars) - SM codex ==

HQ6 : Librarian (65), level 2 (25), the hunter eye (20), force axe (0) [110]
Troup3 : Scout squad (55), bolter (0) [55]
HS1 : Centurion devastator squad (165), 2 centurion add (55x2), 5 gravcanon whith grav amp (25x5), 5 missile launcher (5x10), omniscope (10), sergent (0) [460]
Total : 625


+Team Machomens
+PLAYER 6 : Ziel
+Factions used: Adepta Soritas/ Astra Militarum/ Inquisition/Imperial Agent/ Militarum Tempestus/ Deathwatch/ Skitarii

==PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Castellan of the Imperium - Fall of Cadia, militarum tempestus codex, astra militarum codex, imperial agent ==

HQ1: Celestine, the living saint [200]
HQ2: Torquemada Coteaz [100]
HQ3: Ministorum priest (AS) (25), The litanies of Faith (15) [40]
HQ4: Xenos Inquisitor (25), radeon grenades (15), warlord [40]

Troop 1a: Platoon Comand Squad [30]
Troop 1b: Infantry squad [50]
Troop 1c: Infantry squad [50]
Troop 1d: Conscripts (60), add 26 conscripts (26*3) [138]

Troop 2: Militarum Tempestus (70), meltagun (10) [80]
Troop 3: Militarum Tempestus (70), meltagun (10) [80]
Troop 4: Militarum Tempestus (70), meltagun (10) [80]

HS1: Wyvern squadron (65), add wyvern (65), heavy bolter (0) [130]
HS2: Wyvern squadron (65), add wyvern (65), heavy bolter (0) [130]
HS3: Wyvern squadron (65), add wyvern (65), heavy bolter (0) [130]
HS4: Wyvern squadron (65), add wyvern (65), heavy bolter (0) [130]

==SECONDARY DETACHMENT : Allied Detachment: Deathwatch - deathwatch codex==

HQ5:Deatwatch Librarian (70), Dominus Aegis (20), axe force (0) [90]

Troop 5: Deathwatch Veteran squad [110]

==TERTIARY DETACHMENT : Skitarii Maniple - skitarii codex==

Troop 6: Skitarii Vanguard (55), Electrogun (15) [70]
Troop 7:Skitarii Vanguard (55), Electrogun (15) [70]
Fortication1: Voidshield (50); add 2 shields (2*25) [100]

Army Total: 1848

+Team Machomens
+PLAYER 7 : Wolverine
+Factions used: Eldar Craftworlds & The Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Combined Arms Detachment - Eldar Craftworlds ==
HQ1 [Warlord] : Farseer skyrunner(115) [115] 
Troop1 : 3x Windriders(51), 3x Scatter laser(3*10) [81]
Troop2 : 3x Windriders(51) [51]
LOW1 : Wraihthknight(295), Ghostglaive & scattershield(0) [295]
FORTIFICATION : Void Shield Generator(50), 2x Additional Shields(2*25) [100]

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT : Formation Aspect Host - Eldar Craftworlds ==
FA1 : 5x Warp spider(95), Exarch(10) [105]
FA2 : 5x Warp spider(95), Exarch(10) [105]
FA3 : 5x Warp spider(95), Exarch(10) [105]

== TERTIARY DETACHMENT : Reborn Warhost - Fracture of Biel Tan ==
HQ2 : Farseer skyrunner(115), Spirit stone of Anath'lan(15), Singing Spear(5) [135]
HQ3 : Farseer skyrunner(115), Singing Spear(5) [120]
Troop3 : 3x Windriders(51), 3x scatter laser(3*10) [81]
Troop4 : 3x Windriders(51), 3x scatter laser(3*10) [81]
Troop5 : 3x Windriders(51), 3x scatter laser(3*10) [81]
Troop6 : 3x Windriders(51), 3x scatter laser(3*10) [81]
LOW2 : Wraihtknight(295), 2x Wraihtcannons(0), 1x scatter laser(15) [310]


+Team Machomens
+PLAYER 8 : Tutur
+Factions used: Tau & Sisters of silence

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Cad farsight enclaves - farsight enclaves codex==

HQ 1 [Warlord] : Commander (85), iridium Armor (25), command & control node (15), vectored retro-thrusters (5), drone controller (8 ), marker drone (12) [150]
Troop 1: crisis (22), bonding knife ritual (1) [23]
Troop 1: crisis (22), bonding knife ritual (1) [23]
FA1: 4 marker drones (56) [56]
Fortification1: Bunker (55), escape hatch (25) [80]


ELITE1: [568]
ELITE1a : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), target lock (5), early warning override (5) (190)
ELITE1b : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), target lock (5), early warning override (5) (190)
ELITE1c : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), advanced targetting system (3), early warning override (5) (188)

ELITE 2: [610]
ELITE2a : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), target lock (5), velocity tracker (20) (205)
ELITE2b : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), target lock (5), velocity tracker (20) (205)
ELITE2c : XV-104 Riptide (180), twin linked smart missiles system (0), velocity tracker (20) (200)

ELITE3 : XV-104 Riptide (180), fusion blaster (0), ion accelerator (5), early warning override (5) : [190]

== THIRD DETACHMENT: Null-Maiden Task Force ==

Elite 4: 5 sisters of Silence (75) [75]
Elite 5: 5 sisters of Silence (75) [75]


LDM Team :

PLAYER 1 : Maxime "Bubbamix" Meyer - Capitaine
Factions used: Dark Angels & Space Wolves

== Primary Detachement : CAD Dark Angels - Codex Dark Angels ==
HQ1: Sammael - [200pts]
Troop 1: Scout Squad (55), 5 Boltguns (0) - [55pts]
Troop 2: Scout Squad (55), 5 Boltguns (0) - [55pts]
FA1: Darkshroud - [80pts]
FA2: Darkshroud - [80pts]
FA3 : 1 Attack Bike [45pts]
LOW1: Azrael - [215pts] [Warlord]

== Secondary Detachement : Formation librarius Conclave - Dataslate Dark Angels ==
HQ2: Ezekiel - [145pts]
HQ3: Librarian (65), Psyker (Mastery Level 2) (25), force Axe (0) - [90pts]
HQ4: Librarian (65), Psyker (Mastery Level 2) (25), force Axe (0) - [90pts]
HQ5: Librarian (65), Psyker (Mastery Level 2) (25), Force staff (0) - [90pts]

== Tertiary Detachement : Formation Wolfkin - Curse of the Wulfen ==
FA4 : Fenrisian Wolves (40) +5 Fenrisian wolves (5x8) - [80pts]
FA5 : Fenrisian Wolves (40) +5 Fenrisian wolves (5x8) - [80pts]
FA6 : Fenrisian Wolves (40) +10 Fenrisian wolves (10x8) - [120pts]
FA7 : Fenrisian Wolves (40) +5 Fenrisian wolves (5x8) - [80pts]

== Quaternary Detachement : Formation Wyrdstorm Brotherhood - Curse of the Wulfen ==
HQ6: Rune Priest (60), Psyker (Mastery Level 2) (25), Jump Pack (15), Runic staff (0), Helm of Durfast (20) - [120pts]
HQ7: Rune Priest (60), Psyker (Mastery Level 2) (25), Runic staff (0) Jump Pack (15), melta bomb (5) [105pts]
HQ8: Rune Priest (60), Runic axe (0) - [60pts]
HQ9: Rune Priest (60), Runic axe (0) - [60pts]


Player 2: Hugo "Shev" Bourgeois
Army & Faction Used: SM & Inq & AS

== Primary Detachment : CASTELLAN OF THE IMPERIUM DETACHMENT Fall of Cadia==

HQ1: IH SM : Captain(90), Chapter Master(40), Artificier Armour(20), Power Fist(25), Bike(20), The Shield Eternal(50) [245] WARLORD
HQ2 : IA : Coteaz [100]
HQ3 : AS : Living Saint Celestine [200]
HQ4 : IH SM AOD : Terminator Captain(120), Storm Shield(5), Marteau Thunder(25), Catapractii Terminator Armour [150]
Troops 1: IH SM : Bike Squad [63]
Troops 2: IH SM : Bike Squad [63]
Troops 3: IH SM : Bike Squad [63]
Troops 4: IH SM : Scouts Squad [55]
FA 1: IH SM : Drop Pod [35]
Elite 1: INQ : Inquisitorial Heachmen Warband - 2 acolytes(8.), 1 psyker(10) [18]
Elite 2: INQ : Inquisitorial Heachmen Warband - 2 acolytes(8.), 1 psyker(10) [18]
HS1 : IH SM : Thunderfire Cannon [100]
HS2 : IH SM : Devastator Squad(70), 4 Grav-canon and Grav-amp(140), Drop Pod DT (35) [245]

== Secondary Detachment : Iron Hands Space Marines LIBRARIUS CONCLAVE FORMATION Codex SM==

HQ5 : IH SM : Librarian(65), Mindforged Stave (15), Bike(20), Psyker (Mastery Level 2) (25) [125]
HQ6 : IH SM : Librarian(65), Force Axe(0), Bike(20), Psyker (Mastery Level 2) (25) [110]
HQ7 : IH SM : Librarian(65), Force Axe(0), Bike(20), Psyker (Mastery Level 2) (25) [110]
HQ8 : IH SM : Librarian(65), Force Axe(0), Bike(20), Psyker (Mastery Level 2) (25) [110]

== Tertiary Detachement : Imperial Agent Ministorum Delegation Codex Imperial Agents ==

HQ9 : AS : Ministorum Priest (25), Litanies of the Faith (15) [40]


Player 3: Thierry "MonsieurTKT"
Army & Faction Used: Chaos Space Marines & Astra Militarum

== Primary Detachment : Chaos Space Marines Formation : Rehati War Sect Wrath of Magnus ==

LOW 1 : Magnus The Red [650pts]
HQ 1 : Daemon Prince (145), Psyker (Mastery Level 3) (75), Wings (40), Mark of Tzeentch (15), Spell Familiar (15) [290pts] [WARLORD]
HQ 2 : Daemon Prince (145), Psyker (Mastery Level 3) (75), Wings (40), Mark of Tzeentch (15), Spell Familiar (15) [290pts]
HQ 3 : Daemon Prince (145), Psyker (Mastery Level 3) (75), Wings (40), Mark of Tzeentch (15), Spell Familiar (15) [290pts]

== Secondary Detachment : Astra Militarum Formation : Psykana Division Mont-Ka ==

HQ 4 : Primaris Psyker (50), Psyker (Mastery Level 2) (25), Force Axe [75pts]
HQ 5 : Commissar [25pts]
HQ 6 : Commissar [25pts]
HQ 7 : Commissar [25pts]
Elite 1 : Wyrdvanes Psykers [60pts]
Elite 2 : Wyrdvanes Psykers [60pts]
Elite 3 : Wyrdvanes Psykers [60pts]


PLAYER 4 : Arnaud "Tyd"
Factions used: Tau Empire & Officio Assassin

== Primary Detachment : CAD Farsight Enclave [Mont’Ka] ==

HQ1: Commander (85), Drone Controler ( 8 ), 2 Marker Drones (12*2), C² Node (15) [132pts] [Warlord]
Troops1 : Xv-8 Crisis (22), Ritual Knife (1) [23pts]
Troops2 : Xv-8 Crisis (22), Ritual Knife (1) [23pts]
FA1: Drone Squad, 4 Marker Drones [56pts]
LoW1 : Stormsurge (360), Shield Generator (50), Pulse Driver Cannon (15), Early Warning Override (5) TL Burst Cannon (5) [435pts]
Fortification : Bunker (55), Escape Hatch (25), Ammunition Dump (20) - [100pts]

== Secondary Detachment : Tau Empire Formation : Riptide Wing [Mont’Ka] ==

Elite1: 3 Riptides (180x3) [570pts]
Elite1a: Ion Accelerator (5) SMS (0), Early Warning Override (5)
Elite1b: SMS (0), Early Warning Override (5), Target lock (5),
Elite1c: SMS (0), Early Warning Override (5), Target lock (5),
Elite2: Riptide (180), SMS (0), Early Warning Override (5) [185pts]
Elite3: Riptide (180), SMS (0), Early Warning Override (5) [185pts]

== Tertiary Detachment : Officio Assasinorum Detachement [Mont’Ka] ==

Elite4: Culexus Assassin - [140pts]


Player 5: Arnaud "Shas-O-Kassad" Monvoisin
Army & Faction Used: Craftworld & Ynnari

== Primary Detachment : Reborn Warhost Detachment - Fracture of Biel Tan ==

HQ1 : Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) [115pts] [Warlord]
Troop1 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [81pts]
Troop2 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [81pts]
Troop3 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [81pts]
Troop4 : 3 Windriders (51), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [81pts]
LoW: Wraithknight (295), 2 D-HeavyCannon (0), 1 Scatter Laser (15) - [310pts]

= Auxilliary1 : Aspect Host Ynnead =
FA2 : 5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA3 : 5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) - [105pts]
FA4 : 5 Warp Spiders (95), Exarch (10) - [105pts]

== Secundary Detachment : Ulthwe Strike Force Detachment - Fracture of Biel Tan ==

EL1: 2 Warwalkers (2x65), 4 Bright Lance (4x5) - [150pts]
EL2: 2 Warwalkers (2x65), 3 Scatter Laser (0), Bright lance (5) - [135pts]
EL3: 3 Windriders (60), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [90pts]
EL4: 3 Windriders (60), 3 Scatter Laser (30) - [90pts]

== Tertiary Detachment : Craftworld CAD - Codex Craftworld Eldars ==

HQ2 : Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15) [115pts]
Troop5 : 3 Windriders [51pts]
Troop6 : 3 Windriders [51pts]
Fortification1 : Void Shield (50), 2 Additionnal Shields (50) - [100pts]


Player 6: Kévin "S_K_X" SIKORSKY
Army & Faction Used: Blood Angels, Grey Knight, Cult Mechanicus, Deathwatch

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Flesh Tearers Strike Force - Codex Blood Angels ==
HQ1 : Librarian(65), Auspex(5), Psyker (Mastery Level 2) (25), Force Stave(0) [95pts]
HQ2 : Sanguinary Priest(60), Angel's Wing(25), Melta-Bombs (5) [90pts]
Troup1 : 5 Scout Squad [55pts]
FA1 : Drop Pod [35pts]
Lord of War1 : Commander Dante [220pts] [WARLORD]

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT : Nemesis Strike Force - Codex Grey Knights ==
HQ3 : Librarian(110), Psyker (Mastery Level 3)(25), Nemesis Daemon Hammer (5), Liber Daemonica (25) [165pts]
HQ4 : Librarian(110), Psyker (Mastery Level 3)(25), Nemesis Daemon Hammer (5) [140pts]
Troup2 : 5 Strike Squad [110pts]
Lord of War1 : Kaldor Draigo [245pts]

== TERTIARY DETACHMENT : Allied Detachment - Codex Cult Mechanicus ==
HQ5 : Tech-Priest Dominus (105), Conversion Field (5), Raiment of the Technomartyr (30) [140pts]
Troup3 : 6 Kataphrons Destroyers(165 + 3*55), 6 Heavy Grav-Cannon(0) [330pts]

== QUARTENARY DETACHMENT : Allied Detachment - Codex Deathwatch ==
HQ6 : Librarian(70), Psyker (Mastery Level 2)(25), Dominus Aegis (20), Force Stave(0) [115pts]
Troup4 : 5 Veteran Squad [110pts]


Player 7: Jérémy "K-lyse" HUANT
Army & Faction Used: Dark Eldar, Imperial Knight, Genestealer Cult

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Combined Arms Detachment - Genestealer Cult ==
HQ1 : Patriarch [90pts] [Warlord]
Troup1 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids [40pts]
Troup2 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids [40pts]
Fortifications1 : Void shield generator(50), 2 Additionnal Void Shield(2*25) [100pts]

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT : Combined Arms Detachment - Dark Eldar ==
HQ2 : Court of the Archon, Lhamaean(10) [10pts]
Troup3 : 5 Kabalite Warriors [40pts]
Troup4 : 5 Kabalite Warriors [40pts]
FA1 : 3 Reavers [48pts]
FA2 : 3 Reavers [48pts]
Fortifications2 : Void shield generator(50), 2 Additionnal Void Shield(2*25) [100pts]

== TERTIARY DETACHMENT : Subterranean Uprising - Genestealer Cult ==
Troup5 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids [40pts]
Troup6 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids [40pts]
Troup7 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids [40pts]
Elite1 : 5 Hybrid Metamorphs(45), 2 Pince métamorphe(4) [49pts]

== QUARTENARY DETACHMENT : Household Detachment - Imperial Knight ==
Lord of War1 : Knight Warden [375pts]
Lord of War2 : Knight Warden [375pts]
Lord of War3 : Knight Warden [375pts]


Player 8: Nicolas "Sven" Nambotin
Army & Faction Used: Chaos Daemons

== PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Chaos Daemons Formation : Omnicient Oracle - Wrath of Magnus ==

HQ1 : Kairos [300pts] [WARLORD]
HQ2 : Lord of Change (230), Psyker (Mastery Level 3) (25), 2 Major Rewards (40), Minor Reward (10), The Impossible Robe (25) [330pts]
HQ3 : Lord of Change (230), Psyker (Mastery Level 3) (25), 2 Major Rewards (40), Minor Reward (10), Paradox (25) [330pts]

== SECONDARY DETACHMENT : Chaos Daemons Combined Arms Detachment ==

HQ4 : The Masque of Slaanesh [75pts]
HQ5 : Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker (Mastery Level 3) (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Exalted Reward (30) [150pts]
Troup1 : 12 Brimstone Horrors [36pts]
Troup2 : 11 Brimstone Horrors [33pts]
Fortification : Aegis Defense Line (50), Barricades (10) [60pts]

==TERTIARY DETACHMENT : Pandemoniad of Tzeentch - Wrath of Magnus ==

= Lorestealerhost =
HQ6 : The Blues Scribes [81pts]
Troup3 : 11 Blues Horrors of Tzeentch [55pts]
Troup4 : 11 Blues Horrors of Tzeentch [55pts]
Troup5 : 11 Blues Horrors of Tzeentch [55pts]

= Brimstones Conflagration =
HQ7 : Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch [50pts]
Troup6 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]
Troup7 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]
Troup8 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]
Troup9 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]
Troup10 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]
Troup11 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]
Troup12 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]
Troup13 : 10 Brimstone Horrors [30pts]


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en tant que joueur amical et relativement fluff, lire ces listes me dégoûte :wacko:

Un sujet de débrif sera-t-il ouvert par la suite ? Je suis intéressé par savoir comment se joue de telles armées (notamment les petites subtilités qui échappent a un gros naab comme moi).





Nous sommes d'accord, je respecte totalement cet aspect ultra compétitif.

C'est simplement une vision très différente de mon cadre de jeu habituel.

Modifié par Last Requiem
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Attention, c'est du jeux par équipe.

L’appariement fait en sorte, que tu cherche un déséquilibre assumé pour soit contrer certaines listes, soit chercher des scores en kill point ou en maestrom.

C'est comme dire qu'une formule 1 est horrible à conduire sur une route normale.

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il y a 23 minutes, Last Requiem a dit :

en tant que joueur amical et relativement fluff, lire ces listes me dégoûte :wacko:

Un sujet de débrif sera-t-il ouvert par la suite ? Je suis intéressé par savoir comment se joue de telles armées (notamment les petites subtilités qui échappent a un gros naab comme moi).

Au premier abord, moi aussi mais il faut bien comprendre que l'ETC n'est pas Warhammer 40k.

Ca piétine le fluff s'en même s'en rendre compte mais c'est justement ça le tournoi. C'est un autre jeu, c'est tout.

Et même si les listes semblent crades, je pense qu'il faut sacrément cogiter pour les faire tourner convenablement face à d'autres listes crades.


Il faut s'imaginer une partie d'échec où les blancs jouent sans fou mais avec 4 cavaliers et les noirs sans pions mais avec 6 tours ! Ca doit être bien fun et pas si simple que ça mais bon, c'est plus vraiment les échecs.


Sinon, +1 pour le débrief. Ca m'intéresserait bien (je me rend compte qu'il y a du boulot quand même ! )


Les listes full brimstone horrors, ça mérite une petite photo non ? :huh:

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Pour ce qui est de la reflexion avant de pouvoir jouer les listes c'est totalement vraie pour certains type de listes et beaucoup moins pour d'autres. Par exemple pour jouer une deathstar ou autre liste faisant intervenir du psy, des unités peut nombreuses et couteuse il va vraiment falloir plancher sur comment la jouer pour faire quelque chose.


Par contre pour certaines listes (par exemple la liste de Le gob que j'affectionne car proche de ce que j'aime jouer) il y a une part de maitrise pour en faire quelque chose de vraiment bon, mais le but de la liste étant de fournir un nombre de cible avec objectif sécurisé tel qu'on en voit jamais le bout, on peut se permettre quelques erreurs de placement ou de choix sans que ce soit aussi punitifs.
J'aime beaucoup le concept de la liste d'olohme avec ses 5figurines, là ou d'autres en posent une centaine initialement et feront des invocs par la suite ca contraste un peu.

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Moi ce qui m’impressionne c'est d'imaginer que l'on puisse jouer certaines de ces listes suffisamment rapidement pour faire ne serait-ce que 3-4 tours (c'est toujours en 2h30 ?) ! j'aimerai voire ça de mes propres yeux. Sinon pour ceux qui découvrent ce format, le mot "fluff" n'a pas de sens ici, c'est assumé par le format. Oubliez le fuff et ne pensez qu'à la strat à déployer avec la liste d'armée, sinon vous allez vous braquez en lisant ces listes :D 

Modifié par addnid
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C est clair que le fluff n'éxiste pas dans ses listes... mais le but c est de faire gagner sont équipe et non pas faire la ronde tous ensemble en ce tenant la main.

Moi certaine liste m'interroge beaucoup j'ai un peu de mal a voir les synergies entre les unités.

Mention spéciale au liste des bisonours avec beaucoup de gros dont une liqte avec juste les 5 chevaliers doit etre chaud a jouer car  un chevalier en moins ca fait mal ... 

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il y a 38 minutes, addnid a dit :

(c'est toujours en 2h30 ?) ! j'ai

Chaque ronde dure 4h, en incluant l’appariement. Il reste en général autour de 3h30 pour les parties, plus si les premiers appareillés ont commencé tout de suite.

A titre d'exemple j'ai fini dans les temps toutes mes parties au D2Sud, avec ma gladius (liste du D2Sud, équipe Arverngers).

Les joueurs sont entraînés à jouer leurs listes, ils connaissent les listes adverses, et ont une idée (à minima) de comment gérer chaque match.


Il y a 15 heures, Last Requiem a dit :

en tant que joueur amical et relativement fluff, lire ces listes me dégoûte :wacko:

L'ETC n'est clairement pas un tournoi fluff, en effet.

Les alliances en cas d'apocalypse sont courantes. Le but est d'optimiser la liste.

@wismeril a répondu sur le jeu en équipe.


Il y a 14 heures, fatmike a dit :

Sinon, +1 pour le débrief. Ca m'intéresserait bien (je me rend compte qu'il y a du boulot quand même ! )

Faire des débriefs c'est long, et le méta change vite, et on risque d'avoir une v8 dans quelques mois ...


Je peux te proposer les feuilles de résultats, je n'ai pas tout mais ça en fait déjà un petit paquet.

D2 Nord :

D2 Sud :


Il y a 14 heures, fatmike a dit :

Au premier abord, moi aussi mais il faut bien comprendre que l'ETC n'est pas Warhammer 40k.

Ca piétine le fluff s'en même s'en rendre compte mais c'est justement ça le tournoi. C'est un autre jeu, c'est tout.

Et même si les listes semblent crades, je pense qu'il faut sacrément cogiter pour les faire tourner convenablement face à d'autres listes crades.

On se rend bien compte qu'on piétine le fluff, et ça fait mal à certains n'en doute pas.

L'ETC est warhammer 40k, avec quelques règles de composition d'armée en plus. C'est 40k compétitif par équipe.

Les listes ont toutes besoin de connaissance pour être jouées, il faut plus de maîtrise sur certaines que sur d'autres certes, mais rien n'est jamais clé en main. L’appariement a un rôle prépondérant dans le jeu par équipe.


Il y a 10 heures, Exalya a dit :

Par contre pour certaines listes (par exemple la liste de Le gob que j'affectionne car proche de ce que j'aime jouer) il y a une part de maitrise pour en faire quelque chose de vraiment bon, mais le but de la liste étant de fournir un nombre de cible avec objectif sécurisé tel qu'on en voit jamais le bout, on peut se permettre quelques erreurs de placement ou de choix sans que ce soit aussi punitifs.

Quel mouvement et quel sacrifice faire à quel moment. Se mettre en place pour être en mesure de les faire ...


il y a 48 minutes, le toy a dit :

Moi certaine liste m'interroge beaucoup j'ai un peu de mal a voir les synergies entre les unités.

N'hésite pas à pointer lesquelles, certaines personnes pourront t'aider à les comprendre (moi et mes faibles connaissances, ou d'autres joueurs du circuit qui passent sur le warfo).



Gardez à l'esprit que 

- c'est un jeu par équipe avec appariement, donc avec des listes orientées, 

- que l'on joue les scénarios ETC qui donnent des objectifs maelstrom, eternal, et de KP à chaque partie, 

- et que c'est de la compétition basée uniquement sur le jeu, le fluff et la peinture n'entrent pas en ligne de compte ici.

C'est un aspect de 40k à part entière (Collection, modélisme, jeu, ici on ne compte que le jeu, même s'il faut noter que l'équipe de France a plusieurs fois eu le prix de peinture, donc que cet aspect du hobby n'est pas jeté par la fenêtre, au contraire). Les listes d'armées peuvent choquer, mais leur but est uniquement la performance sur table (et avec le fluff actuel, on doit pouvoir tout justifier de toute façon dans l'univers de 40k).

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Il y a 19 heures, Otto von Gruggen a dit :

+ PLAYER 7 : fire.mike
+ FACTIONS : Orks + Renegade Knights + Dark Eldars

== Detachment 1 : CAD Ork - Codex Orks ==
HQ1 : Big Mek (35) - [35pts] [Warlord]
Troop1 : 10 gretchin + Runtherd (35) - [35pts]
Troop2 : 10 gretchin + Runtherd (35) - [35pts]
FA1 : 1 Deffkopta (30), Twin-Linked Big Shoota - [30pts]
FA2 : 1 Deffkopta (30), Twin-Linked Big Shoota - [30pts]
HS1 : 1 Mek Gunz (18), upgraded to Lobba (0), 1 Ammo Runt (3) - [21pts]
Fortification1 : Voidshield (50), 2 additionnal Shields (2x25) - [100pts]

== Detachment 2 : Forsworn Knights Detachment - Traitor's Hate Campaign Supplement ==
LoW1 : Renegade Knight (325), 1 Avenger Gatling Canon (50), Stormspear Rocket Pod (40) - [415pts]
LoW2 : Renegade Knight (325), 2 Avenger Gatling Canon (50+60), Stormspear Rocket Pod (40) - [475pts]
LoW3 : Renegade Knight (325), 2 Avenger Gatling Canon (50+60) - [435pts]

== Detachment 3 : CAD Dark Eldars - Codex Dark Eldars   ==
HQ2 : Lhamaean - [10pts]
Troop3 : 5 Kabalyte Warriors - [40pts]
Troop4 : 5 Kabalyte Warriors - [40pts]
FA3 : 3 Reavers - [48pts]
Fortification2 : Voidshield (50), 2 additionnal shields (2x25) - [100pts]

TOTAL : 1849 pts


Voila le genre de liste que je comprend peux...

Pourquoi prendre un cad ork et un eldars noirs. Juste pour le void?? Si c est les cas pourquoi avoir complété les points avec des unités peut utiles plutot que d avoir essayé d'optimiser les troupes obligatoires..

Je n est aucunement le niveau de fire.mike mais voilà je m'interroge la dessus notament.. et j'ai plein d'autre question dans le style mais je vais reglechir un peux plus avant de poser mes autres questions...

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La partie Dark eldars est clairement là car pas chère en troupes et QG, après il faut aussi prendre en compte si je ne m'abuse que chaque codex ne peut être pris qu'une fois dans l'équipe. Donc cramer un codex utile juste pour quelques unités c'est pas forcément le bon plan, là où les Dark Eldars peuvent être pris car personne ne les jouent.

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Le truc qu'il faut comprendre c'est qu'il n'y a pas de mauvaises unités à 40k. Ça peut paraître contradictoire avec le panel mis en avant ci dessus, mais c'est pourtant vrai.


Pour prendre l'exemple de la liste de Mike puis qu'elle a été cité, on peut se dire que 10 gretchin ça sert à rien. Mais si on se met dans le contexte. En fait c'est 10 gretchin super op qui peuvent prendre ou contester un objo tout en étant à couvert et sous voidshield.


De suite c'est plus la même chose et je vous laisse imaginer l'investissement pour nettoyer 10 " pauvres" gretalors qu'ils coûtent zeubi àêtre posé sur table.


Pa synergie de sa liste est là justement. Ce qui fait le taf c'est clairement les 3 RK mais qui reste fragile par ailleurs et dont la ressource à mobiliser pour les détruire ne prend pas 5 à 6 tours. 

D'abord il rajoute 6 void shield pour mitiger les dégâts sur ses rks. Par ailleurs il a ses sattelites qui lui permettent de se tenir dans la course au mael et surtout d'au moins "draw" l'eternal.


Donc quand on laffronte il faut faire un choix. Soit on met le paquet sur les RK et on assume qu'on peut manquer de temps pour gérer le reste. Soit de lui laisser engranger un sacré paquet de point. Mais avec un peu de chance on s'ouvre l'opportunité de lui mettre un gros score.


Soit on nettoie en fonction de l'évolution de la partie et en quel cas le score sera plus serré mais aussi plus sur. Néanmoins plus Mike fait de points plus son rôle dans l'équipe est pertinent. 


Au final il faut choisir et ça fait partie de la strat d'équipe.

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Ce que vous dite je l'avais compris dans les grandes lignes.


Mais si le doubles cda et la à la base pour les voids pourquoi ne pas avoir pris le partie de mettre un venom au troupe de base eldars noirs car obligatoire au lieu des reavers et pourquoi avoir pris un mec plus des options au lieu d'un deuxieme venom super op...


Bref pas des questions existentiel en soit... je pense que fire.mike a du se poser toutes ses questions et qu'il a les réponses.


En tout cas merci pour le partage et meme si le d1 va se résumer a un avrontement BISOUNOURS / artichaut farceur qui on des rosters assez proche d'ailleurs. Cela va se jouer dans le money time ou il va valloir defendre des points dur ou enfoncé l adversaire pour engranger des points...


D ailleur question la victoire se joue sur des défense solides ou des attaques très fortes dans le roster??

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Beaucoup de chose sur ce sujet, Otto a bien répondu.


Je vais du coup juste rebondir sur les propos d'Exalya vu que je suis cité directement :




Pour ce qui est de la reflexion avant de pouvoir jouer les listes c'est totalement vraie pour certains type de listes et beaucoup moins pour d'autres. Par exemple pour jouer une deathstar ou autre liste faisant intervenir du psy, des unités peut nombreuses et couteuse il va vraiment falloir plancher sur comment la jouer pour faire quelque chose.


Par contre pour certaines listes (par exemple la liste de Le gob que j'affectionne car proche de ce que j'aime jouer) il y a une part de maitrise pour en faire quelque chose de vraiment bon, mais le but de la liste étant de fournir un nombre de cible avec objectif sécurisé tel qu'on en voit jamais le bout, on peut se permettre quelques erreurs de placement ou de choix sans que ce soit aussi punitifs.
J'aime beaucoup le concept de la liste d'olohme avec ses 5figurines, là ou d'autres en posent une centaine initialement et feront des invocs par la suite ca contraste un peu.



En réalité, le taf pour maîtriser parfaitement chaque liste est certes pas le même en fonction de ce qui est joué, mais ça reste globalement un taf énorme. De mon point de vue la liste "la plus simple" à maîtriser est la liste Tau, mais ça reste relatif.

Les deathstars sont en effet complexe à maîtriser car c'est des armées de micro-gestion. Cela étant dit, les listes de MSU comme la Lion's Blade le sont à mon avis tout autant. Le simple fait de se dire que l'adversaire n'en verra jamais le bout n'est pas suffisant en soi. Déjà car plusieurs armées sont capable de te tableraser (d'autant plus avec l'arrivé dans le méta du Reborn Warhost des Ynnari qui est un infâmerie totale), mais surtout car chaque erreur peut te faire perdre de précieux points inutilement.

En outre, la Lion's Blade est une liste capable d'aller chercher de gros scores notamment contre des deathstars quand elle est maîtrisé, voir des 20/0 de manière assez stable, notamment contre les listes à base de la formation wolfkin. Mais c'est une armée où les placements et la gestion des ressources doit vraiment être géré avec minutie.



Mais si le doubles cda et la à la base pour les voids pourquoi ne pas avoir pris le partie de mettre un venom au troupe de base eldars noirs car obligatoire au lieu des reavers et pourquoi avoir pris un mec plus des options au lieu d'un deuxieme venom super op...


Car les reavers sont  moins cher, plus mobile, plus solide et plus facile à cacher qu'un venom et que de toute façon l'unité n'est pas la pour faire de l'impact.


La liste a Fire.Mike est très stable. Personnellement et dans le même registre, je trouve que la meilleure est celle de K-Lyse qui est vraiment top.



En tout cas merci pour le partage et meme si le d1 va se résumer a un avrontement BISOUNOURS / artichaut farceur qui on des rosters assez proche d'ailleurs. Cela va se jouer dans le money time ou il va valloir defendre des points dur ou enfoncé l adversaire pour engranger des points...


Détrompes toi, le D1 peut aussi ce jouer sur un craquage de l'une ou l'autre des deux équipes lors d'une des 4 autres rondes, ce qui donnerait immédiatement un avantage à l'autre. Après oui, le match final déterminera très probablement le vainqueur, mais il suffit d'un draw pour l'une ou l'autre sur une des premières rondes pour compliqué énormément les chances de l'autres.


En revanche les rosters ne sont pas si proche. Les Bisounours jouent 2 listes de Knights, 2 deathstars, les classique Tau-Dar-Démon et une liste Magnus assez instable alors que les Artichauts n'ont qu'une seul liste de Knights, ne jouent pas Magnus et ont une Lion's Blade, ce qui change pas mal de chose.



D ailleur question la victoire se joue sur des défense solides ou des attaques très fortes dans le roster??


Ca dépend de la stratégie adopté, certaines équipes peuvent favoriser des attaques très fortes, d'autres font chercher un équilibre globale et quelques match favorable pour faire le taf, d'autre vise un équilibre et une évacuation des grosses menaces rapidement pour optimiser la phase de switch (les 4 dernières listes).

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Quelqu'un peu m'expliquer dans la liste bisounours tau comment ce joue la partie :

== Detachment 4: CAD Genestealer Cult - Codex Genestealers Cult ==
HQ2: Magus - [40pts]

Troop3: 5 Acolyt Hybrids - [40pts]
Troop4: 5 Acolyt Hybrids - [40pts]

Fortification2 : Munitorum Armoured Container - [40pts]

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