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Set de décor à venir zone mortalis- compatible : Forteresse de Gang


Necromunda: Home Sweet Home



There’s an incredible terrain piece on the way for Necromunda – the Gang Stronghold. Join us as we take a look at this new way to build an HQ for your fighters.

It’s a great time to be a fan of Necromunda – we’ve seen the release of the definitive Goliath book, House of Chains, and soon Escher will be getting the same treatment with House of Blades. We’ve seen the Zone Mortalis scenery allow players to create their own version of the underhive. But what if you wanted to build your gang their own base? Well, now you can, with the Gang Stronghold. This awesome new terrain lets your gang put down roots in the underhive and then defend their home from anyone who would try to assault it.

As you can see, the word stronghold is a pretty good description. It’s not just a brilliant terrain piece though – it also has some extra rules that let you play some really narrative games. For example, that watchtower isn’t just the ideal spot to place a sniper, it can also prevent enemy fighters from sneaking up on you.

Of course, some gangs, such as the Subjugators with their SLHG assault rams, won’t be sneaking around – they’ll be kicking down the front door. Fortunately, if you are expecting trouble with the law, you can lock the gate. Hopefully they’ll think that you’re not in and leave you alone.

SIY8qL4JU0W142b2.jpgIf any unwelcome visitors don’t get the hint, then you can use the firing ports to make your point a little clearer. Not only do these give your fighters protection while they shoot at any attackers, but they can also be used to make a swift (if unglamourous) exit if things are going badly.


As well as looking really cool on its own, the Gang Stronghold is fully compatible with the range of Zone Mortalis kits, meaning that you can create the gang hideout of your dreams. Not only that, but you can easily use it in games of Warhammer 40,000, Kill Team or even The Horus Heresy to create a thematic battlefield that really captures the feel of a lived-in section of an underhive in the galaxy of the far future.

The Gang Stronghold will be coming out soon. In the meantime, start building your own little dark corner of the underhive with the Zone Mortalis Columns and Walls set.


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Une news inattendue c'est toujours sympa!


Le décors en lui même change par rapport aux secteurs industriels précédents, il est plus "roots". C'est sympa.

A titre personnel j'ai déjà assez de décors de construits et peints dans mon bureau, ma place étant très limitée désormais et ça m'intéresse peu.


J'attends surtout le House of Blades pour me plonger dans l'histoire détaillée des Eschers, parce que j'ai vraiment beaucoup aimé House of Chains.

L'attente ne devrait plus être très longue je pense.

Fin Août début Septembre au plus tard?



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Le 12/08/2020 à 13:58, Yuna ter a dit :

Cependant, j'attends le prix avec un peu d'appréhension vu la taille du truc.

J'attends surtout de voir la production mondiale. Encore un article qui va être en rupture après 1h de préco?

Mais sinon oui, il est chouette, et il a des règles spéciales intéressantes. 

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En précommande la week-end prochain :



In the underhive, it’s time for the Escher gangs to have their moment in the spotlight with the release of House of Blades. This book is the ultimate guide for all things Escher, featuring the definitive history of the house, rules for fielding an Escher gang in games of Necromunda, and new Dramatis Personae. There are also rules for Hired Guns, Hangers-on, and Brutes for every gang, along with some Escher-specific ones. This tome lets you form new alliances, while also containing gang-specific tactics. If you’re a fan of House Escher, or just want to explore the storied history of Necromunda, you’ll want to get your hands on this. It’ll be available in hardback and ePub versions.

Along with the new book come extra fighters for Escher gangs in the form of Death-maidens and Wyld Runners. The Death-maidens are gang Champions that have been raised from the dead to claim vengeance in the name of House Escher, while Wyld Runners are reckless and bold Prospects seeking to prove themselves in the gang. The new box lets you build two Death-maidens, four Wyld Runners, and four Phelynx, – vicious creatures that sometimes accompany Wyld Runners. With a range of new weaponry, including venom claws and wyld bows, these new fighters will add even more flexibility into your Escher gangs, enabling you to spread your poisons to the furthest reaches of the underhive.

If you’re looking for something a bit slower and stronger than the Eschers, look no further than the Slave Ogryns. Introduced as a gang in the House of Chains book, you can now field them in your games of Necromunda thanks to this new kit. The six Ogryns, armed with augmetic fists, storm welders, and spud-jackers, will prove that in the underhive, might makes right. Also included in the kit are options to make a Lobo-slave and an Ogryn with just one arm.

If you want to expand your Slave Ogryn gang, or include an Ogryn as a Brute for any gang, you can also pick up the Jotunn H-grade Servitor Ogryns box. It makes two Ogryns and contains the same options for heads, weapons, and bodies as the larger kit above, so it is perfect for expanding the strength of your underhive forces.

Four new card packs are also on their way for Necromunda. Tactics packs for the Escher and Ogryn Slave gangs will make it easy for you to keep track of your fighters and gang-specific strategies, with each including 18 gang-specific Tactics cards and 8 blank Fighter cards. Meanwhile, the Necromunda Open Hive War Card Pack allows you to generate missions for your games simply. Between Deployment cards, Objective cards, Loot cards, and Peril cards, there are thousands of combinations, meaning that you’ll never have to play the same game twice. The Zone Mortalis Gang Tactics Cards add even more strategic options for you in the underhive. With 12 gang-specific* cards and another 12 usable by any gang, you’ll be able to take control of your surroundings and emerge victorious.

Finally, you can declare your allegiance to either the House of Blades or the House of Chains with these two gang-specific dice sets. Containing three D6s, two ammo dice, two injury dice, and a scatter dice – these are all the dice you need to dominate the dark corners of the underhive.

Of course, we can’t guarantee that they’ll be lucky – luck can be very fickle on Necromunda.

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Pour information :

Product Code Barcode Description FRR
60050599003 5011921131655 NECROMUNDA: ESCHER GANG TACTICS CARDS €12,00
60040599024 9781788269506 NECROMUNDA: HOUSE OF BLADES (ENGLISH) €37,00
60050599004 5011921131662 NECROMUNDA: SLAVE OGRYN TACTICS CARDS €12,00
99120599020 5011921133284 JOTUNN H-GRADE SERVITOR OGRYNS €32,50
99120599019 5011921133277 ESCHER DEATH MAIDENS & WYLD RUNNERS €34,00
99120599021 5011921133291 NECROMUNDA SLAVE OGRYN GANG €65,00






House of Blades: Building an Escher Gang



House of Blades is available to pre-order from Saturday, along with the new Death-maiden and Wyld Runner kit, so we thought we’d take the opportunity to share an idea for a new gang with you. Join us as we recruit a 1000-credit Escher gang, ready to take on the worst the underhive has to offer.

Every gang needs a Leader, and we’re going to get an Escher Gang Queen and tool her up so that she can inspire the fighters that follow her. A combi-weapon (bolter/needler) gives her some deadly ranged options, while a shock whip should stop anyone coming too close. We’ll also master-craft the whip for that crucial re-roll to hit.


Serving as gang Champions, we’re taking a couple of Death-maidens. Their lethality more than makes up for their inability to perform group activations. Both armed with a needle pistol and venom claw, their job is to make the most of terrain to sneak up on enemy fighters and eviscerate them.


We’re going to need a little bit of covering fire while our Death-maidens get into position, so we’re recruiting a pair of Gang Sisters (the new name for Escher Gangers). The lasgun is just the sort of reliable weapon that you need in the underhive, which is why we’ve gone for a pair of those.


To round the gang out, what could be better than a couple of Wyld Runners? One carries a whip, which is not only great for training her three Phelynx but it’s also handy for training any enemy fighters that dare to attack her.* With their venomous bite, those Phelynx will surprise a few hostile gangers too. Finally, we have a Wyld Runner with a wyld bow. Having the Silent trait,** it’s super useful in certain scenarios (such as taking out a sentry on top of a watchtower).



That leaves us with 45 creds unspent, but we’ve found it’s often a good idea to keep a few in your stash just in case something unexpected happens in your first game.*** 

This is a gang that likes to get up close and personal – the Gang Queen and Death-maidens should be able to take out most enemy fighters in close combat (although we wouldn’t recommend them taking on an Ambot without some support). Keep the Wyld Runners and their Phelynx close by and find some excellent vantage spots where the Gang Sisters can keep enemy heads down with their lasgun fire.

As your campaign develops, you can grow your gang any way that you like. Recruit some more Wyld Runners if yours have been promoted to Escher Gang Matriarchs or even hire that notorious Escher Bounty Hunter, Kria ‘the Huntress’ – the underhive is your ultra-violent oyster.

The House of Blades and the Death-maiden and Wyld Runner kit are both available to pre-order from Saturday. In the meantime, grab an Escher Gang so that you’re ready to carve out your own little corner of Necromunda. Make sure you join us throughout the week as we’ll be taking a closer look at the lore and rules in the House of Blades book.

* Just don’t let her hear you claim she only carries it to copy her Gang Queen.
** In scenarios that use the Sneak Attack special rules, no test is required to see whether the enemy raises the alarm when you fire a Silent weapon.
*** It could be just enough to pay for a visit to the doc.




Get Ready for the next Warhammer Preview Online



Warhammer Preview incoming! This weekend, we’ll be bringing you the Warhammer Preview Online: Shadow, Iron & Broken Realms. The preview will be full of tantalising teases, new models, and cool stuff for a huge variety of games. Seriously – if you’re into any of this…


…then you’re in for a good time. 

As with our previous incredible previews, we’ll be bringing you the latest news, teases, and shiny models LIVE on Twitch, accompanied by an in-depth round-up right here on Here’s when you need to tune in to catch it all.

As always, the preview is free to watch, with the chat open to subscribers who are looking to ask their burning questions! If you love Warhammer and have something to say at the latest preview, this could be your chance! Bear in mind that if you have Amazon Prime, you could have a free subscription just waiting to be claimed. 


We’ll see YOU on Saturday – make sure to mark your calendar and set an alarm!

Modifié par TheBoss™
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On verra les nouvelles règles pour ces Eschers. C'est le bouquin que j'attend le plus (plus que les figs).


Celles des Goliaths étant extrêmement intéressantes dans House of Chains (bien que chères au vu de leur puissance), on verra si celles des demoiselles sont du même niveau.

J'ai l'impression que les Wylds Runners ne sont pas données. Les caracs de l'arc étaient pas terrible dans mon souvenir (avant qu'il ne le retire de l'article).

210 Cdts pour la nana avec 3 Phelynxh, je suis curieux de savoir à quoi ça correspond.


En tout cas moi je n'ai pas encore intégré les nouvelles règles des Goliaths dans mes parties, je trouve ça déséquilibré.

J'attends le début d'année prochaine pour qu'au moins 3 des 6 premiers gangs aient reçu des renforts, qu'ils puissent jouer leurs nouvelles règles entre eux, avant d'y intégrer les derniers.


Et puis samedi on aura surement un teasing the House of Iron...

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Giving the Underhive a Lick of Paint



It can’t be overstated how much a fully painted battlefield adds to a game. Necromunda is no exception – two gangs clashing on a Zone Mortalis board is a thrilling spectacle. Today, we’re joined by Matt Crowther of Sprues & Brews, who painted just such a battlefield and is here to share how he did it. Take it away, Matt.

Matt: There is nothing cooler having a battle over a table of painted scenery, and this is never more true than in games of Necromunda. When the Dark Uprising box came out, we got claustrophobic Zone Mortalis terrain in plastic. This allowed us to put together the twisted, filth-ridden corridors of the underhive in our own homes!

Excited to build my own little corner of the underhive, I snapped up a couple of Dark Uprising boxes along with some Zone Mortalis Floor Tile Sets. This gave me enough scenery for multiple layouts and varied set-ups for my games of Necromunda. I was conscious that I wanted to get these kits ready to hit the battlefield as soon as possible, so I came up with a colour scheme that is really quick to paint up, while still looking good enough for my gangs to fight over.

The first job once you have assembled the scenery is to get everything primed. I used Chaos Black spray here, as this base would work well with the dark colours I wanted for the scenery and allowed me to cheat a little by leaving this darker black in the recesses for some easy shading.

Next, while the black was still drying, I quickly added the rest of the base colours. You may well be calling the Inquisition to report me for heresy against painting here by not allowing the primer to dry properly, and normally you would be right! However, letting the colours run together really adds to the overall effect of a filthy, grime-ridden industrial complex. For this stage I used an airbrush and the Citadel Air range, but this can be easily replicated with Citadel sprays. Just make sure you are using short, contained bursts of paint.

First up were the silver sections. Using Leadbelcher, I sprayed all the metallic areas, including the pipes on the top panels of the columns, the staircases, and the panel edges on the tile set. At this stage you don’t need to worry too much about keeping things neat and tidy, as any overspray will be covered by the next few steps and will add to the worn, lived-in feel that we are going for here.

With the silver down, the next step is getting some colour on the main surfaces. For this I used Mechanicus Standard Grey Air, focused on the raised areas. Make sure to leave the darker base in the crevices. I highlighted this with a stronger blast of Mechanicus Standard Grey. This gives the raised areas more definition and brighter colour while leaving a transition down to the dark base colour. On the tiles, I used this same principle by giving the centre of each tile a stronger, more solid layer of Mechanicus Standard Grey while fading out towards the edges. Take your time here, as getting this down across the pieces consistently really adds to the overall effect.

With the base colour sorted, it was time for the really fun, really messy part. I’d recommend putting down some paper here to protect your work surface, as there’s lots of potential for making a mess – appropriate, as we’re adding some realistic filth and grime across all the scenery pieces. While you could apply these in specific areas, what I find is that it tends to look a lot more realistic if this is allowed to flow and spread randomly across the pieces. 

With the largest Shade brush I had, I liberally spread water all over the scenery and tiles. You don’t want to be subtle here – absolutely flood the surfaces with water and allow it to pool in areas. 

Next, I used the same large brush to heavily apply Agrax Earthshade and Nuln Oil to the wet areas. I allowed it to flow and spread as it pleased. The colour starts to pool naturally in areas that water and muck would in the Underhive, making the final effect look a lot more realistic. It’s important here to not try to control where this paint flows – let it go where it will. It may look like you’ve gone over the top at this point, but don’t fear!

For some more realistic weathering, I used weathering powder to add much more filth to my terrain. I sprinkled it into some of the pools of water and again allowed it to flow naturally into the crevices. You can also apply this in areas directly with a wet brush. Focusing on areas where the dirt would collect will strengthen how realistic this will eventually look. 

I left the scenery to dry overnight. In the morning, all the water had evaporated, leaving the colour from the washes and the pigment from the weathering powders behind. This is a surprisingly effective technique and a really easy way to get a large battlefield ready without spending a long time highlighting and shading the individual pieces.

For variety, I added spot colours in the form of signifier markings on the doors and hazard stripes on the floor tiles. These are really easy to do by masking off areas on the models with tape, then spraying with a colour such as Averland Sunset. If you don’t have an airbrush, you can use a small piece of sponge to spread the paint over the masked area. Once dry, carefully remove the tape to reveal your nice, sharp hazard stripes!

That’s how I got my Zone Mortalis scenery ready for the battlefield as quickly as possible. Why not give it a try, and create your own filthy corner of the Underhive.

Thanks, Matt, for the detailed guide! If you’re inspired by Matt’s work and decide to create your own Zone Mortalis battlefield, you can get started with a Floor Tile Set and a pack of Columns and Walls. Remember to share the


Enter the House of Blades



The new House of Blades book is available for pre-order from Saturday. It’s the indispensable guide to all things Escher, and you’ll find it packed with new rules, tactics and background. Today, we’re taking a look at some of the lore contained within this incredible book.

House History

House Escher is the oldest Clan House upon Necromunda and can even trace their genetic strength back to M32, when legendary warrior women known as the Blades first made their mark upon the planet. In the intervening millennia, they have celebrated many successes and suffered many defeats. Wars with House Goliath raged on and off until the Great Poisoning during the Mynerva Famine, which killed thousands of Goliath warriors and saw them all but wiped out in the subsequent fighting. However, during M39, the house was infected with the Flesh Curse, and some nine out of every ten male children died before reaching their second cycle. Other clans tried to take advantage of their weakened position, and the House of Blades suffered many losses. It was left to the matriarchs of the clan to claim leadership and over the years, through means both subtle and violent, they have risen to reclaim their place among the Clan Houses. They are truly the heirs of the original Blades on Necromunda.


The leader of the house is known as the Matriarch Primus – the Queen of all Escher upon Necromunda. Supporting her are the Council of Crones, made up of members from Escher’s most prominent families and powerful individuals. It’s their responsibility to enact the will of the Matriarch Primus and govern the day-to-day running of the clan. Escher also benefits from close ties with the noble House Ulanti. The Escher actually began as a secret sect within House Ulanti, known as the Eschaki. Following the infamous Two-faced War between Ulanti and House Athenos, the Eschaki chose a self-imposed exile from the spire as they had become disillusioned with how far Ulanti had drifted from their origins. Even as the Eschaki evolved into the Escher, they maintained their alliance with Ulanti, a deal that had served both sides well over the years.

Gangs of Legend

The Carrion Queens, the Bittersweet Blades, the Red Widows – these gang names are feared across the underhive. These are just a few of the legendary Escher gangs. Who could forget Sadie ‘Original’ Sinn, the leader of the Sump City Sirens? She crowned herself Queen of the Sump after the great spider attack of ’95.* Just as deadly, but much stranger are the Wyrd Sisters, well-known for creeping everybody out, though no one is quite sure why. They’re still the go-to gang if you need to hunt an underhive vampire though.**

Dramatis Personae

There are a number of famous (and infamous) characters associated with House Escher. Betti Banshee was once a Gang Queen until her throat was ripped out by a Goliath ’zerker. She now plies her trade as a Bounty Hunter, using the vox hailer that replaced her lower jaw to scare the fight out of her prey. Wrapped in her stained and torn robe, Necrana the ancient Death-maiden is a nightmare given form. Years of battle have left her pallid flesh pockmarked with battle scars, yet she still continues to rise to claim vengeance for the clan. Then there is Cyniss, the mother of poisons. In battle she carries a wealth of poisons and chems to feed her wrist-mounted needle pistols. With a contemptuous gesture, she can unleash a flurry of these darts, paralysing, rendering unconscious, or even killing her foes.

The new House of Blades book takes an even more in-depth look at these and many other topics. It features the storied history of House Escher and is indispensable for anyone wanting to learn more about this incredible house. The book is available for pre-order from Saturday, so make sure that you grab your copy. And stick around, as we’ll be taking a look at some of the new rules from the book later in the week.

* A legendary battle that required more than just some cups and bits of card to capture the rampaging arachnids.
** People with long teeth who drink blood and don’t like sunlight are 10-a-cred down in the underhive.

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House of Blades: New Rules for the Escher



The new House of Blades book features a range of new tools that will allow Escher gangs to slice and dice their way across the underhive. Today, we’re taking a look at some of the rules from the book.

Death-maidens and Wyld Runners

Earlier in the week, we looked at how to create an Escher gang using the new Wyld Runners and Death-maidens models. But what can they do in battle? Death-maidens are raised from the grave to deal retribution in the name of House Escher. In the game, they’re truly lethal fighters. To represent the sheer amount of chemicals in their system required to bring them back to life, they even have poisonous blood!


You can take advantage of this special rule with the venom claw, which is one of the Death-maidens’ favourite weapons and which happens to have the Toxin trait. Armed with one of these, your Death-maidens will be sowing terror throughout the underhive.


At the other end of their lifespan are the Wyld Runners. These are young and reckless fighters, known as bold underhive explorers and beast wranglers. As up-and-coming prospects in the gang, they have a huge potential for growth and they only cost a handful of credits to recruit.


They also have access to a unique range of weaponry, including wyld bows – which come with a variety of deadly arrows – and whips. Usually, these whips are used to train their pet Phelynx, but they’re also useful in a scrap. 


Speaking of Phelynx, let’s take a look at these feisty four-legged creatures.


Each Wyld Runner can take up to three, meaning that you can easily outnumber enemy fighters. Plus no House Goliath fighter will ever get over the embarrassment of being beaten in a fight by a venomous cat! Although, with its debilitating bite, it’s a threat to ANY fighter.


Death-maidens, Wyld Runners, and Phelynx add some incredible tactical (and fun) options when creating your Escher gangs. And who doesn’t love the thought of stalking the underhive with warrior women who’ve been raised from the dead?

Skills That Pay the Bills

House Escher have their own skill table – Finesse. Whereas Goliath gangs focus on brute strength, the Eschers lean more towards agility, raw speed, and the expert use of blades. There are six new skills, which can make your Gang Queens, Matriarchs, and Death-maidens even more dangerous. Like to keep your distance from other fighters in the underhive? Then the Combat Virtuoso skill is for you.


With most Escher having Strength 3, this gives you some crucial separation from enemy gangers.


Usually, the only tactic you need in the underhive is a sharp blade between the shoulders of your enemies. Just in case you need a little something extra, there is a whole host of new gang tactics within House of Blades. Make the most of your Death-maidens with Mistress of Death.


No enemy gang wants to see a Death-maiden take a second activation in a turn. Use this when you can attack a second enemy fighter and witness all of the chaos that your undead fighters can cause.

Get Your Lab Coat

Some of the most exciting new rules are those for Chem-alchemy. These represent the strange concoctions that are brewed up by the clan’s Chymist Cults and they can give you a real edge in battle. First, you decide whether you’re creating a Stimm, some Toxic Ammo, or some Gaseous Ammo. Each has a range of different traits, and you get to select up to three to create your own Elixir. For example, you can create some Toxic Ammo with the Paralysing and Bleeding traits. 



We’ve given this the street name of “Pool” because of the pools of blood that form around the paralysed enemy fighters. We can’t wait to see what lotions, potions, and pills you create with these rules. Maybe during a campaign, you could even speak with your Arbitrator about selling your Elixirs to other gangs!

That’s just a taste of what’s inside the House of Blades book. There are also new Alliances, Escher-specific Hangers-on, Escher terrain, and even some scenarios. The book is available to pre-order tomorrow – make sure that you pick up an Escher gang so that you’re ready to carve out your legend in the underhive.

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2:10 pm – Iron in the Underhive

It’s time to unleash the House of Iron! A new expansion is coming your way for Necromunda – check it out!

House of Iron is your indispensable guide to the history of House Orlock and includes all the rules you need to dominate your Necromunda campaigns. New fighters, Hired Guns, and Hangers-on will be joined by House-specific weapons and wargear, which will change up the way your gang will wage war in the underhive.

Among the additions will be an all-new plastic kit that adds three fighter types to Orlock gangs.

Arms Masters are champions who keep their gangers and juves in line with fear, respect and a variety of deadly weapons. Get a load of that arc hammer…




Wreckers are Orlock Prospects who take on the most dangerous jobs and missions in an attempt to prove themselves to their gang fellows. Each wears a jump booster which can be used to swiftly get around the battlefield – though not without some degree of risk. After all, most jet packs come with safety instructions saying not to use them indoors. That’s a bit tough in the underhive. We bet a lot of Wreckers end up with sore heads – if they’re lucky…






Finally, there are some very good bionically-enhanced canids. Cyber-mastiffs are guard dogs, attack dogs, and one of the ways in which Arms Masters keep their gangs in check. You wouldn’t want to have a run-in with those jaws – augmented or otherwise.




House of Iron and the Arms Masters & Wreckers set will be bursting into the underhive soon

Modifié par TheBoss™
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Je ne suis pas joueur Orlock mais globalement j'aime bien les figs.


Le champion ultra renforcé avec ses gantelets et son marteau est un peu trop "tassé" et chargé à mon gout mais devrait faire assez mal en jeu, ça compensera. 

Les chiens sont bien sculpté, en plastique, c'est vraiment cool.


Les "prospects" ont de super figs mais comme les autres ne seront surement pas très intéressants ou puissants en jeu. A voir le mobilité quand même.

C'est le petit  problème avec cette édition, les juves et ces nouveaux prospects ne sont pas assez équilibré et bons par rapport à un ganger de base.


Mais globalement ça a encore l'air d'être du travail de qualité.

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Article (de remplissage) :


House of Blades – Hired Guns and Hangers-on



We’ve already seen the awesome new fighters that have joined the Escher clan in the form of the Death-maidens and Wyld Runners. Today, we’re taking a look at the new Hired Guns and Hangers-on that the House of Blades book brings to Escher gangs. 

Just Hangin’ Around

House of Blades adds a pair of Escher-specific Hangers-on in the form of an Apprentice Clan Chymist and a Shivver. On the front line, the young Chymist learns how to concoct various toxins and, if they’re fortunate, they might get to participate in the creation of a Death-maiden.*


In the underhive, there are rumours that Shivvers have uncanny foresight, and there are many Gang Queens who would seek such an advantage. Once a Shivver has set up residence in a gang’s hideout, they may bless a fighter with their precognition.


This also opens up some interesting options in a campaign. For example, if your Arbitrator allows it, maybe you could charge other gangs to visit your mighty oracle. 

Screaming for a Bounty

House Escher also gets a new house-specific Bounty Hunter in the form of Betti Banshee. She was once a Gang Queen until an unfortunate encounter with a Goliath ‘Zerker saw her lose her throat and lower jaw.** Fortunately, a local doc had just the thing – a vox-hailer from an old devotional servitor. Soon enough, her mechanical voice was echoing throughout the underhive, a sound that means death for the enemies of House Escher.

On the tabletop, Betti is an incredibly useful fighter, the perfect combination of fast, strong, and deadly.


Thanks to her vox-hailer, she can disable enemy fighters with her terrifying screech, giving her plenty of time to cut them down with her power blades.


Keep Your Friends Close

While any gang can ally with House Ulanti, the Escher clan have a special bond with this noble house. Once allied, you can add a Ulanti Court Advisor to your gang before a battle. Of course, a Ulanti Courtier wouldn’t go anywhere without their bodyguard, a Mirror Mask.


Ulanti Courtiers are experts at close combat. To reflect this, they have the Duellist special rule, which allows them to cut down any enemy fighter foolish enough to charge them.


The Mirror Mask, meanwhile, has an ability that enables them to swap positions with the Courtier. Are they surrounded by a group of Corpse Grinder Cultists? Get them out of there quickly.


Not only are these useful in the game, but they also provide some fantastic modelling opportunities. Maybe Elucia Vhane would make an excellent base for a Ulanti Courtier, and how about using a Drukhari Reaver helmet for your Mirror Mask?***

All of these new options can be found in Necromunda: House of Blades, along with other Hangers-on and alliances for any gang. The definitive tome of all things Escher is available to pre-order now, so grab your copy today.

* It’s debatable whether the recipient of their attention would consider themselves to be quite so lucky.
** If you think that was bad, you should see what she did to the ‘Zerker!
*** If you do convert your own Ulanti Courtiers, make sure that you share them on the Necromunda Facebook page.

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Effectivement article de remplissage, aucunes nouvelles illustrations.
J'avais prédit qu'ils sortiraient House of Blades mi-juillet, je me suis planté et apparemment eux aussi sur le volume de production (la moitié des articles déjà épuisée).
Comme d'hab les cartes seront introuvables à moins de 50€ sur Ebay.

Sinon, les sorties Orlock, pas très originales mais, dans la suite Orlock, qui ont toujours été (à mes yeux) les Abercombie / surfeurs / Warriors (le film) de Necromunda. Les backpack sont assez moches contrairement aux chiens qui sont réussis. Par contre l'idée d'unité volantes est très intéressante.

Un grand disparu depuis le Covid, alors que les figs (brutes / bêtes / dramatis...) s'accumulent dans les codex : FW.
Quelques petites sorties pour 40k, SdA, Titanicus et rien, alors que tout est déjà sulpté, peint et montré.

Comme je n'ai pas encore reçu House of Blades, j'espère qu'ils auront intégré une nouvelle guilde et un nouveau gang (comme dans House of Chains).
J'attends toujours de voir comment et où vont être intégrés les Rédemptionnistes, selon leurs prommesses que TOUS les gangs de la V1 ressortiront.
Dans une dernière extension ou dans un House of... ? La dernière option étant compliquée, 5 gangs aux identités fortes à intégrer dans des codex spécifiques aux maisons.
GW et FW à de qui tenir encore 5 ans à ce rythme, ce qui ne serait pas pour me déplaire (si ils arrêtent d'intégrer de nouvelles règles).

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Je ne pense pas qu'on ait de nouvelle guilde ou un autre petit gang dans House of Blades mais je peux me tromper.

Je ne crois pas qu'il y ait de structure précise dans chaque livre et qu'il faille attendre un contenu équivalent.

Par exemple il a été annoncé que des Eschers en résine allaient sortir en parallèle chez FW et à mon avis ça ne devrait plus trop tarder (vendredi?) avec peut-être une bonne surprise avec une fig de Kimerix digne de ce nom?

Pure spéculation.


Par contre la ou je suis sûr c'est que les gangs Outlanders arriveront plus tard, et pas avant la fin 2021 au mieux.

Ils sont partis pour faire un volume détaillé par Maison, ce qui nous amènera au Q4. Q1 2021 House of Artifice, puis Q2 Cawdors et enfin Q3 Delaques.


Effectivement, cela laisse penser à un développement sur encore plusieurs années.



Modifié par Thomas DAVID
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Je sais pas quoi en penser. Je trouve les illustrations nettement plus attrayantes que les figurines, en particulier les personnages représentés sur les couvertures des livres "House of..."... Y'a des vrais problèmes de pose, notamment chez les Escher.


Pour ce qui est des Orlock, j'espère qu'on aura les figurines des personnages de la couverture assez vite, ils ont l'air plein de potentiel.


Les figurines rendent bien mieux sans leur espèce de pagne bizarre. Je suis toujours pas attiré par les vestes et le personnage en exosquelette est trop tassé sur lui même et sa tête ne me convient pas.


Les volants sont pas mal. Avec des masques à gaz (d'hybrides Genestealer par exemple) ils rendront plutôt bien.


@ Thomas David : une "house" pour les Enforcers Palatins n'est pas prévue ?

Modifié par toubotouneuk
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Il y a 21 heures, toubotouneuk a dit :

- Je sais pas quoi en penser. Je trouve les illustrations nettement plus attrayantes que les figurines, en particulier les personnages représentés sur les couvertures des livres "House of..."... Y'a des vrais problèmes de pose, notamment chez les Escher.

- Pour ce qui est des Orlock, j'espère qu'on aura les figurines des personnages de la couverture assez vite, ils ont l'air plein de potentiel.

- @ Thomas David : une "house" pour les Enforcers Palatins n'est pas prévue ?


- Tout pareil, les poses manquent de mouvements et d'originalité - peu de penché / accroupie / assis / de jambe contre le mur...
- si en plus de voler ils ont des mineurs, les Orlocks risquent d'occuper le terrain super facilement
- je me posais la même question mais pour moi c'est traité dans Book of Judgement et ils n'ont pas de raisons d'avoir de maisons - tout comme les Corps Grinder


Il y a 22 heures, Thomas DAVID a dit :

- Je ne pense pas qu'on ait de nouvelle guilde ou un autre petit gang dans House of Blades mais je peux me tromper. / Je ne crois pas qu'il y ait de structure précise dans chaque livre et qu'il faille attendre un contenu équivalent.

- Par exemple il a été annoncé que des Eschers en résine allaient sortir en parallèle chez FW et à mon avis ça ne devrait plus trop tarder (vendredi?) avec peut-être une bonne surprise avec une fig de Kimerix digne de ce nom? / Pure spéculation.

- Par contre la où je suis sûr c'est que les gangs Outlanders arriveront plus tard, et pas avant la fin 2021 au mieux. / Effectivement, cela laisse penser à un développement sur encore plusieurs années.


- Effectivement ça n'en a pas l'air mais, comme c'est FW qui à sorties les figs de la Guilde...
- Je ne comprends pas ce que fait FW, à croire qu'ils ont été l'épicentre du Covid en Angleterre. En tout cas ils sont lents au redémarrage
- Peut-être une dernière grosse boîte avec nouveaux plateaux - en tout cas un codex réunissant Rédemptionnistes / Scavvies / Esclaves / Spyriens / Ratskins / Ash Wast, risquerait d'être trop épais mais, ça leur laisse 2 ans de développement supplémentaires. Et vu comment les figs Escher ont été liquidées en préco (je m'attendais plus aux Oggryns compatibles 40k), soit ils ont mal prévu leur production, soit il ya assez de joueurs pour motiver GW à continuer encore un peu. 

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Il y a 17 heures, helmut+56 a dit :

- Effectivement ça n'en a pas l'air mais, comme c'est FW qui à sorties les figs de la Guilde...
- Je ne comprends pas ce que fait FW, à croire qu'ils ont été l'épicentre du Covid en Angleterre. En tout cas ils sont lents au redémarrage

Les équipes de conceptions GW et FW ont été réuni depuis quelques années dans une même équipe le Warhammer Studio. Les équipes FW du warhammer studio s'occupent de tous les jeux spécialistes, Horus Heresy, Titanicus, Middle Earth, Blood Bowl, Aeronautica, Necromunda et The Old World (sortie dans 3ans environ).

Le premier kit-plastique produit par les équipes FW du Warhammer Studio est le décor Lake-Town pour Middle Earth, depuis GW avez prévenu que les kits-plastiques de ces jeux peuvent aussi bien avoir été conceptualisé par les équipes Fw ou GW.

FW est en pleine transformation depuis quelques années, et est loin de rien faire. Je dirais que tout Titanicus et Aeronautica est entièrement réalisé par eux, je ne serais pas étonné que Necromunda a suivi le pas et que tous ce qui sort même plastique, c'est les équipes FW (en faite tous les jeux uniquement en anglais, c'est les équipes de conceptions FW au seins du Warhammer Studio).

Modifié par NonoChapo
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il y a 24 minutes, NonoChapo a dit :

Les équipes de conceptions GW et FW ont été réuni depuis quelques années dans une même équipe le Warhammer Studio. Les équipes FW du warhammer studio s'occupent de tous les jeux spécialistes, Horus Heresy, Titanicus, Middle Earth, Blood Bowl, Aeronautica, Necromunda et The Old World (sortie dans 3ans environ).


Pour être plus précis:

Le Warhammer studio et Specialist Games de Forgeworld étaient deux studios indépendants qui apparemment viennent de fusionner (il y a quelques semaines je crois mais je ne suis pas sûrs). 

Ils faisaient leur guéguerre façon Horus Heresy depuis des années,  genre je t'aime moi non plus. Mais certains produits comme Blood bowl, Necro ont une production principale  plastique (soit en Angleterre soit en Chine) géré par Games. Tout ce qui est résine est produit par Forgeworld exclusivement.

C'est vraiment pas simple à suivre!


Ce que veut dire helmut+56, je crois, c'est que la production résine de Forgeworld est aux abonnés absente depuis le Covid. Je connais très bien ce mode de fabrication et je peux dire qu'ils doivent avoir du mal à remettre les moules en prod à mon avis, et avec des équipes probablement réduites ça met un temps fou.


Je pensais par exemple qu'il y aurait une sortie de résines Forgeworld en parallèle de la sortie de House of Blades (comme cela avait été le cas pour House of Chains) mais je viens de recevoir le mail de news et ce n'est pas le cas. Est-ce pour la semaine prochaine? Ou pas? C'est très difficile à suivre...


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il y a 27 minutes, Thomas DAVID a dit :

Le Warhammer studio et Specialist Games de Forgeworld étaient deux studios indépendants qui apparemment viennent de fusionner (il y a quelques semaines je crois mais je ne suis pas sûrs). 

Pourtant il y avait eu une annonce offciel à la sortie du kit Middle Earth Lake town que les équipes de conceptions GW et FW fusionnaient en uen équipe l'équipe Warhammer studio et que le premier kit plastique des équipes FW est ce fameux décors et ca ne sera pas le dernier.


il y a 27 minutes, Thomas DAVID a dit :

Ils faisaient leur guéguerre façon Horus Heresy depuis des années,  genre je t'aime moi non plus. Mais certains produits comme Blood bowl, Necro ont une production principale  plastique (soit en Angleterre soit en Chine) géré par Games. Tout ce qui est résine est produit par Forgeworld exclusivement.

C'est vraiment pas simple à suivre!


Attention l'équipe de prod n'est pas la même que l'équipe design. Les prod résine sont encore gérer par FW et plastique GW mais ca n'a rien avoir avec les équipes de sculpteurs/designers. bien différencier le "Studio de conception" et "Production & Distribution".


il y a 27 minutes, Thomas DAVID a dit :

Ce que veut dire helmut+56, je crois, c'est que la production résine de Forgeworld est aux abonnés absente depuis le Covid. Je connais très bien ce mode de fabrication et je peux dire qu'ils doivent avoir du mal à remettre les moules en prod à mon avis, et avec des équipes probablement réduites ça met un temps fou.


Je pensais par exemple qu'il y aurait une sortie de résines Forgeworld en parallèle de la sortie de House of Blades (comme cela avait été le cas pour House of Chains) mais je viens de recevoir le mail de news et ce n'est pas le cas. Est-ce pour la semaine prochaine? Ou pas? C'est très difficile à suivre...


C'est surtout que FW subit depuis quelques années une vrai refonte de son système de conception et de production et que GW absorbe les équipes au fur et à mesure, afin de tout contrôler. Cette guerre dont tu parles à pris fin avec l'Astraeus Primaris, qui a mit fin à l'indépendancede conception de FW car GW avait un plan pour les primaris dont pas de super-lourd. Ils sont indépendant dans la prod mais pas la conception ;) Et ils conçoivent des figs plastique depuis Lake Town, en 2016, certainement designer par Keith Robertson anciennement designer Froge world devenu designer Middle-Earth ;)

Modifié par NonoChapo
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