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[76] Asgard Christmas Bash IV


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Liste envoyée. Comme au dernier tournoi, mon train arrivera à Rouen à 9h00 pile donc je serai à la boutique pour 9h20, @Seven si c'est bon pour toi je peux jouer ma partie avec 20mn de moins sur ma clock ou finir ma game à 12h20. Enfin, si la SNCF ne casse pas les couilles. Et je défie @Thortoff , je dois me venger de ses cailloux tueurs de cochons et lui doit essayer de faire un cac avec ses minotaures !

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je vais mettre a jour les défis pour l’instant j’ai

Cheveux - Braxx dit le traditionnel 

Luthor - Blackraccon dit le miley cirus 

Leontropskill - Voltar dit la vangeance de IR 

Jaina - Bubu dit l’empire de judas contre attaque 


rappel. Il reste une place dispo si j’ai personne les citrouilles seront de sortie 

Avec la dernière mise a jour je vous donne jusqu’a lundi minuit pour l’envoie des listes avec les repas  




Modifié par Seven
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Voici les pairing de la ronde 1 sur capture the flags


Cheveux OK - Braxx DH

Luthor O&G - BlackRacoon O&G

Leontropskill UD - Voltar WoDG

Jaina EoS - Bubu OK

Krog DH - Tharbak SA

Tiamat O&G - kolrhil HE

Leopold DL - Maman-Poulet Asklander

Bouffy HE - Sixbras SA

Rulfr DH - Muetd’hiver O&G

Gozher Cv - Seven Cv 


Quelque chiffre du tournoi 
On aura 
-84 zombies seulement 
-99 gnasher herd
-108 tueurs
-118 greybeards
-207 saurus oui oui 207 
-12 géants


Les listes demain 





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voici les listes


LéonTrodSkill - Undying Dynasties                 

--- Characters --- 1420pts / 1800pts

150 - Nomarch, General, Shield (5), Aspen Bow (4+) (5)

295 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Adept, Hierophant (15), Book of Arcane Mastery (75), Wizard Adept (75), Divination

465 - Death Cult Hierarch, Wizard Master, 2x Binding Scroll (110), Wizard Master (225), Evocation

265 - Tomb Harbinger, Shield (5), Sun's Embrace (40), Essence of Mithril (Standard Size models only) (50), Lucky Charm (10)

245 - Nomarch, Heavy Armour (10), Shield (5), Death Mask of Teput (45), Ghostly Guard (35), Potion of Strength (10)

--- Core --- 1125pts / 1125pts

255 - 20x Skeletons, Musician, Champion, Standard Bearer, Banner of the Entombed (45)

335 - 30x Skeleton Archers, Musician

140 - 5x Skeleton Scouts

140 - 5x Skeleton Scouts

255 - 20x Skeletons, Musician, Champion, Standard Bearer, Banner of the Entombed (45)

--- Special --- 992pts / No limit

641 - 28x Necropolis Guard, Paired Weapons (56), Shield (28), Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Rending Banner (50)

351 - 3x Tomb Cataphracts, Entombed (51)

--- Mason's Menagerie --- 960pts / 1575pts

480 - Battle Sphinx

480 - Battle Sphinx

--- Total ---4 497



 Rulfr  Dwarven Holds                                                    
  - Characters : 39.44% / 40% max (1775pts / 1800pts) -

185 - Anvil of Power [185pts]

130 - Engineer (125pts), Guild Crafted Handgun (5pts)

715 - King (225pts): General, Shield (15), Rune of Destruction (80), 2x Rune of Might (2X40), Rune of Resistance (50), Rune of Shielding (30), War Throne (235)

515 - King (225pts): Shield (15), Shield Bearers (105), Rune of Fury (30), 2x Rune of Might (2X40), 2x Rune of Shielding (2X30)

230 - Runic Smith (160pts): 3x Battle Runes (3X20), Shield (10)

  - Core : 25.33% / 25% min (1140pts / 1125pts) -

570 - 25X Greybeards : Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Shield

570 – 25X Greybeards : Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Shield

  - Clan's Thunder : 8% / 35% max (360pts / 1575pts)

180 - Steam Copters : Attack Copter

180 - Steam Copters : Attack Copter

  -  Engines of War : 13% / 20%max (585pts / 900pts)

335 - Organ Gun (265) : Rune Crafted (70)

250 – Cannon

  - Special : 14.22% (640pts) -

640 - 6X Hold Guardians : Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer

Total : 4,500pts



Krog Dwarven Hold                                                        


--- Characters : 33.66% / 40% Max (1515pts/1800pts) ---

725 - King, Army General, Holdstone (30), War Throne (235), Shield (15), Rune of Destruction (80), 2x Rune of Might (2x40), 2x Rune of Shielding (2x 30) 


195 - Anvil of Power


295 - Runic Smith, 3x Battle Runes (3x20), Shield (10), Rune of Devouring - Runic Smiths only (70) 


300 - Thane, Battle, Standard Bearer (50), Shield (10), Banner of the Relentless Company (40) , Rune of Mining (20) , 2x Rune of Shielding (2x30) 



--- Core : 25.33% / 25% Least (1140pts/1125pts) - --


170 - 10 Clan Warriors, Musician (20), Shield (20) 


735 - 30 Greybeards, Champion (20), Musician (20) , Shield (60), Standard Bearer (20), Runic Standard of Swiftness (60) 


235 - 10x Greybeard, Musician (20), Standard Bearer (20), Shield (20)



--- Clan's thunder : 8% / 35% max (360/900pts) - --


180 - Steam Copters, Attack Copter


180 - Steam Copters, Attack Copter



--- Special : 32,88% / no limit (1480pts/no limit) ---


520 - 20 Seekers, Champion (20), Musician (20) , Vanguard (60)


520 - 20 Seekers, Champion (20), Musician (20) , Vanguard (60)


440 - 20 Seekers, Musician (20)

--- Total ---

4 495  



Leopold Daemon Legion                                                          


- -- Characters : 39.8% / 40% Max (1795pts/1800pts) - --

950 - Maw of Akaan (555) General (60) Greater Dominion (0) Iron husk (110) Wizard Master (225) (Witchcraft)

845 - Omen of Savar (490) throne of Overhelming Splendour (175) Wizard adept (75) (Divination) Brimstone Secretions (25) Dexterous Tentacles (15) Hammer Hand (40) Unnatural Roots (25) 

- -- Core : 25.2% / 20% Least (1130pts/1125pts) - --

625 - 24 Mymidons (537)  Unhinged Jaw (48) Musician (20) Standard Bearer (20)


505- 20 Mymidons (445) Unhinged Jaw (40) Musician (20)

- -- Special : 34.8% (1574pts) - --

360 - Blazing Glories (290) Fly(60) Cloven Hooves (10) 


210 - Titanslayer Chariot (205) Divining Snout (5)


535 - 5 hoarders (500) Muscian (20) Chitinous Scales (15)


469 - 4 Brazen Beast (445) Musian (20) Incendiary Ichor (4)



- -- Total - --

4 499/4500




Gozher Vampir Covenant                                                         


-- Characters : 40% Max (1740pts/1800pts) ---

860 - Vampire Count (330), general, the dead arise (25), Light Armour (5), Halberd (20), Destiny's Call (70), Talisman of the void (50), night's crown (55), Arcane Knowledge (80), Master (225), Occultism
440 - Necromancer (130), master evoc (225), nécromantic staff (85)
440 - Barrow King (175), BSB (50), Skeletal Steed (65), Hero's Heart (60), Basalt Infusion (35), Dusk Forged (55)

--- Core : 20% Least (902pts/900pts) ---

260 - 23 Skeletons (180), CMS (60), Legion Standard (20)
260 - 23 Skeletons (180), CMS (60), Legion Standard (20)
150 - 21 Zombies (130), M (20)

116 - 8 Dire Wolves (116)
116 - 8 Dire Wolves (116)

--- Special : (1697pts) ---

777 - 33 barrow guard (561), shield (66), MSC (60), black standard of zagvod (90)
460 - 1 Dark Coach (460)
460 - 1 Dark Coach (460)

--- The suffering : 20% Max (160pts/1350pts) ---

160 - 2 phantoms hosts (160)




Sixbras Saurian Ancients                                 


--- Characters : 32% / 40% Max (1440pts/1800pts) ---

915 - Cuatl Lord(445), General , BSB(100), Ancient Plaque (75), Talisman of the Void (50), Banner of the Relentless Company (40), Aether Icon(10), Grasp of the Immortal (130), Protean Potentate (65)

360 - Skink Priest(115), Light Armour(5), Wizard Adept (75), Sun Tablet (40), Binding Scroll (55), Skink Palanquin (70), Shamanism

165 - Skink Captain, shield (5), Dragon Staff (30), Binding Scroll (55)

--- Core : 20.44% / 20% Least (3060pts/900pts) ---

255 - 15x Saurian Warriors
255 - 15x Saurian Warriors
255 - 15x Saurian Warriors
255 - 15x Saurian Warriors
255 - 15x Saurian Warriors
255 - 15x Saurian Warriors
255 - 15x Saurian Warriors
255 - 15x Saurian Warriors
255 - 15x Saurian Warriors
255 - 15x Saurian Warriors
255 - 15x Saurian Warriors
255 - 15x Saurian Warriors

--- Total ---

4 500



Maman_Poulet – ÅSKLANDERS                                           



--- Personnages --- 1765


275 - Åsklander Chief - General Jarl, Général, Paire d'armes (5), Coeur de héros (60), Appel du destin (70)


630 - Åsklander Chief, Wasteland Behemoth (365), Paire d'armes (5), Touché par la grâce (50), Porteur de la grande bannière, Bannière de vitesse (50)


360 - Seidhkennar, Maître magicien (225), Chamanisme


345 - Seidhkennar, Adepte magicien (75), Grimoire de maîtrise cabalistique (75), Norn's Bones (60), Thaumaturgie


155 - Åsklander Chief, Paire d'armes (5), Longship Raid (40)


--- Base --- 1126


360 - 30x Åsklanders, Shield (30), Champion, Musicien, Porte-étendard, Bannière de Discipline (30)


166 - 17x Åsklanders, Shield (17)


300 - 10x Åsklander Horsemen, Light Lance (20), Champion, Musicien, Porte-étendard


300 - 10x Åsklander Horsemen, Light Lance (20), Champion, Musicien, Porte-étendard


--- Spécial --- 1304


801 - 39x Huskarls, Lance (120), Champion, Musicien, Porte-étendard, Raven Banner (60)


503 - 24x Berserkers, Paire d'armes (72), Champion


--- Bêtes légendaires --- 305


305 - Marauding Giant, Monstrous Familiar (45)


--- Total ---





Tharbak Saurian Ancients                                            

--- Characters : 39% / 40% Max (1755pts/1800pts) ---
885 - Saurian Warlord (260), General, Carnosaure Alpha (520), halberd (20), starfall shard (60), obsidian rock (25)
870 - Cuatl (445), BSB (100), wizard master Evocation, banner of discipline (30), trained from birth (50), master of reality (130), binding scroll (55), jade staff (60)

--- Core : 20% / 20% Least (900pts/900pts mini) ---
745 - 27x Saurian Warriors (483), serpent (108), spear (54), Champion-Musician-Standard (60), banner of the relentless company (40)
155 - 15x Skink Braves (135), shields (free), Musician (20)

--- Jungle Guerillas : 18%/30% (822pts/1350pts)
321 - 4 Ramphodons (285), shields (36)
321 - 4 Ramphodons (285), shields (36)
180 - 3 pteradons (180), javelins (free)

--- Special : 13% (600pts) ---
600 - 8 Caïmans (580), Halberd (free), Champion (20)

--- Thunder Lizards : 21% / 35% Max (940pts/1575pts-prix alpha carno inclus) ---
420 - 1x Stygiosaure (300), Mystic Traveller (120)

--- Total ---

4 497



Bubu Ogre Khan                                                              


--Character : 21,6%/40% Max (970/1800)—


370 - Shaman [pyromancy ] (195), General,  Adpet (75), Crown of autocracy (65), Firebrand (35)


270 - Shaman [Thaumaturgy] (195), Adept (75)

330 - Khan (190), BSB (50),  Cult leader (45), Crossbow (5), viper curse (40)

--Core : 25%/25% Min (1125/1125)--

243 - 4 Tribesmen, Banner, Musician

195 – 3 Tribesmen, Banner, musician

205 – 3 Bruisers, Musician

205 – 3 Bruisers, Musician

277 – 31  Scraplings, Foreman, Musician, bows


--Special : 13,4%/No limit (605/No limit)--

80 – 5 Scraplings trapper

175 – Kin eater

175 – Kin eater

175 – Kin eater

-- Powder keg : 33,4%/35% Max (1505/1575)—


695 – 6 Mercenary Veteran [Plate armor, Poison attacks], Ogre pistols, Musician


245 – Scratapult

245 – Scratapult

320 -  Thunder Cannon

--Chained beast : 6,6%/30% Max (295/1350)--

295 – Giant, giant club




Luthor Orcs & Goblins                                       



---  Characters : 40% / 40% Max (1800pts/1800pts) ---

305 - Common Orc Shaman , General, Wizard Adept Shamanism (75), Crown of autocracy (65)

475 - Common Goblin Witch Doctor, Wizard Master Thaumaturgy (245), Binding Scroll (55), Binding Scroll (55) :

215 - Cave Goblin Chief, BsB (50), Crown of the cavern king (90) :

650 - Forest goblin king , Gargantula* (410), Paired Weapon (5), Hero's heart (60) Obsidian rock (25)

155 - Forest Goblin Chief, Scuttler Spider(25 )  basalt infusion (35)  lance (10)


--- Core : 25.11% / 25% Least (1130pts/1125pts) ---

545 - 45 Cave goblins , 3 Madgits (180), shields,  Champion, Standard Bearer , Musician , Banner of the Relentless Company (40) :

370 - 25 Feral Orcs ,paired weapon,  Champion, Standard Bearer , Musician

215 - 20 common gobelin Standard Bearer , Musician , shields,  2 shady gits (30) discipline banner (30)


--- Special : 16.11% (725pts) ---

135 - 5 goblins raider, common,shield , light lance

135 - 5 goblins raider, common, shield, light lance

185 - 5 mounted feral headbasheur ,shields , Musician

135 -  gnasher wrecking team

135 -  gnasher wrecking team


--- BIG ’N NASTY :  27.78/30% MAX (1250pts/1350) ---

280 - giant   wrecking ball

280 - giant   wrecking ball

280 - giant   wrecking ball

410 - * Gargantula as mount




Voltar-le-Barbare Warrior of Dark Gods                              


Characters Max 45% =   1135/2025


315 – Sorcerer 145, Wizard Adept of Alchemy 75, Plate Armour 15, Lucky Charm 10, Binding Scroll 55, Alchemist’s Alloy 15.

820 – Exalted Herald 820.

Core At Least 20% = 1410/900


785 – Warriors*20 455, EMC 70, Envy 80, Halberd 120, Zealots’ Banner 60.

625 – Warriors*20 455, EMC 70 Pride 60, Banner of the Relentless Company 40.


Special  1375


310 – Warriors Knights*5 255, Lance 35, Musician 20.

310 – Warriors Knights*5 255, Lance 35, Musician 20.

285 – Battleshrine 285.

375 – Chosen*5 265, Great Weapon 20, Wrath 90.

95 – Warhounds*5 95.


Legendary Beasts Max 35% =   580/1575


290 – Marauding Giant 260, Giant Club 30.

290 – Marauding Giant 260, Giant Club 30.





BlackRacoon Orcs & Goblins                                      


--- Characters ---

205 - Common Goblin King, General, Bow (5), Shield (5), Heavy Armour (10), War Cry!, Crown of Autocracy (65)

345 - Forest Goblin King, Huntsmen Spider (30), Shield (5), Heavy Armour (10), Hero's Heart (60), Dusk Forged (55), Basalt Infusion (35)

215 - Common Goblin Chief, Crown of the Cavern King (90), Battle Standard Bearer

215 - Common Goblin Witch Doctor, Wizard Adept, Wolf (20)(75), Wizard Adept, Pyromancy

365 - Forest Goblin Witch Doctor, Wizard Master, (245), Wizard Master, Thaumaturgy

--- Core ---

395 - 30x Cave Goblins, Mad Git (120), Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of the Relentless Company (40)

395 - 30x Cave Goblins, Mad Git (120), Shield, Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of the Relentless Company (40)

365 - 30x Forest Goblins, Spear, Shield (60), Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of the Relentless Company (40)

--- Special ---

171 - 6x Gnasher Dashers

171 - 6x Gnasher Dashers

156 - 12x Gnasher Herd

156 - 12x Gnasher Herd

156 - 12x Gnasher Herd

135 - Gnasher Wrecking Team

135 - Gnasher Wrecking Team

118 - 5x Grotlings

--- Death from Above ---

90 - Skewerer

90 - Skewerer

--- Big 'n Nasty ---

310 - Giant, Wrecking Ball, Big Brother (30)

310 - Giant, Wrecking Ball, Big Brother (30)

--- Total ---

4 498



Kolrhil  Highborn Elves                                                 


----Total characters : 30.22%/40% max (1360 pts/1800 pts)


505 - High Prince, General, Longbow, Light Armour Destiny's Call (70 pts), Spear ,Sliver of the Blazing Dawn (105 pts), Obsidian Rock (25 pts) , Queen’s Companion (40pts) ,Moonlight Arrows  (15 pts)

445 - Commander, Longbow, Battle Standard Bearer (50pts), Banner of Becalming (75 pts), Aether Icon (10 pts), Heavy Armour (10pts), Great Weapon (10pts), Master of Canreig Tower

410 - Mage, Wizard Master (150pts), Alchemy, Shield (5pts), Heavy Armour (15pts), Order of the Fiery Heart (15pts)


----Total Core : 25.04%/25% min (1127 pts /1125pts)


612 - 26 Sea Guard, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard 35 pts), Musician, Champion

185 - 5 Elein Reavers, Bow

165 - 10 Citizen Archers

165 - 10 Citizen Archers


----Total special : 32.73 % (1473 pts)


742 - 24 Lion Guard, Standard Bearer (Navigator's Banner 75 pts), Musician, Champion

631 - 23 Flame Wardens, Standard Bearer (Flaming Standard 35 pts), Musician, Champion

100 - Giant Eagles


----Total Queen's Bows : 25.04 % /30% max (1127 pts / 1350pts)


----Total Naval Ordnance : 12%/15% max (540pts/675 pts)


180 - Sea Guard Reaper

180 - Sea Guard Reaper

180 - Sea Guard Reaper


----Total ----

4500 pts



Muet d’Hiver Orcs & Goblins                                                   


Characters _ max 40%_ 1615/1800

445 _ Common Orc Warlord (210), GENERAL, War Cry (0), War Boar (40), Destiny's Call (70), Omen of Apocalypse (125).

375 _ Forest Goblin King (150), Huntsmen Spider (30), heavy armor (10), shield (5), Basal Infusion (35), Dusked Forged (55), Hero's Heart (60), Troll Ale Flask (30).

390 _ Common Orc Shaman (165), Wizard Master (225), Shamanism.

240 _ Common Orc Shaman (165), Wizard Adept (75), Thaumaturgy.

165 _ Cave Goblin Chief (75), Cave Gnasher (65), lance (10), Willow's Ward (15).

Core _ min 25%_ 1132/1125

340 _ 20 Orc (160), Feral (60), EMC (60), paired weapons (20), Banner of the Relentless Company (40).

356 _ 24 Orc (160+40), Feral (72), EMC (60), paired weapons (24).

436 _ 11 Common Orc Boar Riders (140+108), lance (44), shield (44), EMC (60), Stalker's Standard (40).

Special _ no limit_ 650

130 _ 10 Gnasher Herd.

130 _ 10 Gnasher Herd.

130 _ 10 Gnasher Herd.

130 _ 10 Gnasher Herd.

130 _ 5 Forest Goblin Raiders (115), shield (5), light lance (5), throwing weapons (5).

Death from Above _ max 15%_ 330/675

165 _ 1 Greenhide Catapult, Splatterer.

165 _ 1 Greenhide Catapult, Splatterer.

Big N' Nasty _ max 30%_ 770/1300

455 _ Great Green Idol (365), BSB (90).

315 _ Giant (280), giant cub (35).


Jaina EoS                                                              


Characters 1795/1800

210 - Marshal, General, Crown of the Wizard King
230 - Marshal, BSB, Household Standard, Banner of Discipline
275 - Marshal, Shield, Death Warrant, Blacksteel
215 - Prelate, Plate Armour, Shield, Alchemist Alloy
460 - Wizard, Master, 2x Binding Scroll, Divination
275 - Wizard, Adept, Book of Arcane Mastery, Alchemy
130 - Artificier, Long Rifle

Core 1149/1125

435 - 36 Heavy Infantry, Halberds, FCG, Rending Banner
174 - 13 Light Infantry, Crossbows
135 - 10 Light Infantry, Crossbows
135 - 10 Light Infantry, Crossbows
135 - 10 Light Infantry, Crossbows
135 - 10 State Militia

Special 565

565 - 30 Imperial Guard, FCG, Rending Banner

Imperial Auxiliaries 810/1575

90 - 5 Imperial Rangers
90 - 5 Imperial Rangers
90 - 5 Imperial Rangers

Imperial Armoury 720/900

245 - 1 Field Artillery, Cannon

Sunna’s Fury 475/1350

475 - 1 Steam Tank




Seven Vampire Covenant - With a Vampiric Bloodline      


Characters : 38.78% / 40% Max (1690pts/1800pts) 


1 195 - Vampire Count Von Karnstein, General, Storm Caller, Colossal Zombie Dragon, Reaper's Harvest (110), Binding Scroll (55), Cursed Medallion (35), The Dead Arise, Wizard Adept, Occultism

495 - Necromancer, Necromantic Staff (Wizards only) (85), Binding Scroll (55), Wizard Master, Evocation


Core : 25.56% / 25% Least (1159pts/1125pts) 


150 - 21x Zombies, Musician (20)

150 - 21x Zombies, Musician (20)

150 –21x Zombies, Musician (20)

468 - 29x Ghouls, Champion (20)

105 - 2x Bat Swarm

136 - 8x Dire Wolves, Champion (20)


Special : 4.00% (190pts) 


95 - 2x Great Bats

95 - 2x Great Bats


The Suffering : 15.22% / 20% Max (750pts/900pts) 


385 - 5x Phantom Host

365 - 9x Wraiths


Swift Death : 27.22% / 30% Max (1155pts/1350pts) 


710 - 4x Winged Reapers, Paired Weapons (60)


--- Total --- 4 499




Cheveux Ogre Khan                                           

Characters : 1335 / 1800

Shaman, general, wizard master, Shamanism, iron fist, Magical Heirloom, Lygur's Tongue – 550

Khan, BSB, iron fist, heavy armour, Basalt Infusion, Banner of Discipline, Cult Leader – 370

Mammoth Hunter, leader of the pack, hunting spear, iron fist, Wrestler's Belt, Trolleater – 415

Core : 1137 / 1125

10 Bruisers, SMC, Pennant of the Great Grass Sky – 827

3 Tribesman – 155

3 Tribesman – 155

Special: 935 / -

Sabretooth Tagers – 80

Sabretooth Tagers – 80

Kin-Eater – 175

4 Tusker Cavalery, SM, great weapon – 600

Chained Beasts: 1090 / 1350

Rock Aurochs, hunting spear – 490

Slave Giant, great weapon – 300

Slave Giant, great weapon – 300

Total: 4497 / 4500



Tiamat Orcs & Goblins                                                   

--- Characters : 29,77/ 40% Max (1340pts/1800pts) ---

305 - Common Orc Shaman (165) Wizard adept shamanism (75) Crown of Autocraty(65) War cry ( free) GENERAL

345 - Forest goblin King (150) Huntsmen Spider (30) shield (5) Heavy armour (10) hero's heart (60) Dusk Forged (55) Basalt Infusion (35)

215 - Cave Goblin Chief (75) BSB (50) Crown of Cavern King (90)

475 - Forest Goblin Witch Doctor (120pts) Wizard master Thaumaturgie (245) Binding Scroll (55) binding scroll (55)

--- Core : 26,4/ 20% Least (1190pts/900pts) ---

195 - 10 goblin raider on wolf (185) light lance (10)

270 - 20 orcs (160) shields (20) Champion ( 20) Musician (20) Standard Bearer (20) Banner of discipline (30)
545 - 45 Cave goblin (265) Champion(20) Musician(20) Standard bearer (20) banner of the relentless company (40) shields ( free) 3 mad Gits (180)
180 - 5 Feral Orc Boar Rider(140) shield (20) musician(20)

--- Special : 21.08% (949pts) ---

385 - 15 Iron Orcs ( 305) musician (20) (banner 20) banner of the relentless company (40)
135 - 5 goblin raider on wolf(125) light lance (5) shield (5)
130 -5 goblin raider on wolf (125) light lance (5)
299 - 23 Gnasher herd (299)

---big and nasty : 22,66/ 30% Max (1020pts/1350pts) ---

510 - 1 Gargantula
510 - 1 Gargantula

TOTAL 4499pts



Braxx – Dwarven Holds                                                             


--- Characters: 33.89% / 40% max (1525 pts / 1800 pts) ---

790 – King (general) : war throne, holdstone, ancestral memory, shield, rune of destruction (weapon ; 80), rune of might x2 (weapon ; 40*2), rune of forge (armour ; 10) & rune of shielding x2 (talisman ; 30*2).

295 – Runic smith: battle runes x3, shield & rune of devouring (talisman; 70).

245 – Thane: BSB, shield, rune of iron (armour; 25) & banner of the relentless company (40).

195 – Anvil of power.


--- Core: 25.18% / 25% min (1133 pts /1125 pts) ---

673 – Greybeards x28 : MS, shield & runic standard of swiftness (60).

230 – Clan’s marksmen x10 : M & shield.

230 – Clan’s marksmen x10 : M & shield.


--- Special: 31.27% / no limit (1407 pts / no limit) ---

596 – Seekers x24: M & vanguard.

596 – Seekers x24: M & vanguard.

215 – Miners x10: M & shield.


--- Clan’s thunder: 19.78% / 35% (890 / 1575 pts) ---

215 – Steam copter x1: steam bomber.

215 – Steam copter x1: steam bomber.

(230 – Clan’s marksmen).

(230 – Clan’s marksmen).


--- TOTAL ---

4 495 Points.



Bouffy Highborn Elves                                                              


Characters 925 / 1800

495 - Mage (225), Master (150), Master Order of Fiery Heart (15), Binding Scroll (55); Magical Heirloom (50)

430 - Commander (135), BSB (50), Adept Carnreig tower (150), Essence of Mithrill (50), Great Weapon (10), Flamming Banner (35)


Core 1155 / 1125

185 - 5x Elein Reavers; Bow (5)

235 - 5x Highborn Lancer (215), Musician (20)

235 - 5x Highborn Lancer (215), Musician (20)

500 - 20x Sea Guard (275+110), Musician+Banner (20+20), Becalming Banner (75)


Special : 1880 / no limit

700 - 25x Flame Warden (320+270), EMC (60), Rending Banner (50)

250 - 10x Sword Master (125+105), Musician (20)

250 - 10x Sword Master (125+105), Musician (20)

250 - 10x Sword Master (125+105), Musician (20)

100 - Great Eagle

110 - Reaver Chariot

110 - Reaver Chariot

110 - Reaver Chariot


Naval Ordnance 540 / 675

180 - Sea Guard Reaper

180 - Sea Guard Reaper

180 - Sea Guard Reaper


Total 4500


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