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Gang Escher : Cheveux teintés et bottes de cuirs


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Tactica: House Escher


The new Necromunda is just a few days away – have you picked your gang yet? If you’re looking to win your games through speed, guile and deadly chemical weaponry, House Escher gangs are for you. With this info, you’ll be playing like a seasoned champion when your copy arrives.



Escher Gangers are fast, smart, and fragile. With a 5” move, you’re a hair more mobile than the Goliaths, and the BS and WS on your average ganger is a respectable 4+, allowing you to take advantage of both ranged and melee weapons.

Strength and Toughness 3 aren’t superb, but there are a few ways to overcome this – we’ll be going into the weapons you’ll be able to equip your gangers with in the Gear section.

Each of your fighters has a solid Initiative, Will and Intelligence, meaning that – generally speaking – you’ll be able to rely on your fighters to open doors and caches when you need them to.


Whether you’re playing with the Warhammer: Underhive boxed set or Gang War, Escher gangs have an unusual and varied armoury. Generally speaking, Escher Gangers can be equipped in one of two ways, either packing cheap and reliable weapons like lasguns and autoguns, or armed with some more esoteric weaponry, like the shock whip or “Nightshade” chem-thrower.

Auto and las weapons might not be flashy, but they get the job done, and Escher has access to loads of them. Lasguns are perfect for keeping gangers cheap when filling out your roster and leaves some room in your starting list for some promising Juves. Meanwhile, autopistols are a great pick for a Juve, boasting a solid rate of fire while still being pretty reliable.


In close combat, every Escher can take a stiletto knife, power sword or shock whip. All of these weapons are more costly than average, but perform excellently against a variety of targets – which one you pick will be down to personal taste. The power sword is a superb all-rounder, capable of parrying incoming attacks and slicing through armour, the stiletto knife can take even the toughest gangers Out of Action thanks to its venomous tip, and the shock whip can be fired at short range like a firearm, representing its superior reach.

All Escher gangers (apart from Juves!) can take plasma pistols. While these weapons have a nasty habit of running out of ammo (or exploding!) they’re pretty powerful and suit the short-ranged warfare the Eschers aim to excel at. You can try to keep a reasonable distance from deadly close combat Goliath gangers, but still perform well if things get too close, thanks to the weapon’s Strength.


Finally, House Escher gangs can take a range of lethal Toxin and Gas weaponry, including the aforementioned stiletto knife. These weapons bypass the normal process for wounding fighters and are therefore perfect for the low-Strength Escher.


The needler/bolter combi weapon has superior range, while the chem-thrower can hit multiple fighters at once – catch your opponents off-guard, and you could clear up an enemy gang in a single gout of toxic gas. Gas grenades give every Escher ganger a deadly backup weapon and are particularly punishing against grouped fighters – particularly devious leaders might want to use one of their fighters to bait multiple chargers as a way to set up a particularly deadly shot.



There are loads of skills to choose from when setting up your starting gang, but we’d recommend picking defensive abilities from the Agility set for starters. Dodge and Step Aside allow fighters to avoid attacks and ensure that your most costly Champions don’t end up a liability in your games.



For your leader, consider some Leadership skills; while it’s tempting to turn your boss into a close combat killing machine, abilities like Mentor and Commanding presence help you make the most of the rest of your gang and help you press your numerical superiority against the foe.




When playing with an Escher gang, you’ll be relying on cunning to keep your key fighters safe. While you may lack the durability of a Goliath gang, there are several ways to make sure that your key fighters stay alive and get to choose their fights.

Firstly, you’ll want a couple of low-cost gangers to lead any forward assaults. The purpose of these guys is to absorb incoming fire from your enemy’s heaviest guns – in Necromunda, models can usually only fire at the closest target, so keeping your characters safe is sometimes just a matter of having enough meatshields (such is life in the underhive!).

Secondly, in games on 3D boards, you’ll want some gangers with long ranged weapons hanging back to Pin key enemy fighters. Autoguns are great for this – while they might not be particularly strong, their rate of fire makes up for your average Escher’s BS and should suffice to keep any particularly nasty Goliath gangers ducking for cover, making space for the rest of your gang to advance.

Positioning is key for the bulk of your Escher gang. Weapons like the “Nightshade” chem-thrower and gas grenades allow you to control space very effectively, but you’ll want to place your fighters carefully so you don’t end up injuring them.

In short, Escher gangs reward devious players willing to make use of cover and mobility with a range of deadly tricks – equip yours with a variety of weapons, pack a chem-thrower or two and the underhive will be yours in no time.

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Vite fait (et je ne suis pas spécialste)


Les gangers Eschers sont rapides, classes, et fragiles. Avec un mouvement de 5 pouces, vous êtes plus mobile que les Goliaths, alors que vos caractéristiques pour toucher sont en moyenne un respectable 4+, ce qui vous permet de tirer avantage aussi bien des armes à distance que des corps à corps.

La force et la résistance à 3 ne sont pas génialissimes, mais il y a des possibilités pour surmonter ces handicaps, et nous verrons notamment dans la section armement comment équiper vos gangers pour parvenir à ces fins.

Tous vos combattants disposent d’une intiative, d’une volonté et d’une intelligence (pas sur) correcte, ce qui signifie que, dans la plupart des cas, vous pourrez compter sur eux pour ouvrir les portes et se cacher quand vous en aurez besoin.  

Que vous utilisiez la grappe de la boite de base, ou le Gang à part, vous découvrirez une gamme variée et peu commune d’armes. En général, les gangers sont équipés d’une de ces deux façons : soit des armes de pauvre comme le fusil laser ou l’autogun ; soit des armes plus ésotériques comme l’Ombre de la Nuit.

Autogun et le fusil lasers ne sont certes pas bien reluisants, mais ils font le taff, et les Eschers y ont accès à la tonne. Les fusils lasers sont parfaits pour équiper à bas prix des gagners, ce qui laissera des crédits pour prendre quelques prometteurs Juves (Kids ?). Pour ces derniers, un autopistol sera largement suffisant, ce qui vous conférera une base solide pour un volume de tir fiable.

Au corps à corps, chaque Escher peut prendre un Stilet, une épée énergétique ou un fouet. Toutes ces armes sont plus chères que la moyenne, mais sont excellentes contre une variété de cibles, dont le choix dépend de vos gouts personnels. L’épée énergétique est bonne à tout faire, de la parade au découpage d’armure ; le stilet viendra à bout des gangers les plus résistants grâce à son poison, tandis que le fouet peut être considéré comme une arme à courte portée, tant son allonge est considérable.

Tout les gangers Eschers (à part les Kids !) peuvent prendre des pistolets à plasma. Bien que ces armes aient la facheuse réputation de s’enrayer (ou d’exploser !), elles sont très puissantes, et correspondent parfaitement à la doctrine Escher d’un combat à courte portée. Vous pourrez essayer de conserver vos distances (une distance raisonnable) avec ces tarés de Goliaths, tout en pouvant vous appuyer sur la force de cette arme s’ils parviennent trop près.

Enfin, les gagns de la Maison Eschers ont accès à une gamme de toxines et de gazs de combats (incluants les stilets que nous avons déjà mentionnés). Ces armes outrepassent la règle normale et sont parfaites pour nos frêles Eschers.

Le pistolets à aiguilles/combi Bolter a une portée supérieure, tandis que le lance grenades peut lui toucher plusieurs combattants d’un coup, éclaircissant d’un coup les rangs adverses. Les grenades font de chaque combattant Echers qui en est équipé une plaie pour les groupes ennemis, notamment ceux qui abritent un chef qui se sert de son gang comme de chair à canon pour se prémunir d’un tir vicieux.


Il y a un tas de bonnes compétences à choisir quand vous commencez un gang, mais nous vous recommandons de débuter par les compétences de défense. Equive et « Conserve ta distance » vous permettrons de fuir les attaques, ce qui vous garantira de conserver vos champions les plus couteux. Pour le chef, éviter de le transformer en machine à tuer, et opter plutôt pour les compétences de stratège.

Quand vous jouerez un gang Eschers, vous devrez faire en sorte de préserver vos joueurs clefs. Parce que vous ne pourrez pas comptez sur la résistance du Goliath, il y a d’autres façons de parvenir à ces fins pour que ces combattants survivent et choisissent leurs combats.

D’abord, ayez toujours quelques gangers low-cost pour essuyer le gros du feu ennemi. A Nécro, on tire toujours sur la cible la plus proche, si bien que conserver vos combattants est parfois une question bassement matérielle : quelle quantité de chair à cannon puis je sacrifier ? (c’est la philosophie impitoyable des bas fonds!)


Ensuite, les jeux prennent places en 3D, ce qui vous incitera à équiper certains gangers avec des armes à longue portée pour cibler les combattants énnemis les plus dangereux. Les autocanons sont parfaits pour cela : bien que pas spécialement forts, ils tirent à haut débit, ce qui contraint même ces Goliaths à se replier à couvert, vous libérant les espaces pour progresser.

Car le positionnement sera la clef de la victoire. Des armes telles que l’ombre de la nuit, les grenades toxiques vous permettront de contrôler les objectifs lorsqu’elles seront bien utilisées, mais doivent être utilisées à bon escient si vous ne voulez pas blesser vos propres combattants.

En résumé, les gangs Eschers doivent utiliser de tous les artefacts et de toutes les ruses possibles pour tirer parti de leur mobilité, du couvert afin de tendre des pièges mortels. Equipez les correctement, ajoutez quelques trucs, et la Ruche sera à vous !

Escher Gangers are fast, smart, and fragile. With a 5” move, you’re a hair more mobile than the Goliaths, and the BS and WS on your average ganger is a respectable 4+, allowing you to take advantage of both ranged and melee weapons.


Strength and Toughness 3 aren’t superb, but there are a few ways to overcome this – we’ll be going into the weapons you’ll be able to equip your gangers with in the Gear section.

Each of your fighters has a solid Initiative, Will and Intelligence, meaning that – generally speaking – you’ll be able to rely on your fighters to open doors and caches when you need them to.


Whether you’re playing with the Warhammer: Underhive boxed set or Gang War, Escher gangs have an unusual and varied armoury. Generally speaking, Escher Gangers can be equipped in one of two ways, either packing cheap and reliable weapons like lasguns and autoguns, or armed with some more esoteric weaponry, like the shock whip or “Nightshade” chem-thrower.

Auto and las weapons might not be flashy, but they get the job done, and Escher has access to loads of them. Lasguns are perfect for keeping gangers cheap when filling out your roster and leaves some room in your starting list for some promising Juves. Meanwhile, autopistols are a great pick for a Juve, boasting a solid rate of fire while still being pretty reliable.


In close combat, every Escher can take a stiletto knife, power sword or shock whip. All of these weapons are more costly than average, but perform excellently against a variety of targets – which one you pick will be down to personal taste. The power sword is a superb all-rounder, capable of parrying incoming attacks and slicing through armour, the stiletto knife can take even the toughest gangers Out of Action thanks to its venomous tip, and the shock whip can be fired at short range like a firearm, representing its superior reach.

All Escher gangers (apart from Juves!) can take plasma pistols. While these weapons have a nasty habit of running out of ammo (or exploding!) they’re pretty powerful and suit the short-ranged warfare the Eschers aim to excel at. You can try to keep a reasonable distance from deadly close combat Goliath gangers, but still perform well if things get too close, thanks to the weapon’s Strength.


Finally, House Escher gangs can take a range of lethal Toxin and Gas weaponry, including the aforementioned stiletto knife. These weapons bypass the normal process for wounding fighters and are therefore perfect for the low-Strength Escher.


The needler/bolter combi weapon has superior range, while the chem-thrower can hit multiple fighters at once – catch your opponents off-guard, and you could clear up an enemy gang in a single gout of toxic gas. Gas grenades give every Escher ganger a deadly backup weapon and are particularly punishing against grouped fighters – particularly devious leaders might want to use one of their fighters to bait multiple chargers as a way to set up a particularly deadly shot.



There are loads of skills to choose from when setting up your starting gang, but we’d recommend picking defensive abilities from the Agility set for starters. Dodge and Step Aside allow fighters to avoid attacks and ensure that your most costly Champions don’t end up a liability in your games.



For your leader, consider some Leadership skills; while it’s tempting to turn your boss into a close combat killing machine, abilities like Mentor and Commanding presence help you make the most of the rest of your gang and help you press your numerical superiority against the foe.




When playing with an Escher gang, you’ll be relying on cunning to keep your key fighters safe. While you may lack the durability of a Goliath gang, there are several ways to make sure that your key fighters stay alive and get to choose their fights.

Firstly, you’ll want a couple of low-cost gangers to lead any forward assaults. The purpose of these guys is to absorb incoming fire from your enemy’s heaviest guns – in Necromunda, models can usually only fire at the closest target, so keeping your characters safe is sometimes just a matter of having enough meatshields (such is life in the underhive!).

Secondly, in games on 3D boards, you’ll want some gangers with long ranged weapons hanging back to Pin key enemy fighters. Autoguns are great for this – while they might not be particularly strong, their rate of fire makes up for your average Escher’s BS and should suffice to keep any particularly nasty Goliath gangers ducking for cover, making space for the rest of your gang to advance.

Positioning is key for the bulk of your Escher gang. Weapons like the “Nightshade” chem-thrower and gas grenades allow you to control space very effectively, but you’ll want to place your fighters carefully so you don’t end up injuring them.

In short, Escher gangs reward devious players willing to make use of cover and mobility with a range of deadly tricks – equip yours with a variety of weapons, pack a chem-thrower or two and the underhive will be yours in no time.

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