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[76] Asgard Winter Bash II 03/04 Mars 2018


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CHARACTERS                       (max 2025 pts):       1845

CORE              (min. 900 pts):         980

SPECIAL                    (no limit):      1675

LEGENDARY BEASTS                       (max 1575 pts):       0

TOTAL                       4500 


705     -          Chosen Lord (360)- general - dark steed (110) - envy (5) - Idol of spite - (50) - potion of swiftness (10) - burning portent (115) - shield (5): dusk forged (50)         


385     -          Sorcerer (240) - wizard adept evocation - black steed (50) - plate armour (20) - rod of battle (60) - Alchemist's Alloy (15)          


755     -          Chosen Lord (360)- BSB (50)- dark steed (110) - envy (5) - luck of the dark gods (60) - fellforged armor (free): basalt infusion (35) -greater shielding (50)- GW (20) : Blessed inscriptions (65) -


241     -          8 Barbarian horsemen (205) - M (20) - light lance (16)        

241     -          8 Barbarian horsemen (205) - M (20) - light lance (16)        

498     -          12 warriors (324) - EMC (60) - polearm (84) - relentless company (30)


100     -          5 warhounds           

370     -          5 warrior knights (260) - EMC (60) - lance (50)         

370     -          5 warrior knights (260) - EMC (60) - lance (50)                     

485     -          3 Chosen knights (425) - EMC (60)        

350     -          Chosen chariot (325) - sloth (25)
























Characters - Max 40% - 1180/1800pts
Core - Min 20% - 939/900pts
Spécial - No Limit - 2383pts


Characters : 1180


·  Vampire count (325), wizard adept (75), great weapon (20), dead arise (20), strigo bloodline (110), bestial bulk (65), hyptnotic pendant (100), eternity gem (90) : 805

·  Necromancer (125), necromantic staff (85), evocation : 210  

·  Necromancer (125),magical heirlomm (40), evocation : 165


Core : 939


·  21 zombies (120), musician (20), standard bearer (20) : 160

·  20 zombies (115), musician (20), standard bearer (20) : 165

·  37 ghouls (589), champion (20) : 609


Special : 2 383


·  9 ghasts (720), champion (20) : 740

·  9 ghasts (720), champion (20) : 740 

·  Cadaver wagon (250) : 250  

·  2 great bats (90) : 90 

·  2 great bats (90) : 90

·  9 barrow knights (363), full command (60), banner of speed (50) : 473


















Characters - Max 50% - 1985/2250pts
Core - Min 25% - 1132/1125pts
Special - No Limit - 1383pts
Queen's Bows - Max 30% - 190/1350pts
Naval Ordnance- Max 15%- 0/675pts
Ancient Allies- Max 25% - 1025/1125pts

900 - High Prince (250) on Dragon (475), General, Queen’s Cavalier (60), Bow (5), Touch of Greatness (40) on  Halberd (15), Starmetal Alloy (40) on Shield (5), Lucky Charm (10)
1085 - Mage (225) on Dragon (550), Wizard Master Pyromancy (150), Order of the Fiery Heart (25), Hero’s Heart (50) on Paired Weapons (5), Magical Heirloom (40), Talisman of the Void (40)

314 - 6 Highborn Lancers (294), Musician (20)
314 - 6 Highborn Lancers (294), Musician (20)
314 - 6 Highborn Lancers (294), Musician (20)
190 - 5 Elein Reavers (180), Bow (10)

135 - Reaver Chariot (115), Champion (20)
135 - Reaver Chariot (115), Champion (20)
100 - Great Eagle (100)
504 - 6 Knights of Ryma (394), FGC (60), War Banner of Ryma (50)
509 - 6 Knights of Ryma (394), Musician (20), Standard Bearer (20), Banner of Belcaming (75)







Personnage - max 40% -  1035/1800

Base - min 25% - 1280/1125

Spécial - pas de limite - 1202

Arc de la Reine - max 30% - 980/1350

Artillerie Naval - max 15% - 260/675

Alliés Ancien - max 20% - 420/900





595 - Haut Prince 250, général, Haut gardien de la flamme 140, Eclat de l'aube flamboyant 100, 

      Protection de Dorac 65, Glyphe de saule 15, Lance 5, Armure Lourde 15, Bouclier 5


440 - Commandant 150, BSB 50, Maître de la Tour Canreig 130, Appel du Destion 70,

      Bannière de la compagnie infatigable 30, Arme Lourde 10, Druidisme





600 - 35 Lancier Plébéiens 490, E 20, M 20, C 20, Banniere de Ryma 50


490 - 20 Garde-Mer 450, E 20, M 20


190 - 5 Escouade de Raid Elein 180, Arc 10



862 - 29 Protecteur de la flamme 752, E 20, M 20 , C 20, Bannière de ryma 50


340 - 5 chevalier de Ryma 340




300 - 10 garde de la reine 280, M 20




260 - Cotre Aérien 260




420 - Phoenix 420, Feu 0


Total : 4497 Pts






Personnages - max 40% - 1345/1800 pts

Base - mini 20% - 930/900 pts 

Spécial - aucune limite - 910 pts

Guérilla de la jungle - max 30% - 320/1350 pts

Lézards tonnants - max 35% - 1470/1575 pts

940 - saigneur de guerre saurien 260, lance de cavalerie 20, dextérité surnaturelle 40, éclat de l'étoile tombée 70, esprit de cavalcade 70, carnosaure alpha 480

275 - prêtre skink 115, palanquin skink 45, Adepte magicien 75, héritage magique 40 domaine du druidisme

130 - capitaine skink 80, grande bannière 50


650 - 25 guerriers sauriens 465, EMC 60, totem du serpent 75, lances 50

280 - 20 braves skinks 188, EMC 60, arcs 40


650 - 8 Caïmans

130 - 2 nuées de serpents 

130 - 2 nuées de serpents

320 - 2 bêtes d'artillerie 260, salamandres 60

450 - taurosaure

540 - taurosaure 450, machine des dieux 90





character max 40%:1440/1800
core mini 25%:1148/1125
special no limit: 1912
unseen arrows max 35%: 950/1575
total: 4500

540 - 1 forest prince 200, light armor 5, elven cloak 10, sylvan balde 5, shield 5, eagle king 140, heros heart 50, talisman of shielding 50, basalt infusion 35,glyph of amril 40
385 - 1 druid 140, wizard master 200, sylvan longbow 5, shamanism, magical heirloom 40
290 - 1 thicket shepherd 240, bsb 50
225 - 1 dryad ancient 110, wizard adept 115, general, druidism

198 - 8 dryads 150, skirmisher 48, 205
205 - 5 heath riders 180, sylvan longbow... 25
205 - 5 heath riders 180, sylvan longbow... 25
270 - 10 sylvan archers 250, M 20
270 - 10 sylvan archers 250, M 20

370 - 4 kestrel knights 
370 - 4 kestrel knights 
762 - 29 forest rangers 629, SM 40, vanguard 58, flamming standard 35
410 - 6 thicket beasts




Total 4499 pts
Characters - Max 40% - 795 /1800pts
Core - Min 25% - 1130 /1125pts
Spécial - No Limit – 1050pts
Powder Keg - Max 35% - 1524 /1575 pts
Chained beast- Max 30% - 0 /1350pts


545 – Shaman 210 , Wizard master 225, shamanism, Crown of autocracy 70, magical heirloom 40

250 – Khan (200), Battle standard bearer  (50)


415 - 5 Tribesmen 275, iron fist 50, Champion 20, banner 20, musician 20, banner of discipline 35

715 – 8 Bruiser 605, Champion 20, banner 20, musician 20, Pennant of the great grass sky 35


80 - Sabertooth tiger 

80 - Sabertooth tiger

890 - 5 Tusker cavalry, Banner 20, musician 20, banner of the Gyengget 80, Iron fist 30


884- 7 Mercenary veterans 710, Poison, Accurate, Brace of ogre pistols 154, musician 20

320 - Thunder cannon

320 - Thunder cannon





perso - Max 40% - 1270/1800pts
base - Min 25% - 1170/1125pts
artillerie ancienne- Max 35% - 1350/1575pts
Spécial - No Limit - 694pts
ensevelis - Max 30% - 465/1350pts
Menagerie - Max 35% -900/1575pts


230 - Normarque(150), couronne des pharaons(75), arc(5)

520 - hierarque du culte des morts(125), maitre(225), evocation, passeur d'ames(25), sablier sacres(70), hierophante(25), capes des tempetes de sable(50)

250 - sarcophage de phatep

270 - Herault des tombes(180) armure lourde(10); bouclier(5), fleau des roi(40),injection de basalte(35)


224 - 17 archers musicien (10)

236 - 18 archers musicien (10)

130 - 5 eclaireurs

130 - 5 eclaireurs

225 - 20 guerriers musicien banniere (40), bannieres des ensevelis (35)

225 - 20 lanciers musicien banniere (40), bannieres des ensevelis (35)


694 - 28 gardiens des tombes emc(60), banne de feu (35), hallebarde (84)


155 - scorpion

155 - scorpion

155 - scorpion


450 - sphinx

450 - sphinx


total 4499




CHARACTERS: 1090/1800
CORE: 1155/1125
CLANS’ THUNDER: 600/1575
TOTAL: 4495

595 - King (225) - shield bearers (120) - Rof Destruction (80) - Rof Craftmanship (40) - Rof Might (40) - 3 Rof Shielding (90)
310 - Thane (120) - BSB (50) - shield (10) - 2 Rof  Dragon’s Breath (110) - Rof iron (20)
185 - Anvil of Power

720 - 30 Greybeards (575) - shield (60) - FC (60) - legion standard (25) 
435 - 27 warriors (341) - shield (54) - musician (20) - champion (20)

885 - 8 Hold Guardians (790) - FC (60) - Rof standard of Wisdom (35) 
125 - vengeance seeker
300 - attack copter
300 - attack copter

320 - organ gun (270) - crafted (50)

320 - organ gun (270) - crafted (50)





Characters 730/1800

Cores 1130/1125

Raiders 900/1350


395 – Oracle 170, General, Path of cosmology, Wizard master 225

335 – Cult priest 175, Cult of Nabh 5, BSB 50, Shield 5, Banner of discipline 35, Essence of mithril 65

580 – 35 Dread legionnaires 425, Spears 70, FCG 60, Legion standard 25

325 – 20 Dread legionnaires 230, FCG 60, Banner of discipline 35

225 – 5 Dark raiders 160, Shields 25, Repeater crossbows 40

269 – 8 Raven cloaks 269

203 – 6 Raven cloaks 203

203 – 6 Raven cloaks 203

806 – 29 Dread judges 696, FCG 60, Banner of blood 50

780 – 30 Dread judges 720, FCG 60

375 – Divine altar 375






Characters -  Max 40% -  520/1800
Core – Min 25 % -  1125/1125
Special – No limit - 435
Minions of Change – Max 60% -  1645/2600
Minions of Wrath – Max 60 % - 2415/2600
Total: 4495


275 - Harbringer of change 170, General, wizard adept divination 75, black orb 30

245 - Harbringer of change 170, wizard adept evocation 75

375 - 10 horrors 175, FCG 180, farseeing 20

375 - 10 horrors 175, FCG 180, farseeing 20

375 - 10 horrors 175, FCG 180, farseeing 20

690 - 5 Crusher cavalry 580, FCG 60, banner of speed 50

690 - 5 Crusher cavalry 580, FCG 60, banner of speed 50

690 - 5 Crusher cavalry 580, FCG 60, banner of speed 50

345 - Blood chariot

145 - 5 furies of change

145 - 5 furies of change

145 - 5 furies of change





Characters : max 40% 1330/2080
Core : min 20% 900/900+
Special no limit : 690/.
Jungle guerrilla : max 30% : 1220/1350 (including 600pts in core)
Thunders lizards : max 35% :955/1575

Total : 4495/4500


855pts : Cuatl Lord General Battle Standard Bearer [100pts] Ancient Knowledge [90pts], Divination, Grasp of the Immortal [110pts] Ancient Plaque - Dominant [85pts]
475pts Saurian Warlord Heavy Armour [15pts], Paired Weapons [10pts] Egg of the Quetzal [45pts], Ghostly Guard [40pts], Raptor Spirit [65pts], Touch of Greatness [40pts]


300pts 15 Saurian Warriors [265 pts] Musician [20pts], Piranha [15pts]

300pts 20 Skink Braves with Poisoned Javelins [280 pts] Musician [20pts] (counting in JG)

300pts 20 Skink Braves with Poisoned Javelins [280 pts] Musician [20pts] (counting in JG)


300pts 5 Raptor Riders [280 pts] Musician [20pts]

130pts 2 Snake Swarms [130pts]

130pts 2 Snake Swarms [130pts]

130pts 2 Snake Swarms [130pts]


150pts 6 Chameleon [150pts]

150pts 6 Chameleon [150pts]

160pts 1 Salamander [160pts]

160pts 1 Salamander [160pts]


415pts  1 Stygiosaur [305 pts]: Mystic Traveller [110pts]


540pts 1 Taurosaur [450 pts]: Engine of the Ancients [90pts]






- 1 Overlord (270) ;Général ; Shield (5) ; Onyx Core (110) ; Blessed Armour (70); Potion of Swiftness (10) 465 pts

- 1 Vizier (125) ; BSB (50) ; Ring of dessication (75) ; Shield (5); Fire Banner (35); Ghostly Guard (40) ; IF (25) 355 pts

- 1 Prophet Wizard (160) ; WM (265) ; Alchemy ; Magical Heirloom (40); Rod of Battle (60 pts); 525 pts

- 10 Citadel Guard (190) ; M (20) ; Replace Shield With Flintlock (80) 290 pts

- 10 Citadel Guard (190) ; M (20) ; Replace Shield With Flintlock (80) 290 pts

- 10 Citadel Guard (190) ; M (20) ; Replace Shield With Flintlock (80) 290 pts

- 10 Citadel Guard (190) ; M (20) ; Replace Shield With Flintlock (80) 290 pts

- 25 Immortals (580) ; EMC (60) ; Shield (50) ; Infernal Weapon (50) ; Banner of Shamut (50)   790 pts

- 1 Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower (90); 90 pts

- 1 Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower (90); 90 pts

- 1 Kadim Titan (575) 575 pts

- 1 Infernal Engine (145) ; Steam Hammers (305) ; 450 pts

4500 pts






Vampire count  630

Dead arise 25  - light armor 5 - wizard apprentice (evocation) - Reaper’s Harvest 115 -Destiny’s Call 70  - Mask of innocence 40 - Lamia 50 


Necro 285

Wizard adepte 75 (alchemy ) - necromancer staff 85


Necro 290

Wizard adepte 75 (évocation) - Lightning Vambraces 50 - Magical Herloon 40


Barrow kings 355

Gb 50 - Hypnotic Pendant 100 - Flaming Standard  35


30 squelettes 335

FCG 60 - Standard formation 25


20 zombies 135


20 zombies 135


20 goules 320 



29 barrow guard 779

FCG 60 - great weapon 145 - Zagvozd's Guard Banner 90



Court of the damned 390

Aegis (4+) 80


Great bat 90


Great bat 90


6 wraiths 205


5 Vampire Knights 460,

M - C 



La première ronde ce soir





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Cyno : dead arise coûte 25pts // le total actuel fait 4502pts

Gothra : les flame wardens ne peuvent pas être plus de 25 par unité

Helldragon : le wizardmaster coûte 225pts

Bubu : la bannière de tes bruisers coûte 50pts (mais le total est correct)

Mweax : nombre de copter par unité ?


Tous ceux qui ont oublié de noter le général : Cyno, Shoups, Bubu, Mykeul, Mweax, Seven <3


Amoureusement votre.



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Exact, j'ai pas pris la bonne ligne, le magical heirloom saute, et le prince gagne un sylvan longbow et change sa hero hearth pour spirit of the whirlwind pour arrondir.



character max 40%:1440/1800
core mini 25%:1148/1125
special no limit: 1912
unseen arrows max 35%: 950/1575
total: 4500

555 - 1 forest prince 200, light armor 5, elven cloak 10, sylvan balde 5, shield 5, sylvan longbow 5, eagle king 140, spirit of the whirlwind 60, talisman of shielding 50, basalt infusion 35, glyph of amril 40
370 - 1 druid 140, wizard master 225, sylvan longbow 5, shamanism,
290 - 1 thicket shepherd 240, bsb 50
225 - 1 dryad ancient 110, wizard adept 115, general, druidism

198 - 8 dryads 150, skirmisher 48, 205
205 - 5 heath riders 180, sylvan longbow... 25
205 - 5 heath riders 180, sylvan longbow... 25
270 - 10 sylvan archers 250, M 20
270 - 10 sylvan archers 250, M 20

370 - 4 kestrel knights 
370 - 4 kestrel knights 
762 - 29 forest rangers 629, SM 40, vanguard 58, flamming standard 35
410 - 6 thicket beasts

Modifié par helldragon
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En effet le pennant of the great grass sky c'est 50 pts mais c'est bien ce qui est compté dans le total.


Le GG c'est le Shaman!


Total 4499 pts
Characters - Max 40% - 795 /1800pts
Core - Min 25% - 1130 /1125pts
Spécial - No Limit – 1050pts
Powder Keg - Max 35% - 1524 /1575 pts
Chained beast- Max 30% - 0 /1350pts


545 – Shaman 210 , Wizard master 225, shamanism, Crown of autocracy 70, magical heirloom 40      General

250 – Khan (200), Battle standard bearer  (50)


415 - 5 Tribesmen 275, iron fist 50, Champion 20, banner 20, musician 20, banner of discipline 35

715 – 8 Bruiser 605, Champion 20, banner 20, musician 20, Pennant of the great grass sky 50


80 - Sabertooth tiger 

80 - Sabertooth tiger

890 - 5 Tusker cavalry, Banner 20, musician 20, banner of the Gyengget 80, Iron fist 30


884- 7 Mercenary veterans 710, Poison, Accurate, Brace of ogre pistols 154, musician 20

320 - Thunder cannon

320 - Thunder cannon

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