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Franc-Tireur - Geôlier


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Tuomas Pirinen pour les campagne Mordheim 2019 nous propose un franc-tireur Geôlier pour accompagner la figurine de Ana Polanšćak






Inspired by Ana Polanšćak's incredible Witch Hunter Warband model, I decided to create a new Mordheim Hired Sword rules for it. Enjoy!



30 gold crowns to hire +15 gold crowns upkeep


Servants of the Church, the Gaolers have the duty of extracting confessions from witches, heretics, soothsayers Chaos worshippers, idolators, fornicators and blasphemous poets in the cells under the great temples of Sigmar.


Forbidden by the scriptures to spill blood, the gaoler instead is a master of inflicting terrible pain with fire, iron rods, and ingenious devices of persuasion that break bones and internal organs of those put to question. The are taught how to inflict excruciating pain with just their own massive bodies.


Gaolers are recruited as children and brought up with absolute loyalty to the Church and firm faith that their terrible methods of interrogation are for the greater good. Massive men (and it is rumoured, even a few women) are selected for their size and strength in youth, and they are an imposing, forbidding sight. By decree of the Grand Theogonist, they are fed from the kitchens of the church and encouraged to gain massive bulk and strength, which is useful for their grim work.


Gaolers’ faces are hidden by hoods or bay forbidding masks, as the Holy Law decrees that the justice facing the heretics must be faceless and impartial.


In Mordheim, the services of Gaolers are much in demand by the grim order of the Witch Hunters, who have many heretics to try and interrogate. Few have survived the terrible embrace of the Gaoler and lived to tell the tale.


May be hired: The Witch Hunters can hire a Gaoler


Rating: Gaoler increases the warband’s rating by 18 points, plus 1 point for each experience point he has.


Gaoler 4 3 2 4 4 2 3 1 7


Weapons/Armor: Gaoler can be armed with a heavy chain of keys and locks (counts as a flail) or with two hammers/clubs. Gaoler wears no armor.


Torturer’s grapple: Gaolers are experts at inflicting pain and restraining heretics. Instead of using his normal attacks the Gaoler can make one grapple attack that deals no direct damage in melee. Instead, if the attack hits, the target must roll under his or her strength (with -1 penalty) or become immobile and writhing in indescribable agony, unable to do anything at all (fight in melee, use items, cast spells or shoot) until in the beginning of the next melee phase provided he rolls under his strength with -1 penalty again to see if escape is possible. If successful, the model can act as normal (though it still counts as being in melee with the Gaoler).


Other models in Gaoler’s warband can attack the grappled enemy as normal, but the Gaoler cannot do anything else except hold the target. Enemies not alive and/or immune to pain (such as Undead or Daemons) are not affected by this attack, and neither are any Large models who are too big to grapple.

Devout: As long as there is a Sigmarite Priest in a warband, the Gaoler will not leave it even if he is not paid his upkeep cost, though he will not fight in the next battle until he is paid, as he has to pass on a tithe to the Church of Sigmar.


Inured to pain: The infernal heat of the torture chamber, devout self-mutilation and the massive bulk of the Gaolers give them a degree of resistance to pain. All Injury rolls against the Gaoler suffer -1 penalty. Ignore Injury results of 0 as if no damage was done at all.


Hatred: fired by the sermons of the senior priests of the Cult of Sigmar, the Gaolers hate all the members of Skaven, Possessed, Beastsman, Carnival of Chaos and Undead war bands.

Aucune description de photo disponible.


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PDF - Hired Sword - Gaoler.pdf?dl=0






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Modifié par Dreadaxe
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Ajout des types de compétence dans lesquels il peut piocher suite à ma demande. Ajout dans le PDF


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Publication des règles par Tuomas Pirinen sur sa page FB



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2022-01-12 • Traduction de @Kangourax et Niels

2019-07-07 • Ajout des types de compétence dans lesquels il peut piocher suite à ma demande. Ajout dans le PDF

2019-07-06 • Mise en page

2019-06-24 • Publication des règles par Tuomas Pirinen sur sa page FB



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  2. Illustration ou utilisation d'une autre photo ?
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2022-01-12 • Traduction de @Kangourax et Niels

2019-07-07 • Ajout des types de compétence dans lesquels il peut piocher suite à ma demande. Ajout dans le PDF

2019-07-06 • Mise en page

2019-06-24 • Publication des règles par Tuomas Pirinen sur sa page FB



  1. Meilleure description de l'auteur
  2. Illustration ou utilisation d'une autre photo ?
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