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[Création] Enclume du Destin pour les Maîtres des Runes Nains


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Bon j'avais posté ça l'an dernier sur le TheSeaofClaws suite à une discussion avec @Glouton qui était plus de la blague qu'autre chose.


Les sources sont en anglais pour la peine (j'éditerai pour mettre en français).


WFB4 Rules



WFB6 Rules



WFB6.5 rules



WFB8 Fanmade rules

LORE OF RUNES proposed changes in RED
RUNIC FOCUS (Lore Attribute)
Binding the winds of magic to runes and striking them upon great anvils of power takes years of hard training and experience where even the smallest slip in focus can be catastrophic. Runelords learn how to strike the runes in such a way as to focus their power and create a resonance and harmony that strengthens further strikes as they build layer upon layer of power. Before Deployment the Runelord generates D3 Runic Focus Tokens. Each successful casting of a bound spell from the Lore of Runes that isn’t cast with Ancient Power generates one Runic Focus Token. Attempting to cast bound spells from the Lore of Runes with Ancient Power will use up a number of Runic Focus Tokens (specified in each spell discription) even if the spell is subsequently dispelled. There can never be more than 4 Runic Focus Tokens stored with the Anvil at any time, further successful casts do not generate further Runic Focus Tokens. For each Runic Focus Token the Anvil has stored before a spell is cast, it reduces the level of any wizard attempting to dispel by 1 (to a minimum of 0) for the dispel roll only. If any rune strike results in Irresistible Force, after the spells effects are worked out, all stored Runic Focus Tokens are lost, and the Runelord suffers D6 Strength 6 hits.
The Rune of Wrath and Ruin causes the earth to crack, venting forth fire and sulphur.
Innate bound spell (power level 5). The Rune of Wrath and Ruin is a direct damage spell with a range of 24” that causes 2D6 Strength 4 hits, distributed as per shooting. The caster may choose to strike with Ancient Power causing any unit hit to be unable to march or make a fly move during their next movement phase instead which increases the power level to 13 and costs one Runic Focus Token.
The blessing of Grungni hardens Dwarf mail as each suit of armour remembers the hammer blows that forged it.
Innate bound spell (power level 4). The Rune of Oath and Steel is an augment spell that targets a single friendly Dwarf unit anywhere on the battlefield. The target unit increases their armour save by 1 (to a maximum of 1+) until the start of the next friendly Magic phase. The caster may choose to strike with Ancient Power causing the Rune of Oath and Steel to target D3+1 friendly Dwarf units. This increases the power level to 10 and costs one Runic Focus Token.
The vengeance of the ancestors flows through the veins of the Dwarfs and they roar their contempt as they plow into them.
Innate bound spell (power level 5). The Rune of Hammer and Iron is an augment spell that targets a single friendly Dwarf unit anywhere on the battlefield. The target unit increases their Toughness by 1 until the start of the next friendly Magic phase. The caster may choose to strike with Ancient Power causing the Rune of Hammer and Iron to also cause the target unit to count as having charged during that round of combat. This increases the power level to 14 and costs one Runic Focus Token.
The Rune of Hearth and Home stirs a Dwarf’s pride in his hold, clan and ancestors.
Innate bound spell (power level 6). The Rune of Hearth and Home is an augment spell that targets a single friendly Dwarf unit within 24”. The target unit may immediately make a normal move, which may be a march or reform, but they not charge. They are now also able to parry with a great weapon OR re-roll any failed parry saves if they have a shield until the start of the next friendly magic phase. The caster may choose to strike with Ancient Power causing the target units to also have the Fight in extra ranks special rule until the start of the next friendly Magic phase. This increases the power level to 10 and costs one Runic Focus Token.
As the Runelord strikes this rune, he intones all the vile deeds committed by the enemy and pours his scorn upon them.
Innate bound spell (power level 7). The Rune of Roaring Grudges is a hex spell with a range of 24”. The target unit must make a Ld check, if passed it suffers a -1 penalty to hit with both shooting and close combat attacks until the start of the next friendly Magic phase. If they fail the test the unit is reduced to WS and BS 1 until the start of the next friendly Magic phase. Units that don't roll to hit (like cannons) can only fire on a 4+ (roll each time they try to fire) until the start of the next friendly Magic phase. The caster may choose to strike with Ancient Power increasing its range to 48". This increases the power level to 10 and costs one Runic Focus Token.
The blessings of Valaya spread out around the battlefield, syphoning away rampant magical energies.
Innate bound spell (power level 8). The Rune of Calming is a hex spell that targets a single non-friendly caster anywhere on the battlefield. During the opponent’s next magic phase, after the roll to determine how many dice are generated for the pool, remove a single dice from the opponent’s power dice pool if the target caster remains on the battlefield. The caster may choose to strike with Ancient Power causing the Dwarf player to also get a bonus to dispel during the opponents next magic phase depending on the number of Runic Focus Tokens used: 1 Runic Focus Token adds +2 to dispel attempts and 2 Runic Focus Tokens add +4. The Dwarf player can never get a bonus of more than +6 to dispel (this includes their racial bonus to dispel and the Master Rune of Valaya). This increases the power level to 16.
The Runelord strikes the Rune of Heavens Wrath only when his anvil’s resonance is perfect and his focus absolute. Death streaks from the skies and burns the foe with cleansing lightning.

Innate bound spell (power level 12). The Rune of Heavens Wrath is a direct damage spell. Choose one enemy unit within 24", place the small template on the unit and scatter it D6". Models touched by the template suffer a S4 hit. The model under the hole suffers a S7 hit with Multiple Wounds (D3). 


The Runelord may choose to strike with Ancient Power raising the power level of the spell to 16. This increases the range of the spell to 30". Before casting, choose from 1 to 4 Runic Focus Tokens to use. Once the inital damage is resolved, remove a Runic Focus Token used to cast the spell and roll a scatter and an artillery dice. Move template the number of inches indicated. If its a misfire or if the template hits an ally unit, nothing happens and the token is wasted. If a hit is rolled, the runelord choose the direction it moves. Every model hit by the template new position suffer a S3 hit. The model under the central hole suffers a S6 hit. Return the template to its initial position and repeat until every token has been used.

NOTE: If you choose to use the Lore of Runes with the below rules, bear in mind you are SIGNIFICANTLY moving away from a standard game with the book and hence might interfere with your playstyle if you also play tourneys (which clearly wont use these rules at all). The bonus to keeping the Lore of Runes to the Anvil in my mind; you woulnd't use an anvil at a tourney - so it wont affect the way you prep much smile.png. Anyway here goes:
Talismanic Rune:
Rune of Power           35/70/105
Forged from the bindings of the mighty Runes of Power from the legendary Anvils of Doom, these lesser runes are created by novice Runesmiths as practice for their graduatiuon to the Anvil.
Runesmiths/Runelords only. May not be taken by a model mounted on an Anvil of Doom. A model with a Rune of Power has one randomly determined rune from the Lore of Runes.
A model with two Runes of Power has two randomly determined runes from the Lore of Runes.
A model with three Runes of Power has three randomly determined runes from the Lore of Runes.
A model with one or more Runes of Power generates a limit of a single Runic Focus Token per enemy Magic Phase if they successfully dispel a spell. They do NOT generate Runic Focus Tokens for successful castings as they have no anvil to achieve resonance.




T9A rules
Anvil of Power [Character], 200pts
War Machine, 60mm Round base, single model

Special Rules:
Unbreakable, Ward Save (5+), Magic Resistance (2), Channel, Runic Anvil, Not a Character
Equipment: Plate Armour
Anvil Runes:
Rune of Storms (50pts), Rune of Shattering (50pts), Rune of Cleansing (free)Anvil of Power
200pts [Character]
Anvil - - - - 7 4 - - -
Anvil Guard (4) 3 5 3 4 4 - 2 1 9

War Machine, 60mm Round base, single model

Special Rules:
Unbreakable, Ward Save (5+), Magic Resistance (2), Channel, Runic Anvil, Not a Character

Plate Armour
Anvil Runes:
Rune of Storms (50pts), Rune of Shattering (50pts), Rune of Cleansing (free)



Anvil Runes :

Rune of Storms

Cost: 50 pts

Type: Damage, Hex

Duration: Instant/Lasts one Turn

The target instantly suffers D6 Strength 6 hits with Lightning Attacks. The target cannot use Flying movement for the duration of the spell.


Rune of Shattering

Cost: 50 pts

Type: Damage, Hex

Duration: Instant/Lasts one Turn

The target instantly suffers 2D6 Strength 4 hits. Units who suffer at least one wound from this Runic Bound Spell suffer a -1 to-hit modifier in Close Combat and treat all terrain (including Open Terrain) as Dangerous Terrain (1).


Rune of Cleansing

Cost: free

Type: Universal

Duration: Instant

Choose one spell with Duration:

Lasts One Turn or Remains In Play affecting the target. The spell immediately comes to an end.


Mon condensé des idées à propos de l'Enclume du Destin :

  • Une carte d'équipement pour le Maître des Runes. Oui il n'y a pas que les Elfes qui peuvent équiper leur personnage ^^ +xx pts ? +x HB
  • +1 pour dissiper OU relance du jet (statistiquement une relance à 5+ est plus efficace qu'un 4+ je crois)
  • Soit l'Enclume du Destin à l'ancienne par exemple 1D6 éclairs (identique éclaire de Tzeentch qui peuvent être réparti comme le joueur l'entend et peut tirer à 360° sans modif de svg.) OU soit moderne 4 "runes de sort" qui s'active sur 4+ ou 5+ par exemple :
    • Air -> 1D6 éclairs (offensif)
    • Eau -> empêche le mouvement d'un navire ennemi ou permet un nouveau déplacement (stratégique mouvement)
    • Terre -> touche sous la ligne de flottaison ou fait apparaitre une île (
    • Feu -> Cause 3 touche enflammées )
  • À voir pour +1 en défense d'abordage uniquement du fait de l'enclume incassable, de l'aspect indémoralisable et des gardes d'honneur qui la défende…
Modifié par Dreadaxe
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  • Dreadaxe a modifié le titre en [Création] Enclume du Destin pour les Maîtres des Runes Nains

Cela serait sympa de remplacer une zone du navire par l'enclume et de lui donner une sauvegarde boostée type 2+, mais le pouvoir de l'enclume disparaît si elle est détruite (avec possibilité de réparation par les ingénieurs).

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Il y a 5 heures, XAW a dit :

Cela serait sympa de remplacer une zone du navire par l'enclume et de lui donner une sauvegarde boostée type 2+, mais le pouvoir de l'enclume disparaît si elle est détruite (avec possibilité de réparation par les ingénieurs).


Bonne idée !!  Réparation par le Maître des Runes comme si c'était un ingénieur. Reste à déterminer la zone ;)

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  • 3 mois après...

Chris Dunstan nous propose sur le groupe anglophone une version de l'Enclume. Je n'ai pas compris s'il en était l'auteur ou s'il l'avait trouvé quelque part, son document n'est pas très clair à ce niveau-là




If the Dwarf fleet has a Runesmith, then they will be able to take an Anvil of Doom, these powerful artefacts are magical in nature and allow Dwarfs access to an equivalent to magic.


Anvil Of Doom

Anvils of Doom are incredibly powerful and valuable artefacts from Dwarven antiquity, the secrets of their creation having long ago been lost. Although most Dwarfs would never consider risking an Anvil by placing it on something as fragile as a ship, every now and then the need is so great that they are placed onto a Man O’ War and taken out to sea.


Basic Rules

One Anvil of Doom may be purchased for a Runesmith, and may only be purchased in a fleet worth at least 1500 pts.


Cost: 50 pts.


Battle Honours: 2 (These honours are accrued only if the Runesmith is killed or captured, or the MOW on which the Anvil rests is sunk.)

The Anvil and its accompanying Runesmith are always located in the Bridge of a MOW, which is modified to accommodate it. Should the bridge location become damaged, the Anvil becomes inoperable and loses all of its special abilities; even if the Bridge becomes subsequently repaired (the Runesmiths special abilities are unaffected).

Although a Runesmith may normally accompany any MOW, a Runesmith using an Anvil of Doom may only be placed on the Admiral’s vessel, as no right-minded Dwarf would ever consider putting so valuable an artifact anywhere else.


Special Rules


Honour Guard

Whenever a Run Runesmith goes to war with an Anvil of Doom he is always accompanied by a pair of elite Dwarf warriors whose sole purpose in life is to protect the Runesmith and the Anvil. These doughty warriors have usually been in this service for decades and are absolutely devout in their duty. No one may approach a Runesmith at work at an Anvil without their approval. Due to the vigilance, prowess and dedication of the Honour Guard, any attempt at assassinating the Runesmith suffers a -1 penalty.


Combat Effects

Striking powerful runes upon the Anvil, the Runelord sends mighty bolts of lightning at the foes of the Dwarfs. A ship with a functioning Anvil of Doom provides a +1 modifier to all boarding action rolls. This is cumulative with the +1 the crew receives for having a Runesmith aboard the vessel.

With a glower of menace, the Runesmith may use the Anvil to attack enemy ships. This attack occurs during the ship’s attack phase and has a range of 6” and the Runesmith may choose form the Runic Magic to determine the effects of the attack.


Runic Magic

The anvil of doom is a dwarven artefact capable of shaping magic into rune power. The anvil may only be used if a runesmith is aboard the vessel. If the runesmith is killed the anvil may no longer be used. Once per turn the runesmith may strike a rune on the anvil. He must roll 1D6 and score equal or better than the Rune’s casting number. Rune magic cannot be dispelled. If the runesmith rolls a 1 when he tries to cast the rune, roll a D6 and consult the anvil miss-strike table.


Rune of Home and Hearth – Cast 5+

This rune may be used on any dwarf ship within 6”. That ship regains 1 lost crew token.


Rune of Oath and Honour – Cast 3+

This rune may be used against any dwarf ship within 12”. That ship may re-roll the dice when determining the results of any boarding actions this turn.


Rune of Stone and Steel - Cast 4+

This rune may be used against a dwarf ship within 12”. That ship gains a +1 bonus to all its saving throws for the remainder of the turn.


Rune of Doom - Cast 4+

This rune may be used on any Dwarf ship within 12”. For the remainder of the turn, any ship attempting to board the affected ship must roll a 5 or 6 on 1D6 or they will be too terrified to board it.


Rune of Wrath and Ruin – Cast 5+

This rune summons a storm of fire at a ship within 9”. Choose to aim high or low as normal. The ship takes 3 hits with normal saves allowed. If at least 1 point of damage is caused the ship cannot move next turn.


Rune of Wind and Tide - Cast 6+

This rue may be used to change the wind direction. If cast successfully, the wind direction is changed by 1 turn in a direction chosen by the dwarf player.




Miss-strike table

1 The Runesmith badly miss-strikes and the anvil is split apart by the ancient runic forces he unleashes. The Anvil location is destroyed entirely and the Runesmith is killed

2-3 The Anvils power is temporarily disabled by the runic force and cannot be used this turn or next turn.

4-5 The Runesmith barely contains the power of the anvil. It cannot be used this turn.

6 The Runesmith manages to unleash the full power of the anvil. The rune is automatically cast and the Runesmith may attempt to cast a second rune this turn




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Le 02/04/2019 à 15:42, Dreadaxe a dit :
Le 02/04/2019 à 10:37, XAW a dit :

Cela serait sympa de remplacer une zone du navire par l'enclume et de lui donner une sauvegarde boostée type 2+, mais le pouvoir de l'enclume disparaît si elle est détruite (avec possibilité de réparation par les ingénieurs).


Bonne idée !!  Réparation par le Maître des Runes comme si c'était un ingénieur. Reste à déterminer la zone ;)


Chris Dunstan est parti sur autre chose

il y a 2 minutes, Dreadaxe a dit :

The Anvil and its accompanying Runesmith are always located in the Bridge of a MOW, which is modified to accommodate it. Should the bridge location become damaged, the Anvil becomes inoperable and loses all of its special abilities; even if the Bridge becomes subsequently repaired (the Runesmiths special abilities are unaffected).

Although a Runesmith may normally accompany any MOW, a Runesmith using an Anvil of Doom may only be placed on the Admiral’s vessel, as no right-minded Dwarf would ever consider putting so valuable an artifact anywhere else.


En gros si la zone du pont est détruite plus de pouvoir de l'enclume

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Il y a 2 heures, XAW a dit :

Je trouve dommage que l'enclume ne donne pas de bonus à la save sachant qu'elle est indestructible à battle ou au moins une save invu?


Un 5+ (comme une réparation) ou 6+ (comme une dissipation de magie de nain)


Il y a 2 heures, XAW a dit :

En gros, le runesmith accompagne le capitaine.


Oui accompagner l'Amiral et tout mettre dans le même panier… J'ai un peu de mal.

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  • 1 an après...

Source : Extrait fluff WFRP3 Black Fire Pas - Runesmithing page 39 Fire Pass/runesmithing.pdf




The Anvils of Doom are amongst the most treasured relics of the dwarf race, forged in the distant mists of time by ancestors whose skill and craft humble the runesmiths of today. They are inscribed with runes modern runesmiths cannot fathom and possess powers greater than perhaps any other dwarfen runic item. In times of dire need, some dwarf holds transport their Anvil of Doom (for few holds have more than one) to the battlefield, where the throng’s runelord strikes it with his runic hammer in precise accordance with secret traditions. Doing so unleashes devastating magics against the enemies of the dwarfs, or bestows mighty blessings upon the throng.


It is rare indeed that anyone other than a runelord is given the opportunity to use an Anvil of Doom for his own runecraft, and any runesmith given such an opportunity would do almost anything for the honour. It is whispered that only upon an Anvil of Doom can the mightiest master runes be struck.



Traduction rapide


Les Enclumes du Destin comptent parmi les reliques les plus précieuses de la race naine, forgées dans la nuit des temps par des ancêtres dont l'habileté et l'art humilient les forgerunes d'aujourd'hui. Elles sont gravées de runes que les forgerunes d'aujourd'hui ne peuvent pas comprendre et possèdent des pouvoirs plus importants que n'importe quel autre objet runique nain. En cas de besoin urgent, certaines forteresses naines transportent leur Enclume du Destin (car peu de forteresses en possèdent plus d'une) sur le champ de bataille, où le seigneur des runes de throng frappe avec son marteau runique selon des traditions secrètes. Il est rare que quelqu'un d'autre qu'un seigneur des runes ait l'occasion d'utiliser une Enclume du Destin pour son propre artisanat runique, et tout forgerune ayant une telle opportunité ferait presque n'importe quoi pour cet honneur. On murmure que ce n'est que sur une Enclume du Destin que les runes les plus puissantes peuvent être frappées.


Ce passage rappelle bien l'importance de l'enclume pour avoir des runes plus puissantes. L'idée pourrait aussi être d'avoir des options de runes qui ne sont accessibles que si on a l'enclume pour les frapper.

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  • 11 mois après...

Chris Dunstan dans son recueil de règles maisons nous propose des règles pour l'enclume. Je n'ai pas trop regardé, mais pourquoi pas. Ça l'air pas mal. @XAW ça me rappelle tes upgrades pour l'Empire.




If the Dwarf fleet has a Runesmith, then they will be able to take an Anvil of Doom, these powerful artefacts are magical in nature and allow Dwarfs access to an equivalent to magic.


Anvil Of Doom

Anvils of Doom are incredibly powerful and valuable artefacts from Dwarven antiquity, the secrets of their creation having long ago been lost. Although most Dwarfs would never consider risking an Anvil by placing it on something as fragile as a ship, every now and then the need is so great that they are placed onto a Man O’ War and taken out to sea.


Basic Rules

One Anvil of Doom may be purchased for a Runesmith, and may only be purchased in a fleet worth at least 1500 pts.


Cost: 50 pts.

Battle Honours: 2 (These honours are accrued only if the Runesmith is killed or captured, or the MOW on which the Anvil rests is sunk.)


The Anvil and its accompanying Runesmith are always located in the Bridge of a MOW, which is modified to accommodate it. Should the bridge location become damaged, the Anvil becomes inoperable and loses all of its special abilities; even if the Bridge becomes subsequently repaired (the Runesmiths special abilities are unaffected).

Although a Runesmith may normally accompany any MOW, a Runesmith using an Anvil of Doom may only be placed on the Admiral’s vessel, as no right-minded Dwarf would ever consider putting so valuable an artifact anywhere else.


Special Rules
Honour Guard

Whenever a Run Runesmith goes to war with an Anvil of Doom he is always accompanied by a pair of elite Dwarf warriors whose sole purpose in life is to protect the Runesmith and the Anvil. These doughty warriors have usually been in this service for decades and are absolutely devout in their duty. No one may approach a Runesmith at work at an Anvil without their approval.

Due to the vigilance, prowess and dedication of the Honour Guard, any attempt at assassinating the Runesmith suffers a -1 penalty.


Combat Effects

Striking powerful runes upon the Anvil, the Runelord sends mighty bolts of lightning at the foes of the Dwarfs. A ship with a functioning Anvil of Doom provides a +1 modifier to all boarding action rolls. This is cumulative with the +1 the crew receives for having a Runesmith aboard the vessel.

With a glower of menace, the Runesmith may use the Anvil to attack enemy ships. This attack occurs during the ship’s attack phase and has a range of 6” and the Runesmith may choose from the Runic Magic to determine the effects of the attack.


Runic Magic

The anvil of doom is a dwarven artefact capable of shaping magic into rune power. The anvil may only be used if a runesmith is aboard the vessel. If the runesmith is killed the anvil may no longer be used. Once per turn the runesmith may strike a rune on the anvil. He must roll 1D6 and score equal or better than the Rune’s casting number. Rune magic cannot be dispelled. If the runesmith rolls a 1 when he tries to cast the rune, roll a D6 and consult the anvil miss-strike table.


Rune of Home and Hearth – Cast 5+

This rune may be used on any dwarf ship within 6”. That ship regains 1 lost crew token.


Rune of Oath and Honour – Cast 3+

This rune may be used against any dwarf ship within 12”. That ship may re-roll the dice when determining the results of any boarding actions this turn.


Rune of Stone and Steel - Cast 4+

This rune may be used against a dwarf ship within 12”. That ship gains a +1 bonus to all its saving throws for the remainder of the turn.


Rune of Doom - Cast 4+

This rune may be used on any Dwarf ship within 12”. For the remainder of the turn, any ship attempting to board the affected ship must roll a 5 or 6 on 1D6 or they will be too terrified to board it.


Rune of Wrath and Ruin – Cast 5+

This rune summons a storm of fire at a ship within 9”. Choose to aim high or low as normal. The ship takes 3 hits with normal saves allowed. If at least 1 point of damage is caused the ship cannot move next turn.



Miss-strike table
1 The Runesmith badly miss-strikes and the anvil is split apart by the ancient runic forces he unleashes. The Anvil location is destroyed entirely and the Runesmith is killed
2-3 The Anvils power is temporarily disabled by the runic force and cannot be used this turn or next turn.
4-5 The Runesmith barely contains the power of the anvil. It cannot be used this turn.
6 The Runesmith manages to unleash the full power of the anvil. The rune is automatically cast and the Runesmith may attempt to cast a second rune this turn



Modifié par Dreadaxe
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  • 2 semaines après...
Le 17/11/2024 à 16:37, Dreadaxe a dit :

Honour Guard

Whenever a Run Runesmith goes to war with an Anvil of Doom he is always accompanied by a pair of elite Dwarf warriors whose sole purpose in life is to protect the Runesmith and the Anvil. These doughty warriors have usually been in this service for decades and are absolutely devout in their duty. No one may approach a Runesmith at work at an Anvil without their approval.

Due to the vigilance, prowess and dedication of the Honour Guard, any attempt at assassinating the Runesmith suffers a -1 penalty.

Combat Effects

Striking powerful runes upon the Anvil, the Runelord sends mighty bolts of lightning at the foes of the Dwarfs. A ship with a functioning Anvil of Doom provides a +1 modifier to all boarding action rolls. This is cumulative with the +1 the crew receives for having a Runesmith aboard the vessel.

With a glower of menace, the Runesmith may use the Anvil to attack enemy ships. This attack occurs during the ship’s attack phase and has a range of 6” and the Runesmith may choose from the Runic Magic to determine the effects of the attack.


  1. Garde d'Honneur. Autant, je trouve la règle fluff autant je trouve que ce n'est pas forcément adapté à l'échelle de Man O' War. À surprimer à mon sens.
  2. “A ship with a functioning Anvil of Doom provides a +1 modifier to all boarding action rolls. This is cumulative with the +1 the crew receives for having a Runesmith aboard the vessel.” Je n'ai pas le souvenir de tout ça, dans les règles du Citadel Journal concernant les Maîtres des Runes  (aka Forgerune dorénavant). U bonus de +1 en abordage uniquement en défense du fait de l'enclume incassable, de l'aspect indémoralisable et des gardes d'honneur qui la défende, c'est déjà bien…
  3. “With a glower of menace, the Runesmith may use the Anvil to attack enemy ships. This attack occurs during the ship’s attack phase and has a range of 6" and the Runesmith may choose from the Runic Magic to determine the effects of the attack.” Les règles de la Magie Runique qui suivent ce passage contredise l'affirmation en mettant des portées à 12". Une idée alternative pourrait être qu'au lieu que la rune soit frappée à la phase de magie, elle pourrait être faite durant l'activation du bateau portant l'enclume.
Modifié par Dreadaxe
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Le 23/06/2022 à 15:15, Dreadaxe a dit :

Runic Magic

The anvil of doom is a dwarven artefact capable of shaping magic into rune power. The anvil may only be used if a runesmith is aboard the vessel. If the runesmith is killed the anvil may no longer be used. Once per turn the runesmith may strike a rune on the anvil. He must roll 1D6 and score equal or better than the Rune’s casting number. Rune magic cannot be dispelled. If the runesmith rolls a 1 when he tries to cast the rune, roll a D6 and consult the anvil miss-strike table.


Rune of Home and Hearth – Cast 5+

This rune may be used on any dwarf ship within 6”. That ship regains 1 lost crew token.


Rune of Oath and Honour – Cast 3+

This rune may be used against any dwarf ship within 12”. That ship may re-roll the dice when determining the results of any boarding actions this turn.


Rune of Stone and Steel - Cast 4+

This rune may be used against a dwarf ship within 12”. That ship gains a +1 bonus to all its saving throws for the remainder of the turn.


Rune of Doom - Cast 4+

This rune may be used on any Dwarf ship within 12”. For the remainder of the turn, any ship attempting to board the affected ship must roll a 5 or 6 on 1D6 or they will be too terrified to board it.


Rune of Wrath and Ruin – Cast 5+

This rune summons a storm of fire at a ship within 9”. Choose to aim high or low as normal. The ship takes 3 hits with normal saves allowed. If at least 1 point of damage is caused the ship cannot move next turn.


Rune of Wind and Tide - Cast 6+

This rue may be used to change the wind direction. If cast successfully, the wind direction is changed by 1 turn in a direction chosen by the dwarf player.




Miss-strike table

1 The Runesmith badly miss-strikes and the anvil is split apart by the ancient runic forces he unleashes. The Anvil location is destroyed entirely and the Runesmith is killed

2-3 The Anvils power is temporarily disabled by the runic force and cannot be used this turn or next turn.

4-5 The Runesmith barely contains the power of the anvil. It cannot be used this turn.

6 The Runesmith manages to unleash the full power of the anvil. The rune is automatically cast and the Runesmith may attempt to cast a second rune this turn




Concernant les effets des Runes frappées

  • Air ->1D6 éclairs. Identique éclaire de Tzeentch qui peuvent être répartis comme le joueur l'entend et peut tirer à 360° sans modif de svg. Voir pour la portée.
  • Eau -> empêche le mouvement d'un navire ennemi ou permet un nouveau déplacement (stratégique mouvement)
  • Terre -> touche sous la ligne de flottaison ou fait apparaitre une île
  • Feu -> Cause 3 touches enflammées
  • Air > Peut être un nain anti-volant à déterminer ? Genre un 1 ne peuvent pas s'approcher en càc.
  • Eau > Peut-être un anti monstres marins à déterminer ?
  • Feu > Peut-être un anti-feu ?
  • Terre > Peut-être une ouverture de la mer à la Moïse
Modifié par Dreadaxe
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Il y a 21 heures, XAW a dit :

Je ne passe tellement plus sur le warfo, mais je lirai ça à l'occasion.


D'ac d'ac J'ai ouvert un sujet idoine sur le Discord


Il y a 21 heures, XAW a dit :

Il va falloir faire un recueil de ce type de règle parce qu'il y en a un peu de partout.


Oulà pas pour moi ^^
C'est ce qu'a tenté Chris Dunstan sur le groupe anglophone Warhammer Man O War. La plupart du temps les illustrations sont moyennes et pas dans le style (l'IA ça peurt avoir ces limites) et sa mise en page laisse aussi à désirer.


Ceci étant, sur les sujets du WarFo (et ailleurs) tu as des #tags sous le titre qui te permettent de filtrer par faction ou autres. De là, tu peux voir les différentes créations plus ou moins avancées.

Modifié par Dreadaxe
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