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[76] Asgard Christmas Bash III 15/16 décembre 2018


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Le 14/11/2018 à 15:53, Gaspacho a dit :

Guillaume je compte sur toi pour ne pas décevoir Kroxi, c'est notre meilleur client !


Il y a 2 heures, Jaina a dit :

Ouhhhh, la pression Gayzher !!!


S'il perds, il met fin à deux ans de malédiction... mais faut que je gagne pour ça, rien n'est fait !

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Bonjour à tous,


Info: nous passons à 24 joueurs et le tournoi est full


et voici le scenario de Noel qui sera joué sur la dernière ronde



Les Facéties Facétieuses de Forband le gobelin

C’est le soir de Noel, et le gros ventru habillé en Koka-Kola a distribué ses cadeaux, que chaque
général va vouloir récupérer pour réchauffer son petit cœur en cette froide soirée. Sauf que parmi
les lutins travailleurs de Papa Kola, s’est infiltré le sournois et espiègle gobelin Forband. Ce
dernier a échangé les douceurs présentes dans certains cadeaux par de vilaines farces et

Ce scénario fonctionne sur le même principe que Spoil of War aux exceptions suivantes :
- 5 Objectifs sont disposés sur le champ de bataille, en suivant la ligne médiane, le premier au
centre puis les autres espacés de 18 pouces les uns des autres.
- Chaque objectif est numéroté de 1 à 5 (c’est très important, ces objectifs seront fournis par
- Le gagnant dépend de la règle ci-après.

A la fin de la partie, chaque joueur lance un dé. Le résultat de chaque dé représente le numéro
des deux objectifs piégés par Forband le gobelin, qui ne comptent donc pas dans le résultat final.
Si un double est obtenu, relancez.
Si un seul 6 est obtenu, le joueur qui a obtenu le 6 décide de la valeur de son dé (qui peut créer
un double et donc une relance complète du jet).




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  • 2 semaines après...




Liste envoyée :) 


Petite question : vu que le scénario de Noel est un dérivé de Spoil of War, est-il bon de le jouer en première ronde? Perso ça me va hein, juste une petite question comme ça ^^


Hâte d'y être !




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  • 2 semaines après...

Bonsoir à tous, 


Vu que tout le monde à été sage vous avez le droit aux listes et la première ronde 


Braxx – Dwarven Holds


CHARACTERS              40% max          1560 / 1800 pts max

CORE                             25% min           1140 / 1125 pts min

SPECIAL                        no limit             1800 / no limit

CLANS' THUNDER       35% max           0 / 1575 pts max

ENGINES OF WAR       20% max           0 / 900 pts max


770 - King (general, 225) : shield (15), holdstone (35), rune of destruction (weapon, 80), rune of might x2 (weapon, 40*2 = 80), rune of forge (armour, 10), rune of mining (talisman, 20), rune of shielding x2 (talisman, 30*2 = 60) & war throne (245).

320 - Thane (120) : BSB (50), shield (10), runic standard of shielding (banner, 80) & rune of shielding x2 (talisman, 30*2 = 60).

285 - Runic Smith (170) : battle rune x3 (20*3 = 60), shield (5) & rune of mastery x2 (talisman, 25*2 = 50).

185 - Anvil of power (185).


755 - Greybeards x30 (175 + 20*20 = 575) : C (20), M (20), S (20), shield (2*30 = 60) & runic standard of swiftness (60).

385 - Greybeards x15 (175 + 20*5 = 275) : M (20), S (20), shield (2*15 = 30) & banner of the relentless company (40).


900 - Hold guardians x8 (280 + 102*5 = 790) : C (20), M (20), S (20) & banner of speed (50).

900 - Hold guardians x8 (280 + 102*5 = 790) : C (20), M (20), S (20) & banner of speed (50).



TOTAL = 4500 Points.



Galdenos – Sylvan Elves


495 - Prince des forêts 215, changeforme 100, Armure légère 5, Cape Elfique 10, lame sylvestre 5, Esprit du Cyclone 55, Bouclier 5 trompe la mort 100

520 - Prince des forêts 215, Général, changeforme 100, Armure légère 5, Cape Elfique 10, Bouclier 5, lame sylvestre 5, Force des titans 65, Glyphe d'amryl 45, Appel du destin 70

305 - Dryade Vénérable 110, Adepte Divination 115, Ecorce Balafrée 80

290 - Dryade Vénérable 110, Adepte Divination 115, Spores Toxiques 65 


476 – 25 Dryades 150, C 20

333 – 12 Archers Sylvains 265, M 20  

333 – 12 Archers Sylvains 265, M 20  


100 - 1 Grand Aigle

100 - 1 Grand Aigle  

442 - 14 Patrouilleurs Forestiers 320, EMC 60, Avant garde+1M 45, Bannière de vitesse 50

442 - 14 Patrouilleurs Forestiers 320, EMC 60, Avant garde+1M 45, Bannière de vitesse 50 



330 - 3 Guerriers faucons 310, C 20

330 - 3 Guerriers faucons 310, C 20 



Mykeul – Highborn Elves


Caractères: 21,57% / 40% maximum (970pts / 1800pts)

Noyau: 25,26% / 25% moins (1136pts / 1125pts) 

Spécial: 34,49% (1551pts)

Arc de la Reine: 0.00% / 30% maximum (0pts / 1350pts) 

Ordre naval: 0.00% / 15% Max (0pts / 675pts)

Les anciens alliés: 18,68% / 20% maximum (840pts / 900pts)


560 - Maître mage, érudit Asfad, général, talisman du vide (50), boule de cristal (40) , armure légère, cosmo

410 - Commandant, tour maître de Canreig, essence de mithril (60), arc long (1+), grande arme, porteur d'étalon de bataille


280 - 20x Citizen Spears, musicien, porte-drapeau

280 - 20x Citizen Spears, musicien, porte-drapeau

280 - 20x Citizen Spears, musicien, porte-drapeau

296 - 21x Citizen Spears, musicien, porte-drapeau


687 - 24x Sword Masters, champion, musicien, porte-drapeau, bannière de la guerre de Ryma

110 - Reaver Chariot

110 - Reaver Chariot

110 - Reaver Chariot

434 - 6x Chevaliers de Ryma , Champion, Musicien

100 - Aigle géant


420 - Phénix de feu

420 - Phénix de feu

--- Total ---

4 497



Leovric - Empire of Sonnstahl


--- Characters : 28.34% / 40% Max (1275pts/1800pts) ---

--- Core : 25.32% / 25% Least (1139pts/1125pts) ---

--- Special : 26.67% (1200pts) ---

--- Imperial Auxiliaries : 19.72% / 35% Max (887pts/1575pts) ---

--- Sunna's Fury : 10.56% / 30% Max (475pts/1350pts) ---



340 - Great Tactician, General, Imperial Seal (Models on foot only) (100), Lucky Charm (10), Great Weapon

305 - Marshal, Death Warrant (55), Blacksteel (45), Shield, Battle Standard Bearer, Household Standard

210 - Prelate, Alchemist's Alloy (15), Potion of Strength (Cannot be taken by models with Towering Presence) (10), Plate Armour, Shield

420 - Wizard, Locket of Sunna (70), Wizard Master, Pyromancy

315 - 20x Light Infantry, replace Crossbow with Handgun (4+), Musician, Standard Bearer, Marksman's Pennant

272 - 19x Light Infantry, Musician

252 - 6x Electoral Cavalry, Shield, Lance, Musician

150 - 10x State Militia Irregulars

150 - 10x State Militia Irregulars

775 - 35x Imperial Guard, replace Shield with Great Weapon, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of Speed

425 - 4x Knights of the Sun Griffon, Musician, Standard Bearer

250 - Cannon

160 - Imperial Rocketeer

475 - Steam Tank

--- Total ---

4 499



Luthor – Warriors of the Dark Gods


Characters - Max 45% - 1640/2025pts

Core - Min 25% - 925/900pts

Spécial - No Limit - 1335pts

Legendary Beasts - Max  35 % - 600/1575pts


850 -  Exalted herald  

300 - sorceror 145, wizard adept 75, alchemy, dark chariot 65, plate armor 15  

300 - sorceror 145, wizard adept 75, evocation, dark chariot 65, plate armor 15  

190 - Barbarian Chief 135, BSB 50, shield 5


635 - 18 warriors 426, C 20, M 20, favoured champion 25, path of greed 144

290 -  10 warriors 250, C 20, M 20


220 - Warrior Chariot

220 - Warrior Chariot

350 - Chosen Chariot 340, pride 10

285 - 5 warrior knights 255, great weapons 10, M 20                                  

130 - 5 barbarian horsemen, paired weapon (free)                              

130 - 5 barbarian horsemen, paired weapon (free) 


300 - Marauding  giant 270, giant club 30

300 - Marauding  giant 270, giant club 30





Mweax – Dwarven Holds

Characters: 250/1800

Core: 1125/1125

Special: 1346

Engine of War: 900/900

Clan's thunder: 1125/1575

TOTAL: 4496/4500


125 - engineer - general

125 - engineer


255 - 10 greybeards (175) - musician (20) - shield (20) - throwing weapons (40)

255 - 10 greybeards (175) - musician (20) - shield (20) - throwing weapons (40)

295 - 10 greybeards (175) - musician (20) - banner (20) - shield (20) - throwing weapons (40) - vanguard (20)

160 - 10 warriors (120) - musician (20) - shield (20)

160 - 10 warriors (120) - musician (20) - shield (20)


646 - 6 hold guardians (586) - FC (60)

350 - grudge buster

350 - grudge buster


210 - bomber

210 - bomber

175 - attack copter

265 - 10 miners (185) - pistol (40) - paired weapons (20) - shield (20)

265 - 10 miners (185) - pistol (40) - paired weapons (20) - shield (20)


320 - organ gun (270) - rune crafted (50)

330 - organ gun (270) - rune crafted (50) - flaming attacks (10)



Tuttle - Sylvan Elves


Characters - Max 40% : 1220/1800pts

Core - Min 25% : 1143/1125pts

Spécial - No Limit : 1934pts

Unseen arrows - Max 35% : 200/1575pts

Sylvan longbow – Max 55 : 43/55


600 - Forest Prince (215), General, Wild Hunter (90), Great Elk (100), Titanic Might (65), Rod of Battle (45), Destiny's Call (70), Light Armour (5), Sylvan Longbow (5), Sylvan Blades (5)

365 – Druid (140), Wizard Master (225), Druidism

255 – Chieftain (145), Binding Scroll (55), Light Armour (5), Battle Standard Bearer (50)


381 - 14x Sylvan Archers, Musician

381 - 14x Sylvan Archers, Musician

381 - 14x Sylvan Archers, Musician


100 - Forest Eagle

100 - Forest Eagle

330 - 3x Kestrel Knights, Champion

330 - 3x Kestrel Knights, Champion

425 - 6x Wild Huntsmen, a Shield, Champion, Standard Bearer

649 - 23x Vanguard Forest Rangers, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Predator Pennant


200 - 5x Briar Maidens

Total : 4 497



Blustyle – Undying Dynastie


Characters Max 40 % (1800): 1230

Core Min 25 % (1125): 1830

Ancient Ordnance Max 35 % (1575): 260

Mason’s Menagerie Max 35 % (1575) : 1440


 590 - Pharaoh (295), Shield (5), Heavy armour (15), Lance (20), king slayer (60), Lucky Charm (10), Death Mask of Teput (35), Death Cheater (100), Chariot (50), general

495 - Death Cult Hierarch (125), Divination, Wizard Master (225), Hierophant (50), Sacred Hourglass (95).

145 - Death Cult Hierarch (125), Evocation, hierophant (20).


250 - 24 Skeletons (150+40), EMC (60)

130 - 5 Skeletons Scouts (130)

130 - 5 Skeletons Scouts (130)

­­650 Skeletons Chariots (290+ 3*65), EMC (60), Legion Charioteers (6*15), Aether Icon (15)

670 - 6 Skeletons Chariots (290+ 3*65), EMC (60), Legion Charioteers (6*15), Flaming Standard (35)


480 - Dread Sphinx (480)

480 - Battle sphinx (480)

480 - Battle sphinx (480)





BlackRaccon – Orcs & Goblins


Characters : 1730/1800

Core :1130 /1125 minimum

Special : 620/*

Death from above : 0/675

Big&Nasty : 1020(1230) /1350


495 - Coomon orc warlord (220) warcry (45) war boar (40) shield (5) duskforged (50) tutek's guard (55) cleansing light (20) dragon staff (30) troll ale flask (30)

515 - Iron orc chief (160) bsb (50) wyvern (200) big wing (10) shield (5) pw (5) basalt infusion (35) talisman of shielding (50)

220 - Common goblin doctor (115) adept pyromancy (75) wolf chariot (30)

380 - Common orc shaman (155) master shamanism (225)

120 - Common goblin chief (70) wolf (50)


180 - 5 feral orc boar riders (140) musician (20) shields (20)

180 - 5 feral orc boar riders (140) musician (20) shields (20) 

535 - 35 common orcs (340) SB+M (40) spears (70) shields (35) banner of speed (50)

235 - 20 common orcs (175) C+M (40) bows (20)


90 - 3 Grotlings

530 - 8 common trolls


510 - Gargantua 

510 - Gargantua   



Scoub – Kingdom of Equitaine


Characters - Max 40% - 1540/1800pts
Core - Min 25% - 1132/1125pts
Special - No Limit - 1190pts
Airborne gallantry - Max 40% - 1305/1800pts


670 - Duke 170, General, Questing oath and bastard sword 60, Pegasus 130, Virtue of Might 100, shield 5, lance 20, Divine judgement 80, Basalt infusion 35, Potion of Swiftness 10, Fortress of Faith 60

345 - Paladin 130, BSB 50, Questing oath and bastard sword 40, Barded warhorse 40, Virtue of Piety 55, shield 5, Alchemist alloy 15, lucky charm 10

525 - Damsel 120, Wizard master 225, Druidism, Equitan Unicorn 100, Storm clarion 80


852 - 15 knights of the realm 692, CMS 60, Banner of the Last Charge 100

280 - 6 knights of the realm 260, M 20


680 - 13 knights of the Quest 620, CMS 60

135 - 5 yeomen 125, light armor 5, shield 5

135 - 5 yeomen 125, light armor 5, shield 5

120 - Scorpion

120 - Scorpion


635 - 5 Pegasus knights 530, skirmish 15, CS 40, Banner of Roland 50


Total 4497 points



LeonTrodSkill – Undying Dynastie


Character - 40% Max - 1400\1800 pts

Core - 25% Min - 1241\1125 pts

Spécial - No limit - 736 pts

A. Ordonnance - 35% Max - (356)\1575

Entombed - 30% Max - 150 (775)\1350

M. Menagerie  - 35% Max - 960\1575


660 - Death Cult Hierarch 125, Divination, Master 225, Ankh of Naptesh 45, Sacred Hourglass 95, Soul Conduit 25, Ark of Ages 145.

200 - Death Cult Hierarch 125, Evocation, Adept 75.

160 - Tomb Architect.

140 – Nomarch, General

240 – Casket of Phatep


356 - 28 Skeleton Archers 336, M 20.

210 - 20 Skeletons 150, B 20, Banner of the Entombed 40.

415 – 3 Chars 290, B 20, M 20, Banner of the Entombed 40, Legion Charioteers 45.

130 – 5 Scouts.

130 – 5 Scouts.


736 - 8 Shabtis 585, Paired Weapons 96, B 20, Flaming Standard 35.


160 - Sand Scorpion

480 - Battle Sphinx

480 - Battle Sphinx

= 4497 pts



Kermit  - Undying Dynasties


Characters - Max. 40% – 970 / 1800 pts

Core – Min 25% - 1125 / 1125 pts

Special – No limit - 1220 pts

Ancient Ordnance - Max 35% - 965 / 1575 pts

Entombed - Max 30% 480 / 1350 pts

Mason’s Menagerie - Max 35% – 0 / 1575 pts



220 - Death Cult Hierarch 125, Hierophant 20, wizard Adept 75, Evocation

430 - Death Cult Hierarch 125, General, Binding Scroll 55, wizard Master 225, Soul Conduit 25, Divination

160 - Tomb architect

160 - Tomb architect


615 - 6 skeleton chariots 485, M 20, C 20, Legion charioteers 90

130 - 5 skeleton scouts

130 - 5 skeleton scouts

250 - 20 Skeletons 150, M 20, S 20, C 20, Banner of the Relentless Company 40

610 - 6 Tomb Cataphracts 570, M 20, C 20

610 - 6 Tomb Cataphracts 570, M 20, C 20


705 – 8 Shabtis Archers 600, M 20, S 20, C 20, Rending Banner 45


160 – 1 Sand Scorpion

160 – 1 Sand Scorpion

160 – 1 Sand Scorpion





Lake – Ogre Khan


Characters 940/1800

Cores 1128/1125

Specials 1470

Chained Beasts 960/1350


495 Shaman, General, Path of Pyromancy/Thaumaturgy, Wizard Master, Ironfist, Light Armour, Essence of free mind

445 Khan, BSB, Ironfist, Heavy armour, Trolleater, Heart ripper, Mammoth-Hide Cloak


377 5*Bruisers, Musician, Champion

751 9*Bruisers, FCG, Pennant of the Great Grass Sky


175 Kin-Eater

175 Kin-Eater

175 Kin-Eater

865 5*Tusker Cavalry, Musician, Standard, Great Weapons, Banner of Gyengget

80 1*Sabretooth Tigers



485 Rock Aurochs, Lance

475 Rock Aurochs






Tiamat – The Vermin Swarm


Character - Max 40% - 1755/1800

Core – Min 25% - 1130/1125

Special – No limit - 665

Tunnel Gunner – Max 25% - 950/1125

Built and breed – Max 30% -1230/1350


820 - Vermin Daemon 820,General.

265 – Chief 110, BSB 50, Lightning Rod 100, Shield 5

670 – Plague Patriarch 155,Light Armour 5, Paired weapon 5, Plague Pendulum 410, Swarm master 35, Putrid Protection 60.


205 – 40 slaves 185, M 20

205 – 40 slaves 185, M 20

170 – 10 footpads 120, Vanguard 30, Musician 20

355 - 24 Plague Brotherhood 245, E 20, M 20, C 20, Banner of speed.50

195 – 10 Foot pads 120, E 20, M 20, Banner of discipline 35


 90 – 2 rats Swarm.90

90 – 2 rats Swarm 90

485 – 4 Vermin Hulk 295, Upgrade to Thunder Hulk 60, C 20, Meat Grinder 110


170 – Plague catapult

170 – Plague catapult

 305 Dreadmill

305 Dreadmill



TOTAL : 4500 pts



Groblin – Dread Elves


characters - 40 % 1405/1800

Core - Min 25% 1135/1125

Raiders - Max 30% 1206/1350

Spécial 590

Destroyers - Max 15% - 0/675

Menagerie - Max 30% - 1220/1350

970 Oracle : 170, Wizard Master of Occultism 225, Yema 30 , Moraec ‘s reaping 55, Wandering Familiar 50, Dragon 440. 

435 Captain : 155, Bsb 50, Heavy armor 10, Shield 5, Lance 15, repeater crossbow 5, Elven Horse 50, Beastmaster 50, Midnight cloak 95.


200 – 5 Dark Riders 160, Repeater Crossbow 40

200 – 5 Dark Riders 160, Repeater Crossbow 40

200 – 5 Dark Riders 160, Repeater Crossbow 40

370 – 2* 15 legionnairs Champion

165 – 15 legionnairs 


293 – 8 Raven cloak Great weapon

293 – 8 Raven cloak Great weapon

235 – 5 Dark Acolytes

355 – 5 dread knights: emc, banner of blood.


390 – Kraken

390 – kraken



Gozher – Vampire Covenant


Characters 1430
Core 900
Special 610
The suffering 380
Swift Death 1180
Total : 4500
280 - Necromancer, general, adept, dead arise, magical heirloom, evocation
200 - Necromancer, adept, alchemy
950 - Vampire Count, adept, court of the damned, GW, heavy armor, legend of the black king, hour of the wolf, occultism
145 - 22 zombies, M
135 - 20 zombies, M
507 - 31 ghouls, C
113 - 8 dire wolf
90 - 2 Greats bats
90 - 2 Greats bats
430 - Dark coach
190 - 5 spectral hunter
190 - 5 spectral hunter
740 - 4 reapers, PW
440 - 5 vampire knight, M



Kiri – The Vermin Swarm



Core: 1125/1125

Special: 635

Tunnel: 950/1350

160 - Chief, Battle Standard Bearer 

810 - Magister, General, Doom Bell, Thaumaturgy, Wizard Master, Magical Heirloom - Dominant, Second Awakening

820 - Vermin Daemon

129 - 11Footpads Footpads

129 - 11 Footpads Rats-at-Arms 

267 - 26 Rat-at-Arms, Standard Bearer, Musician

600 - 35 Vermin Guard, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of the Endless Swarm

80 - 10x Giant Rat

90 - 2x Rat Swarm 

465 - 6 Vermin Hulks, Champion

305 - Dreadmill

305 - Dreadmill

170 - Plague Catapult 

170 - Plague Catapult





Heydrick - The Vermin Swarm - With Vermin Daemon


--- Characters : 39.44% / 40% Max (1775pts/1800pts) ---

--- Core : 25.11% / 25% Least (1130pts/1125pts) ---

--- Special : 16.78% (755pts) ---

--- Tunnel Gunners : 18.67% / 25% Max (840pts/1125pts) ---


820 - Vermin Daemon, General

735 - Plague Patriarch, Plague Pendulum, Putrid Protection (60), Potion of Swiftness (10), Light Armour, Plague Flail, Wizard Adept, Occultism

220 - Chief, Sceptre of Vermin Valour (35), Battle Standard Bearer, Legion Standard


460 - 35x Plague Brotherhood, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Rending Banner

390 - 20x Vermin Guard, Musician, Standard Bearer, Lightning Rod

140 - 10x Footpads, Musician

140 - 10x Footpads, Musician


575 - 5x Thunder Hulks, Rotary Gun (4+), Champion

90 - 2x Rat Swarms

90 - 2x Rat Swarms


305 - Dreadmill

305 - Dreadmill

230 - 6x Jezails

--- Total ---

4 500



Cheveux - The Vermin Swarm


Characters (max 40%) : 1660 / 1800

Core (at least 25%) : 1125 / 1125

Special (no limit) : 765 / -

Tunnel Gunners (max 25%) : 950 / 1125

Built and Bred (max 30%) : 1230 / 1350

Total : 4500 / 4500 DIOT DE BATTLE


820 - Vermin Daemon (820), general (0), Divination

170 - Chief (110), BSB (50), Ratlock Pistols (10)

670 - Plague Patriarch (155), Plague Pendulum (410), ligth armour (5), paired weapons (5), Hero's Heart (60), Basalt Infusion (35), Occultism


265 - 20 Plague Brotherhood (205), SMC (60)

205 - 40 Slaves (185), M (20)

205 - 40 Slaves (185), M (20)

140 - 10 Footpads (120), M (20)

140 - 10 Footpads (120), M (20)

170 - 10 Footpads (120), M (20), vanguard (30)


465 - 6 Vermin Hulks (445), C (20)

150 - Meat Grinder (150)

150 - Meat Grinder (150)


305 - Dreadmill (305) 

305 - Dreadmill (305) 

190 - 5 Jezails (190)

150 - 4 Jezails (150)



Maman_Poulet - Highborn Elves


Characters : 35.22% / 40% Max (1585pts/1800pts)

Core : 25.00% / 25% Least (1125pts/1125pts)

Special : 26.00% (1170pts)

Queen's Bows : 19.22% / 30% Max (865pts/1350pts)

 Special : 26.00% (1170pts)

Naval Ordnance : 8.00% / 15% Max (360pts/675pts)



470 - High Prince (250), Sliver of the Blazing Dawn (100), Diadem of Protection (85), Shield (5), Dragonforged Armour (25), Spear (5)

 470 - Commander, Master of Canreig Tower (150+135), Destiny's Call (70), Dragonforged Armour (20), Great Weapon (10), Battle Standard Bearer (50), Flaming Standard (35)

 645 - Master Mage, Asfad Scholar (225+150+90), Gleaming Robe (90), Binding Scroll (55), Dragon Staff (30), Light Armour (5)


260 - 5x Highborn Lancers, Musician

260 - 5x Highborn Lancers, Musician

605 - 25x Sea Guard, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of Discipline



710 - 25x Sword Masters, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, War Banner of Ryma 

460 - 15x Lion Guard, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Flaming Standard

260 - 8x Scout Grey Watchers, Shield


180 - Sea Guard Reaper

180 - Sea Guard Reaper 

--- Total ---

4 500



Jonathan BLOT - Daemon Legions - Polytheist Army


--- Characters : 30.00% / 40% Max (1350pts/1800pts) ---

--- Core : 30.89% / 25% Least (1390pts/1125pts) ---

--- Minions of Wrath : 8.67% / 60% Max (390pts/2700pts)

--- Minions of Lust : 8.89% / 60% Max (400pts/2700pts)

--- Minions of Pestilence : 45.22% / 60% Max (2035pts/2700pts)

--- Minions of Change : 20.67% / 60% Max (930pts/2700pts)


605 - Harbinger of Pestilence 230, General, Pestilent Palanquin 70, Nauseating Aura (100), Supreme Aspect: Bloated Putrefaction 80, Halberd 10, Wizard Adept 115, Divination

745 - Daemon Prince 450, Iron Hide (70), Trident of Torment (30), Blazing Wings (30), Change 50, Wizard Adept 115, Evocation


720 - 24x Tallymen 524, Aspect: Contamination 96, Champion 20, Musician 20, Standard Bearer 20, Banner of the Relentless Company 40

345 - 10x Horrors 185, Champion 20 , Musician 20

325 - 10x Horrors 20, Champion 20


390 - 3x Crusher Cavalry 350, Champion 20, Musician 20

200 - 5x Mounted Sirens 180, Champion 20

200 - 5x Mounted Sirens 180, Champion 20

350 - 3x Pestilent Beasts 350

360 - 3x Blight Flies 340, Champion 20

260 - Blazing Chariot

--- Total ---

4 500



Bouffy - Undying Dynastie


Characters: 1630/1800
 Core: 1125/1125
Special: 1260
Ancient Ordnance: 260/1575
 Entombed: 0/1350
 Mason’s Menagerie: 845/1575
 TOTAL: 4495/4500

 780 - pharaoh (295) - general - great weapon (20) - sha guardian (365) - godslayer (75) - dragon staff (30)
 275 - death cult hierarch (125) - hierophant (20) - adept (75) - evocation - binding scroll (55)
 255 - death cult hierarch (125) - adept (75) - divination - binding scroll (55)
 160 - tomb architect
 160 - tomb architect

 230 - 20 skeletons (150) - spear (0) - musician (20) - banner (20) - relentless company (40)
 130 - 5 skeleton scouts
 130 - 5 skeleton scouts
 635 - 6 skeleton chariots (485) - FC (60) - legion charioteers (90)

 675 - 6 tomb cataphracts (570) - FC (60) - rending banner (45)
 585 - 5 tomb cataphracts (480) - FC (60) - flamming banner (45)
 480 - Dread Sphinx



wil7 - Daemon Legions - Polytheist Army


--- Characters : 40.00% / 40% Max (1800pts/1800pts) ---

--- Core : 27.11% / 25% Least (1220pts/1125pts) ---

--- Minions of Change: 15.33% / 60% Max (690pts/2700pts) ---

--- Minions of Lust: 11.78% / 60% Max (530pts/2700pts) --- 

--- Minions of Pestilence : 27.78% / 60% Max (1250pts/2700pts) ---  

--- Special : 6.44% (290pts) ---

--- Dark Gods' Might : 38.67% / 40% Max (1740pts/1800pts) ---


1 265 - Weaver of Change, Aether Wand, Shackles of Reality, Soul-Bound Staff, Power Vortex, Thaumaturgy

535 - Harbinger of Pestilence, General, Blight Fly, Nauseating Aura, Bloated Putrefaction, Halberd, Wizard Apprentice, Witchcraft


345 - 10x Horrors, Champion, Musician

345 - 10x Horrors, Champion, Musician

265 - 15x Sirens, Champion, Musician

265 - 15x Sirens, Champion, Musician


715 - 5x Blight Flies, Champion, Standard Bearer, Rending Banner


145 - 5x Furies, Pestilence

145 - 5x Furies, Pestilence

475 - Daemon Engine, Hellish Bolt (3+), Pestilence



Chaeros - Empire of Sonnstahl


Characters - Max 40% - 1300/1800
Core - Min 25% - 1138/1125
imperial auxiliaries - Max 35% - 978/1575
Spécial - No Limit - 906
Artillerie - 20% - 725/900
sunna'as fury - max 30% - 475/1350

210 - marshal 160 general 0 Talisman of the Void  50
160 - marshal 160 BSB 0
350 - wizard 125 master 225 divination
200 - wizard 125 adept 75 cosmologie
380 - Knight commander 200 shield 5 hero's heart 60 basalt infusion 35 dusk forged 50 young griffon 30

272 - 19 light infanterie 252 M 20
140 - 10 state militia
140 - 10 state militia
165 - 5 Knight 155 GW 10
165 - 5 Knight 155 GW 10
256 - 21 heavy infantry 155 halleberd 21 MS 40 Household Standard 40

150 - 10 imperial rangers
150 - 10 imperial rangers
126 - 8 imperial rangers

453 - 4 Knights of the Sun Griffon 385 lance 48 M 20
453 - 4 Knights of the Sun Griffon 385 lance 48 M 20

250 - Canon
475 – Steam Tank



La ronde 1 - Scénario: Breakthrough

Table 1: Braxx - Cheveux

Table 2: Kroxi - Gozher

Table 3: Mykeul - Lake

Table 4: Luthor - LeonTrodSkill

Table 5: Tuttle - Scoub

Table 6: Kiri - Galdenos

Table 7: Groblin - Blustyle

Table 8: Maman_Poulet - Bouffy

Table 9: Tiamat - Kermit

Table 10: Mweax - Will

Table 11: Heydrick - Chaeros

Table 12: BlackRaccon - Leovric 


A samedi les amis 





Modifié par Seven
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Il y a 7 heures, Seven a dit :

Alors oui mais non 

on est le matin et on a des voisins donc vous pouvez faire du bruit mais en silence ?





T'inquiètes Seven, je vais lui mettre une douille comme au MST III, on va plus l'entendre l'ex roi des rats ????


Pour Luthor en revanche... Je ne peux rien promettre, à part une paire de baffes ??




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il y a 9 minutes, Braxx a dit :


T'inquiètes Seven, je vais lui mettre une douille comme au MST III, on va plus l'entendre l'ex roi des rats ????


Pour Luthor en revanche... Je ne peux rien promettre, à part une paire de baffes ??





Nan mais laisse Seven en stress jusqu'à samedi !

À la différence du MST, dieu est avec moi ce weekend ;)

Gare à tes fesses ?

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Il y a 10 heures, Lakelui a dit :

Question sur la liste de Mykeul.


410 - Commandant, tour maître de Canreig, essence de mithril (60), arc long (1+), grande arme, porteur d'étalon de bataille


Porter un étalon de bataille, c'est pas une pratique BDSM ? Ca a changé les HE ... Trop kinky.

C est un avertissement pour ton chaman ??


C est juste la version elfes pour dire Le Mr est porteur de la grande banniere

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