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[49] La bannière de l'ombre - ASPTT - 15 et 15 mars 2020 ANNULE


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il y a 22 minutes, ButAd a dit :

Y'en a un qui sait se faire désirer...

Bon et sans déconner, y'a vraiment personne qui a 10 patrouilleurs hauts elfes à me prêter pour le weekend? Ça commence à m'inquiéter là ?


J en est 10 mais pas peind ni socle... tu va pas aller très loins avec 

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il y a 35 minutes, ButAd a dit :

Y'en a un qui sait se faire désirer...

Bon et sans déconner, y'a vraiment personne qui a 10 patrouilleurs hauts elfes à me prêter pour le weekend? Ça commence à m'inquiéter là ?

faut s assurer d avoir les figs avant d envoyer une liste :p, désolé j 'ai aucun elfe

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il y a 57 minutes, ButAd a dit :

Y'en a un qui sait se faire désirer...

Bon et sans déconner, y'a vraiment personne qui a 10 patrouilleurs hauts elfes à me prêter pour le weekend? Ça commence à m'inquiéter là ?

À la rigueur, je peux amener 10 centaures avec lances de cavalerie et boucliers à jouer en « count as ». Ça vit aussi dans les bois les centaures, non ? ?

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il y a 57 minutes, Ikit976 a dit :

À la rigueur, je peux amener 10 centaures avec lances de cavalerie et boucliers à jouer en « count as ». Ça vit aussi dans les bois les centaures, non ? ?

Merci Ikit, mais au pire j'utiliserai comme 2e rang des heaumes d'argent. Mais bon ce sera moins bien que des vrais... 

Modifié par ButAd
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Bonsoir à tous!


Vous serez donc 30 au final suite à deux désistements de dernière minute!


Tout d'abord voici le classement utilisé pour le défi TRISKELES de la première ronde:


1  Guillaume "Gozher" Triquet
2  Zacharie "luthorhuss" Marchais
3  Jérémie "Cheveux" Hauteville
4  Loïc "Chareos" Libersa
5  Michel "Gandarin" Audiffren
6  Nicolas "mercos" Deville
7  Raffael "Ikit976" Theilleux
8  Benoit "fer-de-lance" Vales
9  Benjamin "Asgorth" Frand
10  Julien "Elistan" Ménec
11  Cyril Jean "Tiamat83" Berthomé
12  William "willlouping" Beaudoin
13  Yann "Wismerhell" Le Gravet
14  Kévin "nivek" Lorre
15  Adrien "ButAd" Butaeye
16  Arnaud "Yusei" Grolleau
17  Jeremy "Guerrierosedesvents" Naudeau
18  Romain "WoLoWiZarD" Brunet
19  Julos "Plut0nium" Chiron
20  Alexandre "Carnifrite" Pruniaux
21  Julie "Skaran" Gilles
22  Brieuc "maemon" Ollivier
23  Jean-Charles "Amadis" Nowak
24  Damien "Ark" Proust
25  Gaëtan "Craeven" Gausseres
26  Marie "BansheeMakree" Jaminion
27  Jeremy "gg49" Braud
28  Aurélien "Has_drubal" Pezeril
29  Francois "hebus" Belsoeur

 Adrien "Grospeigne" Guerin


Je n'ai toujours pas reçu la liste corrigée du sieur Willouping. Je vous propose donc d'amener le goudron et les plumes afin de l'accueillir comme il se doit samedi matin! Mon professionalisme m'empechant de faire une quelconque publication avant d'avoir reçu toutes les listes. ?


Pour finir:


 Il y a 23 heures, ButAd a dit :

Y'en a un qui sait se faire désirer...

Bon et sans déconner, y'a vraiment personne qui a 10 patrouilleurs hauts elfes à me prêter pour le weekend? Ça commence à m'inquiéter là ?

faut s assurer d avoir les figs avant d envoyer une liste :p, désolé j 'ai aucun elfe


Pas mieux! Evidemment tout changement de liste sera taxé d'une pénalité de modification de liste majorée d'un malus supplémentaire car modification après la date limite! ?

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Rooo la déception pour les listes... y'a pire que moi ?

Au point où j'en suis je peux prendre tout ce qui passe pour 10 cavaliers légers : elfes sylvains, elfes noirs, tickets restaurant...

J'en ai déjà 10 mais m'en manque dit autres. A vot' bon coeur m'sieurs dames !



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En fait j'avais pas vu mes mails.... :D


Du coup voici les listes!!!! ?



Joueur : Adrien « Grospeigne » Adrien

Armée : Dread Elves

Dread Prince (235), Beast Master(45), Shield(5), Heavy armour(15), Paired Weapon (5), Death Cheater(100), Hero’s Heart(60), Manticore (180), Lucky charm (10) - 655 pts  (General)

Cult Priest(120), Battle Standard(50),  Shield(5), Basalt Infusion(35), Morec’s Reaping(65), Divine Altar (465), Paired Weapons(15)- 755 pts

Oracle(170), Wizard master (225),Magical Heirloom (50) , Binding Scroll (55), light armour(5), Cosmology – 505 pts

5 Dark Raider(165), Repeater Crossbows, (45), Shield (20) – 225 pts

5 Dark Raider(165), Repeater Crossbows, (45), Shield (20) – 225 pts

5 Dark Raider(165), Repeater Crossbows, (45), Shield (20) – 225 pts

24 Dread Legionnaires (278), Spears (48), Champion(20),  Musician(20), Standard Bearer(20) – 386 pts

10 Repeater Auxilliaries (180), Musician (20) – 200 pts

10 Dread Knight(450), Champion(20),  Musician(20), Standard Bearer(20), Banner of blood(50)-560pts

Dread Reaper(180) – 180 pts

Dread Reaper(180) – 180 pts

Hydra(450) – 450 pts

Hydra(450) – 450 pts



Joueuse : Julie “Skaran” Gilles

Armée: Vermin Swarm

Plague Patriarch (155), Wizard Adept (75), Occultism, Light Armour (5), Putrid Protection (80), Plague Flail (30), Plague Pendulum (440), 3 Dark Shards (30) - 815 pts

Tyrant (145), General, Vermin Hulk Bodyguard (95), Heavy Armour (5), Death Cheater (100), Paired Weapons and Tail Weapon (20), Titanic Might (Paired Weapons and Tail Weapon) (50), Crown of the Wizard King (50) - 465 pts

Magister (200), Wizard Adept, Witchcraft, Binding Scroll (55), 3 Dark Shards (35) - 290 pts

Chief (100), Battle Standard (50), Lightning Rod (100), Light Armour - 250pts

38 Vermin Guard (438), Standard Bearer (20), Legion Standard (20), Musician (20), Champion (20) - 496 pts

25 Plague Brotherhood (255), Standard Bearer (20), Legion Standard (20), Musician (20), Champion (20) - 335 pts 

25 Rats-at-Arms (200), Standard Bearer (20), Banner of Discipline (30), Musician (20) - 270 pts

32 Slaves (145) - 151 pts

5 Vermin Hulks (375) - 375 pts

6 Gutter Blades (145) Slings, Scout and Ambush (30) -175 pts

6 Gutter Blades (145) Slings, Scout and Ambush (30) -175 pts

10 Giant Rats (90) - 90 pts

Dreadmill (340) - 340 pts

Weapon Team (140), Naphtha Launcher - 140 pts

Weapon Team (140), Globe Launcher - 140 pts

Weapon Team (140), Rotary Gun - 140 pts

Abomination (330) - 330 pts



Joueur : Gaetan "Craeven" Gausserès
Armée: Ogre Khans

Shaman (195), Wizard Master (225), Lygur's Tongue (70), Rod of Battle (35), Iron Fist (10), Light Armour (5), Mammoth-Hide Cloak (50), Ritual Bloodletter (20), Thaumaturgie, General – 610 pts

Khan (190), BSB (50), Banner of Discipline (30), Cult Leader (45), Iron Fist (10), Karkadan's Resilience (40), Heavy Armour (10) – 375 pts

Mammoth Hunter (220), Iron Fist (20), Leader of the Pack (5), Wrestler's Belt (75), Trolleater (95), Hunting Spear – 415 pts

Mammoth Hunter (220), Iron Fist (20), Vanguard (15), Death Cheater (100), Hunting Spear, Spinesplitter (35) – 390 pts

10 Bruisers (717), Champion (20), Musician (20), Standard Bearer (20), Pennant of the Great Grass Sky (50) – 827 pts

3 Tribesmen (155) – 155 pts

3 Tribesmen (155) – 155 pts

3 Tribesmen (155) – 155 pts

1 Sabretooth Tigers (80) – 80 pts

1 Kin-Eater (175) – 175 pts

1 Kin-Eater (175) – 175 pts

3 Bombardiers (185), Musician (20) – 205 pts

1 Rock Aurochs (490), Ogre Crossbow (0) - 490 pts

1 Rock Aurochs (490), Ogre Crossbow (0)  - 490 pts

1 Slave Giant (265), Great Weapon (35) – 300 pts


> Jean-Charles "Amadis" Nowak
> Highborn Elves
> Général: Aenarion Mourningsword:
> High Prince 240, Ancient Dragon 610, Shield 5, Longbow 5, Great Weapon 10, Star Metal Alloy 30, Elu's Heartwood 75, Lucky Charm 10, Binding Scroll 55 / 1040pts
> Eldryon Cloudymind:
> Wizard Master (225+150), Cosmology, Light Armour 5, Gleaming Robe 75, Binding Scroll 55 /510 pts
> Kelindel Wisesword:
> Commander 135, Battle Standard Bearer 50, Master of Canreig Tower 150, Great Weapon 10, Destiny's Call 70 /415 pts
> Compagnie Thalassiel: 27 Sea Guards 275+ (22x12), EMC 60 /599 pts
> Escadron Jolly Jumper: 5 Highborn Lancers 215, Musician 20 /235 pts
> Escadron Petit Tonnerre: 5 Highborn Lancers 215, musician 20/235 pts
> Escadron Tornado: 5 Elein Reavers 180, bows (5x1) /185 pts
> Asuryan's Word: 23 Flame Wardens 320+(27x8), EMC 60, Navigator's Banner 75 /671 pts
> Pumba's Car: Lion Chariot 205 pts
> Timon's Car: Lion Chariot 205 pts
> Picchu: Giant Eagle 100 pts
> Iago: Giant Eagle 100 pts
> The Heaven's Wrath: Sky Sloop 250 pts
> The Clouds' Bolt: Sky Sloop 250 pts

Benjamin "Asgorth" Frand
Daemon Legions

Miser of Sugulag (630), Wizard Master Evocation (225), Mirrored Scales (45) - 900
Kuulima Deceiver (345), General, Greater Dominion (30), Wizard Master Protean (190), Piercing Spike (25), Dextrous Tentacles (Dominant) (35) - 625
30 Myrmidons (675), Unhinging Jaws (60), SMC (60) - 795
18 Myrmidons (399), Unhinging Jaws (36), MC (40) - 475
4 Brazen Beasts (445), Incendiary Ichor (4), M (20) - 469
4 Brazen Beasts (445), Incendiary Ichor (4), M (20) - 469
4 Mageblight Gremlins (241), Venom Sacs (60) - 301
Titanslayer Chariot (205), Digestive Vomit (10 - 215
Titanslayer Chariot (205), Digestive Vomit (10 - 215
5 Sirens - 195
5 Furies (165), Dark Hide (5) - 170
5 Furies (165), Dark Hide (5) - 170

Joueur : Adrien « ButAd » Butaeye

Armée : highborn elves

High Prince (240), general, griffon (185), lance Nova Flare (15+75), shield (5), dragon forged armor Daemon's Bane (25+10), Diadem of Protection (75), Dragon Staff (30) - 660pts

Commander (135), bsb (50), queen's cavalier (40), dragon (420), great weapon (10), Crown of the Wizard King (50), Lucky Charm (10) - 715pts

Mage (225), master of pyro (150), order of the fiery heart (15), dragon (480), paired weapon Hero's Heart (5+60), shield Star Metal Alloy (5+30), Binding Scrolls x2 (110) - 1080pts

10 elein reavers (275), bows (10), musician (20) - 305pts

10 elein reavers (275), bows (10), musician (20) - 305pts

39 citizen spears (506), fc (60), Navigator's Banner (75) - 641pts

15 lion guards (355), champion (20) - 375pts

10 lion guards (215) - 215pts

15 queen's guards (415), musician (20) - 435pts

5 grey watchers (135) - 135pts

2 giant eagles (130) - 130pts


Joueur : Alexandre "Carnifrite"Pruniaux
Armée: Undying Dynasties

Death Cult Hierarch (130), Wizard Master Evocation (225), Soul Conduit (20), Talisman of the Void (50), Sacred Hourglass (120) - 545 pts
Death Cult Hierarch (130), Wizard Adept Divination (75), Hierophant (15), Book of Arcane Mastery - 295 pts
Tomb Architect (205), Binding Scroll (55), General (0) - 260 pts
Tomb Architect (205), Binding Scroll (55) - 260 pts

20 Skeletons (150), Champion (20), Musician (20), Standard Bearer (20), Banner of the Relentless Company (40) - 250 pts
5 Skeleton Scouts (140) - 140 pts
5 Skeleton Scouts (140) - 140 pts
5 Skeleton Scouts (140) - 140 pts
3 Skeleton Chariots (290) - 290 pts
3 Skeleton Chariots (290) - 290 pts

8 Shabtis (610), Paired Weapons (120), Champion (20), Musician (20), Standard Bearer (20), Flaming Standard (35) - 817 pts
8 ArcShabtis (650), Champion (20), Musician (20), Standard Bearer (20), Rending Banner (50) - 760 pts
4 Tomb Reapers (750), Paired Weapons (60) - 810 pts



Loïc "Chareos" Libersa
Ogres khans

Grand khan général (280) trolleater (95) GW (25) Mammoth-Hide Cloak (50) Khagadai’s Legacy (100) Obsidian Rock (25) -  575
Khan (190) bsb (50) Cult Leader (45) Aether Icon (10) Dragonfire Gem (20) Talisman of Shielding (50) Skull of Qenghet (10) Ironfist (10) Heavy Armor (10) - 395
Shaman shamanism (195) master (225) Lygur’s Tongue (70) Magical Heirloom (50) Ritual Bloodletter (20)  Ironfist (10) - 570
10 Tribesmen (155 + 336) CMS (60) Pennant of the Great Grass Sky (50) IronFist (100) - 701
3 bruiser - 185
3 bruiser - 185
3 bruiser - 185
3 tuskers (390) M (20) PW (15) - 425
4 Tusker (390+110) CM (40) GW (60) - 600
5 Yetis (175 + 180) - 355
1 Kin-Eater - 175
1 Kin-Eater - 175
1 Kin-Eater - 175
Slave Giant (265) Giant Club (30) - 295



Joueur : Jérémie « Cheveux » Hauteville

Vermin swarm

Vermin Daemon (850), General, Divination - 850pts

Chief (100), Sceptre of Vermin Valour (35), Binding Scroll (55), Battle Standard Bearer (50) - 240pts

Magister (200), Book of Arcane Mastery (75), Witchcraft - 275pts

Tyrant (145), Monstrous Rat (180), Shield (5), Heavy Armour (5), Paired Weapons, Tail Weapon (20), Hero's Heart (60), Ghostly Guard (35), Crown of the Wizard King (50), Binding Scroll (55) - 555pts

35x Vermin Guard (405), Champion (20), Musician (20), Standard Bearer (20), Banner of the Endless Swarm (50) - 515pts

20x Plague Brotherhood (205), Musician (20) - 225pts

20x Plague Brotherhood (205), Musician (20) – 225pts

10x Footpads (120), Musician (20) - 140pts

20x Giant Rats (150) -150pts

8x Vermin Hulks (570), Champion (20) - 590pts

2x Rat Swarms (90) - 90pts

7x Gutter Blades (165), Throwing Weapons (0), Scout, Ambush (35) - 200pts

7x Gutter Blades (165), Throwing Weapons (0), Scout, Ambush (35) - 200pts

7x Gutter Blades (165), Throwing Weapons (0), Scout, Ambush (35) - 200pts

11x Plague Disciples (241), Champion (20) - 261pts

Weapon Team (140), Globe Launcher (0) - 140pts

Weapon Team (140), Globe Launcher (0) - 140pts



Joueur : Benoit "fer de lance" VALÈS
Armée: Kingdom of Equitaine

Duke (155), Army General, Barded Warhorse (65), Questing Oath (70), Blessed Inscriptions (65), Crusader's Salvation (100), Shield (10), Dragonfire Gem (20) - 485 pts
Paladin (125), BSB (50), Barded Warhorse (40), Lance (10), Wyrmwood Core (40), Basalt Infusion (35), Shield (10) - 310 pts
Damsel (120), Barded Warhorse (40), Wizard Master (225) of Druidism, Binding Scroll (55), Storm Clarion (80) - 520 pts
Damsel (120), Barded Warhorse (40), Wizard Adept (75) of Shamanism, Binding Scroll (55) - 290 pts
Castellan (70), Bannerman (free), Legion Standard (20), Heavy Armour (free) - 90 pts
Castellan (70), Bannerman (free), Legion Standard (20), Heavy Armour (free) - 90 pts

14 Knights of the Realm (255+8*47), FCG (60), Banner of the Last Charge(100) - 791 pts
8 Knights of the Realm (255+2*47), Champion (20), Musician (20) - 389 pts
40 Peasant Levy (170+10*7), Champion (20), Standard Bearer (20) - 280 pts

8 Knights of the Grail (205+5*85), FCG (60), Banner of Speed (50) - 740 pts
12 Knights of the Quest (260+6*50), FCG (60), Flaming Standard (35) - 655 pts
1 Scorpion (115) - 115 pts
1 Scorpion (115) - 115 pts
5 Yeoman Outriders (125), Bow (free) - 125 pts

Joueur : Michel "Gandarin" Audiffren
Armée : Warriors of the Dark Gods

Chosen Lord (295), General (0), Black steed (100), Spiked Shield (15), Favour of Gluttony (15), Idol of Spite (70), Trophy Rack (25), Symbol of Slaughter (35), Dusk Forged (55), Stalker’s Standard (40), Dragonfire Gem (20): 670 pts
Sorcerer (145), Wizard Master, Occultism (225), Plate armour (15), Death Cheater (100), Magical Heirloom (50): 535 pts

29 Barbarians (233), Spear and Shield (87), Champion (20), Musician (20): 360 pts
10 Warriors (215), Halberd (60), Favour of Sloth (90), Champion (30), Musician (20), Standard bearer (20), Zealots’ Banner (60): 495
5 Fallen: 150 pts

5 Warhounds: 95 pts
5 Flayers (145), Bow (5): 150 pts
5 Flayers: 145 pts
6 Warrior Knights (295), Lance (42), Favour of Gluttony (24), Champion (35), Musician (20), Standard bearer (20), Stalker’s Standard (40): 476 pts
5 Warrior Knights (255), Lance (35), Favour of Gluttony (20), Champion (35), Musician (20), Standard bearer (20), Stalker’s Standard (40): 425 pts
8 Warrior Knights (375), Lance (56), Favour of Gluttony (32), Champion (35), Musician (20), Standard bearer (20), Banner of Speed (50): 588 pts

1 Feldrak Elder (415), Halberd (40): 455 pts
1 Feldrak Elder (415), Halberd (40): 455 pts


Guillaume Triquet - Gozher
Armée - Vampire Covenant

Vampire count (330), BotDB (45), general, The Dead Arise (25), plate armor (0), GW/PW/lance (50), crimson rage (120), spectral steed (115), legend of the black king (110), night's crown (55), dragon fire gems (20), wizard apprentice occultism - 870 pts
Vampire count (330), BotDB (45), colossal zombie dragon (445), wizard adpet occultism (75), GW/PW (30) - 925 pts
Necromancer (130), wizard adept evocation(75) - 205 pts

44 skeletons (390), EMC (60), banner of the relentless compagny (40) - 490 pts
20 zombies (125), M (20) - 145 pts
24 ghouls (363), C (20) - 383 pts
8 dire wolves (116) - 116 pts
8 dire wolves (116) - 116 pts

1 dark coach (460) - 460 pts
8 barrow knights (290), M (20) - 310 pts

1 shrieking horror (490) - 490 pts
1 shrieking horror (490) - 490 pts



Joueur : Aurélien "hasdrubal" Pezeril

Armée: Empire of sonnsthal

Marshal (160), general (fee), shield (10), death warrant (60), obsidian rock (25), blacksteel (45) - 300 pts

Marshal (160), battle standard bearer (free), shiel (10), willow's ward (15), 2x aether icon (2x 10), Crown of the wizard King (50) - 255 pts

Wizard (125), Wizard adept alchemy (75), binding scroll (55) - 255 pts

Ingenieur (120), long rifle (10) -130 pts

Wizard (125), wizard master divination (225), binding scroll (55), arcane engine (185), wintercloak (70), alchemyst's alloy (15), light armor (5), foresight (free) -  680 pts

14 Light infantry (187), crossbow -187 pts

16 Light infantry (213), crossbow -213 pts

10 state milicia (135) - 135 pts

45 Heavy infantry (370), halberd (45), musician (20), champion (20), standard (20), rending banner (50) - 525 pts

5 electoral cavalry (155), shield (20), musician (20) - 195 pts

28 Imperial guard (417), musician (20), champion (20), standard (20), great weapon (112) -589 pts

32 Imperial guard (493), musician (20), champion (20), standard (20), great weapon (128), household standard (40) -721 pts

5 Imperial ranger (90) - 90 pts

Great canon (245) -245pts

Steam Tank (475) - 475 pts


Joueur :François "Hébus" BELSOEUR
Armée: Forteresses naines

 - Roi (225), Général, Trône de guerre (235), Bouclier (15), Pierre de la forteresse (30), Rune de puissance (40), Rune de fureur (30), Rune de réactivité (35), Rune des tempêtes (35), Rune bouclier (30) - 675 pts

 - Chasseur de dragons (205), Opiniâtre (75), Rune de précision (40), Rune d'accélération (40), Rune de fureur (30) - 390 pts

 - Thane (120), Bouclier (10), Porteur de grande bannière (50), Rune de Résonnance (40), Rune  de représailles (30), Rune d'acier (55), Rune bouclier (30), Bannière ardente (35) - 370 pts

 - Forgeron runique (155), Rune de résilience, Bouclier (10), Rune dévoreuse (70), Rune de terre (50) - 305 pts

 - Enclume de pouvoir (195) - 195 pts--

 - 26 Barbes-grises (479), Bouclier (52), Champion (20) , Musicien (20) , Porte-étendard (20) , Bannière lacérante (50) - 641 pts

 - 10 Longues-mires des clans (190), Bouclier (20), Guild-Crafted Handgun (4+) (30) - 240 pts

 - 23 Guerriers des clans (286), Bouclier (46), Champion (20), Porte-étendard (20) - 372 pts

 - Chasseur de rancunes (130) - 130 pts

 - Chasseur de rancunes (130) - 130 pts

- 20 Chasseurs de tête (420), Avant-garde (60), Champion 20) - 500 pts 

 - 9 Patrouilleurs (150), Veilleurs des Contrefort (18),Bouclier (18), Arbalète (3+) (36),  222 pts

 - Canon orgue (265) , Frappé de runes (70) - 335 pts

 - Canon orgue (265), Frappé de runes (70) - 335 pts

 - Canon incendiaire frappé de runes  (160)- 160 pts


Joueur : Adrien Theilleux « Ikit 976 »

Liste d’armée marée de vermines
Vermin daemon general – 850

Tyrant 145, heroe’s heart 60, paired and tail weapon 20, destiny’s call 70 – 295

Plague patriarch 155, adept occultism (75) plague flail 30, scurrying veil 30, light armour 5, essence of mithril 50, dark shards 30, potion of swiftness 20 – 395
Chief Battle standard bearer 150, great weapon 5, heavy armour 5, scepter of vermin valour 35, seal of house underminer 15, banner of discipline 30 – 240
Mechanist rakachit 155, jezail 20, darkstone shot 30 – 205
20 plague brotherhood Musician 20 – 225

20 plague brotherhood Musician 20 – 225

51 rat at arms 344 EMC 60, Aquila of ruin 40 – 456

52 slaves Musician 20 – 231

10 footpads Musician 20 – 140
10 plague disciples – 224

10 plague disciples – 224

2 rat swarms – 90

2 rat swarms – 90

6 jezzails – 235

naphta-launcher – 140

naphta-launcher – 140

naphta-launcher – 140

Dreadmill – 340

3 jezzails – 115


Jeremy "Guerrierosedesvents" Naudeau

Vampire Covenant

1 comte vampire 330 GG les morts se lèvent 25Master occultisme 225 Lance de cavalerie 20Armure lourde 15 bouclier 5Monture squelette 60Légende du roi noir 110Arcane vampirique 80 Bâton necromantique 85    955pts

1 roi revenant 170 Monture squelette 60Porteur de la grande bannière 50Injection de basalte 35 Crépuscule forgé 60Coeur de héro 60              440pts 

1 necromancien 130 Adepte évocation 75       255pts Talisman du vide 50
20 zombie 125pts
2x20 squelettes 150x2 300 pts 
8 loups 116pts
9 loups 128pts
16 goules 227 C20 247pts
2 nuées de chauves sourie 105pts
2x1 carrosses morbide 460x2 

Mort déferlante 1409 pts
1 terreur gheist 490pts 
6 chevaliers de sang 514 EMC 60 574pts
1 varkolak 345pts


joueuse : Marie "Bansheemakree" Jamaisnon
Armée: Orcs and goblins

Common Orc Shaman (165), General, Shamanism ,Wizard Adept (75), Crown of autocracy (65) - 305
Common Goblin Witch Doctor (120),Thaumaturgy,  Wizard Master (245), Binding Scroll (55), Binding Scroll (55) - 475
Cave Goblin Chief (75), BsB (50), Crown of the cavern king (90) -215
Forest Goblin King (150), Gargantula (410)*, Paired Weapons (5), Shield Breaker(35), Troll Ale Flask (30), obsidian rock (25)-655 * count as big  'n nasty
Forest goblin king (150), Huntsmen spider (30), Heavy Armor (10), Shield (5), Light lance (5), Death cheater (100), Touch of greatness (50) - 350

45 Cave goblins (265), 3 Madgits (180), shields (free),  Champion (20), Standard Bearer(20) , Musician(20) , Banner of the Relentless Company (40)  - 545
23 Orcs (190), feral ( 69) ,paired weapon (23),  Champion (20), Standard Bearer(20) , Musician (20) - 342
21 common gobelin (121) Standard Bearer(20 , Musician (20) , shields (free),  2 shady gits (30) discipline banner (30)  -221
5 Orc Boar Riders (140), Feral Orcs (free), Champion(20)  - 160

5 goblins raider (115), common, shield (10) , light lance (10) - 135
5 goblins raider (115), common, shield (10) , light lance (10) - 135
25 squig herd - 325
24 squig herd  - 312

Gargantula  - 510
Giant (280), giant club (35) - 315


Nicolas Deville - Mercos - 
Infernal Dwarves -

510 - Overlord, 255 General, Shield 5, Blunderbuss 10, Destiny's Call 70, Obsidian Rock 25, Potion of Swiftness 20, Onyx Core 125
435 - Prophet (Wizard) 160, Wizard Master 265, Shield 10, Alchemy
275 - Prophet (Wizard) 160, Wizard Adept 115 Occultism
290 - Vizier 125, Shield 5, Blunderbuss 5, Alchemist's Alloy 15, Willow's Ward 15, Battle Standard Bearer 50, Flaming Standard 35, Banner of the Relentless Company 40
135 - Hobgoblin Chieftain 70, Wolf 50, Shield 5, Light Armour 5, bow 5
215 - 15 Infernal Warriors 180, Shield 15, M 20
110 - 20 Orc Slaves 110
146 - 21 Hobgoblins 126, Shield 0, musician 20
146 - 21 Hobgoblins 126, Shield 0, musician 20    
675 - 30 Infernal Blunderbuss 345, blunderbuss 240, Shield 30, Champion 20, M20, StandardBearer 20
180 - 5 Taurukh 150, Shield 10, Musician 20
330 - 10 Taurukh 260, great weapon 30, Musician20   Champion 20   
570 - 5x Kadim Incarnates 
560 - Kadim Titan
420 - Infernal Engine, steam hammer


> Joueur : kevin lorre "nivek"
Armée: Saurian ancients  
690 - Saurian Warlord 260, carno 230, Death Cheater 100 , spear of the stampede 70 , obsidian rock 25 ,shield 5 general
425-Vétéran saurus 170 Raptor 110 ,Battle Standard Bearer 50, shield 5 , Dusk Forged 55, shield breaker 35 
355 Prêtre skink 115, Skink Palanquin (50mm base)70, wizard adept 75, sun tablette 40, Magical Heirloom 50- light armour 5 Druidisme 
340-vétéran saurus 170 raptor 110, Great Weapon 25, basalt infusion 35
745 - 27x Saurian Warriors 583, serpent 108, spear 54, Champion Musicien Standard Bearer 60, banniere of the relentless company (40) 
155 -15x Skink Braves (135), bouclier (gratuit), Musicien (20) Spécial 
155 -15x Skink Braves (135), bouclier (gratuit), Musicien (20) Spécial 
310- 5 Raptor Riders 260 B M 40 aerther icon 10 
180 -3 pteradon sentries 180 poisoned javelin (gratuit )
180- 3 pteradon sentries 180 poisoned javelin (gratuit)
455-1 Taurosaur Giant Blowpipes (gratuit)
455-1 Taurosaur Giant Blowpipes (gratuit)
555-1 Taurosaur 455 Engine of the Ancients 100 

Joueur: Julos « Plutonium » Chiron

Armée : Vampire Covenant
Necromancer-(130)- Adept (75),Evocation-205pts

Necromancer-(130)- Adept (75),Alchemy-205pts
Barrow King (175), Skeletal Steed (65), Battle Standard (50), Dusk forged (55),Basalt Infusion (35), Hero's Heart (hand weapon) (60) – 440pts
Vampire count (330), general, dead arise (25), master (225), arcans knowledge (80), halleberd (20), light armour (5), destinity’s call (70), night’s crown (55), blessed inscriptions (65) – 875pts
21 zombies (130)- Musician (20)-150pts

21 zombies (130)- Musician (20)-150pts
20 skeletons (150)- Musician(20),Champion (20),Standard Bearer (20)-legion standard (20)-230pts
37 ghouls (584)- Champion (20)-604pts

8 dire wolves-116pts

2 Great bats -95pts

2 Great bats -95pts

30 barrow guards(495)-Shield(60),Musician(20),Champion(20),Standard Bearer(20)-615pts
Dark coach-460pts
Shrieking horror-490pts

3 vampire knights (250)-Standard bearer (20)-270pts

Joueur : Cyril Tiamat83 Berthomé
Armée: Vermin Swarm

Magister (200), general, witchcraft master (150), obsidian rock (25) Binding Scroll (55) - 430pts

Chief (100), bsb (50), aether icon (10), aether icon (10) - 170pts

Tyrant (145), shield (5), doomblade (180), potion of swiftness (20), armure lourde (5)- 355pts

Magister (200), Binding Scroll (55), thaumaturgy - focusing stone (40) 295pts
40 vermin (460), champion (20), musician (20), standard bearer (20), Banner of the endless swarm (50) – 570 pts

20 plague brotherhood (205), musician (20) standard bearer (20) aether icon (10) – 255 pts

20 Giant Rats – 150 pts

10 footpads (120) Musician – 140 pts

10 footpads (120) Musician – 140 pts
Meat grinder - 140pts

2 Rat Swarms - 90pts

6 Vermin Hulks (310+130), Champion (20) - 460 pts

8 plague disciples , champion (20) – 210 pts

8 plague disciples , champion (20) - 210 pts
Naphta launcher - 140 pts

6 jezzails - 235 pts

Dreadmill - 340 pts

Dreadmill - 340pts
Abomination - 330 pts


>Beaudoin Willliam
-615 Chosen Lord 295, , God of Pride 30, Trophy Rack 25, Halberd 20, Death Cheater 100, Immortal Gauntlets 45, Black Steed 100
-615 Chosen Lord 295, God of Pride 30, Luck of the Dark Gods 60, Halberd 20, Black Steed 100, Trophy Rack 25, Basalt Infusion 35, Talisman of Shielding 50
-875 Sorcerer 145, General, Evocation, Battleshrine280,  WizardMaster 225, Veil Walker 100, Plate Armour 15, Paired Weapons 5, Binding Scroll 55, Magical Heirloom 50
-240-  9 Barbarian Horsemen 202, Shield 18, Paired Weapons, Musician 20
-674- 18 Warriors 407, Goddess of Sloth 162, EMC 70, Flaming  Banner 35
-230- 10 Fallen
-355- 5 Warriors  Knights 255, God of Pride 10, Lance 35 Champion 35, Muscian 20
-230- Warrior Chariot
-230- Warrior Chariot
-305 Marauding Giant 260, Monstrous Familiar 45
-335 Marauding Giant 260, Big Brother 35, Tribal Warspear 40
- 290 Marauding Giant 260, Giant Club30



> Joueur : Yann "Wismerhell" LE GRAVET ====>>> DIT "LE MÔÔÔÔVAIIIIISSSSSS"?

Armée : Vampire Covenant

Vampire Count (330), General, Wizard Adept (75), Occultism, The Dead Arise (25), Brotherhood of the Dragon Bloodline (45), Crimson Rage (120), Legend of the Black King (110), Night's Crown (55), Shield (5), Paired Weapons (10), Great Weapons (20), Lance (20), Spectral Steed (115) - 930 pts

Banshee - 155 pts

Banshee - 155 pts

Banshee - 155 pts

Necromancer (130), Wizard Master (225), Evocation - 355 pts

21 Zombies (130), Musician (20) - 150 pts

30 Skeleton (250), C.M.S. (60), Banner of the relentless Company (40) - 350 pts

43 Skeleton (380), C.M.S. (60), Banner of the relentless Company (40) - 480 pts

8 Dire Wolves (116), Champion (20) - 136 pts

8 Dire Wolves (116), Champion (20) - 136 pts

Dark Coach - 460 pts

Dark Coach - 460 pts

9 Spectral Hunters - 325 pts

6 Vampire Knights (514), Blood Ties (144), Flaming Standard (35), C.M.S. (60) - 753 pts


Joueur : Arnaud "Yusei" Grolleau
Armée : Highborn Elves

> Mage (225) – master (150) – afsad scolar (95) divination – talisman of the void (50) binding scroll (55) – general 575
> Commander (135) heavy armour (10) Gb(50) Master of canreig tower (150)- great weapon (10) longbow (5) – Elu’s Heartwood (75)  - 435

Commander (135) Horse (30) Shield (5) heavy armour (10) Basalt infusion (35) Heroes heart (60) – 275
> 5 highborn lancers - 215
> 10 highborn lancers (390) – MC (40) - 430
> 5 elein reavers (180) bow (5) 185
> 25 sea guard (495) M (20)  515
> 30 sword masters (650) EMC (60)  rending banner (45) 755
> 25 sword masters (545) EMC (60) 605
> 1 giant eagle  100

1 giant eagle  100
> 5 grey watchers –135
> 5 grey watchers 135
> Sea guard reaper 180
> Sea guard reaper 180

Sea guard reaper 180




Julien menec

Sylvan elves

480 - Druid (140) Master(225) 2xBinding Scroll (110) Sylvan longbow (5) Shamanism Général

570 - Forest Prince 215) Wild Hunter (90) Great Elk (115) Sylvan Blades (20) Light Armor (5) Titanic Might (50) Destiny call (70)  Sylvan longbow (5)

335- Chieftain (140) Bladedancer Spear (5) Hunter honour(75)  2xAether Icon (20) BSB (50)

215 - druid (140) cosmologie adept ( 75)

170 - 8 Dryads Champion (20)

170 - 8 Dryads Champion (20)

150 - 8 Dryads 

150 - 8 dryads 

205 - 5 Heath Hunters

205 - 5 Heath Hunters

205 - 5 Heath Hunters

364 - 11 Blade Dancers (344) Champion (20)

544 – 5 Kestrels knight (360) Shields (10) Champion (20) Standard Banner (20) Predator Pennant (45)

544 – 5 Kestrels knight (360) Shields (10) Champion (20) Standard Banner (20) Predator Pennant (45)

345 – 10 sylvan Sentinels

345 – 10 Sylvan Sentinels



Joueur : Braud « gg49 » Jérémy

Armée : Undying Dynasties

Pharaoh (250), Army general, Great weapon (20), Sha Guardian (MM 350), Godslayer (75), crown of the pharaohs (90), Dragon staff (30) – 815pts

Death cult hierarch (130), Wizard master (225) Divination, light armour (5), Ankh of Naptesh (45) – 405pts

Death cult hierarch (130), Wizard adept (75) Evocation, Binding Scroll (55)


27 Skeleton Archers (285), Champion (20), Musician (20) -325pts

10 Skeleton Cavalry (170), Musician (20) -190pts

 5 Skeleton Scouts (140) - 140pts

 3 Skeleton Chariots (290), Legion Charioteers (54), Champion (20), Musician (20) – 384pts

3 Skeleton Chariots (290), Legion Charioteers (54), Champion (20), Musician (20) – 384pts

8 Shabtis (610), Halberd (120), champion (20), musician (20), Standard Bearer (20) – 790pts

Charnel Catapult (200) – 200pts

Sand Scorpion (175) – 175pts

Battle Sphinx (480) – 480pts

Dread Sphinx (450) – 450pts



Joueur : Zacharie "luthorhuss" Marchais

Armée: Warriors Of The Dark Gods

Sorcerer (145), Evocation, Wizard Master (225),Plate Armor (15), Alchemist's Alloy (15), Binding Scroll (55)- 455

Barbarian Chief (110), Dark Chariot (120), Shield (5) - 235

Barbarian chief (110), Shadow chaser (70), Thrice-Forged (60), paired weapon (5), symbol of slaughter (35) - 280

Barbarian chief (110), Shadow chaser (70), paired weapon (5),  shield (5),  Shield breaker (35), ghostly guard (35), dragonfire gem(20) - 280

1 Chosen Lord (295), General, Favor of Envy (45), War Dais (80), Trophy Rack (25) aether icon(10), Idol of Spite (70), Burning Portent (135), Dusk Forged (55), shield -715

Sorcerer (145) , alchemy , adept (75), plate armor (15) obsidian rock (25), potion of strenght (10) -  270

12 Warriors (263), Paired Weapons (free), Standard (20), Musician (20), Champion (30), Favor of Envy (48), Banner of the Relentless Company (40) - 421

8 warhounds (119) - 119

18 Barbarians (156), Musician (20) - 176

23 Barbarians (191), Shields (23), Standard (20), Musician (20), Champion (20), Aether Icon (10)  - 284

7 knights (335), greed (35), Champion (35), Musician (20) - 425

Chosen Chariot (330), greed (10) - 340

Chosen Chariot (330), greed (10) - 340

Battleshrine (285) - 285

1 Warrior Chariot (235) - 230

5 flayers (145) - 145


Liste d'armée Romain (WoLoWiZarD) Brunet 
Armée : Ancien Saurus

- Seigneur Saurien (260), Carnosaure (230), bouclier (5),lance de cavalerie(20),Dexterité surnaturelle (25), trompe la mort (100),potion de rapidité (20), charme de chance (10)==> 670 pts
- Seigneur Saurien (260), bouclier (5), lance (10),armure lourde (15), gloire du 1er âge (90), esprit du raptor (85), glyphe de saule (15)  ==> 475pts
- Seigneur Coatl (445), emprise de l'immortel (130), formé depuis l'enfance (50), essence de libre pensée (40), tablette solaire(40), général (0), alchimie, divination ==> 705 pts
- 15 sauriens (255), Champion (20), crocodile (60) ==> 335 pts
- 15 sauriens (255), Champion (20), crocodile (60) ==> 335 pts
- 15 sauriens (255), Champion (20), crocodile (60) ==> 335 pts
- 18 gardes des temples (446), champion(20), musicien (20), porte-étendart (20), totem de mixoatl (70)  ==> 576 pts
- 6 caimans (430) hallebarde (0) ==> 430 pts
- 1 bête épieu ==> 145 pts
- 1 bête épieu ==> 145 pts
- 5 chevaucheurs de rhamphorhyon (345), bouclier (45) ==> 390 pts
- Taurosaure (455) ==> 455 pts


Brieuc "Maemon" Ollivier

Vermin swarm

440 – Magister (200), General, Wizard Master (150), Second Awakening (55), Sceptre of Vermin Valour (35), Thaumaturgy

185 – Chief (100), Ratlock Pistols (3+) (10), Battle Standard Bearer (50), obsidian rock (25)

185 – Plague Patriarch (155), Plague Flail (30), Occultism

210 – Rakachit Machinist (155), Ratlock Pistols (3+) (20), Multifocal Eyepiece (35)

175 – Rakachit Machinist (155), Ratlock Pistols (3+) (20)

370 – Sicarra Assassin (260), Throwing weapon (0), Titanic might (50), ranger boots (30), Ambush scoot vanguard (30)

340 – Dreadmill

340 – Dreadmill

140 – Weapon Team Rotary Gun

140 – Weapon Team Globe Launcher

140 – Weapon Team Naphtha Launcher

200 – Plague Catapult

140 – Meat Grinder

90 – 2x Rat Swarms

90 – 2x Rat Swarms

90 – 2x Rat Swarms

470 – 4x Thunder Hulks (310+4*10), Naphtha Launcher (4+) (100), Champion (20)

412 – 42x Rats-at-Arms (200+17*6), Spear, Champion (20), Musician (20), Standard Bearer (20), Banner of the Endless Swarm (50)

345 – 25x Plague Brotherhood (205+5*10), Musician (20), Standard Bearer (20), rending banner (50)

348 – 38x Rats-at-Arms (200+13*6), Musician (20), Standard Bearer (20), banner of discipline (30)

150 – 20x Giant Rats (90+10*6)

Joueur : Damien « Ark » PROUST

Armée : Ogre khans V2.2 
Shaman (195), General, Master (225) thaumaturgy, Iron Fist (10), Light Armor (5), Magical Heirloom (50), Lygur’s Tongue (70), Gut Roarer (50) – 605 pts

Khan (190), Battle Standard Bearer (50), Iron Fist (10), Heavy Armor (10), Ogre Crossbow (5), Cult Leader (45), Pennant of the Great Grass Sky (50), Rod of Battle (35) – 395 pts

Mammoth hunter (220), Leader of the Pack (5), Iron Fist (20), Hunting Spear (Free), Heart-Ripper (50), Alchemist’Alloy (15), Trolleater (95) – 405 pts

Mammoth hunter (220), Iron Fist (20), Scout (15), Hunting Spear (free), Wrestler’s Belt (75), Dragonfire Gem (20), Spinesplitter (35) – 385 pts

8XBruisers (565), Champion (20), Musician (20), Standard Bearer (20), Banner of Discipline (30) – 655 pts

3XBruisers (185), Champion (20) – 205 pts

3XBruisers (185), Champion (20) – 205 pts

3XBruisers (185) – 185 pts

Kin-Eater (175) – 175 pts

Kin-Eater (175) – 175 pts

Kin-Eater (175) – 175 pts

Sabretooth Tigers (80) – 80 pts

Sabretooth Tigers (80) – 80 pts

Rock Auroch (490), Ogre Crossbow (Free) – 490 pts

Rock Auroch (490), Ogre Crossbow (Free) – 490 pts

Slave Giant (265), Giant Club (30) – 295 pts 

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il y a 20 minutes, ButAd a dit :

Rooo la déception pour les listes... y'a pire que moi ?

Au point où j'en suis je peux prendre tout ce qui passe pour 10 cavaliers légers : elfes sylvains, elfes noirs, tickets restaurant...

J'en ai déjà 10 mais m'en manque dit autres. A vot' bon coeur m'sieurs dames !




Je viens de voir que je dispose de 7 patrouilleurs hauts elfes, version avec arc et lance. Je dispose également de l'état major.

Est-ce que cela peut aider ?


PS: Je fais parti de la Bannière, je serai présent ce week-end

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il y a 15 minutes, Yelstone a dit :


Je viens de voir que je dispose de 7 patrouilleurs hauts elfes, version avec arc et lance. Je dispose également de l'état major.

Est-ce que cela peut aider ?


PS: Je fais parti de la Bannière, je serai présent ce week-end

Excellent, merci à toi je suis preneur du tout ! ???

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