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Storm Wardens fondateur ?


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Je vais commencer une liste de Storm Wardens pour la V8 le bleu et le blanc ça me botte bien. 


Par ar contre la question est : quelle tactique de chapitre prendre ? On ne connaît pas leur fondateur. Je mise plus sur le fluff que sur la compétition réelle. 


En lisant un peu on apprend que les Storm Wardens ont plein de Techmarines (Iron Hands ?) qu’ils privilégient les assauts motorisés (White Scars ?) et qu’ils raffolent des duels entre chefs ennemis (Black Templars ?).


D’après vous lequel colle le mieux ?

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C'est vrai que c'est un peu la colle... on retrouve des traits commun aux Iron Hands, aux Black Templar et .... aux Space Wolves !! Et oui, leur nature tribale, le coté gaélique colle pas mal aux SW.

Pour les WS, pas trop. Il y a peu de motos visiblement. Ca cause plus de rhino et de razorback.

Comme ça, je dirais : Black Templar pour le coté corps à corps. En V8, jouer cac, c'est pour le fluff hein ! pas pour briller sur les tables !


Sinon, pour le coté fluff. Comment dans un monde où on joue allègrement avec la génétique, où on bidouille des super-soldats, on ne peut pas remonter la paternité génétique d'un chapitre ?

On a un service de administration terrienne qui est spécialement charger de surveiller le patrimoine génétique des chapitres et ils ne sont pas foutu de faire une bête analyse ADN ?

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Se trouver un chapitre originel cela n'est jamais très simple


Le 15/11/2017 à 09:03, Valkyren a dit :

Je vais commencer une liste de Storm Wardens pour la V8 le bleu et le blanc ça me botte bien. 


Par ar contre la question est : quelle tactique de chapitre prendre ? On ne connaît pas leur fondateur. Je mise plus sur le fluff que sur la compétition réelle. 


En lisant un peu on apprend que les Storm Wardens ont plein de Techmarines (Iron Hands ?) qu’ils privilégient les assauts motorisés (White Scars ?) et qu’ils raffolent des duels entre chefs ennemis (Black Templars ?).


D’après vous lequel colle le mieux ?

Ma source reference:


Au final, qui compte le plus le plus de chapitre successeur? Les Ultra non? Du coup pourquoi pas ultra car certains successeurs ultra ont des organisations spécifiques

Je lis aussi qu'ils utilisent pas mal de vet d'appui et des combats contre des orcs, moi ça me fait vaguement penser aux crimson fists

L'apairage marteau bouclier fait penser aux  IF

Les dropship et drop pods font penser aux RG

Etc (on peut trouver un truc comme ça pour chaque chapitre)


Franchement en creusant un peu, même avec le fluff tu peux presque trouver une justification pour quasi n'importe quel chapitre.

Même leurs reliques collent aux reliques génériques...



Sinon, si je lis les sources du lexicanum (deathwatch core), à coté des storm wardens il y a: BT BA DA SW Ultra

La logique, si on imagine qu'un chapitre successeur de ceux ci n'aurait pas d'interet pour la variété du background/RP, voudrait cet les storm wardens ne soient aucun de ces cinq ci.

Un autre point de vue serait de dire qu'ils ont créé un chapitre de toute pièce suffisamment vague pour incarner n'importe quoi et qu'un chapitre successeur des cinq mentionnés plus haut ait été le plus adéquat à se poser là (ou le seul, car venu aider ses potes, il s'est retrouvé coincé dans le Segmentum Obscurus à coté de l'oeil de la terreur)


Pour ma part je te conseillerais de choisir le sous chapitre qui te plait le plus ou bien surtout celui qui collera le plus à ta liste d'armée  (en évitant soigneusement les plus plus pourris d'entre eux)



Si je devais être objectif je dirais que l'eclair fait penser aux white scar mais c'est bien le seul truc qui puisse y faire penser.

Il faudrait vraiment regarder si l'eclair est une marque purement WS ce dont je doute un peu mais j'ai pas le courage de chercher un contre exemple :P


Une piste: (source deathwatch core p339)

  Known Adeptus Astartes Contingents
Angels Vermillion: 1 Company
Space Wolves: 1 Battle Company
White Consuls: 2 Companies
Dark Sons: 3 Companies
Grey Knights [RESTRICTED]
Blood Swords: 2 Companies
Relictors: 1 Special Detachment
Storm Wardens: 7 Companies
Also elements of the Death Spectres,
Subjugators, Disciples of Caliban, and Iron
Snakes represented in a sanctioned Crusader
Company as guardians of the Holy Crusade

Ici on a du: BA SW Ultra GK BA relictors?(traitoris rangés avec le chaos...) Storm Wardens? RG IF DA Ultra

Perso je me dis que choisir parmi RG ou Ultra (2 des tactiques de chapitre les moins pourries avec les salamanders) pour les Storm Wardens ça a du sens

Les Ultra il y en a déja pas mal, même un sous chapitre de sous chapitre Ultra.

Les RG présents (death spectres) sont issus d'une 13° fondation et leur genes déconnent un peu, alors comme les storm wardens ont aussi qq soucis (corruption) ça peut coller fluffiquement


Bref, comme pour les chapitres accessibles pour jouer un perso jdr à deathwatch cela n'apporte pas vraiment d'eau au moulin sur le vrai chapitre fondateur des storm wardens, mais si ça peut te permettre à toi de choisir en postulant une hypothese toi même on pourra dire que ce post n'a pas servi à rien


Dans le doute et en cas d'hésitation je te conseille de prendre une tactique de chapitre pas trop moche si tu veux que le jour ou tu vas poser tes figs sur une table pour jouer tu ne sois pas trop déçu

Moi je prendrais Ultra t'as de la matière pour un peu n'mporte quelle liste, RG c'est quand même un peu pété mais va énormément influencé ta liste si tu veux en profiter ce qui n'est pas vraiment ton but il me semble.


Un peu de lecture (deathwatch core jdr p50-52) c'est toujours mieux d'avoir l'original




Storm Wardens
–Lorgath Maclir at the Purging of Vigil
The Storm Wardens are stoic defenders often found upon
the very borders of the Imperium. Up until recently,
these Space Marines focused their attention upon the
great warp storms that trouble the Halo Stars region on the
galaxy’s western edge. There, they protect frontier worlds
from the predations of xenos threats, Chaos renegades, and
heretical recidivists. They are often unknown and unsung
heroes to those planets they defend, for the Storm Wardens
are highly insular, and there are only a relative handful of
monuments and records that celebrate their long list of battle
honours. A bizarre twist of fate occurred in the depths of the
36th Millennium, during the Age of Apostasy—an event that
many hold responsible for the Chapter’s aloof nature.
The Storm Wardens lost many of the records of their
founding during what later became known as the Nemesis
Incident in roughly 945.M36. This event began during an illomened
joint operation involving elements of the Inquisition
against the Enslaver infestation of the Steropes Cluster.
It is unknown exactly what transpired amongst Steropes’
cyclopean ruins, but the aftermath of this campaign forever
altered the destiny of the Storm Wardens Chapter.
Upon the conclusion of the Nemesis Incident, the serving
Storm Warden’s Chapter Master, Owin Glendwyr, consulted
with an Inquisitor Lord of the Ordo Xenos upon a most dire
decision. The Chapter Master sealed many sections
of the Storm Wardens’ fortress-monastery by
the authority of the Lords of Terra. All
traces of their history and even the proud
legacy of their heritage to one of the
primarchs were destroyed or hidden
away. The Storm Warden’s home
world of Sacris was forbidden
to have greater contact with the
Imperium at large.
The only sanctioned
record of that time, the Liber
Tempest, claims that many
Storm Wardens were placed
in hidden stasis vaults,
including the Chapter
Master and the entire veteran
First Company. The Chapter’s
Dreadnoughts are the guardians
of these hidden chambers, and
each has taken a vow of silence,
standing as mute sentinels
over these forbidden places.
After the Nemesis Incident, the Chapter re-built its First
Company. These honoured Battle-Brothers know themselves
as the “The Inheritors”, custodians of the Chapter’s honour
until the day their ancestors rise from their timeless slumber.
Ever since this time, the Storm Wardens have redoubled
their diligence, and their fortress-monastery mounts
sophisticated scanning technology placed reluctantly by
the Adeptus Mechanicus as payment for an ancient pact.
Currently, the Chapter is led by Lorgath Maclir, a cunning
strategist who constantly challenges his captains with tactical
exercises and obsessively studies the Tactica Imperialis. Some
rumours claim that Lorgath has managed to memorise these
precepts of war, an impressive feat even for a Space Marine’s
enhanced memory.

the WorlD of storms
Located in the Calixis Sector of the Segmentum Obscurus,
the planet known as Sacris is classified as Forbidden by the
Adeptus Terra. Sacris is a remote, feudal world of highland
moors and dark, oppressive swampland. It is inhabited by
primitive human tribes of warriors who gather around
charismatic warlords and continually struggle for dominance
in the murky swamps. The tribes of Sacris have a fierce code
of honour and hold that a man’s word is his bond. The tribes
worship the Emperor as a stern father-figure who judges all
men’s souls by the strength of their arms and the purity of
their honour. The culture of Sacris has a strong impact on
the Storm Wardens, and it is not uncommon to
see Storm Warden’s Scouts with woad-painted
faces like those of the native tribes. Humans
are not the only inhabitants of Sacris; a sizeable
colony of abhuman ogryns
survive on the rocky
southern continent,
possibly the result of
an ancient oath sworn
by the Storm Wardens
prior to the Nemesis
Incident. Whatever the
truth may be, the Storm
Wardens have no particular
distaste for abhumans and have fought
beside Imperial Guard regiments
including ogryns and ratlings in
the past. Currently, automated
beacons surround Sacris’ orbit,
declaring the world forbidden and
spreading rumours of virulent plague.
The reason for this deception is
unknown, save for the fact that it was
Owin Glendwyr’s final command as
Chapter Master. Chapter Masters
have since dutifully carried on
with this oath-bound quarantine,
although they know not its
The Storm Wardens
maintain their fortress

monastery on Highcastle, the single brilliant ivory moon
that orbits Sacris. Crenelated towers surmounted by watchful
gargoyle-servitors mark the presence of this immense and
ancient keep. Inhabited by the Storm Wardens, it contains
massive chambers where the Chapter’s vehicles and wargear
are maintained. The fortress-monastery’s grey halls bear
many blank banners and deep, irreparable scars left behind
from the effects of the Nemesis Incident. Highcastle’s lower
halls extend deep below the moon’s surface and contain
ancient automated furnaces to provide the raw materials and
conditions necessary to craft new weapons and vehicles for
the Chapter’s use, overseen by the Master of the Forge. Deeper
still are the stasis chambers, though none but the Chapter’s
Dreadnoughts know of their exact location. Highcastle
is a nigh-impregnable fortress, although many significant
portions remain inaccessible and silent. The age of Highcastle
is difficult to determine, but the fragmentary records
remaining to the Storm Wardens indicate that Highcastle was
present in the region before the Angevin Crusade and the
formal foundation of the Calixis Sector.

The Storm Wardens descend from Sacris’ moon to the foggy
moors and teeming tribes below to hold a series of games and
ritual combats to select only the fiercest and most cunning
warriors to join their ranks as aspirants.
Often, aspirants must struggle against the fen-trolls and
other highly dangerous native fauna of Sacris during the
trials, battling their way up and down the shifting moors in a
combination skirmish and marathon race. The aspirants must
navigate past pockets of deadly swamp gas, through regions
infested with swarm leeches, across quicksand-laden plains,
and find their way to the Storm Warden’s landing site. Those
who survive that far then compete in games that pit aspirants
against each other in contests of strength and skill at arms.
Simply to compete in these trials elevates a man in the eyes
of the tribes of Sacris; succeed or fail, he has tested himself
against the greatest warriors on the planet, and that is worthy
of great respect. After passing the trials, many Aspirants
take with them the Sacris claymore, an heirloom weapon
cherished by the tribesmen. It is also common that, when a
Storm Warden dies, his claymore is ritually returned to his
homeworld, and many blades have earned great honour for
their tribe in this manner.

the Way of honour
The Storm Wardens, like the feral tribesman they recruit from,
value personal honour and strength at arms. It is said that
many Storm Wardens prefer to challenge enemy commanders
to personal combat in order to test themselves against the
best that the foe has to offer. Many Storm Wardens have
a predilection for single combat with a foe they consider
worthy of such a distinction, although more than a few
veteran sergeants and captains have fallen in battle against
particularly dangerous opponents in this way.
The Storm Wardens are highly insular, and rarely visit
other worlds. In fact, the Calixis Sector is largely unaware
of their very presence, with the exception of several highranking
Inquisitors and Lord Sector Hax. Much of the
Chapter’s aloof nature has to do with the high value that the
Storm Wardens place on personal honour, and some speculate
that these Space Marines prefer not to associate with many of
the disreputable worlds that surround them.
Despite their generally remote and detached nature,
Storm Wardens rarely cause friction with the Imperium’s
various organisations, having assisted both the Inquisition
and the Imperial Guard in numerous campaigns and actions
throughout their history. Many Imperial frontier worlds
under dire threat have witnessed the sight of Storm Warden’s
drop pods entering the atmosphere, each containing a squad
of Space Marines intent on repelling any attack upon the
Imperium’s borders.

Combat DoCtrine
The traditions of the Chapter mirror those of the tribes
of Sacris, with a strong emphasis on close combat, testing
themselves against the strongest of foes upon the field of
Like most Codex Chapters, the Storm Wardens perform
well at all forms of combat, but there is one strategy they have
refined with devastating effect. Using heavy armour, their
assaults feature numerous Predator tanks and Land Raiders.
The enemy is subjected to a savage but brief bombardment,
either from a Strike Cruiser in close orbit or a Thunderhawk
gunship strafe. This pins the enemy in place for an armoured
assault by the Chapter’s Predators and Land Raiders, supported
by Rhinos and Razorbacks carrying Tactical and Sternguard
squads into the thick of battle.
It is this armoured assault which has its roots in the
Chapter’s recruiting world of Sacris. Many Storm Wardens
use their armoured vehicles as a steed to carry them into the
thick of the battle, where they may launch savage assaults
against the enemy and fight by the tenets of the Way of
Honour. Their preference for fighting in tandem with the
heavy firepower and mobility of their armoured units has led
to many stunning tactical feats, and also evens the balance
so they may fight their enemy face-to-face on even and
honourable terms.
It is no surprise, therefore, that the Chapter currently
counts a high number of Techmarines amongst its number,
and there has been some speculation that the Storm Wardens
have a closer relationship with the Adeptus Mechanicus than
other Space Marine Chapters.


Storm Wardens characters
Storm Wardens value strength at arms and have battled for centuries against some of the most dangerous denizens beyond
the Imperium’s borders.
A Storm Wardens Space Marine gains the following benefits: +5 Strength, +2 Wounds, and the Thunder’s Call Solo
Mode Ability (see page 218).
Starting Gear: A Storm Wardens Space Marine may replace his combat knife with a Sacris claymore (see page 170).


Aspire to Glory
Aspire to Glory is a Demeanour (see page 32) that is part of the beliefs and traditions of the Storm Wardens Chapter.
While fierce upon the field of battle, Storm Wardens are no less committed to the tenets of personal honour and
obligation. Generally considered clannish and aloof even by other Space Marines, Storm Wardens prefer to remain distant
from the Imperium at large. A Storm Warden is slow to make friends, but esteems and protects those who persevere to
become companions.
Amongst the Storm Wardens, one’s word is his bond, and honour is paramount. The night before battle is often spent
in meticulous planning of tactics and strategy, sharing quiet camaraderie amongst their fellow warriors. Many of the most
senior Battle-Brothers engage in ritualised duals, the victors gaining a coveted place in the vanguard.
Most Storm Wardens enjoy debate and crafting points to support their arguments, although some outsiders see these
tendencies as quarrelsome or insubordinate. However, once a course of action has been agreed upon, a Storm Warden will
set aside any dispute and carry it out. Perhaps because of their fondness for debate or their own turbulent history, Storm
Wardens have an interest in mysteries and engimas. This curiosity has led more than a few Battle-Brothers to volunteer for
the Deathwatch.
When battle begins, Storm Wardens fight with keen fervour, often seeking out an enemy champion or commander to
test his skills against.

Kraazgrug’s Folly
One of the most famous of the Storm Wardens’ battles took place on the verdant plains of Keffik’s
World in the Scarus Sector. An Ork warband led by Warboss Kraazgrug had been ravaging a number
of settlements and threatened the food supply for an entire sub-sector. Just before the Orks overran
the last of the system’s defences, an astropathic distress signal was relayed to Sacris. In response,
the Storm Wardens deployed several companies of Space Marines, supported by many armoured
vehicles. These forces were under the command of Captain Lorgath Maclir (prior to his ascension to
the rank of Chapter Master) and included a handful of Space Marines from the elite First Company.
Maclir’s plan was to face the Warboss’ trukks and warbuggies on the open plains of the northern
continent. However, the Ork vehicles manoeuvred through the depths of a massive dust storm, and
Maclir was forced to revise his strategy. Dispatching Scout Bikers, Stormravens, and Land Speeder
Typhoons, he used his swiftly-moving skirmishing force to lure the main body of the greenskin’s
army into a box canyon. The Orks and the warboss were eliminated with an unrelenting salvo of
heavy weapons fire from the rim of the canyon, and no greenskin left that battlefield alive.

The Cleansing of Vigil
A singularly savage conflict was fought entirely underground in the tunnels beneath the dead world
of Vigil. In those lightless passages, the Storm Wardens battled metre by bloody metre in a series
of close-range firefights against the foul Slaugth and their warrior constructs. The cleansing of Vigil
proved to be a crucial test of the Chapter’s resolve, as the tight quarters of the tunnels precluded
the use of heavy armour and the alien forces seemed particularly adept at provoking the Storm
Wardens into abandoning a cautious, methodical approach. The planet was cleansed at last, but at
the cost of many veteran Battle-Brothers. The survivors, however, had learned to pay closer heed to
the wisdom of the Codex Astartes, and Chapter Master Maclir promoted many of these veterans to
his honour guard.


Le reste des ref du lexicanum sont assez courtes, si t'en veux le detail c'est jouable (mais en anglais)


Modifié par marmoth
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Merci pour vos inspirations. 


Je vais voir ce que je vais faire mes fig ne sont as encore peintes, je peux encore changer de chapitre... le problème c’est que l’autre chapitre qui me tente bien sont les Crimsons Fists et j’ai lu que leur trait était pourri...

Pour les Storm Wardens je pense prendre l’ultra car après tout ce trait s’applique à tous les chapitres codex standards hormis ceux qui sont détaillés plus spécifiquement. 

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Le 15 novembre 2017 à 09:03, Valkyren a dit :


Je vais commencer une liste de Storm Wardens pour la V8 le bleu et le blanc ça me botte bien. 



:huh: bleu et blanc?




pour moi c'est bleu et metal...


Ah oui et au fait


Ca donne ca en rendu :




Modifié par Master Avoghai
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