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[Qualif ETC 2019] Les listes du D1


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Et oui messieurs, nous y voici, le D1 est proche, les listes sont tombées hier soir! 


4 Finalistes, 32 joueurs au taquet et au somment de leur art (ou en tout cas on l'espère!) pour un final en beauté à la plus grosse saison de qualif ETC de l'histoire de la FEQ!


Sans plus attendre, voici les listes:


Bisounours 1:


+ Team : Bisounours 1
+ Player 1 & Captain : Arrethas
+ Faction : Craftworlds <Alaitoc> ; Drukhari <Black Heart>
+ Total Army points : 1996pts
+ Total Command Points: 10

== Battalion Detachment - +5CP  < Alaitoc > ==

HQ1: Autarch Skyrunner (95), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2), Laser lance (8 ) – [105pts] [Warlord: An eye on distant events] [Relic: Shimmerplume of Achillrial]
HQ2: Farseer Skyrunner (130), Twin Shuriken catapults (2) - [132pts] Guide / Doom
HQ3: Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken catapults (2) - [67pts] Protect/Jinx

TR1: 5 Rangers - [60pts] 
TR2: 5 Rangers - [60pts] 
TR3: 5 Rangers - [60pts] 

FA1: 9 Windriders (9*16), 9 Scatter Lasers (9*7) – [207pts]
FA2: 9 Windriders (9*16), 9 Scatter Lasers (9*7) – [207pts]

== Air Wing Detachment - +1CP < Alaitoc> ==

Fly 1: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), 2 Star Cannons (13*2) [161pts] 
Fly 2: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), 2 Star Cannons (13*2) [161pts] 
Fly 3: Crimson Hunter Exarch (135), 2 Star Cannons (13*2) [161pts] 
Fly 4: Hemlock Jetfighter (200), Spirit Stones (10) [210pts] Jinx

== Air Wing Detachment - +1CP < Black Heart > ==

Fly5 : Razorwing Jetfighter (105), 2 Desintegrator Cannons (2*15), Razorwing missiles (0), Twin splinter rifle (0) - [135pts]
Fly6 : Razorwing Jetfighter (105), 2 Desintegrator Cannons (2*15), Razorwing missiles (0), Twin splinter rifle (0) - [135pts]
Fly7 : Razorwing Jetfighter (105), 2 Desintegrator Cannons (2*15), Razorwing missiles (0), Twin splinter rifle (0) - [135pts]

Refined Strategies card discarded:
41 - Advance
46 - Domination
52 - Blood and Guts
54 – Area Denial
55 – Psychological Warfare
61 – Kingslayer

+ Team : Bisounours 1
+ Player 2 : Jean Charles Némos Alias "Olohmë"
+ Faction :  Officio Assassinorum - Adeptus Custodes - Astra militarum
+ Total Army Points : 1999 pts
+ Reinforcement Points : 85 pts
+ Total Command Points : 13 ( 16 -1 pour  le detachement Vigilus AM, - 2 pour les 2 reliques  supplémentaires )

== Supreme Command Detachement Adeptus Custodes [+1 CP]==

HQ1: Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150) Hurricane Bolter (10) )-[160pts] [Warlord : Superior creation ] [Relic : Auric Aquilas]
HQ2: Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150) Hurricane Bolter (10) -[160pts] [Relic :  Eagles eyes (-1CP)]
HQ3: Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150) Hurricane Bolter (10) -[160pts]

== Vanguard Detachement Execution Force Officio Assassinorum [+0 CP]==

Elite 1 : Eversor - [85pts]
Elite 2 : Eversor - [85pts]
Elite 3 : Eversor - [85pts]
Elite 4 : Vindicare - [85pts]

== Brigade detachment Astra Militarum < Catachan>  detachment spécialist Emperor's Fist Tank Compagny (-1CP)  [+11 CP] ==

HQ4 : Tank Commander (142) Battle Canon (22) Heavy Bolter (08) Stormbolter (2) - [174pts] [relic : Hammer of Sunderance (-1CP)]
HQ5 : Tank Commander (142) Battle Canon (22) Heavy Bolter (08) - [172pts]
HQ6 : Tank Commander (142) Battle Canon (22) Heavy Bolter (08) - [172pts]

Troop 1: Infantry squad (40) Sergeant with Chainsword (0) 9 lasguns (0) - [40pts]
Troop 2: Infantry squad (40) Sergeant with Chainsword (0) 9 lasguns (0) - [40pts]
Troop 3: Infantry squad (40) Sergeant with Chainsword (0) 9 lasguns (0) - [40pts]
Troop 4: Infantry squad (40) Sergeant with Chainsword (0) 9 lasguns (0) - [40pts]
Troop 5: Infantry squad (40) Sergeant with Chainsword (0) 9 lasguns (0) - [40pts]
Troop 6: Infantry squad (40) Sergeant with Chainsword (0) 9 lasguns (0) - [40pts]
Troop 7: Infantry squad (40) Sergeant with Chainsword (0) 9 lasguns (0) - [40pts]

Elite 5 : Platoon Commander (20) Chainssword (0) - [20pts]
Elite 6 : Platoon Commander (20) Chainssword (0) - [20pts]
Elite 7 : Astropath (26) laspistol (0) - [26] [Psychic Power : Smite, Psychic Barrier]
Elite 8 : Astropath (26) laspistol (0) - [26] [Psychic Power : Smite, Nightshroud]

FA 1 : Scout Sentinel (30) multilaser (5) - [35pts]
FA 2 : Scout Sentinel (30) multilaser (5) - [35pts]
FA 3 : Scout Sentinel (30) multilaser (5) - [35pts]

HS1 : Heavy Weapons Squad (3*6) Mortars (3*5) - [33pts]
HS2 : Heavy Weapons Squad (3*6) Mortars (3*5) - [33pts]
HS3 : Heavy Weapons Squad (3*6) Mortars (3*5) - [33pts]

Reinforcement Points : 85 pts
Refined Strategies card discarded:
41 - Advance
46 - Domination
61 – Kingslayer
55 – Psychological Warfare
54 – Area Denial

+ Team : Bisounours 1
+ Player 3 : Florian « Dletch » HAMEL-MONCHOT
+ Faction : <Chaos Daemons>, <Heretic Astartes>, <Thousands Son>
+ Total Army Points : 1746 pts
+ Reinforcement Points : 254pts
+ Total Command Point: 13 CP (5+5+1+3-1)

== Bataillon Detachement - <Chaos Deamons> +5CP == 615
HQ1: Changecaster - [65pts] (Gaze of Fate, Infernal Gateway, Smite) 
HQ2: Changecaster - [65pts] (Flickering Flame, Boon of change, Smite) WARLORD: Daemonspark Free Relic: Impossible Robe
Troop1: 30 Pink Horror (30*7), instrument of chaos (10) - [220pts] 
Troop2: 30 Pink Horror (30*7), Icone demoniaque (15), instrument of chaos - [235pts] 
Troop3: 10 Brimstones - [30pts] 

== Bataillon Detachement - <Heretic Astartes> +5CP == 698
HQ3: Deamon Prince of chaos with wing (170), pairs of malefic talon (10) - [180pts] (Infernal Gateway, Diabolic Strength , Smite) <Thousands Sons>
HQ4: Master of possession (90), force stave (Cool - [98pts] (Incursion, sacrifice, smite) <Black Legion>
Troop4: 25 Tzaangors (25x7), Braihorn (10), Tzaangor Blades (0) - [185pts] <Thousands Sons>
Troop5: 25 Tzaangors (25x7), Braihorn (10), Tzaangor Blades (0) - [185pts] <Thousands Sons>
Troop6: 10 Chaos Cultistes (50), 10 Autogun - [50pts] <Thousands Sons>

== Suprem Command Detachement - <Thousands Sons> +1CP == 433
HQ5: Sorcerer in Terminator Armor (102), Force Stave (Cool, Speel Familiar (9), Inferno Combi-bolt (3) [122pts] (Warptime, Tzeentch's Firestorm , Smite)
HQ6: Deamon Prince of chaos with wing (170), pairs of malefic talon (10) - [180pts] (Infernal Gateway, Bolt of change, Smite) Relic (-1CP): Dark Matter Crystal 
HQ7: Arhiman - [131pts] [Thousands Sons] (Weaver of Fate, Death Hex, Glamour of Tzeentch, Smite)

Refined Strategies card discarded:
41 - Advance
46 - Domination
61 – Kingslayer
55 – Psychological Warfare

+ TEAM: Bisounours 1
+ PLAYER 4: Arnaud "Shas'O Kassad" Monvoisin
+ ARMY FACTION: T'au Empire
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: T'au Empire <T'au Sept> <Sa'Cea Sept>

== Battalion Detachment / +5CP <T’au> ==

HQ1: Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (72), 4 Cyclic Ion Blaster (4x18), XV8-02 Iridium (10) - [154pts] Relic - Puretide Engram Neuroship
HQ2: Darkstrider (45) - [45pts]

Troop1: 5 Strike Team with pulse rifle (5x7), Shas'ui (0) - [35pts]
Troop2: 5 Strike Team with pulse rifle (5x7), Shas'ui (0) - [35pts]
Troop3: 5 Strike Team with pulse rifle (5x7), Shas'ui (0) - [35pts]

FA1: 7 Pathfinders (7x5), 4 Markerlights (4x3), 3 Ion Rifles (3x7), MV4 Shield Drone (10), 1 MV-33 Grav Inhibitor Drones (8.) - [86pts]
FA2: 7 Pathfinders (7x5), 4 Markerlights (4x3), 3 Ion Rifles (3x7), MV4 Shield Drone (10), 1 MV-33 Grav Inhibitor Drones (8.) - [86pts]
FA3: 7 Pathfinders (7x5), 4 Markerlights (4x3), 3 Ion Rifles (3x7), MV-33 Grav Inhibitor Drones (8.) - [76pts]

TA1: TY-7 Devilfish (70), Burst Cannon (8.), 2 MV-1 Gun Drones (2x10), 2 Seeker Missiles (2x5) - [108pts]
TA2: TY-7 Devilfish (70), Burst Cannon (8.), 2 MV-1 Gun Drones (2x10), 2 Seeker Missiles (2x5) - [108pts]
TA3: TY-7 Devilfish (70), Burst Cannon (8.), 2 MV-1 Gun Drones (2x10), 2 Seeker Missiles (2x5) - [108pts]
TA4: TY-7 Devilfish (70), Burst Cannon (8.), 2 MV-1 Gun Drones (2x10), 2 Seeker Missiles (2x5) - [108pts]

Flyer1: AX-39 Sun Shark Bomber (90), Markerlight (3), Missile Pod (15), 2 Seeker Missiles (2x5), 2 MV-17 Interceptor Drones (2x15) - [148pts]

== Battalion Detachment / +5CP <T’au> ==

HQ3: Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (72), 4 Cyclic Ion Blaster (4x18), XV8-02 Iridium (10) - [154pts] Warlord - Through Unity, Devastation
HQ4: Cadre Fireblade (39), Markelight (3): [42pts] 

Troop4: 5 Strike Team with pulse rifle (5x7), Shas'ui (0) - [35pts]
Troop5: 5 Breacher Team with pulse blaster (5x7), Shas'ui (0) - [35pts]
Troop6: 5 Breacher Team with pulse blaster (5x7), Shas'ui (0) - [35pts]

FA4: 4 Kroot hounds (4x4) - [16pts]
FA5: 4 Kroot hounds (4x4) - [16pts]

== Vanguard Detachment / +1CP <Sac'ea> ==

HQ5: Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90), Airbusting Fragmentation Projector (8.), High-Output Burst Cannon (16), 2 Missiles Pods (2x15) - [144pts] Relic - Supernova Launcher -1 CP

Elite1: Marksmen (21), markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) - [25pts]
Elite2: Marksmen (21), markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) - [25pts]
Elite3: Marksmen (21), markerlight (3), Pulse pistol (1) - [25pts]
Elite4: Dahyak Grekh - [20pts]

Flyer2: AX-39 Sun Shark Bomber (90), Markerlight (3), Missile Pod (15), 2 Seeker Missiles (2x5), 2 MV-17 Interceptor Drones (2x15) - [148pts]
Flyer3: AX-39 Sun Shark Bomber (90), Markerlight (3), Missile Pod (15), 2 Seeker Missiles (2x5), 2 MV-17 Interceptor Drones (2x15) - [148pts]
Refined Strategies card discarded:
41 - Advance
46 - Domination
52 - Blood and Guts
61 - kingslayer
62 - witch hunter
64 – Assasinate

+ TEAM: Bisounours 1
+ PLAYER 5: Noé "Wilme" Vener
+ ARMY FACTION: Imperium
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: <Deathwatch> <Imperial knight> <Adepta Sororitas>

== Battalion Detachement / +5CP <Deathwatch> ==
HQ 1: Watch Master (130), gardian spear (0) – [130pts] [Warlord: The Watch Eternal]
HQ 2: Librarian with jump pack (112), force stave (8.), bolt pistol (0) – [120] [Relic: The Beacon Angelis] [Psy: Psychic Scourge, Null Zone]

Troop1: 10 Veterans - [234]
- 4 Veterans with Storm Bolters & Storm Shields 4x(14+4+2)
- 3 Terminators with Storm Bolters & Power Mauls 3x(23+4+4)
- 1 Watch Sergeant with Storm Bolter & Storm Shield 1x(14+4+2)
- 1 Blackshield with Storm Bolter & Storm Shield 1x(16+4+2)
- 1 Vanguard Veteran, Bolt pistol & Storm Shield 1x(17+0+2)

Troop2: 10 Veterans - [234]
- 4 Veterans with Storm Bolters & Storm Shields 4x(14+4+2)
- 3 Terminators with Storm Bolters & Power Mauls 3x(23+4+4)
- 1 Watch Sergeant with Storm Bolter & Storm Shield 1x(14+4+2)
- 1 Blackshield with Storm Bolter & Storm Shield 1x(16+4+2)
- 1 Vanguard Veteran, Bolt pistol & Storm Shield 1x(17+0+2)

Troop3: 10 Veterans - [234]
- 4 Veterans with Storm Bolters & Storm Shields 4x(14+4+2)
- 3 Terminators with Storm Bolters & Power Mauls 3x(23+4+4)
- 1 Watch Sergeant with Storm Bolter & Storm Shield 1x(14+4+2)
- 1 Blackshield with Storm Bolter & Storm Shield 1x(16+4+2)
- 1 Vanguard Veteran, Bolt pistol & Storm Shield 1x(17+0+2)

Troop4: 9 Veterans - [219]
- 2 Veterans with Storm Bolters & Storm Shields 2x(14+4+2)
- 3 Terminators with Storm Bolters & Power Mauls 3x(23+4+4)
- 1 Watch Sergeant with Storm Bolter & Storm Shield 1x(14+4+2)
- 1 Blackshield with Storm Bolter & Storm Shield 1x(16+4+2)
- 1 Vanguard Veteran, Bolt pistol & Storm Shield 1x(17+0+2)
- 1 Bike with Twin Boltguns, Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Deathwatch Teleport Homer 1x(21+4+3x0)

== Superheavy Auxiliary Detachment / +0CP <Raven> == 
LoW1: Knight Castelan (510), 2 Shieldbreker missiles (2x12), 2 Siegebreaker cannons (2x35) - [604]

== Battalion Detachement / +5CP < Ebon Chalice > ==
HQ2: Canoness (45), Boltgun (0), chainsword (0) - [45]
HQ3: Canoness (45), Boltgun (0), chainsword (0) - [45]

Troop5: 4 Battle sisters (4x9), Sister Superior with Boltgun & chainsword (9) - [45]
Troop6: 4 Battle sisters (4x9), Sister Superior with Boltgun & chainsword (9) - [45]
Troop7: 4 Battle sisters (4x9), Sister Superior with Boltgun & chainsword (9) - [45]

Refined Strategies card discarded: Advance (41), Domination (46), Area Denial (54), Psychological Warfare (55), Kingslayer (61)

+ PLAYER 6: Makai
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 18 (5+5+5+3+1-1)
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Ork <Bad Moon> <Death Skull> <Freebooterz> <Evilsunz>

== Battalion Detachment == Ork <Bad Moon> [ 33PL, 689pts ] +5CP
HQ1: Big Mek in Mega Armour (77), kustom shoota (2), power klaw (13), kustom force field (20) - [112pts] - WARLORD: Follow me Ladz (+1CP)
HQ2: Weirdboy (62), psychic power: Da Jump, smite - [62pts]
TR1: 10 Gretchin (10x3) - [30pts]
TR2: 10 Gretchin (10x3) - [30pts]
TR3: 10 Gretchin (10x3) - [30pts]
HS1: 10 Lootas (17x10) - [170pts]
HS2: 15 Lootas (17x15) - [255pts]

== Special Battalion Detachment Waaagh! Eud' Dreads == (-1CP) Ork <Death Skull / Bad Moon / Freebooterz> [ 14PL, 294pts ] +5CP
HQ3: Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun (55) <Death Skull>, Shokk attack gun (25), stikkbombs, Relic: Eul' Shokkeur Surgonflé - [80pts]
HQ4: Weirdboy (62) <Freebooterz> psychic power: Da Jump, smite - [62pts]
TR4: 10 Gretchin (10x3) <Bad Moon> - [30pts]
TR5: 10 Gretchin (10x3) <Bad Moon> - [30pts]
TR6: 10 Gretchin (10x3) <Bad Moon> - [30pts]
HS3: 1 Mek Gunz (15) <Death Skull>, Smasha Gun (16) - [31pts]
HS4: 1 Mek Gunz (15) <Death Skull>, Smasha Gun (16) - [31pts]

== Battalion Detachment == Ork <Evil Sunz> [ 61PL, 1017pts ] +5CP
HQ5: Warboss (65), kustom shoota (2), power klaw (13), attack squig (0) - [80pts]
HQ6: Weirdboy (62), psychic power: Da Jump, smite - [62pts]
TR7: 25 Boyz (25x7), choppa and slugga (0), 2 tankbusta bomb (0), Nobz with choppa (0) and choppa (0) - [175pts]
TR8: 25 Boyz (25x7), choppa and slugga (0), 2 tankbusta bomb (0), Nobz with choppa (0) and choppa (0) - [175pts]
TR9: 25 Boyz (25x7), choppa and slugga (0), 2 tankbusta bomb (0), Nobz with choppa (0) and choppa (0) - [175pts]
TR10: 25 Boyz (25x7), choppa and slugga (0), 2 tankbusta bomb (0), Nobz with choppa (0) and choppa (0) - [175pts]
EL1: 5 Meganobz (20x5), Kustom Shoota (2x5), Power Klaw (13x5), stikkbombs, Boss Meganobz (0) - [175pts]

-- Refined Strategies card discarded: --
41 - Advance
46 - Domination
54 - Area Denial
55 - Psychological Warfare
61 - Kingslayer

+ Team : Bisounours 1
+ Player 7 : Hugo BOURGEOIS "Shev"
+ Faction : Adeptus Mechanicus- Space Marines
+ Total Army Points : 1999 pts
+ Reinforcement Points : 0 pts
+ Total Command Points : 11 ( -1 pour le detachemnt Vigilus AM, - 1 détachement auxiliaire)

== Battalion  Detachement Adeptus Mechanicus <Mars> ==Vigilus Specialist Detachment - Servitor Maniple [+4 CP] ==

HQ 1: Tech-Priest Dominus (80), omnissian axe (0), macrostubber (2), volkite blaster (08) [90]
HQ2 : Tech-Priest Enginseer [30] [WARLORD - Chorister Technis] Relic : Raiment of The Technomartyr

Troop 1: 8 Kataphron Destroyers (120), 8 Plasma Culverin (216), 8 cognis flamer (56) [392]
Troop 2: 5 Kataphron Breachers (60 + 2*20), 5 Heavy arc rifle (5*6), 5 Arc claw (5*4) [150]
Troop 3: 5 Kataphron Breachers (60 + 2*20), 5 Heavy arc rifle (5*6), 5 Arc claw (5*4) [150]

HS1 : 4 Kastelan Robots (130 + 2*65), 12 Heavy phosphor blaster (12*15) [440]

== Battalion  Detachement Adeptus Mechanicus <Mars> [+ 5 CP] ==

HQ1 : Tech-Priest Manipulus, Transonic Cannon  [90]
HQ 4: Belisarius Cawl [190]

Troop 4: 5 Kataphron Breachers (60 + 2*20), 5 Heavy arc rifle (5*6), 5 Arc claw (5*4) [150]
Troop 5: 4 Kataphron Breachers (60 + 20), 4 Heavy arc rifle (4*6), 4 Arc claw (4*4) [120]
Troop 6: 5 Rangers (7*5) [35]

== Auxilary Detachement Space Marines <Raven Guard> [- 1 CP]==

Fast Attack 1 : 10 Assault squad (10*15), eviscerator (11)  [161]

total 1998 pts - CP 11

+ TEAM: Bisounours 1
+ PLAYER 8: Abraham "Edlr" Xavier
+ ARMY FACTION: Tyranid; Genestealer Cults
+ TOTAL COMMAND POINTS: 5+5+5+3+D3-1=17+D3
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Tyranid <Kraken>; Genestealer Cults <Cult of the four-armed emperor>

== Battalion Detachment / +5CP < Cult of the four-armed emperor > Vigilus Detachement - Delivrance Broodsurge (-1CP) ==  
HQ1 : Patriach (125), 2 Familiar (12x2) – [149pts] WARLORD: Trait: Augur of the insurgent, Relic: The crouchling, PSY: [Mass hypnosis, Mental Onslaught, Might from Beyond]
HQ2 : Acolyte Iconward – [53pts] 

Elite1 : Clamavus – [55pts]
Elite2 : Nexos -- [50pts]

Troop1 : 19 Acolyte hybrids (19x7), 4 heavy rock saw (4x10), Cult icon (10) – [183pts]
Troop2 : 19 Acolyte hybrids (19x7), 4 heavy rock saw (4x10), Cult icon (10) – [183pts]
Troop3 : 18 Acolyte hybrids (18x7), Cult Icon (10) – [136pts]

== Battalion Detachment / +5CP < Cult of the four-armed emperor > ==  
HQ3 : Magus (80) – [80pts] PSY: [Mind Control, Psychic Stimulus]
HQ4 : Primus (72), Bonesword (3) – [75pts] 

Troop4 : 18 Acolyte hybrids (18x7),  17 handflammer (17x1) – [143pts]
Troop5 : 12 Acolyte hybrids (12x7), Cult icon (10) – [94pts]
Troop6 : 5 Acolyte hybrids (5x7) – [35pts]

= Battalion Detachment / +5CP <Kraken> == 
HQ5 : Winged Hive Tyrant (190);  4 Devourer with Brainleech Worms (4x7)  – [218pts], PSY: [Catalyst, Paroxysm]
HQ6 : Winged Hive Tyrant (190); 4 Devourer with Brainleech Worms (4x7)  – [218pts], PSY: [Catalyst, Psychic Scream]
HQ7 : Winged Hive Tyrant (190); 4 Devourer with Brainleech Worms (4x7)  – [218pts], PSY: [Horror, Onslaught]

Troop7 : 11 Termagants (11x4), Spinefists(0) – [44pts]
Troop8 : 3 ripper swarm – [33pts]
Troop9 : 3 ripper swarm – [33pts]



Bisounours 2:

+ Team: Bisounours 2
+ Player 1/Captain: David "Doudou"
+ Faction: Imperium 
+ Total Army Points: 2000pts
+ Total Command Points: 5+5+3=13CP
== Battalion Detachement / +5CP ==
HQ3: Watch Master (130), Gardian spear (0) – [130] [WARLORD: The Watch Eternal]
HQ4: Librarian with jump pack (112), force stave (8.), bolt pistol (0) – [120] [Relic: The Beacon angelis] [Psy: Psychic Scourge, Null Zone]

Troop1:  10 Veterans - [234]
- 3 Terminators (3x23), 3 Power Mauls (3x4), 3 Storm Bolters (3x4)
- 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Chainsword (0)
- 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
- 4 Veterans (4x14), 4 Storm Bolters (4x4), 4 Storm Shields (4x2)
- 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

Troop2:   10 Veterans - [234]
- 3 Terminators (3x23), 3 Power Mauls (3x4), 3 Storm Bolters (3x4)
- 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Chainsword (0)
- 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
- 4 Veterans (4x14), 4 Storm Bolters (4x4), 4 Storm Shields (4x2)
- 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

Troop3: 9 Veterans - [214]
- 3 Terminators (3x23), 3 Power Mauls (3x4), 3 Storm Bolters (3x4)
- 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Chainsword (0)
- 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
- 3 Veterans (3x14), 3 Storm Bolters (3x4), 3 Storm Shields (3x2)
- 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

Troop4: 10 Veterans - [239]
- 3 Terminators (3x23), 3 Power Mauls (3x4), 3 Storm Bolters (3x4)
- 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Chainsword (0)
- 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
- 1 Bike (21), Twin Boltgun (4), Chainsword (0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0)
- 3 Veterans (3x14), 2 Storm Bolters (3x4), 2 Storm Shields (3x2)
- 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

== Superheavy Auxiliary Detachment / +0CP == 
LoW1: Knight Castelan (510), Shieldbreker missile x2 (2*12), 2 Siegebreaker cannon (2x35) - [604]

== Battalion Detachement / +5CP < Ebon Chalice > ==
HQ2: Canoness (45), Boltgun (0), chainsword (0) - [45pts]
HQ3: Canoness (45), Boltgun (0), chainsword (0) - [45pts]

Troop5: 5 battle sister (5*9), sister superior with Boltgun and chainsword (0) - [45pts]
Troop6: 5 battle sister (5*9), sister superior with Boltgun and chainsword (0) - [45pts]
Troop7: 5 battle sister (5*9), sister superior with Boltgun and chainsword (0) - [45pts]

Refined Strategies card discarded:
41 - Advance
46 - Domination
52 - Blood and Guts
61 - kingslayer
62 - witch hunter
66 - priority order received



+ Team: Bisounours 2
+ Player 2: Fire Mike
+ Faction: Orks 
+ Total Army Points: 2000pts
+ Total Command Points: 5+5+5+3-1-1=16CP
== Bataillon Detachement / +5CP ==
HQ1 : Weirdboy (62) - [62pts] [Psy : Smite,  Warpath] 
HQ2 : Weirdboy (62) - [62pts] [Psy : Smite, Da Jump] [Relic : Morgog Finkin' Kap (-1 CP) 

Troop1 : 10 Gretchin (3x10) - [30] 
Troop2 : 10 Gretchin (3x10) - [30] 
Troop3 : 10 Gretchin (3x10) - [30] 

Elite1 : Mad Doc Grotsnik - [86pts] 

HS1: 1 Mek Gunz (15) Smasha Gun (16) - [31pts] 

== Bataillon Detachement / +5CP ==

HQ3 : Weirdboy (62) - [62pts] [Psy : Smite, Da Jump]
HQ4 : Warboss (65), Kustom Shoota (2), Big Choppa (5), Attack Squig (0) - [72pts]

Troop4 : 20 Boyz (20x7), 19 shootas (0), 2 tankbusta bomb (0), Nob (0), 2 Choppa (0) - [140pts]
Troop5 : 20 Boyz (20x7), 2 tankbusta bomb (0), Nob (0), 2 Choppa (0) - [140pts]
Troop6 : 25 Boyz (25x7), 2 tankbusta bomb (0), Nob (0), Choppa & Big Choppa (5) - [180pts]
Troop7 : 25 Boyz (25x7), 2 tankbusta bomb (0), Nob (0), Choppa & Big Choppa (5) - [180pts]

FA1 : 10 Stormboyz (10x9), Nob (0), Choppa & Big Choppa (5) - [95pts]
FA2 : 6 Stormboyz (6x9), Nob (0), 2 Choppa (0) - [54pts]

== Bataillon Detachement / +5CP Vigilus Detachement - Dread WAAAGH! (-1CP) ==

HQ5 : Big Mek (55), Shock Attack Gun (25), Grot Oiler (4) [84]  RELIC: Da Souped Up Shokka [Warlord: Follow me ladz]
HQ6 : Big Mek in Mega Armour (77), Kustom Shoota(2), Power Klaw (13), Kustom Force Field (20), Grot Oiler (4) - [116pts] 

Troop8 : 10 Gretchin (3x10) - [30pts]
Troop9 : 10 Gretchin (3x10) - [30pts]
Troop10 : 10 Gretchin (3x10) - [30pts]

HS2 : 10 Lootas (10x17) - [170pts]
HS3 : 15 Lootas (15x17) - [255pts]
HS4: 1 Mek Gunz (15) Smasha Gun (16) - [31pts]

Refined Strategies card discarded:
41 - Advance
46 - Domination
55 - Psychological Warfare
61 - kingslayer
62 - witch hunter
64 Assasinate



+ Team: Bisounours 2
+ Player 3: Florian "Yrian" Leduc
+ Faction: T'au Empire 
+ Total Army Points: 1 999pts
+ Reinforcement Points: 1 pts
+ Total Command Points: 5+5+1+3-1-2=11CP
== Battalion Detachment / +5CP ==

HQ1: Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (72), 4 Cyclic Ion Blaster (4x18), XV8-02 Iridium (10) - [154pts][Relic: Puretide Engram Neuroship]
HQ2: Darkstrider (45) - [45pts]

Troop1: 9 Strike Team with pulse carabine (9x7), Shas'ui (0)- [63pts]
Troop2: 5 Strike Team with pulse carabine (5x7), Shas'ui (0)- [35pts]
Troop3: 5 Strike Team with pulse carabine (5x7), Shas'ui (0)- [35pts]

FA1: 6 Pathfinders (6x5), 2 Markerlights (2x3), 3 Ion Rifles (3x7), Shas'ui (0) with Markerlight (3), 2 MV4 Shield Drones (2x10), 1 MV-33 Grav Inhibitor Drones (8.), 1 MV-31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8.) - [96pts]
FA2: 6 Pathfinders (6x5), 2 Markerlights (2x3), 3 Ion Rifles (3x7), Shas'ui (0) with Markerlight (3), 2 MV4 Shield Drones (2x10), 1 MV-33 Grav Inhibitor Drones (8.), 1 MV-31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8.) - [96pts]
FA3: 6 Pathfinders (6x5), 2 Markerlights (2x3), 3 Ion Rifles (3x7), Shas'ui (0) with Markerlight (3), 2 MV4 Shield Drones (2x10), 1 MV-33 Grav Inhibitor Drones (8.), 1 MV-31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (8.) - [96pts]

TA1: TY-7 Devilfish (70), Burst Cannon (8.), 2 MV-1 Gun Drones (2x10), 2 Seeker Missiles (10) - [108pts]
TA2: TY-7 Devilfish (70), Burst Cannon (8.), 2 MV-1 Gun Drones (2x10), 2 Seeker Missiles (10) - [108pts]
TA3: TY-7 Devilfish (70), Burst Cannon (8.), 2 MV-1 Gun Drones (2x10), 2 Seeker Missiles (10) - [108pts]
TA4: TY-7 Devilfish (70), Burst Cannon (8.), 2 MV-1 Gun Drones (2x10), 2 Seeker Missiles (10) - [108pts]
TA5: TY-7 Devilfish (70), Burst Cannon (8.), 2 MV-1 Gun Drones (2x10), 2 Seeker Missiles (10) - [108pts]

== Battalion Detachment / +5CP ==

HQ3: Commander in XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (72), 4 Cyclic Ion Blaster (4x18), XV8-02 Iridium (10) - [154pts] Relic - Vectored Manoeuvring Thrusters -1CP
HQ4: Cadre Fireblade (39), Markelight (3) - [42pts] [Warlord][Trait: Through Unity, Devastation]

Troop4: 5 Strike Team with pulse carabine (5x7), Shas'ui (0) - [35pts]
Troop5: 5 Strike Team with pulse carabine (5x7), Shas'ui (0)- [35pts]
Troop6: 5 Strike Team with pulse carabine (5x7), Shas'ui (0)- [35pts]

FA4: 4 Kroot hounds (4x4) - [16pts]
FA5: 4 Kroot hounds (4x4) - [16pts]

Flyer1: AX-39 Sun Shark Bomber (90), Markerlight (3), Missile Pod (15), 2 Seeker Missiles (2x5), 2 MV-17 Interceptor Drones (2x15) - [148pts]
Flyer2: AX-39 Sun Shark Bomber (90), Markerlight (3), Missile Pod (15), 2 Seeker Missiles (2x5), 2 MV-17 Interceptor Drones (2x15) - [148pts]

== Vanguard Detachment / +1CP ==

HQ5: Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90), Airbusting Fragmentation Projector (8.), High-Output Burst Cannon (16), Missiles Pods (15), Advanced Targetting System (6) - [135pts] Relic - Supernova Launcher -2 CP

Elite1: Marksmen (24), Pulse pistol (1) - [25pts]
Elite2: Marksmen (24), Pulse pistol (1) - [25pts]
Elite3: Marksmen (24), Pulse pistol (1) - [25pts]

Refined Strategies card discarded:
41 - Advance
46 - Domination
55 - Psychological Warfare
61 - kingslayer
62 - witch hunter
64 - Assasinate



+ Team: Bisounours 2
+ Player 4: Michaël "Undead tyty" CLOUET
+ Faction: Tyranid ; Genestealer Cults 
+ Total Army Points:  2000pts
+ Total Command Points: 5+5+5+3-1-1-1=15+D3

== Battalion Detachment / +5CP < Cult of the four-armed emperor > Vigilus Detachement - Delivrance Broodsurge (-1CP) ==
HQ1 : Patriach (125), Familiar (12) – [137pts] WARLORD: Trait: Augur of the insurgent, Relic: The crouchling, PSY: [Mass hypnosis, Mental Onslaught, Might from Beyond]
HQ2 : Acolyte Iconward – [53pts] Relic sup -1CP: Icon of the Cult ascendant

Elite1 : Clamavus – [55pts]

Troop1 : 20 Acolyte hybrids (20x7), 4 heavy rock saw (4x10), Cult icon (10) – [190pts]
Troop2 : 20 Acolyte hybrids (20x7), 4 heavy rock saw (4x10), Cult icon (10) – [190pts]
Troop3 : 17 Acolyte hybrids (17x7), 17 Handflamer (17x1) – [136pts]

== Battalion Detachment / +5CP < Cult of the four-armed emperor > ==
HQ3 : Magus (80) – [80pts] PSY: [Mind Control, Psychic Stimulus]  Trait sup: Inscrutable cunning
HQ4 : Primus (72), Bonesword (3) – [75pts] Trait sup: Focus of adoration (-1CP)

Troop4 : 19 Acolyte hybrids (19x7), Cult icon (10) – [143pts]
Troop5 : 18 Acolyte hybrids (18x7), Cult icon (10) – [136pts]
Troop6 : Brood Brothers Infantry Squad (10x4) – [40pts]

= Battalion Detachment / +5CP == 
HQ5 : Winged Hive Tyrant (190); 2 Devourer with Brainleech Worms (2x7), Monstruous Rending Claws (0), Adrenal glands (5) – [209pts], PSY: [Catalyst, Paroxysm]
HQ6 : Winged Hive Tyrant (190); 4 Devourer with Brainleech Worms (4x7)  – [218pts], PSY: [Catalyst, Psychic Scream]
HQ7 : Winged Hive Tyrant (190); 4 Devourer with Brainleech Worms (4x7)  – [218pts], PSY: [Horror, Onslaught]

Troop7 : 10 Termagants (10x4), Spinefists(0) – [40pts]
Troop8 : 10 Termagants (10x4), Spinefists(0) – [40pts]
Troop9 : 10 Termagants (10x4), Spinefists(0) – [40pts]

Refined Strategies card discarded:
41 - Advance
46 - Domination
55 - Psychological Warfare
61 - Kingslayer
62 - Witchhunter



+ Team: Bisounours 2
+ Player 5: Gatsu
+ Faction: Adeptus Mechanicus
+ Total Army Points: 1998 pts
+ Reinforcement Points: 2 pts
+ Total Command Points: 5+5+3-1=12CP
== Battalion Detachment / +5CP ==
HQ 1 : Belisarius Cawl (190) [190]
HQ 2 : Tech Priest Manipulus (90), Magnarail Lance (5) [95]
Relic : Raiment of the Technomartyr

Elite 1 : 5 Sicarian Infiltrator (5*12), Flechette Blaster (5*2), Taser Goad (5*2) [90]

Troop 1 : 5 Kataphron Breachers (5*20), 5 Heavy Arc Riffle (5*6), 5 Arc claw (5*4) [150]
Troop 2 : 5 Kataphron Breachers (5*20), 5 Heavy Arc Riffle (5*6), 5 Arc claw (5*4) [150]
Troop 3 : 5 Kataphron Breachers (5*20), 5 Heavy Arc Riffle (5*6), 5 Arc claw (5*4) [150]

Heavy 1 : 4 Kastelan Robots (4*65), 12 Heavy Phosphor Blaster (12*15) [440]

== Battalion Detachment / +5CP Vigilus Specialist Detachment - Servitor Maniple (-1CP) ==
HQ 3 : Tech-Priest Dominus (80), Omnissian Axe (0), Volkite Blaster (8.), Macrostubber (2) [90]
HQ 4 : Tech Priest Enginseer (30) [30]
Warlord : Monitor Malevolus 

Troop 4 : 7 Kataphron Destroyers (7*15), 7 Plasma Culverin (7*27), 7 Cognis Flamer (7*7) [343]
Troop 5 : 5 Kataphron Breachers (5*20), 5 Heavy Arc Riffle (5*6), 5 Arc claw (5*4) [150]
Troop 6 : 4 Kataphron Breachers (4*20), 4 Heavy Arc Riffle (4*6), 4 Arc claw (4*4) [120]

Refined Strategies card discarded:
41 - Advance
42 - Behind Ennemies Line
46 - Domination
52 - Blood and Guts
61 - Kingslayer
62 - Witch Hunter




+ Team: Bisounours 2
+ Player 6: Yann "Bromotimol" QUEFFELEC
+ Faction: Drukhari, craftwolrd
+ Total Army Points: 1999 pts
+ Total Command Points: 5+5+1+3=14CP

== Bataillon Detachement / +5CP - Craftworld ==
HQ1 : Farseer Skyrunner(1*130), twin shuriken catapult (2), relic : blazing star of vaul [132] [WARLORD : Fate's messenger]
HQ2 : Warlock Skyrunner(1*65), Catapultes shuriken jumelées(2) [67]
Troup1 : 8 Storm Guardians (48) [48]
Troup2 : 8 Storm Guardians (48) [48]
Troup3 : 8 Storm Guardians (48) [48]
FA1 : 9 Windriders (48 + 6*16), 9 scatter lasers (63) [207]
Flyer1 : Crimson Hunter Exarch(1*135), 2 star cannons (26) [161]
Flyer2 : Crimson Hunter Exarch(1*135), 2 star cannons (26) [161]

== Bataillon Detachement / +5CP - Drukhari ==
HQ3 : Archon(1*70), Blast pistol (10), venom blade (2) [82]
HQ4 : Archon(1*70), venom blade (2) [72]
TP4 : 10 Kabalite Warriors (30 + 5*6), splinter cannon (10), 2 shredders (16), Sybarite(0) [86]
TP5 : 10 Kabalite Warriors (30 + 5*6), splinter cannon (10), 2 shredders (16), Sybarite(0) [86]
TP6 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), shredders (Sybarite(8.) [38]
TP7 : 5 Kabalite Warriors (30), shredders (Sybarite(8.) [38]
Transport1 : Raider(1*65), desintegrator cannon (15) [80]
Transport2 : Raider(1*65), desintegrator cannon (15) [80]
Transport3 : Raider(1*65), desintegrator cannon (15) [80]
Transport4 : Raider(1*65), desintegrator cannon (15) [80]

== Air superiority Detachement / +1CP Drukhari ==
Flyer3 : Razorwing Jetfighter(1*105), 2 desintegrator cannons (30) [135]
Flyer4 : Razorwing Jetfighter(1*105), 2 desintegrator cannons (30) [135]
Flyer5 : Razorwing Jetfighter(1*105), 2 desintegrator cannons (30) [135]

Refined Strategies card discarded:
41 - Advance
46 - Domination
61 – Kingslayer
55 – Psychological Warfare
54 – Area Denial




+ Team : Bisounours 2
+ Player 7 : Helmut "Mortifere" Perchut
+ Faction : Chaos Daemons, Heretic Astartes , Thousands Son
+ Total Army Points : 1703 pts
+ Reinforcement Points : 297pts
+ Total Command Point: 5+5+1+3-1=13 CP

== Bataillon Detachement / +5CP Chaos Deamons ==
HQ1: Changecaster - [65pts] (Gaze of Fate, Infernal Gateway, Smite) 
HQ2: Changecaster - [65pts] (Flickering Flame, Boon of change, Smite) WARLORD: Warp Tether Free Relic: The Everstave
Troop1: 30 Pink Horror (30*7), instrument of chaos (10) - [220pts] 
Troop2: 30 Pink Horror (30*7), Icone demoniaque (15), instrument of chaos - [235pts] 
Troop3: 10 Brimstones - [30pts] 

== Bataillon Detachement / +5CP Heretic Astartes , Thousand Sons == 
HQ3: Sorcerer in Terminator Armor (120), Force Stave (8 ), Speel Familiar (9), Inferno Combi-bolt (3) [122pts] (Warptime, Tzeentch's Firestorm , Smite) 
HQ4: Master of possession (98), force stave (8 ) - [98pts] (Incursion, sacrifice, smite) 
Troop4: 25 Tzaangors (25x7), Braihorn (10), Tzaangor Blades (0) - [185pts] 
Troop5: 25 Tzaangors (25x7), Braihorn (10), Tzaangor Blades (0) - [185pts] 
Troop6: 10 Chaos Cultistes (50), 10 Autogun - [50pts] 

== Suprem Command Detachement / +1CP Thousands Sons == 
HQ5: Sorcerer in Terminator Armor (120), Force Stave (8 ), Speel Familiar (9), Inferno Combi-bolt (3) [122pts] (Warptime, Glamour of Tzeentch , Smite)
HQ6: Deamon Prince of chaos with wing (170), pairs of malefic talon (10) - [180pts] (Infernal Gateway, Weaver of Fate, Smite)  Relic (-1CP): Dark Matter Crystal 
HQ7: Arhiman - [131pts] [Thousands Sons] (Prescience, Death Hex, Doombolt, Smite)

Refined Strategies card discarded:
41 - Advance
46 - Domination
55 - Psychological Warfare
61 - Kingslayer
62 - Witchhunter


+ Team: Bisounours 2
+ Player 8: Loïc "Lolo" Dubois
+ Faction: Officio Assassinorum - Adeptus Custodes - Astra militarum 
+ Total Army Points: 1914 pts
+ Reinforcement Points: 86 pts
+ Total Command Points: 3+1+12-1-1-1 = 13CP

== Supreme Command detachement / +1CP Adeptus Custodes == 
HQ1: Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150), Hurricane Bolter (10) - [160pts] [Warlord: Superior creation] [Relic: Auric Aquilas]
HQ2: Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150), Hurricane Bolter (10) - [160pts] [Relic: Eagles eyes (-1CP)]
HQ3: Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150), Hurricane Bolter (10) - [160pts] 

== Vanguard detachement / +0CP Execution Force Officio Assassinorum == 
EL1: Eversor - [85pts]
EL2: Eversor - [85pts]
EL3: Eversor - [85pts]
EL4: Vindicare - [85pts]

== Brigade detachment / +12CP Vigilus Specialist Detachment - Emperor's Fist Tank Compagny (-1CP) ==
HQ4 : Tank Commander (142) Battle Canon (22) Heavy Bolter (08), Stormbolter (2) - [174pts] [Relic : Hammer of Sunderance (-1CP)]
HQ5 : Tank Commander (142) Battle Canon (22) Heavy Bolter (08) - [172pts] 
HQ6 : Tank Commander (142) Battle Canon (22) Heavy Bolter (08) - [172pts] 

TP1: Infantry squad (40), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
TP2: Infantry squad (40), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
TP3: Infantry squad (40), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
TP4: Infantry squad (40), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
TP5: Infantry squad (40), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
TP6: Infantry squad (40), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [40pts]
TP7: Infantry squad (40), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [40pts]

EL5: Platoon Commander (20) Chainssword (0) - [20pts]
EL6: Platoon Commander (20) Chainssword (0) - [20pts]
EL7: Astropath (26) laspistol (0) - [26] [Psychic Powers: Smite, Psychic Barrier]
EL8: Astropath (26) laspistol (0) - [26] [Psychic Powers: Smite, Nightshroud]

FA1: Scout Sentinel (30), multilaser (5) - [35pts]
FA2: Scout Sentinel (30), multilaser (5) - [35pts]
FA3: Scout Sentinel (30), multilaser (5) - [35pts]

HS1: Heavy Weapons Squad (3*6), 3 Mortars (3*5) - [33pts]
HS2: Heavy Weapons Squad (3*6), 3 Mortars (3*5) - [33pts]
HS3: Heavy Weapons Squad (3*6), 3 Mortars (3*5) - [33pts]

Refined Strategies card discarded:
41 - Advance
46 - Domination
61 – Kingslayer
55 – Psychological Warfare
54 – Area Denial



Cartel de Trolls


+ Team : Cartel des Trolls
+ Player 1 : Arnaud Tyd
+ Factions : T'au Empire
+ Total Army Points :  2000ts
+ Total Command points : 14

== BATAILLON DETACHMENT - Tau Empire "T'au" == +5CP  [703pts]

HQ1 : Comander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90), 3 Missile Pod (45), Advanced Targeting System (6) - [141pts]
HQ2 :  Etheral, Relic: Puretide Engram Neurochip - [45pts]  [WARLORD : Through Unity Devastation]

Troops1: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas'ui - [35pts]
Troops2: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas'ui - [35pts]
Troops3: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas'ui - [35pts]

FA1: Tactical Drones, 6 MV4 Shield Drones (6x10) - [60pts]
FA2: Tactical Drones, 6 MV4 Shield Drones (6x10) - [60pts]
FA3: Tactical Drones, 5 MV4 Shield Drones (5x10) - [50pts]

HS1: 2 XV88 Broadsides (2*35), 4 High-Yield Missile Pod (4*25), 4 Smart Missile System (4*15), 2 Advanced Targeting System (2*6) - [242pts]

== BATAILLON DETACHMENT - Tau Empire "Sa'cea" == +5CP [347pts]

HQ3 : Cadre Fireblade (39), Markerlight (3) - [42pts]
HQ4 : Comander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit (90), 3 Missile Pod (45), Advanced Targeting System (6) - [141pts]

Elite1 : Marksman(21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) - [25pts] 
Elite2 : Marksman(21), Markerlight (3), Pulse Pistol (1) - [25pts] 

Troops4: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas'ui, Markerlight (3) - [38pts]
Troops5: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas'ui, Markerlight (3) - [38pts]
Troops6: 5 Fire Warriors (35), Shas'ui, Markerlight (3) - [38pts]

== VANGUARD DETACHMENT - Tau Empire "T'au" == +1CP [950pts]

HQ5 : Shadowsun - [110pts]

Elite3 : XV104 Riptide battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Advanced Targeting System (18.), Target Lock (12) - [280pts]
Elite4 : XV104 Riptide battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Advanced Targeting System (18.), Target Lock (12) - [280pts]
Elite5 : XV104 Riptide battlesuit (185), Heavy Burst Cannon (35), 2 Smart Missile System (30), Advanced Targeting System (18.), Target Lock (12) - [280pts]

Refined Strategy : 41-43-46-52-61-64

+ Team Cartel de Trolls
+ Player 2 : Adrien “Le Gob” Gehant
+ Factions : Drukharii
+ Total Army Points : 2000pts
+ Total Command points : 12+1D3

== Bataillon Detachment - Drukhari "Prophets of Flesh" == [1140pts] +5 CP

HQ1 : Urien Rakharth - [90pts] [Warlord : Diabolical Soothsayer] [+1d3 CP]
HQ2 : Haemonculus (70), hexrifle (5), electrocorosive whips (6),  Relic : The Vexator Mask - [81pts]

Troop1 : 5 Wracks (45), hexrifle (5) - [50pts]
Troop2 : 5 Wracks (45), hexrifle (5) - [50pts]
Troop3 : 5 Wracks (45), hexrifle (5) - [50pts]

Elite1 : 5 Grotesques (160), 5 flesh gauntlets (15) - [175pts]
Elite2 : 5 Grotesques (160), 5 flesh gauntlets (15) - [175pts]
Elite3 : 5 Grotesques (160), 5 flesh gauntlets (15) - [175pts]

HS1 : 3 Talos (225), 6 haywire blasters (48.), 3 macro-scalpels (12), 3 chain-flails (9) - [294pts]

== Bataillon Detachment - Drukhari "Kabal of Black Hearth" == [860pts] +5CP

HQ1 : Archon (70), huskblade (6) - [76pts] [Relic : Writ of The Living Muse] [-1CP]
HQ2 : Archon (70), huskblade (6) - [76pts]

Troop1 : 5 Kabalites Warriors - [30pts]
Troop2 : 5 Kabalites Warriors - [30pts]
Troop3 : 5 Kabalites Warriors - [30pts]

HS1 : Ravager (80), 3 desintegrators (45) - [125pts]
HS2 : Ravager (80), 3 desintegrators (45) - [125pts]
HS3 : Ravager (80), 3 desintegrators (45) - [125pts]

Transport1 : Raider (65), desintegrator (15), shock prow (1) - [81pts]
Transport2 : Raider (65), desintegrator (15), shock prow (1) - [81pts]
Transport3 : Raider (65), desintegrator (15), shock prow (1) - [81pts]

Refined Strategy : none 

+ Team Cartel de Trolls
+ Player 3 : David BZH TRIBOUILLET
+ Factions : Adeptus Mechanicus, Officio assassinorum 
+ Total Army Points : 1915pts
+ Total Command points : 18 – 1 – 1 = 16

== BATTALION DETACHMENT - Adeptus Mechanicus "MARS"== [1090 pts] + 5 CP

HQ1 : Tech Priest Dominus (80), Macrostubber (2), Volkite Blaster (8.), RELIC : Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land - [90pts] [WARLORD : Prime Hermeticon]
HQ2 : Tech Priest Enginseer - [30pts] [Master of Biosplicing -1CP]

Troop1 : 8 Kataphrons Destroyers (8*15), 8 Plasma Culverins (8*27), 8 Cognis Flamers (8*7) - [392pts]
Troop2 : 4 Kataphrons Breachers (80), 4 Heavy arc rifles (24), 4 Hydraulic claws (20) - [124pts]
Troop3 : 4 Kataphrons Breachers (80), 4 Heavy arc rifles (24), 4 Hydraulic claws (20) - [124pts]

HS1 : 3 Kastelans Robots (195), 9 Heavy phosphor blasters (135) - [330pts]

== BATTALION DETACHMENT - Adeptus Mechanicus "MARS"== [640 pts] + 5 CP

HQ3 : Tech Priest Manipulus (90), Magnarail lance (0) - [90pts] 
HQ4 : Belisarius Cawl - [190pts]

Troop4 : 4 Kataphrons Breachers (80), 4 Heavy arc rifles (24), 4 Arc claws (16) - [120pts]
Troop5 : 4 Kataphrons Breachers (80), 4 Heavy arc rifles (24), 4 Arc claws (16) - [120pts]
Troop6 : 4 Kataphrons Breachers (80), 4 Heavy arc rifles (24), 4 Arc claws (16) - [120pts]

== BATTALION DETACHMENT - Adeptus Mechanicus== [185 pts] + 5 CP

HQ5 : Tech Priest Enginseer - [30pts] "Graia"
HQ6 : Tech Priest Enginseer - [30pts] "Graia"

Troop7 : 5 Skitarii Rangers - [35pts] "Stygies VIII"
Troop8 : 5 Skitarii Rangers - [35pts] "Stygies VIII"
Troop9 : 5 Skitarii Rangers - [35pts] "Stygies VIII"

EL1 : 4 Servitors - [20pts] "Graia"

Refined Strategy : 41-43-46-52-61-64

+ Team Cartel de Trolls
+ Player 4 : Saul "Le Cid" Baptista
+ Factions : Ynnari, Aeldari Craftworld
+ Total Army Points : 1999
+ Total Command points : 10

==Outrider Detachement - Ynnari Craftworld == [1231pts] +1CP

HQ1 : Yvraine - [132pts] [Warlord : Tenacious Survivor][Ancestor Grace, Word of The Phenix, Smite]

FA1 : 8 Shining Spears (192), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapult (16), 7 Laser Lance (56), Exarch Star Lance (10) - [274pts] "Saim Hann"
FA2 : 8 Shining Spears (192), 8 Twin Shuriken Catapult (16), 7 Laser Lance (56), Exarch Star Lance (10) - [274pts] "Saim Hann"
FA3 : 6 Shining Spears (144), 6 Twin Shuriken Catapult (12), 5 Laser Lance (40), Exarch Star Lance (10) - [206pts] "Saim Hann"

HS1 : 10 Dark Reapers (120), 9 Reaper Launcher (198.), Exarch Tempest Launcher (27) - [345pts] "Alaitoc"

== Bataillon Detachement - Craftworld "Alaitoc" == [503pts] +5CP

HQ2 : Farseer Skyrunner(130), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) - [132pts] [Doom, Executionner, Smite]
HQ3 : Warlock Skyrunner (65), Twin Shuriken Catapults (2) - [67pts] [Protect/Jinx, Smite]

Troup1 : 5 Rangers - [60pts]
Troup2 : 5 Dire avengers(40), 5 Shuriken Catapult Avenger (15), Exarch (0) - [55pts]
Troup3 : 5 Dire avengers(40), 5 Shuriken Catapult Avenger (15), Exarch (0) - [55pts]

Transport1 : Wave Serpent(120), Twin Shuriken Catapult (2), Twin Scatter Laser (12) - [134pts]

==Suprem Command Detachment – Craftworld == [265pts] +1CP

HQ4 : Eldrad Ulthran - [135pts] [Guide, Fortune, Will of Asuryan, Smite] "Ulthwe"
HQ5 : Spiritseer - [65pts] [Quicken/Restrain, Smite] "Biel Tan"
HQ6 : Spiritseer - [65pts] [Enpower/Enervate, Smite] "Alaitoc"

Refined Strategy : 41-43-46-52-61-64

+Team Cartel de Trolls
+ PLAYER: Kevin "Darkkiwi" Lafon
+ ARMY FACTION: “Thousand Sons/Chaos Daemons/Chaos Space Marines”

== DETACHMENT SUPREM COMMAND - Chaos Space Marines "Black Legion" "KHORNE" == [325pts] +1CP
Specialist Detachment "HOST RAPTORIAL" -1CP

HQ1 : Chaos Lord with Jump Pack(93), 2 Chainsword, Relic :Ghorisvex Teeth - [93] [WARLORD : Flames of Spite]
HQ2 : Chaos Lord with Jump Pack(193), Thunder Hammer (21), Combi-Bolter(2) - [116] 
HQ3 : Chaos Lord with Jump Pack(193), Thunder Hammer (21), Combi-Bolter(2) - [116]

== DETACHMENT BATAILLON - Chaos Daemon "Nurgle" == [1119pts] +5CP

HQ4 : Sloppity Bilepiper - [60] 
HQ5 : Spoilpox Scrivener - [95]

Troup1 : 30 Plaguebearers (210), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10) - [235]
Troup2 : 30 Plaguebearers (210), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10) - [235]
Troup3 : 30 Plaguebearers (210), Daemonic Icon (15), Instrument of Chaos (10) - [235]
Troup4 : 30 Plaguebearers (210), Daemonic Icon (15) - [225]

Elite1 : Beast of Nurgle - [34]

== DETACHMENT SUPREM COMMAND - Thousand Sons == [555pts] +1CP

HQ1 : Ahriman(1*131) [131] [Glamour of Tzeench, Weaver of Fates, Warp Time, Smite]
HQ2 : Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with Wings (170), Pair of Malefic Talons (10) - [180pts] [Gaze of fate, Treason of Tzeench, Smite]
HQ3 : Sorcerer in terminator armor (1*102), Combi-Bolter Inferno(3), Force Staff (8), Familiar(9) [122] [Temporal Manipulation, Prescience, Smite]
HQ4 : Sorcerer in terminator armor (1*102), Combi-Bolter Inferno(3), Force Staff (8), Familier(9) [122] [Tzeentch’s Firestorm , Doombolt, Smite]

Refined Strategy : 41-43-46-52-61-64

+Team Cartel de Trolls
+ PLAYER 6: CHABRIER "Nahel” Arnaud
+ ARMY FACTION: “Deathwatch/IK/Adepta Sororita”
+ TOTAL ARMY POINTS: “ 1999pts”

== Battalion detachment – Deathwatch == [1178pts] +5 CP 

HQ1: Watch Master [WARLORD - Trait: Lord of hidden knowledge] - [130pts]
HQ2: Librarian with jump pack (112), force stave (8.), stormbolter (4) - [124] [Smite, Null zone, psychic fortress]
HQ3: Watch captain with jump pack (93), thunderhammer (21), stormshield (10), Relic : beacon angelis - [124pts]

TP1: Veterans – [192pts]
TP1a: 1 Black Shield (16), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
TP1b : 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), bolt pistol, stormshield (2)
TP1c: 1 Watch Sergeant (14), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
TP1d: 1 Terminator (23), storm bolter (4), power maul (4)
TP1e-h: 5 Veterans (70), 5 storm bolters (20), 5 storm shields (10)

TP2: Veterans – [192pts]
TP2a: 1 Black Shield (16), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
TP2b : 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), bolt pistol, stormshield (2)
TP2c: 1 Watch Sergeant (14), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
TP2d: 1 Terminator (23), storm bolter (4), power maul (4)
TP2e-h: 5 Veterans (70), 5 storm bolters (20), 5 storm shields (10)

TP3: Veterans – [203pts]
TP3a: 1 Black Shield (16), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
TP3b : 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), bolt pistol, storm shield (2)
TP3c: 1 Watch Sergeant (14), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
TP3d-e: 2 Terminators (46), 2 storm bolters (8.) , 2 power maul (8.)
TP3f-i: 4 Veterans (56), 4 storm bolters (16), 4 storm shields (8.)

TP4: Veterans – [228pts]
TP4a: 1 Black Shield (16), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
TP4b : 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), bolt pistol, storm shield (2)
TP4c: 1 Watch Sergeant (14), storm bolter (4), storm shield (2)
TP4d-e: 2 Terminators (46), 2 storm bolters (8.) , 2 power mauls (8.)
TP4f-i: 4 Veterans (56), 4 storm bolters (16), 4 storm shields (8.)
TP4j: 1 Biker (21), twin boltgun (4), chainsword, Deathwatch teleport homer

== Battalion Detachment - Adepta sororitas "Bloody Rose" ==  [217pts] +5 CP

HQ4: Canoness (45), stormbolter (2), chainsword (0) - [47pts]
HQ5: Missionary - [35pts]

TP5: Battle Sister Squad (45), Superior with bolter & chainsword (0) - [45pts]
TP6: Battle Sister Squad (45), Superior with bolter & chainsword (0) - [45pts]
TP7: Battle Sister Squad (45), Superior with bolter & chainsword (0) - [45pts]

== Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachment - Imperial Knight "Raven" == [604pts] +5 CP

LoW1: Knight Castellan (510), 2 Twin-linked siegebreakers cannons (235), 2 Shieldbreaker missiles (2*12) - [604pts]

Refined Strategy : 41-43-46-52-61-64

+ Team Cartel de Trolls 
+ PLAYER7: DUMOULIN “Le Cad” Brice
+ TOTAL ARMY POINTS: “ 1997pts”

== Spearhead Detachment - Space Marine “Ultramarines” == [1597pts] +1CP
Specialis Detachment INDOMITUS CRUSADER -1CP 

HQ1 : Techmarine, Chainsword (0), boltgun (0)Relic : PRIMARCH'S WRATH  [45pts] [Warlord] [STORM OF FIRE] 

HS1 : Stalker (75), 2 Icarus stormcannon (20), Stormbolter (2) [97] 
HS2 : Stalker (75), 2 Icarus stormcannon (20), Stormbolter (2) [97] 
HS3 : Hunter (80), Stormbolter (2) [82]

Tr1 : 8 Intercessor (136), 8 Bolt Rifle (0), Sergeant with Chainsword (0) - [136pts] Veteran Intercessors (-1CP)

TA1 : Repulsor (185), Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon (30), Onslaught Gatling Cannon (16), Twin Lascan (40), 3 Stormbolter (6), 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launchers (8.) [285pts]
TA2 : Repulsor (185), Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon (30), Onslaught Gatling Cannon (16), Twin Lascan (40), 3 Stormbolter (6), 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launchers (8.) [285pts]
TA3 : Repulsor (185), Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon (30), Onslaught Gatling Cannon (16), Twin Lascan (40), 3 Stormbolter (6), 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launchers (8.) [285pts]
TA4 : Repulsor (185), Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon (30), Onslaught Gatling Cannon (16), Twin Lascan (40), 3 Stormbolter (6), 2 Krakstorm Grenade Launchers (8.) [285pts]

==Super Heavy Auxiliary Detachment – Space Marine “Ultramarines”== [400pts] +0CP

LoW1 : Roboute Guilliman [400pts]

Refined Strategy : 41-43-46-52-61-64

+ Team Cartel de Trolls 
+ Player 8 : Nicolas “Sven” Nambotin 
+ Factions : Astra Militarum 
+ Total Army Points : 2000pts 
+ Total Command points : 14 

== Brigade Detachement – Astra Militarum « Catachan » == [686pts] +12CP 

HQ1 : Company Commander (30), Bolter (1), Chainsword – [31pts] 
HQ2 : Company Commander (30), Chainsword – [30pts] [WARLORD : Old Grudge] 
HQ3 : Straken – [75pts] 

TROUP1 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergent with Chainsword – [40pts] 
TROUP2 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergent with Chainsword – [40pts] 
TROUP3 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergent with Chainsword – [40pts] 
TROUP4 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergent with Chainsword – [40pts] 
TROUP5 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergent with Chainsword – [40pts] 
TROUP6 : Infantry Squad (40), Sergent with Chainsword – [40pts] 

ELITE1 : Astropath (26), Laspistol – [26pts] [Nightshroud, Smite] 
ELITE2 : Ogryn Bodyguard (45), Ripper Gun, Slabshield – [45pts] 
ELITE3 : Ministorum Priest (35), Autogun, Chainsword – [35pts] 

FA1 : Sentinel Reco (30), Multilaser (5) – [35pts] 
FA2 : Sentinel Reco (30), Multilaser (5) – [35pts] 
FA3 : Sentinel Reco (30), Multilaser (5) – [35pts] 

HS1 : Heavy Weapon Squad (18.), 3 Mortars (15) – [33pts]
HS2 : Heavy Weapon Squad (18.), 3 Mortars (15) – [33pts] 
HS3 : Heavy Weapon Squad (18.), 3 Mortars (15) – [33pts]

== Spearhead Detachement – Astra Militarum « Cadia » == [889pts] +1CP 
Specialist Detachment : Emperor’s Wrath Artillery Company (-1CP) 

HQ4 : Knight Commander Pask (177), Executionner Plasma Cannon (15), Heavy Bolter (8.), 2 Plasma Cannon (20), Heavy Stubber (2) – [222pts] 

ELITE4 : Master of Ordnance (30), Relic : Agripinaa Orbital Tracker – [30pts] [Lord of Ordnance -1CP] 

HS4 : Wyvern (95), Heavy Bolter (8.), Heavy Stubber (2) – [105pts] 
HS5 : Wyvern (95), Heavy Bolter (8.), Heavy Stubber (2) – [105pts] 
HS6 : Wyvern (95), Heavy Bolter (8.) – [103pts] 
HS7 : Basilisk (100), Heavy Bolter (8.) – [108pts] 
HS8 : Basilisk (100), Heavy Bolter (8.) – [108pts] 
HS9 : Basilisk (100), Heavy Bolter (8.) – [108pts] 

== Suprem Command Detachement – Astra Militarum « Vostroya » == [425pts] +1CP 
Specialist Detachment : Emperor’s Fist Tank Company (-1CP) 

HQ5 : Tank Commander (142), Punisher Gatling Cannon (20), Heavy Bolter (8.), 2 Plasma Cannon (20), Heavy Stubber (2) – [192pts] 
HQ6 : Tank Commander (142), Executionner Plasma Cannon (15), Heavy Bolter (8.), 2 Plasma Cannon (20), Heavy Stubber (2) – [187pts] 
HQ7: Psyker Primaris (38), Force Stave (8.) – [46pts] [Nightshroud, Psychic Barrier, Smite]

Refined Strategy : 41-43-46-52-61-64

+ Team: Cartel de Trolls
+ Coach: Laurent "LAF" Gagliardone





Team: Semi-croustillant 

 Player 1 - Capitaine : Olivier "Père Kstor" WEISS

 Faction: Drukhari

 Total Army points - 2000 

 Total Reinforcement points - 0 

 Total command points: 14  (-1+D3 Alliance of Agony - 1 Edit of the living muse)


== Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (1314) == 

HQ1  : Urien Rakarth(90) - 90

HQ2  : Haemonculus (70) Hexrifle (5) Venom Blade (2) relic - The Vexator Mask – 77 (Extra Warlord Trait : Diabolical Soothsayer)

Troop1 : 8 Wracks (8x9) 1 Hexrifle (1x5) 1 Venom Blade (2) - 79

Troop2 : 8 Wracks (8x9) 1 Hexrifle (1x5) 1 Venom Blade (2) - 79

Troop3 : 8 Wracks (8x9) 1 Hexrifle (1x5) 1 Venom Blade (2) - 79

Elite1 : 8 Grotesques (8x32), 8 Flesh Gauntlets (8x3) - 280

Elite2 : 8 Grotesques (8x32), 8 Flesh Gauntlets (8x3) - 280

Elite3 : 8 Grotesques (8x32), 8 Flesh Gauntlets (8x3) - 280

HS 1  : 1 Cronos (1x65) 1 Spirit Probe (5) - 70

== Battalion Detachment (+5 Command Point) (230) ==

HQ3 : Succube (55) Impaler & Shardnet (5) - 55 drugs +1 T - (Extra Warlord Trait : Hyper-swift reflexes) (Represented by Lelith)

HQ4 : Succube (55) Impaler & Shardnet (5) - 55 drugs +2 M (Regular Succubus)

Troop6 : 5 Wych (5x8) - 40 drugs +1 S (well painted with  elastic)

Troop7 : 5 Wych (5x8) - 40 drugs +1 A (well painted no elastics)

Troop8 : 5 Wych (5x8) - 40 drugs Dice throw (less painted)

==  Spearhead Detachment (+1 Command Point) (456) ==

HQ5   : Archon (70) Venom blade (2) - 72 [Warlord : Labyrinthine Cunning] (metal model) - Extra relique via Stratagem (Edit of the living muse)

HS2 : Ravager (80) - 3 Desintegrator (3x15) - 1 Phantasm Grenade Launcher (3) - 128

HS3 : Ravager (80) - 3 Desintegrator (3x15) - 1 Phantasm Grenade Launcher (3) - 128

HS4 : Ravager (80) - 3 Desintegrator (3x15) - 1 Phantasm Grenade Launcher (3) - 128
Refined Strategies : 46, 55, 61, 62, 64, 66

Team Semi-Croustillants
Player 2: Edouard "Mogor" Siméon
Factions : Chaos Daemons
Total Army Points : 1998
Total Reinforcement points: 2
Total Command Points : 13

== Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (930) ==

HQ1 : Spoilpox Scrivener - 95

HQ2 : Poxbringer [Miasma of Pestilence, Smite] - 70

HQ3 : Sloppity bilepiper - 60

Troop1 : 30 Plaguebearers (30x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 235

Troop2 : 30 Plaguebearers (30x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 235

Troop3 : 30 Plaguebearers (25x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 235

== Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (983)   ==

HQ4 : Skarbrand - 330

HQ5 : Bloodmaster, relic: the Crimson Crown - 56 [warlord - rage incarnate]

Troop4 : 30 Bloodletters (30x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 235
Troop5 : 30 Bloodletters (30x7) Instruments of Chaos (10) Daemonic Icon (15) - 235
Troop6 : 16 Bloodletters (16x7) Daemonic Icon (15) - 127

== Fortifications network (+ 0 command points) (85) < Chaos Deamon> ==

F1: Feculent Gnarlmaws - 85

Refined Strategies: 61; 66; 46; 51; 63; 62

  Team Semi-Croustillants
  Player 3 : Brice "Bulgor" Sandoz
  Factions : Craftworld/Alaitoc
  Total Army Points : 2000
  Total Reinforcement points: 0
  Total Command Points : 6

  == Outrider Detachment (+ 1 command points) (281) ==

 HQ1 : Autarch(65) Star Glaive (6) Forceshield (6) relic:Shimmerplume of Achillarial - 77 [warlord: Fates Messenger]

 FA1 : 5 Swooping Hawks (30) 4 lasblaster(28) Swooping Hawk Exarch (0)  Hawk's claw(10) - 68
 FA1 : 5 Swooping Hawks (30) 4 lasblaster(28) Swooping Hawk Exarch (0)  Hawk's claw(10) - 68
 FA3 : 5 Swooping Hawks (30) 4 lasblaster(28) Swooping Hawk Exarch (0)  Hawk's claw(10) - 68

 == Spearhead Detachment (+ 1 command points) (1026) ==

 HQ1 : Farseer Skyrunner(130) twinlink shuriken Catapult (2) Singing spear (5) [guide,doom] - 137
 HQ2 : Warlock Skyrunner(65) twinlink shuriken Catapult (2) [jinx/protect] - 67

 HS1 : Night Spinner(110) twinlink shuriken Catapult (2) cristal targeting matrix(5) - 117
 HS2 : Night Spinner(110) twinlink shuriken Catapult (2) cristal targeting matrix(5) - 117
 HS3 : Night Spinner(110) twinlink shuriken Catapult (2) cristal targeting matrix(5) - 117

 Transport1 : Wave Serpent(1*120) shuriken Canon(10) Twin Scatter Laser (12) cristal targeting matrix(5) spirit stone (10) - 157
 Transport2 : Wave Serpent(1*120) shuriken Canon(10) Twin Scatter Laser (12) cristal targeting matrix(5) spirit stone (10) - 157
 Transport3 : Wave Serpent(1*120) shuriken Canon(10) Twin Scatter Laser (12) cristal targeting matrix(5) spirit stone (10) - 157

 == Airwing Detachment (+ 1 command points) (693) ==

 Flyer1 : Hemlock Wraithfighter (200) spirit stone (10) [jinx] - 210
 Flyer2 : Crimson Hunter Exarch(135) 2 star Canon(26) - 161
 Flyer3 : Crimson Hunter Exarch(135) 2 star Canon(26) - 161
 Flyer4 : Crimson Hunter Exarch(135) 2 star Canon(26) - 161

Refined Strategy: 66 (Prority Order Received), 55 (Psychological Warfare), 46 (Domination); 41 (Advance);

+ PLAYER 4 : Hugo « Dahrkan » Drelon 
+ TEAM: Semi Croustillants
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION: Astra Militarum, Blood Angels
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Astra Militarum, Catachan, Officio Assassinorum

+ TOTAL KP: 26


== Batallion Detachment (+5 CP) - Astra Militarum (Catachan); Specialist detachment: Emperor's Fist Tank Company (-1 CP) ==

HQ1: Tank Commander (142): Battle Cannon (22), 1 Heavy Bolters (8) 2 plasma canon (20) [192]
HQ2: Tank Commander (142): Battle Cannon (22), 1 Heavy Bolters (8) 2 plasma canon (20) [192]

HQ3: Tank Commander (142): Battle Cannon (22), 1 Heavy Bolters (8) 2 plasma canon (20) [192] - Relic: the Hammer of Sunderance

Troop1: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]
Troop2: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]
Troop3: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]

HS1: Manticore (125): 1 Heavy Bolters (8) [133]
HS2: Manticore (125): 1 Heavy Bolters (8) [133]
HS3: Manticore (125): 1 Heavy Bolters (8) [133]

== Batalion Detachment (+5 CP) - Astra Militarum (Catachan) ==
HQ4: Straken [75]
HQ5: Company Commander(30): Power sword (4) [34]

Troop4: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]
Troop5: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]

Troop6: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]
Troop7: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]
Troop8: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]
Troop9: Infantry Squad (40): 9 Guardsmen (36), Sergeant with Chainsword (4) [40]

Elite1: Munistorum Priest [35]
Elite2: Platoon Commander [20] - Warlord : Old Grudges
Elite3: Sergeant Harker [50]
Elite4: Astropath (26): Laspistol (0) [26]

== Officio Assassinorum Vanguard Detachment ==

Stratagem: Operative Requisition Sanctioned (-1CP) - Vindicare Assassin
Elite5: Eversor Assassin [85]
Elite6: Vindicare Assassin [85]
Elite7: Vindicare Assassin[85]
Elite8: Eversor Assassin [85]

Refined Strategy: 66 (Prority Order Received), 55 (Psychological Warfare), 46 (Domination); 41 (Advance); 

+ PLAYER 5 : Axel « Mame » Pariot 
+ TEAM: Semi Croustillants
+ ARMY MAIN FACTION: Deathwatch - Adeptus Mechanicus - Imperial Knights
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Deathwatch - Adeptus Mechanicus - Imperial Knights 
+ TOTAL KP: 13

==Battalion Detachment (Imperium - Adeptus Mechanicus) [165pts] == +5CP

HQ1 : Tech-Priest Enginseer [30pts]
HQ2 : Tech-Priest Enginseer [30pts]

Troop1 :Skitarii Rangers (35pts): 4x Skitarii Ranger [28pts] Ranger Alpha [7pts]: Galvanic Rifle 


Troop2 :Skitarii Rangers (35pts): 4x Skitarii Ranger [28pts] Ranger Alpha [7pts]: Galvanic Rifle 


Troop3 :Skitarii Rangers (35pts): 4x Skitarii Ranger [28pts] Ranger Alpha [7pts]: Galvanic Rifle (35pts)

== Battalion Detachement (Imperium - Deathwatch) == +5CP

HQ3 : Librarian with jump pack (112), force stave (8.) – [120pts] [Relic: The Beacon angelis] [Psy : Psychic Fortress, Null Zone]
HQ4 : Watch Master (130), Gardian spear (0) – [130pts] [Warlord : The watch eternal]

Troop4 : 10 Veterans [228pts]
- 2 Terminators (2x23), 2 Power Mauls (2x4), 2 Storm Bolters (2x4)
- 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Chainsword (0)
- 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
- 1 Bike (21), Twin Boltgun (4), Chainsword (0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (0)
- 4 Veterans (4x14), 4 Storm Bolters (4x4), 4 Storm Shields (4x2)
- 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2) 

Troop5 : 10 Veterans [223pts]

- 2 Terminators (2x23), 2 Power Mauls (2x4), 2 Storm Bolters (2x4)
- 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Chainsword (0)
- 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
- 5 Veterans (5x14), 5 Storm Bolters (5x4), 5 Storm Shields (5x2)
- 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2) 

Troop6 : 10 Veterans [223pts]

- 2 Terminators (2x23), 2 Power Mauls (2x4), 2 Storm Bolters (2x4)
- 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Chainsword (0)
- 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
- 5 Veterans (5x14), 5 Storm Bolters (5x4), 5 Storm Shields (5x2)
- 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)

Troop7 : 10 Veterans [223pts]

- 2 Terminators (2x23), 2 Power Mauls (2x4), 2 Storm Bolters (2x4)
- 1 Vanguard Veteran (17), Storm Shield (2), Chainsword (0)
- 1 Blackshield (16), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2)
- 5 Veterans (5x14), 5 Storm Bolters (5x4), 5 Storm Shields (5x2)
- 1 Watch Sergeant (14), Storm Bolter (4), Storm Shield (2) 

FA1 : 3 Bikers [81pts]

- 1 Deathwatch Biker Sergeant (31), Twin Boltgun (4), Storm Bolter (4), Storm shield (2)
- 2 Bike (2x21), 2 Twin Boltgun (2x4), 2 Chainsword (2x0), Deathwatch Teleport Homer (1)

== Superheavy Auxiliary Detachment (Imperium – Impérial knight) ==  
Exalted Court: Exalted Court: 1 Extra Warlord Trait (-1CP),Heirlooms of the Household: Heirlooms of the Household: 1 Extra Heirloom (-1CP) -2CP

LoW1 : Knight Castelan (510), Shieldbreker missile x2 (24), 2 Siegebreaker cannon (2x35) Heirloom: Cawl's Wrath, Warlord Trait: Ion Bulwark [604pts] 

Refined Strategies: 41, 46, 55, 61, 62, 64

Team Semi-Croustillants
Player 6 : David "JACQUOUILLE" Raulin
Factions: Orks(Evil Sunz, Bad Moons, Blood Axes)
Total Army Points: 1998
Total Reinforcement points: 2
Total Command Points : 18 (+1 Follow me Ladz

== Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (751) « Evil Sunz »==

HQ1 : Big Mek in Mega Armour (77) Kustom Force Field (20) Kustom Shoota (2) Power Klaw (13) - 112
HQ2 : Warboss (65) Attack Squig (0) Big Choppa (5) Kustom Shoota (2) - 72
Troup1 : 28 Ork Boy W/ Shoota (28x7) 2x Tankbusta Bombs(0) Boss Nob (7)  2x Choppa(0) - 203
Troup2 : 25 Ork Boy W/ Shoota (25x7) 2x Tankbusta Bombs(0) Boss Nob (7)  2x Choppa
(0) - 182
Troup3 : 25 Ork Boy W/ Shoota (25x7) 2x Tankbusta Bombs(0) Boss Nob (7)  2x Choppa(0) - 182

== Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (420) ==

HQ3 : Weirdboy (Blood Axes) (62) (Da Jump) - relique : Morgargs Finkin' Cap (I've got a plan, ladz!) - 62
HQ4 : Weirdboy (Evil Sunz) (62) (Da Jump) - 62
Troup4 : 10 Gretchin (Bad Moons) (10x3) - 30
Troup5 : 10 Gretchin (Bad Moons) (10x3) - 30
Troup6 : 10 Gretchin (Bad Moons) (10x3) - 30
Elite1 : Mad Dok Grotsnik (86) - 86
HS1 : Battlewagon (Bad Moons) (120) ) - 120

== Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (827) « Bad Moons »==

HQ5 : Big Mek W/ Shokk Attack Gun (55), Shokk Attack Gun (25) – 80 [ Warlord: Follow me Ladz!]

HQ6 : Weirdboy (62) (Da Jump) - 62 
Troup7 : 10 Gretchin (10x3) - 30
Troup8 : 10 Gretchin (10x3) - 30
Troup9 : 10 Gretchin (10x3) - 30 
HS2 : 15 Lootas (15x17) - 255
HS3 : 10 Lootas (10x17) - 170
HS4 : 10 Lootas (10x17) - 170

Refined Strategies: 41, 46, 55, 61, 64, 66

Team Semi-Croustillants
Player 7 : Robin "LamaR" Philippot
Factions : Genestealer Cults (Four-armed Emperor, Rusted Claw)
Total Army Points: 2000
Total Reinforcement points: 112
Total Command Points : 18-1-1-1 (-1 +D3 Broodcoven Stratagem)

== Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (500) « Rusted Claw »==

HQ1 : Jackal Alphus(1*70) [70]
HQ2 : Magus, Might From Beyond, Mass Hypnosis, Focus of Adoration (1*80) [80]
Troup1 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids (35), Acolyte Leader(0) [35pts]
Troup2 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids (35), Acolyte Leader(0) [35pts]
Troup3 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids (35), Acolyte Leader(0) [35pts]

FA1 : 5 Atalan Jackals(40 + 1*10), 4 Demolition charges (4*5), 4 Shotgun (4*0), Atalan Leader(0), 1 demolition charge (5), Autogun (0) [75]
Elite1 : Nexos(1*50) [50]
Elite2 : Sanctus(1*55), Silencer sniper rifle (5) [60]
Elite3 : Kellermorph (1*60) [60]

== Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (634) « Four-armed Emperor » ==

HQ3 : Primus(1*72), Bonesword (3), Inscrutable Cunning [75]
HQ4 : Patriarch(1*125), The Crouchling, 2 Familiars(2*12), Mental Onslaught, Mind Control, Might From Beyond, WARLORD, Inspiring Leader [149]

Troup4 : 5 Acolyte Hybrids (35), Acolyte Leader(0) [35pts]
Troup5 : 20 Acolyte Hybrids(35 + 15*7), 19 Hand Flamer(19), Acolyte Leader(0),  Hand Flamer (1) [160]
Troup6 : 20 Acolyte Hybrids(35 + 15*7), 19 Hand Flamer(19), Acolyte Leader(0),  Hand Flamer (1) [160]

Elite4 : Clamavus(1*55) [55]

== Battalion Detachment (+ 5 command points) (754) « Four-armed Emperor » - Specialist Detachment « Deliverance Broodsurge » (- 1CP) ==

HQ5 : Primus(1*72), Bonesword (3) [75]
HQ6 : Acolyte Iconward(1*53), Icon of the Cult Ascendant (Grandsire’s Gift Stratagem -1CP), Augur of the Insurgent (Field Commander Stratagem -1CP) [53]
Troup7 : 20 Acolyte Hybrids(35 + 15*7), 6 Heavy rock saw (6*10), Cult Icon (10), Acolyte Leader(0) [210]
Troup8 : 20 Acolyte Hybrids(35 + 15*7), Cult Icon (10), Acolyte Leader(0), Hand Flamer (1) [151]
Troup9 : 20 Acolyte Hybrids(35 + 15*7), 6 Heavy rock saw (6*10), Cult Icon (10), Acolyte Leader(0) [210]
Elite5 : Clamavus(1*55) [55]

Refined Strategies: 41, 46, 55, 61, 64, 66


Team: Semi-Croustillant
Player 8 : Jonathan - Ouloum - Rios
Faction: T'au Empire
Total Army points: 1997
Total Reinforcement points: 0
Total command points: 6 CP    

== Vanguard Detachment < T'au Empire - Sept T'au > [950 pts] +1CP ==

HQ1 : Commander Shadowsun(1*110) [110]

Elite1: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), 2x Smart missile system(2x15), Advanced targeting system(18), Target lock (12), Heavy burst cannon(35) - [280]
Elite2: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), 2x Smart missile system(2x15), Advanced targeting system(18), Target lock (12), Heavy burst cannon(35) - [280]
Elite3: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit(185), 2x Smart missile system(2x15), Advanced targeting system(18), Target lock (12), Heavy burst cannon(35) - [280]

== Outrider Detachment < T'au Empire - Sept T'au > [350 pts] +1CP ==

HQ2 : Ethereal (45) on Hover-Drone(5) - WARLORD (Trait : Through Unity, Devastation) - Signature System : Puretide Engram Neuroship - [50]

FA1 : Tactical Drones(0*0), 8x MV4 Shield Drone (8x10), 2x MV7 Marker drone(2x10) [100]
FA2 : Tactical Drones(0*0), 8x MV4 Shield Drone (8x10), 2x MV7 Marker drone(2x10) [100]
FA3 : Tactical Drones(0*0), 8x MV4 Shield Drone (8x10), 2x MV7 Marker drone(2x10) [100]

== Spearhead Detachment < T'au Empire - Sept T'au > [697 pts] +1CP ==

HQ3 : LongStrike (137), Ion Cannon (35), 2x Smart missile system(2x15)- [202]

HS1 : Hammerhead Gunship (100), Ion Cannon (35), 2x Smart missile system(2x15)- [165]
HS2 : Hammerhead Gunship (100), Ion Cannon (35), 2x Smart missile system(2x15)- [165]
HS3 : Hammerhead Gunship (100), Ion Cannon (35), 2x Smart missile system(2x15)- [165]

Refined Strategy cards : 46 - Domination / 52 - Blood and Guts / 55 - Psychological Warfare / 61 - KingSlayer / 66 - Prority Order Received



N'hésitez pas à commenter et poser vos questions! Je passe juste en coup de vent les poster mais je tacherai de zieuter un coup de temps en temps ?

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il y a 45 minutes, Noadkajoo a dit :

Dans la liste admech de la team bisounours 1, je comprends pas trop l'utilité de l'escouade d'assaut SM :

 == Auxilary Detachement Space Marines <Raven Guard> [- 1 CP]==

Fast Attack 1 : 10 Assault squad (10*15), eviscerator (11)  [161]



J'imagine à avoir une unité de projection ou pour aller chercher des objos ?
Les kataphrons pour prendre et tenir des objectifs proches et arroser au tir (en plus ils peuvent monter aux étages)

Et les Ravenguards pour faire une percée chez l'ennemi?
Ils peut les poser en FeP avec le strat Raven Guard en plus.
Je sais pas c'est une hypothèse...

Modifié par Madakill
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Je salues les listes CW qui sortent du train train Yvrainne / Spear / DR


Franchement, Bulgor sort une liste qui sent le mimosa !!!! et ça j'adore !!!

Arrethas fait la part belle a l' pour avoir testé au comprend ce choix. Starcanon pour ne pas se retrouver comme un cul face au désert de blindés...


Voila bien deux liste que je vais suivre attentivement !!!

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Ca correspond aux objectif retirée du deck du joueur via la règle stratégie épurée (de mémoire) qu'il y a dans les scénario depuis le chapter approved 2018 et qui a été mise dans les scénarios etc.

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Ah enfin les listes !

Bon, sans surprise le pavé assassin, le Tau se mécanise un peu, on retrouve le new deal post chapter de l'admech avec ses hordes Kataphroniques aidées par l'indispensable Manipulus, le cult gene fait son apparition mais encore en deça de son plein potentiel par frilosité ou volonté d'en garder sous le pied... Suite au prochain numéro.  

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Les astropath peuvent remplacer leur sceptre par un pistolet laser donc pas de soucis de coté là. D'ailleurs on remarquera que les astropath prennent toujours le pistolet car 6 points pour ne rien faire c'est pas rentable.


Les T'au appelent l'aviation avec du dévilfish et du bomber, je suis sur le cul. Par contre j'aimerai l'explication d'yrian sur la raison des carabines sur les strike team, je les trouve très inférieurs aux fusils.

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Il y a 5 heures, oxygen a dit :

Ils gardent beaucoup de points en réserve, je me demande bien ce qu'ils vont tenter d'invoquer.

Au hasard 10 horreurs roses sur des objos qui au gré des pertes deviendront 20 bleus et 20 brimstones (si besoin)

supputations liées à ce que j’avais envie de tenter^^ Ca peut aussi être 10 bleus qui chargent, et si au moins un mort a l’OW on fait pop une stone et on gratte des pcs, dans l’optique de bloquer le mec chez lui. Ça assure d’avoir la table tout au long de la partie, après s’etre mangé 50 tzaangors énervés il y a toujours des ressources pour cliquer, scorer, etc.

J’ai peut être pas la bonne lecture de la liste mais ça me semble ne pas être trop loin de la vérité^^


@Psychocouac le Sunshark un des joueurs de notre team IR a songé à les intégrer, la projection est bonne et avec la fin de la table raze ça aura son rôle à jouer toute la game pour scorer (autres que les objos 1 à 6 of course). Et les BM ça fait toujours plaisir pour commencer à diminuer de la masse qui viendrait te mettre la pression.

par contre l’aspect embarqué je trouve que ça fait écho aux liste DG qu’on a commencé à voir, dans un style MSU très tanky. J’aime beaucoup.

Modifié par Shooter
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Il y a 9 heures, Dahrkan a dit :

HQ1 : Chaos Lord with Jump Pack(93), 2 Chainsword, Relic :Ghorisvex Teeth - [93] [WARLORD : Flames of Spite]


Hahaha ils sortent le combo grosses BM  ! c'est osé mais si ça passe ça fait mal 

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il y a une heure, Shooter a dit :


@Psychocouac le Sunshark un des joueurs de notre team IR a songé à les intégrer, la projection est bonne et avec la fin de la table raze ça aura son rôle à jouer toute la game pour scorer (autres que les objos 1 à 6 of course). Et les BM ça fait toujours plaisir pour commencer à diminuer de la masse qui viendrait te mettre la pression.

par contre l’aspect embarqué je trouve que ça fait écho aux liste DG qu’on a commencé à voir, dans un style MSU très tanky. J’aime beaucoup.


Ben perso ça fait plusieurs parties que je joue un blitza bomba chez les orks et je trouve ça vraiment naze. 10 dés max sur 4+ au survol. 5 BM en stats faut bien choisir de l'infanterie d'elite parce que pour un truc qui va devoir galérer ensuite à repasser au dessus d'une autre cible et qui doit s'approcher dangereusement de tout l'antichar courte portée (bon tu as le -1 pour être touché ok mais ça te sauvera pas ad eternam) je trouve ça quand même super cher. Alors peut être qu'en spam effectivement ça devient rentable je sais pas...

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il y a 15 minutes, Psychocouac a dit :

Ben perso ça fait plusieurs parties que je joue un blitza bomba chez les orks et je trouve ça vraiment naze

Le Blitza machin c'est deux fois par partie qu'il lâche des bombes, donc max 12 BM, le SunShark c'est toute la partie. C'est déjà pas pareil, en moyenne 25 BM par partie de 5 tours et 35 BM par partie de 7 pour 148 PTS, franchement c'est très loin d'être naze^^

Le sunshark  a un désignateur laser et avec les Missile Pod et les Ion des drones il peut sniper un perso mal placé dont les fesses ne sont pas protégées par un cordon, il peut prendre briseur de ligne, derrière les lignes ennemis, etc. Pas déconnant comme choix franchement. Et puis c'est les bisous donc à mon avis on peut leur faire confiance, je pense qu'ils savent ce qu'ils font^^


Au passage c'est un volant avec un socle généreux donc même sur une table chargée de décor le Tau n'est pas démuni et peut bloquer tout ce qui est non infanterie en mettant le socle entre deux ruines par exemple. Ca ouvre pas mal de latitude je trouve. Mon humble avis de joueur non TAU^^

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il y a 13 minutes, Shooter a dit :

Le Blitza machin c'est deux fois par partie qu'il lâche des bombes, donc max 12 BM, le SunShark c'est toute la partie. C'est déjà pas pareil, en moyenne 25 BM par partie de 5 tours et 35 BM par partie de 7 pour 148 PTS, franchement c'est très loin d'être naze^^

Le sunshark  a un désignateur laser et avec les Missile Pod et les Ion des drones il peut sniper un perso mal placé dont les fesses ne sont pas protégées par un cordon, il peut prendre briseur de ligne, derrière les lignes ennemis, etc. Pas déconnant comme choix franchement. Et puis c'est les bisous donc à mon avis on peut leur faire confiance, je pense qu'ils savent ce qu'ils font^^


Au passage c'est un volant avec un socle généreux donc même sur une table chargée de décor le Tau n'est pas démuni et peut bloquer tout ce qui est non infanterie en mettant le socle entre deux ruines par exemple. Ca ouvre pas mal de latitude je trouve. Mon humble avis de joueur non TAU^^


Avec 90° de virage en début de mouvement et 20" obligatoire je vois pas comment tu peux survoler une escouade par tour à moins d'avoir des cercles concentriques d'escouade de 10 GI. (mais bon, à ce moment la c'est pas hyper rentable non plus.) dropé 3 fois par avion je pense déjà que je m'estimerai chanceux. Et quand c'est sur une escouade de 5 gusses ben ça fait moins rêver... Sur un void raven encore je comprend parce que c'est du 3+ et que le bouzin est très bien armé mais sur un truc avec un designateur, un LM et 2 ion rifles qui peuvent lui péter à la tronche si il surcharge... :wacko:


D'autant que comme tu dis il a un socle assez large. Le mec en face il te fait un flanc refusé avec un beau castel ou tu peux pas poser ton socle ils font comment? Bref je suis perplexitude.

Modifié par Psychocouac
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je vois que chez les Orks la réponse donné contre les assassins c'est de spam les weirdboy Da Jump par 3 xD. 

Redoutez la puissance du shokk attack gun 2d6 de vigilus !!!


Ainsi l'apport de Vigilus, nous fait passer sur l'alliance Evilz suns, deathskull et badmoon. Une pointe de blood axe pour allez chercher les pc supplémentaire.

Au revoir les Goff. 

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