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[Proxy] NJH Fantasy Modeling - Remodélisations presque à l'identique des modèles originaux et créations par Nathan J Hunt


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Nathan commence à faire des figurines alternatives


Tête Requin Marteau

Personnellement je trouve ça moyen car forger une telle tête c'est compliqué et vraiment pas réaliste.



A closer look at the hammer head..




I am hoping to have time this weekend to take time to finish cleaning up the alternate hammerhead shark head upload it to the thingverse page for the metal fish proxy so people can print out both the regular and alternate head if they want.


Crocodile raider ships

J'aime bien cette galère que j'imagine de pirates/flibustiers de Lustrie


Having gotten into doing models of ships for proxy use in Man O War I wanted to try my hand at designing my own type of ship, and having just watched some nature video's about Crocodiles and having just finished the Metal fish ship I decided to try and design a  ship that would look like it was a crocodile.




Once I finish the model and get it tested printed I will be sharing the file on thingverse.


Having gotten into doing models of ships for proxy use in Man O War I wanted to try my hand at designing my own type of ship, and having just watched some nature video's about Crocodiles and having just finished the Metal fish ship I decided to try and design a  ship that would look like it was a crocodile.




Once I finish the model and get it tested printed I will be sharing the file on thingverse.


À suivre.

Modifié par Dreadaxe
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Un bâtiment mort-vivant vampirique ! Il faudrait faire un montage pour le voir à côté du Naufrageur du Comte vampire Noctilus



Besides working on some proxy ships for Man O war I have been batting about an idea for an undead vampire command ship that is a generic fantasy ship that could be used in any naval skirmish game..

I have been roughing out a basic shape concept to see how it looks...






Sep 19  
got a little more work done this evening, added vampiric skull to back of the cabin area and started cleaning up and sealing sections to make it ready for test printing.




Sep 19  
Wanted to see how this proxy ship would look like next to some other MOW models so brought in and placed it next to some of the GONAM ships. what you guys think? also some will notice I also added a nice decoration to the top of the deck.



Sep 20  
Update, I adjusted the deck making the planks shorter on the deck and increased the length of planks on the side of ship, I also adjusted the blood drop gunport frames so that they are slanted with side of the ships sides. 

I also increased the size of the tiny skulls in the side decorative blades







Sep 20  
Ship is now finished and fully cleaned and slices without slice errors in the print program.. 
I will be posting the STL file to my patreon later.



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Les Crocodile raider ships ce sont des Requin de Khorne.


Les têtes Requin Marteau à mon sens ça ne change rien


Le vaisseau Vampire à défaut c'est soit un Vaisseau Fantôme soit une Nécropole Flottante. Après on pourra réfléchir à d'autres règles quand l'engouement reviendra ?

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  • 10 mois après...

Un récap



Ratty Gunboat
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Ratty Flame Dealer
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Ratty DoomCaller
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Shorty Deep Diving Sub
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Shorty Coastal Watcher Patrol Boat
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Shorty Air Hopper
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Updated! Shorty Iron Wave
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God Of No Anger Management "GONAM"

UPDATED! GONAM Metal Fish proxy for MOW
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GONAM FireSkull Ship
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GONAM Lord GONAM Command Ship proxy
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GONAM Hammer Fish
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Manthing boats

Manthing HeavenlyStrikeBoat
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ManThing IronBigBoomShip
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Men of Valor

Men of Valor skirmish ship proxy
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Men of Valor Sword Ship
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Magestic Skyrider
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Big Brother Bull
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Proxy mast files

WarshipProxy Masts New And Improved
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Magic Mind Sparkle Tower
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Alternate Fireskull ship with tainted figurehead
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genie bottle attack ship updated!
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Modifié par Dreadaxe
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  • 7 mois après...
Nathan J Hunt nous propose de nouvelle version redesigné nuémriquement presque à l'identique
Nef Maudite de Slaanesh
Sea of Delights Command ship




Sa version symphonique




Nain du Chaos


Stumpy Death Leveler



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  • 5 mois après...
  • 2 semaines après...
Le 22/09/2021 à 19:39, Barbarus a dit :

Des disputes avec madame?


Barbarus : oui, elle est tatillonne dès que je parle de "nouveau" projet en figurine...


Présente tout ça comme l'extension d'une armée existante ^^



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  • 3 mois après...
  • 3 mois après...
  • 2 semaines après...
  • 2 semaines après...
Le 21/09/2019 à 23:11, Dreadaxe a dit :

Un bâtiment mort-vivant vampirique ! Il faudrait faire un montage pour le voir à côté du Naufrageur du Comte vampire Noctilus


Le bateau se trouve ici maintenant



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  • 2 mois après...
  • 2 semaines après...

Nathan propose une variante de Grokassor.






Texte d'ambiance


Captain Klaus looked out across the sea at the orkships heading towards the human flotilla led by the orks' large hulking command ship. He couldn't help but admire the orks for having the courage to take on a large empire fleet in a head-on battle. Suddenly, a cry from above caught his attention. They are turning came the cry from above. The orks' command ship was turning and fleeing. The crew of the golden boar let out a cheer and Klaus wondered if perhaps his respect for the orks had been given to quickly, but his pondering was cut short as all of a sudden a burst of flame and then another came from the ork hulk, two objects lifted speeding from the ork hulk black smoke billowing behind headed towards the humans, This was something new and he did not know what danger it was, but it had to be bad if it was coming from the orks. He spun the wheel and turned the ship as the ship parted with the fleet. While his actions saved their ship, the ships behind them were not as lucky. The ships burst into flame with a thunderous explosion, splinters filled the air, and it a was a moment before anyone could hear anything, everyone to their battle station Klaus barked as the ork command ship and its flotilla turned once more towards the humans heading directly towards the now scattered human fleet and across the water from the ork ships came the cheers ORKA ORKA ORKA.


Mark Gerrity propose les règles suivantes

Really like the concept Nathan I would like to see them as a Chukka squadron up grade.
Ork version of a motor torpedo boat, they would look great. More teeth please.
Replace Bigga Chukkka with Goblin Shark.
Goblin Shark (75pts)
1 shot weapon, move and fire.
Use dwarf direction template.
Range 2D6
Effect: Roll 1D6
1- Miss: Goblin Shark sinks before reaching it's intended target.
2- Fin Strike: 1 below the water line hit, -1 to save.
3- Head Butt: 1 hit to a low location, -1 to save,
4- Tail Strike: 1 hit to a high location, -1 to save.
5- Chomp Attack: Remove 1 crew counter.
6- Mechanical Frenzy; Apply results 2,3,4 and 5.
*If target has no high/ low location roll for normal hit, all hits are 1D6 random location.
Just a play test idea for rules, I always think Orc stuff should go very wrong or very right.
Adjust rules/ points cost after play test.


Modifié par Dreadaxe
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