Hi folks, this info was provided by user "Tin" on the WHFB Discord as they were in the audience, so all credit to them. Just thought I'd compile and post it here as well.


  • No plans for mordheim yet, but if things go well maybe

  • Document before release showing base size. Most base sizes go up, end of Warhammer fantasy the models were already starting to overhang. Cavalry get bigger bases, most infantry go bigger.

  • There's rules for chaos dwarfs, but not a faction for focus and won't be getting new models for a few yrs at least

  • Sounds like they're not simplifying stuff, said it's not the best way to start on your wargaming journey.

  • Said their won't be starter box like the HH one

  • Someone came out and said "so there's no starter box??", He stood shaking his head

  • They'll make boxes to make it easy to jump in (sounds like army boxes?)

  • Army books - focus is on factions in the old world. They'll then reassess whether that's the way the should carry on. No promise of an army book for every faction.

  • May have upgrades compatible with old kits, but far more likely to get new kits

  • Dogs of war, no in initial focus

  • Lizardmen won't get a re release of old kits. New kits + a document showing base size needed. New stuff for AoS unlikely to be ported back to WHF. No re release of old kits (eh old saurus), but will give base sizes to use the new ones

  • Cathay in the very far future

  • "what's the best thing we can do to prepare?" "Paint your minis, but don't put them on bases unless you're very confident"

  • New units for bretonnia that we haven't seen before

  • No plans to bring back the old forgeworld monsters at the moment, but there should be rules for them

EDIT: Update from Eddy Eccles from War-Com team on Twitter:


"That's not quite what we said. It won't have a "starter set", like Horus Heresy doesn't have a starter set. Starter sets include stuff like boards, and get-started books that assume you have not played a Warhammer game before."

Eddy then linked the AOS Harbinger box set as an example of a starter set, which is one of the products with a fold out mat and cardboard terrain