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[AM] artillery company ETC

Messages recommandés

Liste avec explication en anglais.


Liste :

++ Bataillon Detachment (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [19 PL, 293pts] ++

HQ1:Company Commander (SDG) grand stratège [2 PL, 30pts]: Chainsword, Laspistol
HQ2: Primaris Psyker [46pts]: force stave
Troops1: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]
Troops2: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]
Troops3: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]
Troops4: Infantry Squad [3 PL, 40pts]
HS1: Manticore [8 PL, 143pts]: Heavy Bolter [8pts]
HS2: Manticore [8 PL, 143pts]: Heavy Bolter [8pts]
Regiment: Catachan

++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [67 PL, 1167pts] ++
HQ2:Company Commander Aquila de kurov  [2 PL, 30pts]: Chainsword, Laspistol
HS3: Manticore [8 PL, 143pts]: Heavy Bolter [8pts]
HS4: Manticore [8 PL, 143pts]: Heavy Bolter [8pts]
HS5: Manticore [8 PL, 143pts]: Heavy Bolter [8pts]
HS6: Manticore [8 PL, 143pts]: Heavy Bolter [8pts]
HS7: Manticore [8 PL, 143pts]: Heavy Bolter [8pts]
HS8: Manticore [8 PL, 143pts]: Heavy Bolter [8pts]
Elites1: Sargeant Harker [50pts]
Regiment: Catachan

++ Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment (Imperium - Astra Militarum) [26 PL, 540pts] ++
Shadowsword [26 PL, 540pts]: 5 Twin Heavy Bolter [70ps], 4 Lasannon[80pts]
Regiment: Vostroya
Total: [112 PL, 2000pts]


Explication :

After completely dominating the roster of the Guards by tanks, I began to look for new solutions. Due to the fact that I played some of the executioners and it turned out that on the Catachan doctrine, the random number of shots is not so bad. Therefore, I decided to give a chance to the artillery guard, which is entirely dependent on it. For me, the most important factor in the game is just a random factor, and my credo is to minimize it. An army that can sweep an opponent in one turn and not do anything completely is not my style at all. But Catachan artillery is an interesting option.


If we convert the number of shots generated per turn, it will come to our mind that Manticores 1 with a hit will kill Shadowsword's opponent and add 1 Leman Russ to this. I wondered about the Wyvern option, but the Catachan doctrine would let them cast only one die (you can move 1 dice on each weapon, and their mortar with 4D6 shots is treated as one weapon in the codex) making them very random, and with S4 and AP- does not generate such losses (5 Wyvern kills 10 SM in the open ground, for comparison 3 Manticores by 86 points cheaper kill 8 Marines in the open, but for example in Wyvern's cover will kill 5 marines, and Manticores 6 marines).


The idea is that in the first round we shoot 16D6 shots in the opponent (of which 8D6 can be moved as we do not like the result) which gives us 64 shots from S10 AP-2 D: d3, we do not need to see anything, shoot in the corner to everything that goes on the table. In my opinion, this distribution has a lot of potential for team tournaments where it can go forward and choose a table. In addition, we have, of course, Shadowsword (which is too good not to take him), which has a huge gains from both pips and strong guns and can be used to counterattack in melee to shield tanks.


Manticores players have 4 rockets each, but in 4 rounds we shoot 254 shots with very good characteristics and I do not think there is an army that would be able to withstand such attacks spread only on disarmed units forming a horde like spells poxy or 2000 w plague bearers alone with the support of their heroes, though, given the morale tests, I assume that this horde would evaporate after 4 turns of Hurricane fire from Manticores.

The army list of so far only exists in theory, I have not had the opportunity to try it yet, but it looks interesting on paper. I'm not sure if it will be stronger than submitting on tanks (although it has a good chance of winning them), but it is certainly an interesting alternative for them, worth testing and perhaps improvements. "



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Je dirais que ta liste manque de cordons anti-fep. Tes 4 escouades ne protégeront pas tes 8 manticores.


Je pense que tu devrais en prendre une de moins et améliorer ton cordon (en quantité comme en qualité).


Enfin je pense qu’avoir quelques lance-flammes lourds sur des manticores permettrait d’augmenter le potentiel anti-charge.


Pour terminer, je trouve l’analyse pas trop mal. Mais le soucis c’est que si tu traduit pas t’auras pas beaucoup de commentaires.

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