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[WAP] Warhammer V9 version 1.4

Messages recommandés


- hallebarde : +1 F, 2 mains

- arme lourde : +1 F, 2 mains, +1 F bonus au premier round de chaque corps à corps, -2 I

- fléau : 2 mains, +2 F bonus au premier round de chaque corps à corps

- lance (infanterie) : +1 rang de soutien, si chargé de face (sauf par infanterie, machine ou autel) +1 F bonus et +1 I

- pique : +3 rangs de soutien, 2 mains, si chargé de face (sauf par infanterie, machine ou autel) +1 F bonus et +2 I

- lance (utilisée par la cavalerie) : quand charge : +1 F bonus, +1 I

- lance de cavalerie : +2 F bonus, quand charge +2 I

- 2 armes : parade, deux mains, +1 A

Armes de tir

- arc court : portée 18 pas, force 3, tir multiple 2 (si pas bougé, pas en contre-charge), tir de volée

- arc : portée 24 pas, force 3, tir multiple 2 (si pas bougé, pas en contre-charge), tir de volée

- arc long : portée 30 pas, force 3, tir multiple 2 (si pas bougé, pas en contre-charge), tir de volée

- arbalète : portée 30 pas, force 4, déplacement ou tir

- arbalète de poing : portée 15 pas, force 4, tir rapide

- arquebuse : portée 24 pas, force 4, déplacement ou tir, perforant 1

- pistolet : portée 12 pas, force 4, tir rapide, perforant 1, +1 attaque (requière les deux mains), tir multiple 2 (si paire de pistolets)

- javelot : portée 12 pas, force utilisateur, perforant 1, tir rapide, tir de volée

- dague de jet : portée 8 pas, force utilisateur, tir multiple (2), tir rapide

- hache de jet : portée 6 pas, Force utilisateur+1, tir rapide

- fronde : portée 18 pas, force 3, perforant 1, tir multiple 2 (si pas bougé, pas en contre-charge)


- légère : 6+

- intermédiaire : 5+

- lourde : 4+

- plates complète : 3+

- bouclier : +1 à la sauvegarde, +1 additionnel pour l’infanterie subissant un tir de face, parade 6+

- rondache : +1 à la sauvegarde au corps à corps, parade 5+

- caparaçon : +1 à la sauvegarde, -1 en mouvement pour la charge, la poursuite et la fuite

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- champion : permet de relancer les tests de marche forcée, de redirection de charge, de reformation et pour restreindre une poursuite.

- porte-bannière : +1 à la résolution de combat. Automatiquement tué s’il fuit.

- musicien : gagne les ex-aequo, +1 pour rallier l’unité si elle fuit, reformation gratuite



- un personnage ne peut pas rejoindre une unité dont les troupes de base ont une meilleure PU que lui

- attention messire automatique si le personnage est dans une unité du même type de troupe que lui et qui comprend au moins 5 figurines

- personnage isolé à un attention messire de 4+ si il se trouve à 3 pas d’une unité.

- général : la figurine avec le plus haut commandement. Les alliés à 12 pas peuvent utiliser sa valeur de commandement à la plus de la leur. Les bêtes de guerre, bêtes monstrueuses, monstres non montés, monstres qui ne sont pas des personnages et les monstres sans maîtres de meute ne sont pas affectés. Si une unité est tenace, elle utilise soit le commandement modifié du général, soit le sien non modifié.

- grande bannière : meurt si fuit. Permet aux unités à 12 pas de relancer les tests de panique et de moral. Les bêtes de guerre, bêtes monstrueuses, monstres non montés, monstres qui ne sont pas des personnages et les monstres sans maîtres de meute ne sont pas affectés (sauf les créatures intelligentes (Sentient))

- Tous les personnages dans une unité doivent être au premier rang avec l’état-major (sauf Bretonnie)

- en cas de refus d’un défi, le personnage n’attaque pas, ne peut pas utiliser son commandement et reste à sa place. Il peut donc être attaqué.

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Machines de guerre

- Elles ont un arc de vue comme les autres unités. Si elle pivote pour cibler un ennemi hors de l’arc, elle compte comme s’étant déplacé.

- tir sur une machine de guerre : contre l’endurance de la machine.

- corps à corps contre les servants : seulement 6 figurines contre 6

- test de panique raté : les servants se planquent et ratent leur prochain tir. Ralliement automatique.

- canon : portée 48 pas, force 10, 1d6 blessures (impact) / 1d3 blessures (rebond)

- grand canon (empire seulement) : portée 60 pas, force 10, 1d6 blessures

- mitraille : portée 12 pas, force 5 perforant 1, dé d’artillerie tirs

- catapulte : portée 12 à 60 pas, force 3 (9), (blessure multiples d6), si tir indirect dévie même sur un hit. Déviation de dé d’artillerie – CT des servants.

- lance flamme : force 5, ignore les couverts, attaques enflammées

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Objets magiques

- un personnage peut prendre une armure magique uniquement s’il a le droit de prendre une armure non magique de même type.

- un personnage peut prendre une arme magique uniquement s’il a le droit de prendre une arme non magique de même type.

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- terrain dangereux : pour les cavaliers, cavaliers monstrueux, chars et autels tous les terrains sont dangereux (sauf collines pour les cavaliers). Lancez un dé par figurine, sur un 1, elle subit une blessure sans sauvegarde d’armure. Les chars et les autels subissent 1d6.

- collines : ligne de vue à la hauteur de la troupe, +1 pour la résolution de combat

- forêts : marche forcée impossible sauf pour les tirailleurs et personnage solitaire. Pas de visibilité si 2 pas de forêts.  Les volants qui terminent ou commencent leur mouvement sur une forêt doivent faire un test de terrain dangereux. Donne un couvert léger. Une unité dans une forêt ne peut pas être tenace.

- rivières : marche forcée impossible. Une unité partiellement dans une rivière ne peut pas être tenace et n’a pas de bonus de rangs.

- marais : Terrain dangereux pour tout le monde. Pour la cavalerie, la cavalerie monstrueuse, les chars et les autels, le test de terrain dangereux est raté sur 1 ou 2.

- obstacles : terrain dangereux pour la cavalerie, cavalerie monstrueuse, les chars et les autels s’ils font autre chose qu’un mouvement de base. Donne un couvert. Même bonus contre les charges. Ne bloque pas un boulet de canon et est détruit par ce dernier.

- bâtiments : infranchissable, si garnison tirs à 360° mais seulement 5 figurines par étage, gabarit sur bâtiment : 1d6 touches dans l’unité. Charge contre bâtiment : ne peut pas fuir, pas de bonus de charge au résultat de combat, seulement 10 contre 10 (1 infanterie monstrueuse = 3, 1 monstre = 5) avec répartition des combattants, résolution de combat : seulement les blessures sont prises en compte.  Garnison : toujours tenace.

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Points de victoire

- unité ayant subi 50% de pertes ou plus : donne 50% de sa valeur

- unité ayant subi moins de 50% de pertes mais en fuite à la fin de la partie : donne 50% de sa valeur

- unité ayant subi 50% de perte ou plus et en fuite à la fin de la partie : donne 75% de sa valeur

- unité détruite ou ayant fui hors de la table : donne 100% de sa valeur

- personnage ayant perdu la moitié de ses points de vie ou plus : donne 50% de sa valeur

- général tué : donne un bonus de 100 points

- bannières prises : donne un bonus de 25 points par bannière

- grande bannière prise : donne un bonus de 100 points

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This a list of all the rules changes from the 8th Edition Rulebook to the current version of 9th Edition (1.6), to make it easier to keep track of all changes and make it easier for people wanting to move from 8th Ed to 9th Ed. It it still recommended you look up the complete rule in question, as this list only contains an abridged version of each rules change.


Basic Rules:

  • Re-roll: You may re-roll a re-roll if you have two special rules at different power levels that would otherwise cancel each other out.
  • Leadership tests: Psychology tests added.
  • Forming Units: A unit may not have more ranks than they have files, e.g. if the unit is 5 models wide, it may at most have 5 ranks. 
  • Unit Strength (US) added. This is used to determine the overall size and power of each model for purposes like ranks, charging, flanking and so on.
  • Line of Sight: For one model to have line of sight to another, you must be able to trace an unblocked line from the front arc of its base to the base of the target.

Fighting a Battle:

  • The Battlefield: Included suggested rules for how to place terrain.
  • Deployment: All War Machines, Characters and units costing less than 50 points must be placed at the same time.


  • 1" Apart: You may pivot on the spot with your unit, as long as it does not end its movement within 1" of a unit or impassable terrain. If pivoting would cause you to come into base contact with another unit or impassable terrain, you must move your model back so that it is still 1" away from these after your pivot.
  • Redirecting the Charge: If the target unit declares a Flee reaction, or gets destroyed for any reason, you try to redirect its charge. If this second unit also flees, you can instead choose to default back to charging the original fleeing unit.
  • Calculating Charge Range: A unit's charge range is the sum of its Move value and a 2D6 roll (where you pick the highest score rolled) in inches. With the unit's charge range established, measure the distance between the charging unit and its target unit at their closest points in an uninterrupted line between them.
  • Aligning to the Enemy: The only exception to the charger aligning to the target is if a unit with less than Unit Strength 5 is charged by a unit with Unit Strength 10 or more. In this case, the charged unit will align to the charging unit, rather than the other way around.
  • Charging a Fleeing Enemy: If the charging unit has less than Unit Strength 10, the fleeing unit suffers one Wound with no saves of any kind allowed for each point of Unit Strength the charging unit has. If any models survive, the charging unit then stops 1" behind the remains of the unit.
  • Rally Fleeing Units: If the fleeing unit has been reduced in size to a quarter (25%) or less of the number of models with which it began the game, it's Leadership value is halved.


  • Choosing Spells: To determine the Wizard's spells, consult the chosen lore and choose the spells you want for your Wizard. The spell that can be chosen depend on the Level of your wizard. Spells may be taken in duplicates if all other spells from that lore are already taken.
  • Signature Spells: Regardless of a Wizard's Level, they always know the Signature spell of a lore in addition to any other spells they have chosen – even if another Wizard in the same army already knows the Signature spell. If a Wizard can take spells from multiple lores, they may at most have two different Signature Spells in total. Note that Wizards that do not get to choose their spells, either due to knowing only a few specific spells or having them as Bound Spells, do not get the Signature spell from the Lore(s) they are using. 
  • Roll for the Winds of Magic: The number of dice is increased for each 2000 points you increase the game size with after 2000 points, so at 4000 points you roll 4D6, at 6000 points you roll 6D6 and so on.
  • The Power Pool: Removed limit of 12 dice in the pool.
  • Channelling Power Dice: The casting player rolls a D6 for each Wizard level in their army. For each result of 5 or 6, the Wizard generate another power dice.
  • Channelling Dispel Dice: Roll a D6 for each Wizard level in their army. For each roll of a 6, add an extra dispel dice to the pool. 
  • Spell Types: Magical vortex spells may not be used in such a way that they affect friendly models or enemies in close combat when initially cast.
  • Choose Number of Power Dice: The number of dice each Wizard can use to cast each spell is determined by their Wizard Level+2.
  • Casting Value: For a spell to be cast, the total of the dice rolled, added to the Wizard's level divided by half, must equal or beat the spell's casting value.
  • Irresistible Force replaced by Ultimate Power: For every natural 6 rolled when casting a spell, you automatically have to roll an additional 'free' power dice to boost the casting value even further.
  • Miscasts: If two or more unmodified 1's are rolled when casting a spell, it has been Miscast. Add the total number of dice used to cast the spell to the number rolled on the D6 and consult the Miscast table. Extended Miscast Table with plenty of new results.
  • Dispel Value: For a dispel to succeed, the total of the dice rolled, added to the Wizard's level divided by half, must equal or beat the spell's casting result.
  • Ultimate Power: For every natural 6 rolled when dispelling a spell, you automatically get to roll an additional 'free' dispel dice to boost the dispel value even further, just like you do when casting.
  • Duplicate Spells: A single unit may never be affected by the same spell effect more than once at any one time, such as casting the same Augment or Hex spell twice at a target in one round.
  • Casting Bound Spells: Whenever you attempt to cast a Bound Spell from a Magic Item (but not 'innate' Bound Spells), you may add one free Power dice to the casting roll.


  • Shooting into Combat: If a unit is within 4" of an unengaged arc of an enemy unit in close combat, it may attempt to fire at them. For each '1' rolled when rolling to Hit, a missile manages to go awry and hit the friendly unit instead. You are only allowed to fire into combat if the target is at Unit Strength 5 or more.
  • Firing at Long Range penalty removed.
  • Firing at Short Range: Any shots taken at an enemy that is closer than 4" gain a +1 shooting modifier. 
  • Large Target: Any shots taken an enemy units with a Unit Strength of 40 or more gain a +1 shooting modifier.

Close Combat: 

  • Who can Strike: You may always direct attacks against normal rank and file models, as long as the model is in base contact with any model of the enemy unit (including characters and command group models). If a model has more than one Attack and find itself in base contact with two or more enemies with different characteristic profiles, it must choose which one to attack when its turn to strike comes (before any dice are rolled)
  • Horde rule removed.
  • Striking Order: Models that charged the same turn add +1 to their Initiative.
  • Roll to Hit: Models with more than twice the WS of their opponent will hit on a 2+.
  • Charge!: If your unit charged this turn and has Unit Strength 5 or more, it receives +1 combat result. This is cumulative with several units charging the same target at once.
  • Extra Ranks: Rank Bonus is cumulative with several units engaged in the same close combat, calculating ranks for each unit, as long as they are engaged in different arcs of the enemy unit. 
  • Disruption: A unit does not receive combat result points for extra ranks and cannot be Steadfast as long as it is disrupted. A unit is disrupted if an enemy is attacking it in the flank or rear, and that enemy unit has Unit Strength 10 or more.
  • Outnumber: If your unit have twice or more the Unit Strength of your enemy, add +1 to the combat result. 
  • Standard: Standard Bearer bonus is cumulative with several units engaged in the same close combat, each with their own standard bearer.
  • Flank Attack: Unit Strength 5 is required for Flank bonus. If an enemy unit is engaged in both flanks, you receive +2 to the combat result.
  • Rear Attack: Unit Strength 5 is required for Rear bonus. 
  • High Ground: If you are charging or fighting from a higher position than your enemy, for example, your troops are occupying the crest of a hill or charged down from it the same turn, you receive +1 combat result.
  • Overkill: If a character fighting in a challenge kills their opponent and scores more wounds than their enemy has remaining, then each excess wound scores +1 combat result, up to a maximum of +3.
  • Steadfast: Steadfast units always take Break tests on their own Leadership characteristic (unless their normal modified Leadership would normally be higher from another source). 
  • Insane Courage removed.
  • Overrun: If you charge an enemy and they are wiped out before the Close Combat phase (by a spell or template weapon for instance), you can choose to either Overrun or Reform From Victory (unless the unit has made any other moves this turn outside of the Movement phase).
  • Multiple Combats and Break Tests: In a combat involving multiple units, you will first need to calculate the total combat resolution score for all units involved on both sides to determine the overall winner of that round of combat. After this, the Break test modifier for each unit on the losing side is to be calculated separately and compared to the combined combat resolution score of only the enemy units they are in base contact with. Units on the losing side whose combat resolution score is equal to or higher than the combined resolution score of all the enemy units they are in base contact with do not need to take any break test, but instead counts as fighting to a draw. In addition, no unit on the losing side will suffer a negative modifier greater than the overall loss of their side, even if that unit itself might have a much lower combat resolution score than the units they are in base contact with.

Special Rules:  

  • Always Strikes First: if the model's Initiative is higher than their enemy's, they can re-roll failed To Hit rolls when striking in close combat 
  • Always Strikes Last: if the model's Initiative is lower than their enemy's, they must re-roll successful To Hit rolls when striking in close combat.
  • Ambushers: A unit with the Ambushers rule can choose to not deploy at the start of the battle.  you may not choose to deploy your whole army as Ambushers; a minimum of 3 units per 1000 points played must deploy at the start of the battle as normal.
  • Animated Construct special rule added. Animated Constructs have the Unbreakable and Immunity (Poisoned Attacks) special rules. However, they may not march or use stand and shoot as a charge reaction. Animated Constructs can never be affected by Hatred or Frenzy.
  • Armour Piercing: Added Ignores Armour saves. If a model has this rule, no armour saves may be taken at all, unless otherwise noted.
  • Breath Weapons: A model with a Breath Weapon can use it to make a special attack once per shooting or close combat phase. After it has been used the first time, you must roll a 4+ each time before attempting to use it again In close combat, you can choose between attacking normally and using the Breath Weapon. Breath Weapon attacks in close combat cannot hit any single model more than once.
  • Expendable rule added. Models with this special rule do not cause Panic to friendly units that are not Expendable themselves. No character may join a unit with this rule. In addition, Expendable units do not count towards the minimum number of Core units you need to include in your army.
  • Fast Cavalry: Unless it charges, a Fast Cavalry unit is allowed to reform twice during its move without losing any Movement; once before they move, and at the end of their move. A unit of Fast Cavalry armed with missile weapons can choose Fire and Flee as a charge reaction. If a Fast Cavalry unit is joined by a non-cavalry character or a Cavalry character with an armour save higher than 5+, the unit loses the rule until the character leaves. Cavalry with an armour save better than 5+ and/or barding cannot use the Fast Cavalry special rule.
  • Fear: Units in base contact with one or more models that cause Fear suffer -1 to their Leadership characteristic (including units that are Steadfast). If the majority of the models in a unit cause Fear, they also gain the Immunity (Fear) special rule (described later), and thus ignore the -1 Leadership penalty.
  • Flammable: If a model with the Flammable rule is attacked with a Flaming Attack, all failed To Wound rolls made by the attackers may be re-rolled. They do not suffer double wounds from Flaming Attacks.
  • Hatred: Models with Hatred must re-roll successful rolls to restrain from pursuit against enemies they have Hatred against. If a unit would gain Hatred in a round of close combat after the first for any reason, treat this as the first round of combat for that purpose.
  • Hidden special rule added (this works the same for all kinds of Assassins).
  • Ice Attacks added. Models with the Ice Attacks special rule cause all models in base contact with them to be subject to the Always Strikes Last special rule.
  • Immunity (*) added, replaces Immune to Psychology and covers all immunities like Flaming, Poison, Killing Blow, Fear Panic, etc. If the majority of the models in a unit have the Immunity (Panic, Fear or Terror) rule, the unit ignores the effects of Panic, Fear or Terror and any such tests it would otherwise had to take. Immunity (Psychology) allows units to automatically pass Psychology tests. 
  • Impact Hits: Unless specified, any special rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Impact Hits.  
  • Killing Blow: Against Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry and Monsters, a successful Killing Blow only inflicts one Wound which Ignores Armour saves. Against other troop types, it has no effect.
  • Large Target renamed to Towering.
  • Lightning Attacks added. Lightning Attacks gets +1 To Wound against models wearing medium, heavy or full plate armour (see Weapons & Armour chapter). Against these armour types, Lightning Attacks also have the Ignores Armour saves special rule.
  • Magical Attacks added, describes what effects are magical etc.
  • Magic Resistance: A model with Magic Resistance gains a bonus to dispel enemy spells directly targeting it (not including templates that are placed on top of it) as well as its Ward saves against damage caused by spells. Magic Resistance works against all spells, including ones that does not allow saves
  • Monsters and Handlers special rule has been replaced with Mixed Unit.
  • Multiple Shots: All models in a unit (excluding characters) must fire either single or Multiple Shots.
  • Poisoned Attacks: A model with the Poisoned Attacks special rule gets a +1 modifier to any To Wound rolls.  
  • Quick To Fire: Quick to Fire weapons may be used one per turn when declaring a charge, if the models firing is within their missile weapon's maximum range before making their charge move.
  • Random Attacks: Units with Random Attacks roll once for the whole unit, rather than per model (Characters being the exception).
  • Regeneration: A model with the Regeneration special rule is permitted a special regenerate saving throw after it has failed any armour save or ward save it may have. However, any Wounds caused against a model with Regeneration still counts towards Combat Resolution, regardless of whether it has been saved or not.
  • Scaly Skin renamed to Natural Armour
  • Sea Creature replaced with Aquatic.
  • Sentient special rule added. Models with this special rule are allowed to use the Inspiring Presence or Hold Your Ground! abilities (described in the Characters chapter), even though they would normally not be allowed to do so.
  • Skirmishers: Skirmishers may be fielded in formations of less than five models wide, as long as they do not have more ranks than files. Skirmishers (except models with the Fly special rule) have the Vanguard deployment special rule. If skirmishers declare a charge (or a charge reaction that does not involve fleeing) they tighten their loose formation into a 'normal' formation after the charge distance is rolled and the chargers are moved. Unless it charges, a skirmishing unit is allowed to reform twice during its move; once before they move, and at the end of their move.
  • Sniper: Removed mention of Champions. You can use Multiple Shots with Sniper. 
  • Stomp: Clarified that unless specified, any special rules that apply to the model’s normal attacks do not apply to its Stomps. Stomps can be used after Breath Weapons.
  • Strength Bonus (*) added. Models with this special rule gain a Strength bonus equal to the number in the brackets in the first round of each new close combat they are involved in. 
  • Strider: Models with the Strider rule treat that piece of terrain as open ground for the purposes of Movement.
  • Stubborn: If the majority of the models in a unit are Stubborn, the unit is always Steadfast, whether or not they have a higher Unit Strength than their enemy or are disrupted. 
  • Stupidity: If the test is failed, it moves directly forwards using the Random Movement (D6) special rule.
  • Stupidity: Models are not Immune to Psychology by default. If the test is failed, it moves directly forwards using the Random Movement (D6) special rule.
  • Swiftstride: When charging, units entirely made of models with the Swiftstride special rule and Movement 7 or higher roll 3D6, discard the lowest result, and add the result to their Movement value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 3D6.When charging, units entirely made of models with the Swiftstride special rule and Movement 6 or lower roll 2D6, and add the result to their Movement value. When fleeing or pursuing, they roll 3D6, and discard the lowest result.
  • Stomp: A Stomp has the Always Strikes Last special rule, and inflicts D6 (or D3 against lone Infantry models and skirmishers) automatic hits. Thunderstomp removed.
  • Terror: Models that cause Terror also cause Fear, but with a -2 Leadership characteristic penalty rather than -1. If a unit wishes to declare a charge against an enemy that causes Terror, it must take a test to overcome its terror first. 
  • Unbreakable: Characters that are Unbreakable may only join units that are also Unbreakable, and characters that are not Unbreakable are not permitted to join units that are Unbreakable
  • Unstable: If an Unstable unit would normally be eligible to be Steadfast, they instead suffer 1 less Wound than they would normally do.
  • Vanguard: After both sides have deployed all their other forces, units with the Vanguard special rule can immediately make a move up to 6" (12" in the case of Cavalry). A Vanguard move does not count as moving for the purpose of shooting in the first turn. If a character is deployed as part of a unit with the Vanguard special rule, that unit can still make its Vanguard move if the character in question has the Vanguard special rule or is a model on foot.
  • Volley Fire: Weapons with this rule allow the unit to fire with all ranks within range as long as at least one model in the unit can draw Line of Sight to the target. However, if they do so, they suffer -1 To Hit. Volley Fire cannot be used if the target is within half the weapon's maximum range. Volley Fire adds a -1 penalty to any cover a unit might have (except buildings).
  • Ward Saves: May be combined with other types of Ward saves. No model may have a Ward save better than 4+ by combining multiple Ward saves.
  • Dodge rule added under Ward saves. Models with this rule gain the Ward save (*) against attacks in its front arc (including templates). This cannot be used against Magical Attacks that Hit automatically or that have the Always Strikes First special rule, nor can it be used by mounted models, unless specified.

Troop Types:  

  • Models and Base Size: Each Troop Type has different approved base sizes.
  • Monstrous Infantry: No longer have Stomp. Have Swiftstride.
  • Cavalry: Any equipment or magic items the model might have only apply to the rider, not the mount. When attacking a Cavalry model, always use the highest Toughness and Wounds value available from either the rider or the mount. Models no longer receive an armour save for being mounted.
  • Swarms: Have the Expendable special rule. Swarms are ignored for the purposes of Line of Sight, and other models can fire through them at targets behind them with no To Hit penalty.
  • Warbeasts: Have the Expendable special rule.
  • Monstrous Beasts: No longer have Stomp.
  • Monsters: Have Swiftstride. Added rules for Ridden Monsters & Split Profile. The crew can fire in 360 degrees around them, rather than only firing at targets within their front arc.
  • Chariots: The crew can fire in 360 degrees around them, rather than only firing at targets within their front arc. Chariots have a fixed armour save, as detailed in their army list entry, regardless of whatever equipment the model has.
  • Shrines (Sh) added a unit type, replaces Unique Units.

Weapons and Armour:  

  • Hand Weapon: If a model is armed with another weapon besides their hand weapon, they must use this at all times, unless specified. This also applies to models armed with shields.
  • Parry moved to Ward saves under special rules. Cannot be used against attacks that are twice the Strength of the Parrying model's own Strength. Frenzied models may Parry.
  • Morning stars removed.
  • Halberd renamed to Polearm
  • Great weapons: Add +1 Strength, have the Strength Bonus (1) special rule. Gives -2 Initiative instead of Always Strikes Last. 
  • Spears: Have Strength Bonus (1) and +1 Initative in turns the model is charged to its front. Strength Bonus only applies against WB, Ca, MI, MB, MC, Ch and Mo.
  • Pikes added: Have Strength Bonus (1) and +3 Initative in turns the model is charged to its front. Strength Bonus only applies against WB, Ca, MI, MB, MC, Ch and Mo. Have Fight in Extra Ranks (3).
  • Spears (Mounted): Have +1 Initiative in turns that the model charges, and only against the unit they charged.  
  • Lances (Mounted): Have +2 Initiative in turns that the model charges, and only against the unit they charged.   
  • Two/additional hand weapons: Have the Parry (6+) rule.
  • Short Bow/Bow/Long bow: Have the Multiple Shots (2) special rule. Only applies in turns the model has not moved, and cannot be used to Stand and Shoot.
  • Repeater crossbows removed.
  • Blowpipe added: Range 12", Strength 2, Multiple Shots (2), Poisoned Attacks.
  • Javelin: Have Armour Piercing (1).
  • Throwing Weapon: Have Multiple Shots (2).
  • Sling: Have Armour Piercing (1).
  • Medium armour added: Gives 5+ armour save.
  • Heavy armour: Gives 4+ armour save.
  • Full plate armour added: Gives 3+ armour save.
  • Shields: Infantry armed with shields get an additional +1 to their armour save against missile attacks to their front.
  • Bucklers added: Gives Parry (5+), 6+ armour save in combat.
  • Barding: When charging, pursuing or fleeing, deduct -1 to from the result of the distance rolled.

Command Groups:

  • Champions: A champion cannot be targeted by enemy attacks – they can only be removed as a casualty if there are no other rank-and-file members of their unit left. Champion can no longer issue challenges. A unit that is accompanied by a champion may re-roll failed rolls to march, re-direct charges, reform (including swift reform, see Musicians) and restrain from pursuit.
  • Swift Reform: A unit performing a swift reform may not change their formation by decreasing or increasing their ranks. The unit may only turn on the spot by pivoting like a lone model. 


  • What Unit Can I Join: A character is not allowed to join a unit made up of a Troop Type with a higher Unit Strength then his own Troop Type, unless specified. A character cannot join a unit of flyers (unless they are also a flyer of the same Troop Type) or a unit of chariots (unless they are also mounted on a chariot)
  • There's No Room: If a character cannot be placed within the front rank of the unit, or beside the front rank if they have a different base size, then they cannot attempt to join that unit until the unit reforms to make more the front rank wide enough.
  • Combined Units - Shooting: If the character has a different troop type with a higher Unit Strength than the rest of the unit, it possible to target that model separately from the rest of the unit. If so, roll a D6 for each successful Hit on the character; on a 4+, that Hit is allocated to the unit it is with instead. However, this does not apply to Towering units.
  • Look Out Sir!: Look Out Sir! happens automatically, and no roll is required, nor is this considered as a "save" for rules purposes. This only applies to characters in units.
  • Refusing a Challenge: The refusing character is not allowed to attack that round and the model's Leadership cannot be used for any Leadership tests that take place that turn. They are no longer moved to the back rank.
  • Fighting a Challenge: The two characters must direct all of their attacks (except Breath Weapons, Impact Hits and Stomps – these are directed at the unit as normal) against each other.
  • Character Mounts: A chariot mount follows all the rules for Cavalry in regard to Split Profile. A Monster mount uses the rules for cavalry in regard to Split Profile and Special Rules that effect riders and mounts. Some Monsters have their own Armour, Ward or Regeneration save. If the rider also has this kind of save, you may only use the highest, not combine the two.
  • Inspiring Presence: War Beasts, Monstrous Beasts and Monsters (not including Monsters that are Mounts, Characters or which have the Mixed Unit special rule) may not use the Inspiring Presence ability. If a unit is Steadfast, it may use the Leadership of the General for Break tests if it is higher than their own Leadership after applying all negative modifiers from combat resolution. Otherwise, they will use their own Leadership.
  • Hold Your Ground: Friendly models within 12" of the Battle Standard Bearer re-roll failed Panic and Break tests. War Beasts, Monstrous Beasts and Monsters (not including Monsters that are Mounts, Characters or which have the Mixed Unit special rule) may not use the Hold Your Ground ability.

War Machines:

  • Shooting with War Machines: Unlike other lone models, pivoting more than 45° to either left or right counts as moving for war machines, and thus they cannot fire in turns they do so.
  • War Machines in Close Combat: War Machines counts as obstacles.
  • Bolt Throwers: Bolt Throwering have Armour Piercing (1) rather than ignoring armour saves. 
  • Cannons : Cannons no longer roll an artillery dice to extend range, but scatter half an artillery dice instead. If a Hit is rolled, the cannon ball lands on target (i.e. where you place the marker). Cannons have a minimum range of 12". Normal Cannons inflicts D6 Wounds only if the cannon ball lands directly on a model (that is, where the marker is placed after the first artillery and scatter dice are rolled), models hit by the bounce only suffer D3 Wounds. Great Cannons inflicts D6 Wounds on both direct hits and the bounce. Obstacles no longer stop cannon balls. Grapeshot now fires an artillery dice + D6 shots.
  • Stone Throwers are now Strength 4 by default.

Battlefield Terrain:

  • Mysterious Terrain: By default, no terrain is mysterious. However, players can, if they both agree, choose to play using mysterious terrain.
  • Forests: All units except for Skirmishing Infantry and lone characters on foot suffer -1 penalty to their Movement characteristic in any turn they move through a forest. 
  • Raging Torrent: No longer gives Initiative bonues. Instead models fail their Dangerous Terrain test on a 1-2. 
  • Obstacles: Models attacking a unit behind an obstacle lose all charging bonuses.
  • Buildings: Only infantry, war beasts and swarms can garrison a building. No single model can suffer more than one hit from any template weapon while in a building. 

Choosing Your Army:

  • The General: If your army includes one or more Lord choices, than one of the Lords must be chosen to be the Army General. You no longer need to have the character with highest Ld be your general.
  • Minimum Three Units: An army must always include at least three units per 1000 points played in addition to any Lords and Heroes. 
  • Lords & Heroes: Up to 35% can be spent on Lords and Heroes.
  • Duplicate Choices: Are based on the size of the battle played. If a character has a Monster, Chariot or Shrine mount that is available as a Special or Rare choice, then these will also count towards the limit of duplicate choices.

 Allied Armies:

  • If both players agree, you could choose to pick your force from two different armies. Ideally this should be done by both sides so that each player is given an equal chance to build an allied force. Regardless of the number of players, each army must have their own General and Battle Standard Bearer. 
  • Trusted Allies: Trusted allies can use an allied Inspiring Presence or Hold Your Ground! special rule, but only if they are from the same faction.
  • Suspicious Allies: Are not counted as 'friendly' units from the point of view of targeting spells.

Victory Conditions:

  • Decimated: Each enemy unit that has half or less of their starting Unit Strength left at the end of the battle is worth a number of victory points equal to 50% of the number of points it cost to include the unit in the army.
  • Broken: Each enemy unit that has more than half of their starting Unit Strength left and that is fleeing but is still on the table at the end of the battle is worth a number of victory points equal to 50% of the number of points it cost to include the unit in the army.
  • Shattered: Each enemy unit that has half or less of their starting Unit Strength left and that is also fleeing but is still on the table at the end of the battle is worth a number of victory points equal to 75% of the number of points it cost to include the unit in the army.
  • Seized Standards: You score an additional 25 victory points for every enemy standard bearer that was removed as a result of a successful pursuit move or was removed as a result of the Last Stand rule.

Lores of Magic:

  • Fireball: Strongest version of Fireball now cast on 15+. 
  • Metallic Attraction (new Lore Attribute): The casting value needed for a Lore of Metal spell is lowered by -1 if the majority of the models in the target unit has light or medium armour, or -2 to if the majority have heavy or full plate armour. 
  • Searing Doom: Causes D6 hits with the Ignores Armour saves and Flaming Attacks special rules. The To Wound score is equal to the unmodified armour save of the target (excluding Natural Armour)
  • Gehenna's Golden Hounds: Ignores Look Out sir, is resolved at Strength 5.
  • Regrowth: Cating value lowered to 9+.
  • The Flock of Doom: Causes 3D6 Strength 2 hits, 6+ to cast.  
  • Transformation of Khadon: Cast on 13+, can only change into one profile for simplicity. The Monster profile from Transformation of Khadon now has WS6, S6, T6, W6. Wounds suffered between transformations are not carried over.
  • Fate Manipulation (new Lore Attribute): When a spell from the Lore of Heavens is successfully cast, roll a D6; on a 4+, the Wizard can re-roll one dice to either change the casting result or the number of Hits inflicted by a spell when casting further spells for the remainder of this Magic phase. 
  • Iceshard Blizzard: The target suffers a -1 to their Weapon Skill, Ballistics Skill and Leadership until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. This is an Ice Attack. 
  • Urannon's Thunderbolt and Chain Lightning are Lightning Attacks.  
  • Exorcism: If a spell from the Lore of Light inflicts a number of hits on an enemy unit, it will cause an extra D6 hits (e.g. 2D6 hits would become 3D6 hits) if the target has the Undead, Vampiric or Daemonic special rule.
  • Shem's Burning Gaze: Boosted version 12+ to cast. 
  • The Speed of Light: The target unit has the Always Strikes First special rule until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.
  • Smoke and Mirrors: After a spell from the Lore of Shadow is successfully cast and resolved, the casting Wizard can choose to immediately make a move using the Fly special rule up to 12" as if it were the Remaining Moves sub-phase, even if they are in close combat.
  • Steed of Shadows: Can only be cast on Infantry characters. In addition, the target will counts as being Ethereal for the purpose of resolving missile attacks against it until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. 
  • Penumbral Pendulum: Extend a straight line, 24" in length, directly away from the caster. 
  • Life Leeching: For each 6 rolled on these additional dice, the Wizard immediately adds a dice to their army's power pool.

Magic Items:

  • Magic Weapons: can use Parry with shields and additional hand weapon. Paired Weapon is replaced with additional hand weapon/two hand weapons.
  • Magic Armour: In order for a model to be able to choose a particular piece of armour (such as heavy armour or a shield) they must be able to pick this (or another armour that gives a better save value) as a mundane option or have it be part of their default equipment. Magic armours that are not specified as suits or shields (such as helmets, gauntlets and so on) can always be worn by models that are allowed to wear any non-magical armour.
  • Dragonblade added.
  • Dispel Scroll is no longer an auto-dispel, instead you get 6 dispel dice to use for that dispel roll, can now be used on remains in play spells.
  • Potion of Strength, Toughness and Speed give +D3 to stats, 10 pts.


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  • 2 mois après...
il y a 26 minutes, Altagar a dit :


je n'ai pas joué depuis longtemps et je ne connais plus aucun joueurs ! Savez vous où on peut jouer avec cette nouvelle version ? 

merci d'avance



Dans le lien en première page :whistling:

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Il y a 10 heures, Altagar a dit :

Au passage toutes les "nouvelles armées" d'où sortent elles ? se sont des réhabilitation de vieilles armées ?


C'est parfois de nouvelles armées tirées du lore Warhammer parfois des réhabilitation très personnelle avec plus ou moins de succès par l'auteur Mathias Eliasson d'anciennes armées WFB2-3 ou autre.

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