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Escher Reinforcements Inbound



Hot on the heels of the House of Blades book and the Death-maidens and Wyld Runners kit are some new Escher Champions models and a weapons upgrade kit. Today, we’re taking a look at these releases from Forge World.

An Escher Matriarch is gang enforcer, underhive assassin, and debutant of death all rolled into one. Should the Gang Queen fall, it’s one of the Matriarchs who will inevitably take her place as mistress of the gang.

To represent these awesome gang Champions, Forge World have released three models to add extra variety to your Escher clan. The first is armed with a shotgun and a servo-claw, meaning that she’s just as deadly closing in as when she gets into combat.


The next has a combi-pistol and a shock whip, the latter of which is ideal for giving those lesser clans an unexpected jolt.


Finally, there’s a Champion armed with a power hammer and combi-pistol. When you have a hammer in the underhive, all of your problems (and opposing gang members) start to look like nails.


All three of these Matriarchs make excellent additions to your Escher gang, giving you more options to carve out part of the underhive in the name of the House of Blades.

Also available today is an upgrade kit of weapons featuring a two-handed power sword, a pair of bolters, a combi-needler, a combi weapon with optional flamer, plasma, and melta attachments, a grenade launcher, and a power axe. For those who need maximum devastation, there’s also a plasma cannon.* The kit includes a hand holding a grenade, a bionic arm, and an alternate head too, meaning that you can really kit out your Champions and make them look unique.


These upgrades are fully compatible with the plastic Escher gang kit and allow you to create your very own Matriarchs, armed as you see fit.**

All of these sets are available to pre-order from the Forge World webstore. Grab them now and get ready to prove that old underhive adage, “Mess with the Blades, get the pointy end”.

* Older Escher gangers may recognise this as a nod back to a model from the first edition of Necromunda, back in the 1990s.
** Or indeed any member of your gang that you want to spruce up.


This highly detailed resin kit comes in 24 components and contains:

– 1x Two-handed power sword
– 2x bolters
– 1x Combi-needler
– 1x Combi weapon (with melta, plasma or flamer options)
– 1x Plasma cannon
– 1x Power axe
– 1x Bionic arm
– 1x Arm holding grenade
– 1x Grenade launcher
– 1x Head



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J'aime bien le visage a moitié détroit de celle avec le fouet. on sent que la vie dans le sous monde ce n'est pas la fête tous les jours .

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  • 2 semaines après...

FW continue les sorties de Dramatis Personnae, certainement présent dans le House of Iron prévu pour novembre / décembre (?) :

Belle figurine au passage, on reconnaît une base Delaque.

Modifié par helmut+56
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Underhive Informant: A Visit to the Doctor



You’re late! Get in here and sit down. It’s time for your monthly briefing, and this time, we’ve got all the intel on Rogue Doc Arachnos, who’s quickly shooting up the list of the underhive’s most wanted. 

As if it’s not bad enough that we have to put up with the increase in Orlock activity around here, we’re hearing about a new Rogue Doc in the underhive. Doctor Arachnos has been seen working out of Dust Falls, but the locals don’t know much about him – they say he just showed up one day. What they do know is that he’ll fix anyone up… for the right price. 

Usually, we don’t worry about these kinds of characters, but this one seems to actually enjoy going out and doing his work in the field. He likes to do this so that he can personally pick up specimens for his experiments, and patients have been seen walking out of his “surgery” – if you can give it such a grand name – with all sorts of weird “upgrades”. He does most of these operations with his mechadendrites, but be wary of them – they’re not just for patching up fighters.

We’ve got the full case file here. Make sure that you take a good look so you know exactly what you’ll be facing.


We’re expecting to see a lot of Doctor Arachnos around, as we hear that he’ll happily join any gang. So just remember that we have a saying around the precinct house – a shock baton a day keeps the Rogue Doc away, so don’t hesitate to call in those Subjugators.


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C'est vrai c'est une chouette figurine! 

Totalement "Delaque Spirit" en effet.


A présenter des figurines comme ça, qui n'apparaissent pas (encore?) dans les House est clair qu'il y a des figs qu'on ne verra probablement jamais et d'autres qui sortiront de nulle part. Je pense que ça restera au bon vouloir des sculpteurs, plus qu'aux designers de règles.


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Enter the House of Iron



The blue-collar members of House Orlock have been hard at work as their gangs seek to claim their own corners of the underhive. Now, with the release of the House of Iron book, they’ll have new rules, new fighters and new tactics with which to ensure their dominance. Today, we’re taking a look at some of the new rules from the ultimate tome of all things Orlock.

House of Iron introduces two new fighters for Orlock gangs – the Arms Masters and the Wreckers.

Arms Masters are responsible for maintaining order within a gang, helping the Road Captain by keeping the Gunners and Greenhorns in line. In battle, these experienced fighters inspire the rest of the gang.

As befits their position as Champions within an Orlock gang, Arms Masters have access to some of the best weapons that the clan can provide. The arc hammer is one such weapon, and is ideal for any Arms Master that likes to get up close and personal.

With a Damage characteristic of 3, even Ogryns are going to be wary of getting too close to an Orlock armed with one of these!

Arms Masters can also be accompanied by up to two Cyber-mastiffs. Not only are these four-legged friends handy in a scrap, but you don’t need to walk them every day and they’re not fussy eaters – Escher, Delaque, Corpse Grinder, you name it, they’ll eat it.

They’re especially good at protecting their masters should enemy fighters be looking to quickly take them Out of Action.

Cyber-mastiffs are a great addition to any gang, adding some real bite!

At the other end of the experience scale are the Wreckers – risk-takers who court danger and are seeking to make names for themselves. For a mere 55 credits, they are a great way of filling out your gang with extra fighters that quickly improve over the course of a campaign.

Included in their cost is a jump booster, which makes getting around the underhive much quicker. You can even overcharge it to go faster, but that’s not without its risks.

Use these fighters to quickly claim loot crates or similar objectives, and make sure that you Charge into combat to take advantage of those modifiers.

Skill Up

Gangs from House Orlock have access to their own skill set – Bravado. These are all about relying on your fellow gang members, calling out your enemies and making the most of your kit, abilities and connections. For example, thanks to your skills, you can always get the best results out of a shotgun.

Use this on your Arms Masters equipped with a combat shotgun to get the shells really flying.

Terrific Tactics

The House of Iron introduces a range of new Orlock-specific tactics that can be used to ensure success in the underhive. Need some last-minute reinforcements before a battle? Call up your guilder contacts and grab a pair of Hive Scum to help out.

Or make the most of your skills in close combat.

Use this with your Wreckers so they can get the most out of charging with their jump boosters.

What’s in a Name?

Orlock gangers live and die by their reputation. To represent this, your Orlock Leaders and Champions can now be given Orlock Legendary Names. These are Orlock-specific Advancements that symbolise some great deed. Be careful though, part of being a legend is living up to your own hype. For example, maybe your fighter is incredibly lucky, but maybe they’re so lucky that they’re not around for the worst fights.

Or perhaps they can take out an opponent with a single punch!

The Orlock Legendary Names are a great way to really add character to your gang, and also open up some really cool painting and conversion opportunities for your models. Maybe “Lucky” has a tattoo of the number 13 somewhere, for example.

The House of Iron supplement opens up loads of new ways to play an Orlock gang in Necromunda and will be available to pre-order soon, along with a kit to build your Arms Masters, Wreckers and Cyber-mastiffs. In the meantime, grab yourself an Orlock Gang so that you’re ready to take this rebellious house to the top of the underhive.

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Franchement c'est (presque) que du bonheur ce Necro.

Niveau contenu, il y a de quoi jouer pendant... 20 ans!


Je sais qu'il y a des couches et des couches de règles et ça peut paraitre rebutant pour le débutant/joueur occasionnel mais si on ajoute tout au fur et à mesure ça fera une grande longévité au jeu...

Chaque supplément apporte beaucoup à chaque camp sur le papier et rend vraiment chaque gang unique.

Même si je ne joue que très peu et qu'on jouera ces nouvelles règles que quand presque tout le monde sera servi dans mon cercle privé (pour ne pas trop déséquilibrer), ça fait de quoi lire imaginer plein de possibilités.


Quelle boite à outil!

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Il y a 6 heures, Thomas DAVID a dit :

Franchement c'est (presque) que du bonheur ce Necro.

Niveau contenu, il y a de quoi jouer pendant... 20 ans!

... Même si je ne joue que très peu et qu'on jouera ces nouvelles règles que quand presque tout le monde sera servi dans mon cercle privé (pour ne pas trop déséquilibrer), ça fait de quoi lire imaginer plein de possibilités.


Quelle boite à outil!

Je te rejoins sur ce point, il ya de quoi jouer pendant très très très longtemps, surtout si, par côté compulsif, on a tous les gangs sous la main.
L'autre avantage que je vois, est que cette multiplicité de règles et d'équipements permet beaucoup plus facilement de concevoir de nouveaux types de gangs (par exemple l'Inquisition qui viendrait faire un tour), le tout en piochant dans l'existant sans créer des profils absurdes et déséquilibrés.

Après, même si au début j'ai pu râler sur cette empilement de règles, il est à noter qu'une fois séparées et triées et surtout expurgé du fluff, tout s'éclaire et ne ressort que les besoins réels de chaque joueurs.
Je m'explique, je suis entrain de réécrire toutes les règles (en les mettant à jour et en corrigeant les litiges rencontrés dans le jeux) en séparant bien chaque partie
- les règles de bases - communes à tout le monde (mvt / tir / cac / résoudre les touches / couverts / actions spéciales...) 

- avant et après batailles (fonder un gang / blessures / gestion et progression du gang...)
- terrains, les 3 campagne et les événements
- arsenal général commun (hors arme spécifique au gang) + trait d'armes + comptoirs

- scénarios

- 1 mini livre par gang (profils / armements et équipements / règles spés

- gangs outlanders V1 convertis V2 (en attendant leurs hypotétiques ressorties)

Avec tous ces minis livres - ne reste que le muscle et beaucoup moins de papier sur la table :
Règles de base + règles des gangs joués + scénarios et ça facilite grandement la fluidité du jeux.

Alors que pour certaines parties ça pouvait monter à 5 livres GW à compulser.

Il n'empêche, à la lecture des "houses of", on peut certes personnaliser son gang à outrance mais, par moment j'hésite entre les règles gadget ou le fluff poussé à son extrême.
On sent bien toute l'influence de 40k, et parfois, le jeux gagne en profondeur ce qu'il perd en légéreté de la V1.

Montez un gang Goliath maintenant (les autres seront être pareils) relève du casse-tête.

Entre les forge born ou non, les nouveaux champions, la pléthore d'armement possible, la nouvelle compétence spécifique...

Bref c'est riche mais, comme peut l'être une raclette.

Modifié par helmut+56
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Personnellement, je l'aborde comme un jeu de figurines "bac à sables" : je prends les règles qui sont utiles sur le moment. C'est surtout quant on aborde le jeu en mode "'arbitrator / jeu de rôle" que ça prend toute son ampleur. Le mode "campagne à la Mordheim", ça part vite en sucette.


Pour les Noms Légendaires des Orlocks, l'article parle que ça fait partie des "avancements" - peut-être liés à l'expérience/les actes du champion/leader lors des parties plutôt que des options à acheter comme chez les Goliaths ou Eschers ? Ils ont l'air de varier les mécaniques de "personnalisation" pour chaque maison.


Sinon, je pressens que les nouveaux juves avec jump-pack vont être particulièrement utiles dans les scénarios à objectif sur les tables Mechanicum. ;)

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En précommande la semaine prochaine :



House of Iron

It’s time for House Orlock to rise up! Another glorious supplement for Necromunda is on its way – House of Iron. This book focuses on the scions of House Orlock, expanding upon their long history with exciting new lore and introducing thematic rules – including brand-new fighters, wargear, Gang Tactics, and more – that capture the methods they use to control their territory in the underhive. As usual, this book will be available in hardback or ePub format.

Orlock Dice and Tactics Cards

If you serve the House of Iron, you can show your allegiance with a set of Orlock dice that bear its mark in place of the 6. Similarly, a set of Gang Tactics cards will make it easy to keep track of the sneaky tricks at your disposal as you battle rival gangs.

Orlock Arms Masters and Wreckers

This expansion also comes alongside brand-new models for your Orlock gang, from tooled-up Arms Masters and their accompanying Cyber-Mastiffs to jetpack-wearing Wreckers eager for thrilling vertical plays in the underhive! Check out our rules preview to see how much fun they’ll be to use!

SundayPreview Oct18 Content6t

Zone Mortalis: Gang Stronghold

Home is where the gang is! Protect your hard-won turf with this fully modular terrain kit for Necromunda. Designed to work seamlessly with the Zone Mortalis range, you can either use it to expand your existing collection or create your own bespoke gang HQ that will really show your rivals you mean business. It even comes complete with new rules to help defend your turf!

SundayPreview Oct18 Content7s

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Superbe décor, il offre vraiment plein de possibilités et semble assez facile à peindre. Je présume que la tour sera particulièrement intéressante pour les figurines volantes du clan Orlock. Hâte de mettre la main dessus pour en faire un camp carcéral palanite!

Modifié par Artefact
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Les tarifs pour ceux qui souhaitent budgéter :

Release Date (Last 3 Months) Product Code Barcode Description TPI
31/10/2020 99220599018 5011921152384 NECROMUNDA: HOUSE OF IRON DICE €12,00
31/10/2020 60050599005 5011921131679 NECROMUNDA: ORLOCK GANG TACTICS CARDS €12,00
31/10/2020 60040599025 9781788269537 NECROMUNDA: HOUSE OF IRON (ENGLISH) €37,00
31/10/2020 99120599030 5011921141616 NECROMUNDA:ZONE MORTALIS:GANG STRONGHOLD €70,00
31/10/2020 99120599023 5011921137497 ORLOCK ARMS MASTERS AND WRECKERS €34,00
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Nouvel article sur la Maison de Fer :



The House of Iron – New Miniatures and Lore


Spiel2019Reveals Oct24 NecroSubheader30jhcgs

Some incredible new models are on their way for House Orlock – in fact, they’re up for pre-order this weekend! Today, we’re taking a closer look at these miniatures and learning a bit more about the background and lore of their clan.

NECOrlockMiniFocus Oct19 Image1pbb

Arms Masters

Arms Masters are tasked with keeping order within their own gang and setting an example for the younger members of the clan, both of which they achieve through a combination of cracking heads and unleashing their Cyber-mastiffs. Regarded as the hardest members of an already hardy house, it’s not uncommon for these fighters to get stabbed or shot, only to get back up and make their enemies pay dearly for angering them.



The Arms Masters have a known love of hammers, which stems from their clan’s status as the largest mining operation on Necromunda, where the arc hammer and the servo harness are tools of the trade. Of course, they’re just as good at breaking skulls as they are at breaking rocks, and as the Orlocks say, “anything is a weapon if you swing it hard enough”.

NECOrlockMiniFocus Oct19 Image2ipt


The Ash Wastes are a dangerous enough place, even without the presence of Wreckers. Leaping from their vehicles wearing their homemade jetpacks, they land on the roof of a rival rig and then either sabotage it or hack their way in to ‘liberate’ its cargo.


It’s a difficult job to master, as is using the jump booster in the confines of the underhive itself. More than one enemy fighter has been caught off-guard as a Wrecker roars out of the darkness to drive a fighting knife into their gut, just as more than one Wrecker has ended their days splattered across the floor, wall, or ceiling of the underhive.

NECOrlockMiniFocus Oct19 Image3dau


From the earliest humans on ancient Terra through to Mankind’s expansion across the stars, the trusty hound has been at its master’s side. On Necromunda, dogs are just as common as they are throughout the Imperium, although in the underhive, they’re just as likely to be food as they are to be friends. House Orlock takes great pride in rearing dogs as guards or fighters.


To those outside of House Orlock, the sentimentality shown to their dogs is unusual, but for those within the clan, they will happily spend creds on cybernetics for their hounds to compensate for past injuries. The House of Iron book also introduces a new Orlock-specific Hive Scum, D060-K13, a Hardcase Cyber-mastiff.

NECOrlockMiniFocus Oct19 Image4qmf

All we can say is that we hope you’ve brought some treats!

The new Arms Masters and Wreckers kit (featuring the Cyber-mastiffs) is available to pre-order from Saturday, as is the House of Iron book. If you’re from one of the other clans, make sure that you hire a Rogue Doc so that you’re ready to patch up those dog bites.

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Pour le coup, le prix de la forteresse est pas excessif quand on voit certains prix du secteur mechanicus ou ruines impériales.

Il s'accorde bien avec des zones industrielles faisant un coin plus fortifiés alors que leurs décors en labyrinthes qui sont beaux nécessitent vraiment trop de décors.

Le décor peut se recycler pour 40k, donc j'avoue que je pourrai me laisser tenter surtout avec -20% chez nos revendeurs.

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Home Is Where the Harm Is


WarCry Jul18 WarcryHeader21yhdw

The new Gang Stronghold gives your fighters their very own defensible base from which to lead their operations against other gangs. Any self-respecting gang leader will want their home turf to be ready to face whatever the underhive is going to throw at it, so we asked Matt from the Sprues & Brews blog for his advice in painting up the Stronghold.

Matt: I constructed the set in a series of sub-assemblies, making it easier to paint and store once completed. There are a couple of ladders in the kit that can be pushed onto any platform without the need for glue. To make sure these can be used on any of the individual pieces, I put a small drop of glue on the bottom of the ladder and attached them to some spare bases. They could then be held by a Citadel Painting Handle to make these small pieces easier to hold.

I used Chaos Black Spray to undercoat the sub-assemblies as this gives a good, dark base for the gritty, filthy look that I wanted the finished piece to have. When building the doors, make sure not to glue them in place so they can swing open during your games!

There are quite a lot of metallic areas on these terrain pieces, so the next step was to get some base colour down on these. For this, I used Iron Hands Steel, as it’s a dark metallic that suits the grungy feel of Necromunda really well. You don’t have to be too neat here as any stray paint will help with the later steps and add to the chipped, worn feel of the finished piece.

For the next step, I got the majority of the base colour of the walls down on the model using a technique that is quick and easy to do, while leaving it with a smooth finish. Essentially, I lightly dusted the area with Mechanicus Standard Grey while focusing it on the raised areas that would catch the light. Leaving the recessed areas dark from the black undercoat will give the illusion of highlighting and shading without you having to spend a lot of time building the layers up. Again, don’t worry too much if you miss and hit some of the colours you have already done, as we can tidy those up easily.

Following the box art, I wanted to create a white tank that would stand out on the battlefield, as it would make a great focal point or objective in games of Necromunda. To add a bit of variety to the barricades, I also mirrored this colour on a couple of them. To start, I carefully applied Ulthuan Grey around the body of the tank itself, making sure to leave the darker colours in the recesses. Then, once dried, I used tape to mask out the area that I wanted red – this made it a lot easier to create a solid line. I then blocked in the colour with Khorne Red.

With all the base colours down, it was time to go back in and touch up any of the detail on the metal areas such as the pipes and doors I missed earlier – use whatever colour you used for the original metal. Then, with a small brush (I used an XS Artificer), I carefully picked out all the rivets and scratches in the walls. This took a little time but is well worth the effort when it’s done as it gives the final piece a variety of textures.

There were a couple of details left to paint, such as the lights! I wanted these to be blue to match the lighting on the rest of my terrain collection. I started with a base coat of Kantor Blue, followed by a highlight of Baharroth Blue to give the light an unnatural glow.

Now, we get to the really fun and messy part! To create the effect of built-up grime and muck, I started by flooding the gantries and level surfaces with water using the biggest brush I had. Then while this was still wet, I got a brush loaded with Agrax Earthshade and let it drip into the water. This leaves the pattern to Chaos and gives you a little more realism to how the filthy water would flow and collect naturally on the surface. Then, I stippled the areas with Rhinox Hide using an old brush, letting it flow into the water that was already on the surface. Be sure to leave it to dry fully as the terrain is going to be very wet at this point!

With the scenery grimed up, it was time to add some rust. I used Typhus Corrosion on the areas that I wanted to be rusty – for example, the walkways and doors – and once this was dry, I simply drybrushed it with Ryza Rust. A little bit goes a long way here so make sure to wipe most of it off on a piece of tissue before you start to use it.

And with that, my gang has their very own Stronghold – I hope this has inspired you to paint up your own! I’m already looking forward to painting up another set to make my Stronghold even bigger.

Thanks, Matt! The Gang Stronghold also comes with rules that you can use with the kit to give your games even more narrative flavour. Can you protect your home from an invading gang? Download the rules now and start planning your defence (or your attack).

WarCry Jul18 WarcryHeader21yhdw

The new Gang Stronghold is available to pre-order from tomorrow. It’s fully compatible with the Zone Mortalis kits – make sure you pick some up so that you can expand your hideout and be the pride of the underhive.

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Astuces d'Owen Patten pour le kit de forteresse :



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Modifié par TheBoss™
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En précommande la semaine prochaine :


For Necromunda, a new Rogue Doc is on the way. Unlike most of his medical peers, Doctor Arachnos likes to head out into the underhive to fight alongside gangs and pick up spare (body) parts for his operations. He can join any gang, so hire Doctor Arachnos if you need some medical support.

SundayPreview Oct25 FW Content2o

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C'est clairement un kit FW. Ils ne vont pas sortir un blister plastique pour deux versions féminines d'un gang.


J'aimerais bien qu'il y ait des options, mais je crains fort que ce soit comme les figurines de matriarches escher (j'en ai deux). Et vu que les corps féminins sont plus fins pour les orlocks, les packs d'armes vont demander un peu de coupes pour que ça soit compatible.



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